The plot and compositional lines are fathers and children. Plot and compositional features of the novel “Fathers and Sons” by I.S. Turgenev

Compositional features of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

Composition is the construction, arrangement and interrelation of parts, images, episodes of a work of art. This is the most important structural principle of organizing a work as an artistic whole. Let's try to consider the compositional features of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons".

At the center of the novel's character system is one main character - Bazarov. The composition of “Fathers and Sons” is based on the principle of symmetry and parallelism. The events of the first conventional part of the novel (social conflict) are symmetrical in relation to the events of the love conflict. So, in the first part of the novel we have a duel of the views of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich (which ended in a duel in the literal sense), in the second part - a duel of the characters of Bazarov and Odintsova. Bazarov emerges victorious from the first duel, and defeated from the second.

The life stories of the two antagonistic heroes turn out to be symmetrical. Thus, Pavel Petrovich’s tragic, fatal love for Princess R. is repeated in the story of Bazarov’s unhappy love for Odintsova. Symmetry can also be seen in the consequences of this feeling for both characters. After the story with Nellie, Pavel Petrovich becomes a spiritual dead man (a person indifferent to life), while Bazarov, having parted with Anna Sergeevna, literally dies. Here the theme of the Sphinx arises, which researchers have repeatedly noted. Neither Kirsanov nor Bazarov were able to solve the riddle of the woman they loved. Let us recall that according to Greek myth, the sphinx devoured everyone who could not guess its riddle.

The first impressions of these heroes from each other are absolutely symmetrical. So, Pavel Petrovich clearly did not like Bazarov. At the first meeting, he did not shake his hand. In a conversation with his brother, he speaks very contemptuously of their guest: “this one,” “hairy one.” In the same way, Evgeniy Vasilyevich, in a conversation with Arkady, immediately draws attention to Kirsanov’s panache and eccentricities.

Both the first and second heroes have their own admirers in the Kirsanov estate: Prokofich imitates Pavel Petrovich, while Pyotr and Dunyasha become Bazarov’s “admirers.” Living in Maryino, both heroes are attracted to Fenechka. Finally, at the end of the novel, both heroes are left completely alone: ​​Bazarov breaks off his previous connections and lives alone in his parents’ house (where he dies), Pavel

Petrovich goes abroad, where he lives alone and will probably live until death.

The parallelism is also noticeable in the development of the love theme of the novel. The Kirsanov brothers' beloved women die, and both of them are trying to find a kind of replacement in the person of Fenechka. The tragic “duel” of Bazarov and Odintsova is depicted against the backdrop of Arkady’s bright, serene love for Katya. The authenticity of Bazarov’s views is shaded by the chatter of the “progressive” Sitnikov, while the beauty and naturalness of Odintsova’s behavior is depicted against the backdrop of Kukshina’s repulsive appearance and antics. The parallelism is obvious in the destinies of father and son Kirsanov: Nikolai Petrovich and Arkady get married and have families and children.

The plot of “Fathers and Sons” is based on two conflicts – social and love. Accordingly, we can distinguish two storylines. The description of the background stories of the Kirsanov brothers, the first acquaintance with Bazarov, Arkady’s short story about him - these are expositions of the noble heroes and the commoner hero in the first storyline. Bazarov’s acquaintance with Pavel Petrovich is the beginning of a social conflict. It is worth noting that the ideological confrontation between the heroes is mixed with personal hostility and conflict at a formal level. Meetings of the antagonist heroes at the dinner table (occurring three times), their arguments, rejection of each other's views, a feeling of mutual contempt - the development of the action. The duel scene is the culmination of the ideological confrontation between the hero-democrat and the heroes-nobles and at the same time the culmination and denouement (defeat of Pavel Petrovich) of the personal conflict of the heroes. The denouement of the social conflict is Bazarov’s complete break with the Kirsanov family and his farewell to Arkady. The story about the fate of the Kirsanov family in the finale serves as an epilogue to the first storyline of the novel.

Let's consider the love conflict of the novel. Bazarov’s acquaintance with Odintsova is the beginning of a love conflict. Evgeny's life in Nikolskoye, his meetings and conversations with Anna Sergeevna - the development of the action. The climax is the explanation of the characters. The denouement is the separation of the heroes. The epilogue here is a mention of Odintsova’s further fate and a description of the rural cemetery and Bazarov’s grave.

It is worth noting that, in parallel with the love conflict, an internal conflict arises in the novel (Bazarov’s conflict with himself, with his own beliefs). The denouement of this conflict is the death of Bazarov. It was the presence of this internal conflict, resolved by the death of the hero, that allowed researchers to compare the novel by I.S. Turgenev with an ancient tragedy.

Thus, the composition of the novel is distinguished by simplicity, clarity and proportionality, which also determined the artistic dignity of the work and the constant reader's interest.

Searched here:

  • features of the composition of the novel fathers and sons
  • composition of the novel fathers and sons
  • essay on the topic fathers and sons

Lesson topic:>. The history of the creation of the novel. Plot and composition

Lesson objectives: 1. to acquaint students with the history of the creation of the novel, to acquaint them with the era during which the novel was created

2.explain the meaning of the title of the novel

3. introduce students to the plot of the novel

4.tell us about the composition of the novel

5. to instill in students a respectful attitude towards the older generation, an understanding that the novel is relevant in our time

During the classes:

1.Org. moment

2 .Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson

3.Checking homework

4. Explanation of a new topic

I .Teacher's introductory talk

What is your first impression of the piece? What problems of the novel are contemporary for us?

(attitude to nature, relationship between fathers and children.)

I.S. Turgenev wrote: “My whole story is directed against the nobility as an advanced class. Look into the faces of Nikolai Petrovich, Pavel Petrovich, Arkady. An aesthetic feeling forced me to take specifically good representatives of the nobility in order to prove my theme all the more accurately: if cream is bad, what about milk? ...They are the best of the nobles - and it was then that they were chosen by me. To prove their inconsistency."

II. Teacher's lecture1) teacher's story and conversation

Revolutionary-democratic criticism is a very valuable quality of T. She considered “a lively attitude towards modernity” (Dobrolyubov). The ability to show something new and developing. This quality of the T. artist appears in the novel “Fathers and Sons” (1862), which was written during the turning point, during the period of preparation and implementation of the peasant reform. The writer addressed an important moment in the life of Russian society and showed the ideological struggle between “fathers” and “children” - the new generation of democratic raznochinnoy intelligentsia (History of the creation of the novel The idea for the novel “Fathers and Sons” arose from I.S. Turgenev in 1860 in England during a summer holiday on the Isle of Wight. Work on the work continued the following year in Paris. The figure of the main character so captivated I.S. Turgenev that for some time he kept a diary on his behalf. In the image of Bazarov, Turgenev accurately recreates a typical representative of the new generation. The novel “Fathers and Sons" was written in the years when the centuries-old foundations of Russia were changing. Society was split into several camps, each of which preached and affirmed his system of values ​​and worldview. As soon as the novel was published, everyone started talking about it. The dispute mainly followed the image of Bazarov.


The name of the novel “Fathers and Sons” is not accidental: the author contrasted in it the people of the 40s, liberal nobles, and the sixties, democrat commoners. The plot is based on an acute social conflict between the “new man” Bazarov and the world of the Kirsanovs,but it is unforgivable to reduce the title of the novel to a change in the social ideology of generations, to the conflict between the aristocracy and commoners. The novel is not limited to the social environment alone; it also has a psychological dimension. The author contrasts two generations in the full sense of the wordThe problem of fatherhood is one of the most important; it is the problem of the unity of development of all humanity.

That Only a person’s awareness of his roots, his deep connection with the past gives him a future. Generation change is always a difficult process. “Children” inherit the spiritual experience of humanity. They should not slavishly copy their “fathers” - a creative rethinking of their experience is necessary, but on the basis of respect for the principles of their ancestors. In an era of social upheaval, such revaluation occurs more harshly and cruelly, and the results are tragic. The novel by Turgenev, a person with liberal political views, shows the author’s thoughts: who are the “new people”, is it possible to connect their past with their future?

“I tried to imagine the conflict of two generations,” Turgenev wrote to Pauline Viardot. This idea also determined the artistic structure (structure, relationship of parts) of the novel.


The novel contains precise dating of events to create in the reader a specific idea of ​​the historical situation. The action begins on May 20, 1859, and ends in the winter of 1860. These were the years when the crisis of the serfdom system was exposed, and the struggle between democrats and liberals intensified.

IN In this era, a new type of progressive public figure is being formed - a commoner-democrat, a man of action, not phrases, who wants to change life, a sensitive artist noticed the birth of a hero of new times and tried to portray him in a novel, the genre of the novel is socio-psychological

The plot and composition of the novelThe writer's close interest in the man of the 60s determined the composition of the novel. Ring composition: Turgenev leads the hero in a circle twice: Maryino – Nikolskoye – parents’ house. A magnificent effect is created: a new Bazarov comes to the same people, having experienced doubt, painfully trying to preserve his theory and hide behind it from the growing complexity of the real world. The central place in the novel is occupied by bazaars (out of its 28 chapters, he is not present only in 2). All characters are grouped around the main character, revealed in their relationships with him, more clearly highlighting the features of his appearance and the uniqueness of his nature.

B Azarov is sharply opposed to all the characters. He is a person from a different environment, and this is manifested in his views, words, in his relationships with his parents, friend, and beloved woman.

The sharp difference between B. and the surrounding noble landowners is striking when the hero first appears in the novel. Introducing us in the exhibition to the setting and the main characters, the author draws a portrait of B. Turgenev - a master of meaningful detail.

Find the main details in the hero's appearance. (a red, naked hand symbolizes a working man who does not believe that it is necessary to follow the rules of “good manners” that are essential in the circle of the nobility)

How does this subsequently affect Bazarov’s actions? In habits? speeches? In the portrait of the characters, clothing is a reflection of personality, the portrait is detailed (P.P.’s nails), psychological (bilious face)

On what principle is the description of the characters' appearance based? (based on the principle of contrast, antithesis) Through small details, the author makes it clear how acute hostility arises between the characters.

The laconicism of Turgenev's narrative is striking. Pictures of the life of Russian society at a turning point in history fit into a small work. The following feature of the composition is characteristic: there are few characters in the novel, the most significant events are selected. Before us is not the whole life of the hero, but only its important, key moments.

Details allow the writer to discover the most important thing both in public views and in the mental makeup of the characters.

T. Very rarely explains the meaning of the words and actions of the characters. This reveals one of the characteristic artistic principles of the novelist. In any scene, the “secret Psychology” of the heroes also manifests itself. Turgenev is a master of dialogue, in which subtle and precise details reveal the psychological state of the characters. Let's look at the scene of Arkady's conversation with his father about his native place. (Ch. 3) We see how accurately Arkady's state of embarrassment is conveyed, the fear of appearing funny in B.'s eyes, he "sings from someone else's voice."

Thus, the writer’s apt word allows one to reveal complex intimate and social relationships between people without resorting to explanation or direct assessments.

So, in the novel, social emphasis is combined with deep psychologism and the skill of creating human characters. Unlike Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, Turgenev believed that the author should not convey in detail the movements of the heroes’ souls, but do this by means of “external detection of psychology”: with the help of dialogue, portraits, landscapes, realistic details in the description of the situation and behavior of the heroes.

This is the artistic originality of the novel.

. In Chapter 10, an open ideological conflict occurs between Bazarov and the Kirsanov brothers. Let's sort out their dispute.

What do you think dominates the chapter: description, narration, dialogue? His clashes with ideological opponents play a special role; disputes occupy a large place in the novel. Dialogue is the main compositional means of revealing B’s character. The laconicism of the narrative is achieved through a careful selection of linguistic means.

(The dialogue of this chapter and most of the others is a characteristic feature of the novel’s composition.)

How can you explain so much dialogue in the novel?

(A large number of disputes are due to the content of the novel. The presence of an acute conflict gives the work drama. And the predominance in the manner of presentation of dialogues with author’s remarks, reminiscent of stage directions, speaks of the well-known stage nature of the novel; that is why the novel was staged many times.)

Their speech can serve as clear evidence of the hero’s connection with the people. What can you note in the language of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich?(

(Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov speaks the language of Alexander’s time, using outdated words “efto” (instead of “this”), “princip” (instead of “principle”), and also uses florid turns: “But if you please listen,” “I am deeply obliged to you” , “It’s advisable for you to joke”

A representative of the younger generation, Bazarov, on the contrary, speaks simply, sometimes even rudely: “The scientists there are efficient people,” “Every person must educate himself - well, at least like me, for example,” “Trash, aristocrat.” In addition, being a physician by training, he often uses medicalterms and Latin expressions.


The originality of the landscape in the novel “Fathers and Sons”

Compared to other novels by I.S. Turgenev, “Fathers and Sons” is much poorer in landscapes. The exception is the description of the area near Maryino in Chapter 3 (the landscape serves as proof of Arkady’s thought: “transformations are necessary”). Evening landscape in Chapter 11 (shows the one-sided views of Bazarov, who believes that “nature is not a temple, but a workshop,” and N.P. Kirsanov, who, admiring nature, does not pay attention to the poverty of the peasants). Picture of an abandoned rural cemetery in 28 chapter (sets the reader up for philosophical reflection

Teacher's comment

“Fathers and Sons” is a multifaceted novel in terms of genre. The presence of a family theme allows us to call it family. Using a socio-historical conflict as a concept is social. A deep study of human characters - psychological. And the coverage of philosophical problems is philosophical. More often. Taking into account the degree of development of these aspects, the genre “Fathers and Sons” is defined as a socio-psychological novel.

Bazarov is a homeless wanderer, striving for an unattainable goal. And isn’t this high impulse towards the unattainable romantic? Bazarov, who denies external romanticism. In his spiritual essence, he is a romantic person.

Bazarov’s path and goals - “the bitter, tart, bobly life - is a conscious, personal choice of the hero, which takes him out of the ranks of ordinary people, making him the chosen one. To recognize the finitude of one’s being, as Turgenev’s Bazarov does, is not given to everyone, but only to an unusually strong personality in which the spirit of personality triumphs.

But why does the life of Turgenev’s most interesting and controversial hero end so unhappily and mediocrely? We'll talk about this in the next lesson..

4. Lesson summary 1. What is the history of the creation of this novel? 2.Why is the novel called? Who is the novel dedicated to? 3. What is the plot and composition of this novel?5.Grading


Think about the question: why does the novel Fathers and Sons end with the death of the main character? Learn the history of creation, plot and composition of Turgenev’s novel

” suggests that it is built on an antithesis. In the novel, a large role is played by the arguments of the heroes, conflicts between the characters, their painful reflections, and intense dialogues. The plot is based on a combination of a direct and sequential narrative with a biography of the main characters. The life stories of the characters disrupt the flow of the novel's narrative, take the reader to other times, and return to the origins of what is happening in modern times. Thus, the biography of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov interrupts the general flow of the narrative. His biography is even stylistically alien to the novel. Turgenev, telling the life story of Pavel Petrovich, deliberately approaches the style and imagery of the novels of the 30-40s of the 19th century (youth falls at this time), recreates a special style of romantic storytelling, leading away from real, mundane everyday life.

At the center of the story is a figure. All plot threads are drawn to him. There is not a single significant episode in the novel in which Bazarov would not participate. Of the twenty-eight chapters, he does not appear in only two. Bazarov dies, and it ends. The system of characters is structured in such a way that the characters’ relationships with Bazarov reveal their inner essence to the reader, at the same time, the comparison of each of them with Bazarov introduces some new touch to the character of the protagonist. You can build a whole chain of such comparisons: Bazarov -, Bazarov - Nikolai Petrovich, Bazarov -, Bazarov - Odintsova, Bazarov - parents, Bazarov - Sitnikov and Kukshina, Bazarov - servants in Maryino, Bazarov - men in his own village, Bazarov - Fenechka and etc. But I think the main comparison is between Bazarov and the author. In the novel, Bazarov turns out to be larger, larger-scale than any of the characters, and only the power of the author’s talent, his worship of eternal truth and eternal beauty triumph over Bazarov. Turgenev contrasts Bazarov not with any heroes or group of heroes, but with life itself.

To accomplish this task, I. S. Turgenev chooses a very unique composition.

He takes Bazarov around the circle twice: Maryino (Kirsanovs), Nikolskoye (Odintsova), his parents’ village. The result is a stunning effect. In the same environment, in similar situations, to the same people in the second part of the novel, a different Bazarov comes: suffering, doubting, painfully experiencing a love drama, trying to isolate himself from the real complexity of life with his nihilistic philosophy. Even my beloved science no longer brings relief.

The second half of the novel is built on the destruction of Bazarov's previous connections with other heroes. “The author guides his hero through the book, consistently giving him exams in all areas of life - friendship, enmity, love, family ties. And Bazarov consistently fails everywhere. The series of these exams makes up the plot of the novel” (Weil, A. Genis. “The Beetle Formula”).

Gradually, Bazarov remains completely alone, alone with death, which “try to deny,” it itself “denies you.” The epilogue of the novel reveals the complete failure of Bazarov’s nihilism in front of the eternal movement of life and the majestic calm of “indifferent” nature.

Algorithm plan

1. The plot of I.S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” is based on the conflict of generations, transferred from the plane of family relations to the plane of social and philosophical disputes. The composition of the novel helps to determine the positions of the heroes, on the one hand, and the position of the author in relation to the heroes, on the other hand.

P. Plot and composition of I.S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons.”

1. Contrast is the main compositional technique.

The contrast is set by the title - “Fathers and Sons”, by the images of the main characters - Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, Bazarov and other heroes of the novel. The contrast is manifested in the repetition of Bazarov’s “route” (Bazarov twice visits the estates of the Kirsanovs and Odintsova, twice returns to his parents’ shelter).

2. The conflict between the “fathers” (liberals) and “children” (democratic revolutionaries) appears in the beginning of the novel - a description of the appearance of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich (Bazarov’s red, weathered hand - the white aristocratic hand of Pavel Petrovich, robe...

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Natalya Mudrets (14118) 7 years ago

The device (composition) of antithesis is used by Turgenev already in the title of the work - “Fathers and Sons”, thereby showing that the eternal problem of the relationship between fathers and children is raised. Children and parents live in different times, and new times give rise to new values, ideas, and worldviews that cannot be accepted by people of the previous generation. The misunderstanding of children and fathers is considered by the author using the example of the Kirsanov family and the Bazarov family. In both families, parents are unable to understand their children.
With the help of antithesis, the author emphasizes the character traits of the hero, which may be hidden in ordinary life, but emerge clearly during an external or internal conflict (the antithesis reveals the conflict) in contrast with the opposite character traits of the same hero, but at a different period of time, or in another hero. The antithesis highlights those problems that are relevant at any time. The novel is based on...

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Lesson topic: Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons".

The history of the creation of the novel.

Plot and composition

Lesson objectives: - to introduce students to the history of the creation of the novel, to introduce them to the era during which the novel was created; - to explain the meaning of the title of the novel; - introduce students to the plot of the novel; - talk about the composition of the novel; - to cultivate in students a respectful attitude towards the older generation, an understanding that the novel is relevant in our time

During the classes:

1. Org. moment

2. Communicating the topic and objectives of the lesson

3. Checking homework

4. Explanation of a new topic

I.S. Turgenev wrote: “My whole story is directed against the nobility as an advanced class. Look into the faces of Nikolai Petrovich, Pavel Petrovich, Arkady. Aesthetic...

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Plot and compositional features. Its plot and composition are organized in accordance with the problematics and ideological and thematic uniqueness of the novel. In its center is the image of Bazarov, which unites the entire artistic canvas of the work. Its significance is obvious: out of the 28 chapters of the novel, it does not appear in only two. The plot, limited to a fairly narrow time frame, develops clearly and dynamically. With the arrival of Arkady and his friend in Maryino, a sharp clash immediately arises between two heroes - Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. The composition of the novel is based on the principle of antithesis, associated with the main conflict - the nihilist Bazarov and his ideological antipode Pavel Petrovich, the defender of liberal ideals. In the first part, this conflict, expressed mainly in the form of dialogues, gradually grows and turns into open struggle in the scene of the dispute between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich (Chapter X). This is followed by the departure of Bazarov and Arkady from Marya to the city scenes, where, with the help of parody images...

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Compositional features of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

Composition is the construction, arrangement and interrelation of parts, images, episodes of a work of art. This is the most important structural principle of organizing a work as an artistic whole. Let's try to consider the compositional features of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons".

At the center of the novel's character system is one main character - Bazarov. The composition of “Fathers and Sons” is based on the principle of symmetry and parallelism. The events of the first conventional part of the novel (social conflict) are symmetrical with respect to the events of the love conflict. So, in the first part of the novel we have a duel of the views of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich (which ended in a duel in the literal sense), in the second part - a duel of the characters of Bazarov and Odintsova. Bazar comes out victorious from the first duel, and defeated from the second.

The life stories of the two antagonistic heroes turn out to be symmetrical. So, the tragic, fatal love of Pavel Pet...

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The very name “Fathers and Sons” suggests that the novel is built on an antithesis - the arguments of the heroes, conflicts between the characters, their painful thoughts, and tense dialogues play a big role. At the center of the story is the figure of Bazarov, and there is not a single significant episode in the novel in which he does not participate; and in twenty-eight chapters he does not appear in only two. Bazarov dies - the novel ends. Chain of comparisons: Bazarov - Pavel Petrovich, Bazarov - Nikolai Petrovich, Bazarov - Arkady, Bazarov - Odintsova, Bazarov - parents, Bazarov - Sitnikov and Kukshina, Bazarov - servants in Maryino, Bazarov - men in his own village, Bazarov and Fenechka - reveal heroes and add new touches to the portrait of Bazarov. But in the novel, the image of Bazarov turns out to be larger than any of the characters, and as a result, Turgenev contrasts Bazarov not with any heroes or group of heroes, but with life itself. Turgenev leads Bazarov in a circle twice: Maryino (Kirsanovs), Nikolskoye...

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Lesson topic:>. The history of the creation of the novel. Plot and composition

Lesson objectives: 1. to acquaint students with the history of the creation of the novel, to acquaint them with the era during which the novel was created

2.explain the meaning of the title of the novel

3. introduce students to the plot of the novel

4.tell us about the composition of the novel

5. to instill in students a respectful attitude towards the older generation, an understanding that the novel is relevant in our time

During the classes:

1.Org. moment

2.Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson

3.Checking homework

4. Explanation of a new topic

I. Teacher's introductory talk

What is your first impression of the piece? What problems of the novel are contemporary for us?

(attitude to nature, relationship between fathers and children.)

I.S. Turgenev wrote: “My whole story is directed against the nobility as an advanced class. Look into the faces of Nikolai Petrovich, Pavel Petrovich, Arkady....

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“Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev is a socio-psychological novel in which the main place is given to social conflicts. The work is built on the opposition of the main character, the commoner Bazarov, and the rest of the characters. In the clashes between Bazarov and other characters, the main character traits of the hero and his views are revealed. Bazarov's main antagonist is Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. A conflict between them begins immediately after Bazarov arrives at the Kirsanovs’ house. Already the portrait characteristics indicate that these are completely different people. When describing the appearance of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, the author uses a detailed portrait, designed mainly for the viewer's impression. Bazarov's appearance and demeanor reveal a true democrat in him.

Before us is a man of “tall stature in a long robe with tassels,” his face is “long and thin, with a wide forehead, a flat nose at the top, a pointed nose at the bottom, large greenish...

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The composition of I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” can be called a slow-motion circular one. The movement of the heroes in the novel is concentrated between five points: Khokhlovsky settlements - Maryino - city *** - Nikolskoye - the village of Bazarov’s parents. A secondary point is the Khokhlovsky settlements (this place is only mentioned in the novel, but no events take place here). In the Khokhlovsky settlements, at the inn, Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov meets his son at the beginning of the novel, and here Bazarov and Arkady harness their horses when moving from Nikolskoye to the village of Bazarov’s parents. Therefore, we will not include the Khokhlov settlements in the main path of the heroes.

A more important point is the city ***. Here Bazarov meets Odintsova, the images of Sitnikov and Kukshina appear. Therefore, the city of *** is an important point of movement for the heroes in the novel, along with Maryin, Nikolsky and the village of Bazarov’s parents.

The immediate plot of the action takes place in Maryino, on the Kirsanov estate. AND...

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The interpretation of both the main characters of the novel and the plan of Turgenev himself varies. That is why one should be critical of these arguments, and in particular, of Pisarev’s interpretation.

It is generally accepted that the main balance of power in the novel is reflected in the confrontation between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, since it is they who conduct polemics on various topics - about nihilism, aristocracy, practical benefits, and so on. However, Pavel Petrovich turns out to be an untenable opponent for Bazarov. All the words of Pavel Petrovich are just “words”, since they are not supported by any action. He is essentially the same doctrinaire as Bazarov. His entire previous life was a straight path of continuous success, given to him by birthright, but the very first difficulty - unrequited love - made Pavel Petrovich incapable of anything. As Pisarev rightly notes, Pavel Petrovich has no convictions; as convictions, he tries to “smuggle in” principles, understood in his own way. All...

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The very name “Fathers and Sons” suggests that it is built on an antithesis. In the novel, a large role is played by the arguments of the heroes, conflicts between the characters, their painful reflections, and intense dialogues. The plot is based on a combination of a direct and sequential narrative with a biography of the main characters. The life stories of the characters disrupt the flow of the novel's narrative, take the reader to other times, and return to the origins of what is happening in modern times. Thus, the biography of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov interrupts the general flow of the narrative. His biography is even stylistically alien to the novel. Turgenev, telling the life story of Pavel Petrovich, deliberately approaches the style and imagery of the novels of the 30-40s of the 19th century (the hero’s youth falls at this time), recreates a special style of romantic storytelling, leading away from real, mundane everyday life. At the center of the story is the figure of Bazarov. All plot threads are drawn to him. There is not a single significant episode in the novel...

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Novel "Fathers and Sons"

Features of the genre. Composition

In 1879, retrospectively characterizing his novelistic work in a special preface to a separate edition of six novels, I. S. Turgenev wrote: “The author of “Rudin,” written in 1855, and the author of “Novi,” written in 1876, is the same person. During all this time, I strove, as far as I had the strength and skill, to conscientiously and impartially portray and embody in the proper types both what Shakespeare calls “the very image and pressure of time,” and that rapidly changing physiognomy of the Russian people of the cultural stratum that primarily served subject of my observations." Thus, to summarize, I. S. Turgenev himself believed that the basis of his novel had already been formed in “Rudin” and that its essence was the expression of the characteristics of the time through typical characters. The writer considers it necessary to note the rapidity of changes taking place in the “cultural layer”, reflecting the historical movement of Russian society in...

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Topic: The history of the creation of I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” ( 1862) . Composition of the novel.

Shcherbakova Liliya Vladimirovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature.


"Fathers and Sons"

Perhaps the noisiest

and a scandalous book

in Russian literature.

P. Weil, A. Genis.


Is it really a novel?

“Fathers and Sons” by I.S. Turgenev

is a scandalous work

The appearance of the novel “Fathers and Sons” occurred at a turning point for Russia. The role and place of Turgenev’s novel can only be compared with the comedy “Woe from Wit”

A.S. Griboedova.

  • The idea for the novel arises from I. S. Turgenev in I860 in the small seaside town of Ventnor, in England. “...It was in the month of August 1860, when the first thought of “Fathers and Sons” came to my mind...” It was a difficult time for the writer. His break with Sovremennik magazine had just occurred. The novel “Fathers and Sons” was an attempt to comprehend the character and direction of the activities of the “new people,” a type of which was just beginning to emerge in Russian society. “...At the base of the main figure, Bazarov, lay one personality of a young provincial doctor that struck me. (He died shortly before 1860.) This remarkable man embodied - to my eyes - that barely born, still fermenting principle, which later received the name of nihilism. The impression made on me by this person was very strong and at the same time not entirely clear; At first, I myself could not give myself a good account of it - and I listened intensely and looked closely at everything that surrounded me, as if wanting to check the veracity of my own feelings,” wrote I. S. Turgenev in an article about “Fathers and children."

“Well, he got it for Bazarov...” F.M. Dostoevsky

  • The novel was published in 1862 in the Russian Messenger magazine. I. S. Turgenev dedicated it to V. G. Belinsky.
  • He caused such a storm that no other book has ever caused

"Air of the era"

Time of writing

novel - 1861

Time of action -

1855-1861 – time,

difficult for Russia;

Governing body

Alexandra II


to the formation of various

layers of the population

Are changing

centuries-old foundations


Writer - visionary

Turgenev, with his characteristic social acuity, grasped and developed the main conflict of the crisis, revolutionary era - the uncompromising struggle of democratic revolutionaries with liberals

Rasnochintsy Democrats

RAZNOCHINETS– in pre-revolutionary Russia: a person from unprivileged classes, from petty bureaucracy, engaged in mental work, usually a bearer of democratic ideology. Common writers.

What are they?

  • “Everyone... had to devote all their abilities to natural science. Everyone was mesmerized by the great significance of this science. “(from the memoirs of a contemporary)
  • It is not surprising that Turgenev made his hero a physician and forced him to work on serious experiments to study various patterns of the structure of organisms.

Let's get acquainted with the word

Who is called a nihilist?

NIHILIST 1) A supporter of the democratic movement, denying the foundations and traditions of noble society, serfdom. 2) A person who has a sharply negative, skeptical attitude towards everything

In a letter to K.K. Sluchevsky from Paris dated April 14, 1862, Turgenev names the true “deniers,” the leaders of the democratic movement.

In their teachings, commoner democrats drew material for their theories, for building political and aesthetic programs

"Deniers, or Nihilists"

Dobrolyubov N.A. (1836-61), Russian critic, publicist, revolutionary democrat. Since 1857, a permanent contributor to the Sovremennik magazine.

"Deniers, or Nihilists"

Chernyshevsky Nikolai Gavrilovich(1828-89), writer, literary critic. One of the leaders of the Sovremennik magazine. The ideological inspirer of the revolutionary movement of the 1860s.

"Deniers" or nihilists

Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich(1811-48), Russian literary critic. Collaborated in the magazines “Telescope”, “Otechestvennye zapiski” and “Sovremennik”

Turgenev knew them personally

The political and philosophical views of Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov served as materials and sources for creating the ideological image of the main character of the novel

Great writer

“Turgenev himself will never be Bazarov, but he thought about it and understood it in a way that none of our realists will understand,” – wrote Pisarev

“The connection of times has broken down...”

Time “split,” separating liberal nobles and democratic commoners, fathers and sons on opposite sides of the historical barrier...

"Retired people" and "heirs"

  • It was belonging to time that was the source of the conflict between Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov
  • In the novel, people of the 40s and 60s found themselves face to face. XIX century

Who is right?

As a great artist, overcoming his likes and dislikes both in the depiction of fathers and in the depiction of children, he tried to paint a true picture of the life of Russian society in the 60s XIX century.


Turgenev's novel reflects the ideological struggle between the main social forces in Russia in the 50s 60s years XlX centuries.

The composition of the novel “Fathers and Sons” is monocentric: the main character is in the center, and all the “formal” elements of the work are aimed at revealing his character.

During his “wanderings,” Bazarov visits the same places twice: Maryino, Nikolskoye, Bazarova. Thus, we first get acquainted with the hero, and then we witness how, under the influence of circumstances (a duel with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, a quarrel with Arkady, love for Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, etc.) his views and beliefs change.

The novel consists of 2 parts

(28 chapters)

Ring composition


(Kirsanov estate)


(Odintsova’s estate)

Bazarov's parents

(small house

small landed gentry)

The meaning of the novel's title "I tried to imagine conflict of two generations" (I.S. Turgenev)

Fathers children


(conflict of aristocrats



conflict (conflict






Young people

Aged people

Different generations.

Those who don't understand

each other







Always arguing.

Wise with experience


People in need


Engines of progress.



Symbol of life.

People are outdated



People of new views


Bazarov Vasily Ivanovich

Very funny, good, old man, dad, nothing, was in the sieve and in the sieve, poor fellow, old man, kindest, eccentric, talks a lot, has no prejudices, etc.

I don’t remember that any literary work caused so much noise and aroused so many conversations as Turgenev’s story “Fathers and Sons.” It can be said positively that “Fathers and Sons” was read even by people who had not picked up books since school.

A. Panaeva

Bazarov faces...

Old men








False -


Turgenev's skill in creating images of a novel

Portrait characteristics

Pavel Petrovich

The face is “long and thin, with a wide forehead, a flat upward, pointed nose downward, with large greenish eyes and hanging sand-colored sideburns... enlivened by a calm smile and expressing self-confidence and intelligence... His dark-blond hair, long and thick , did not hide the large protuberances of the spacious skull.”

“His short-cropped gray hair shone with a dark shine, like new silver; his face, bilious, but without wrinkles, unusually regular and clean, as if carved with a thin and light chisel, showed traces of remarkable beauty; The light, black, oblong eyes were especially beautiful. The whole appearance, graceful and thoroughbred, retained youthful harmony and aspiration upward, away from the earth, which for the most part disappears after twenty years.”


Using the table, describe the images

Portrait details

Area of ​​interest

I am a hero concept

Hero's story

The fate of a hero

Characteristics given by other heroes.

  • re-read chapters VI - X,
  • draw up a comparative table: the views of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, into which include quotes characterizing the heroes’ attitude to art, love, the Russian people, nature, aristocracy and liberalism and other things that the heroes will argue about.
  • individually: Characteristics of images:
  • -Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov;
  • - Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov;
  • - Arkady Kirsanov;
  • - Anna Sergeevna Odintsova;
  • - Katya is the younger sister of Anna Sergeevna Odintsova;
  • -Fenechka.