Night of Museums. How to go to the “Night at the Museum”: the three most intense routes. In how many countries is the Night of Museums held?

photo by Maya Simakina Out of time and space. How the “Night of Museums” took place in Moscow “Great objects of art are great only because they are accessible and understandable to everyone.” Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

Over the past two centuries, this statement of the great Russian writer has been absolutely true. Now, perhaps, I would argue.

In the third millennium, the very definition of “art” has become so blurred that it is already difficult to find the very line where art ends and science or computer technology begins. It is no longer enough for a modern viewer to simply walk through quiet halls and silently contemplate the masterpieces of world painting or architecture. The modern viewer wants action, he wants to be a participant in the process. See art, hear art, be part of this very art.

This year I spent the “Night of Museums” in the capital and walked through three completely different museum sites. Evening gradually turning into night. Sleepy rainy morning. Three museums: MARS Center for Contemporary Art, New Tretyakov Gallery and Artplay Design Center. The future is already here

The MARS Center for Contemporary Art is perhaps one of the most unusual museum venues. Fundamentally new art formats are presented here: audiovisual art, video art, video installations, digital art and VR art (virtual reality). On the “Night of Museums,” MARS delighted with a “space” program and a DJ set from the fashionable Russian trumpeter Maxim Pustovit.

Despite the tight timing, I spent two unforgettable hours in MARS. See the world through the eyes of an alien? Find yourself on another planet? Find out what neural networks look like? The impossible becomes possible thanks to the Generative Gallery exhibition.

Seven works of digital artists from around the world in video projection format. Seven meditative, mesmerizing, completely transforming projects.

A “living” audiovisual essence is how the artists defined the main idea of ​​the exhibition. It can exist simultaneously in different places, uniting artists and viewers anywhere in the world.

Who said that a painting has to be two-dimensional? On canvas? In frame? Is the image flat? Completely optional.

The exhibition “Virtual Mirrors of Konstantin Khudyakov” presents works with a 3D effect. Strange, whimsical compositions, voluminous and glowing in the dark, come to life in the mirrors when you approach them. Do you think that creating your own virtual avatar is something out of science fiction? No no and one more time no. At the exhibition “My Virtual Sculpture” everyone can become an artist in virtual space and create their own sculpture.

We put on a virtual reality helmet, step over the laser grid (it doesn’t hurt at all, but a little creepy at first), go to the red dot and.. see ourselves. You are in the matrix. You and your virtual sculpture. I really wanted to stay in the “future” a little longer, listen to space sets, but I had to move on.

“Eternal classics” adjusted for time and trends.

The next cultural stop was the New Tretyakov Gallery. As the capital's media noted, this year on the “Night of Museums” the New Tretyakov Gallery set a record for attendance, surpassing even the results of the “old” Tretyakov Gallery. It is noted that the museum on Krymsky Val was visited by more than 10 thousand people. So what attracted you to what seemed to be one of the most conservative museum sites in the capital? And the fact that she has long ceased to be conservative.

The museum has become much more modern, more understandable for the mass of young viewers. That ominous silence characteristic of old-school museums was replaced by a noisy, young crowd animatedly discussing the exhibitions. In the courtyard of the museum, hip-hop and r'n'b tracks were playing, young guys were dancing.

The New Tretyakov Gallery pleased us with an interesting cultural program for the whole family. For children - workshops and master classes, for adults - a talk show about the culture of the 2000s with the participation of Denis Simachev, Andrey Bartenev and Tatyana Gevorkyan. The Tretyakov Gallery specially prepared an exhibition dedicated to the art of the 2000s for the event. The exhibition brought together completely different works from numerous styles and genres. From the large-scale canvases of Vinogradov and Dubossarsky with echoes of socialist realism, deliberately exaggerated and slightly absurd, to the wax Anna Kournikova jumping under a glass bell.

Monumental painting, strange art objects, graffiti, photographs - everything mixed in a slightly chaotic, but accurately reflecting the original culture of the first ten of the new millennium. On the eve of one of the expected events of 2018 - the World Cup - the Tretyakov Gallery organized an exhibition dedicated to sports in art, “Football and More.” The exhibition features works by famous Soviet artists and sculptors such as Alexander Deineka and Joseph Chaikov, who were passionate sports fans.

Soviet football players, hockey players, gymnasts. Slender, athletic athletes and basketball players. Strict statics and flexible dynamics. Closer to midnight, satisfied spectators, having received a powerful “cultural” charge, began to go home. Statistics don't lie, the numbers speak for themselves. More than 10 thousand visitors per “night” and most of them are those who have not yet turned 40. Make it in two hours

Morning has come and my night of museums is not over yet. The next cultural station was the Artplay design center.

Three multimedia exhibitions in one bottle. In two hours, the works of impressionist and modernist artists, the great and terrible Bosch and an explosive mixture of paintings by famous artists, seasoned with the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud, float before your eyes.

What attracts the modern viewer to the format of multimedia exhibitions?

The secret is simple. You sit, lounging on a bean bag chair, and they show you, and in some places they also tell you. You can eat popcorn, drink coffee and take selfies, while at the same time paintings by famous artists float spectacularly on the screen, and even with musical accompaniment.

The characters on the canvases come to life. Degas's ballerinas whirl in dance, the abstract geometry of Kandinsky and Malevich becomes dynamic and three-dimensional, and Bosch's crazy world becomes clearer when it becomes possible to examine the triptych “The Garden of Earthly Delights” in great detail.

Among the huge variety of formats, styles, genres and trends in art, every viewer can choose the art that catches and inspires, relaxes and makes you think, and expands the boundaries of the conscious and subconscious.

And as one of the great philosophers rightly noted: “Art is like nature. If you don't let it in the door, it will come in the window."

In Ekaterinburg.

On the night of May 20, Yekaterinburg, along with all of Russia, traditionally plunged into mass festivities in museums. In 2018, 113 sites operated in the capital of the Urals. The "" correspondent visited five of them.

It was decided to start cultural education with the hitherto unknown art space “Deck”, located on Gagarin Street. Visitors faced an hour-long queue at the entrance.

Since the “Deck” is located in the bowels of an office building, a line of people wishing to get into the loft, stylized as a sunken ship, stretched along all the corridors of the first floor. Some even came with small children. The most impatient mothers decided to spoil the reputation of the “art space” on the Internet.

“Do you want to feel deceived, get a lot of negative emotions, and this for your own money!! You should go to the Deck gallery!”, wrote one of the residents of Yekaterinburg in the Flamp review service. Another spoke about the discrepancy between the stated program in “Deck” and reality. "We stood in a line of 200 people for 1.5 hours just so that a child would spray one time from a medical syringe onto an oilcloth! Where is the promised bucket with balls filled with paint?! Where is the protection for clothes?! No organization! As a result, the organizer simply ran away, leaving the crowd in bewilderment and anger! You had to return the money! ", she shared.

The museum of Soviet life, hidden in the basement of an inconspicuous building on Chebyshev, 4, was supposed to help smooth out the impression of “Deck”. The USSR did not disappoint.

The museum did not limit itself to a simple exhibition of objects from the times of the Union. Of course, in some places old records, wind-up toys from the movie about Electronics, and other household little things were laid out... But here, unlike many museums, you could try yourself. With what delight children aged 10-12 rushed to computers with still old tube monitors! And on PCs with Windows 95 and XP, games from the early 2000s were launched. Nearby are old TVs with connected Sega consoles. True, it was almost impossible to get through to them - there was a line.

In other rooms of the basement there was a red corner with a recreated office: a typewriter, a telephone, a diplomat, posters... In the corner there was a school uniform on hangers. By the way, many were eager to try it on. Apparently, memories came flooding back on Pioneer Day.

The next point in our “museum” program was the zoo - well, it’s no good to change traditions, it’s no good. Although, judging by the impressions, it was still worth it: of all the promised activities, there was only the opportunity to hold a cockroach or a water strider in your hands, as well as animal “football”.

According to the organizers of the site, the zoo's inhabitants played with soccer balls all day. And there were indeed balls in the cages of some predators - deflated. Only the turtle kept the ball intact. She lay indifferently next to him.

Having left the menagerie, it was decided to try our luck again with the “new product” - at the Central Hotel. They promised to take guests through “five eras” and show how the hotel developed.

The gallant guide shared that this year, compared to previous years, there was more interactivity than history. It was noticeable that the creators of the site were trying to figure out how and what to do to entertain the guests. That’s why they arranged a tour of the 1928 number using virtual reality technologies, and also convinced us to make a wish on a falling star using a projector. In addition, there was a dance lesson in the spirit of the 80s and 90s: together with the “trainer,” the excursion participants learned a short dance to a catchy melody about the love of a good girl and a bad guy.

The final chord of our "Night of Museums" was the Actor's House and its ghosts of the 19th century. The guests were taken through the living rooms of Mrs. Tupikova’s mansion, introduced to the spirits that live there, and were also given the opportunity to try on various outfits. This, as usual, delighted the public, who reported on the transformation on social networks. Even for this reason it was worth holding a “museum party”. You see, people will be drawn not only to pubs, but also to culture.

"Night of Museums".

“Night of Museums” is an international cultural and educational event, during which museums and other cultural institutions are open until late in the evening or even at night, and visitors have the opportunity to view exhibitions using a single city ticket, often free of charge. In many countries, the event is held several times a year; there are no general regulations for its implementation.

History of the promotion

The first "Long Night of Museums" (German: Lange Nacht der Museen) was organized in 1997 in twelve museums in Berlin. In 1999, similar events were organized by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication. In 2005, the Council of Europe approved the idea put forward by France to hold an annual international event, in which over 3,500 museums from more than 40 countries currently participate. The pan-European event is being held under the patronage of the Council of Europe and the International Council of Museums (ICOM) on the weekend closest to International Museum Day on May 18.

"Night of Museums" in Russia

Russia joined the action on April 20, 2002 - then the Krasnoyarsk Museum Center held the “Museum Night” for the first time, which was visited by 5 thousand people. In 2006, St. Petersburg and Kazan held their “Night of Museums”; in 2007, the event was held for the first time in Moscow (in the capital it was called “Night at the Museum”) and Yekaterinburg. Many cultural institutions prepare exhibition and excursion programs specifically for the date of the event, but a significant part of Russian museums are open on this day until 21:00 or 23:00 and still close for the night.

In 2015, the “Night of Museums” event received federal status and began to be held centrally, with the support of the Ministry of Culture. The event was attended by federal, departmental and private museums across the country.

In 2016, the event took place on May 21-22, and its main theme was the Year of Russian Cinema. As part of the event, with the support of the Russian Military Historical Society (RVIO), a “Night of History” was also held, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the RVIO. In addition, the Ministry of Culture recommended that museums hold “The History of One Exhibit” events. In St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Kaliningrad (in this city it is called “Museum Night”), venues participating in the federal action on May 21 worked on a single ticket.

In 2017, the main theme in the Russian Federation was the 200th anniversary of the revolutionary events of 1917, while in a number of museums events were dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia. The campaign covered over 2 thousand museums in more than 80 regions of the country. With a single entrance ticket you could visit the museums and galleries participating in the “Night...” of St. Petersburg (110 sites), Yekaterinburg (five of 29 sites to choose from the ticket holder) and Kaliningrad (seven of 15 sites to choose from).

"Night at the Museum" in Moscow in 2017

On May 20, more than 300 venues, including the capital's museums, galleries, art schools, art centers and exhibition halls, were open in the evening and at night; admission to most events was free (with pre-registration). According to information from the head of the Moscow Department of Culture, Alexander Kibovsky, in total, more than 2 thousand 100 events in the Russian capital were attended by over 520 thousand people.

The most visited were the Kolomenskoye Museum-Estate (68 thousand 420 people), the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve (66 thousand 200 people), the Museum of Moscow (13 thousand 900 people), the State Historical Museum (10 thousand 300 people ) and the Darwin Museum (9 thousand 900 people).

Promotion 2018

This year's theme is formulated as “Masterpieces from the Vaults” - museums will show unique exhibits, many of which have never been shown to the public before. According to the Ministry of Culture, all regions of the Russian Federation are participating in the event. More than 200 sites will operate in Moscow, 118 sites in St. Petersburg. The grand opening of the All-Russian event "Night of Museums" will be held at the branch of the State Literary Museum - the Museum of the Silver Age. The Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky will take part in it.

The shortest walk to the city center museums is 15 minutes (excluding time spent at exhibitions), and the longest is 45 minutes.

A map with walking routes for the most significant events of the “Night at the Museum” event was developed by the Department of Culture and the Mosgortur agency. Muscovites and guests of the capital can choose the most suitable route - short, medium or long. The annual event will take place this year on the night of May 19-20.

“All the routes for walking around the museums are in the city center. They vary in duration. The shortest walk will take 15 minutes (not counting the time the participant will spend in the museum), the average - 30 minutes, the long - 45 minutes. They can be combined, supplemented and made more diverse independently. This short guide will help those who want to do without the help of guides and create their own educational route,” said Vasily Ovchinnikov, General Director of the Moscow City Tourism.

The shortest route is from Krasnaya Presnya Street to Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street. Citizens are invited to visit the apartment of the family of the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky on Bolshaya Presnya. This is the only surviving one of the many rented apartments that the Mayakovskys replaced in Moscow after moving from the Caucasus until they managed to get their own housing.

The museum hosts the exhibition “Daughter,” dedicated to the American daughter of the poet Patricia Thompson. Guests will be immersed in the atmosphere of New York of the 20s and 30s of the last century, associated with the heyday of cinema and new music for that time - jazz, blues and country.

Then you can go to Malaya Gruzinskaya Street to the State Biological Museum named after K.A. Timiryazev. It will host a presentation of “Voices of the Night,” during which visitors will get to know nocturnal animals. Guests will be asked to guess animals and birds by their voices. The walk will end at the Moscow Zoo on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street, where residents and guests of the capital will learn the history of the zoo.

The 30-minute journey begins with a free guided walking tour exploring Moscow after 1812. The walk starts on Prechistenka at 18:00. After it, on your own, you can visit the Burganov House museum, located in Bolshoy Afanasyevsky Lane. A fire show “Burning Letter” is planned there. Its center will be the sculptural composition “Letter”, presented in the museum’s exhibition and dedicated to the novel in the letters of the poet Marina Tsvetaeva and the Austrian poet Rainer Maria Rilke.

The next point on the second route is the Moscow Museum of Modern Art on Gogolevsky Boulevard. In the museum, visitors will see the exhibition of the artist Sergei Sapozhnikov “Dance” (his works are dedicated to breakdancing, hip-hop and street culture), the exhibition of the artist Chaim Sokol (installations and objects made of metal, fabric, rubber, plastic, wood, paper, leather and fur) and the group art project “My Precious. Hair" (installations, sculptures, video works, as well as performances, drawings and collages by contemporary artists).

Then you can visit the “House on the Embankment” museum on Serafimovicha Street - the exhibition “Four on an Ice Floe, Not Counting a Dog” will be held here, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the end of the expedition at the world’s first scientific station “North Pole - 1”. Residents of the House on the Embankment took part in it: hydrobiologist and oceanologist Pyotr Shirshov, pilots Ilya Mazuruk and Mikhail Vodopyanov.

The longest walk—45 minutes—starts on Petrovka Street with a visit to the Moscow Museum of Modern Art. Here you can see paintings by famous artists - Chiara Fumai, Vladislav Mamyshev-Monroe, Jeff Koons, Andy Warhol, Amadeo Modigliani. Afterwards, visitors will go to the Gogol House on Nikitsky Boulevard: take part in an excursion and a street quest, watch a concert and a one-man show (all events are dedicated to the life and work of the writer Nikolai Gogol). Then Muscovites are invited to go to Borisoglebsky Lane, where the House-Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva is located. Here guests will get acquainted with the life of the poetess during emigration.

The end point of the longest walking route is the A.N. Memorial Museum. Scriabin in Bolshoi Nikolopeskovsky Lane. Musical groups will perform in the courtyard of the museum, and paintings by young artists of the project “Vzglyad. Heritage. A.N. Scriabin."

Mosgortur traditionally compiles the most convenient and interesting routes to cultural events for citizens and guests of the capital. Using them, you can do without a guide or special support and organize educational leisure on your own. Similar routes were developed for the action, which took place in Moscow on November 4, for acquaintance with the city museums, on January 25 and February 14.

Since 2005, a cultural event has been held in Moscow "Night at the Museum", in which more and more museums, galleries and exhibition halls take part every year. This action is dedicated to the Day of Cultural and Historical Heritage.

So May 18 will become the most “museum” day of the year: from 10:00 to 18:00 Moscow will celebrate Cultural Heritage Day. Then - until midnight - the city-wide event "Night at the Museum" will take place in the capital.

On this night you can visit places you haven’t been able to get to for a long time, see unusual museum events, listen to concerts and take part in master classes. On the day of the event, most cultural sites are open until 24:00. Admission to institutions that will take part in the museum night is free.

And although Night at the Museum is more suitable for young people and adults, some participants prepared special programs for children and family audiences. Here are just a few of these events:

The review opens with the Moscow Zoo, which traditionally invites adults and children to spend a “Night at the Zoo”. The zoo has prepared a program dedicated to its 155th anniversary, during which guests can attend the lecture “Animals - Heroes of Fairy Tales.” She will talk about fairy-tale characters and their real prototypes. After the lecture, guests will enjoy the interactive program “What is a Zoo?”, where in a playful way children will learn about the function of the zoo and what the zoo’s collection is and how it is formed. Everyone will be able to take a walking tour of the zoo’s territory “When Night Falls” and watch how the animals prepare for bed.
Event time: 18:00-22:00.
Participation with a ticket to the zoo.

The State Darwin Museum invites night owls, lovers of all life on earth, and promises them neither more nor less - to open a “Barbershop for Bulbul”. The museum presents animals, birds and even reptiles with long, multi-colored, lush beards, mustaches, and crests. In addition, here you can attend the lesson “The World under the Microscope”, visit the interactive exhibition “Walk the Path of Evolution” and the educational center “Know Yourself - Know the World”, see new exhibitions, take part in the opening of the season on the roof and complete the quest “Invasion of intelligence".
Event time: 18:00 - 24:00
Free admission.

The Biological Museum will take part in the night event. Especially for this evening he prepared a program dedicated to microbes.
Museum guests will be treated to permanent exhibitions and ongoing exhibitions. Parents with children will be able to listen to the presentation “Glowing Microworld”, take part in the master class “Microbes with your own hands” and the lesson “Micromonsters”, see real predators from the plant world and the exhibition “Supermicrobes. The struggle for life”, “Our common home: the nature of Moscow”, “Such an extraordinary ordinary turtledove”, “Darwin. Life in portraits”, “The Pereslavskys were: Lake Pleshcheyevo National Park”, “Almost like people” and “Walking across three seas”.

Cost of the master class "Microbe with your own hands": 150 rubles.
Cost of the lesson "Micromonsters": 200 rubles.
Entrance to the museum is free.

The “animal theme” at the museum night is supported by the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University, which invites children and their parents to its “behind the scenes” - on unique excursions through the closed areas of the museum.
The quest “Skeletons” will take place in the Bone Hall of the museum. Bulgakov's mystery". Lectures “The Best” and “Monster Ball” will be held at the Biolecture Hall. The premiere of "Night" is the excursion "Zoology in the history of the Russian state", during which guests will be told about animals in the historical symbols and heraldry of the Russian state.
The events will take place from 18.00 to 24.00.
Some events are available for a fee.
Entrance to the museum is free.

You can spend a space museum night at the Cosmonautics Museum. Here you can take sightseeing tours of the exhibition; exhibitions “Backstage of star heroes through the lens of Valentin Cheredintsev”, “Rocket Masters”, “Satellite Communications. On Earth and in Space" and "Oleg Gazenko. Notes from a space doctor"; and end the evening with poetry about space in the museum’s cinema hall.
The events will take place from 18.00 to 24.00.
Entrance to the museum is free.

However, if the nightly purpose of the visit is driven solely by spiritual food, then the “gourmets” have a night program at Kolomenskoye. Here, in the Kazan Garden, a street festival dedicated to the flowering of the royal gardens, “White Night in Kolomenskoye,” will take place. Thematic areas combined into a quest will be located in different parts of the garden. To complete it, guests need to visit several gaming areas, participate in competitions and master classes. After completing all tasks, participants receive a prize. In the royal palace you can see historical miniatures. And here you can take part in the detective investigation “Who lived in Kolomenskoye in the Iron Age.”
Time: 19:00-23:00.
Free admission.

The Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve prepared a large night concert program. Performances will take place simultaneously at different venues of the museum. The dance performance “Improvisation in the Museum” will take place in the Atrium of the Bread House. Participants in the action will move from hall to hall, telling their story and the history of the Place through choreography. The evening will end with a tour of “Tsaritsyno at Night” through the central palace part of the architectural complex.
Time: 18:00-23:30.
Admission with free tickets.

The night program at the Kuskovo estate will begin with sightseeing tours. Guests will have the opportunity to see the exhibitions “Portrait Gallery of the Kuskovo Estate” and “Collection of A.V. Morozova. Porcelain, ceramics, glass” in the Big Stone Greenhouse, as well as a new project “The Past in the Present. To the 100th anniversary of the Kuskovo Estate Museum" in the Hermitage pavilion. Young visitors will be able to go on a quest journey through the architectural and park ensemble and test their knowledge in the “History in Faces” quiz at the exhibition “Portrait Gallery of the Kuskovo Estate”. The evening will conclude with a musical program.
Time: 18:00-23:00.
Admission with free tickets.

On May 19, in the evening and at night, the State Museum of A.S. will open its doors to visitors. Pushkin and its branches. In the special program: free admission to the main exhibition, exhibitions and events.
In museums you can visit exhibitions, excursions “...the fire contributed a lot to its decoration...” and “A.S. Pushkin and his era”, watch the film “The Soul of Pushkin”. And in the house-museum of I.S. Turgenev will host an interactive program “Mysterious Turgenev” based on the works of the writer.
The action starts at 18:00.
Free admission.

Night exploration of “book” topics can be continued in the branches of the State Literary Museum. There is something for everyone - the program includes many excursions and lectures, book presentations, film screenings and performances. From 18:00 you can get acquainted with the exhibitions of apartments and houses-museums of writers for free.
Thus, in the Silver Age Museum, visitors will be invited to attend excursions around the museum and the “Songs of the Motherland” concert. In the museum-apartment of A.N. Tolstoy's children and parents will be able to watch funny interludes in the spirit of friends of Max Voloshin's house, who called themselves "stupid people." During an interactive tour of the Prishvin Museum, everyone will receive a note from the writer and solve the museum charade by answering a questionnaire about the museum. For the wittiest answer you can receive a memorable prize.
Starts at 18:00.
Free admission.

According to tradition, the Bulgakov House will be open the longest on this Night. His daily program includes: presentation of a new walking tour “Margarita’s Mansions”. Next, guests will enjoy: free tours of the museum, excursions on Tram 302-BIS, a performance by the musical theater “Operetta on Taganka,” night walking and bus excursions.
Time: from May 18, 14.30 to May 19, 06.00.
Entrance to the museum is free. For some events, pre-registration is required.

For those who decided to celebrate "Night at the Museum" not in Moscow, welcome to the museums of the Moscow region. This night could not be ignored, in particular, by the Serpukhov Historical and Art Museum.
In the children's program: excursions for the little ones “Adventures of a pencil”, “Let's go to the museum. The world around us", "Let's go to the museum. Fine Arts" and master class "Kargopol Toy". Here you can also draw on the asphalt and enjoy a musical installation. The museum invites adult visitors to theater excursions.
Event times: 12.00-24.00
Entrance to the museum is free.

Of course, in a review it is difficult to cover all the events that will take place in cultural institutions of our city on Museum Night. More detailed information, which is updated daily, can be found