Living soul Ekimov analysis. By the right of love

Technology development critical thinking in a literature lesson in the 5th grade. Lesson model on the topic: B. Ekimov, story “Living Soul”

Brief summary: One of the tasks of literature lessons is to educate a talented reader, a reader-interlocutor, a co-author. A teacher who is forming such a reader faces a question: how to structure a lesson to teach a student to reflect on what he read, ask questions and find answers, make discoveries and enjoy the search process? Techniques for developing critical thinking can come to the teacher’s aid. A lesson in the technology of developing critical thinking will help organize a dialogue between the reader and the author, immersing the child in the world of a literary text.

Academic subject : literature.

Level of education of schoolchildren: the lesson is intended for 5th grade, class level - intermediate

Form academic work: class lesson

Equipment: projector, computer

Work organization: collective, group, individual

Lesson objectives:

1. Bring to the realization of how important it is to be able to sympathize and have compassion, whether it be livestock or people.

2. To promote the development of students’ thinking skills, which are necessary not only in studies, but also in ordinary life(the ability to work with information, analyze various situations), the ability to make informed decisions, the ability for reasonable reflective creative thinking).

Lesson objectives.

    To give each student the opportunity to realize themselves, receiving positive emotions from the learning process, and also to construct their own knowledge.

    Fostering social responsibility. (For this purpose all educational process it is advisable to closely link with specific life tasks and problems that children face in everyday life)

    Formation of UUD.

Formation of UUD in the classroom.


    Independently formulate the topic, problem and goals of the lesson.


    Independently read all types of text information: factual, subtextual, conceptual.

    Establish cause-and-effect relationships.

    Build reasoning

    Carry out analysis and synthesis.

Communicative UUD.

    Consider different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation.

    Shape own opinion and position, to argue for it.

    Ask questions necessary to organize your own activities.

    Express your thoughts orally and in writing.

    Listen and hear others, try to take a different point of view


1. Formation of an emotional-evaluative attitude towards what you read.

2. Formation of perception of the text as a work of art.

During the classes.

    Appeal to personal experience that will help prepare students for a personal perception of the work.

    • Do you have pets at home? How do you feel about pets?

      Does anyone have a grandmother in the village? Does she keep livestock? How does he treat her? Are you helping?

Ekimov Boris Petrovich born November 19, 1938 in the city of Igarka Krasnoyarsk Territory in a family of employees. Graduated from the Higher Literary Courses (1979). He worked as a turner, mechanic, serviceman, electrician at a factory, builder in the Tyumen region and in Kazakhstan, labor teacher in rural school. Columnist for the Volgogradskaya Pravda newspaper.

He made his debut as a prose writer in 1965. He compiled and provided an introduction to the folklore collection “Songs of the Don Cossacks” (1982). Published as a prose writer and essayist in the magazines “Our Contemporary”, “Znamya”, “ New world", "Niva Tsaritsynskaya", "Russia".

Ekimov's works have been translated into English, Spanish, Italian, German, French and other languages.

Recognized with prizes from the magazine “Our Contemporary” (1976), “Literary Newspaper” (1987), named after. I. A. Bunin (1994), magazine “New World” (1996), main prize"Moscow-Penne" (1997), State Prize of Russia (1998), Prize "Stalingrad" (1999).

Lives in Volgograd.

    Working with literary text. In this part of the lesson, the “challenge - comprehension - reflection” scheme is implemented. Students receive the following work algorithm:

*reading the text from “stop to stop”

*question – forecast regarding development storyline in the passage

*answer is an assumption, its justification.

So, we read the text (work is carried out only individually). Let's start working on a mind map

The Tebyakins lived opposite the brigade office, across the road. Natalya herself was listed as a stoker and cleaner in the office. It was very convenient: a solid salary and a house at hand. Visiting people, when the office was empty, went to the Tebyakins and asked where to look for a manager, a livestock specialist, or someone else. They were told.

And this clear January One day a visitor entered the Tebyakins’ yard. He looked around, fearing the dog, and shouted from the gate:

The owners of the house?!


At what time do the events of the story take place? What weather is normal for this time?

Nobody answered him. The visitor walked through the yard. The Vasika yard was spacious: the house was covered with tin, next to it was a warm outbuilding kitchen, sheds, and heels.

Can we guess who the owners of this house are?( They are hardworking, live in abundance, take care of their household thoroughly)

People were swarming around the cattle station. The visitor came closer: the old man and the boy were removing manure, throwing it into a wooden sled with a box. In their lowered trousers, padded jackets, felt boots and galoshes, they worked in silence and did not see the guest.

You live well! – the visiting man called out to them.

The old man understood his head.

“The mistress of the houses,” he said and ended the conversation, returning to work.

The boy didn’t even look up. Operating a shovel.

“I brought you a bow from Uncle Levon, from Baba Lena,” said the guest.

The old man straightened up, leaning on his pitchfork, looked as if he had remembered, and answered slowly:

Thank you. So, they are alive and well...Thank God.

At that moment the hostess came out onto the porch, and the old man called out to her:

Natalya, hit the man!

The boy, leaving the shovel, looked around at the loaded sled and said to his grandfather:

We're lucky.

Was our opinion about the hard work of the owners confirmed?

What can we say about the boy’s character? (silent, immersed in work)

He only glanced at the newcomer with an indifferent glance, joining the sleigh team. The rope attached to the sleigh was long, allowing the boy and the old man to harness themselves comfortably. They took it together and pulled the loaded sled on the packed snow rut down to the bottom, into the garden. AND I agreed with the move of the old and the small.

What detail helps us see the coherence of the work of the grandfather and grandson??

The hostess turned out to be friendly and talkative. In the house, without listening to reasons, she put out tea and snacks, eagerly asking about her relatives.

The father-in-law is not very talkative, said the guest.

“Old Believers,” the hostess justified herself. “They used to be called Kulugurs.” They took me, so I was out of habit... - she laughed, remembering, and, sighing, added thoughtfully: - Baba Manya died among us. Grandfather misses you, and so does Alyosha.

Do the mother's words help us understand the boy's silence?

We drank some tea. We talked. The guest remembered about business.

I came to your office.

He's on the farm. Alyosha will take you there. Just come and dine with us. Vasily will come. He always remembers Uncle Levon and his brothers. They were young... - The owner ran out into the yard, shouted to her son and returned. - Look at the manager, don’t come to dinner, come to us, to us. Otherwise Vasily will be offended.

The door opened, the owner’s son came in and asked:

Did you call me, mom?

You take your uncle to the farm. You will find the government. Understood?

“We’ll take another sled with grandpa,” said the boy.

Huh, busy... Otherwise, without you.. With grandfather...

The son, without answering, turned and left. The mother shook her head and said apologetically:

Conducts, conducts. Not a child, but Poroshina in the eye. Kuluguristy... Bycha.

How do you understand this word? How does his mother pronounce it? (affectionately, with love)

Last word the guest laughed, but as he and the boy walked, he realized that the word was accurate.

Boy it didn’t hurt to talk: “yes” and “no”" The plump pink sponge protruded forward, the head was large and foreheaded. And it was as if he were watching incredulously, from under his brows.

What class are you in?

In the second.

How do you study?

No triples.

Is there a school in Vikhlyaevka?” the guest asked and looked at the distant Vikhlyaevskaya Mountain, which rose above the surrounding area and now shone like snow.

In Vikhlyavka...

On foot or by car?

It depends… - evasively answered the boy.

Have you been to the regional center?

Come to visit. My son is the same age as you.

The boy was wearing a padded jacket, altered from a military khaki color, with clear buttons.

Did your mother sew a padded jacket?

“Baba,” the boy answered briefly.

And my grandfather rolled felt boots,” the guest guessed, admiring the neat black wire rods, soft even to look at.

Well done grandfather.

The boy glanced sideways, making it clear that this praise was unnecessary.

* Is the boy talkative with the guest? What details should we note that confirmed this?

The farm stood away from the farmstead, in a white field, blackened with stacks of hay, straw, and silage mounds. The squat buildings were drowning in the snow up to their windows. There are plump, tall hats on the roofs.

Autumn in the area dragged on for a long time, with rain. Only towards the New Year it froze and it snowed for a week. And now it's clarified. The whitish sun shone without warming. Another day there was a harsh east wind. It's chalk below. Lazy drifting snow flowed in smoky streams around the snowy sastrugi.

On the farm, on its bases, there was a hubbub: a flock of sparrows flew from place to place, looking for easy money: heavy pigeons rose like a gray cloud, covering the sky, made a circle and descended; talkative jackdaws chattered; the prim crow sat on the fence poles, patiently waiting.

"Belarus", a blue little tractor, snorting smoke, made its way along a deep rut along the bases. From the trailer, through the sleeve, a yellow mess of silage poured into the feeders. Cows hurried to feed, birds flocked.

The boy stopped the tractor and shouted:

Uncle Kolya! Haven’t you seen the government?!

In the water heater! - answered the tractor driver. - And father is there.

The last cattle emerged from the dark caves of the cowshed. From the straw mound that rose in the middle of the base, from under the zagat, where in the calm, under the wind, it was warmer and calmer. Now everyone was rushing to the silo, to the food, lining up over the feeders.

The base is empty. And then a red bull appeared in the middle. Small, disheveled, covered in icicles, he stood in the snow. Legs spread apart, navel thread almost to the ground, head lowered, as if sniffing.

The boy noticed him and called:

Bycha, bycha...Why are you standing here?

Telok raised his head.

Some kind of you... Mom didn’t lick it, stupid... - the boy said and stroked the tousled fur.

The bull did not yet look like cattle, everything about him was childish: a soft body, thin, reed-like legs, white, unhardened hooves.

The body touched the boy's hand with his nose and looked at him with large blue eyes, like Slitheen.

“You’re going to die here, boy,” said the boy. - Where is mommy?

It was difficult to wait for an answer from the chick, especially from such a one. The boy looked back at the newcomer. Said:

We should at least take him to Zagat, it’s warmer there. Let’s go,” he nudged the chick and felt his fragile flesh.

The heifer swayed and was about to fall, but the boy led him, stumbling on fossilized ground. potty road. He brought the bull to the zagat - a straw wall - and here he released it.

Just stay here. Understood?

The heifer obediently leaned sideways against the straw.

The boy, followed by the newcomer, left the base, the heifer followed them with his gaze and screamed in a thin bleating voice, stretching his neck.

Dishkanit,” the boy said, smiling.

    How do we see the boy at this moment, is he still as taciturn?

Outside the base gate stood a male cattleman with a pitchfork.

Are you looking for your father?” he asked.

Management. “Here it is,” the boy answered, pointing to the guest.

Everything is in the water heater.

“And you have a heifer,” said the guest.

Yes.. It didn’t seem like yesterday.

So, she calved. Why don’t you define it anywhere?

The cattleman looked at the guest carefully and said cheerfully:

Let him get used to it in a day or two, and he’ll get some toughening up. And then we’ll determine it. That’s it,” he coughed.

The crow, sitting on the fence poles, lazily rose from his loud cough and sat down again.

Smart bird,” the cattleman laughed, throwing his pitchfork over his shoulder. I went to the cowshed.

He’ll die... - said the boy, without looking at the newcomer.

    What detail helps you understand that the boy understood everything, and it is very difficult for him to come to terms with it?

And the water heater was warm and crowded. The flame was humming in the firebox, the cigarette smoke was turning blue, and white-faced watermelons, their rinds and a couple of slices with scarlet pulp in a puddle of juice lay on the table

Where do watermelons come from? - the visitor was surprised. The manager of the department rose from the bench to meet the guest and explained: When the silo was being laid, several cars of watermelons were dumped there. With melon equipment. And now they opened a hole, and they were really good. Eat.

    Can we say that the farm takes care of the animals?

The boy looked at his father, who understood him and gave him a piece. The guest ate, praising him, then asked the manager:

Where do you get chicks to the base? You don’t have a lot of milk, do you?

We supplement the cows with food. And you see... God willing.

Well, where are you going to take them?

Where... - the manager chuckled, looking away. - There. Who is waiting for them where? They are considered barren. Try to replay it. Otherwise you yourself don’t know...

I know, - lowered his eyes a newcomer, but somehow...Still alive soul.

    What important words come out of his mouth?

The manager just shook his head. The boy finished the slice, his father wiped his wet mouth with his palm and said:

Well, run home.

In freedom, the wind hit my face with coldness. But it was so easy to breathe after the smoke and steam! There was a fresh scent of straw and tart-bearing silage, and there was even a smell of watermelon from the open pit.

    Do you think the boy will go home straight away?

The boy went straight to the road, to the house. But suddenly he changed his mind and hurried to the cattle base. There, in the quiet, near the thatched wall of the zagat, the red heifer stood in the same place.

Without thinking twice, the boy approached the hay, the stacks of which rose nearby. In past years, when the domestic cow Zorka gave birth to calves, a boy and his late grandmother Manya looked after them. And he knew what kind of hay the little calf needed, although later. Green, with leaves. They hung it up in a bunch, and the heifer crunched.

It was more difficult to find such hay in a large collective farm stack, but the boy found a bunch or two of green leafy alfalfa and took the heifer.

“Eat,” he said, “eat, living soul...

A living soul... This was the saying of the deceased woman Mani. She felt sorry for all cattle. Domestic, stray, wild, and when they reproached her, she made excuses: “But what about... A living soul”

    From whom did the boy get so much kindness?

The calf reached for the bundle of hay. He sniffed it noisily. And the boy went home. I remembered the grandmother with whom they always lived, until this fall. Now she lay in the ground, in a snow-covered cemetery. For the boy, Baba Manya remained almost alive for now, because he had known her for a long time and separated recently, and therefore could not yet get used to death.

Now, on the way home, he looked at the cemeteries: black crosses in a white field.

And at home, the grandfather had not yet left the base: he was feeding and watering the cattle.

“Grandfather,” the boy asked, “can a heifer live on hay alone?” Small? Just born.

“He needs milk,” answered the grandfather. “Now our Zorka should bring it.” Chick.

“Today,” the boy rejoiced.

“Now,” the grandfather repeated. – You won’t have to sleep at night. Guard.

    From whom else did the boy learn to care for livestock? What does he care about?

The cow stood nearby, large, side-bodied, and sighed noisily.

And in the house the mother was preparing to welcome the guest: she was rolling out dough for goose noodles, and something was ripe in the oven, the sweet spirit of a hot stove was wafting through the house.

The boy had lunch and ran off to ride from the mound and showed up home only in the evening.

The lights were on in the house. In the upper room, at the table, the newcomer and all his relatives were sitting. Father, mother, grandfather in new shirt, with a combed beard, aunt and uncle and sisters. The boy quietly entered, undressed, sat down in the kitchen and ate. And only then did they notice him.

And we didn’t even notice that you came! – the mother was surprised. - Sit down and have dinner with us.

The boy shook his head and answered briefly:

I ate and went into the back room. He was shy about strangers.

Wow, he’s a natural,” the mother chided. “He’s just an old man.”

And the guest just looked at the boy and immediately remembered the calf. I remembered and said, continuing the conversation I had started

Here's a live example. Calf, this is, to the base. After all, the collective farm should be happy with the extra cattle

They survived... The owners... - the grandfather shook his head.

And the boy turned on the light in the side room and sat down on the bed with a book. But it wasn't read. Relatives were sitting nearby, across the room, and you could hear them talking and laughing. But it was sad. The boy looked out the dark window and waited for his grandfather to remember him and come. But grandfather did not come. Grandma would come. She would come and bring a delicious cookie, one of those that was on the table. She would come, sit next to her, and you could lie on her lap, caressing and dozing off.

    Why does the boy miss his grandmother so much? How can she help him?

Outside the window the January evening was pouring into a thick blue. The neighboring house, Amochaev's, seemed to shine from afar, and beyond there was darkness. No village, no surrounding area.

And again I remembered Baba Manya, as if alive. I so wanted to hear her voice, her heavy shuffling gait, and feel her hand. In a kind of daze, the boy got up, went to the window and, looking into the deep blue, called:


He grabbed the window sill with his hands and stared into the darkness with his eyes, waiting. He waited, tears standing in his eyes. He waited and seemed to see through the darkness a cemetery covered with white snow.

Grandma didn't come. The boy returned to the bed and sat down, now no longer looking anywhere, not expecting anyone. My sister looked into the room. He ordered her:

Ooh, bull... - the sister reproached, but left.

The boy did not hear her, because he suddenly understood clearly: his grandmother would never come. The dead don't come. They will never exist again, it seems they never existed. Summer will come, then winter again... He will finish school, go into the army, but his grandmother will still be gone. She remained lying in a deep grave. And nothing can lift it.

The tears have dried. It seemed easier.

And then I remembered the heifer from the collective farm. He must die tonight. Die and also never come back to life. Other heifers will wait for spring and wait for it. With their tails raised, they will scamper around the melted base. Then summer will come, and it will be completely good: green grass, water, wandering around the pasture, butting heads, playing.

*What did the boy understand, what truth of life? What do you think he will do?

The boy decided everything at once: he would now take the sled, bring the bull and place it in the kitchen with the kids. And let him not die, because it is better to be alive than dead.

He slipped into the kitchen, grabbed his clothes and rushed out of the house. The wooden sled with a box was light. And the boy trotted straight to the barns, and then along the smooth, well-worn road from the farmstead to the farm.

The yellow lights of the houses remained behind, and the vaguely white steppe and the sky above it opened up ahead.

The moon was already melting, its white horn shone dimly: the well-worn road gleamed, the snow sparkled on the sastrugi. And in the sky the same milky road stretched across starry sky, but the icy lights burned brighter than the earth’s, from edge to edge.

The yellow lanterns of the barnyard and the very timid, squinted windows of the farm illuminated nothing. The light shone brighter from the warm fireplace, where the man was now sitting.

But the boy didn’t need other people’s eyes, and he walked around the cattle station from below, from the river. He felt in his heart that the heifer was now where he had left it, at the gate, under the wall of the zagat.

Telok was there. He no longer stood, but lay leaning against the wall of straw. And his body, cooling down, took on the cold, and only with heart there was still a weak knock on warmth gut.

    What did the chick need? (Heart warmth, human care)

    Who will bring him this warmth?

The boy opened his coat and, hugging the calf, snuggled up to him, warming him. At first the heifer didn’t understand anything, then he started fidgeting. He smelled his mother, a warm mother who had finally come, and she smelled of the sweet spirit that he had been asking for for a long time hungry and frozen, but a living soul.

    What words cause excitement??

Having laid straw on the sled, the boy threw the heifer into the box and covered it with straw on top, keeping it warm. And he moved towards the house. He was in a hurry, in a hurry. People in the house might have caught him.

He drove into the base from the hay barn, out of the darkness, and pulled the calf into the kitchen, to the kids. Smelling a man, the kids stamped, bleated, and rushed to the boy, expecting their mothers to be brought to them. The boy placed the calf near the warm pipe and went out into the yard.

    What does the boy want to do? Should he tell his family about his actions? Who does he want to tell?

Well, my dear, come on, come on... Come on, Zoryushka...

Grandfather! - the boy called.

The grandfather went out to the base with a lantern.

What do you want?

Grandfather, I brought a heifer from the farm.

From what farm? – the grandfather was surprised. -What chick?

From the collective farm. He would have frozen there by morning. I brought him.

Who taught you? - Grandfather was confused. - What are you doing? Or have you lost your mind?

The boy looked up at him with questioning eyes and asked:

Do you want him to die and be dragged around the farm by his dogs? And he is a living soul...yes!

Wait a minute. Pamorki fought off. What kind of chick is this? Tell me.

The boy told the story of today, the day, and asked again:

Grandfather, let him live. I'll keep an eye on him. I can handle it.

Okay,” the grandfather breathed out. - We'll think of something. Oh, father, father, something is wrong. Where is he, heifer?

*What is grandfather worried about? Who is he worried about?

In the kitchen, the kids are warming up. He hasn't eaten today.

Okay,” the grandfather waved his hand, suddenly it seemed to him that he needed it. – Seven troubles...If only Zorka doesn’t let us down. I can handle this myself. And keep quiet. Me myself.

Where were you? - asked the mother.

“At the Shlyapuzhkov’s,” he answered her and began to get ready for bed.

He felt that he was getting chilly, and when he found himself in bed, he made himself a tight little cave under the blanket, inhaled it until it was hot, and only then leaned out and decided to wait for his grandfather.

But at once he fell into a deep sleep. At first, the boy seemed to hear and see everything: the fire in the next room, voices, and the horn of the moon in the upper spike of the window was shining for him. And then everything became foggy, only the white heavenly light became brighter and brighter, and there was a warm smell from there, so familiar and dear that, even without seeing, the boy realized: it was Baba Manya coming. After all, he called her, and she, in a hurry, goes to her grandson.

It was hard to open his eyes, but he opened them, and he was blinded by the light, like the sun woman Mani's face. She hurried towards him, holding out her hands. She didn’t walk, she didn’t run, she swam on a clear summer day, and a red bull hovered next to her.

Granny... bull... - the boy whispered, and also swam, spreading his arms.

    Why did I dream about grandmothers and a bull7

Grandfather returned to the hut while they were still sitting at the table. He entered, stood at the threshold and said:

Rejoice, owners... Zorka brought two. Chick and bull.

Everyone was blown out of the table and out of the hut at once. The grandfather grinned after him and went to his grandson, turning on the light.

The boy was sleeping. Grandfather wanted to turn off the light, but his hand stopped. He stood and looked.

How prettier he is child's face when his sleep overtakes him. Everything of the day, flying away, leaves no trace. Cares and needs have not yet filled the heart and mind, when night is not salvation, and daytime anxiety slumbers in mournful wrinkles, not going away. All this is ahead. And now the good angel with his soft wing drives away the unsweetened, and golden dreams are dreamed, and children’s faces bloom. And looking at them is a consolation.

Is it light? The stomp on the porch and in the corridor disturbed the boy, he stirred, smacked his little lips, whispered: “Granny...Bull...” and laughed.

Grandfather turned off the electricity and closed the door. Let him sleep.

*The story is called “The Living Soul.” Now we understand the double meaning of the name.

The boy has a living soul.

    Reflection stage– the final stage of the lesson in the mode of critical thinking technology.

At the reflection stage, group creative work is carried out:

Prepare illustrations for the story

An essay is a discussion about the idea of ​​a work

Individual task:

Write a review about the story

Create a mind map based on the work

After completing the task, the groups present the result to the class.


I recently read a touching, soul-penetrating story by Boris Ekimov, “The Living Soul.”

Main character- Alyoshka, a village boy, businesslike, efficient in his work, not very friendly, at first glance. Because of his character and even some unsociability, his mother affectionately calls him “Bull.”

At his mother’s request, he accompanies an inspector visiting from the city to the farm. The boy sees there a newly born calf: “The bull did not yet look like cattle, everything about him was childish: a soft body, thin, reed-like legs, white, unhardened hooves.” I was struck by what a touching comparison the author found - feet in a reed.

Alyosha feels so sorry for him, because it’s freezing outside, the calf can’t stand it, and he’s stumbling around. The smart and kind man brought him to the straw wall and left him there. And a little later, in the hay, I dug out soft grass for him, the kind that was given to his little calves recently deceased grandmother. She called all living creatures “living souls” and passed on her kindness and warmth to her grandson.

On the farm, the boy hears that the calves here are unaccounted for and because of them there is only a hassle in the accounting department, so no one cares about the animals, the calves die - less concern.

In the evening, when the family treated the visitor to dinner, the boy did not even come to the table. He remembers his grandmother, she would have come up with something, saved the calf, “a living soul.”

Alyoshka understands that the bull will die if he is not helped, and only he can do this. A boy on a sled brings a calf, already almost frozen, home. As he falls asleep, he sees his grandmother’s face, “as bright as the sun.”

It seems to me that Alyosha will always be such a responsible, caring and kind person. These qualities were brought up in him by his parents and grandparents.

After reading this story, I thought about my actions, whether I always do the right thing, whether I can be kind and generous with sympathy.

The main character of the work is a village boy living with his family on a distant farm.

The storyline of the story is built around the relationship of a boy with a newly born calf, which the boy meets on a collective farm. The boy's childhood is spent surrounded by the care and love of his old grandmother Mani, who recently died, who instills in the boy kindness, compassion and the ability to provide help, including to animals, since they also have a living soul within them.

Seeing a frozen calf, barely standing on thin legs with still unhardened hooves, the boy takes the baby to a straw wall, zagat, hoping that here the calf will be able to warm up and not die from the cold. Later, the boy overhears a conversation between adults, from which he understands that the born calf is not needed on the collective farm and is destined to die.

Returning home, the boy finds no place for himself, constantly thinking about the calf and remembering the deceased woman Manya with her words about a living soul. Unable to withstand the pangs of conscience, the boy grabs a sled and runs to the farm, where he finds a barely alive calf. He warms him up with his warmth and brings him home to his pen with the kids.

At this time, the boy’s grandfather delivers the birth of their domestic cow, Zorka. The boy tells his grandfather about his action and asks the old man to help him get out the little heifer in which there is a living soul. The understanding grandfather introduces a new resident to all household members as the second newborn child of the cow Zorka.

Narrating the events that happened to the boy, the writer reveals the problem of the spirituality of individual people who have a living and pure soul, capable of noble and compassionate actions, expressed in effective love not only for close people, but also for all living beings.

You can use this text for reader's diary

Ekimov. All works

  • Speak mom, speak
  • Alive soul
  • Night of Healing

Alive soul. Picture for the story

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Loggers heard the first one only on paydays. Having drunk a liter of vodka, his minimum dose, he began to chant: “There were corpses of glorious sailors sewn up in bags,” and at the same time he looked so sadly somewhere past the people that the cleaning lady, Aunt Sekletinya, began to blow her nose into her apron.

The other one chattered incessantly, spouting jokes and fables.

One of them worked as a tractor driver, the other as a choker maker. The eldest by age and work should have been in charge, but for some reason the second was dominant. He called his tractor driver playfully - Zhora, and he good-naturedly called him - Petrukha.

No one dared to disturb Zhora when, in a sad stupor, he sang a song in a dull, cold voice. Only Petrukha boldly sat down on his bed, hugged his friend’s powerful shoulders and said in a tenor voice: “The sea knew, the waves knew...”

In his sleep, Zhora ground his teeth. People in the hostel, passing by, sighed regretfully, and Aunt Sekletinya took off Zhora’s shoes and sat next to him for a long time, mournfully leaning on her hands.

Zhora was a sailor during the war. The ship on which he sailed was sunk by the Germans in the Baltic Sea. Zhora was wounded and captured. He was treated and shown to a man who patted Zhora on the back like a draft horse, and then clicked his fingers in satisfaction, and Zhora ended up in the mine. Maybe Zhora saw in a dream how a little German boy was jumping up to reach his face with his fist. Maybe he was dreaming of a spring day, the roar of airplanes—his own airplanes! Hearing him, Zhora rushed upstairs, and the overseer, a puny, scrofulous man with a sparrow's breast, blocked the way towards him, babbling angrily. Zhora hit this fascist lackey on the head with a piece of rock, stepped over him and, together with a crowd of prisoners, ran out of the mine into the sun to experience the joy of victory. But he experienced the most bitter insult in his life. He was suspected of treason against his homeland, and against his own will he ended up in the Urals, in a distant timber industry enterprise.

Several years passed until a misunderstanding was discovered and Zhora was restored to her rights and allowed to be called a Soviet citizen.

Closed by nature, Zhora became even more unsociable. Once the lumberjacks tried to question Zhora and tore him away from his sad contemplation of something known only to him. The sailor, instead of talking, suddenly became furious. The hostel was destroyed, its population fled to the nearby forest.

For three days after this incident, Zhora walked like he was scalded. He looked guiltily at people, begged them with his eyes to forgive him, but said nothing. The guys didn't pester him anymore. The girls always avoided him; and now even more so.

In the evening, Zhora sat motionless in the corner of the barracks, watching people boil potatoes, play dominoes, fry the stove until it was red, and write letters. He had nowhere to write and no one to write to.

But then one day he appeared in the barracks new guy, and maybe a little man - it was difficult to determine his age. From a battered soldier's duffel bag, he took out homemade rolls, onions, a slab of lard, and next to all this goodness he tapped half a liter, saying:

“We don’t live sparsely, we get a lot of bread.” We don’t starve our souls, we don’t cook anything!.. Come on, hero lumberjacks, come on! Let's open up this farm in honor of our acquaintance. My name is Petrukha. I am a Vyatka man, from the very province where the people are quick-witted and smart. If, for example, the grass grows in the bathhouse, we don’t mow it, but drag the cow to the bathhouse so that it can be eaten.

While talking, Petrukha moved benches to the table, which looked like bunks, and collected mugs on the bedside tables. With the word: “Just a minute!” - He took a folding knife from the hands of one guy, winked at Aunt Sekletinya and was the first to bring her a treat - a couple of sips at the bottom of the mug. Aunt Sekletinya began to ceremoniously refuse, saying that it was a sin, but Petrukha finally persuaded the old woman, and she became funny, taking a sip of the potion. Aunt Sekletinya waved her arms like a crow's wings, her eyes moved out of their sockets. Petrukha, at the tip of the folder, with politeness, thrust a cube of lard into her helplessly open mouth. The cleaning lady rolled the salt in her buzz-toothed mouth and asked in fear:

End of introductory fragment.

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2008 marked the 70th anniversary of the birth of the famous writer Boris Petrovich Ekimov. The topic of my project is related to one of the main themes of the writer’s work: “The Living Soul” by Boris Ekimov. Goals and objectives of the project: To consider the theme of the “living soul” in B. Ekimov’s story “The Living Soul”; Analyze the characters' personalities from their point of view moral choice; Show the writer’s humanism using the example of his work. Boris Ekimov was born on November 19, 1938 in the city of Igarka, but his real homeland was the city of Kalach-on-Don, where he spent his childhood and youth. The first stories of the aspiring Volgograd writer B. Ekimov appeared in the early 70s -s. Everyone who turned to his work noted the writer’s loyalty to the “truth of life” and genuine sincerity in all his stories. Today there is already a “world of B. Ekimov” or, as one of the researchers put it, “the country of Ekimiya,” which has very specific geographical coordinates: the Vikhlyaevsky farms, Malye and Bolshie Sokari, Derben. They can be easily found on a map of the Volgograd region. Ekimov’s favorite heroes have the main, in the opinion of their creator, dignity - a “living soul”; their moral strength is revealed in specific actions, in small good deeds. The writer depicts the main characters with special love: the elderly and children. B. Ekimov’s old people are endowed with vital wisdom, warmth, a memorable soul and hard work. So in the story “The Living Soul” the writer depicts two types of people: some are representatives of the “living soul”, others are deprived of this quality. The heroes are given a task: to decide the fate of a calf that was born contrary to expectations. What do adults do? What is more important to them: a “living soul” or papers and orders? One of the main characters, a guest, becomes an involuntary witness to those events. He's interested in further fate calf, where he will be assigned. “Where...” the manager chuckled, looking away. - There... Otherwise you don’t know... - I know, - the visitor lowered his eyes, - but somehow... Still

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Presentation of 6th grade on the subject "Russian Language, Literature, Reading" on the topic: ""Living Soul" by Boris Ekimov. Presentation." Download for free and without registration. - Transcript:

Goals and objectives To consider the theme of the “living soul” in the story of B. Ekimov “The Living Soul” To consider the theme of the “living soul” in the story of B. Ekimov “The Living Soul” To analyze the characters of the characters from the point of view of their moral choice To analyze the characters of the characters from the point of view of their moral choice Show the humanism of the writer using the example of his work Show the humanism of the writer using the example of his work

BORIS EKIMOV Born on November 19, 1938 in the city of Igarka, Krasnoyarsk Territory; In 1945, the family moved to Kalach-on-Don; In 1976 he joined the Russian Writers' Union; In 1999 laureate State Prize Russia and the All-Russian Literary Prize "Stalingrad"; In 2008 - laureate of the A.I. Solzhenitsyn Prize.

“A living soul... This was the saying of the deceased woman Mani. She pitied all cattle, domestic, stray, wild, and when they reproached her, she justified herself: “But what about... A living soul.” “A living soul... This was the saying of the deceased woman Mani. She pitied all cattle, domestic, stray, wild, and when they reproached her, she justified herself: “But what about... A living soul.”
CONCLUSION While maintaining faith in the “living soul” of the people, B. Ekimov seeks modern life kindness, humanity, the ability to compassion, all those qualities that are now in great short supply. Maintaining faith in the “living soul” of the people, B. Ekimov is looking for kindness, humanity, the ability to compassion in modern life, all those qualities that are now in great short supply.

Municipal educational institution average comprehensive school № 98
Comparison of the understanding of the meaning and happiness of life between the heroes of B. P. Ekimov’s stories and modern teenagers

Salokhina Yulia Dmitrievna
Shalaeva Olga Alexandrovna
9A class
Reut Olga Mikhailovna
Volgograd 2007
Table of contents

Introduction………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Chapter 1 Volgograd writer B.P. Ekimov? one of the best modern Russian writers………………………………………………………………...6
Chapter 2 Understanding of happiness and the meaning of life by the heroes of B.P.’s stories. Ekimova……………………………………………………………………………………....9
2.1 Labor is the means, goal and meaning of life of Ekimov’s heroes………………...9
2.2 Active love is the basis of life behavior, the moral core of Boris Ekimov’s heroes…………………………………………………………….13
2.3 The happiness of life is in life itself, love for native land…………………18
2.4 The main and little things in the life of the heroes of Ekimov’s stories…………………22
2.5 Writer Boris Ekimov about happiness and the meaning of life………………………27
Chapter 3 Understanding of happiness and the meaning of life by modern teenagers in comparison with the heroes of the stories of B.P. Ekimova…………………………….…...28
3.1 7 ? 8th grade………………………………………………………………………………30
3.2 9 ? 11th grade……………………………………………………………………………….….41
Appendix 1 Photo of B.P. Ekimov at a meeting with schoolchildren on February 16, 2007

The topic of happiness and the meaning of life has been relevant at all times for thinking people.
In the conditions of the modern spiritual crisis, when old ideals are being destroyed and new ones are being created, moral values ​​are changing, it becomes especially acute, especially for the younger generation.
According to famous critic Lev Anninsky, Russian literature “has never been only literature. And it won't. This is its destiny, that it has always been philosophy, sociology, and much more. For us, literature has always been Everything.” Therefore, we turn our views to Russian literature - moral guideline, affirming the high spiritual values ​​of our people.
Volgograd writer, laureate of the State Prize of Russia, Boris Petrovich Ekimov is one of best writers modernity. The question of self-determination in life is central to his work. Our work is devoted to comparing the understanding of the meaning and happiness of life between the heroes of B. P. Ekimov’s stories and modern teenagers. We must build the future by being aware of the present and the past, comprehending our views and spiritually perceiving our moral achievements. This is the relevance of our research.
Research problem: what unites Ekimov’s heroes and our generation, what will help us get out of the crisis?
Object of study - fiction B. Ekimova and reflections on happiness and the meaning of life of modern teenagers.
The subject of the study is the theme of happiness and the meaning of life in the stories of Boris Ekimov;
understanding of the meaning of life by students in grades 7-11 of school No. 98.
Purpose of the study: to compare how moral values ​​change among students in grades 7-8 and 9-11 and why;
identify commonalities and differences in views on life, happiness, joy of life, its meaning of Boris Ekimov’s heroes and modern teenagers;
establish common moral values ​​that are vital both for the younger generation and for the heroes of Boris Ekimov;
clarify what moral values ​​are needed in our modern life to lead the country to the future.
Hypothesis: We assume the following. There will be more differences between the views on happiness and the meaning of life of Ekimov’s heroes and modern teenagers than points of contact. If we identify the common thing that unites everyone, then perhaps it will be exactly what we need to develop, educate, cultivate in ourselves in order to save Russia. Provided that positive differences are found, perhaps we will identify the qualities that are needed to the younger generation right now.
Research methods:
· general scientific, general theoretical (analysis and synthesis, comparison, contrast, induction and deduction);
· sociological (sociological survey);
· mathematical (statistical, data visualization);
· empirical (observation, comparison)
Research stages:
1. Reading and studying the stories of Boris Ekimov.
2. Identifying the disclosure of the theme and meaning of life in these works.
3. Study critical literature based on the work of Boris Ekimov.
4. Analysis, comprehension of the solution to the problem of happiness and the meaning of life by the heroes of Boris Ekimov’s stories.
5. Conducting a sociological survey among students in grades 7-11 on their understanding of happiness and the meaning of life.
6. Analysis of the results obtained: comparison, identification of similarities and differences in the views of Ekimov’s heroes and modern teenagers, formulation of conclusions.
Research influences our personal self-awareness, self-determination in future profession, perhaps, will influence the students of our school, prompting them to think about why and for what they live.
It develops our moral qualities: spirituality, the ability to understand oneself and others, the surrounding world;
the ability to analyze (works of art and life phenomena), compare, generalize, and draw conclusions;
instills interest in the work of our fellow countryman - writer Boris Petrovich Ekimov.
Practical significance of the study.
This work can be used by students and teachers in preparation for lessons. extracurricular reading in grades 7 - 11 based on the works of B.P. Ekimova;
class teachers to prepare for cool watch dedicated to self-determination in life;
for personal self-awareness of schoolchildren;
for the preparation of literary evenings, dedicated to the work of B.P. Ekimova;
for writing essays on modern Russian literature;
to awaken interest in the writer’s work among teenagers - the opportunity to prepare a report or message.
Enough is devoted to the work of B. P. Ekimov a large number of critical works. His works became the subject of consideration in articles by A. Gorlovsky, V. Vasilyev, P. Basinsky, I. Pitlyar, V. Novikov, Y. Udin and others.
Among the advantages of B. Ekimov’s prose are life-affirming pathos, the ability to “listen to the world,” and acute social vision.
Question about the meaning of life? one of the most important in his work.
Volgograd writer B. P. Ekimov? one of the best modern Russian writers

The discovery of the writer Boris Ekimov took place in 1979 after the appearance of the story “Kholushino Compound”. He entered Russian literature “as a writer who strives to comprehend the crystal clear, simple and wise foundations of the folk way of life, which make human life full of deep meaning and worthy of respect. main topic his creativity is a person’s self-determination, the search for his place in life.” (9, p. 202)
Boris Ekimov's stories attract people with their maturity of thought and the serious significance of the issues raised. V. Serdyuchenko classifies his story “Fetisych” as one of the “peak achievements of short Russian prose of the 20th century.” According to the critic, it is B. Ekimov who “balances all the sick, worn-out, deprived of the king in the head of modern Russian literature. (20, p. 95)
It is no coincidence that in 1998 Boris Petrovich Ekimov became a laureate of the State Prize of Russia, and in 1994 - a laureate of the I. Bunin Prize. In 1996, the New World magazine awarded him the “Best Prose of 1996” award. The writer became the absolute winner of the international literary competition based on the prose “Moscow-Penne” in 1996. In 2004, he was awarded two literary prizes. The first - for the best prose of the New World magazine. The second, literary prize "Best Story of the Year" named after Yuri Kazakov - for the story "Don't Cry." In 1998, an article about our fellow countryman was included in the biobibliographic dictionary “Russian Writers, 20th Century”. In the 80-90s. B.P. Ekimov fruitfully cooperates with leading magazines and publishing houses. His stories are published in the magazines “New World”, “Our Contemporary”, “Znamya”, “Volga”, and are also published as separate books.
Skarlygina E. notes that the writer appreciates in people the kindness that comes from the depths, the tenderness and gentleness of character, the moral feeling that restrains them from doing bad things. His favorite heroes are endowed with these qualities, and they do not turn into some kind of declared abstraction, but become overgrown with living flesh, appearing in concrete deeds. A boy saves a newborn calf from death; a son, who recently buried his mother, comes every week to an empty parents' house to bring clean well water to the elderly neighbors whom I grew up next to; the grandson is on duty at night at his grandmother’s bedside, trying to save her from nightmares - the consequences of the ordeals of the war. These “small deeds” in which the soul is manifested are very dear to the writer. (21, p.230)
AB. Vasiliev finds his own word to characterize Ekimov’s hero. This word is master. The word master in the mouth of B. Ekimov is the highest assessment of a person and his attitude towards the environment. This assessment is extremely multidimensional and from story to story it is enriched with various shades of meaning, touching essentially all aspects human life. But the main thing in it remains unchanged: the owner means one who lives by his own labor, the greatest worker. This is the main source that feeds the writer’s heroes with confidence in life; it determines all other human qualities: the master of his feelings and his words is the master own destiny- master in the family, at home and in the farmstead - master in the public field - master of the country. (4, p.153)
I. Bogatko sees in his prose attention to the entire living world and considers the source of this to be love for the homeland. Motherland, native land is the writer’s love, and he strives to convey this love, he seeks it in the depths of the soul of those people about whom he writes. This love drives the actions and behavior of many characters in Ekimov’s stories. (3, p.293)
The magazine "Father's Land" has repeatedly published notes from our Volgograd literary critics about the work of Boris Ekimov. I. V. Velikanova dedicated several works to him. She believes that the poetic depiction of the nature of the Don region is an important and integral part of B. Ekimov’s prose, which largely determines its originality. The beauty of nature in its various manifestations is open to the observant gaze of the artist, and he generously endows his heroes with his own vision, this genuine gift. (7, p. 74) In B. Ekimov’s prose, the heroes working on the land are endowed with special authorial sympathy, which is explained by the creative nature of this work, its conformity with natural laws. The landscape in this case is intended to emphasize the internal balance between human life and the life of nature. (7, p. 77)
Boris Ekimov’s two-volume book “Favorites” (Volgograd, 1998) includes the best works of the writer, which have been repeatedly published in Russia and abroad. Read together, they add up to a large epic canvas of modern Russian life. Behind the many situations that are outwardly unrelated to each other, the unity of the author’s worldview is revealed, based on a deep conviction: the main thing in a person is his soul, his humanity, the ability to compassion and empathy, leading to the establishment of unity between people.
B. Ekimov's heroes are for the most part ordinary, outwardly unremarkable people, shown in everyday life. However, in a certain situation, they commit actions dictated not by personal gain or practical considerations, but by compassion for another person, the ability to understand someone else's pain. This feature of Ekimov’s heroes illuminates their character in a new way and gives it moral depth. (6, p.211)
The magazine “Literature Lessons” (supplement to the magazine “Literature at School”) No. 8 - 2005 is entirely devoted to lessons based on the stories of Boris Ekimov. This confirms the significance and relevance of his works specifically for the younger generation.
Understanding of happiness and the meaning of life by the heroes of B.P.’s stories Ekimova
Labor is the means, goal and meaning of life for Ekimov’s heroes.

Rural workers, who work on the land all their lives and feed from the land, are the main characters of many of Ekimov’s stories. All the bitterness and joy of their life is in their work. Take away their right to work, and they will stop feeling like people. Who are they? Old people, and to a greater extent old women, who work all their lives, simply cannot do otherwise. And how much warmth, openness, all-encompassing kindness they have...
And the first among them was Kholyusha from the story “Kholyusha’s Compound,” who revealed Ekimov to the whole country. His real name is Varfolomey Maksimovich Vikhlyantsev. (St. Sergius of Radonezh was also called Bartholomew).
“No one on the farm remembered that in the Vikhlyantsevsky house, where seventy-year-old Kholyusha lives, there once lived a strong family: father, mother, three sons and a daughter. Everyone worked in it. Just five or ten years ago, “a hunchbacked, shrunken old woman with a twig, in a tied skirt, wandered along the shallow stretch. It was Kholyusha's mother; she usually took care of the birds. But now his mother died, and Kholyusha lived alone.” He lived and continued to run a huge farm, often not knowing exactly how many birds and livestock roamed his farmstead. Why does he need this, Kholyusha himself does not know, justifying his economic activity with the only phrase: “The authorities are calling us.”
So, maybe the main incentive for Kholushin’s truly hard labor is profit, maybe the god he worships is money?
It's not a matter of thirst for accumulation, but something else. If Kholyusha is greedy for something, it’s only for work. V. Palman is right, he has “such a greed for work that everything else is discarded, there is no thought about the comforts of life, just as there is no thought, by the way, about wealth and idleness commensurate with the accumulated thousands” ( Literary Review. 1981. N 7. P. 26). For Kholyusha there is and cannot be any other life except the eternal peasant labor. He is a slave of one passion, the owner of a single, but extremely necessary, “scarce” talent for our time - hardworking obsession.
Indeed, Kholyusha, with all his advantages and disadvantages, is nurtured by the “power of the earth”, inspired by the “poetry of agricultural labor”, which... satisfies the peasant both morally and aesthetically, and is at the same time the means, the goal, and the meaning of life.” (22, p.136-137)
It seemed like it would be possible to rest: he was old, sick, and had his own house, in the city.
But no, Kholyusha cannot do this. It’s easier for him to die in his yard, “poking his blackened face into the ground.” (22, p. 138)
And here is another heroine, Baba Polya from the story “The Last Hut”.
Like Kholyusha, Baba Polya is the flesh of the village, a piece of nature itself, living by its dictates. Even when she is sick, she cultivates the garden herself, so that it is done “with her own hands, in an amicable way,” although she then had to “lie flat and crawl for a whole week...” Here are her moral laws of life:
“But for me, it’s better to have little, but honestly... Copper, but your own... in a divine, human way...”
“In a divine way, in a human way...” This is how Baba Polya lived, and this is how she dies in her nondescript hut, praying before her death to God not for herself, but for her children, “for whom to live and live, to live and rejoice.” He dies calmly and cleanly, as the righteous died in Rus'. (22, p.139)
Ekimov has a hero who is not a peasant, but also obsessed with work.
Such is the “official man” Trubin, the hero story of the same name, for whom almost half of his years were devoted to the plant. “The days fly by unnoticed, similar to one another, to the brim - from early morning to late evening - filled with work, hectic, crazy, with shouting, with eternal running.
He asks himself the question “Do I love my job?”, and he answers it: “What kind of normal person can love such madness: you are scolded every day, and so are you; running from morning to night...” And then follows the author’s comment: “No, Trubin didn’t like his job.”
But, the next day, Dmitry Pavlovich comes to the workshop: “And it was as if some kind of switch flipped in Trubin and knocked out his memory of everything that remained beyond the threshold of the workshop, and ordered him to do his job.”
Then it becomes clear true attitude a hero to work, to his life. And the question he asks himself can be formulated differently - “do I love the air I breathe?” Essentially it will be the same. You may not love the air, but live without it?.. This “crazy” work has long become a part of Trubin himself, and he will not be able to live without it, just as he will not be able to leave the factory. “Lifelong factory worker” - this definition given to Dmitry Trubin by one of the young workers reflects inner essence hero" (5, p. 187).
He will not be able to decide on this, because he does not think of himself outside of a large, socially significant matter, because in it there is moral law, forcing him to do everything according to the dictates of his Conscience, connecting Trubin with a thread of civil continuity with the generation of factory veterans. “Eh, old man, well done, old man,” Trubin reflects about one of them, “if only everyone were like that, how well they worked... Such people should be added to their age. And it was taken away from them: by war, and by years of hunger, and by such work. They experienced everything the hard way, and instead of becoming embittered, they became kinder and more honest. How many, how many years have I known him, but just to see him doing nothing at least once... Was it? No, I haven't seen it. If you need it on a day off, it will work, if you need to stay after the shift, it will stay. He will stay on his own, no need to ask. He sees the need himself. And it will be possible to get on the machine at the end of the month. And never say a word. He knows - need. And he doesn’t need any words.”
“He himself will remain... He himself sees the need...” It is no coincidence that the writer so persistently emphasizes this “himself.” It contains the essence of the character of a person who works not under duress and not in anticipation of a long ruble, but because he cannot help but work, realizing the eternal natural greatness and realizing his own need. After all, no one calls on Baba Polya, who goes to bed, having strained herself, and Kholyusha, who sticks his blackened face into the ground, to straining labor. They do everything themselves... It's theirs own choice, their desire. And therefore, with all the hard labor of his work, Kholyusha is the most free man, enjoying genuine, and not imaginary freedom, which others are proud of, who has excommunicated himself from work that brings joy and pleasure. (22, p.140)
This attitude towards work amazed us, simply shocked us, aroused admiration for these people and pride in them
Active love is the basis of life behavior, the moral core of Boris Ekimov’s heroes.

“The problem of the meaning of life is one of the central ones in the work of B. Ekimov. His characters reflect on moral principles human existence, its true and false values. One of the heroes of the story “The Boy on a Bicycle,” Victor, comes to a sharp reassessment of his own life. The once beloved profession, aviation, seems unnecessary and even harmful to people, own life- wasted." (6, p. 212)
He understands that the meaning of life is completely different: “Cars, cars... And where is the limit for them? Where is the reasonable limit? Is there enough space on earth yet? Is there enough space in the sky yet? Aren't we in a squirrel wheel? Maybe we are no longer trying for people, but for machines? They need more and more oil, metal, coal. More and more, but what does a person need... A person, in general, needs a piece of bread and a mug of water. The rest is superfluous. Bread and water. This is where he lives. And a living soul. And wisdom to understand: he does not come to earth to overeat or get drunk, and not to collect trinkets. But to live. The only time. On beautiful land, arranged wonderfully: with green forest and grass, with blue water and sky, with people-brothers, dear, loved ones. And all the wisdom of the world, everything the best people from century to century, they say: live simpler. The highest wisdom is not to split hairs. The most important thing you have been given is life. Otherwise you will be deceived by yourself. In the world without and the world is not known? it's about us..."
Victor, looking for the reasons for spiritual emptiness, realizes that one of the main ones is immersion in the world of material interests:
“No, we don’t work for bread. Our mothers are on honest bread, and we are on the devil. Are Japanese furniture sets really bread? What about German bathrooms? Silverware, gold trinkets? And even in food: pates, olives, all sorts of nonsense - what kind of bread is there..."
The hero understands that the happiness of life lies in life itself in his beloved native land:
“What do we spend our lives on, what do we do with it... After all, it will no longer exist. And we are wasting it.
I stayed at home for fifteen days. And this is equal to fifteen years of life. Yes, yes... Long days, wise, happy. Go to Vikhlyaevskaya Mountain and sit, look, think. How grasses grow. How the clouds float. How does the lake live? This is human life. Work in the garden, weave fence in the yard. And live. Listen to la-stok, wind. The sun rises for you, the dew falls, the rain - everything is good and sweet. Earn your bread with something and live. To live long and wisely, so that later, at the very edge, you don’t curse yourself, don’t grind your teeth. A second life is not given, and regretting it is empty. But to miss your one and only... What a disaster.”
And Khurdin, Victor’s friend, also turns his thoughts to his native Don land:
“Motherland... Far from it, everyone remembers a piece of land that has stuck to their heart since childhood. There the sky is more spacious and bluer, there the sun looks with a tender maternal eye, there the wind - close your eyes - will again take you to a distant, irrevocable time...
And Victor was right: all their affairs are nothing more than a toy. What about life? How many golden days have floated away? And now we need to count the rest.”
In the 90s, Boris Ekimov created a number of works in which the writer’s desire to comprehend the most important fundamental foundations of human existence is manifested. In them the narration is told in the first person, and it seems that we hear the voice of the author himself.
And very often the topic of the meaning of life is inextricably linked with the topic of the homeland. Only here, on our native land, is happiness possible.
“Yes, no darkness can hide from a person’s eyes that inch of earth that was born with him and held him in her arms more often than his mother; she offered her soft palm when he fell, unable to stay on his still unsteady legs; she treated his boyish abrasions - without any doctors, with her own grass, burdock, plantain, or just light dust; throughout the years she fed me with marigold, tragus, rolls, string, sour sorrel, sweet licorice, birch and poplar catkins, mushrooms and berries, fed without fail both in bad years and in good times, gave water clean water and lifted her to her feet.
No darkness, except mortal darkness, will hide from a person’s eyes that inch of earth that is called his homeland.” ("Moving")
Moreover, this theme of the homeland sounds, as in the above case, most often in an organic, unbreakable connection with a nature theme.
The image of the surrounding world is subordinated to the affirmation of the idea of ​​​​the intrinsic value of life - one of the main ones in the writer’s work. The critic Gorlovsky believes that the main thing in Ekimov is “the author’s love for ordinary life.”
Story"Music of the Old House".

“Before, when I was young, loving music, I went to philharmonic concerts, Opera theatre. Piano, gentle violin, mighty organ, Symphony Orchestra, romance, song, aria, duet or opera - everything was to my heart.
Time has passed. And now?.. Thanks to the music! She helped me - not suddenly! - but to hear the previously unknown music of life.
Involuntarily you listen to a thunderstorm, a noisy downpour, a powerful ice drift, a sea storm. But little by little, it’s as if hearing is opening. From thunder and lightning you move on to the simple, everyday, but no less beautiful, and it is always nearby, near the old house, in our yard.
As children, we all dream of something distant, great: the Himalayas, the Alps, the Great Ocean - incomprehensible beauty. Thanks to the artists. They opened my eyes and helped me see differently. Sketch in the Russian Museum. I don’t even remember whose, it seems Shishkina. A piece of land, grass and simple daisies. But suddenly, it was as if the walls were gone and there was no big city, but the living earth was here, and there was living grass and a flower. Isn't it a miracle? Or a portrait of Nadya Derviz, Valentin Serov, unfinished, painted not even on canvas, but on a sheet of roofing iron. And not at all, beauty. But what eyes... What a marvelous face! Here he is - your man, close to me. And how many of them are there?.. They pass by me unnoticed. Thanks to the artists. They helped me. Now I rarely go to museums, but every day I see the beauty of the earth, people, life. And all this is here, near the old house.”
"Voice of Heaven"

“... Sometimes even in everyday life: in the bustle of the city, in household chores, you accidentally raise your eyes and freeze, forgetting about everything. Is this to blame? distant sky, clouds or evening star: rest for the eyes, peace for the heart, great consolation for the soul. This? a high voice that sometimes calls us, raising us from the abyss of the earth, so that we remember: in this wide world we live under a white sky.”
The main idea of ​​the story “Passing Through” is that the life given to a person has absolute value, the natural world is beautiful and eternal, in the face of it petty human passions seem absurd. This thought was prepared by the previous landscape - a description of the Don, the river expanse, the land that opens to the gaze of the observer from the high Don bank. The main thing in this landscape is the feeling of the limitlessness of space.
“Petty human squabbles seem so absurd on... a piece of land floating in the green and blue universe.
And at night, especially in autumn, when the starry world descends on this earth and warms and cools the eternal soul, how can you not understand that the earth’s firmament is just a small island in eternal space and long time, and you are completely dust. So be glad that you live in this dazzling and divine world, live and rejoice with gratitude in your heart and on your lips.”
“The happiness of life is in life itself, love for one’s native land,” Ekimov’s heroes convince us, this was a real discovery for us.
The main and little things in the life of the heroes of Ekimov’s stories.

Talking about happiness and the meaning of life, we thought about what is most important for Ekimov’s heroes, and what is unimportant? The stories “Speak, Mom, Speak...”, “Containers and Bars”, “Rose Bush”, “From Fire to Fire” tell us about this.
In the story “The Rose Bush” the hero is busy with the usual thing - he needs to bring a car of coal and drag it to the barn. He went out onto the porch and suddenly “saw: the rose had bloomed... Just yesterday it was green, but today it was strewn with scarlet roses. And it shone as if the young morning dawn was playing on it. She played and didn’t stop.” And something changed in the person, turned upside down in his soul. The heart, opening towards the beautiful, seemed to thaw and come to life.
You had to pay for coal at the post office. The cashier angrily cut him off and did not fill out the paperwork: transfer of money. “I didn’t want to swear today, I didn’t take a shower. “Well, God be with you,” he said. - I'll wait. Half an hour, or something, you have this gimmick. I'll smoke in freedom. ? He looked at the cashier and felt sorry for her.
- Wait... - he said. - Do your own thing. I'm currently on leave. Two days, no hurry. And our rose has bloomed today,” he added inopportunely and laughed.
The sun was rising and it was hot. The flowering bush has now become completely beautiful; it seems to be covered in scarlet, from top to bottom. On the green foliage, in the shade, the flowers gently crimsoned in drops of dew, and from above they burned with red fire, emitting a barely audible smell.
While resting, Timofey sat down next to a flowering bush. I didn't want to smoke. He sniffed noisily, caught the subtle flower spirit, looked at the roses, and his eyes squinted in a smile, in a grin at himself. After all, I never liked flowers, man.”
His relationship with his mother-in-law did not work out very well, but then he suddenly realized that all this was trifle, all this nonsense and resentment.
“He was smoking, and some thoughts were wandering in his head: oh today; about life, about my mother-in-law and about myself too. He looked at the summer kitchen. It was built as an outbuilding, warm, habitable in winter, with a long view - for the elderly. Timofey's old men died. And it’s time for the mother-in-law to come here and retire, there’s no point in hanging around alone. And the old things, all this nonsense, all sorts of lieutenants and other grievances - why remember. He’s no longer young, his temples are grey. I have to tell Valentina.
I remembered my own, my mother and father are dead. Childhood. How they lived, Lord... Especially after the war. It's sickening to remember. And now it’s a sin to complain. If only there was no war”... And warmth and love also comes to this house. But this is the most important thing.
We were especially excited by the story “Speak, Mom, Speak...”. Katerina, a withered, hunchbacked old woman, but still agile, has a daughter who lives in the city, one and a half hundred miles from her. It’s hard for her alone on the farm, but a “messenger” appeared - a mobile phone:
“Mobile!” she proudly repeated the words of her city grandson. - One word - mobile. Pressed the button and right away? Maria. Pressed another - Kolya. Who do you want to feel sorry for? Why shouldn't we live? - she asked. - Why leave? Throw away the house, the farm...
Singing funny music, the light will flash in the box. At first, it seemed to old Katerina that her daughter’s face would appear there, as if on a small television. Only a voice was announced, distant and not for long.
- Mom, hello! Are you okay? Well done. Any questions? That's good. Kiss. Be, be.
Before you know it, the light has already gone out, the box has fallen silent...
- Before you even have time to open your mouth, the box has already gone out.
“What kind of passion is this...” grumbled the old woman. - Not a telephone, waxwing. He crowed: be it... So be it. And here..."
But there was a lot in her old life that she wanted to talk about in more detail: about her dreams, insignificant for other events, about how she fell near the black meat pear, which her daughter loved so much. But I heard in response:
“Mom, please be more specific. About myself, not about the black meat. Don't forget that this is a mobile phone, a tariff. What hurts? Didn’t you break anything?”
But these little things are also important. And what’s even more important is that loved ones are alive. Fortunately, my daughter realized this in time. It's not what he says that matters close person, and what he says simply lives.
“In a distant city, her daughter heard her and even saw, closing her eyes, her old mother: small, bent, in a white scarf. I saw it, but suddenly felt how unsteady and unreliable it all was: telephone communication, vision.
“Tell me, mom...” she asked and was afraid of only one thing: suddenly, and perhaps forever, this voice and this life would end. - Talk, mom, talk...”
In the story “Tara and Bars” “ an old house, which long years seemed cozy and warm, but suddenly became cramped.” Vanity and petty grievances destroyed his warmth.
“Either Grandma Lyuba will not please the young people, and Valentina will snort, or the young people themselves will do something wrong. Word for word... The scandal is not a scandal, but they began to live differently.
It used to be that in the evening they would come together - containers and bars...
It's good to sit in the yard. It's evening. The dawn is playing in the sky. Conversations go on like so what. Grandmother Lyuba transmits street news, Polina and Valentina convey her own. The neighbors will come over. Taras and bars...
But this summer the bench under the pear tree was often empty. Or Grandma Lyuba is dozing alone. A neighbor will look in, say: “Don’t sit?..” - and leave. Sometimes Polina will sit down for a while. And the young ones are in the room. Valentina will run from home or into the house - and that’s all. It became sad.
And then Grandma Lyuba goes to the garden, looking for care there. Or he’s talking to a cat.”
And then I saw a kitten.
“My daughter passed by. Grandmother Lyuba called her:
- Go and look...
- What? - Polina stopped.
- How is your child...
He was so good, this little fluffy kitten, in all his childish charm, he looked at the world so naively and trustingly. He looked and looked and yawned.
The daughter and mother smiled at the same time.
“A child, that’s what a child is,” Polina said thoughtfully.
“Child...” Grandma Lyuba agreed, not taking her eyes off the kitten.
- He looks... And he sees everything, and understands everything. He just won't say anything.
“Well, of course,” Polina didn’t believe it. - Pointless.
“How meaningful,” Grandma Lyuba said with conviction. - Valechka used to come out like that.
- Which Valechka? - Polina didn’t understand.
- Which... yes, ours. Valechka was little,” Grandma Lyuba explained. - It looks like this too. She was not yet a year old, eight months old. The first tooth has erupted... I’ll tell her, it used to be: grow, grow, Valechka, grow, my shovel. As you grow up, you’ll begin to understand our way, and then you and I will get drunk. Long life...
Valentina, the same granddaughter we were talking about, stood frozen and caught every word, heard every word. There was no reproach or pain in the old grandmother’s eyes. Only in the last one: “... let's get drunk. Long life..." something was heard.
And the young woman suddenly felt such pity and pain that her heart ached. She stepped back, quietly, so that her grandmother and mother would not hear, stepped back and sat on the porch. “Lord...,” she thought. “Lord... What a fool I am... A cruel fool... Little things, petty insults... My God...” Tears welled up, she didn’t wipe them away and, getting up easily, rushed to her grandmother in a heartfelt outburst, ran up to her and , bending down, kissing the soft cheeks, whispered: “Babanechka... Babanechka...” Then she sat down next to her.”
And peace came to the old house. All these are little things, but the main thing is to take care of your family and friends, and not your loved ones too, to give them your warmth and love, while it is possible, while they are alive.
We found the story “From Fire to Fire” very interesting. It is not just about seeing the beauty of the reality around you, as the narrator saw it in an ordinary willow bush, but also about bringing your joy and discovery to other people.
“There are so many such warm moments in our life that will go away, but are remembered. Everyone has it? yours.
Childhood memory, one of the ordinary days. Some morning, late evening, when your mother or grandmother leans towards you. Warm hands, kind face. Wave of love. It passes, but remains.
And here? little child in the cradle. Still unthinking, he babbles something. He reaches out his hands to you, and his eyes are so happy... Or - the yellow leaves of the poplar, their soft carpet. It's autumn. Blooming willow bush in spring. Someone's bright face...
People can also be lights and bring their light, their warmth to others.
These are the heroes of Boris Ekimov’s stories. Do we understand what is most important to them? to give others your soul, your warmth, to be the lights that help you live and survive in this life. Quarrels, minor troubles? These are all little things, they should not obscure living, feeling people from us.
Writer Boris Ekimov about happiness and the meaning of life.

Reflecting on the heroes of Boris Petrovich Ekimov’s stories, we thought about how the writer himself understands happiness and the meaning of life?
On February 16, 2007, a meeting between the writer and schoolchildren took place, which we attended. He shared his thoughts with us:
The writer told us about the experience of humanity and complained that we have no experience of human life. Ten thousand children in our country suffer from cancer, every third of them will die. And at the same time, one of the rich at the resort lives 200,000 euros in one day. The artist of words spoke about the main things in our lives and the little things. Nice trinkets, rings, mobile phones - they're all adjectives, they're all little things.
“What is the most precious thing in life? - Life!
Do I need too much? -
A piece of bread and a drop of milk.
Yes, this is heaven. Yes, those clouds.
Do we see this sky? Look around you! We see neither the sky nor beautiful people, we do not hear the whistling of birds.
You have to understand that life is long, but you can waste it. You must try to become a human being, to understand why you came into the world. If you don't like the world, create your own. How important is the peace of the family! Nowhere will you receive so much sincerity and sympathy, and at any time you will be covered by the hands of your loved ones, the hands of friends. We must cherish this."
To the question: “What pleases and surprises you in life today?” Boris Petrovich Ekimov replied: “Life! Life in all its manifestations!”
And when one of the teachers noted the tragedy of his stories, the writer objected: “I write about happiness. Oh happiness to live!
Let's summarize everything said above. The happiness and meaning of life for the heroes of Boris Ekimov’s stories and the writer himself lies in life itself, active love for people, nature, native land, the ability to feel and understand its beauty, and work for its good.
UnderstandinghappinessIand meaningAlifemodernmiteenageramicompared toheroes of stories by B. P. Ekimov

To find out how happiness and the meaning of life are understood modern teenagers, at school No. 98 a sociological survey was conducted among students in grades 7-11. 118 people participated in the survey, of which 47 people were in grades 7-8, and 71 people were in grades 9-11. The guys were asked the following questions:
1. What do I see as the meaning of life?
2. Why do I live?
3. What is happiness for me?
4. The highest joy is...
5. The biggest problem is...
6. The main thing in life is...
7. The little things in life are...
8. The joys of life are...
9. To be human means...
10. Why do I love life?
Not all students answered some questions. We analyzed separately the responses of students in grades 7-8 and 9-11.
We asked the writer B.P. Ekimov the same questions over the phone. He said: “Everything is in my stories, I answered all the questions in them,” but still agreed to give short answers:
1. In life.
2. In order to live.
3. Life.
4. Life.
5. Death of loved ones.
6. Live.
7. Everything except life itself.
8. There are many of them. You can't list them all. Brings joy every day. Close people, nature, much more.
9. Be Human.
10. Because this is human life.
We compared, of course, not only with these laconic answers, but also with the writer’s statements in the press and with his characters’ understanding of happiness and the meaning of life.
7-8 grades

We were interested in whether there was anything in common in the understanding of the meaning of life between 7th and 8th grade students and Ekimov’s heroes.
We built a diagram and compared the percentage of answers that differed from the understanding of the meaning of life by Ekimov’s characters with the percentage of answers that were similar to them. The result surprised us: for nine out of ten questions there were more common answers.
Let's look at what values ​​come first for younger teenagers, and in what ways they coincide or do not coincide with the values ​​of the heroes of Ekimov's works. Let's analyze what the meaning of life is, why they live, what happiness is for them.
Analyzing the answers to questions from students in grades 7-8, we received the following results:
The question “What do I see as the meaning of life?”

Number of responses
Live. Enjoy life
Achieving your goals.
To get an education.
Get married (get married).
Be in love.
Help other people.
Build a house, plant a tree and raise a child.
Respect those who gave their lives for us.
Cherish all the best.
Help the homeland.
Bring joy to people.
Find yourself.
To be respected.
Unleash your talent.
Grow up.
Happiness, well-being and health of your family.
Be an honest and fair person.
Enjoy ordinary things.
Leave some kind of mark on the world.
Search for discoveries and knowledge.
Firstly, students see the meaning of life in life itself, in enjoying it. This is an absolute coincidence with Ekimov. Secondly, in achieving your goals, thirdly, in getting an education - this is a difference. Only a few people saw the meaning of life in loving, helping people, that is, in activities not for themselves, but for others. There were only a few answers: “Bring joy to people,” “Help the homeland.” They are the ones who are close to the active kindness of Ekimov’s heroes. Only 2 out of 47 people identified work as the meaning of life, while work was one of the highest values in the works of Ekimov.
The question “What am I living for?”
Table of the importance of values, built in descending order of importance

Number of responses
Continue your lineage.
Make yourself and others happy.
Achieve your goal.
For relatives.
Bring people happiness.
Chat, make friends.
To get an education.
Bring a piece of yourself into this world.
Help Mother.
For your future.
Contribute to the development of our country.
Grow up.
Experience life.
Try everything in life.
Help people.
Get to know this world.
For myself.
What do they live for? The most important thing is to continue your lineage, achieve your goal, and please yourself and others. Only a few answers were similar to Ekimov’s: “In order to bring people happiness,” “To contribute to the development of our country,” “To help people.” And one was sharply opposed to them: “For myself.”
The question “What is happiness for me?”
Table of the importance of values, built in descending order of importance

Number of responses
To love and be loved (beloved).
Health of loved ones.
When everything is good in the family.
When everyone is happy.
Finish school.
Achieve your goal in life.
When people respect you.
Every little thing in life.
Live not in Russia.
Good job.
Happiness for children is to love and be loved; in the health of loved ones; in friendship; when everything is good in the family; when everyone is happy. For some, happiness is life. (Writer's response) True, several people see him finishing school and achieving his goal. There is only one answer: “Living outside of Russia” is an alarming symptom.
The question “The greatest joy is...”
Table of the importance of values, built in descending order of importance

Number of responses
When there is a family.
A dream come true.
Achieve your goal.
When you are loved.
Good news.
To get an education.
Peaceful life.
The greatest joy for young teenagers is family. For Ekimov's heroes, warm relationships in the family, mutual understanding between elders and younger ones are also very important. Friends, dreams come true, holidays are also common answers. Several people defined it as success, victory and achieving their goal, that is, satisfying their own needs.
Question: “The biggest problem is...”
Table of the importance of values, built in descending order of importance

Number of responses

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