Why take pictures of deceased relatives? What does a dead person mean according to dream book D

Dreams about deceased relatives are not forgotten and leave many emotions of a very different nature. It is very important to know why such dreams occur, because they are always associated with events that occur in reality.

Dream books present many different interpretations of plots with deceased relatives. Therefore, in order to understand why such dreams occur, it is important to remember the smallest details of night dreams.

Dead relatives in a dream

Why do you dream about dead relatives?

Very often people dream of deceased relatives, but the dreamers do not talk to them.

For interpretation, it is important to consider which of your loved ones who have passed away you dreamed about:

  • Grandmother portends serious positive changes in life, so you should not resist everything new that happens to you in reality;
  • Grandfather warns that in real life you need to show wisdom when solving issues, in addition, you need to use the experience of other people to work;
  • A brother, sibling or cousin, indicates that soon in reality you will meet a girl with whom you will build a harmonious and happy relationship;
  • The sister foretells joyful events and pleasant surprises;
  • Mom predicts a happy life period in which luck will accompany you in all your endeavors;
  • The Father encourages you to act more decisively and actively in reality, but at the same time do not forget that dangers may await you on the way to your goal.

Deceased relatives dream of being alive

All of the above interpretations relate to dream plots in which deceased relatives appear healthy and in good spirits. A rare, good sign is a dream in which you saw both deceased parents alive and smiling. This foretells the dreamer happiness in all areas of life and, with a successful combination of circumstances, even wealth.

Death of a deceased relative in a dream

If you see the death of a deceased relative in a dream, then this is a bad omen. Such a gloomy plot warns of possible problems with living relatives in real life. In order not to take the situation to extremes, you need to find time to meet with them as quickly as possible and resolve all the problems that most likely arose against the background of omissions and misunderstandings.

In addition, dying relatives in a dream symbolize that aggression has accumulated in your soul, which can cause a stressful state.

Contact a deceased relative

Particular attention should be paid to dreams in which you had contact with deceased relatives. A good sign is a dream in which you took something from the hands of a deceased person. This portends great happiness; the dreamer may soon become a very rich man. In other words, we can say that you can expect the favor of fate and generous gifts from it.

But it’s very bad if you gave or gave something to relatives in a dream. This promises serious losses and illness. You need to take care of your own health and try to maintain good relationships with people in your immediate circle. You should be reassured by the fact that the unfavorable period will soon pass and life will return to its usual course.

Conversation with a dead relative - interpretation of sleep

If you talk to a dead relative in your night dreams, this indicates that in reality you will receive important news. This information can radically change your life. It also serves as a warning if a deceased relative scolded you for something related to the plot of the dream. Be prudent in your daily life and do not act rashly.

Why do you dream of a conversation with a dead grandmother?

You should pay special attention to the dream in which you talked with your deceased grandmother. After such night dreams, in the near future, you will have to solve serious issues in real life. It is advisable to remember what a relative told you in a dream; this may be a hint for action in reality.

Congratulate a deceased relative

When you dream that you are congratulating your deceased relative on some event, this indicates that in real life you will perform a noble deed. Believe me, your kindness will make life around you brighter and happier.

Miller's Dream Book

So, in accordance with the interpretations of Miller’s dream book:

  • The deceased father, who appeared in night dreams, warns of the danger posed by your new endeavor;
  • A dream about a deceased mother warns of a hidden illness and the need to urgently undergo a medical examination;
  • A deceased brother in a dream indicates that someone close to you in real life needs your help.

I often dream about dead relatives

If deceased relatives often disturb you in a dream, then this may symbolize the bad influence that close people have on you. Maybe they are trying to drag you into a dubious financial event that could end very badly.

Vanga's Dream Book

The seer Vanga interprets the appearance of deceased relatives in a dream as a reflection of the injustice that surrounds you in the real world. When you see yourself hugging a deceased relative in a dream, this indicates life changes that can be both positive and negative. You should not be upset if the situation in reality does not turn out the way you would like. Your calmness, optimism and poise will help you get through a difficult period.

Vanga's dream book also deciphers a dream in which an already deceased relative dies again. This foreshadows deceit and betrayal of close friends. It will come as a surprise to you that people whom you have trusted for a long time are plotting behind your back and spreading gossip about you. For some time, after such a dream, you need to try not to trust anyone, so as not to let yourself be deceived.

Why do you dream of kissing a dead relative?

If you dream that you are kissing a deceased relative, then Nostradamus’s dream book indicates that you have finally gotten rid of the fears and worries that have filled your soul for a long time. This will make your life calmer.

A deceased relative is calling you to follow him

It is very important to understand why you dream about the call of the deceased. After all, if your deceased relative calls you to follow him in a dream, then this is a very bad sign. And it is very important that your subconscious mind refuses such a sometimes very tempting offer. If you follow your deceased relative in your night dreams, then in real life you will soon become very ill or plunge into long-term depression, which can threaten the most unpredictable consequences.

Freudian interpretation

According to Freud's dream book, deceased relatives in a dream are a symbol of longevity. Moreover, your life will be filled with happy events, you will be able to realize your ideas and achieve your goals.

Dream interpreter Loffe

If you often see deceased relatives in your dreams, then dream interpreter Loffe warns that you should pay attention to the state of the nervous system. Such dreams may indicate increased excitability and excessive anxiety. Maybe you live in constant stress, which is very dangerous, as it can lead to exhaustion of the body.

Seeing a recently deceased relative

Tsvetkov’s dream book focuses the dreamer’s attention on the fact that if you dreamed of a recently deceased relative, then in the real world a person will face many trials in the near future.

Why dead relatives appear in dreams is explained differently in different dream books. But all dreams, in any case, are warning in nature.

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Why do you dream of dead close relatives?

Dreams in which you see deceased relatives can only be a reflection of longing for them. If you have recently lost a loved one, then it is not at all surprising that he comes to you in a dream. When such night visions do not have such a justification, it is worth turning to the dream book to interpret what you saw.

Why do you dream about dead relatives?

A dream in which non-living relatives appear is most often a warning that you will be betrayed by a loved one. The dream book recommends analyzing what you heard from the deceased. If a relative is happy and cheerful in a dream, then you should expect a joyful event in real life. A dream in which you sleep with a deceased person is a bad sign, foreshadowing trouble.

If you often dream of deceased relatives who want to take you with them, this could be a dangerous signal foreshadowing death. Psychics recommend that people who see such dreams should definitely go to church and light a candle for the repose of the person who came in the dream.

If you place something in the coffin of a deceased person, then the dream book interprets this as a loss of vitality and loss of strength. A deceased relative in a coffin is a symbol of approaching troubles and failures, for example, this could be the betrayal of a loved one or the loss of a friend. Seeing a father in a dream who does not take his eyes off is a sign that in the near future you should be prepared for problems at work and in business.

Why do you dream about dead relatives?

  1. Mother. A signal that you should take time for yourself and your family, otherwise the situation may change for the worse. If you do everything right, then expect joyful events and improved relationships with relatives.
  2. Dad. In this case, the dream warns of possible problems in the financial sphere, for example, with partners or colleagues. Also, a dream may foreshadow a serious matter in the near future, on which you will spend a lot of energy.
  3. Brother. The dream will tell you about two areas of life. Your health will be fine, but your emotional component will be tested, for example, you may experience severe stress.
  4. Sister. A dream carries negative information. Soon you will feel angry and resentful, but the reason will be in you. The dream book recommends changing your life.
  5. Grandfather. Foretells a large number of things to do in the future. It can also be a symbol of significant changes in life. If your grandfather calls you in a dream, prepare for serious trials.
  6. Grandmother. Such a dream will tell you that you should not worry, since you will find a way out of even the most difficult situations, and everything will certainly be fine.

Why do you dream of a conversation with a deceased relative?

If in a dream you talk to your deceased mother, this is a warning about possible illnesses in the near future. Conversations with the dead are basically a warning or important information that your body is working hard, and it’s time to stop a little and slow down the pace of life. The dream book recommends visiting the grave of a relative and thanking him for his care and tips from the other world.

Why do deceased relatives dream alive?

If a deceased relative turns out to be alive in a dream, and even gives you something, this is a sign of an improvement in your financial situation. When a revived relative kisses you, this is a kind of warning that the white streak will soon end and you should prepare for changes that are not for the better.

Why do you dream about dead relatives that you are running away from?

In this case, this may mean that you do not want to repeat their fate and mistakes. The dream may also be the reason why you feel remorse for not spending enough time with them during your lifetime.

Dream Interpretation deceased Relative

Why do you dream about a deceased Relative in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dream of deceased relatives, listen to their message. Often they are trying to convey some important information to you or warn you about something. Such signs cannot be ignored. After all, if the people who loved you during your lifetime appeared in your subconscious, then the matter is really serious.

Recently deceased relatives may warn of serious health problems. Do not delay your visit to the doctor if it was your close relatives. More distant family members indicate danger that may affect those closest to you.

How did you dream about dead relatives? When did the relative you dreamed about die? What did you do about the dream about a deceased relative? How often do you dream about deceased relatives?

How did you dream about dead relatives?

If you saw dead relatives alive in a dream

According to Felomena’s dream book, if a deceased relative is alive, he is trying in this way to warn you from committing the act that you are about to do. He warns that these actions can bring disaster and trouble upon oneself.

When a deceased mother appears to you alive, she portends happiness and good luck in everything. You can count on such unique help; its signs will never let you down.

To see your deceased father alive - you will receive much-needed support and help at the moment, which you no longer hoped for.

If a deceased relative dreamed of being drunk

To see a deceased relative in a dream who appeared to you drunk - it’s time to look inside yourself, understand what you really want to get from life, what to achieve. The lifestyle you lead is not conducive to development and progress towards success. It is necessary to radically change your thinking and then life will gain true meaning.

When did the relative you dreamed about die?

What does it mean if you dream about long-dead relatives?

Long-dead relatives are dreamed of when some serious family celebration or event is planned that concerns all family members. You will be incredibly happy to see your loved ones after a long separation. Emotions will overwhelm you, feel the power of family unity.

If relatives who died long ago were in a good mood in the dream, it means you have nothing to worry about. Troubles will be avoided, all plans will be successfully implemented, fate will be favorable and generous.

Seeing a recently deceased relative in a dream

According to the dream book, recently deceased relatives appear if someone needs your help. Soon they will turn to you for advice or with a request for financial support. In this case, you cannot refuse the person asking; be sure to lend a helping hand.

What did you do about the dream about a deceased relative?

The meaning of a dream in which you had a chance to talk with a deceased relative

If in a dream you talked to a deceased relative, try to remember what he said. This is a hint on what to do in a situation you are worried about.

If you don’t remember the conversation, pay attention to the behavior and condition of the deceased relative. If he was affectionate and cheerful with you, everything will be fine, there is nothing to worry about, but if he was sad about something or scolded you, be careful. Perhaps this is a warning that you are doing wrong, and this can lead to tragic consequences.

How often do you dream about deceased relatives?

Why do you often dream about dead relatives?

If you often dream about deceased relatives, it means that you are not doing what they want to convey to you. Perhaps this is a reminder of some promise or oath that you made to them during your lifetime and still have not fulfilled. Also, their appearance may be with the aim of protecting you from impending troubles, and in a dream they are trying to make it clear what needs to be done to avoid problems.

When one of your closest relatives constantly appears to you, this is a warning of approaching trouble. It can be circumvented if you take security measures in advance. Which ones exactly, your family is trying to tell you. The mother always warns about dangers related to health and well-being. Father - about problems in the financial and business spheres.

Why do you dream about very close deceased relatives?

Dana Alexandrovna

If you dream of one of your loved ones being dead, the dream is a warning: you must bravely face some kind of test, maybe even loss.

To a person who has a dream about death, such a dream is sent as a warning. Talking to your deceased father in a dream is an encouragement for you to carefully think through the business you are starting and all the operations associated with it. The dream warns of intrigues being plotted by someone against you.

After such a dream, men and women should think about their behavior with greater prudence and take care of their reputation. .

If someone who died appears cheerful and lively to you in a dream, this means that you have organized your life incorrectly, that such serious mistakes are possible that will affect your entire destiny, unless you mobilize the will to eliminate them.

If, in a conversation with a deceased relative, he tries to wrest some kind of promise from you, the warning is that you must resist the impending despondency, a period of decline in business, and listen more carefully to wise advice.

Black Angel

They ask for help, to give something for them, to remember them.

Victoria Luna

In general, the dead usually dream of a change in the weather... I speak from my own experience: when I dream about my late grandfather, the weather will definitely change - if it’s cold, it will get warmer that same day, and vice versa. Although dreams are different, each case should be considered separately... Sometimes the dead can warn us about something in a dream, for example. Or they simply remind us of ourselves, especially if we did not fulfill some promise we made with them, for example, we promised to visit their grave and did so.

I agree with Black Angel))

Why do you dream about dead relatives?

Ksenia Zemerova

they warn you about something and you need to remember them again

Prokhorina Olga


Vector Intelligence

are checking on you, or want to be remembered


or warn about something important.) who knows)

Only yours..

to a change in weather, it would also not hurt you to go to church and remember them, light candles for the repose of their souls, they want to warn you about something

Bogdana Demedyuk

Seeing someone close to you dead in a dream can mean unhappiness in the family or a serious family quarrel. For lovers, this is a sign of betrayal.

Alexey Revenkov

when you dream of deceased relatives, the scenery, the dialogues are always different, but the meaning is the same, you need to remember their good deeds, that’s all, you don’t need to go to the grave, put candles, make fences, take care of the graves, all this is not necessary, they have become adults minds are completely indifferent to where and how they are buried, even if they are processed for fertilizer, what matters to them is what memory remains of them, whether people remember them with kind words, whether anyone swears at them

Why do you dream about dead relatives and grandmother?

After I dreamed about my grandmother, I fell in love. I think she led me down the path of marriage.

depending on how they appeared in your dream, what did they say?

Yana Leontyeva

They dream of a change in weather.

Nata Kulikova

we miss you: either light a candle for your repose or visit your grave.

Victoria ___________

To peace of mind! It's good!

Yesterday I also dreamed of a girl I knew who passed away in August. I dreamed that she was pregnant. It's not clear at all. Friends also drive me to church to light a candle. But it seems to me that this is just such a greeting from her that they say that she did not die for us. Don't know.

seeing your deceased father or talking to him is a danger of making a bad deal; be careful in your dealings, because enemies surround you;

to see your deceased mother - excessive impressionability will serve as a source of trouble for you, the illness of one of your loved ones is possible;

a deceased brother or other relative, friend - in the near future someone will ask you for advice or financial help;

the deceased looks alive and happy - someone is exerting a bad influence on you, succumbing to which you risk incurring serious losses;

talking to some long-dead relative and he is trying to wrest some promise from you - a dark streak will begin in your life if you do not follow the advice of your friends;

for a girl - the dead, rising from their graves, surround you, and friends refuse to come to the rescue - unpleasant events.

Seeing is a dangerous disease;

to see that he has risen is a sign of well-being.

To rain, change of weather;

outside the coffin is a guest.

Seeing a corpse is misfortune, sad news, bad prospects in commercial affairs are possible;

for a young man - disappointment, lack of pleasure;

to see a deceased person dressed in black - the imminent death of a friend or a desperately difficult situation in business;

seeing the corpses of soldiers on the battlefield is a war, a complication of relations between countries and political groups;

seeing the corpse of an animal is an unhealthy situation in business, deterioration in well-being;

to see one of your family members dead - the illness of one of your close relatives or a break in family relationships;

for lovers - you will not be able to keep your sacred vows to each other;

cover the eyes of the deceased with coins - unscrupulous enemies will rob you, taking advantage of your temporary powerlessness;

putting a coin on only one eye - you will be able to return lost property after an almost hopeless struggle;

for a young woman - this dream is grief after you trust dishonest people;

for a young woman - to see the owner of the store where you work in the coffin - your admirer’s cooling towards you;

the head of a corpse separates from the body and falls - intrigue against you;

a coffin with a corpse stands in the store hall - losses, troubles that will affect many people, evaluate your actions more soberly.

It seems to me that you will have a girl. ; 0)

go to church and remember them

Personal Account Removed

To a change in weather.

Olga Alekseeva

To a change in weather. And I heard from someone what it means to be offended by you.

Why do you dream about dead relatives?


The dream is a warning (you must face some kind of test (maybe loss)). =((If someone who died appears cheerful and lively to you in a dream, this means that you have organized your life incorrectly, that such serious mistakes are possible that will affect your destiny, unless you mobilize the will to eliminate them. Be happy, no matter what. Good luck to you.


And the next morning it started snowing.

Deceased - health and longevity

To a change in weather.

Vitaly Kochnev

this past is knocking on your life. long dead. some kind of connection. maybe friendship. or something else long forgotten will come to life. and will return to your life. The dream is not scary but purely informative.

Did you dream about your deceased relatives being alive? What does it mean?

Seeing a deceased relative alive in a dream, most people will be left with an unpleasant impression. Why do you dream of dead relatives alive? Some people will consider the dream nightmare and will prefer never to return to it in their thoughts. Another part will decide that the dead visited them for some supernatural reason, for example, to take them with them to the afterlife. To some extent, they will be right: dead people really don’t appear in dreams just like that. However, this does not mean that their appearance can only be interpreted in a negative way. To determine the correct interpretation of such a dream, it is important to delve into the details and remember everything down to the smallest detail.

Dreams where dead relatives dream alive cause people to feel fear. It is believed that they are sending a message from the other world and want to convey something important to the living.

It is important to remember what the deceased looked like and what he did in his sleep.

Interpretation of dreams with deceased relatives in dream books

  • If in a dream the deceased was happy and cheerful, in everyday life the dreamer is surrounded by hypocritical and deceitful people. He should be wary and suspicious, be attentive to the safety of his reputation and good name, and also not trust anyone with secrets and not let anyone in on his plans.
  • Several now deceased people appearing alive and happy in a dream foreshadow deception or betrayal of a loved one.
  • If in a dream a dead person appears alive and frightens the dreamer, causing him anxiety or even horror, such a dream does not bode well. On the contrary, he talks about failures in the dreamer’s life.
  • If in a dream the deceased appears alive and healthy and gives the dreamer some instructions or advice, they should certainly be heeded. They will help the dreamer dispel mental anxieties and doubts, resolve conflicts, resolve problems, and, if for some reason he has lost his way from the right path, return and make the right choice.

To accurately find out the interpretation of such dreams, you need to remember the smallest details and turn to dream books.

Miller's Dream Book

Late father in a dream warns living children of impending danger, deceased mother worries about the health of her children in reality, so seeing her in a dream or talking to her means you need to go to the doctor and take care of your health.

If you dreamed of dead relatives who rebelled in the coffin, a difficult situation cannot be avoided.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga, whose dream book is no less popular, believes to see a deceased relative or relatives in a dream means that the relatives are in danger of illness or an accident, and if the deceased hugs someone, this means good or bad changes.

If a deceased relative dies in a dream, then in reality this means meanness and betrayal of loved ones, and a warning about impending “intrigues” on their part.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

If you believe the dream book of Nostradamus, when in a dream deceased relatives are alive and well, then they have no peace in the next world, which means they need to go to church and order a prayer service for the repose of the souls of the departed.

Kissing and hugging the deceased means overcoming all your fears and doubts. And hearing the voice of the deceased without seeing him himself in real life means a serious illness.

Freud's Dream Book

In this case, seeing a deceased relative alive is a sign of longevity, and great importance is attached to the words of the deceased spoken in a dream; they are prophetic.

Modern dream book

According to the modern dream book, seeing a deceased relative alive- to problems in the family and everyday life, but at the same time, kissing him means longevity.

Simply seeing a deceased relative alive and well from afar means a change in the weather. Lately, this has been the most popular interpretation of dreams about what the dead dream about.

But no matter how different the interpretations of dreams are in different dream books, there is one dream that is interpreted the same everywhere.

If dead relatives took with them- to the death of the dreamer, if you were called, but you did not go, you must do everything to avoid danger. It is very bad to eat with a dead person at the same table - quick death is inevitable.

These are not very pleasant dreams about deceased relatives. And so that their departed souls do not disturb the living, we must live according to God's laws.

Why do you dream of dead close relatives alive?

Dream with deceased mother

The mother, as the closest relative, often appears in a dream as a warning of danger. You should pay attention to such a dream. We advise you to read our other article - the interpretation of a dream where a mother dies.

  • If in a dream a deceased mother appears alive and healthy, the dreamer should be very careful and attentive.
  • For a girl, such a dream foreshadows the birth of a daughter.
  • If in a dream the deceased appears in the dreamer’s house, prosperity and comfort will reign there.
  • A quarrel with your mother in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream foreshadows health problems.

Dreams with a dead dad

A deceased father appearing alive in a dream can also tell the dreamer a lot ( see the article why a dead father dreams).

  • Most often, the appearance of a deceased father alive in a dream is interpreted in a positive way. Such a dream indicates that the dreamer has become an adult, an independent person, capable of making decisions on his own. He is surrounded by reliable and kind people whom he can rely on.
  • A conversation with his father serves as a warning: the dreamer has become envious. At the same time, such a dream promises well-being in family affairs.

Many people experience fear when a deceased relative appears in a dream. It is believed that such dreams are very important, so they should definitely be interpreted. To do this, you should remember important details of the plot, for example, which relative came in the dream, what he did and what your role was.

Why do you dream about deceased relatives?

Seeing dead relatives who have been resurrected in a dream is a signal that some person close to them is exerting a bad influence on the dreamer. A dream where a deceased relative was sick warns of the injustice that will be encountered in reality. Let's figure out why we dream of deceased relatives hugging. In most cases, such a dream symbolizes change. If you kissed a relative, you will soon be able to get rid of existing fears.

Let's figure out why deceased relatives dream of being alive in tears - this is a warning about something happening to relatives. A dream in which you had to carry a coffin with a deceased relative means that problems will soon arise at work, and it could all end in dismissal. If you often dream about deceased relatives, then you should pay attention to the state of your own nervous system. Perhaps there are many situations in life that make you worry. A night vision in which a recently deceased relative appears indicates that you will soon have to face numerous trials.

If in a dream you had to lie next to a deceased relative, this is a good sign, promising. A dream where one of your dead relatives gives money can be taken as a recommendation that in the near future you should not spend money on buying unnecessary things.

To understand why deceased relatives dream, you need to consider who exactly it was:

  1. Mother. Such a dream advises you to devote more time to your family in order to improve relationships.
  2. Dad. Such a plot means that soon you will have to work harder.
  3. Grandfather. Such a dream promises changes and new things.
  4. Grandmother. Such a dream is a symbol of help, so you can count on a quick solution to existing problems.

Why do you dream of deceased relatives in a coffin?

If you see such a picture in a dream, you should not worry, since this is a harbinger of the imminent arrival of guests from afar. If a relative in his grave rebelled, it means that you should not count on the help of friends in difficult situations.

Why do you dream of dead relatives - is this a bad or a good indicator?

If at night in a dream you see a person who is not alive, it always seems strange and mysterious. Well, if he was close and dear, you will probably wake up with an aching heart and the question of why the deceased relative dreamed.

A dream involving a recently deceased relative is not uncommon - it often indicates longing for the deceased. If the actions of a loved one seem strange to you, you should look for an explanation in dream books.

There is no need to be afraid of such dreams - only a dream in which the deceased calls you with him has a definitely negative connotation. Mostly, dreamed relatives who are no longer alive warn of danger. You should correctly decipher the dream, taking into account the smallest details - and then unfavorable events in life can be prevented.

Why do you dream about dead relatives?

Most often, a deceased mother in a dream is a harbinger of illnesses and diseases.

  • You should be afraid of sleep if your deceased mother is talking to you.
  • The impending illness will be predicted by the deceased brother.

Dreams in which relatives who have left this world call you are considered especially bad. Under no circumstances should you follow them. If this happens, serious illness cannot be avoided.


The subconscious sometimes “follows orders” and represents in the form of a dream the thoughts that visited during the day. For example, remembering your deceased parents (this could even be a fleeting thought), you can expect a night dream about them.

  1. Sometimes people believe that this “visit” may not be accidental - close relatives who have left the dreamer are trying to convey something, warn about danger, convey news.
  2. Or they want to “see each other” this way. But such dreams also have more veiled meanings, revealed in well-known dream books.

Each dream book reveals the essence of dreams with the dead in different ways. The most popular interpreters always attach special significance to this dream.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Miller's Dream Book

According to this dream interpreter, the dead who appear alive in a dream come to warn of a dangerous situation. If they give advice to the sleeping person, then this advice has great power and should be believed and followed.

As a rule, the deceased father always protects from harm, and the deceased mother strives to protect health.

After talking with her, you need to listen to your body and undergo examination at the slightest ailment. But this is if you dream of dead people alive.

  • If they “revolt” in a dream, then this promises a difficult situation, a problem.
  • When the dead die again in a dream, this speaks of imminent betrayal on the part of loved ones, friends and impending conspiracies and intrigues on their part. After such a dream, it is better to be more attentive with your family and beware of betrayal.


Interpretation of Freud and Vanga

Vanga explains why deceased relatives dream about this: in reality, you will encounter a prejudiced attitude towards yourself, but you will not be able to resist it. If you dream of a large number of deceased people, family members will become seriously ill, perhaps getting into a car accident. You have the power to prevent disaster or mitigate its consequences.

Hugging a deceased friend or loved one in a dream promises change. They can be both positive and negative. But the seer calls not to lose composure and not to despair. Troubles will be replaced by prosperity. And composure and faith in the future will help you cope with a difficult period in life. The dream book advises looking for positive aspects in everything and being optimistic about the situation.

Why do you dream about the death of a deceased relative in reality?

  1. Among my closest friends there is a dishonest person.
  2. He is up to no good and is plotting against you.
  3. Don't take my word for it and monitor the information you receive.
  4. A kind attitude towards others will backfire on you.
  5. This plot in a dream even suggests that the relatives are planning the meanness. Don't let yourself be deceived, and troubles will pass by.

Why do you dream of kissing a dead relative?

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Nostradamus deciphers this: you can overcome your fears. Former doubts and fears will not be so convincing, and life will sparkle with new colors. If in a dream a long-dead person persuades you to go with him, you should not agree. Keeping the dead company in reality portends a serious illness or prolonged depression.

Why do you dream when relatives who have died in reality appear alive in a vision?

  • Their souls cannot find peace.
  • Go to the temple, light a candle for repose; remember them by distributing treats to friends and acquaintances.
  • If they continue to come in a dream, order magpie in the church.
  • Hearing the voices of departed relatives in a dream can mean illness.

While deciphering what deceased relatives dream about, Freud came to the conclusion that longevity awaits a person. His life will be filled with joy, success and recognition. The psychoanalyst advises not to brush aside what the dead told you in a dream.

Try to recreate the meaning of the conversation as accurately as possible in your memory; the words of the deceased often turn out to be prophetic.

Versions by Tsvetkov and Loff

When compiling the dream book, Loffa did not focus on what the dream of a loved one who has gone beyond the brink means.

  1. But if visions appear often and are burdensome, it means that in reality you are in constant tension. You experience excessive anxiety, your nervous system is overloaded.
  2. Find a way to relax and let off steam. Otherwise, under the influence of stress, the body will become exhausted and endless diseases will begin.

Why do you dream about a relative who died the day before? Tsvetkov interprets this image as difficult tests on your path. If in a dream a deceased person has coins over his eyes, it means that events are related to the financial side of life. Most likely they will try to drag you into an adventure and use you in the dark. Do not trust anyone with your money, do not lend or take out a loan. During this period, the risk of being deceived increases many times over.

Why dream of watching a funeral procession or the burial of a relative? Tsvetkov, compiling his dream book, predicted sudden changes in weather conditions. If you see a dead person lying in a coffin, in reality expect guests who have come from afar.

  • Tsvetkov interprets the appearance of a deceased father in a dream as a sign that your child has problems.
  • In the coming days, find time to have a heart-to-heart talk with him, find out what is bothering him.
  • With a high probability, the dream book indicates that the son or daughter cannot cope with the difficulties that have arisen on their own due to lack of experience.
  • You should not scold him or accuse him of lack of independence.
  • Better help settle the troubles, and you will become closer.

Hasse version

Why do you dream about deceased relatives, according to Hasse? Regular visions in which you meet previously deceased close relatives symbolize approaching danger.

  1. In a dream, do not accept gifts from the dead; you should not give them gifts. After all, by doing so you literally lose your vital juices, strength, and confidence. Instead comes despair, despondency, depression.
  2. Why do you dream of carrying a coffin with a dead person in a funeral procession? Hasse explains this: serious trouble awaits at work. Perhaps the situation will develop in such a way that the easiest way will be to quit.
  3. Kissing a dead person in a dream foretells a love interest that will bring many positive emotions. Lying next to a deceased person means good luck in all your endeavors. Dressing up means poor health. But if you took off the clothes of the deceased, the dream book predicts the death of a loved one.

Having received such an omen, do not rush to lose heart. Higher powers, having sent this plot, provide a chance to come to their senses and prevent a tragedy.

A few more interpretations

Why do you dream about a grandmother who died a long time ago?

  • In reality, serious problems will arise that you will have to deal with.
  • Remember, perhaps a relative in a dream gave advice on what to do best.
  • Most likely, this is the best way to solve problems.
  • And if she was happy and laughing, then there is no need to worry too much, things will end well.

Why do you dream about the repeated death of a deceased relative in reality?

  1. Mutual understanding will disappear in communication with loved ones. It’s worth getting everyone together and calmly discussing the current situation and clarifying any misunderstandings. Perhaps after a conversation many problems will be resolved on their own.
  2. This plot in a dream has another interpretation. Constant stress and tension led to the accumulation of aggression. When you get nervous, you lash out at others. To normalize your condition, sign up for a gym, visit a psychologist, or go for a walk in nature.

Seeing yourself at the grave of the deceased

Why do you dream if you came to visit the graves? In reality, be sure to visit the cemetery and remember the dead with friends and family. But if possible, go to church, light a candle or order a prayer for the repose.

Why do you dream about the tears of the deceased? A crying deceased relative warns against quarrels with those closest to you. Control your emotions: if they provoke you to be rude, don’t pay attention. If you lose your temper in a dream, then this is a harbinger of long-term enmity. Therefore, all grievances that arise should be clarified immediately, but in a calm tone and with respect for the interlocutor.

If the deceased hands over money

Why do you dream about a deceased person holding out money? In reality, reduce your expenses. Careless handling of finances will provoke bankruptcy. Interpreters recommend that if you saw this event in a dream, do not look for easy money or high income. Invest your savings only in reliable, stable projects.

Why does a seriously ill person dream of a deceased person?

  • This omen could mean imminent death.
  • Manengetti foretells that kissing a dead man on the forehead in a dream means liberation from spiritual debts.
  • You will finally be forgiven for a serious offense committed earlier, or, conversely, you yourself will forgive the person and be able to breathe freely.

There is also an original transcript of what it means to dream of a conversation with the deceased. Talking with a relative who has gone beyond the bounds means that in reality someone has been looking for you for a long time. Perhaps this is an old friend with whom fate separated many years ago.


Dreaming of a dead mother

It is the mother who is able to love her child for who he is, forgive and understand him like no one else. Now most people are sure that with the death of the physical body, the life of the soul does not end. It continues to exist in a subtle material form - an energetic substance.

The habitat of souls who have left the earthly vale is called differently, but most often - the afterlife. Esotericists, and, today, advanced scientists are sure that the flow of time is not uniform. And in the posthumous state, the soul of a person who has left earthly life is in its denser layers. There you can learn about what future awaits those living on Earth.

  • However, everywhere there are laws, and direct transmission of information about what fate has in store for an earthling is often prohibited. Therefore, the soul of a mother who loves her child, in moments that are dangerous for his life, strives to tell him about the impending threat so that he can avoid it.
  • Since there is often a ban on the transmission of text information, a hint about the future is often contained in the appearance of the deceased parent, her actions, clothes, words and gaze.

If you dream about your dead mother, this is a very important sign. Here you need to pay attention to absolutely all the details of the dream:

  1. situation and lighting in a dream,
  2. the appearance of the parent and her attitude towards the sleeping person,
  3. sounds and smells,
  4. the presence of other characters where the plot develops.

Interpretation depending on the details of the dream

If a deceased parent asks to stay with a sleeping person in the house, this is a sign that he is making many mistakes in reality that can lead to a sad result. To see that the dreamer’s deceased mother is washing the floor or painting (whitewashing) the walls in the dreamer’s home means that he will soon have to move out of this place and start a new life in another apartment or house.

If the deceased mother looks young and healthy, cheerful and sociable, this is a sign that the sleeping person will soon experience favorable changes in his destiny. Seeing a deceased parent surrounded by numerous relatives means that soon one of them will leave earthly life. The updates that a deceased mother offers in a dream symbolize success in business in real life.

  1. If the sleeper is lonely, then the frequent appearance of the deceased parent in his dreams indicates that he needs warm relationships and care. And the deceased mother, by her appearance, supports him as best she can.
  2. If in a dream communication with a parent takes place in a gloomy, alarming environment, and the mother’s gaze is sad, this is a sign of impending serious troubles. Hearing a clap of thunder in such a dream is a sign of dramatic changes in fate.

What does it portend?

If the mother died recently and often dreams about her grieving child, such dreams are rarely endowed with predictive meaning. But if enough time has passed for the pain of loss to subside, the appearance of a deceased mother in a dream should be taken seriously. You just never dream of a parent like that.

A very important sign is a dream in which the deceased holds an icon in her hands or points to it to the sleeping person.

This is a hint to a person that his delusions and wrong attitude towards life have led to the fact that his soul began to turn black from the number of unseemly actions. Therefore, the deceased mother, trying to save her lost child, draws his attention to the fact that in the future this way of life will lead to a tragic outcome.

  • There is a belief that a dead person beckoning to you in a dream means great misfortune or death for the person sleeping. However, this is not always the case. There are many examples of how a deceased mother called a sleeping person after her, and if he followed her, she brought him to the place from which he saw pictures of his future.
  • Often these are places of possible tragedies: accidents and murders. In this way, a person received knowledge about what or whom he should be afraid of.

There is a widespread belief among people that the dead dream of a change in the weather. This is true if the dream left the sleeper indifferent, and the deceased did not in any way contact him in the dream.

There is also an opinion that a dead person who has dreamed should be remembered. Moreover, you should not limit yourself to preparing food and serving it to people. You need to visit the church and light a candle for the deceased for the repose of the soul or order a prayer service.


Why do you dream about a dead dad?

If you dream about your late father very often, then according to popular beliefs you need to remember him.

  1. Why is it necessary to light a candle in the church and distribute candy or some other treat to acquaintances and friends? In addition, the father may ask for something.
  2. For example, coming in a dream with some object in your hands. In this case, you need to buy this thing and take it to the grave.

There is another interpretation of this dream. Perhaps the dreamer is tormented by his conscience for his actions towards his father in the past. Only sincere and conscious repentance will help with this. In this case, it is best to confess; this will allow you to get out of the captivity of negative emotions that are directed both at your parent and at other people around you.

  • Often one dreams of a deceased father, when the dreamer is subconsciously tormented by the desire to return to the past and correct his mistakes in his relationship with his parent. In addition, this dream signifies a time of change. That is, you must try to achieve new heights in real life, putting all your experience into practice.
  • Why do you dream about a recently deceased father? This vision speaks of your longing for your loved one. You still have not come to terms with the loss or you feel subconsciously guilty for your inattention or some past actions.

Many dream books claim that if you dreamed about a deceased father, then this is a favorable sign. Thus, the dreamer will expect positive changes in the near future, or circumstances will develop in such a way that the person will be able to derive some benefit for himself. But this will happen only if the dream is interpreted correctly.


Father and mother together

Seeing father and mother together, standing next to each other, means mutual understanding and harmony in the family, resolution of old problems and conflicts.

  1. If parents hold hands, good luck awaits you in matters of the heart; for the unmarried (unmarried) - an early wedding, engagement.
  2. Parents are pale and dressed in black clothes - serious disappointments.
  3. Kissing - long life.
  4. Living parents are happy news, a long-awaited letter.

The meaning of deceased parents for pregnant women

For a pregnant woman, seeing a deceased mother or father foretells an unexpected gift, letter, or visit.


Deceased grandparents

So, for example, a vision in which the deceased grandparents hug the dreamer, affectionately hold him by the shoulders, hand, or press him to themselves, not only does not foretell his death, but even, on the contrary, promises long years of life.

Near death is predicted only by that night vision in which deceased relatives (or someone else who is no longer in this world) call the dreamer with them, stretch out their hands to him to take him somewhere, or go with him into the unknown. The closed face of a dead person or his unclear appearance (darkened, blurred face) is considered a particularly bad sign.

  • But seeing your deceased relatives in a state of serene sleep or rest is a truly good sign, which signals to the dreamer that the souls of his loved ones have finally found complete peace and refuge in the other world.
  • Also, any gift or present received as a gift from deceased grandparents is also a very good symbol, because it predicts quite impressive wealth and success for the dreamer in all endeavors.
  • We should not forget about the most common interpretation of such a night vision, which boils down to the fact that seeing a dead person in a dream does not foreshadow anything serious for the dreamer and only indicates imminent changes in the weather.

If in a dream a person suddenly, for no apparent reason, comes to the realization that his deceased relatives are suddenly coming to life, then in reality things are bad, since most likely their souls are wandering in reality in search of long-awaited peace. In such cases, it is advisable to show due respect to the deceased and visit their graves in the cemetery (take care of the order there, install a monument, if necessary, etc.). Also, you should definitely go to church and light a candle for everyone who appeared in a dream for their repose.

The image of his relatives who recently died, in an absolutely naked form, which appeared to the dreamer’s attention, as well as in the case of the dream about their rest, indicates that in reality they have found peace in the next world, they are absolutely satisfied with everything, nothing worries them at all and doesn't make me sad.

But hearing a loud, or, on the contrary, too quiet voice of the deceased in a dream, on the contrary, is a very bad sign, which in turn, can portend the dreamer some kind of misfortune or a serious long-term illness.

What does it portend?

In general, many authors of various popular publications intended for detailed interpretation of dreams quite often agree that a dream about deceased relatives and friends should not always be taken to heart, especially if in reality the dreamer very much misses those who have gone to another world or even blames himself in this, considering himself indirectly responsible for their death.

Such a night vision can promise a person future repentance for what he has done earlier and full awareness of his own mistakes.

  1. The dead bodies of one's relatives seen in a dream also do not promise the dreamer any mortal dangers or enormous upheavals, but rather indicate torment, fears and serious self-doubt that torment him in reality.
  2. Sometimes such night visions indicate a person’s mental imbalance, his obsessions and phobias, which urgently need effective correction or qualified therapy.

It should also be borne in mind that a dream about deceased grandparents, provided that they are in good health in reality, can only reflect the real fears of the dreamer, who understands that sooner or later his relatives will pass away and hopes that this moment will come as late as possible.


I dreamed about my late husband

Seeing a dead husband in a dream means minor troubles and problems.

  • Talking to your husband - friends want to drag you into a dubious adventure.
  • Hugging your husband means material costs associated with the health of loved ones.
  • Kissing your husband is a serious illness for one of the family members.
  • The husband carries it in his arms - treason, betrayal.
  • Follow your husband - soon they will need your help, do not refuse it.
  • Saying goodbye to your husband means making new acquaintances.
  • Taking something from his hands means sudden cash receipts.
  • Give any item to your deceased husband - remember the soul of the deceased, light a candle in the church, help those in need.

Deceased brother or sister

  1. If the dreamer meets his deceased brother, this dream means that it is necessary to help someone from his environment. You need to look around carefully and see someone who needs help, who is suffering trouble or hardship. If you help a person in need, the good will return a hundredfold.
  2. A dream about a dead sister is interpreted in different ways. It can mean success in your undertakings. This dream can also warn of an unfair situation awaiting the dreamer.

It is also important to remember the words and actions of the deceased brother or sister you dreamed about. This may change the interpretation of the dream. It is believed that under no circumstances should one give or take money from the deceased. Also, you cannot follow them if they call you. Such symbols are clearly interpreted as possible death or danger to life.

Dream about dead husband's relatives

A dream in which a woman dreams of her husband's relatives may be a warning.

  • The mother-in-law warns about possible difficulties that the spouse is hiding, as well as dangers to his health.
  • If you dream of your mother-in-law in the apartment where the dreamer and her husband now live, this is a sign that an accident may occur in the house.
  • A satisfied mother-in-law means the birth of a child or a major purchase.
  • A dissatisfied mother-in-law looking at an apartment in a dream is a sign of her dissatisfaction with changes in housing.

The father-in-law can warn about problems in the financial plan - you should be careful when planning large expenses. If the father-in-law is sitting in the kitchen in a dream, it means possible difficulties for the spouse at work, or a change of place of employment.



If you dreamed about an aunt - new acquaintances, friendly relations.

  • Aunt smiles, holds out her hands - soon your friends will support you.
  • The aunt is angry, crying, swearing - betrayal, betrayal of a loved one.


If you dreamed about an uncle, expect bad news.

  1. The uncle is angry and shouts - a divorce or a serious quarrel is possible in your life.
  2. For an unmarried woman (not married), health problems are possible.
  3. Your uncle is dying or dead - you have enemies.

It is also important what feelings you experienced in the dream:

  • a feeling of joy, happiness - good luck, luck in business;
  • feeling of sadness, despondency, grief - sad events, unimportant prospects;
  • feeling of fear – health problems;
  • anger and resentment are the betrayal of a loved one.


Interpretation according to the details of the dream

Why do you dream about the grave of a deceased relative?

Usually, a dream about a relative's grave is a reminder to visit the burial site. Remember the deceased, light a candle for the repose of the soul. There is nothing scary or alarming in this dream.

  1. But if the sleeper walks around the cemetery in search of the desired grave and does not find it, this is a bad omen. Unpleasant events, loss of friendships, deception await ahead.
  2. Seeing your own grave means a new stage in life. If in a dream a widow stands at the grave of her deceased husband, then such a dream promises a new marriage.

The grave is a symbol of guilt and repentance. To tear it apart yourself means an early death in the family. Why do you dream about the grave of a deceased relative? Fresh - trouble from ill-wishers. Old, unkempt - long-term melancholy. A grave with a cross means a quick resolution of cases, the end of difficulties, good luck.

Deceased relatives in a coffin in a dream

A dream in which you put something in a coffin for a deceased relative has a negative meaning. It will be followed by depression, loss of strength and energy.

  • The impetus for the development of diseases will be a dream in which a dead person is dressed.
  • A symbol of troubles and failures is a loved one whom you see dead in a coffin. Soon family quarrels and scandals will begin. Perhaps they will end with a break in the relationship, suspicion of treason and betrayal.
  • A deceased father looking at you dreams of problems at work and a deterioration in his financial condition. There may be troubles with colleagues.


Wake, funeral

The above describes the possible reasons why deceased relatives appear in dreams. The dream book also considers other subjects, for example, funerals.

If in a person’s night dreams he buried one of his relatives, he needs to remember what the weather was like during the burial ceremony. If it rained, you should mentally prepare for difficult times. If the sun was shining, you can safely count on changes for the better.

  1. A dream in which the same relative is constantly buried hints at mistakes the dreamer has made in the past. It is possible that the time has come to think about the possibility of correcting them.
  2. A funeral seen in a dream warns that in reality a person will face a difficult test. Having endured it, you can safely count on rewards from fate.
  3. Coffins in which deceased relatives lie mainly dream of trouble. In real life, the dreamer should be extremely careful and avoid risky transactions and contacts.
  4. If a person who is alive in reality is buried in a dream, great luck awaits this character.


Resurrection from the Dead

Why else do you dream about relatives who have left this world? The dream book also describes such an unusual plot as the resurrection of a dead person. To understand its meaning, it is necessary to remember in what mood the revived person was.

  • If it was good, a streak of good fortune will soon come in real life.
  • The bad mood of a resurrected relative promises serious problems in reality.

Some guides to the world of dreams suggest that such a dream indicates that its owner is receiving the blessing of the deceased. There will be changes in the near future that are most likely to be positive.

Deceased relatives appeared alive in a dream

In some cases, you should not be afraid of deceased relatives in a dream. There will be no trouble if you did not interact with the dead.

  1. A deceased mother dreams of longevity. She wants to say that it is worth paying attention to your family. After all, it is a great happiness to take care of those you love. The financial situation will improve if distant deceased relatives appear alive in a dream. A stable future is guaranteed to those who take things from the hands of the deceased.
  2. By kissing a deceased relative, you will find happiness, but it will quickly elude you. Quite often, deceased relatives are dreamed of during emotional shock or illness. This is a signal that you should pull yourself together and improve your life.

Sometimes deceased relatives warn about problems with children. In this case, you need to pay close attention to everything that happens and not let them make mistakes. The dream in which the deceased brother came is associated with life's trials. Emotional experiences are coming, but they will not affect your health.

Seeing your dead sister, you will soon experience a feeling of anger. A deceased grandmother who appears in a dream always tries to help and support. After her visit, you will be able to solve all hopeless problems using all your strength. The deceased grandfather appears as a sign of change. This dream also foretells painstaking work.


Why do you dream of a conversation with a deceased relative?

If in a dream you talk to your deceased mother, this is a warning about possible illnesses in the near future.

Conversations with the dead are basically a warning or important information that your body is working hard, and it’s time to stop a little and slow down the pace of life. The dream book recommends visiting the grave of a relative and thanking him for his care and tips from the other world.


Why do you dream about dead relatives that you are running away from?

In this case, this may mean that you do not want to repeat their fate and mistakes. The dream may also be the reason why you feel remorse for not spending enough time with them during your lifetime.


Taking something from dead relatives in a dream

This is considered a good sign, which portends a significant improvement in financial situation and success in new projects.

Giving something to a deceased relative

If a deceased relative asks you to give something back, then this dream foreshadows losses and the imminent onset of a dark streak in your life. A difficult period of disagreements in the family, separation from loved ones and problems at work begins.


Quarrel with a deceased relative

  • Why do you dream about relatives if the dreamer sees himself quarreling with them? The guide written by Freud claims that this is a reflection of problems that appeared in childhood. It is possible that the owner of the dream cannot part with some childhood complexes or forgive the insults inflicted on him many years ago by his relatives.
  • Loff's dream book states that a person who dreams of conflicts with relatives is a self-sufficient person. He is able to cope with all problems on his own and does not tolerate any restrictions on his own freedom. A fight with relatives in a dream can warn that in real life a person is tired of their misunderstanding and unwillingness to compromise. The blood of someone close is a promise of news that can be both good and bad.

A crying relative may also appear in night dreams. The noble dream book claims that such a plot speaks of problems that exist in relationships with this person in reality. It is very likely that he is offended by the dreamer’s behavior. It is also possible that the owner of the dream is about to commit an act that will cause suffering to someone close to him.

Intimate connections

People are traditionally frightened by dreams in which they have sexual intercourse with someone from their family. Dream interpretation will help you get rid of such fears.

The relatives with whom a person has sex in his night dreams are just the closest people to him. He trusts them completely, relies entirely on them.


Relatives who call for you

  • Your husband is calling you to follow him - you should listen to the words of a significant person in your life.
  • Grandmother is calling you with her - serious health problems.

Deceased relatives at the table

Most likely, you have unfinished business, unfulfilled promises, and urgent action is expected of you.

  1. Relatives are talking at the table - a letter, urgent news.
  2. Relatives argue at the table, swear - old and forgotten grievances will soon make themselves felt.
  3. Relatives eat and drink - your endeavors will bring first fruits and good results.

See sleeping

You need rest, vacation, spend more time with your family.

  • Sleeping in one's home means the appearance of a devoted friend in life.
  • Sleeping in a strange, unfamiliar place means deception, betrayal on the part of someone close to you.
  • Next to you, in the same bed - big troubles.

Death of a deceased relative in a dream

If you see the death of a deceased relative in a dream, then this is a bad omen.

Such a gloomy plot warns of possible problems with living relatives in real life. In order not to take the situation to extremes, you need to find time to meet with them as quickly as possible and resolve all the problems that most likely arose against the background of omissions and misunderstandings.

In addition, dying relatives in a dream symbolize that aggression has accumulated in your soul, which can cause a stressful state.


Congratulate a deceased relative

When you dream that you are congratulating your deceased relative on some event, this indicates that in real life you will perform a noble deed.

Believe me, your kindness will make life around you brighter and happier.


Dreaming of long-dead relatives

Did you dream about long-dead relatives? A special, family event is about to take place in your life. You will definitely receive an invitation to it, you will be able to see your loved ones, which will have a positive effect on your morale.

Relatives in dreams may report that all troubles will pass by, you have nothing to worry about. You will be able to successfully cope with the designated tasks and achieve dizzying success.

You will have a chance to take a break from everyday work and spend time with your family. Try not to refuse such an event. Otherwise, you will be overtaken by moral fatigue and a feeling of emptiness.


Seeing a recently deceased relative in a dream

According to the Orakul dream book, recently deceased relatives who appear in dreams are an omen of problems appearing in the lives of loved ones. They are not able to cope with them on their own.

Provide all possible help and support to your loved one, do not refuse him this. Remember that at any moment you yourself can find yourself in a similar situation.

I often dream about dead relatives

Do dead relatives often come to you in your dreams? You may not be doing what they want you to do. There is a possibility that in this way you are being reminded of an oath or promise that you made to them when they were alive, but did not fulfill.

  1. Close people in a vision often visit for warning purposes. There may be danger ahead that could negatively affect all areas of life. Perhaps relatives are trying to tell you how to avoid it.
  2. If someone close to you constantly dreams, there is a high probability of trouble approaching. You will have to face it if you don’t take action in time. Deceased relatives in dreams can suggest what measures to take. The mother reports health problems, the father reports troubles that could negatively affect the financial situation.

It is important to remember the details of the vision, words or actions of loved ones. It is necessary to show caution and attentiveness in all matters in order to notice the danger in time and avoid it.

Do not forget about your health; at the first signs of illness, consult a doctor and undergo a full examination.

Scary dream with a dead relative

Sometimes a person has terrible nightmares associated with the dead. Most often, this is a manifestation of internal fears and complexes. Or the influence of external stimuli - horror films, scary books or pictures.

  • If a deceased relative is seen in the role of an eerie dead person, this means that the tragic events of the past cannot let go of the sleeping person. It is necessary to get rid of the guilt complex, try to understand and forgive the deceased.
  • If the deceased eats, illness is approaching. If a deceased relative comes to life, news or a letter awaits ahead. If he is not in a coffin, a guest will soon appear on the doorstep. The sleeping person gives something to the deceased - to a loss. The deceased gives - to prosperity.

Kissing a dead person means longevity, a love affair with a famous person. If a relative is dead - bad news, trouble. Lies on the table in the apartment - to a successful career. Dressing a dead person means illness. Stepping on it means death in the family.


So that the dead don't come

Many people are afraid of dreams with deceased relatives. Such dreams are interpreted in different ways. Their solution lies more in the internal state of the sleeper.

During a funeral, if you do not want to see the deceased in a dream, you must touch his leg. This should be done before the body is lowered into the grave. During farewell, it is necessary to touch the leg of the deceased and say: “Don’t come to me.” Be sure to throw a handful of earth into the grave.

After such a simple ritual, the deceased will not be disturbed in a dream by his appearance.

That, perhaps, is all about why deceased relatives often appear in dreams.

I dream about the dead so that relatives don’t forget about them

Night visions in which the dead appear can make you think about life or even scare you. However, no matter what the deceased relative dreams about, if he visited you in your dreams, you need to pray for him, remember him among your family or friends.

It’s even better to visit the grave of the deceased and go to the church to light a candle for the repose, so that his soul finds refuge, and you are no longer confused by thoughts of what the dream you saw could mean and what events it prophesies.

You can see deceased relatives in a dream for various reasons: because of longing and bitterness of loss or because of memories of them that visited you during the day. The dream may also be caused by the fact that you have not visited the grave of the person in your dream for a long time. Superstitious people believe that the dead come in dreams to give advice or warn against something, and night visions about deceased relatives have many different and sometimes contradictory interpretations.

What does a dream about deceased relatives portend?

People who have already left us dream of a change in the weather. Dream interpreters advise listening to the words that you hear from deceased relatives in dreams, since they may well become prophetic.

Dreams about the dead are explained differently, depending on who dreamed and what situation the sleeper faced. The only general interpretation is the popular observation that dreams of the dead indicate strong winds or sudden changes in weather.

Who is dreaming?

Dreams about dead people can be interpreted in a positive or negative direction, depending on who dreamed.

If both deceased parents come to you in a dream, this portends happiness and wealth. The late mother warns against committing rash acts, the father - against shameful ones.

A deceased father, appearing in a dream, can warn of an illness that awaits you, especially if in the dream he himself was sick. For believers, a dream about a father can be a reason to visit church and pray for the health of loved ones and the repose of the departed. When you dreamed of a deceased father, think about what kind of father or mother you became? Perhaps it's time to talk to your children about their hobbies, joys and worries.

According to another interpretation, if you dreamed of your dead parents, you should think about your plans. About whether they go against your conscience, and most importantly, what consequences they can bring to you and others when executed. Maybe it’s time to reconsider your own intentions or completely abandon their implementation?

When you dream of a deceased grandmother, the vision foreshadows the emergence of health problems in one of your relatives. The deceased grandfather dreams of changes in life.

A brother or sister who has passed away comes in a dream to good events, and the brother always to happiness, longevity and prosperity, and the sister to a joyful or uncertain, but not at all sad future. Also, a dream about a deceased sister can be interpreted as an unclear life goal or an unclear motivation for achieving it.

A deceased distant relative appearing in a dream may foreshadow a scandal or discord in your family with devastating consequences.

What are you dreaming about?

There are many plots of night visions in which deceased relatives appear, because there is no person in the world who has not seen a deceased relative in a dream. Let us give interpretations of common situations that occur most often in dreams.

The gloomy plot of the dream, which leaves an unpleasant aftertaste, promises problems in the family, a breakdown in relationships with loved ones. One such plot is a crying dead man. Only a heart-to-heart conversation will help save the situation between living relatives, which will smooth out all omissions and misunderstandings, and hidden anger and hidden enmity will only aggravate the situation.

Also, such stories involving deceased loved ones may indicate that you are under stress or overwhelmed with aggression that cannot find a way out. In this case, you should take up exercise or find another way to unwind before you start to cause fear to others.

When you dream of the graves of deceased relatives, take time to visit the cemetery or light a candle in church for the repose of the deceased.

If you dream of a relative’s grave, find the time and opportunity to visit it.

Kissing a deceased person in a dream means that in reality you will get rid of the fears that torment you, and life will immediately blossom with new colors. According to another interpretation, when you kiss a deceased person in a dream, in reality expect the imminent emergence of a new romantic relationship, but if you kiss the deceased on the forehead, then this is a symbol of forgiveness: either you will remove the burden of guilt from someone’s soul, or you yourself will be forgiven.

A dream in which you hug a deceased relative brings changes, they can be both for the better and for the worse. But lying next to a dead person in a dream is always a harbinger of great successes and a series of good fortunes. Prosperity is also foreshadowed by a dream in which the sleeper receives a gift from a deceased person or takes something from a dead person. Such a plot prophesies happiness and wealth.

Receiving gifts from a dead person in a dream means well-being in reality.

However, if a deceased relative in a dream gives you money, in reality, be as economical as possible and invest only in reliable projects; the dream prophesies financial problems or ruin. Problems with money include dreams of dead people with coins lying in front of them.

If a deceased relative lies in a coffin, the vision warns of troubles at work or of a visit from unexpected guests who will most likely appear from afar and decide to settle in for a long time.

Dreams in which you do not kiss the deceased, but the action comes from him, have a negative interpretation: when the deceased kisses you, the vision foreshadows serious troubles. Misfortunes and danger to life are prophesied by dreams in which you give food, clothing or money to the deceased. Illness or death is promised by a dream in which a dead person leads you, or you follow in his footsteps.

Dressing the deceased - a dream signals health problems; undressing is a sign of the imminent death of a loved one; the death of the dreamer himself can be predicted by a vision in which he carries the deceased in his arms, as well as any dream in which deceased relatives appear, if the sleeper at that moment is seriously ill.

A dream about the dead that comes to a sick person is a harbinger of death.

What else can dead relatives dream about?

? Talking to a dead person means meeting a person who has been looking for you for a long time.

Congratulating the deceased - in the near future you will perform a noble deed.

Running away from a dead man - the dream symbolizes the dreamer’s reluctance to repeat the fate or mistakes of the one he sees.

The dead man has risen - those around you are trying to influence you in order to benefit, and in difficult times they will not provide you with the necessary support.

A deceased relative is sick - you will be treated unfairly.

A deceased person in reality also dies in your dream - people you trust, perhaps family members, are weaving intrigues behind your back.

Many dead people dream of a mass illness of loved ones or an unpleasant incident in which there will be several victims.

A sleeping deceased person comes in a dream when his soul has found complete peace.

If the deceased was lively and cheerful in your dream, this is a sign that you have made a mistake that needs to be corrected.

We dream of dead people so that relatives do not forget about them.

Night visions in which the dead appear can make you think about life or even scare you. However, no matter what the deceased relative dreams about, if he visited you in your dreams, you need to pray for him, remember him among your family or friends. It’s even better to visit the grave of the deceased and go to the church to light a candle for the repose, so that his soul finds refuge, and you are no longer confused by thoughts of what the dream you saw could mean and what events it prophesies.

A dream in which dead relatives appear always evokes a feeling of fear. In many cultures, dead people in dreams are regarded as advisers and tipsters. Some people dream of them as harbingers of bad weather, a bad idea, or good news. If a dream with a deceased person is repeated frequently, the dreamer needs to remember what usually happens after such a dream and associate the deceased in a dream with the events that he always warns about.

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    Why do you dream about dead relatives?

    The subconscious sometimes “follows orders” and represents in the form of a dream the thoughts that visited during the day. For example, remembering your deceased parents (this could even be a fleeting thought), you can expect a night dream about them.

    Sometimes people believe that this “visit” may not be accidental - close relatives who have left the dreamer are trying to convey something, warn about danger, convey news. Or they want to "see each other" this way. But such dreams also have more veiled meanings, revealed in well-known dream books.

    Each dream book reveals the essence of dreams with the dead in different ways. The most popular interpreters always attach special significance to this dream.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

    Miller's Dream Book

    According to this dream interpreter, the dead who appear alive in a dream come to warn of a dangerous situation. If they give advice to the sleeping person, then this advice has great power and should be believed and followed. As a rule, the deceased father always protects from harm, and the deceased mother strives to protect health.

    After talking with her, you need to listen to your body and undergo examination at the slightest ailment. But this is if you dream of dead people alive. If they “revolt” in a dream, then this promises a difficult situation, a problem.

    Vanga's dream book says that deceased relatives always warn of an imminent illness or a possible accident. If in a dream dead people hug a sleeping person, this indicates imminent changes in life. Moreover, the coming changes can be both good and bad.

    When the dead die again in a dream, this speaks of imminent betrayal on the part of loved ones, friends and impending conspiracies and intrigues on their part. After such a dream, it is better to be more attentive with your family and beware of betrayal.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    The deceased who dreamed of being alive indicate that they need to be remembered, order a prayer service, a service, light a candle or visit their graves.

    If you kiss or hug dead relatives in a dream, then in reality all doubts, hesitations or fears about making an important decision will go away. But if in a dream only the voice of the deceased is heard, this means a serious illness or health problems.

    Interpreter of Freud

    In this case, Freud's dream book “spared” kindred feelings. He does not see any sexual connotation in such a dream, considering the appearance of the deceased a sign of longevity for the dreamer.

    Freud also points out the importance of speeches made by the dead in dreams. These words or advice are prophetic and must be followed.

    Modern interpreter

    According to the modern dream interpreter, seeing dead relatives in night vision is a sign of a change in weather. Also, such a dream will lead to everyday troubles and problems. Kissing the dead in a dream means a long life.

    If the dead call for them and the dreamer leaves with them, this is a bad sign, a harbinger of imminent death. If the dreamer refused to go, he may avoid death, but caution should be exercised in the near future. Also considered a sign of death is a dream in which the dreamer eats food with deceased loved ones.


    A mother is always the protector of her children. And even after her death, she continues to protect and warn of danger. Dreams in which a deceased mother appears alive can have several interpretations:

    • The dreamer must be careful, he should avoid dangerous situations;
    • Such a dream during pregnancy foreshadows the birth of a girl;
    • The house to which the deceased mother came will be filled with prosperity and warmth;
    • If in a dream there was a quarrel with a deceased mother, this predicts a deterioration in the dreamer’s health.


    In such dreams, every detail is important: what the father said, when he appeared, what the situation was, how the dreamer himself was presented. All the words spoken by the deceased father have meaning; they need to be seriously considered.

    If the father appears in beautiful, new clothes, smiling and good-natured, this promises the child a prosperous life, family joys and prosperity. This dream also suggests that it is time to resolve important issues and do not hesitate. And that the outcome of events will be favorable for the dreamer.

    A hug with a deceased dad is a very good dream, foreshadowing improved relationships with loved ones, reconciliation, and successful resolution of conflicts.

    If your daughter dreams of a dead father, you need to remember what the deceased relative looked like. If he was joyful and kind, the daughter will have a good future and marriage. And if the father was angry, then the girl should not blindly trust the groom, she needs to be convinced of his good intentions.

    If a deceased father gives money in a dream, this is a sign of financial problems. The dreamer should be careful with money, not give or borrow, not get involved in dubious enterprises, and not trust business partners.

    Grandfather or grandmother

    Grandparents dying and coming in a dream are always a warning. They show concern for the dreamer, knowingly predicting troubles that may happen to him. You need to be careful about what your grandparents say and do.

    More often, grandmother dreams of a change in weather, especially if the dreamer has planned a trip. Such a dream indicates that the weather will interfere with plans. A grandfather in a dream can warn about the dangers of planned matters related to finances.

    Brother or sister

    If the dreamer meets his deceased brother, this dream means that it is necessary to help someone from his environment. You need to look around carefully and see someone who needs help, who is suffering trouble or hardship. If you help a person in need, the good will return a hundredfold.

    A dream about a dead sister is interpreted in different ways. It can mean success in your undertakings. This dream can also warn of an unfair situation awaiting the dreamer.

    It is also important to remember the words and actions of the deceased brother or sister you dreamed about. This may change the interpretation of the dream. It is believed that under no circumstances should one give or take money from the deceased. Also, you cannot follow them if they call you. Such symbols are clearly interpreted as possible death or danger to life.

    Husband's relatives

    A dream in which a woman dreams of her husband's relatives may be a warning. The mother-in-law warns about possible difficulties that the spouse is hiding, as well as dangers to his health.

    If you dream of your mother-in-law in the apartment where the dreamer and her husband now live, this is a sign that an accident may occur in the house. A satisfied mother-in-law means the birth of a child or a major purchase. A dissatisfied mother-in-law looking at an apartment in a dream is a sign of her dissatisfaction with changes in housing.

    The father-in-law can warn about problems in the financial plan - caution should be exercised when planning large expenses. If the father-in-law is sitting in the kitchen in a dream, it means possible difficulties for the spouse at work, or a change of place of employment.