Golyavkin is the real deal. Funny stories for children about school

V. Golyavkin

How we climbed into the pipe

A huge pipe lay in the yard, and Vovka and I sat on it. We sat on this pipe, and then I said:

Let's climb into the pipe. We'll get in at one end and come out the other. Who will get out faster?

Vovka said:

What if we suffocate there?

There are two windows in the pipe, I said, just like in a room. Are you breathing in the room?

Vovka said:

What kind of room is this? Since it's a pipe. - He always argues.

I climbed first, and Vovka counted. He counted to thirteen when I got out.

“Come on,” said Vovka.

He climbed into the pipe, and I counted. I counted to sixteen.

“You count quickly,” he said, “come on!” And he climbed into the pipe again.

I counted to fifteen.

It’s not stuffy there at all,” he said, “it’s very cool there.”

Then Petka Yashchikov came up to us.

And we, I say, climb into the pipe! I got out at the count of thirteen, and he got out at the count of fifteen.

“Come on,” said Petya.

And he also climbed into the pipe.

He got out at eighteen.

We started laughing.

He climbed again.

He came out very sweaty.

So how? - he asked.

Sorry,” I said, “we didn’t count just now.”

What does that mean I crawled for nothing? He was offended, but climbed again.

I counted to sixteen.

Well,” he said, “it will gradually work out!” - And he climbed into the pipe again. This time he crawled there for a long time. Almost twenty. He got angry and wanted to climb again, but I said:

Let others climb,” he pushed him away and climbed himself. I got a bump and crawled for a long time. I was very hurt.

I got out at the count of thirty.

“We thought you were missing,” said Petya.

Then Vovka climbed up. I’ve already counted to forty, but he still won’t come out. I look into the chimney - it’s dark there. And there is no other end in sight.

Suddenly he gets out. From the end where you got in. But he climbed out head first. Not with your feet. This is what surprised us!

Wow,” says Vovka, “I almost got stuck. How did you turn there?”

“With difficulty,” says Vovka, “I almost got stuck.”

We were very surprised!

Then Mishka Menshikov came up.

What are you doing here, he says?

“Well,” I say, “we’re climbing into the pipe.” Do you want to climb?

No, he says, I don’t want to. Why should I climb there?

And we, I say, climb there.

It’s obvious,” he says.

What can you see?

Why did you climb there?

We look at each other. And it really is visible. We are all covered in red rust. Everything seemed rusty. Just creepy!

Well, I’m off,” says Mishka Menshikov. And he went.

And we didn’t go into the pipe anymore. Although we were all already rusty. We already had it anyway. It was possible to climb. But we still didn’t climb.

Annoying Misha

Misha learned two poems by heart, and there was no peace from him. He climbed onto stools, on sofas, even on tables and, shaking his head, immediately began to read one poem after another.

Once he went to the girl Masha’s Christmas tree, without taking off his coat, climbed onto a chair and began to read one poem after another.

Masha even told him: “Misha, you’re not an artist!”

But he didn’t hear, he read it all to the end, got off his chair and was so happy that it’s even surprising!

And in the summer he went to the village. There was a large stump in my grandmother's garden. Misha climbed onto a stump and began to read one poem after another to his grandmother.

One must think how tired he was of his grandmother!

Then the grandmother took Misha into the forest. And there was deforestation in the forest. And then Misha saw so many stumps that his eyes widened.

Which stump should you stand on?

He was very confused!

And so his grandmother brought him back, so confused. And from then on he did not read poems unless asked.


We made original costumes - no one else will have them! I will be a horse, and Vovka will be a knight. The only bad thing is that he has to ride me, and not me on him. And all because I'm a little younger. See what happens! But nothing can be done. True, we agreed with him: he will not ride me all the time. He will ride me a little, and then he will get off and lead me behind him, like horses are led by the bridle.

And so we went to the carnival.

We came to the club in ordinary suits, and then changed clothes and went into the hall. That is, we moved in. I crawled on all fours. And Vovka was sitting on my back. True, Vovka helped me move my feet across the floor. But it was still not easy for me.

Besides, I didn't see anything. I was wearing a horse mask. I couldn’t see anything at all, although the mask had holes for the eyes. But they were somewhere on the forehead. I was crawling in the dark. I bumped into someone's feet. I ran into the column twice. What can I say! Sometimes I shook my head, then the mask slipped off and I saw the light. But for a moment. And then it was completely dark again. After all, I couldn’t shake my head all the time!

At least for a moment I saw the light. But Vovka saw nothing at all. And he kept asking me what was ahead. And he asked me to crawl more carefully. I crawled carefully anyway. I didn’t see anything myself. How could I know what was ahead! Someone stepped on my hand. I stopped immediately. And he refused to crawl any further. I told Vovka:

Enough. Get off.

Vovka probably enjoyed the ride and didn’t want to get off. He said it was too early. But still he got down, took me by the bridle, and I crawled on. Now it was easier for me to crawl, although I still couldn’t see anything. I suggested taking off the masks and looking at the carnival, and then putting the masks back on. But Vovka said:

Then they will recognize us.

It must be fun here, I said. - Only we don’t see anything...

But Vovka walked in silence. He firmly decided to endure until the end and receive the first prize. My knees started to hurt. I said:

I'll sit on the floor now.

Can horses sit? - said Vovka. Are you crazy! You're a horse!

“I’m not a horse,” I said. - You are a horse yourself.

No, you’re a horse,” Vovka answered. - And you know perfectly well that you are a horse, We will not receive a bonus

Well, let it be, I said. - I'm sick of.

“Don’t do anything stupid,” said Vovka. - Be patient.

I crawled to the wall, leaned against it and sat on the floor.

You are sitting? - asked Vovka.

“I’m sitting,” I said.

“Okay,” Vovka agreed. - You can still sit on the floor. Just be careful not to sit on the chair. Then everything was gone. Do you understand? A horse - and suddenly on a chair!..

Music was blaring all around and people were laughing.

I asked:

Will it end soon?

Be patient,” said Vovka, “probably soon... Vovka couldn’t stand it either. I sat down on the sofa. I sat down next to him. Then Vovka fell asleep on the sofa. And I fell asleep too. Then they woke us up and gave us a bonus.

We're playing in Antarctica

Mom left home somewhere. And we were left alone. And we got bored. We turned the table over. They pulled a blanket over the table legs. And it turned out to be a tent. It's like we're in Antarctica. Where our dad is now.

Vitka and I climbed into the tent.

We were very pleased that Vitka and I were sitting in a tent, although not in Antarctica, but as if in Antarctica, with ice and wind all around us. But we were tired of sitting in a tent.

Vitka said:

Winterers don’t sit like that in a tent all the time. They're probably doing something.

Surely, I said, they catch whales, seals and do something else. Of course they don't sit like that all the time!

Suddenly I saw our cat. I shouted:

Here's a seal!

Hooray! - Vitka shouted. - Grab him! - He also saw a cat.

The cat was walking towards us. Then she stopped. She looked at us carefully. And she ran back. She didn't want to be a seal. She wanted to be a cat. I understood this immediately. But what could we do! There was nothing we could do. We need to catch someone! I ran, tripped, fell, got up, but the cat was nowhere to be found.

She is here! - Vitka yelled. - Run here!

Vitka’s legs were sticking out from under the bed.

I crawled under the bed. It was dark and dusty there. But the cat was not there.

“I’m getting out,” I said. - There is no cat here.

“Here she is,” Vitka argued. - I saw her run here.

I came out all dusty and started sneezing. Vitka kept fiddling around under the bed.

“She’s there,” Vitka insisted.

Well, let it be, I said. - I won't go there. I sat there for an hour. I'm over it.

Just think! - said Vitka. - And I?! I climb here more than you.

Finally Vitka also got out.

Here she is! - I shouted. The cat was sitting on the bed.

I almost grabbed her by the tail, but Vitka pushed me, the cat jumped - and onto the closet! Try to get it out of the closet!

“What kind of seal is this,” I said. - Can a seal sit on a closet?

Let it be a penguin,” said Vitka. - It's like he's sitting on an ice floe. Let's whistle and shout. He will then be scared. And he will jump from the closet. This time we'll catch the penguin.

We started yelling and whistling as loud as we could. I really don't know how to whistle. Only Vitka whistled. But I screamed at the top of my lungs. Almost hoarse.

But the penguin doesn’t seem to hear. A very cunning penguin. He hides there and sits.

“Come on,” I say, “let’s throw something at him.” Well, at least we'll throw a pillow.

We threw a pillow on the closet. But the cat didn’t jump out of there.

Then we put three more pillows on the closet, mom’s coat, all of mom’s dresses, dad’s skis, a saucepan, dad’s and mom’s slippers, a lot of books and much more. But the cat didn’t jump out of there.

Maybe it's not on the closet? - I said.

“She’s there,” Vitka said.

What is it like if she’s not there?

Don't know! - says Vitka.

Vitka brought a basin of water and placed it near the closet. If a cat decides to jump from the cabinet, let it jump straight into the basin. Penguins love to dive into water.

We left something else for the closet. Wait - won't he jump? Then they placed a table next to the closet, a chair on the table, a suitcase on the chair, and they climbed onto the closet.

And there is no cat there.

The cat has disappeared. No one knows where.

Vitka began to climb down from the closet and plopped straight into the basin. Water spilled all over the room.

Then mom comes in. And behind her is our cat. She apparently jumped through the window.

Mom clasped her hands and said:

What's going on here?

Vitka remained sitting in the basin. I was so scared.

How amazing it is, says mom, that you can’t leave them alone for a minute. You have to do something like this!

Of course, we had to clean everything ourselves. And even wash the floor. And the cat walked around importantly. And she looked at us with such an expression as if she was going to say: “Now, you will know that I am a cat. And not a seal or a penguin.”

A month later our dad arrived. He told us about Antarctica, about brave polar explorers, about their great job, and it was very funny to us that we thought that the winterers did nothing but catch various whales and seals there...

But we didn't tell anyone what we thought.
Copyright: Golyavkin, stories for children

Extracurricular reading in elementary school. Stories by Viktor Golyavkin for reading at school and at home. Stories for primary schoolchildren.

Victor Golyavkin. How I helped my mother wash the floor

I've been meaning to wash the floor for a long time. Only my mother didn’t allow me. “It won’t work,” he says, “you…” “Let’s see how it won’t work out!”

Fuck! - he knocked over the bucket and spilled all the water. But I decided it was even better. This makes cleaning the floor much more convenient. All the water is on the floor; three rags - and that's it. Not enough water, really. Our room is big. You'll have to pour another bucket of water on the floor. I poured out another bucket, now it’s beautiful! I rub and rub with a rag - nothing comes out. Where should I put the water so that the floor is dry? You can't think of anything without a pump. You need to take a bicycle pump. Pump the water back into the bucket.

But when you rush, everything turns out badly. There is no less water on the floor, and the bucket is empty. The pump must have gone bad.

Now we have to tinker with the pump.

Then mom comes into the room.

“What is it,” he shouts, “why water?”

- Don't worry, mom, everything will be fine. We just need to fix the pump.

— What pump?

- To pump water...

Mom took a rag, soaked it in water, then squeezed the rag into a bucket, then wet it again, and squeezed it into the bucket again. And so several times in a row. And there was no water on the floor.

Everything turned out to be so simple. And my mother tells me:

- Nothing. You still helped me.

Victor Golyavkin. Lukyan

Katya was called to answer the lesson, and Masha stared out the window. Katya is waiting for a hint, and Masha sees Lukyan’s dog and says quietly, out loud:

- Lukyan...

Katya thought, they told her, and repeats:

- Lukyan...

- What does Lukyan have to do with it?! - the teacher was surprised.

The teacher looks at Katya angrily.

Katya looks angrily at Masha.

And Masha calmly looks out the window.

Victor Golyavkin. And we helped

When the snow was cleared from the roof, the whole yard helped the janitor. Of course, we were not allowed on the roof. Then we gathered in the yard, stood in a chain, holding hands, and did not allow anyone into the area where the snow was falling.

When people walked into this area, unaware of the danger, we shouted in unison:

- You can’t come here! Bypass!

And all the people walked around.

A small piece of snow landed on Vaska. It spun and spun in the air and landed right on Vaska’s head. Vaska just shook his head, and the snow on his head melted. He then kept repeating that he protected others with his head. It is immodest, I think, to say such things. Me too! As if it were some huge piece of ice.

The janitor drove us with all his might, but we didn’t leave. They helped until the end.

And the janitor says that we were in the way.

How so?!

This can't be true!

Victor Golyavkin. Language

The guys were working. And Petya sat down on the step. And so he sat. Really needs to work!

But I'm tired of sitting.

He saw a cat.

Caught her.

He showed the cat a shish, whistled in the cat’s ear, blew on it, made several faces, sang three songs, and stuck out his tongue.

She paws his tongue!

He immediately stopped singing.

He screamed, released the cat and rushed to the guys...

Better late than never!

Victor Golyavkin. A couple of trifles

As soon as academic year It was over, the whole class gathered in the yard. We discussed what they would do in the summer. Everyone said different things. And Volodya said:

- Let's write letters to Anna Petrovna. Where anyone will be, he will write from there. About what I saw in the summer. How did you spend your time.

Everyone shouted:

- Right! Right!

That's what they decided on.

Everyone has gone somewhere. Klim went to the village. He immediately wrote a letter there - five pages.

He wrote:

“I saved drowning people in the village. They were all pleased. One rescued person told me: “If it weren’t for you, I would have drowned.” And I told him: “For me this is a couple of trifles.” And he said: “It’s no big deal for me.” I said, “Of course, it’s not a piece of cake for you, but it’s a piece of cake for me.” He said, "Thank you very much." I said: “You’re welcome, because for me it’s a couple of trifles.”

I saved about fifty or a hundred people. Even, maybe more. And then they stopped drowning, and there was no one to save.

Then I saw a broken rail. And stopped the whole train. People ran out of the carriages. They hugged me and praised me. And many kissed. Many people asked for my address, and I gave them my address. Many gave their addresses, and I took their addresses with pleasure. Many offered me gifts, but I said: “Only, please, without this.” Many took pictures of me, I took pictures with many, many offered me to go with them right away, but I could not leave my grandmother. I didn't warn her!

Then I saw a burning house. He was burning with all his might. And there was plenty of smoke. “Go ahead!” I said to myself. “There’s definitely someone there!”

Beams were falling all around me. Several beams fell behind me, and several in front. Several beams fell to the side. One beam fell on my shoulder. Two or three beams fell from the other side. Five beams fell right on my head. Several beams also fell somewhere. But I didn't pay attention. I searched all over the house. But there was no one there except the cat. I ran out into the street with the cat. The owners of the house were here. They held watermelons in their hands. “Thank you for Murka,” they said. “We just came from the grocery store.” They gave me one watermelon. Then everyone put out the fire in the house...

Then I saw the old woman. She was crossing the street. I immediately went to meet her. “Please allow me,” I said, “to take you to the other side.” I took her to the other side and came back. More old women came up. I also transferred them to the other side. Some old ladies didn't need to go to the other side. But I said, “Please, I will take you there and back. And you will be on this side again.”

They all told me: “If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t have crossed.” And I said: “For me this is a couple of trifles.”

Two or three old women did not want to cross. They were just sitting on a bench. And they looked at the other side. When I asked if they needed to go to the other side, they said: “We don’t need to go there.” And when I said why don't they take a walk, they said, "Really, why don't we take a walk?" I transferred them all to the other side. They sat down on a bench there. They didn't want to go back. No matter how much I begged them.”

Klim wrote a lot of things. He was very pleased with his letter. And he sent the letter by mail.

Then summer ended. Classes have started. During the lesson, Anna Petrovna said:

— A lot of people sent me letters. Nice, interesting letters. I'll read some to you.

“Now it will begin,” thought Klim. — There are many heroic deeds in my letter. Everyone will praise and admire me.”

Anna Petrovna read many letters.

But I didn’t read his letters.

“Well, everything is clear here,” thought Klim. — A letter was sent to the newspaper. It will be printed there. Maybe there will be a portrait of me. Everyone will say: “Oh, it’s him! Look! And I’ll say: “So what? It's a piece of cake for me."

Victor Golyavkin. Let me pass!

A second-grader stood in the doorway of the house and waited for a friend. A fifth-grader was walking home, grabbed a second-grader by the collar and shouted:

- Why are you dangling under your feet?

A seventh-grader was walking home and grabbed the collars of a second-grader and a fifth-grader so that they wouldn’t dangle under their feet.

A ninth-grader was walking home and grabbed a second-grader, a fifth-grader, and a seventh-grader by the collar at the door, as they were dangling under his feet.

Then, of course, the seventh grader grabbed the ninth grader, the fifth grader grabbed the seventh grader, and the second grader grabbed the fifth grader. No one thought that he was dangling under someone’s feet. It can’t be that people are dangling under each other’s feet!

An old man was walking home.

But could he get through?

He said:

- Allow me.

And everyone let go of each other and went home, except for the second grader. He stood in the doorway again.

After all, he was waiting for his friend. Why grab him by the collar? Although... You can stand NEAR the doors!


1 Viktor Golyavkin Funny stories for children about school 1

2 Victor Golyavkin. NOTEBOOKS IN THE RAIN During recess, Marik says to me: Let's run away from class. Look how nice it is outside! What if Aunt Dasha is late with the briefcases? You need to throw the briefcases out the window. We looked out the window near the dry wall, and a little further away there was a huge puddle. Don't throw your briefcases into a puddle! We took the belts off the trousers, tied them together and carefully lowered the briefcases onto them. At this time the bell rang. The teacher entered. I had to sit down. The lesson has begun. The rain poured outside the window. Marik writes me a note: “Our notebooks are missing.” I answer him: “Our notebooks are missing.” He writes to me, “What are we going to do?” I answer him, “What are we going to do?” Suddenly they call me to the board. I can’t, I say, I have to go to the board. “How can I walk without a belt, I think?” Go, go, I’ll help you, says the teacher. You don't need to help me. Are you ill by any chance? I say you are ill. What about homework? Good with homework. The teacher comes up to me. Well, show me your notebook. I'm silent. What's going on with you? I'm silent. You'll have to give it a two. He opens the magazine and gives me a bad mark, and I think about my notebook, which is now getting wet in the rain. The teacher gave me a bad mark and calmly said: You’re kind of strange today... 2

3 Victor Golyavkin. NO LUCK One day I come home from school. That day I just got a bad grade. I walk around the room and sing. I sing and sing so that no one thinks that I got a bad mark. Otherwise they will ask, “Why are you gloomy, why are you thoughtful?” The father says: Why is he singing like that? And mom says: He’s probably in a cheerful mood, so he’s singing. The father says: He probably got an A, that’s what’s fun for the man. It's always fun when you do something good. When I heard this, I sang even louder. Then the father says: Okay, Vovka, please your father, show him the diary. Then I immediately stopped singing. For what? I ask. I see, says father, you really want to show me the diary. He takes the diary from me, sees a deuce there and says: Amazing, he got a deuce and is singing! What, is he crazy? Come on, Vova, come here! Do you happen to have a fever? I say, I don’t have any temperature... My father spread his hands and said: Then you need to be punished for this singing... That’s how unlucky I am! Victor Golyavkin. THIS IS WHAT IS INTERESTING When Goga started going to first grade, he knew only two letters O circle and T hammer. That's all. I didn't know any other letters. And he couldn’t read. Grandma tried to teach him, but he immediately came up with a trick. Now, now, grandma, I’ll wash the dishes for you. And he immediately ran to the kitchen to wash the dishes. And the old grandmother forgot about studying and even bought him gifts for helping him with the housework. And Gogin’s parents were on a long business trip and relied on their grandmother. And of course, they didn’t know that their son still hadn’t learned to read. But Goga often washed the floor and dishes, went to buy bread, and his grandmother praised him in every possible way in letters to his parents. And I read it aloud to him. And Goga, sitting comfortably on the sofa, listened with eyes closed. “Why should I learn to read,” he reasoned, if my grandmother reads aloud to me.” He didn't even try. And in class he dodged as best he could. The teacher said to him: Read it here. He pretended to read, and he himself told from memory what his grandmother read to him. The teacher stopped him. To the laughter of the class, he said: If you want, I’d better close the window so that it doesn’t blow. Or I’m so dizzy that I’m probably going to fall... He pretended so skillfully that one day his teacher sent him to the doctor. The doctor asked How is your health? It’s bad, Goga said. 3

4 What hurts? All. Well, then go to class. Why? Because nothing hurts you. How do you know? How do you know that? the doctor laughed. And he slightly pushed Goga towards the exit. Goga never pretended to be sick again, but continued to prevaricate. And the efforts of my classmates came to nothing. At first, Masha, an excellent student, was assigned to him. Let's study seriously, Masha told him. When? asked Goga. Yeah right now. “I’ll come now,” Goga said. And he left and did not return. Then Grisha, an excellent student, was assigned to him. They stayed in the classroom. But as soon as Grisha opened the primer, Goga reached under the desk. Where are you going? Grisha asked. Come here, called Gog. For what? And here no one will interfere with us. Yah you! Grisha, of course, was offended and left immediately. No one else was assigned to him. As time went. He was dodging. Gogin's parents arrived and found that their son could not read a single line. The father grabbed his head, and the mother grabbed the book she had brought for her child. Now every evening, she said, I will read this wonderful book aloud to my son. Grandma said: Yes, yes, I also read interesting books aloud to Gogochka every evening. But the father said: It was in vain that you did this. Our Gogochka has become so lazy that he cannot read a single line. I ask everyone to leave for the meeting. And dad, along with grandmother and mom, left for a meeting. And Goga was at first worried about the meeting, and then calmed down when his mother began to read to him from a new book. And he even shook his legs with pleasure and almost spat on the carpet. But he didn't know what kind of meeting it was! What was decided there! So, mom read him a page and a half after the meeting. And he, swinging his legs, naively imagined that this would continue to happen. But when mom stopped really interesting place, he became worried again. And when she handed him the book, he became even more worried. And then read for yourself, his mother told him. He immediately suggested: Let me wash the dishes for you, mommy. And he ran to wash the dishes. But even after that, my mother refused to read. He ran to his father. His father strictly told him never to turn to him with such requests again. He thrust the book to his grandmother, but she yawned and dropped it from her hands. He picked up the book from the floor and gave it to his grandmother again. But she dropped it from her hands again. No, she had never fallen asleep so quickly in her chair before! “Is Goga really sleeping, or was she instructed to pretend at the meeting?” Goga tugged at her, shook her, but her grandmother didn’t even think about waking up. And he so wanted to know what was happening next in this book! 4

5 In despair, he sat down on the floor and began to look at the pictures. But from the pictures it was difficult to understand what was happening there next. He brought the book to class. But his classmates refused to read to him. Moreover, Masha immediately left, and Grisha defiantly reached under the desk. Goga pestered the high school student, but he flicked him on the nose and laughed. What to do next? After all, he will never know what is written next in the book until he reads it. All that remained was to study. Read for yourself. That's what a home meeting is all about! This is what the public means! He soon read the entire book and many other books, but out of habit he never forgot to go buy bread, wash the floor or wash the dishes. That's what's interesting! Victor Golyavkin. IN THE CLOSET Before class, I climbed into the closet. I wanted to meow from the closet. They'll think it's a cat, but it's me. I was sitting in the closet, waiting for the lesson to start, and didn’t notice how I fell asleep. I wake up quietly in the classroom. I look through the crack and there is no one there. I pushed the door, but it was closed. So, I slept through the entire lesson. Everyone went home, and they locked me in the closet. It's stuffy in the closet and dark as night. I became scared, I started shouting: E-uh! I'm in the closet! Help! I listened to the silence all around. Me again: Oh! Comrades! I'm sitting in the closet! I hear someone's steps. Someone is coming. Who's bawling here? I immediately recognized Aunt Nyusha, the cleaning lady. I was delighted and shouted: Aunt Nyusha, I’m here! Where are you, dear? I'm in the closet! In the closet! How did you, my dear, get there? I'm in the closet, grandma! So I hear that you are in the closet. So what do you want? I was locked in a closet. Oh, grandma! Aunt Nyusha left. Silence again. She probably went to get the key. Steps again. I hear the voice of Pal Palych. Pal Palych is our head teacher... Pal Palych knocked on the closet with his finger. There is no one there, said Pal Palych. Why not? Yes, said Aunt Nyusha. Well, where did he say Pal Palych and knocked on the closet again. I was afraid that everyone would leave, I would stay in the closet, and with all my might I shouted I’m here! Who are you? asked Pal Palych. I... Tsypkin... 5

6 Why did you climb there, Tsypkin? I was locked... I didn't get in... Hm... He was locked! But he didn’t get in! You've seen what wizards there are in our school! They don't get into the closet when they are locked in the closet. Miracles don’t happen, do you hear, Tsypkin? I hear you... How long have you been sitting there? asked Pal Palych. I don’t know... Find the key, said Pal Palych. Fast. Aunt Nyusha went to get the key, but Pal Palych stayed behind. He sat down on a chair nearby and began to wait. I saw his face through the crack. He was very angry. He lit a cigarette and said Well! This is what prank leads to. Tell me honestly, why are you in the closet? I really wanted to disappear from the closet. They open the closet, and I’m not there. It was as if I had never been there. People will ask me, “Were you in the closet?” I will say “I wasn’t!” They will say to me, “Who was there?” I will say “I don’t know!” But this only happens in fairy tales! Surely tomorrow they will call mom... Your son, they will say, climbed into the closet, slept there during all classes, and all that... as if it’s comfortable for me to sleep here! My legs ache, my back hurts. One torment! What was I supposed to answer? I was silent. Are you alive there? asked Pal Palych. Alive... Well, sit down, they'll open it soon... I'm sitting... So... said Pal Palych. So you will answer me why you climbed into this closet. I was silent. Suddenly I heard the director's voice. He walked down the corridor Who? Tsypkin? In the closet? Why? I wanted to disappear again. The director asked: Tsypkin, are you? I sighed heavily. I simply couldn't answer anymore. Aunt Nyusha said: The class leader took the key away. Break down the door, the director said. I felt the door being broken down, the closet shook, and I hit my forehead painfully. I was afraid that the cabinet would fall, and I cried. I pressed my hands against the walls of the closet, and when the door gave way and opened, I continued to stand in the same way. Well, come out, said the director. And tell us what that means. I didn't move. I was scared. Why is he standing? asked the director. I was pulled out of the closet. I was silent the whole time. I didn't know what to say. I just wanted to meow. But how would I say this... 6

7 Victor Golyavkin. About scrap metal, Tolik was carrying an old, rusty bed along the street. And Masha was carrying an old rusty anchor. They take it to school because it's scrap metal. Tolik says: There is more weight in my bed than in your stupid anchor. So, I collected more than you. Masha says: This is still unknown. My anchor is all full, and your bed is inflated. Tolik even stopped. How is that inflated? It’s very simple: my anchor is solid, but your bed is not solid. What kind of bed do I have? says Tolik. Masha also stopped and said: Your bed is inflated. What nonsense! says Tolik. How can it be that she is a ball or something? She is not a ball, says Masha, but nevertheless she is inflated. These glands, they are empty inside. And my anchor is full inside. He's not pouty, if you must know! Your anchor is rusty! says Tolik. Your bed is inflated! says Masha. From the broken ship is your anchor! says Tolik. At that time, an old woman walked past. She was carrying bananas in her bag. The old lady with bananas says: Put this anchor on the bed. And carry it all together. But Tolik said: This is my scrap metal. And Masha said: This is my scrap metal. Ah, that's it! said the old lady. I didn't know this. And she left. And Tolik and Masha were first surprised why the old lady said that, and then they were surprised why they said that to the old lady, because it didn’t matter whose bed it was or whose anchor it was. Because it's for everyone. And they did as the old woman with the bananas told them. 7

8 Victor Golyavkin. We are playing in Antarctica. Mom left home somewhere. And we were left alone. And we got bored. We turned the table over. They pulled a blanket over the table legs. And it turned out to be a tent. It's like we're in Antarctica. Where our dad is now. Vitka and I climbed into the tent. We were very pleased that Vitka and I were sitting in a tent, although not in Antarctica, but as if in Antarctica, with ice and wind all around us. But we were tired of sitting in a tent. Vitka said: Winterers don’t sit like that in the tent all the time. They're probably doing something. Surely, I said, they catch whales, seals and do something else. Of course they don't sit like that all the time! Suddenly I saw our cat. I shouted: Here is a seal! Hooray! Vitka shouted. Grab him! He also saw a cat. The cat was walking towards us. Then she stopped. She looked at us carefully. And she ran back. She didn't want to be a seal. She wanted to be a cat. I understood this immediately. But what could we do! There was nothing we could do. We need to catch someone! I ran, tripped, fell, got up, but the cat was nowhere to be found. She is here! Vitka yelled. Run here! Vitka’s legs were sticking out from under the bed. I crawled under the bed. It was dark and dusty there. But the cat was not there. I'm getting out, I said. There is no cat here. Here she is, Vitka argued. I saw her run here. I came out all dusty and started sneezing. Vitka kept fiddling around under the bed. She is there, Vitka insisted. Well, so be it, I said. I won't go there. I sat there for an hour. I'm over it. Just think! Vitka said. And I?! I climb here more than you. Finally Vitka also got out. Here she is! I shouted. The cat was sitting on the bed. I almost grabbed her by the tail, but Vitka pushed me, the cat jumped onto the closet! Try to get it out of the closet! What kind of seal is this, I said. Can a seal sit on a closet? Let it be a penguin, said Vitka. It's like he's sitting on an ice floe. Let's whistle and shout. He will then be scared. And he will jump from the closet. This time we'll catch the penguin. We started yelling and whistling as loud as we could. I really don't know how to whistle. Only Vitka whistled. But I screamed at the top of my lungs. Almost hoarse. But the penguin doesn’t seem to hear. A very cunning penguin. He hides there and sits. Come on, I say, let's throw something at him. Well, at least we'll throw a pillow. We threw a pillow on the closet. But the cat didn’t jump out of there. Then we put three more pillows on the closet, mom’s coat, all of mom’s dresses, dad’s skis, a saucepan, dad’s and mom’s slippers, a lot of books and much more. But the cat didn’t jump out of there. Maybe it's not on the closet? I said. There she is, Vitka said. What is it like if she’s not there? Don't know! says Vitka. 8

9 Vitka brought a basin of water and placed it near the closet. If a cat decides to jump from the cabinet, let it jump straight into the basin. Penguins love to dive into water. We left something else for the closet. Wait, won't he jump? Then they placed a table next to the closet, a chair on the table, a suitcase on the chair, and they climbed onto the closet. And there is no cat there. The cat has disappeared. No one knows where. Vitka began to climb down from the closet and plopped straight into the basin. Water spilled all over the room. Then mom comes in. And behind her is our cat. She apparently jumped through the window. Mom clasped her hands and said: What's going on here? Vitka remained sitting in the basin. I was so scared. How amazing it is, says mom, that you can’t leave them alone for a minute. You have to do something like this! Of course, we had to clean everything ourselves. And even wash the floor. And the cat walked around importantly. And she looked at us with such an expression as if she was about to say: “Now, you will know that I am a cat. Not a seal or a penguin." A month later our dad arrived. He told us about Antarctica, about the brave polar explorers, about their great work, and it was very funny to us that we thought that the winterers did nothing but catch various whales and seals there... But we didn’t tell anyone that we thought. Victor Golyavkin. How I wanted to deceive everyone. I don’t even want to talk about it. But I'll tell you anyway. Everyone thought I was really sick, but my gumboil was not real. It was I who put a blotter under my cheek, and that’s why my cheek became swollen. And on top of that, he made a grimace, saying that my tooth hurts! And I hum lightly; I did this all on purpose so that they wouldn’t ask for the lesson. And Anna Petrovna believed me. And the guys believed. Everyone felt sorry for me and worried. And I pretended that I was in great pain. Anna Petrovna said: Go home. Since your tooth hurts so much. But I didn’t want to go home at all. I roll the blotter in my mouth with my tongue and think: “I fooled everyone!” Suddenly Tanka Vederkina screams: Oh, look, the gumboil is on the other side! 9

10 Victor Golyavkin. It wasn’t an extreme case. Everyone in class was writing a retelling, but, as luck would have it, I got sick that day. Five days later I just showed up at school. Anna Petrovna told me: Take the book home, read it and write it in your own words. Just read it no more than twice. What if I don't remember? Write as you remember. Is there no way you can do it a third time? In extreme cases, it is possible. I came home. I read it twice. As if I remembered it. I just forgot how to write the word “window” with an “a” or an “o”. What if you open the book and look once? Or is this not an extreme case? This is probably not an extreme case. After all, I mostly remembered everything. I’d better ask dad if I can come in a third time or not. This is not an extreme case, Dad said. There is a rule about unstressed vowels. And you must know this rule. I forgot the rule. I had to write at random. Anna Petrovna read the story. Why did you write the word “window” with an “a”? I say: It was not an extreme case. And I couldn’t look at the book for the third time. Otherwise I would have written it correctly. Victor Golyavkin. My work The older brother was making a receiver, and the younger brother was walking around and getting in the way. And I want to work, he asked. Here you are, said the elder brother. You're wearing a hammer and a nail. The younger one found a piece of plywood and got to work. Knock-knock-knock, all the plywood is full of holes! Even the whole stool has holes. I almost made a hole in my finger. Come on, said the elder brother, give it here. And nailed the plywood to the receiver. That's all, said the elder brother, the receiver is ready. The younger one went out into the yard and brought the guys. I did this. My job! Did you make the whole receiver? Not all of it, of course, but main part. Without it, the receiver would not work. 10

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4 Ama was leaving the house and said to Misha: I’m leaving, Misha, and you behave well. Don’t play around without me and don’t touch anything. For this I will give you a big red lollipop. Mom left. Misha behaved well at first:

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2 Trees cannot talk and stand still, but they are still alive. They are breathing. They grow throughout their lives. Even huge old trees grow up every year like little children. Shepherds tend the flocks,

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N atio n Real sleep ubaya libki ibl Ko i mi edema 1 New name Story Pavlina jumped from the footboard of the carriage straight into the arms of her dad. Hello, daughter! How did you rest? Fine! Mom kissed her too

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The Hare walked through the forest with a sack, looking for mushrooms and berries for his little hares, but, as luck would have it, he didn’t come across anything: no mushrooms, no berries. And suddenly in the middle of a green clearing he saw wild apple tree. And the ruddy apples on it

Morning The sun is in the window, I'm on the threshold. How many paths, how many roads! How many trees, how many bushes, Birds, insects, Herbs and flowers! 4 How many blooming, lush fields, colorful butterflies, flies and bumblebees! Sun

1 Tomorrow Hugo turns eleven, and Otto and Anna are coming to his birthday party. Many of his friends have already been sent to distant villages, and the rest will also be sent soon. The tension in the ghetto is high, but

Golyavkin Viktor Vladimirovich.

Novels and stories


About me and about Vovka

I live with my dad, mom and sister Katya. In a big house next to the school. Vovka still lives in our house. I'm six and a half years old and I don't go to school yet. And Vovka goes to second grade. We are very great friends, only he loves to tease. For example, he drew a picture: a house, the sun, a tree and a cow. And he says that he drew me, although everyone will say that I am not there. And he says: “You are here, you hid behind a tree.” Or something else like that.

One day he asks me:

You know?

I answer him:

Don't know.

“Oh, you,” he says, “don’t know!”

How can I know?

And I know there are stars in the sky.

I know that too.

Why didn't you tell me right away? - And he laughs. “When you go to school, you’ll know everything.”

I thought a little, then I said:

You know?

Eh, you, I say, don’t know!

What don't I know?

That I'm standing next to you. And also a schoolboy!

Vovka was immediately offended.

“We’re friends,” he says, “but you’re teasing.”

It was you, I say, and not me who was teasing.

Since then, Vovka began to tease less. Because I imitated him. But still, sometimes he forgot and began to tease again. And all because he goes to school, but I can’t go to school.

About how I decided to go to school

This is what happened to me last year...

Vovka had a way of remembering. If Vovka wanted to remember something, he sang out loud. I also remembered how Vovka sang the letters: “A-a-a-a bvgd-uh-uh...”

I walk and sing at the top of my lungs. Everything turned out just like Vovka’s. Only Katya really bothered me. She followed me and sang too. She is only five years old, but she climbs everywhere. He sticks his nose into everything. She has an obnoxious character. No one can rest from her. She caused a lot of trouble: she broke a decanter, three plates, two cups and a jar of jam. I locked myself in the bathroom to sing the letters. And she knocks on the door and cries. And what does a person need! Why does she need to sing with me? Unclear. It’s good that mom took her away, otherwise I would have mixed up the letters. And so I remembered everything perfectly.

I came to Vovkin’s class and sat down at my desk. Some boy started chasing me, but I grabbed the desk and didn’t leave. He had to sit at another desk.

The teacher noticed me immediately. He asked:

Where are you from, boy?

“I’m nine years old,” I lied.

“It doesn’t look like it,” said the teacher.

“I came myself,” I said, “I can sing the letters.”

What letters?

Are there any other letters?

Of course have. - And shows me the book.

Oh, and there are a lot of letters! I was even scared.

I can’t do this much, I’m still small...

Did you think you were already big?

I didn't think I was so small. I'm as tall as Vovka.

Who is Vovka?

“He’s sitting there,” I said. - We competed with him...

He's lying! - Vovka shouted. - I am higher!

Everyone laughed. The teacher said:

I believe you both. Moreover, you measured yourself. But you don’t know all the letters.

That's right, I said. - But I will learn them.

When you learn, come back. And now it's too early.

Definitely, I say, I’ll come. Goodbye.

Goodbye, says the teacher.

Here's how it all turned out!

I thought Vovka would tease me.

But Vovka did not tease. He said:

Do not be sad. You only have to wait two years. It's quite a bit of a wait. Others have to wait much longer. My brother has to wait five years.

I'm not sad...

Why grieve!..

There’s no point in grieving,” I said. - I'm not grieving...

In fact, I was grieving. But I didn't show it.

“I have an extra primer,” said Vovka. - My dad bought me one primer, and my mom bought the other. Do you want me to give you an ABC book?

I wanted to give him a guards ribbon in return. He's been asking me for this tape for a long time. But he didn’t take the tape.

“I won’t take the tape for the primer,” he says. Study, please. I do not mind.

Then just like that,” I say, “take the tape.”

It's just possible.

“I would give you my dream,” I say. - But sleep cannot be given. You know, do not you.

The fact is that Vovka always dreams of roosters. And I don’t dream of anything else. He told me about it himself. And I have different dreams. As I climbed the mountains, oh, how difficult it was! I even woke up. How I stood as a goalkeeper. Caught a hundred balls.

And I don’t care... - Vovka sighed. - So boring!

And you drive them away.

How to drive them away? After all, they are in a dream...

Drive anyway.

I really wanted to help him. So that he dreams of normal dreams, and not some kind of roosters. But what could I do! I would gladly give him my dream!

About one and two

Today Vovka came home from school angry. Doesn't want to talk to anyone. I immediately understood what was going on. I probably got a two. Every evening he plays in the yard, and then suddenly he sits at home. Probably his mother didn’t let him in. It happened once already. He then brought one. And why do people grab deuces? Yes, only a few. It's like you can't do without them. Ignorant, as my dad says. I will certainly be conscious. After all, bad grades bring grief to everyone - both dad and mom... Maybe it’s difficult to study at school? Look how Vovka suffers from this. He sits at home and is not allowed into the yard. It's hard to study at school. What if it will be difficult for me to study? Mom will scold me, put me in a corner, and won’t let me go into the yard to play with the kids. What kind of life will it be? I need to talk to Vovka. Find out everything about school from him. Otherwise it will be too late. I will start going to school myself. It's better to find out everything now. Maybe we should just pick it up and leave? Somewhere to the ends of the world?

In the evening I asked my dad why Vovka grabs a deuce.

“He’s just a quitter,” Dad answered. - He's unconscious. The state teaches him for free. Teachers spend time on it. Schools were built for him. And he. know that it brings you deuces...

So that's Vovka! He's a quitter. I couldn’t even imagine how this was possible! After all, they even built a school for him. I couldn't understand this. For me, if a school were built... yes, I would... I would study all the time. I simply wouldn't leave school.

I met Vovka the next day. He was walking from school.

Got five! - he shouted joyfully.

“You’re lying,” I said.

Am I lying?!

Because you're a quitter!

What are you doing?! - Vovka was surprised.

You're a quitter, that's all. That's what my dad said. It's clear? Vovka hit me on the nose with all his might, then pushed me

me, and I fell into a puddle.

Received? - he shouted. - You'll get more!

And you will receive it!

Look what! Doesn't go to school yet!

And you're a quitter!

Uncle Vitya came up to us. Uncle Vitya is a pilot. We all love him very much. He took us on a plane ride.

Peace,” said Uncle Vitya, “immediately!”

I didn't want to put up at all. First of all, the nose

I was terribly ill, and secondly, since Vovka is a quitter... But Uncle Vitya forced him. I had to make peace.

Uncle Vitya took us outside and bought us ice cream.

We ate the ice cream in silence. Vovka took money out of his pocket and suggested:

I have money here... Shall we buy more?

We bought a glass of ice cream and ate it in half.

Want more? - I asked.

I want to,” said Vovka.

I ran home, took money from my mother, and we bought another glass.

Graduated from the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I.E. Repin (Academy of Arts) with a degree in theatrical and decorative painting.

Non-partisan. Due to his age, he did not participate in the war. Since November 28, 1961 - member of the Union of Writers of the USSR. Since 1973 - member of the Union of Artists of the USSR /LOSKh/, graphics section.

The first literary publication took place in May 1958 in the magazine "Koster"; story "How a complex issue was resolved."

The first book of stories was published in 1959 by the Detgiz publishing house, “Notebooks in the Rain.” The first book of stories for adults "Hello Birds!" published in 1968 in Lenizdat. V. Golyavkin sometimes illustrated his books for children himself. Books for children and adults - stories, novels, novels - were published in "children's literature", and in "Soviet Writer" and in Lenizdat, as well as in Moscow publishing houses.

The writer's favorite genre remains a short humorous story.

"...V. Golyavkin wrote more than one hundred stories, marked by the individual stamp of his bright, cheerful talent and firmly established himself in the cohort of those prose writers who can be quickly recognized by their original Phrase, by their unique intonation, by the characteristic rhythm of their writing. But maybe ", the main achievement of V. Golyavkin is his natural and full-fledged “living” in the child’s element, .. genuine surprise and imagination, paradoxical logic and sharpness of reaction, purity of motives and slyness - all this is organic for the writer and all this is present in his books" (I. Kuzmichev).

Some of V. Golyavkin’s works formed the basis feature films, loved by the viewer: “Valka - Ruslan and his friend Sanka” (Gorky Studio based on the story “You Come to Us, Come”), “My Good Dad” (Lenfilm, based on the story of the same name), “Bob and the Elephant” (director Baltrushaitis , according to the original script).

V. Golyavkin participated in art exhibitions, beginning with International exhibition in Moscow 1957: 1975 - I All-Russian exhibition book graphics in the Union of Artists, in the 80s in the hall of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR in the exhibition "Painting of Graphic Artists" 6 paintings were shown, some of which were later purchased by the State Russian Museum, 1990 - personal exhibition in the House of Writers (painting) and others.

In 1996 he was accepted as a member of the Russian PEN Club.

Among his artist friends he names Tair Salakhov, Togrul Narimanbekov, Oleg Tselkov, Mikhail Kazansky, Minas Avetisyan (deceased).