Speech development. Bilingualism: Apple in fairy tales


Russian folk audio riddles about plants “Ermak - white cap” from the collection “Clever Ivashka, the Firebird and the Golden Grain”: 1. It makes you happy in the spring, / It’s cold in the summer, / It nourishes you in the fall, / It warms you up in the winter. (Tree). 2. They fly, circle, / lie down on the ground. / They don’t get up from the ground / And then they disappear. (Tree leaves). 3. There is noise on the mountain, / But under the mountain it is silent. (Forest). 4. I bloom in spring, / I bear fruit in summer, / I don’t fade in autumn, / I don’t die in winter. (Fur tree, pine tree). 5. The pillars are white, / The caps on them are green. (Birch). 6. No one is scared, but everyone is trembling. (Aspen). 7. As a mother in the spring I am in a colored dress, / As a stepmother in the winter I am in a shroud alone. (Bird cherry). 8. The dress is lost - the buttons remain. (Rowan). 9. Blue uniform, / Yellow lining, / Sweet in the middle. (Plum). 10. It was not my dear mother, / But she gave me a gift. (Apple tree). 11. Above the water, water/ Stands red with a beard. (Kalina). 12. There is a stick on a pitchfork, / Dressed in scarlet, / Whoever comes up, / He will be stabbed. (Rose hip). 13. Egorka stands / In a red skull cap, / Whoever passes by, / Gives every bow. (Strawberry). 14. It grew and grew,/ It crawled out of the bushes,/ It spun at the tip,/ The red maidens fell in love with it. (Cloudberry). 15. There is a flatbread / On one leg, / Whoever does not pass by, / Everyone will bow. (Mushroom). 16. Ermak stands in the forest, wearing a white cap. (Stump in the snow). 17. She is cold, but she burns people. (Nettle). 18. Sisters are standing in the field -/ Yellow eye, white eyelashes. (Chamomile). 19. Soft, not fluff, / Green, not grass. (Moss).

My favorite fruit is apples. And, probably, not only for me, but also for many people.

They have always loved apples, and the tree itself - the apple tree - since the time of Adam and Eve. Everyone remembers that there was an apple in the Bible forbidden fruit.

And in the myths of Ancient Greece, it’s not just an apple – it’s an apple of discord. Apple of discord, Golden Apple with the inscription “most beautiful” was thrown by the goddess of discord Eris at the wedding of Peleus and the goddess Thetis.

The goddess of discord did this on purpose because she was not invited to the wedding. The goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite simultaneously wanted to get this apple for themselves. The court of Paris decided to award the apple to the most worthy. Hera promised Paris power and wealth. Athena - wisdom and military glory. Aphrodite - to give the most beautiful woman as his wife. Paris thought and said that the most worthy is the goddess Aphrodite. Aphrodite, fulfilling her promise, helped Paris kidnap the most beautiful woman - Helen. But Elena is a married woman. Her husband is King Menelaus. This abduction began the Trojan War...

Since ancient times, many fairy tales and other literary works have been created in which an apple or an apple tree plays its role, along with the heroes.

The fairy tale “Geese and Swans” immediately comes to mind. Remember how the apple tree hid the girl and the boy from the geese - Baba Yaga's swans.

In the fairy tale “Khavroshechka”: Khavroshechka planted bones from a cow, and grew magic apple tree with juicy apples, which helped the heroine get married successfully and leave her evil stepmother.

In a fairy tale “About a silver saucer and a pouring apple” The apple acts as a clairvoyant. “An apple rolls on a silver platter, and on the platter all the cities are visible one after another, ships on the seas and shelves in the fields...” Well, exactly, a modern computer!

Such images in Russian folk tales are depicted because European culture– the apple tree is a symbol eternal life. It is believed that the apple tree is the patroness of women.

Apple tree branch participates in vintage wedding ceremonies. It is stuck into a wedding loaf or a wedding baked chicken. And the bride's wreath was decorated with apple blossoms.

Since ancient times, apples have meant vitality, beauty, wisdom, happiness, and good luck.

Russian classics did not ignore the topic of the apple tree and its fruits.

First of all, A.S. Pushkin in "The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes":

“And some liquid for the princess.

Young, golden

The apple is flying straight...

Full of ripe juice,

So fresh and so fragrant

So ruddy and golden,

It’s like it’s filled with honey!

You can see the seeds right through..."

The princess tried the apple and died. Why did Pushkin choose an apple and not a pear, peach or carrot? Yes, because in Pushkin’s view an apple is philosophical symbol temptation, forbidden fruit.

U V. Zhukovsky in “The Tale of Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf.”

“Hugging himself against the apple tree, Ivan - Tsarevich

Sits, does not move, does not breathe, waits:

What will happen? Sitting on an apple tree, the Firebird

I got down to business and picked it up

About a dozen apples."

Modern children's storytellers have also not ignored this amazing fruit.

Fairy tale by K. Ushinsky “The Story of an Apple Tree.”

“An apple tree grew in the forest; in the fall a sour apple fell from her. The birds pecked the apple and also pecked the grains.”

“And the apple tree was such a good success that people from other orchards came to take shoots from it for clothes.”

“The leaves had long since fallen off the trees, and only one single apple was still hanging at the top of the wild apple tree. During this autumn season, the Hare was running through the forest and saw an apple.”

In this fairy tale, the Crow, the Hare and the Hedgehog are trying to divide one apple, and the sensible Bear helped them in this matter.

Fairy tale by E. Uspensky “Down the Magic River”

“There was a saucer on the table (at Baba Yaga’s) and the old woman kept looking there. And an apple rolled on the saucer.

And what's that? - asked the boy.

This is an apple, right on a silver platter,” answered Baba Yaga. “A gift to me from Vasilisa the Wise.”

And not only in prose they praise the apple tree, but also in poetry.

Here children's favorite for several generations now poem by I. Tokmakova “Apple Tree”.

Little apple tree

In my garden.

White - off-white

Everything is in bloom.

I put on a dress

With a white border.

Little apple tree

Make friends with me.

The Russian people have composed many proverbs, sayings and riddles about the apple tree and apples.

Proverbs and sayings about the apple tree and apples.

Like the apple tree, so are the apples.

An apple tree produces an apple, and a spruce tree produces cones.

The apple never falls far from the tree.

It's so cramped that there's nowhere for an apple to fall.

I was yellow, I became white -
The head turned grey.
The wind blew and everything flew away.
In a word, I am grass.

So the summer has flown by,
And look, it’s ripe in the gardens:
Pears, apples, viburnum,
Chokeberry and...

If you want a vinaigrette -
Go to the garden for her,
She has a beautiful color
Both outside and inside!

We want to live in Africa
Not because we're fat
We just don't know the place
Where we could live freely.

How beautiful they grow
Both in the greenhouse and outside.
With its juicy fruits
They give a holiday to the whole family.

I once saw in the forest
A friendly family on a stump.
Looking at all the beauty,
I felt sorry for tearing them apart.

One summer I'm in the forest
He walked between the trees.
Lo and behold, there’s a hat on your foot!
What did I find?

Children love round dance
Drive around beauties.
And from year to year she
He loves to give them a holiday.

There is no oil in me at all,
I'm an edible mushroom and that's all.
Someone called me that
So that you can guess right away.

I think I'm very handsome
I stand on thick legs.
But here is a mushroom picker and a very happy one,
He will take me into his container.

We're hanging on thin branches
And we have berets on our heads.
As soon as the time is right -
The boar will find us immediately.

Yesterday we went into the woods,
And what did we find there?
He stood on a thick leg,
In a strong hat by the path.

Mom and I weeded the beds:
Beets, onions and cabbage.
And the question is this to the riddle:
- You didn’t plant it, but it’s so thick?

We grow on thin legs,
We stand on the stumps in a crowd.
There are hats, from under which,
We look at the forest all day.

A bud grows on a melon patch -
Striped round... .

“Light bulbs” are hanging on me,
But they are edible.
The girls also have a name -
Similar to mine.

Nobody loves Me,
Nobody respects
Nobody waters
Nobody is planting.

It grows in our garden
This “umbrella” is sowing.
It goes well in salads
And in pickles - he’s like that!

They grow in our garden.
You don't have to go far
To make jam, jam,
Plucking them from the tree is easy.

Very narrow gate
Vova did it for me,
I can’t “pass”, something -
I've gotten very fat.
And I'll undress a little,
I’ll take off forty fur coats,
I won't stay naked
I just don’t understand right away!?
Why are they planted closely?
In narrow beds - side by side?
Everyone, of course, is interested in:
Who am I, a round “bun”?

You'll have to figure it out here
What is that forest fruit called?
What grows on a tree
And the squirrel chews!

He used to be a weed
And now in the garden
It rises in a thick bunch,
There is plenty of cabbage soup.

We grow in rows on the field,
But underground themselves, of course.
We bloom beautifully in the wild.
We will be the second bread forever.

Our grandfather has become completely fat,
He is dressed in a hundred fur coats.
It's September outside,
And Father Frost is waiting for frost,
So that he can leave the garden
And come to another shelter.
Barrel, jar and rack
Our grandfather took a closer look.

Seventy-five coats on me,
And no one will fasten it.

My “vest” is a little striped,
But I don't go to sea.
Of course, you guys recognized me
I'm lying on the southern melon patch.

That mushroom is very pale
And has not been eaten by anyone yet,
Because it's poisonous
And he is very famous for this.

To light the stove,
We need to get some wood.
Where will we go to get them?
On..., for dry ones!

This berry is in the south
He lives in our melon patch.
And he always wears a vest.
Who will call her for me?

This mushroom plays hide and seek
He is in the forest, not in the garden.
They call it “King of Mushrooms.”
Did you find out? And who is that?

Everyone should know this fruit:
It is similar to the edge of the Moon.

I am the escape and the dome of the church,
And a snowdrop and a tulip.
But I'm a "woman", believe me,
I give life for your joy.

I am the owner of the garden:
Round, big.
I'll bring you
Harvest records.

I'm very handsome
The fungus is not whiny.
On my hat
A hundred whiteheads!
(fly agaric)

I'm growing in the garden
And on the field, in nature.
I'm the worst weed
There is no way to notify me.

I am not a simple toadstool, -
Very poisonous.
Yes, imagine me like this
All covered in mystery!

It's fun in the spring,
It's cold in the summer,
Nourishes in autumn
Warms in winter.

They fly, they spin,
They lie on the ground,
They don't get up from the ground
And then they disappear.
(Tree leaves)

There is noise on the mountain,
And under the mountain it is silent.

Blooms in spring
In summer I bear fruit,
I don’t fade in the fall,
I don't die in winter.
(Fur tree, pine tree)

The pillars stand white,
Neither of their hats are green.

No one is scared, but everyone is trembling.

Mother spring I'm in a colored dress,
Stepmother in winter - in a shroud alone.
(Bird cherry)

The dress was lost - the buttons remained.

Blue uniform
Yellow lining,
And it's sweet in the middle.

Not my dear mother,
And she gave me a gift.
(Apple tree)

Over the water, over the water
Stands red with a beard.

There is a stick on the pitchfork,
Dressed in scarlet,
Who will come,
Togo will sting.
(Rose hip)