Robin Hood and his gang. Robin Hood

Not everything is simple in our world. This also applies to love. As a result, not everyone can achieve reciprocity. This is especially true for situations when the girl herself does not let anyone near her. After all, how to conquer an unattainable girl is much more difficult to understand than to win the favor of an ordinary lady. But there are some features of psychology that allow you to find an approach even to that which turns off absolutely everyone.

Who are the unavailable girls?

Many people think that . But it is not always the case. Coldness can be caused by:

  • Loneliness;
  • Sad experiences of friends or parents;
  • My own sad experience;
  • Stress and so on.

Sometimes, inaccessibility is imaginary. The girl is simply not acting too relaxed. And her face is constantly focused. As a result, many people think that she is hard to touch.

Therefore, there is no need to be afraid. Approach unapproachable girls and take the first steps. They are also living people and should not be afraid of them.

Conquering an inaccessible girl

To achieve success you need to pretend to be a fool. Just treat her like she's not unavailable. Then you can just approach her, invite her on a date, etc.

If she refused, then she doesn’t pretend to be annoying. Then you definitely won't get anything. Try to start communicating with her just like that. Tell her you understand her and try to listen. This will give you the opportunity to get closer to her.

If successful, you have the opportunity to ask her out on a date. We can say that this is just like that, in a friendly way. Many of these ladies do not trust guys, considering them lustful animals. And if you show yourself well, then a relationship is quite possible.

And don't be too nice or kind. She's cold, so be even colder. Let her feel your strength. Then she will be interested in you. This means that achieving her love will become easier.

Remember the romance

No girl (especially an unavailable one) will refuse romance.

  1. Give compliments;
  2. Give gifts;
  3. Take action;
  4. Come up with non-standard meeting places.

All this will conquer her. It is possible that no one has looked after her yet. And all the gentlemen were just trying to get her into bed. So let her feel wanted. This can't help but work.

But all this should be done with a show of strength. Don't learn long poems and admire her all the time. Let her feel that you are not such a good girl. This mystery will captivate her. And she will be yours.

Common interests

Understand what an unapproachable girl needs. Then you will definitely conquer her. Gain minimal knowledge in your chosen field. Then, you can show that you are just like her.

All this will lead you to at least friendly communication. After which, you will be able to continue offensive actions.

But don't lie. For example, if she is into singing, then it is better not to say that you sing well. Then the deception will be revealed, and you will feel uncomfortable.

Many guys try to completely adapt to such a girl by changing themselves. It is almost impossible to do this efficiently. Be yourself. There will be more chances this way.

If you can’t conquer an unavailable girl, then don’t be upset. Work on your mistakes and move on. And if there is no chance at all, then try to connect your life with someone simpler.

12th place - Sagittarius

Sagittarius took the honorable 12th place - it turns out that there is no need to conquer them at all! This zodiac sign is guided in relationships by the principle: “Sex is not a reason for dating at all.” Starting a serious relationship with a Sagittarius girl is a real feat!

11th place - Aries

Aries came in 11th place; these girls sincerely do not understand the joy of huge bouquets (better with money...) and dinners in expensive Michelin-starred restaurants . There is no need to conquer Aries. Moreover, the representative of this zodiac sign prefers to conquer herself! This is the kind of Aries woman she is, she can break barriers, break patterns and take things by storm.

10th place - Virgo

What should you do to win Virgo? Never mind. Well, almost nothing - the man will just have to meet her requirements. True, she has three requirements large volumes. If you comply, Virgo will do everything herself. If not, they will sincerely and honestly wave at you. Virgo selectively and carefully chooses her life partner. If the candidate has decided to win her heart, then he must act carefully and carefully so as not to push her away with his obsessive feelings.

9th place - Scorpio

Suddenly! Many people think that conquering a Scorpio is a very difficult task. However, this is done simply. But courage is important in order to be able to approach Scorpio at all, brains - so that she doesn’t immediately kill you with her tail, and then she will fry your heart and eat it with good Chianti.

8th place - Cancer

“How to win a Cancer girl?” - The guy just needs to marry her. There is no other way anyway, and who really needs it? To win the heart of a Cancer woman, a man must become a leader in a couple, lead her, care for and adore her with every cell. Feel the difference between persistence and intrusiveness, intellectual conversation and tediousness, do not skimp on gifts and beautiful courtship. If she sees a man as the father of her future children, then he will enjoy communication with the most tender and sexy partner imaginable.

7th place - Taurus

So, in 7th place is Taurus. To win this girl, you need to be a cheerful “your guy.” With whom you can talk about anything, and he will understand everything. With whom it is easy and there is no need to pretend to be something. The Taurus woman values ​​stability, fidelity, ability to earn money and level of intelligence in men. Primitive or flighty people will immediately be excluded from her circle of interests.

6th place - Leo

Leo girls need to pay a lot of attention. A lot of attention! She considers each of her chosen ones as a candidate for a husband, and therefore the selection criteria are serious. Welcome to adult life! A man who wants to attract a Leo girl must at least be wealthy, attractive and charismatic.

5th place - Libra

It is very difficult, almost impossible, to win a Libra girl without good education, excellent upbringing, well-read, etc. This woman will not give a night of love for an expensive dinner. She may not do this even for the gift of a trip abroad. She takes all signs of attention for granted. And to win her, a man will have to try very hard.

4th place - Gemini

Just like that... The frivolous and lightweight Geminis have almost reached the top three. Because conquering Gemini is a no-brainer: Geminis are ready for a relationship only if they are interested. To win a Gemini girl, you will constantly have to think about how to surprise her, and surprising Gemini is really very difficult. First, a man must determine what she wants: whether she needs a serious partner, or light flirting, or passionate evenings. Secondly, the Gemini woman will appreciate easy character, a sense of humor and healthy masculine charisma. She will not tolerate tactlessness, primitiveness, tediousness and nagging. A narrow mind and lack of interests will also turn her off.

3rd place - Aquarius

Bronze medal! In third place in this impregnable ranking is Aquarius! Aquarians know how to dynamize and love it! They absolutely sincerely like the man himself, and his ridiculous shy antics, and stupid gifts, and flowers. She really takes great pleasure in going on a date with a man - be it to the theatre, or to a restaurant, or to sit on a bench in the park. And just as sincerely, she doesn’t want to go to bed with him. At all. Haha, bummer for the man..!

2nd place - Capricorn

The silver medal goes to the beautiful Capricorn girls, winning whom is a waste of time. Even if you bring her a dragon's head on a platter, you won't get the princess's hand. The thing is that Capricorn does not need fleeting romances. The Capricorn woman is a very strong-willed person who, if she has made a decision, most likely will not change it. Capricorn needs a serious relationship with an eye to “living happily ever after and dying on the same day.” But first she wants to live happily ever after on her own. But if anything happens, come in. And remember that in no case should you limit her freedom of action. Often this is what they cannot come to terms with.

1st place - Pisces

Drumroll! The first place goes to Pisces, who, as everyone knows, are very cold, thoughtful, self-absorbed and, it seems, generally a little out of this world. So you need to win them in some special way, but how exactly is unclear. Surprise! It is unlikely that it will be possible to do without a certain strategy, so men who decide to conquer representatives of the Pisces sign will have to be patient and wise. But they are unlikely to ever regret their efforts in the future.

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Based on materials - Positive-me

Acting unavailable is a great way to get a guy's attention and show him that you are worth his attempts to win your heart. But in all this a very delicate balance must be maintained. Your task is to look mysterious and difficult to approach, but not to overdo it, otherwise the guy will decide that a date with you is simply impossible for him. So, how can you portray yourself as unavailable in a way that will make him want you even more? Read on and find out!


Part 1

Make him want you

    Show him that you are okay with being alone. Exactly. For a guy to appreciate you in all your glory, you must feel comfortable as a single lady. Freedom is fun: you can meet lots of new people, have explosive parties with your girlfriends and go out without knowing what the evening has in store for you. Let your boyfriend see you laughing, dancing and enjoying life. free girl, instead of looking around in despair or being upset that you don’t have a loved one.

    • When a guy sees how you enjoy your single (or rather, free) life, he will want to become a part of your world even more.
    • Enjoy your time as a single lady - it won't last forever.
  1. Flirt with him (a little). If you want a guy to want you, you should at least flirt with him a little. If it seems to him that you are an ice queen who is not at all interested in him, the guy will quickly lose his enthusiasm. Therefore, flirt with him, a little, at each meeting, but not for too long - look eye to eye, smile and exchange a few playful phrases, and then tell him that it’s time for you to run errands. Don't be rude to him, but being overly enthusiastic is also inappropriate.

    • Play with your hair while talking to him.
    • Laugh and look at the floor - let him see that you are a little embarrassed.
    • If you know this guy well, you can playfully push him or pat him on the arm.
  2. Flirt with other guys. If you want to appear unavailable, you can't let the guy feel like he's the only thing on your radar. You should flirt with a few guys, but you shouldn't take advantage of them; also, the motives for your actions should not be too obvious; show the guy that you are desired by the opposite sex, that other men want you too. This doesn't mean you have to do anything inappropriate or cheeky; just show him that you like talking to other guys too.

    • Look at flirting with other guys as a way to keep several options open.
  3. Impress him with your self-confidence. Guys love girls with a certain amount of arrogance and self-confidence. Nobody wants to date an insecure girl who constantly needs help to overcome her feelings of insecurity and anxiety. It's normal to feel insecure. However, the more you work on loving yourself and accepting your appearance and actions, the more attractive you become to a guy.

    • Your task is to show the guy that you are already wonderful person, and that it will complement your amazing personality; The guy should not think that only with him you will become a complete, harmonious person.
    • If you want to feel confident, you need to look confident. Walk with your head held high and look straight ahead - no need to look at the floor and smile shyly at every opportunity.
  4. Be the life of the party. This doesn't mean you should dance on the table or laugh too loudly just to get men's attention. But this means that wherever you go and whatever you do, you need to have fun, do crazy things and enjoy every moment of your life, living it to the fullest. Guys are drawn to girls who attract fun, and if you are the life of the party, the guy you like will want to be around you even more.

    • And if you're in bad mood or simply have no interest in what is happening, go home. It's better to allow yourself to be a little angry than to force yourself to have fun.
  5. Don't give him your number when you first meet. If he asks for your phone number, first act as if you are embarrassed. There is no need to readily dictate numbers to him at his very first command; make him work for it. Don't be rude, but you also don't have to show that you're ready to ride off into the sunset with him if he just asks.

    Don't say yes to his first date. If he asks you out on Saturday, tell him you have something to do. Give him another opportunity to invite you.

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Have you ever wondered why unapproachable girls first attract and then scare men? Our psychologist Natalya Morgunova has her own opinion on this matter.

Many girls, having read articles in glossy magazines that a woman should be an unread book for a man, become as impregnable as a fortress. They first attract the attention of a man, and then: they disappear, do not answer calls, are not attracted to expensive gifts etc. It would seem, what is the interest here?

Why unapproachable girls attract men

The interest here is in the shortage of goods, and this is how unapproachable girls position themselves. Usually, relationships between a man and a woman are built according to the following scheme: they met, got to know each other, got married/separated. The process of getting to know each other involves frequent meetings, gifts, and spending time together.

Unapproachable girls at this very stage ignore their partner, creating the illusion that they are not like others, that is, a scarce commodity. It's like a discount in a store. You came, you saw the box chocolates. They have a discount that is valid only for today, and there are only 30 boxes left on sale. Most likely, you will buy these candies, although you did not plan this purchase, and the taste of the candies, due to the fact that there are few of them, has not changed. But their value has increased due to scarcity.

Why unapproachable girls scare men

At the dating stage, a girl who notices a gentleman, but does not respond to his advances, attracts him to her. The natural instinct of the male is triggered: to conquer this impregnable fortress. He throws all his strength and money at this, in the end, the defense will be broken, and, to his surprise, in 99% of cases it turns out that this fortress is no different from the others. Moreover, a man may even be disappointed, because inaccessibility and mystery can lead to high expectations that will not come true. It will be a shame for the wasted time and effort.

In addition, a number of representatives of the stronger sex run from unapproachable girls like fire. They think that since she is so incomprehensible and snorts in response to my spending and advances, then let her sit alone with her cockroaches. There must be something wrong with her.

Anyway, As practice shows, unapproachable girls most often end up with nothing . They attract men, receive gifts and attention from them, and then the ardent lovers disappear somewhere.

So if you want Serious relationships, it’s better to stick to the classic “get to know each other” scheme. By sincerely responding to the feelings, attention and gifts of another person, there is a greater chance of not being left alone. And when playing games and wearing the mask of an unapproachable girl, it is worth remembering that when the mask falls off, the fairy tale is unlikely to end with a happy ending.