How old is Anna Sedokova now? Anna Sedokova hinted that she was getting married: “I still have to change my status as a free girl”

“People meet, people fall in love, get married! “Whoever is unlucky in this, come to me,” TV presenter Roza Syabitova writes on her Instagram and promises to provide everyone with a soul mate. But the country’s main matchmaker could not ensure her daughter’s happiness. Immediately after the wedding, Ksenia and her husband Andrei Snetkov separated and now do not live together. Rose and her daughter hide this fact. At least that’s what its former PR director Ivan Irbis says.

On the talk show “We Speak and Show,” Ivan told the details of the conflict between his daughter Rosa Ksenia and her husband Andrei Snetkov. “I have seen this Andrey more than once. There's no love in the eyes. The guy avoided Ksenia. He came to Moscow, Rosa Syabitova gave him a place in her business, an apartment, maintenance, a car with the words: “Just take Ksenia as my wife at last.” She's a matchmaker, but she can't find a home for her daughter. But no one has seen Andrey since the wedding,” Ivan Irbis said ironically.


Rosa’s fans also expressed dissatisfaction with the choice of a husband for their daughter: “Rosa could have found at least a little more suitable for her daughter, they don’t suit each other,” “Their wedding is called a contract!”, “After this show, there is no one joint photography! The groom clearly got scared and fled to another planet,” “Well, well, we’ll wait and see! Is it for love?” (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author’s. — Note edit.).

Perhaps Ivan decided to take it out on Rosa because of old grievances in order to harm Syabitova’s reputation. But maybe there is some truth in his words, because recent months the country's main matchmaker did not post a single photograph of her son-in-law, although she had previously shown Ksenia's groom to Internet users. On top of that, Ksenia deleted her Instagram account in order to be away from other people’s opinions.

Let us remind you that Roza Syabitova recently stated that feelings are not that important to create a strong marriage. In her opinion, a strong marriage can be concluded on the basis of common interests, and not crazy love. “Do you think Romeo and Juliet loved each other that much? No, they just rallied against one enemy - their parents. Mothers and grandmothers must explain to all girls how to choose a man and how to behave in the family. And if the girl listens to wise advice, she will have a strong family", shared Syabitova.

Syabitova’s 25-year-old daughter Ksenia also appeared in the broadcast studio to support her mother. The girl went through a divorce from lawyer Andrei Snetkov. Until recently, Ksenia preferred not to speak out about breaking up with her chosen one. Rosa said that her heiress took the disagreement with her husband extremely painfully. Only two years later did she find the strength to talk about an extremely difficult topic.

Larisa Guzeeva asked the girl about the reasons that provoked her divorce. “This, of course... There were so many experiences for us. I remember this wedding, I even remember the toast that I said. I was so nervous...” the presenter addressed her colleague’s daughter. “I’ve been divorced for almost two years now. To be honest, I don't know... The only reason, which was stated by the husband at the registry office, was that he was not ready for married life,” noted Ksenia.

The happiness was short-lived! (Photo: Instagram)

The girl admitted that she was ashamed in front of Guzeeva and Volodina. “I don’t know how to explain,” said Ksenia. Tears welled up in the eyes of the TV matchmaker’s daughter. She admitted that she had no idea what caused her marriage to break down. “It didn’t work out,” summed up Ksenia’s brother Denis. Since then, the heir to the famous presenter has not communicated with her ex-husband.

“I have a version. The fact is that Ksyunya, of course, is an innocent girl, she didn’t know anything, she was crazy in love. And he did too, because no one pulled him into the registry office. Everything was according mutual consent. A month passes and he does not live with her. Ksyunya talks about some excuses, saying that he feels stuffy in spiritually. I say: “Okay, let’s light the apartment.” I bought them a car, they have an apartment, I don’t want to live. But some excuses began. To be honest, I held out until the last minute. Ksenka didn’t understand what was happening at all,” Syabitova shared, in turn.

According to Ksenia, Andrei seemed afraid to raise the topic of divorce. “He said: “We need to separate and live separately,” recalls the TV star’s daughter. Rosa suggested that Snetkov married her heiress for convenience. “Information came in that they didn’t give much. He himself was afraid of me. I tell him: “You promised me to make my daughter happy, but I don’t see happiness,” the presenter said.

A post shared by Ksenia Syabitova (@k_syaba) on Sep 14, 2017 at 11:52am PDT

Ksenia also admitted that there was a moment when the chosen one wanted to break up the engagement. This happened after Snetkov proposed to his other half. “He came and said: “Can we postpone the wedding until later? For September-October." First I say: “Andrey, don’t worry...” When the situation repeated itself several times, I couldn’t stand it: “If you don’t want to, don’t get married. Then we’ll go and pick up the application from the registry office,” the TV matchmaker’s daughter shared.

Ksenia Syabitova with her brother, mother and then future husband (Photo: Instagram)

Vasilisa Volodina noted that Ksenia’s chosen one could not cope with increased attention from the public. The girl recalled one incident when Andrei was furious at a publication in the press. The man did not like that journalists decided to write about his family. “He just exploded,” said the Rose heiress.

Scandals are already occurring in the family of Rosa Syabitova’s daughter Ksenia, who recently married Andrei Snetkov. It turns out that Roza Syabitova’s daughter and son-in-law are quarreling over her.

About marital everyday life and the first quarrels in new family Ksenia told.

According to her, she and her husband do not call each other by diminutive names. Everything is strict and almost official: “Ksenia” - “Andrey”.

As for family responsibilities, then Ksenia took charge of the housework on her own initiative.

“I do the cleaning myself - it’s more convenient for me. If I find out that Andrey himself, for example, wiped the dust, I immediately understand that he did not do it carefully enough. I’m pedantic in this regard, I’d rather do everything myself than trust someone else and have to redo it. The main thing for me is that Andrey brings money home, I’ll do the rest myself. And I’ll go to the store, and cook, and clean, and iron the clothes. Oh, I also need my husband to hand me something from the shelf when I need it - a saucepan or towels - I can’t get it,” she told StarHit.

Conflicts also happen.

For example, young people often cannot share a shower - who should take it first? water treatments in the morning. But it doesn’t seem to come to a fight.

However main reason conflicts - a portrait of his mother-in-law, which was given to Andrey by the parodist Alexander Peskov.

As Ksenia admitted, “we quarreled over the portrait of my mother, which the parodist Alexander Peskov gave us for our wedding.”

The young wife “suggested hanging the painting in the room, not far from the bed.” But the husband was not impressed by the prospect of constantly meeting with his mother-in-law, even in portrait form. He seethed: “Are you kidding me? These are your jokes, right?”

"And what? You wake up in the morning and see Rose. When you fall asleep in the evening, you see Rose. Is it bad?" But my husband doesn’t care, so I had to hang the portrait in the hallway - from there my mother keeps track of who comes to visit us,” said Ksenia.

Portrait of Rosa Syabitova over which her daughter and son-in-law quarrel

Ksenia is a zealous housewife. Like her mother Rosa, who only talks about money, Syabitova Jr., i.e. now Snetkova, she counts every penny: she keeps a house book.

But she still doesn’t know her father-in-law.

“Konstantin was not at the wedding... When Andrei invited him, he said that he was not very interested in, as he put it, “our idea.” Konstantin doesn’t like holidays at all, he doesn’t even celebrate his own birthdays. Since he buried his wife, Andrei’s mother, ten years ago, he still can’t come to his senses. And he didn’t believe in our love - until recently he thought that we were having a PR affair... I hope that when Andrey and I have children, he will come to life,” said Ksenia.

Maybe it makes sense to give Ksenia a portrait of her father-in-law? Peskov, by chance, doesn’t have something like this? Joke...

Let us add that the couple plans to have many children. Ksenia would like three, but Andrey is counting on five. But nothing is known yet about the pregnancy of Rosa Syabitova’s daughter.

The other day, the topic of the failed marriage of the daughter of the famous TV matchmaker Rosa Syabitova Ksenia resurfaced. Apparently, divorce is not far off. This was confirmed by the former PR director of the TV presenter Ivan Irbis on the air of the “We Talk and Show” program.

He said that Ksenia and her husband Andrei Snetkov separated literally a month after the wedding.

What the audience suspected was confirmed. Ivan said on the TV show:

There's no love in the eyes. The guy avoided Ksenia. He came to Moscow, Roza Syabitova gave him a place in her business, an apartment, maintenance, a car with the words “Just take Ksenia as my wife at last.”

Roza Syabitova diligently hides her son-in-law's departure

No matter how the famous matchmaker tried to save her daughter’s marriage, the result was disastrous. It is clear that all this time Syabitova carefully hid the details of her daughter’s relationship with her son-in-law. After all bad marriage the heiress primarily casts a shadow on the professional reputation of Rosa herself. How can you trust a matchmaker who cannot organize a happy family history neither yourself nor your daughter?

But it all started so beautifully! The magnificent wedding of Ksenia Syabitova, whose reports filled all the news media at one time, cost her mother about 15 million rubles. Photos of happy newlyweds were featured on the pages of major glossy publications. The wedding of Ksenia Syabitova took a place in the TOP of the most exciting weddings of 2015.

Despite the obvious collapse family life Ksenia, her mother continues to pretend that everything is fine in the family.

Even in the new house that Rosa built, there are rooms for future grandchildren. However, everything did not work out as planned.

The children's rooms are still empty, and Ksenia Syabitova is pondering the plot of a book about her unsuccessful marriage. The mother, known for her tenacious commercial acumen, actively supported this venture. You have to somehow compensate for the costs of the wedding and keep your shaky reputation as the country's main matchmaker afloat!

Ksenia Syabitova separated from her husband about two years ago. However, only now have I found the strength to talk about breaking up with my loved ones. The girl made a confession on the “Let's Get Married!” program, the guest of which this time was her star mother. Ksyusha came to the talk show to support her parent and talked about the breakup of her family.


Larisa Guzeeva asked Syabitova Jr. what was the reason for her divorce. “To be honest, I don’t know...” the girl admitted. “The only reason that was stated by the husband at the registry office was that he was not ready for married life.”

It is still difficult for her to remember the separation from her lover - tears well up in Ksyusha’s eyes. Note that since the divorce, the heiress of the famous presenter has not communicated with Snetkov.

Ksenia Syabitova also said: there was a moment when Andrei wanted to break up the engagement. This happened after he proposed. “He came and said: “Can we postpone the wedding until later? For September-October." First I say: “Andrey, don’t worry...” When the situation repeated itself several times, I couldn’t stand it: “If you don’t want to, don’t get married,” shared the daughter of the TV matchmaker.

Publication from Roza Syabitova (@syabitova_roza) May 20, 2017 at 2:47 PDT

Roza Syabitova also spoke about her daughter’s divorce. She reported that Snetkov ran away from Ksenia shortly after the wedding. “A month passes, and he doesn’t live with her. Ksyunya talks about some excuses, saying that he feels spiritually stuffy. I say: “Okay, let’s consecrate the apartment.” I bought them a car, they have an apartment - live I don’t want to. But some excuses began. To be honest, I held on until the last. Ksenka didn’t understand what was happening at all,” said Syabitova.