Oriental belly dance evening course. Belly dancing classes

The Dance.Firmika.ru portal contains information about oriental dances in Moscow: addresses and phone numbers of schools, prices for one-time classes and full-fledged subscriptions, reviews of students of various studios. Thus, each visitor will be able to choose the ideal option to suit all their wishes! For greater convenience, a search by metro stations and city districts is provided.

Oriental dance is an incredibly attractive spectacle that emphasizes the beauty and grace of every woman. It can easily be considered one of the oldest dances, which is still very popular today. Eastern dance culture attracts many with its mystery and unusualness; it helps to know oneself and find inner harmony.

Oriental dance classes - features of the dance style

A beautiful oriental dance can tell a lot about a woman. A few centuries ago it was used as one of the methods of the art of seduction and communication. Elegant and eye-catching plastic movements will emphasize the beauty of the girl and her grace. The impressions are also complemented by colorful costumes consisting of wide oriental pants or a skirt and a short top. The application looks interesting and unusual additional items, such as flaming candles, swords or scarves.

An oriental dance lesson will be a worthy and pleasant alternative to the gym. During classes in the studio, the body does not suffer from excessive stress. At the same time, the dancer, moving for her own pleasure, improves her posture, develops plasticity and flexibility. The advantages of oriental dancing include the opportunity to lose weight - the methods used breathing exercises in combination with rhythmic movements, they develop and strengthen the muscles of the legs, abs and thighs. A woman's figure becomes more attractive and graceful, acquiring attractive forms.

How is an oriental dance lesson going?

First of all, the teacher conducts a short warm-up, during which the muscles prepare for further loads. Depending on the dance school, the lesson can be done separately from the rest and simply demonstrate individual elements and combinations, or it can build a full-fledged dance, involving previously studied movements. It is better to clarify this issue with the school administrator in advance, so as not to discover during classes that the rest of the students have completely mastered oriental dances and are already performing a full-fledged dance program.

Learning oriental dance involves the consistent study of basic movements and the creation of sequences from them. For example, elements such as “Shimmy” (shivering or shaking) require serious work of the knees and hips. Using only the knees, the “Rocking Chair” is performed, and the “Horizontal Eight” involves a figure-eight movement of the hips. Gradually learning the elements of oriental dance with the teacher, students develop their own original style.

Oriental dance training in Moscow

The great popularity and demand for oriental dances has led to the fact that almost every dance school in Moscow is ready to offer its students full-fledged classes. Such diversity can easily confuse any future dancer - how to choose your school? Our portal, which contains dance studios with oriental dance lessons, will help! In structured and visual tables you can see the price for a one-time lesson and compare the cost of subscriptions in different schools. Reviews of oriental dance classes will also be useful.

Do you want to find a professional belly dance trainer in Moscow? We have 14 of them in our database!

If you don’t have time to look for a belly dance teacher on your own, by looking through all the profiles, you can write what kind of instructor you need, and the administrator for free will select suitable options for you.

Belly dance instructors

Private trainer in belly dancing, bellydance in Moscow. Belly dancing classes for beginners and more.
Directions: bellydance shows, tabla, saidi, etc.
Professional dance performance of any level of complexity, training in techniques for working with accessories: wings, headscarf, cane, sagat, costumes for performances are available.
Individual approach.
Work experience: Instructor in a fitness center, master classes on TV, mini-groups, individual sessions, dance performances, organization of concerts in the city.

  • Lesson cost: 1000 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Belly dance
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Slavyansky Boulevard, Filevsky Park
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosova 2012, Faculty of Law, specialty - jurisprudence. Professional belly dance training from leading dance masters.

Private belly dancing teacher in Moscow. Individual training in belly dancing, bellydance in Moscow.
Education basic movements oriental dance. Dance performance. Working with accessories: scarf, cane, sagat. Preparation for stage performances.
Able to competently and patiently present material from “0”. I regularly conduct group and individual lessons. I speak very effective technique teaching arabic dance. I constantly improve my professional level. I regularly attend master classes from the best teachers and performers of Arabic dances.

  • Lesson cost: 1000 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Belly dance
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro station: Printers
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Specialized education (additional) "First interregional trade union teachers and performers of the arts of the peoples of the East" - seminars for teachers. Kaluga Regional School of Culture and Arts...

Private belly dance trainer, bellydance. Individual belly dance classes in Moscow.
Group program instructor, personal trainer. I specialize in functional training (Bosu, Gliding, Body Total). I offer a mix of different programs and most effective exercises To avoid monotony, I use several techniques in one lesson.
Pilates (I specialize in classical Pilates, I also teach dynamic and strength Pilates and children’s. I teach stretching classes, plastic classes. Oriental dancing (technique from 0 and dance choreography). It is possible to combine several techniques in one lesson or choose a complex that is ideal for the client Stretching, plastic classes, my own author's program to relax your back...

  • Lesson cost: 2000 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Belly dancing, Pilates, Stretching, Fitness
  • Cities: Moscow, Nakhabino, Aprelevka, Pavlovskaya Sloboda
  • Nearest metro stations: Yugo-Zapadnaya, Kuntsevskaya
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Pilates - certified instructor "Fitness Express", Academy "Wellness", seminars in Sweden and Moscow with leading teachers. Belly dance - certified instructor "Fitness Express", Academy...

Private belly dance teacher. Individual lessons in belly dancing, bellydance for beginners and more.
Oriental dances: I work with everyone age categories for beginner levels (I teach the technique from scratch!) and advanced levels.
My training has a certain logical structure and is a system “from simple to complex”, despite this it is not without a creative component. I teach the basics of classical choreography and acting (stage) skills as part of the class.
I offer my teaching methodology, proven over years of teaching, as well as individual approach to every student, so that no one is left unattended in class. I keep girls and women interested in regular training...

  • Cost of classes: Individual lesson: 1200 RUR/60 minutes.
    Dance performance = 1500 rub. / 60 min. (Dance performance is paid separately once, then practiced in classes.)
    If the lesson is held in the hall...
  • Items: Oriental dances, Belly dance, Bachata
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Rimskaya, Taganskaya
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: National Research University BelSU, Faculty of Pharmacy, pharmacist, 2012. Professional school of oriental dances, pedagogical courses on teaching methods of classical choreography 2 years. Certificates for master classes: 1...

Private belly dancing instructor. Individual belly dance training.
Individual and group lessons in belly dancing, preparation for performances, selection of costumes, make-up, hairstyles, individual staging, shows, classics, tarab. From beginner level to pro, children from 8 years old.
Acting dancer, teacher choreographer, director of the school of oriental dance of Yulia Zalesova.

  • Cost of classes: Individual lesson with the Client 60 min - 1800 rub. If you wish, you can join group belly dancing classes, 1 lesson 60 min - 600 rubles, 4 lessons per month - 2000 rubles, 12 lessons per month - 4500 ...
  • Items: Belly dancing, Aerobics, Latin American dancing, Fitness
  • Cities: Moscow, Podolsk, Moskovsky
  • Nearest metro stations: Yugo-Zapadnaya, Troparevo
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: FESAFC, 2001, trainer-teacher in sports dancing.

Private belly dance teacher. Individual lessons, bellydance belly dancing for beginners and more.
Dances (solo Latin, strip, folk, pop). Belly dancing (training from scratch to advanced level). Pilates and stretching.
2004 - graduated from the College of Arts. Igumnova in choreography with honors. Specialty - choreographer. 2004-2006 - worked in the pop-contemporary group "DansProfi"; 2005-2008 - worked at the theater. Mossovet ballet actress (play "The Morals of Lady Dulskaya"). 2006-2009 - worked at the Master Fitness fitness club as an instructor of group programs. 2009 - graduated from the Moscow University of Culture and Arts. 2007-2009...

  • Lesson cost: 1000 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Dancing, Strip plasty, Belly dance, Latin American dances
  • Cities: Moscow, Mytishchi, Korolev, Shchelkovo
  • Nearest metro station: Babushkinskaya
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: College of Arts Igumnova, choreographic department- graduated in 2004 with honors. Moscow University of Culture and Arts, art department - graduated in 2009.

  I give the first lesson for free (free lessons are only possible in my territory).
Individual approach to every woman!
I work in the following areas:
- Women's yoga: improvement of hormonal levels, strengthening of the pelvic floor (prevention of prolapse of internal organs), harmonization of the state, relaxation. Suitable for both young girls and women 50+.
- Perinatal yoga: preparation for conception, exercises during pregnancy (helps to avoid complications during pregnancy and after childbirth - diastasis, symphysitis, etc.), recovery after childbirth!
- Belly dance and strip plastic. I will inspire you to master the art of dance and feel irresistible and attractive in any environment...

  • Cost of classes: Individual yoga lesson 3000 rub./90 min.;
    Belly dance, strip plastic - 2000 rub./60 min.;
    Lesson on Skype 1300 rub./60 min..
  • Items: Oriental dances, Yoga, Strip plasty, Belly dance
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Rokossovsky Boulevard, Preobrazhenskaya Square
  • Home visit: No
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Kemerovo State University Faculty of Philology and Journalism. Certificate with a license from the Moscow Department of Education - "Teaching course on yoga for women's health" Certificate with a license from the Moscow Department of Education...

Belly dance training in Moscow with experienced teacher.
I invite you to oriental dance classes individually and in a group. Extensive teaching experience. Dance performance of any complexity, without age restrictions. Winner of ORTO level (M) competitions.
Fitness yoga, hatha yoga, correction of spinal problems, age-related changes(special technique for women).
Current yoga and dance instructor at a sports club.

  • Cost of classes: Individual lesson 60 min-1500 rub., you can contact a formed mini-group of 3 people, 60 min-400 rub., for each. There is an opportunity to join group dance classes, 60 min-...
  • Items: Oriental dances, Belly dance, Fitness, Yoga
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro station: Medvedkovo
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: KUBSU, Faculty of Biology and Chemistry.
In class take time correct positioning corps, studying the technique of performing elements and learning performances of varying complexity.
You can dance both for yourself and at concerts, competitions and festivals.
  • Cost of classes: The cost of one oriental dance lesson is 1500 rubles + hall rental (from 200 to 600 rubles depending on the time of day).
  • Items: Oriental dances, Belly dance, Dancing
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Chertanovskaya, South
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Teacher of category 4 according to ORTO. Prizewinner and winner international festivals in oriental dance, 2013 - 2015

This page contains profiles of belly dance trainers who conduct group and individual belly dancing classes. If you are interested in learning belly dancing in Moscow or you need a belly dancing instructor, then simply select the teacher you like, click on his photo, fill out the form and click the “Submit Application” button. After this, your chosen belly dance instructor will contact you within 24 hours. Or, if this trainer is unavailable, the administrator will contact you and inform you about this or offer you to sign up for belly dancing lessons with another trainer.

If you need a Latin American dance teacher in Moscow, then leave a request in the "Find a tutor" section.


Oriental dances... At these words, as if by magic magic wand images of gentle, long-eyed beauties appear before your mind's eye. The girls fascinate, seduce the audience with smooth, light, viscous movements of their flexible, sleek body. They dance gracefully in their embroidered precious stones translucent suits. The sound of a drum, as measured as a heartbeat, the rustling of silk and velvet. Massive openwork decorations sparkle in the light of the lamps and jingle melodiously to the beat, emphasizing the musicality and sensuality of the movements of their owners. Enticing and amazing music fills the arched vaults of the spacious halls of eastern palaces. And only motley carpets generously thrown here and there are able to slightly muffle these magical sounds. The delightful aromas of hookah and exotic perfumes envelop the dancers and spectators, immersing us in the world of an amazing Eastern fairy tale...

Nowadays, you don’t need to sail overseas for such fabulous sensations. You can become the sorceress and heroine of this fairy tale. Perfumes, dresses, music and jewelry are just an addition. The main thing is to master the magic of oriental dance, this mysterious secret of the charm of oriental women. Bellydance embodies beauty and originality ancient culture Egypt, Turkey, India, Persia and carried this wealth through time from ancient centuries to the present day.

Oriental dance, like no other art form, is surrounded by myths, mysteries, secrets and, sometimes, prejudices. What is bellydance? Why is oriental dance so fashionable and in demand all over the world today? Who should pay attention to it and why?

The origins of BellyDance are lost in the ancient cults of fertility and abundance of the peoples of the East. Once upon a time, belly dancing was such a sacred art that it could only be seen performed in a harem. And no wonder: after all, oriental dance reveals all the enchanting natural beauty of the performer, the magic of whose movement men cannot resist. BellyDance is the hymn of Femininity, the Dance of the one who gives Life and Beauty to the world. Eastern dance is a reminder to a Woman that her strength lies in beauty and harmony, and her true mystical purpose is to continue the Family and preserve the Family Hearth. Woman with capital letters- a real rarity in our age high technology and feminism.



After all, there is no rigid framework and restrictions, as in classical choreography, or requirements for initial training, as in jazz-modern, or strict canons of appearance, as in strip plastic, or special physical data for stretching into splits. Countless bellydance styles and individual approach, versatility of images that you can try - from a submissive gentle slave to a merciless fatal mistress men's hearts, the special beauty of your body will be the key to one hundred percent success. You have no idea what inner strength and seductive plasticity are inherent in you. Oriental dance will allow you to be surprised by the rich potential inherent in you by nature, and the stormy waterfall of admiration and approval that will cause your transformation in colleagues, friends and just passers-by. After all, the graceful gait, rhythmically swaying hips from side to side, the starry sparkle in the eyes and the sly smile of a Woman who knows her worth do not go unnoticed.

By the way, knowledge basic elements Oriental dance will not only bring you closer to the virtuoso performance of Belly Dance, but will also be useful in a club, at a disco or any party - after all, all club movements are born from the same elements.


  1. In our Dance School you can start practicing oriental dances without any dance experience, because we have groups for beginners from scratch. School Teachers dance Renardance a stream of complex schemes and productions will never be thrown at you at once. A professional teacher first explains in detail each movement from the basic course, teaching the beginner the basics of bellydance and achieving clear and correct performance. After all, no one forces a person to play right away." Moonlight Sonata» Bach. First you need to study the notes.
  2. Are you no longer new to BellyDance or have you mastered it? basic course in oriental dancing? Then you will be interested in a group in which the teacher will teach you how to work with props (veila, cane, etc.), choreograph dances with which you can become famous for your unforgettable performances and brilliant victories at festivals.
  3. Bellydance teachers at the RenarDance Dance School use an individual approach to each student in their lessons, focusing on their type of thinking, temperament and speed of learning the material, their body shape and always taking care of your safety, good mood and health!
  4. For groups of each level, our School of Oriental Dance finds a teacher, strong point which is exactly what this group and specifically you need. In most schools, the same people teach the beginner, intermediate, and advanced groups. Our dance school understands perfectly well that “universal” teachers are rare, so they carefully select their own teacher for each level.

    One’s strong point is working with beginners; he is patient and attentive, with love and a smile he will help overcome tightness and embarrassment, and he is ready to repeat the material many times. The other has an amazing vision of the show and the gift of staging dance numbers in which you will be the goddess of the dance floor. The third one is given quick learning complex elements and the whole palette dance art, with which he will dilute classical dance belly, distinguishing you from many. As a result, classes are held as efficiently as possible just for you.

  5. Oriental dance training in our dance school is carried out according to a clear program that will allow you to gradually and confidently increase your level, if desired, to a professional one. Some students of our school connected their lives with dancing after 20 years, but this did not stop them from becoming professional dancers and wonderful teachers.

Do you want to perform on stage? Or are you just looking interesting hobby? Do you want to lose weight, make the world fall in love with you, or completely change your life? Oriental dances will help you achieve your dreams. Whatever your goals and desires, we will definitely teach you how to dance and help you achieve your goal.

To sign up for oriental belly dancing classes, fill out the registration form or leave a request by phone: 8-926-497-03-21.






600 rub.
200 rub.

1,200 rub.
300 rub.

1,800 rub.
400 rub.

Oriental dancing is not just a dance eastern woman. This whole culture, an identity that must be comprehended gradually, step by step, movement by movement. This is a little different than club dancing and Latino.
Oriental dances (belly dance) - special kind dance that needs to be felt. There is a mystery and unprecedented sensuality hidden in the beautiful movements of oriental belly dance.

Besides aesthetic pleasure, dancing belly dance carry benefits for the dancer's health: elements of belly dancing force many muscles (back, etc.) to work, including deep muscles that are almost not involved, for example, when training on a machine.

Constant training of the deep spinal muscles strengthens the back, creating a kind of “corset” that reliably supports the spine and protects against dislocations, displacement of the vertebrae, pinched nerves, etc.

Woman exercising belly dance, does not know about the existence of these ailments, she is not familiar with the word “osteochondrosis”.

And thanks to the abdominal movements characteristic of belly dance (compression alternates with relaxation), they massage internal organs and, as a result, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves, blood circulation normalizes, and various congestion disappears.

In addition to beneficial physical activity belly dancing give a very strong emotional boost. In general, the most important thing in belly dancing, paradoxically, is relaxation.

Learning to relax muscles during intense physical activity, the dancer time after time creates a unique, extraordinary beautiful dance. Enjoying own skill captivate the audience, she herself receives a positive charge of energy.

Thus, regular belly dancing classes increase muscle flexibility and strengthen joints.

Movements acquire softness, lightness, gracefulness, and plasticity. As a result, the woman’s figure takes on seductive shapes; your posture becomes straight and your gait becomes beautiful.

Belly dancing classes

One of the most expensive, in a material sense, varieties of this oriental dance is belly dance for adults. In such classes they teach you to liberate yourself, show all your sexual energy and direct it to the viewer. Training in this version of belly dancing takes place in several stages. First, they teach you how to move correctly, then not to be ashamed of your body, and only then to combine all the elements into a passionate and complex dance number. To begin with, you can order a course of regular belly dancing, and only then + for adults. So on regular lessons You will gain basic skills that will help with further more complex training.

Trinity Dance School offers belly dance courses in Moscow: inexpensively, conveniently and in a comfortable environment, you can master the unsurpassed art of oriental dance step by step.

Flying movements of the arms, enticing “shudders” of the shoulders... A bewitching “gait”, soft “throwing” of the belly... Alluring vibration of the hips and buttocks... This is the dream of any real woman!

Features of oriental dance

Belly dancing is a special direction, it requires special sensuality. This is a separate culture, identity, you need to comprehend it gradually, movement by movement, step by step. This is a completely different approach than in club dancing or Latin.

Oriental dance, as we know it today, has brought together a mixture of a number of cultures, but to this day, it differs from other types of dance, primarily due to its unforgettable, relaxed and sensual rhythm.

Temperament, femininity and liberation are the basis of Arabic belly dancing. Some people call oriental dancing the measure of a woman’s seductiveness. And indeed, having mastered these magnetic dances, many girls said that they began to feel the power of their feminine charms.

It’s safe to say that the philosophy of this dance is mastery of body and soul, self-love and respect, and of course, self-expression. Bellydance is not just an amazing performance technique, it is also sensuality, it is artistry and musicality.

A dancer needs to be able to present bellydance as a game, as a kind of flirtation, and virtuosity and refined performance technique will help with this - we teach all this from the first lessons and try to improve every day.

Benefit for health

  • Health promotion;
  • Improving vitality;
  • An excellent remedy for depression;
  • A remedy for a number of gynecological diseases;
  • Almost all muscle groups work, and what is important, even those that are not used in everyday life;
  • And such an element as shaking perfectly helps to get rid of cellulite!