Quick learning of English for a teapot for children. How to quickly and easily learn English on your own from scratch: a daily tutorial for beginners

Free of charge involves independent acquisition of knowledge in this area. The main source of information is the Internet.

There are many online services with which you can start learning from scratch, by learning the alphabet. To diversify and significantly simplify complex science, you can use educational games that quietly present the necessary information in an easy and accessible form.

English language training is free. How to learn English at home (at home) on your own from scratch?

When learning a foreign language, you should take into account that your knowledge should be divided into four areas:

  1. Reading.

When reading, you are sure to encounter new unfamiliar words and turns of phrase, the knowledge of which is sure to increase. Please note that texts must be selected in accordance with your level of language knowledge. When choosing literature that is not according to the level, a large number of incomprehensible words, phrases, and idioms will dishearten anyone.

  1. Letter.

Written speech is complex from the point of view of orthographic theory. It is also difficult to study, in which you also need to choose one of 16 verb forms.

To simplify learning, you should write reminder notes to yourself and keep a personal diary describing all life events. The best option would be to find a pen pal. It is convenient to use social networks for these purposes.

  1. Oral speech.

It is formed by retelling the text read. New words and phrases should be added in each lesson.

  1. Listening speech perception.

To communicate on it with other people.

During the learning process, special attention should be paid to communication via chats, emails and telephone calls. By learning a language, in addition to knowledge, you can also significantly increase your IQ.

Where to start learning English on your own?

When learning a foreign language on your own, success in learning directly depends on the correct approach to learning chosen.

To do this, you must follow the correct sequence of obtaining information:

  1. Transcription.
  2. English letters and their combinations. It is convenient to use the website Translate.ru.
  3. Replenishment of vocabulary. For efficiency, it is better to learn 10 words per lesson. Moreover, it is important that these words be present. When learning on your own, no one can tell you this, so it’s convenient to contact the Internet service Lingvo.ru or Howjsay.com. Here you need to choose a set of words for learning, then launch the program, listen to each word several times and repeat it after the speaker. This exercise is also useful when practicing your own pronunciation. When replenishing your vocabulary of words, you should also focus on certain rules.

    It is better to start expanding your vocabulary with simple words that belong to a general thematic category that is most often used in the vocabulary. The Englishspeak.com service can come to the rescue, which recommends spending more time studying verbs, because it is this part of speech in the English language that makes speech understandable and dynamic.

  4. Formation of vocabulary. To do this, you can use the Studyfun.ru service, where, with the help of bright pictures, voiced by native speakers and translation into Russian, you will significantly speed up your learning.
  5. It’s not difficult to learn grammar rules, the main thing is to choose suitable literature, which presents information in an easy and concise form.
  6. View news in English. To do this, you need to find an English-language service in the list of your television channels, which will help you build your vocabulary in an unobtrusive manner. For reading, you can use the news portal Newsinlevels.com, where information is presented to readers, divided into several levels. It is important that each news is accompanied by an audio recording, which will help to capture the nature of the pronunciation of certain words.
  7. When reading simple, uncomplicated texts, visual memory is activated, At the same time, phrases are also processed automatically.

When teaching English on your own, the process of optimal organization is important to ensure the effectiveness of classes.

  • set the duration of classes to one hour;
  • the frequency of lessons should not be less than 3 times a week;
  • the ideal learning rhythm, taking into account the completion of additional tasks, is 30 minutes a day;
  • when working on speaking skills in a foreign language, you should rewrite short ones, read newspaper articles and news;
  • it is important to find someone to talk to to practice your speaking skills;
  • All acquired knowledge should be immediately applied in practice, and you should try to use all words and grammatical structures in oral and written speech.

It should be noted that ordinary cramming will not give an effective result without practical consolidation of knowledge.

you need to master 10 pieces, according to the scheme:

  • learning words;
  • independent written compilation of a short story in such a way that all the newly learned words are involved in it;
  • reading your own story;
  • retelling;
  • repeating what has been done.

What can get in the way of learning English at home?

The main mistake that beginners make when learning a language is:

  • dispersion in the information provided;
  • an attempt to absorb a lot of information, to study a large amount of multidirectional material.

The result of mistakes made may be a complete lack of progress in knowledge and a lack of desire to learn due to the confusion that has arisen in the abundance of information received and unprocessed by the brain.

At home, it can interfere with learning a foreign language:

  1. Lack of proper motivation for language learning.

It’s not worth it because it’s fashionable, or because they won’t hire you without knowing a foreign language. The basis for studying should be cognitive foundations that develop thinking, which contributes to career growth.

  1. Inability to manage time.

This is especially true for preparing homework, which, as usual, is completed immediately before classes. It is necessary to break the task into several stages for better assimilation. Don't try to cover huge amounts of information in one sitting.

When doing homework step by step, you should first of all pay attention to simple exercises that are easy to do. Tasks that require working with a dictionary should be put in second place.

  1. Fear of difficulties training.

Wrong choice of methodology, which should be based on individual characteristics of the ability to perceive information. Some people remember easier by hearing, while others need to have a visual example before their eyes. It is important to create the right training program, taking into account the form in which information is presented.

Tools for self-learning English at home

To learn English it is convenient to use the following tools:

  • Polyglot,, consisting of 16 episodes, each of which examines a separate topic with grammatical and phonetic rules;
  • Puzzle English tool, in which, with the help of video exercises, you can quickly learn to understand English speech;
  • Interactive Wordcount activities will help you master difficult science in a playful way.

Services for learning English for free

There are many services for learning English on your own, each of which has a specific thematic focus:

  • To learn new words, it’s convenient to use the Lingualeo mini-tutorial, thanks to which you can learn the technique of spaced repetition;
  • Duolingo will allow you to master grammar in addition to new words, thanks to which it is easy to learn how to build a sentence.

Polyglots are fluent in several foreign languages.

So how did they manage to learn them in such quantity, when learning English alone causes so many difficulties:

  1. Difficulties arise only when learning the first foreign language; all other languages ​​are easy.
  2. In order to speak a language perfectly, you should enjoy the learning process. Anything you like does well. You have to be in love with the language to understand it.
  3. To increase your vocabulary, you should not only use phrases regularly, but also be able to and constantly use them in colloquial speech.
  4. It is easier for adults to learn a foreign language due to the awareness of its actions.
  5. For learning to be effective, you should pay attention to the lesson every day for at least one hour.
  6. The development of oral speech and its understanding comes only as a result of communication with native speakers.
  7. content in accordance with your level of knowledge contributes to better memorization of words and individual phrases.

There are many ways to learn a foreign language from scratch on your own. The first thing you need to do is answer the question - why. Knowing the answer to this question is super important. Speech as a communication tool requires regular use - if knowledge and skills are not used, they are forgotten. Human memory is designed in such a way that it hides unnecessary knowledge as far as possible. Everything that you have learned well will quickly be forgotten - then you will have to start all over again.

Before you start cramming the alphabet, it is important to understand the goal:

  • communicate with airport employees, store managers, service personnel during tourist trips and understand the interlocutor well (colloquial variety);
  • conduct business negotiations with partners (business variety);
  • have the opportunity to read scientific (or fiction) literature (technical and literary versions);
  • communicate freely with residents of another country (read, write, speak).

Important tip! Motivation is important to achieve success. With the right goal setting, it is easy to acquire the necessary knowledge from scratch on your own and for free.

2 main ways to learn

There are two ways to quickly master someone else's method of linguistic communication.

The first is practiced at school: first they learn words, then they put them into sentences, and from phrases they construct a text. Phrases are constructed according to the laws of Russian grammar - this is a mistake. For this reason, high school graduates know a set of individual nouns and verbs, but it is difficult for them to quickly combine word forms into sentences; they have little experience in free communication.

The second approach teaches that it is better to study a foreign dialect in phrases, and to learn to speak immediately in full-fledged constructions. The fact is that the word in context takes on a new meaning - it is impossible to describe all the nuances with a set of strict rules. Any speech is phraseological: the meaning of an individual sentence is not equal to the sum of the meanings of individual word forms.

For everyone who is tired of monotonous cramming and incomprehensible grammar tasks, the AIN portal has collected sites for learning English. All of them are free, targeted at different users and built in different formats. We hope you find something for yourself.

Free websites can help you learn English. Photo: Depositphotos

  1. Duolingo is one of the most popular services for learning foreign languages ​​from scratch. The project is financially supported by Google Capital, Ashton Kutcher and other good investors. The program is built in the form of a “tree of achievements”: in order to move to a new level, you must first score a certain number of points, which are given for correct answers. There are applications for iOS and Android.

2. LearnEnglish - materials for learning English are collected here in different formats: lessons, games, chats, etc. The site is available in English.

3. Situational English - suggests learning English through situations. The site contains about 150 articles, which, depending on the context, offer ready-made expressions and reactions. Materials are available in Russian.

4. Real-english.com - a site with lessons, articles and videos. Also available in Russian.

5. Eslpod.com - users are encouraged to work with podcasts, all of them are available on iTunes for free. There is also the opportunity to study with printouts of podcasts and dictionaries.

6. Learn American English online - all material is divided into levels and highlighted in a certain color for convenience. And teacher Paul explains grammar in video format.

7. Learnathome is a Russian service, convenient in that a lesson plan is created for the student every day, which can be completed in 30 minutes. Before starting, the user is recommended to take a quick test that will determine the level of language proficiency. If you skip the test, the service will install the program for the elementary level.

8. Edu-station is a Russian-language site where you can not only watch video lectures, work with notes and books, but also with an interactive dictionary. There is paid content.

9. Ororo.tv - a service for learning English while watching films and popular TV series. The video player has a built-in translator in which you need to select the Russian language.

10. Film-english - a website for learning a language using short films, created by English teacher Kieran Donahue, winner of a number of prestigious educational awards in the UK.

11. TuneintoEnglish - the site offers to learn English with the help of music. Here you can take dictation of song lyrics, sing karaoke, find exercises for the lyrics, and guess what song is being talked about using diagrams.

12. FreeRice - a simulator for replenishing your English vocabulary with grammar exercises and tests. The service is supported by the United Nations World Food Programme, so the classes are designed like a game - for every correct answer you get a little rice to feed the hungry.

13. Memrise - the site is available in English. During the training, the user is asked to choose a meme to better remember the word or create their own associative image. Then you need to perform exercises on choosing the correct answer and listening to the word. The service is also available for iOS and Android.

14. Myspelling - a useful site for those who want to improve their spelling in English. The user is asked to listen to the word, then write it.

15. ManyThings - the site is aimed at those who are preparing for tests or exams in English. There are sections for practicing pronunciation (American, English), idioms, slang, etc.

16. ExamEnglish is suitable for those preparing for an international English exam (IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, etc.).

17. Babeleo - here you can read books in the original with a professional translation before your eyes. The books are available for free to review, but to access the full versions you must subscribe.

18. Begin-English - English for beginners. A large selection of a wide variety of educational materials that students and graduate students of Moscow State University collected at volunteer ambushes.

19.List-English - selection and classification of materials for learning English: online dictionaries, schools, forums, translators, tutors, tests, school textbooks, video courses, games, YouTube channels, podcasts and much more. New users are encouraged to download a 10-step plan that will help them learn more easily.

20. Englishtips.org - all English textbooks are collected here and are available for downloading or reading online.

Having decided to study English and coming to a bookstore, you will see many textbooks that are incomprehensibly different from each other. Often the difference is really small, but three main types of benefits can be distinguished:

– Traditional tutorials– an ordinary book with lessons, tasks, exercises. Something like a school textbook. For example, . Well suited for independent study.

– Glossy textbooks-courses– sets of brightly illustrated, magazine-like textbooks with a CD supplement and a high price tag. For example, the Headway series. The books are divided into levels, so you can’t get away with just one book. Often used in courses.

Is a textbook necessary at all?

Now there are excellent interactive step-by-step courses, like “talking” dictionaries, video lessons and a lot of other amazing things, but I believe that textbooks have not become any less relevant.

Imagine that somewhere there are people who have devoted their whole lives to studying English, teaching, and studying methods. One day they got together and decided to pass on their knowledge to those who needed it. They chose the most important, arranged it from simple to complex, provided explanations and exercises, structured the course so that the student did not wander from side to side, did not go in circles, but walked towards the goal in the shortest possible way. Figuratively speaking, the authors have drawn a map for you that will guide you along the path in the most optimal way.

It would be strange to abandon such a useful map and go on a journey at random, at random.

What is a textbook for?

Learning a language is not so much about acquiring knowledge as it is about developing skills. You can’t just learn a textbook and start communicating easily in English. Knowledge (words and grammar) needs to be multiplied by practice (reading, listening, writing, speaking), only then you will not only know grammar diagrams and words, but also gain skills: you can really enjoy English language.

So, the textbook is good for acquiring knowledge and consolidating it through exercises. At the initial stage this is very important. Reading and writing practice is given at the very beginning, designed to consolidate grammar and vocabulary, but in listening and speaking, a textbook, of course, is not the best assistant. Even books with audio supplements only provide basic listening skills. All these audio lessons from textbooks are child's play compared to what you hear in real life.

The textbook does the best job with grammar. Grammar is generally the fastest aspect of a language to learn. After going through the textbook, you will study it in such a volume that is enough for good command of the language.

“The best self-teacher of the English language” by A. Petrova, I. Orlova

Let's take for example one of these books - “The Best Self-Teacher for the English Language” by A. Petrova, I. Orlova. This is one of
the most authoritative self-teachers, a book with a rich history, its first edition was published back in the 1970s, since then it has been frequently republished, the contents are updated taking into account the requirements of the time and changes in language (there are no dialogues about the pioneer Vasya and the grammar of Shakespearean times in it) .

What will you learn from the textbook

First of all, any textbook is a grammar course. – it’s like the axis of the Earth. It cannot be seen or touched, but the whole world revolves around it. Rotates whether he knows of her existence or not.

The self-instruction manual for the English language is undoubtedly wonderful because, after completing it, you will master English grammar to almost the full extent necessary. Grammar, of course, does not have a “full scope”, just like language - it is constantly changing and cannot be learned until the last paragraph, such a paragraph does not exist. But there is the last paragraph in the textbook. Having gone through the grammar in the textbook, you will master it to the extent that is enough for life, unless you are preparing to become a doctor of English philology.

How is the textbook structured?

The book is divided into three parts.

  1. Express English course– the main part, in which grammatical and word-forming material is given in 25 lessons. The material is presented from simple to complex. The first three lessons are mainly devoted to phonics and reading rules, then each lesson gives a little grammar, a little vocabulary and word formation. At the end of the section there is an English-Russian dictionary for the lessons.
  2. Exercises and text materials– in textbooks, exercises are usually given after the lesson, but here they are presented in a separate block, and texts containing the grammar and vocabulary covered in the lesson are also given. This section includes:
  • Reading exercises– as a rule, read a few words out loud.
  • Text– it is matched to the topic of the lesson and includes the grammatical difficulties covered.
  • New words– a list of words from the text.
  • Word Analysis– some words are analyzed in detail, this helps to remember them better.
  • Exercises– exercises to consolidate the material.
  • Test- check of knowledge. At the end of the textbook there is a section with the correct answers (keys).
  1. Section “Spoken English”– it includes various everyday topics and exercises. The phrasebook covers topics such as “Greetings”, “How to get there”, “Family”, etc.

There is also an appendix at the end with keys to tests, tables, quotes, jokes, and proverbs.

How to study using a self-instruction manual?

In the introduction, the authors recommend studying daily, at least for 15-20 minutes: “Remember, however, that you cannot make up for these fifteen-minute sessions seven times a week by studying for 2-3 hours once a week, on a day off. This will be much less effective, since from lesson to lesson you will forget some of the material covered and in total you will spend much more time.”

Express course - pros and cons

The book has a feature that will be an advantage for some and a disadvantage for others: the book is short. The 25 lessons themselves take up only 230 pages in large print.

Whether this is good or not is up to you to decide. If you want a clear, concise and short training course, this textbook will help you understand the basics of the language, and not superficially. Further success will be in your hands. Without practice in reading, listening, speaking and writing, no theory will bloom or become green.

If you want to go through the basics more thoroughly, other books are suitable for you; they are not fundamentally different, the difference is that the material in them is presented in more detail and there are more exercises. For example:

  • Bonk's classic textbook “English step by step” (with audio application). The book is in two volumes. There is simply nowhere to go in more detail, but it will also take more time.
  • A one-volume, but also quite detailed “Complete English Course” by M. G. Rubtsova. It’s not particularly different from Petrova’s tutorial, except that the material is given in more detail, the exercises come immediately after the lesson, and the language is a little more academic, in my opinion.
  • “Tutorial in English. From elementary level to passing tests. + MP3” by N. B. Karavanova (with audio application) – in this book the grammatical part, the exercises are given in no more detail than in “The Best Self-Teacher”, however, phonetics is discussed in much more detail - it is given as many as 20 lessons.

My opinion is this. The faster you master basic grammar and vocabulary, the faster you will be able to read, listen, speak, and use words in English, so I am a proponent of mastering the basics (basic vocabulary, grammar, initial speech skills) as quickly and intensively as possible. By stretching out the study for six months, you risk killing interest in the language.


Self-teaching textbooks provide a good knowledge of grammar, consolidated with the help of exercises, basic vocabulary on various everyday topics, reading and writing skills. They won’t teach you how to speak, nor will they teach you how to understand by ear.

However, there would be basic knowledge, but developing skills is a matter of technology. The self-instruction manual is well suited as a guide for a thorough, not superficial study of the language, which can be supplemented with listening, writing and speaking practice - fortunately there are enough resources for this.

Time to learn about the pitfalls of English grammar. Based on our experience, we have compiled a list of sites where it is great to practice it.

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For newbies

  • EnglishDom.Grammar


    Pros: detailed and accessible grammar rules, several types of tasks for consolidation, interesting and popular videos with exercises. A convenient dictionary with ready-made sets and the ability to create your own collections. Absolutely all exercises are supported by English voice acting, and the selection of material is based on the student’s interests. The site is also suitable for more advanced users, because it is possible to choose the difficulty level, and the list of grammatical topics is quite large.
    Minuses: Not all grammar topics have video explanations.

    Pros: Russian-language site that presents more than 75 grammar lessons with examples, explanations and tests. The site has excellent videos created by native speakers.
    Minuses: not the most convenient and outdated interface.

    Pros: This site is perfect for beginners. The theoretical part is written in clear and simple language; you won’t have to rack your brains trying to figure out complex structures. All topics are perfectly structured - from easy to more complex.
    Minuses: Students at higher levels may find it simple and boring.

For those in the know

  • BritishCouncil


    Pros: the same site from the British Council where you can read the rules in English and practice your grammar by selecting the desired category. The site has a lot of other useful information, as well as games in English and preparation for exams.
    Minuses: the site is positioned as intended for all levels, but is entirely in English.

    Pros: An interesting and detailed blog on the topic of grammar from the popular service Grammarly. You can find a lot of useful information on grammar, writing and modern slang.
    Minuses: There are no tasks to reinforce the rules.

    Pros: a cool site from a whole team of teachers with video explanations and a fun way of presenting grammar rules. There are exercises for consolidation and breakdown by topic.
    Minuses: The site is entirely in English, so some details will have to be clarified using dictionaries.

    Pros: the site is conveniently divided into categories: tenses, nouns, verbs, prepositions and other grammar topics. You can also find video lessons on the site and, if you do not have constant access to the Internet, tasks and rules can be downloaded to your computer or phone.
    Minuses: The site may seem difficult for beginners learning English.

    Pros: here are rules, examples and exercises, as well as a division into difficulty levels. A distinctive feature of this resource is that after each topic there is an example of using a rule not just in a sentence, but in a literary text.
    Minuses: quite complex even for users with a high level of language knowledge.

For experts

  • reddit


    Pros: a very famous site with a separate section dedicated to grammar. It will be useful to everyone who already speaks English well and wants to understand its individual aspects and nuances, because on the site you can get answers from the most qualified specialists.
    Minuses: there are no tasks to reinforce the rules, the site is entirely in English.

    Pros: The site also needs no introduction. Here you can learn about English grammar and individual cases of using certain vocabulary.
    Minuses: The site provides reference information only, without consolidation exercises.

    Pros: a site that is often used by many teachers. The nuances of grammar, the frequency of use of certain words, modern slang or the history of origin and pronunciation - this and even more can be found out here.
    Minuses: There are also no tasks to reinforce the rules, and it is worth looking through all the comments to make sure the answer is correct.

We hope the resources above will help you master tricky English grammar.

Continue to study English comprehensively: words, grammar, written and speaking practice, live communication. It is this approach that will help you master the language much faster than studying its individual aspects.

We wish you good luck in your studies and look forward to your comments!

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