Immortelle sandy flower formula botanist. Aster family - Asteraceae

Medicinal herbs and plants - Sandy immortelle (tsmin): description, medicinal properties, preparation, use, folk recipes, contraindications and precautions, recommendations.



Sandy immortelle (tsmin) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Compositae family, with a short woody, weakly branched, black-brown rhizome. The stems are straight, simple, like the leaves, with white-tomentose pubescence, up to 30 (sometimes up to 60) cm high; at the very base, often with remnants of dead leaves. The stem is single (and if there are several of them, the secondary ones do not bear fruit). Leaves are alternate, basal and lower stem leaves are oblong-obovate, narrowed into petioles; the middle and upper stems are sessile, linear-lanceolate. Flowers are in spherical baskets, collected in apical corymbose panicles, about 7 mm in diameter. At the beginning of flowering, the inflorescence is dense, almost capitate, then loose. The basket wrapper consists of many rows of lemon yellow or orange shiny dry membranous leaves. The hard scales of the inflorescence wrapper do not wither and do not lose color even when the inflorescences are cut off. Hence the name of the plant - immortelle. All flowers in the baskets are tubular-funnel-shaped, bisexual, yellow or orange with a tuft (up to 100 pieces per peduncle). The fruit is a small brown, light brown or dark brown oblong achene with a tuft. Weight of 1000 seeds is 0.05-0.06 g. It blooms in June - August, the fruits ripen in August - September. In some years, secondary flowering is observed in August - September. Secondary flowering is also observed after picking the inflorescences, with baskets formed in the axils of the upper leaves. Each basket blooms for about 10-15 days; The central baskets of the inflorescence bloom first. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively by shoots from rhizomes. Widely distributed in the steppe regions of the European part of the CIS, in the Ciscaucasia, Central Asia and Southern Siberia. Grows on dry and fresh sandy, less often sandy, soils. It is found in sparse, dry pine forests and light coniferous forests, in clearings, clearings, mainly on the southern and eastern slopes. Does not tolerate full shade.


For medicinal purposes, flower baskets of sandy immortelle are used, which are harvested during the period of the beginning of flowering, before the opening of the side baskets. A later date is unacceptable, since the baskets open, the flowers fall off and only the receptacle with the wrapper remains. The collected inflorescences with peduncles up to 1 cm long are loosely placed in baskets or bags and delivered to the drying site as quickly as possible. Storage in containers longer than 3-4 hours leads to spoilage of raw materials. The collection is carried out in dry weather, when the dew has disappeared.
In the same area, inflorescences can be collected up to 3-4 times, as the plants begin to bloom. Re-collection can usually be done after 5-7 days. You cannot tear off inflorescences from stems or pull out plants with roots. In the same place, repeated harvesting can be carried out after 1-2 years.
The collected raw materials are dried in a cool place, spread out in a thin layer (2-3 cm), or in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 40°C (when dried without ventilation, the flower baskets disintegrate). The shelf life of raw materials is 3 years. The smell of the raw materials is weak, aromatic, the taste is spicy-bitter. Dried raw materials are stored in a dark place (otherwise they lose their presentation).
When harvesting in a forest zone, you need to make sure that instead of immortelle, you do not get inflorescences of cat's paws, which are often found in the same habitats. They are easy to distinguish by their pink or white basket-shaped inflorescences. Their use in medicine is not allowed.

Medicinal properties.

Galenic forms of the plant improve bile secretion, reduce the concentration of bile acids, and increase the content of cholates and bilirubin in bile. Immortelle preparations increase the cholate cholesterol ratio and the tone of the gallbladder. Immortelle extract has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the intestines, biliary tract, gallbladder and blood vessels. These properties are due to the presence of flavonoid compounds in the plant. In addition, immortelle preparations stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and activate the secretory ability of the pancreas, increasing diuresis.


Inflorescences. Decoction, infusion and extract - for cholecystitis, cholecystoangiocholitis, cholelithiasis and hepatitis, they increase the secretion of bile, change its chemical composition, increase the content of cholates, reduce the level of bilirubin and cholesterol in the blood. Patients' general condition improves, pain and dyspeptic symptoms disappear. Used as a weak sedative and metabolism-improving agent for atherosclerosis. By enhancing the secretion of bile and having a pronounced antispasmodic effect, immortelle preparations help wash out sand and small stones (1-2 mm in diameter) in chronic calculous cholecystitis. In addition, by enhancing bile secretion, immortelle preparations prevent bile stagnation, improve the metabolic function of the liver, reduce the viscosity of bile and its relative density, and reduce the concentration of bilirubin and cholesterol in it. Sandy immortelle flowers are included in the collection according to Zdrenko’s recipe, as well as in choleretic and gastric collections. In folk medicine, a decoction of immortelle inflorescences is used for diseases of the liver, gall bladder and bile ducts, kidneys and bladder (including kidney stones), gastrointestinal tract (hypacid gastritis, enteritis, colitis), female diseases (for leucorrhoea, also douching), hypertension, rheumatism, gout.

Folk recipes.

Infusion of immortelle (tsmina) (cold): 3 teaspoons of crushed tsmina flowers are poured into 2 glasses of cold water and kept for 8 hours: this portion of the infusion is drunk during the day, in several doses. The effect of this infusion is milder. The therapeutic effect is more pronounced when using a decoction.

Immortelle decoction: 1 tablespoon of crushed herb is poured into 2 glasses of water and boiled for 10 minutes: take 1/4 or 1/2 cup of the decoction 3 times a day, warm. If such a decoction is thickened to half the volume, then it should be taken 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

For leucorrhoea in women, immortelle decoction is used for douching. You can also buy immortelle extract at the pharmacy, the effect of which is stronger than the decoction. Take the extract 30-40 drops, three times a day. Powder from cumin flowers acts similarly to the extract - 1.0 g per dose, 3 times a day.

A decoction of the following components has a good choleretic effect: 4 parts of immortelle flowers, 3 parts of clover flowers, 2 parts of mint leaves, 1 part of coriander fruits. Pour one tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiled water and boil in an enamel bowl for 10 minutes. Take the resulting decoction half an hour before meals, 0.5 cups 3 times a day.

Immortelle decoction: pour 200 ml of water at room temperature with 10 g of crushed immortelle flowers, close the container with a lid and heat in a boiling water bath with frequent stirring for 30 minutes, cool for 10 minutes and strain. Squeeze and add water to 200 ml. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals.

Decoction of sandy immortelle flowers (Decoctum florum Helichrysi arenarii): 10 g (3 tablespoons) of raw materials are placed in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml of hot boiled water, cover with a lid and heat in boiling water (in a water bath) with frequent stirring for 30 minutes, cool 10 minutes at room temperature, filter, squeeze out the remaining raw materials. The volume of the resulting decoction is adjusted to 200 ml with boiled water. The prepared broth is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Take 1/2 cup warm 2-3 times a day 15 minutes before meals as a choleretic agent, for itchy dermatoses and as an anthelmintic.

Dry immortelle extract (Extractum florum Helichrysi arenarii siccum) is a granular powder extracted from immortelle flowers. Prescribe 1 g 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks. The course of treatment is repeated after 5 days if necessary.

Sandy immortelle flowers (Flores Helichrysi arenarii) are produced in packs of 50 g. Store in a cool, dry place. There are also granules of immortelle flowers. 2 g of granules (9-10 pcs.) are poured into 200 ml of hot water, brought to a boil with the lid closed over low heat, infused in a warm place for 30 minutes, cooled and filtered.

Choleretic collection (Species cholagogae). Ingredients: sandy immortelle flowers 4 parts, trefoil leaves 3 parts, peppermint leaves 2 parts, coriander fruits 2 parts. One tablespoon of the collection is brewed with 400 ml of boiling water, left for 20 minutes, then filtered. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Choleretic collection No. 2 (Species cholagogae No. 2). Ingredients: immortelle flowers 4 parts, yarrow herbs or leaves 2 parts, peppermint leaves 2 parts, coriander fruits 2 parts. The method of application is the same as for collecting choleretic. Both collections are available in 100 g packages.

Infusion of immortelle flowers: 10-15 g of raw material is poured into 200 ml of cold boiled water, left for 8 hours, then filtered. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

In homeopathy, essences from freshly harvested plants are used.

Contraindications and precautions.

Immortelle preparations have low toxicity, but with prolonged use they can cause congestion in the liver. Patients with hypertension should consult their doctor before taking immortelle preparations, as they slightly increase blood pressure. Obstructive jaundice is a contraindication.
Immortelle (Tsmin sandy) is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, hypertension. Immortelle is slightly toxic, so it should not be taken for more than 3 months, because with prolonged use it may cause congestion in the liver.
Treatment of children under two years of age with any herbal remedies poses a potential danger.

There are contraindications. Self-medication is contraindicated. Before using any prescription, consult your doctor for advice and permission to use.

Pharmacotherapeutic group. Choleretic, local anti-inflammatory agent.

Description of the plant




Rice. 8.6. Sandy immortelle (tsmin) - Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench

Sandy immortelle flowers-flores helichrysi arenarii
Sandy immortelle- helichrysum arenarium (l.) Moench
Sem. Compositae– asteraceae (compositae)
Other names: sandy tsmin, yellow cat's paws, goldenwort, solar gold, dried flowers, shopshai.

Low perennial herbaceous plant 15-30 cm high with a short rhizome and thin long roots (Fig. 8.6).
Basal leaves oblong-obovate with a rounded apex and a short petiole, collected in rosettes. One or several ascending, branched stems emerge from the rhizome only in the inflorescence.
Stem leaves alternate, sessile, oblong or linear.
The entire plant is whitish-tomentose.
Numerous small baskets are collected in dense corymbose inflorescences.
Wrapper leaves dry, filmy, lemon yellow.
Flowers tubular, golden-orange.
Fetus- achene with a tuft. Blooms from the end of June to September.

Composition of immortelle




Chemical composition of immortelle

The inflorescences contain

  • flavonoids (6.5%):
    • flavanone naringenin and its 5-glycosides - salipurposide and its stereoisomer helychrysin,
    • chalcone glycoside - isosalipurposide,
    • flavone apigenin and its 7-glycoside,
    • flavonol kaempferol and its 3-glycosides, etc.;
  • phthalic anhydride derivatives (phthalides);
  • coumarin scopoletin;
  • essential oil (0.04%);
  • tannins.

The raw material accumulates selenium.

Qualitative reactions

When performing a cyanidin test, a red color develops in the alcohol extract (flavonoids).

Properties of immortelle




Pharmacological properties of immortelle

Infusion of immortelle flowers

  • enhances the secretion of bile, gastric and pancreatic juices,
  • increases the tone of the gallbladder and promotes the outflow of bile,
  • providing an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the sphincters of the gallbladder and bile ducts;
  • changes the viscosity and chemical composition of bile in the direction of increasing the cholate-cholesterol coefficient.

The action of immortelle is associated with flavones and phenolic acids that activate the formation of bile and increase the bilirubin content in bile.

Use of immortelle




Immortelle preparations are used as a choleretic agent

  • for diseases of the biliary system (cholecystitis, cholangitis, cholelithiasis, biliary dyskinesia);
  • for liver diseases, after acute hepatitis of various etiologies.
  • With sluggish digestion, poor appetite, insufficient secretion of digestive enzymes,

As a lipid-lowering agent

  • with atherosclerosis,
  • disorders of fat metabolism,
  • obesity,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • For coronary heart disease, immortelle preparations are used as a lipid-lowering agent that helps remove cholesterol and its precursors from the body with bile.

For giardiasis used in complex therapy with other anti-lambic drugs and oxygen therapy.

Arenarine ointment 1% ophthalmic used to treat chemical and thermal burns of the eyes.

« Arenarine» provides

  • anti-inflammatory and
  • antibacterial effect on antibiotic-resistant gram-positive bacteria (including staphylococci and streptococci);
  • stimulates regenerative processes in tissues.





Spreading. In the steppe, forest-steppe and southern forest zones of the European part of the CIS, in the steppe regions of Kazakhstan and Western Siberia.

Habitat. It grows mainly on dry sandy, less often rocky soils, along forest edges, along forest roads, in open sunny glades, in young, mainly pine, plantings. In old pine forests, although thinned out, it does not bloom. Does not grow in wet soil. Cultivated in Ukraine.

Procurement and storage of raw materials




Preparation. It is advisable to collect inflorescences at the beginning of flowering, before the side baskets open. When harvested later, as a result of the opening of the baskets during drying, the flowers fall off greatly, and the raw material contains a large number of bare axes of inflorescences with wrappers. Inflorescences along with peduncles up to 1 cm long are cut with scissors or a knife.

Security measures. In the same area, inflorescences can be collected up to 3-4 times as the plants begin to bloom. Re-collection – after 5-7 days. You cannot tear off inflorescences from stems or pull out plants with roots. It is advisable to carry out repeated harvesting on specific areas after 1-2 years, in which case it is necessary to leave 1-2 flowering plants per 1 m 2 to ensure seed regeneration.

Sandy immortelle is widely cultivated in specialized farms. Harvesting of inflorescences is mechanized.

Drying. In cool rooms with good ventilation, the raw materials are laid out in a layer of 2-3 cm on paper or fabric; stirring is not allowed. It is not recommended to dry raw materials in warm rooms and attics under a metal roof, as this leads to a large amount of scree. Dryers can be used to dry at temperatures not exceeding 40 ºС.

Standardization. GF XI, issue. 2, art. 9, Changes No. 1, 2.

Storage. In a dark, well-ventilated area. In warehouses - in bags, in pharmacies - in boxes or cans. The shelf life of raw materials is 4 years.

External signs of raw materials




Whole raw materials

Baskets spherical, single or several collected together on short woolly-tomentose peduncles up to 1 cm long, about 7 mm in diameter.
Baskets consist of numerous flowers located on a bare inflorescence bed, surrounded by numerous, loosely pressed involucre leaves.
All flowers tubular, five-toothed, bisexual, with a tuft.
Wrapper leaves concave, dry, membranous, shiny, outer - ovoid, middle - spatulate, elongated, inner - narrow, linear.
Wrapper color lemon yellow, flowers lemon yellow or orange.
Smell weak, aromatic. Taste spicy-bitter.

Crushed raw materials

The baskets are spherical, single, small, sometimes 2-3 together, separate beds of inflorescences and their pieces with the remains of involucre leaves and tubular flowers, pieces of stems and peduncles passing through a sieve with holes 7 mm in diameter.

Microscopy of raw materials




When looking at the leaves the surface of the involucre shows an epidermis of slightly elongated porous cells; in the narrowed part of the leaflet there are many simple whip-shaped hairs with several short basal and one long terminal cell and essential oil-bearing oval two-row, multi-tiered glands, consisting of 8-12 cells.

When looking at a flower from the surface an oval ovary with numerous swollen hairs and its annular base of quadrangular thick-walled cells are visible. At the top of the ovary, a pappus is visible, consisting of thin bristles fused with each other at the base. Corolla teeth with uneven and fringed edges. The corolla has many capitate hairs with a single-celled head on a 12-14-cell stalk.

Numerical indicators of raw materials




Whole raw materials

The amount of flavonoids determined by the spectrophotometric method, calculated as isosalipurposide, is not less than 6%; humidity no more than 12%; total ash no more than 8%; inflorescences with remains of stems longer than 1 cm no more than 5%; remnants of baskets (bed of inflorescences with wrappers) no more than 5%; crushed particles passing through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 2 mm, no more than 5%; organic impurity no more than 0.5%; mineral impurity no more than 0.5%.

Crushed raw materials

The amount of flavonoids determined by the spectrophotometric method, calculated as isosalipurposide, is not less than 6%; humidity no more than 12%; total ash no more than 8%; pieces of stems and peduncles no more than 10%; crushed particles passing through a sieve with holes measuring 0.25 mm, no more than 10%; organic impurity no more than 0.5%; mineral impurity no more than 0.5%.

Medicines based on immortelle




  1. Immortelle sand flowers, raw materials. Choleretic agent.
  2. Sandy immortelle extract dry, granular powder (extract from sandy immortelle flowers mixed with milk sugar). Choleretic agent.
  3. Flamin, tablets 0.05 g; granules for children (total flavonoids). Choleretic, anti-inflammatory agent.
  4. Arenarine, 1% ointment (extract from immortelle flowers containing flavonoids). Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent for the treatment of chemical and thermal burns of the eyes, corneal ulcers.
  5. As part of the collections (choleretic collections No. 1-2; collection for the preparation of medicine according to the prescription of M.N. Zdrenko).

Which has a large number of medicinal properties and the fewest contraindications. The production of various medicines is based on its flowers. But inconspicuous steppe can be confused with others, and poor preparation will spoil the medicinal properties of dried flowers. Therefore, let's figure out what immortelle looks like, how it helps in treatment, as well as how to properly harvest and store the plant.


Which belongs to the Astrov family. Immortelle has one erect shoot, the average height of which is 35 cm. There are herbs up to one meter in height.

It may also have additional shoots that do not bear fruit. Immortelle leaves are lanceolate, 4-6 cm long and arranged alternately on the stem. The shoots and leaves have felt pubescence, so their green color takes on a silvery tint.

The rhizome branches weakly. The basket is collected in a corymbose panicle. spherical immortelle of yellow or orange color. The dried flower blooms in mid-summer. Under favorable climatic conditions, a second flowering is possible in September. Immortelle reproduces by seeds and shoots from the rhizome. This can be found in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Europe and Central Asia.

There are many names for the plant, including cat's paws, dried flower, goldenflower, straw flower, sandy tsmin, sandy goldenflower.

Did you know? It is believed that the name of immortelle is translated from Latin as"golden sun"

Chemical composition

Immortelle is popular for its flowers. They contain many organic compounds - glycosides. The chemical composition also includes flavonoids, including naringenin and apigenin, kaempferol, as well as vitamins C and K.

Immortelle includes sugar, resin, tannins, and essential oil. Among the macroelements that are present in dried flowers are potassium, calcium, magnesium, and ferrum.

Sandy tsmin is also rich in microelements: manganese, cuprum, zinc, chromium, aluminum, selenium, nickel, strontium, lead, boron. The composition of cumin includes various acids, including carboxylic and resin acids.
But despite the beneficial properties of the substances included in its composition, immortelle has a number of contraindications. This is due to the large amount of ballast substances.

Important! You cannot make any medicinal forms from fresh immortelle flowers, because they harm the mucous membranes of the stomach and mouth.

Useful properties of the plant

Sandy tsmin has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. For example, immortelle decoction can be used for pain in women. It is administered by douching. The antibacterial effect of the plant is manifested due to the presence of resin acids in the flowers. Goldenflower essential oil can be used as an antidepressant because it contains the vitamin-like substance inositol, which also helps lower blood cholesterol levels. Flavonoids, which the plant is rich in, have an antispasmodic effect on the intestinal muscles.

Use of immortelle

The medicinal properties of immortelle are used in the treatment of cholecystitis, hepatitis and gallbladder diseases. In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions from the plant help improve metabolism, as well as fight gastritis and intestinal obstruction.

In official medicine, flamin is made from flower extract. This medicine is prescribed to combat gallbladder diseases. During its production, flavonoids are purified from ballast substances (fiber).

But immortelle is used not only as a medicinal, but also as a... It is often added to bouquets, and some people use it to make handmade resin jewelry.


Immortelle tincture is prepared from pre-prepared and dried flowers. You will need:

  • 10 g dried flowers;
  • 100 ml 20% alcohol;
  • dark glass container.

Grind the flowers and add alcohol. Let it brew for a week in a dark and cool place. Take 15-20 drops of dried flower tincture diluted in 50 ml of water five times a day before meals. The course lasts 30 days. This recipe is recommended for use in the treatment of skin diseases.


Sandy tsmin can be used as a choleretic medication. To prepare this dosage form, you need to take one tablespoon of golden flower and one glass of boiling water.

After pouring the herb, place the container with it in a steam bath for half an hour. Then remove the mixture and cool. Next, strain the raw materials and dilute the broth with one glass of hot water.

The decoction should be left for two to three days at room temperature. Take half a glass 15-20 minutes before meals three times a day.
Treatment is recommended for seven days. A decoction of sandy golden flower can also be used as an anthelmintic and in the treatment of dermatosis.


Immortelle infusion is used most often, because it has the greatest benefits for the human body and does not cause harm. Its benefit lies in the treatment of cholelithiasis and gastrointestinal disorders.

To prepare the infusion, you will need:

  • 80 g flowers;
  • 1 liter of boiled water.

You need to fill the flowers with water and let them brew for 10 hours in a dark place. After filtering the flowers, take the infusion three to four times a day half an hour before meals, half a glass.

An infusion can be prepared from a collection of herbs, which includes dried flowers. For example, three parts of immortelle flowers, five parts of yarrow leaves and two parts (root). Pour the mixture with one glass of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. You need to drink it in one go. This infusion can be taken for five days.

Important! Immortelle infusion increases stomach acidity.

Another recipe with herbs includes
  • 40 g dried flowers;
  • 30 g of water trefoil leaves;
  • 20 g;
  • 20 g of fruits.

But from 110 g of collection you will need only 20 g. It is this amount that needs to be poured into 400 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes. Be sure to filter out any settled herbs. Take 100 ml three times a day before meals as a choleretic agent.

Cummin essential oil is produced by steam distillation of fresh flowers. Therefore, it can be bought in ready-made form in stores or pharmacies. The color of the oil is light yellow, and the aroma is honey.

Tsmina oil is used in massage and even in soap making. It does not cause irritation on sensitive skin, so mixtures of essential oils with the addition of cumin oil are used to massage babies.

Immortelle oil has anti-inflammatory, soothing, antiseptic effects, therefore it is recommended for people with skin diseases, such as acne. One of the benefits of using the oil is its mucolytic property, which helps in the treatment of bronchitis.


Despite the many medicinal properties of dried flowers, doctors identify a number of contraindications in which any dosage forms from the plant are prohibited.

Such a contraindication is flatulence, because immortelle contains a large amount of ballast substances that enhance this ailment.

Also, cumin in any form should not be taken by hypertensive patients and people with liver diseases, because cumin has a cumulative property, due to which the accumulated substances may not be excreted by the body.

Preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials

Proper collection and preparation of raw materials will help preserve herbs for a long time. During collection, the first stage of dry flower procurement, you must adhere to the following rules.

Immortelle (tsmin) sandy is used for diseases of the liver and gall bladder. The medicinal properties of the plant dilute bile, help restore fat metabolism, and have an antimicrobial effect. Long-term use is contraindicated - causes.

Immortelle grass and flowers

In total, there are about 500 species of medicinal plants, 15 grow in our country. It prefers sandy soils, dry lawns, hills, copses, and mountain slopes.

A perennial plant 15-40 cm tall blooms from June to August. Yellow or orange flowers are collected in baskets.

The plant tolerates drought well. Almost unchanged, it can stand in a vase for a long time.


For medicinal purposes, not fully blossomed yellow flowers are used at the beginning of flowering, before the side baskets open. Cut flowers with scissors every 5-7 days. The stems and leaves are also used for treatment.

Immortelle, harvested later, has few medicinal properties. When dry, such flowers crumble into dust.

Vegetable raw materials must be dried in the shade for a long time, spread out in a layer of 1-2 cm.

The finished flowers and herbs are stored in a cool, dark place for up to 3-5 years.


The medicinal properties of immortelle are provided by the essential oils, bitternesses, tannins contained in the yellow flowers, as well as phytohormones similar to female sex hormones, resins, flavonoids, glycosides, and coumarins.

In flowers and grass, vitamins are represented by ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamin K, carotene ().

Macro and microelements are represented by potassium, selenium, copper, sodium.


The medicinal properties of immortelle flowers are used in the form of infusions, decoctions, tea, dry and bitter concentrate Flamin, which is sold in tablets.

Immortelle preparations stimulate the secretion of bile, dilute it, and increase the tone of the gallbladder. They treat hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, and are used as a choleretic agent.

As a result, vomiting decreases and stops, the liver stops hurting, its size normalizes, and the yellow color of the sclera of the eyes disappears.

Sandy cinnamon stimulates the secretory activity of the pancreas, promotes the separation of gastric juice and enzymes for digesting food, especially with low acidity, slows down the evacuation function of the body, which allows food to be digested more completely and efficiently.

Sandy immortelle contains resin acids, which have antibacterial activity and inhibit the growth of staphylococci and streptococci.

This medicinal property of flowers and herbs is used to disinfect the bile ducts and ureters, to treat inflammation of the kidneys and bladder without irritating the kidneys, as an anthelmintic (roundworm) and a hemostatic agent for intestinal bleeding.

Preparations from immortelle sandy relieve spasm of intestinal smooth muscles. They are non-toxic and can accumulate in the body.

Due to its medicinal property of reducing blood levels, an aqueous infusion of immortelle is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

Recipes for infusion, decoction and tea

  • Brew 1 tsp. vegetable raw materials with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain.

Take 1 tbsp. three times a day before meals.

  • Brew 1 tsp. flowers with a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat or a water bath for 1 hour, so that the boiling is unnoticeable and the flowers only evaporate by about a quarter, and are not boiled down.

Take immortelle decoction for the treatment of liver diseases, jaundice, and pain in the liver, 50 ml three times a day.

  • Brew 1 tsp. flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain.

Take a glass 15 minutes before breakfast and dinner for 10 days.

Liver cleansing with herbal mixture

The medicinal properties of immortelle flowers and corn silk are used to cleanse the liver.

  • Boil 1 tbsp in a glass of water. immortelle flowers and 1 tbsp. corn silk, leave for half an hour, strain.

Drink a warm infusion on an empty stomach in the morning. After an hour, take any laxative. Place a warm heating pad in the liver area and hold it there until you want to go to the toilet. After defecation, a cleansing enema is necessary.

During the day, it is better to completely avoid eating. If you really can’t bear it, eat some fresh vegetables or fruits.

You should not cleanse your liver if you have gallstones.

Treatment of liver and gallbladder diseases

Diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Prepare an immortelle decoction (recipe given above). Take 1/3-1/2 cup warm half an hour before meals. Often the condition improves after 3-4 days of use.

Treatment of jaundice. Prepare the collection:

  1. Mix equal parts of grass, calamus roots and immortelle flowers.
  2. Brew 1 tsp. Brew a glass of boiling water, simmer for 5 minutes over low heat, let cool, strain.

Take half a glass 3-4 times a day before meals.

The medicinal properties of calamus and St. John's wort are used for inflammatory processes in the liver and gall bladder. In combination with immortelle, plant components enhance each other's effects.

Alcoholic liver damage, hepatitis, cirrhosis.

Prepare an infusion of immortelle (recipe given above). Take half a glass half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 3-4 months.

Stimulating bile formation. Flamin tablets are a concentrate of immortelle. For chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract, take one tablet 0.05 g three times a day.

Inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), bile ducts (cholangitis), disruption of their function (dyskinesia). There is pain in the right hypochondrium, the face is pale. Discomfort occurs after eating fatty, overcooked foods, halva, chocolate, ice cream. The mouth is dry, bitter, and may cause nausea or vomiting.

The medicinal properties of immortelle are used - “Cholagogue Collection No. 2”, Flamin tablets. They are consumed for 3-4 weeks, then repeated in two-week courses after two months.

Immortelle infusion (recipe above) is used half a glass half an hour before meals. Take one Flamin tablet before meals. The course of treatment is continued from 20 to 40 days.

Reducing cholesterol levels

Immortelle preparations reduce cholesterol levels and have an antisclerotic effect.

The most effective use of immortelle decoction (recipe above).

The decoction is taken one tablespoon 10-15 minutes before meals.

Those who have become convinced of the medicinal properties of immortelle decoction have verified from their own experience that, compared to other remedies, it is the decoction that works most effectively.


The medicinal properties of immortelle are used for the prevention and treatment of pancreatitis in acute and chronic forms.

As in the case of lowering cholesterol levels, the most effective is the use of a decoction.

Take the decoction warm for two months, twice a year, including for chronic pancreatitis.

The beneficial properties of immortelle herbs and flowers stimulate the secretory activity of the pancreas and reduce inflammation.


The healing properties of immortelle are used for hypotension. Prepare an infusion (recipe above). Take 1/3 cup half an hour before meals, cooled to room temperature.

Another recipe using grape juice:

  • Brew 1 tsp. immortelle flowers with a glass of boiling water, let cool, strain. Mix with 1/2 cup grape juice.

Take 1 tbsp. 2 times a day, half an hour before breakfast and before lunch.

Application in gynecology

The medicinal properties of immortelle flowers and herbs are used to stop uterine bleeding or for pain during menstrual periods.

  • For heavy bleeding, take 1/2 cup of infusion orally.
  • Douche with a warm decoction for leucorrhoea.

In the second half, fluid intake is often limited to avoid swelling.

For dyskinesia of the gallbladder and biliary tract, instead of immortelle infusion or decoction, it is better to use Flamin tablets - 1-2 tablets three times a day, half an hour before meals.


Despite the pronounced medicinal properties of immortelle, its use is contraindicated for hypertension.

The plant increases blood clotting.

Since immortelle can accumulate in the body, with prolonged use it can cause congestion in the liver.

Taken in combination with St. John's wort may cause constipation.

You should not be treated with immortelle if you have high acidity of gastric juice and hyperacid gastritis.

The plant is contraindicated in case of an attack of acute pancreatitis.

Modified: 02/11/2019

Sandy immortelle - Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench " style="border-style:solid;border-width:6px;border-color:#ffcc66;" width="250" height="350">
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Other names: Yellow cat's paws, Golden sun, Frost-grass, Rusks, Dried flowers, Sandy tsmin.

Diseases and effects: liver disease, biliary tract diseases, gallbladder diseases, cholecystitis, cholecystoangiocholitis, cholelithiasis, hepatitis, calculous cholecystitis.

Active substances: essential oil, salipurpuroside, kaempferol, isosalipurpuroside, naringenin, ascorbic acid, vitamin K, phthalides, high molecular alcohols, steroid compounds, inositol, tannins, fatty acids, mineral salts, trace elements.

Time to collect and prepare the plant: July August.

Botanical description of sandy immortelle

A perennial herbaceous plant from the Compositae family, 15-30 cm high, with whitish-tomentose pubescence.

Rhizome short, black-brown, woody.

Root core, branched. Lateral roots bearing adventitious buds extend from the main root at a depth of 3-10 cm. Flowering shoots 5-10.

Stem erect or rising, branched in the upper part.

Leaves alternate, entire, lower stems oblong-obovate, petiolate, middle and upper ones linear-lanceolate, sessile.

Flowers small, tubular, yellow or orange in spherical baskets, collected in a corymbose panicle. The wrapper of each basket consists of approximately 50 blunt lemon-yellow (rarely orange) leaves arranged in 4-6 rows.

Fetus- brown flying achene about 2 mm long, 1 mm wide and thick.

Sandy immortelle blooms in July - August, bears fruit in August - September.

Habitats and distribution of sandy immortelle

Sandy immortelle is distributed throughout the steppe zone and in the southern regions of the forest zone of the European part of the country, in the steppe regions of Kazakhstan and the southern regions of Western Siberia. It is found everywhere in Ukraine (with the exception of the Carpathians). Harvesting can be carried out in the river basins of Odessa, Kherson, Zaporozhye, Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

Sandy immortelle is a steppe species characteristic of dry pine forests. It grows mainly in lichen and heather pine forests, where the aquifer is below 2 m. It is a taproot plant well adapted to dry habitats, in particular due to its tomentose pubescence, which reduces moisture evaporation. Sandy immortelle is a light-loving plant that grows in open places, clearings, forest edges, along pine plantings with open crowns, found mainly on the southern and eastern slopes of ravines and ravines. In shaded places, where conditions for it are far from optimal, the immortelle develops elongated, few generative shoots with a small number of baskets. It does not tolerate complete shading, so the immortelle is not found in those pine forests where the crowns of the pines are closed.

Immortelle is usually found in large quantities only in young pine forests, cutting areas, along roadsides in pine forests, most often on sand. In cultural conditions, sandy immortelle prefers soils of light and medium texture. It grows well on low-humus, slightly alkaline, medium-loamy and sandy loam chernozem.

Two types of immortelle grow in Crimea: sandy- in the western and foothill parts of the peninsula and strong-smelling- on high mountain yaylas. This type of immortelle can be used in medicine along with sandy immortelle.

Preparation of sandy immortelle and quality of raw materials

Sandy immortelle inflorescences are collected at the beginning of flowering before the flower heads bloom. Baskets with flower stalks up to 1 cm long are plucked by hand, cut with pruners or scissors, making sure that the plants are not pulled out. In addition, for further propagation of immortelle, it is necessary to leave several well-developed flowering specimens.

The collected inflorescences of sandy immortelle must be dried in the shade under a canopy or in well-ventilated areas. The raw materials are laid out on paper or fabric in a layer 2-3 cm thick, stirred 1-2 times a day, without allowing them to dry out. It is not recommended to dry in dryers or in attics with iron or slate roofs. Drying is stopped when the raw material becomes brittle. Dried inflorescences are packaged in 50 kg bales or bags and stored in dry, well-ventilated rooms on racks or shelves in the group of essential oil raw materials. In pharmacies, raw materials are stored in boxes or cans. The shelf life of raw materials is 4 years.

Medicinal raw materials are dried spherical baskets, single or several collected together on short peduncles, up to 1 cm long. Located on a bare receptacle, the baskets consist of numerous flowers, lemon yellow or orange in color. The smell of raw materials is weak and aromatic. The taste is spicy-bitter.

The raw material should contain no more than 12% moisture; total ash - no more than 8%; inflorescences with remains of stems longer than 1 cm - no more than 5%; remnants of baskets (receptacles with wrappers) and crushed parts passing through a sieve with a hole diameter of 2 mm - no more than 5%; organic and mineral impurities - no more than 0.5%.

Cat's foot, which differs from sandy immortelle in the color of its baskets, may be present as an impurity in the raw material. The flowers are white or reddish, the leaflets are white or pink.

Chemical composition of sandy immortelle

The inflorescences of the immortelle sandy contain essential oil, flavonoid glycosides (salipurpuroside, kaempferol and isosalipurpuroside), flavonoids (naringenin and apigenin), as well as several unidentified phenolic coloring substances, vitamins (ascorbic acid, vitamin K). In addition, phthalides, high-molecular alcohols, steroid compounds, essential oil, inositol, tannins, fatty acids, mineral salts and trace elements were found in the inflorescences of the sandy immortelle.

Pharmacological properties of sandy immortelle

Galenic forms of immortelle improve bile secretion, reduce the concentration of bile acids, and increase the content of cholates and bilirubin in bile. Immortelle preparations increase the cholate cholesterol ratio and the tone of the gallbladder.

Immortelle extract has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the intestines, biliary tract, gallbladder and blood vessels. These properties are due to the presence of flaphonoid compounds in immortelle.

In addition, immortelle preparations stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and activate the secretory ability of the pancreas, increasing diuresis.

The experiment revealed the antibacterial activity of sandy immortelle flowers.

The use of sandy immortelle

The choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antispasmodic properties of the plant are used for various diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

Immortelle preparations for cholecystitis, cholecystoangiocholitis, cholelithiasis and hepatitis increase the secretion of bile, change its chemical composition, increase the content of cholates, and reduce the level of bilirubin and cholesterol in the blood. Patients' general condition improves, pain and dyspeptic symptoms disappear.

By enhancing the secretion of bile and having a pronounced antispasmodic effect, preparations of sandy immortelle help wash out sand and small stones in chronic calculous cholecystitis. In addition, by enhancing bile secretion, immortelle preparations prevent bile stagnation, improve the metabolic function of the liver, reduce the viscosity of bile and its relative density, and reduce the concentration of bilirubin and cholesterol in it.

Immortelle flowers are included in choleretic preparations and in the collection for the preparation of medicine according to M.N. Zdrenko, recommended for the treatment of anacid gastritis.

In veterinary practice, flower extract and infusion of immortelle sandy are used for acute and chronic diseases of the liver, gall bladder and bile ducts.

In everyday life, a decoction of immortelle flowers is used as a dye, giving fabrics a yellow color.

Sandy immortelle is a good remedy for moths.

Immortelle has been published to be used to flavor drinks, as a spice and to obtain essential oil. In France, up to 100 kg of essential oil is produced annually for the perfume industry.

Side effects and contraindications to the use of sandy immortelle

Immortelle preparations have low toxicity, but with prolonged use they can cause congestion in the liver.

Cultivation techniques for sandy immortelle

Sandy immortelle is propagated by seeds, which have high laboratory germination (90%), but with increasing shelf life it decreases and after three years it is only 30%.

The area for immortelle must be carefully prepared. The plant prefers soil that is light in mechanical composition and free from weeds. Before digging in the fall, it is necessary to apply organic (2 kg/m2 of manure) and complex mineral fertilizers at the rate of 18-20 g/m2. Before sowing in spring, it is necessary to lightly loosen the soil. Sow in beds to a depth of 0.5-1.0 cm. Row spacing is 45 cm. Shoots appear in 1.5-2 weeks. Plants develop very slowly. Only 2 months after sowing, their growth intensifies, a rosette of leaves develops, but some plants form flowering stems and are able to bloom. Basically, only in the 2nd year the plants form from 10 to 20 flowering stems and bloom in July - August.

In winter, the plant goes into a dormant stage, the above-ground part dies off, leaving only the root and many renewal buds, from which new shoots develop the following year.

Sandy immortelle can be grown in one place for 4-7 years.

Dosage forms of sandy immortelle, method of application and dosage

Decoction of immortelle flowers(Decotum florum Helichrysi arenarii): 10 g (3 tablespoons) of flowers are placed in an enamel bowl, pour 200 g (1 glass) of hot boiled water, cover with a lid and heat in boiling water (in a water bath) with frequent stirring for 30 minutes, cool 10 minutes at room temperature, filter, squeeze out the remaining raw materials. The volume of the resulting decoction is adjusted to 200 ml with boiled water. The prepared broth is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days.

Take 1/2 cup warm 2-3 times a day 15 minutes before meals as a choleretic agent.

Available in packs of 50 g. Flowers are stored in a cool, dry place.

Dry immortelle extract(Extractum florum Helichrys arenarii siccum). Prescribe 1 g 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Collection (tea) choleretic: immortelle flowers 4 parts, peppermint leaves 2 parts, coriander fruits 2 parts. Brew one tablespoon with two glasses of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take half a glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Flamin(Flaminum) - the sum of flavonoids of sandy immortelle. Used for chronic cholecystitis and hypatocholecystitis, 1 tablet 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals (with a small amount of warm water). The course of treatment is 10-40 days.

Available in tablets of 0.05 g.

Sandy immortelle - video review

Sandy immortelle in collections of medicinal plants

Collection No. 26
Used for gallstone disease. According to the method of preparation and use - decoction.

Collection No. 29
Used for hepatitis, hepatocholecystitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis. The collection has a choleretic effect. According to the method of preparation and use - infusion.

Medicinal herbs and plants - Sandy immortelle (tsmin): description, medicinal properties, preparation, use, folk recipes, contraindications and precautions, recommendations.



Sandy immortelle (tsmin) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Compositae family, with a short woody, weakly branched, black-brown rhizome. The stems are straight, simple, like the leaves, with white-tomentose pubescence, up to 30 (sometimes up to 60) cm high; at the very base, often with remnants of dead leaves. The stem is single (and if there are several of them, the secondary ones do not bear fruit). Leaves are alternate, basal and lower stem leaves are oblong-obovate, narrowed into petioles; the middle and upper stems are sessile, linear-lanceolate. Flowers are in spherical baskets, collected in apical corymbose panicles, about 7 mm in diameter. At the beginning of flowering, the inflorescence is dense, almost capitate, then loose. The basket wrapper consists of many rows of lemon yellow or orange shiny dry membranous leaves. The hard scales of the inflorescence wrapper do not wither and do not lose color even when the inflorescences are cut off. Hence the name of the plant - immortelle. All flowers in the baskets are tubular-funnel-shaped, bisexual, yellow or orange with a tuft (up to 100 pieces per peduncle). The fruit is a small brown, light brown or dark brown oblong achene with a tuft. Weight of 1000 seeds is 0.05-0.06 g. It blooms in June - August, the fruits ripen in August - September. In some years, secondary flowering is observed in August - September. Secondary flowering is also observed after picking the inflorescences, with baskets formed in the axils of the upper leaves. Each basket blooms for about 10-15 days; The central baskets of the inflorescence bloom first. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively by shoots from rhizomes. Widely distributed in the steppe regions of the European part of the CIS, in the Ciscaucasia, Central Asia and Southern Siberia. Grows on dry and fresh sandy, less often sandy, soils. It is found in sparse, dry pine forests and light coniferous forests, in clearings, clearings, mainly on the southern and eastern slopes. Does not tolerate full shade.


For medicinal purposes, flower baskets of sandy immortelle are used, which are harvested during the period of the beginning of flowering, before the opening of the side baskets. A later date is unacceptable, since the baskets open, the flowers fall off and only the receptacle with the wrapper remains. The collected inflorescences with peduncles up to 1 cm long are loosely placed in baskets or bags and delivered to the drying site as quickly as possible. Storage in containers longer than 3-4 hours leads to spoilage of raw materials. The collection is carried out in dry weather, when the dew has disappeared.
In the same area, inflorescences can be collected up to 3-4 times, as the plants begin to bloom. Re-collection can usually be done after 5-7 days. You cannot tear off inflorescences from stems or pull out plants with roots. In the same place, repeated harvesting can be carried out after 1-2 years.
The collected raw materials are dried in a cool place, spread out in a thin layer (2-3 cm), or in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 40°C (when dried without ventilation, the flower baskets disintegrate). The shelf life of raw materials is 3 years. The smell of the raw materials is weak, aromatic, the taste is spicy-bitter. Dried raw materials are stored in a dark place (otherwise they lose their presentation).
When harvesting in a forest zone, you need to make sure that instead of immortelle, you don’t get the inflorescences of cat’s paws, which are often found in the same habitats. They are easy to distinguish by their pink or white basket-shaped inflorescences. Their use in medicine is not allowed.

Medicinal properties.

Galenic forms of the plant improve bile secretion, reduce the concentration of bile acids, and increase the content of cholates and bilirubin in bile. Immortelle preparations increase the cholate cholesterol ratio and the tone of the gallbladder. Immortelle extract has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the intestines, biliary tract, gallbladder and blood vessels. These properties are due to the presence of flavonoid compounds in the plant. In addition, immortelle preparations stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and activate the secretory ability of the pancreas, increasing diuresis.


Inflorescences. Decoction, infusion and extract - for cholecystitis, cholecystoangiocholitis, cholelithiasis and hepatitis, they increase the secretion of bile, change its chemical composition, increase the content of cholates, reduce the level of bilirubin and cholesterol in the blood. Patients' general condition improves, pain and dyspeptic symptoms disappear. Used as a weak sedative and metabolism-improving agent for atherosclerosis. By enhancing the secretion of bile and having a pronounced antispasmodic effect, immortelle preparations help wash out sand and small stones (1-2 mm in diameter) in chronic calculous cholecystitis. In addition, by enhancing bile secretion, immortelle preparations prevent bile stagnation, improve the metabolic function of the liver, reduce the viscosity of bile and its relative density, and reduce the concentration of bilirubin and cholesterol in it. Sandy immortelle flowers are included in the collection according to Zdrenko’s recipe, as well as in choleretic and gastric collections. In folk medicine, a decoction of immortelle inflorescences is used for diseases of the liver, gall bladder and bile ducts, kidneys and bladder (including kidney stones), gastrointestinal tract (hypacid gastritis, enteritis, colitis), female diseases (for leucorrhoea, also douching), hypertension, rheumatism, gout.

Folk recipes.

Infusion of immortelle (tsmina) (cold): 3 teaspoons of crushed tsmina flowers are poured into 2 glasses of cold water and kept for 8 hours: this portion of the infusion is drunk during the day, in several doses. The effect of this infusion is milder. The therapeutic effect is more pronounced when using a decoction.

Immortelle decoction: 1 tablespoon of crushed herb is poured into 2 glasses of water and boiled for 10 minutes: take 1/4 or 1/2 cup of the decoction 3 times a day, warm. If such a decoction is thickened to half the volume, then it should be taken 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

For leucorrhoea in women, immortelle decoction is used for douching. You can also buy immortelle extract at the pharmacy, the effect of which is stronger than the decoction. Take the extract 30-40 drops, three times a day. Powder from cumin flowers acts similarly to the extract - 1.0 g per dose, 3 times a day.

A decoction of the following components has a good choleretic effect: 4 parts of immortelle flowers, 3 parts of clover flowers, 2 parts of mint leaves, 1 part of coriander fruits. Pour one tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiled water and boil in an enamel bowl for 10 minutes. Take the resulting decoction half an hour before meals, 0.5 cups 3 times a day.

Immortelle decoction: pour 200 ml of water at room temperature with 10 g of crushed immortelle flowers, close the container with a lid and heat in a boiling water bath with frequent stirring for 30 minutes, cool for 10 minutes and strain. Squeeze and add water to 200 ml. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals.

Decoction of sandy immortelle flowers (Decoctum florum Helichrysi arenarii): 10 g (3 tablespoons) of raw materials are placed in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml of hot boiled water, cover with a lid and heat in boiling water (in a water bath) with frequent stirring for 30 minutes, cool 10 minutes at room temperature, filter, squeeze out the remaining raw materials. The volume of the resulting decoction is adjusted to 200 ml with boiled water. The prepared broth is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Take 1/2 cup warm 2-3 times a day 15 minutes before meals as a choleretic agent, for itchy dermatoses and as an anthelmintic.

Dry immortelle extract (Extractum florum Helichrysi arenarii siccum) is a granular powder extracted from immortelle flowers. Prescribe 1 g 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks. The course of treatment is repeated after 5 days if necessary.

Sandy immortelle flowers (Flores Helichrysi arenarii) are produced in packs of 50 g. Store in a cool, dry place. There are also granules of immortelle flowers. 2 g of granules (9-10 pcs.) are poured into 200 ml of hot water, brought to a boil with the lid closed over low heat, infused in a warm place for 30 minutes, cooled and filtered.

Choleretic collection (Species cholagogae). Ingredients: sandy immortelle flowers 4 parts, trefoil leaves 3 parts, peppermint leaves 2 parts, coriander fruits 2 parts. One tablespoon of the collection is brewed with 400 ml of boiling water, left for 20 minutes, then filtered. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Choleretic collection No. 2 (Species cholagogae No. 2). Ingredients: immortelle flowers 4 parts, yarrow herbs or leaves 2 parts, peppermint leaves 2 parts, coriander fruits 2 parts. The method of application is the same as for collecting choleretic. Both collections are available in 100 g packages.

Infusion of immortelle flowers: 10-15 g of raw material is poured into 200 ml of cold boiled water, left for 8 hours, then filtered. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

In homeopathy, essences from freshly harvested plants are used.

Contraindications and precautions.

Immortelle preparations have low toxicity, but with prolonged use they can cause congestion in the liver. Patients with hypertension should consult their doctor before taking immortelle preparations, as they slightly increase blood pressure. Obstructive jaundice is a contraindication.
Immortelle (Tsmin sandy) is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, hypertension. Immortelle is slightly toxic, so it should not be taken for more than 3 months, because with prolonged use it may cause congestion in the liver.
Treatment of children under two years of age with any herbal remedies poses a potential danger.

There are contraindications. Self-medication is contraindicated. Before using any prescription, consult your doctor for advice and permission to use.

The appearance of sandy immortelle allows it to be used in flower arrangements. Dried sandy immortelle plants do not change shape or color for a long time, so they used to be placed between windows for the winter as a memory of summer... You can learn more about the sandy immortelle plant, medicinal properties, contraindications from the article.

Description of the plant.

Herbaceous perennial medicinal plant up to 30 cm tall. Belongs to the Asteraceae family. The entire plant has woolly-tomentose pubescence. The vegetative shoots of the medicinal plant are short, they contain leaves that form a basal rosette from which flower-bearing erect stems rise. The upper leaves of the plant are sessile, linear, the lower leaves are petiolate, oblong. In corymbose inflorescences at the top of the flowering stems there are spherical baskets of yellow flowers. The leaves are lemon-yellow wrappers, dry, filmy. The fruits are tetrahedral oblong brown achenes. Immortelle blooms in July - August, and the plant's fruits ripen in August - September.

The Latin name for sandy immortelle is Helichrysum arenarium L.

Sandy immortelle photo.

Sandy immortelle: where does it grow?

The medicinal plant sandy immortelle is common in Central Asia, Southern Siberia, and the European part of Russia. Immortelle grows in clearings, pine and sand forests, roadsides, and clearings.

Procurement of raw materials and their storage.

To prepare the preparations, inflorescences with peduncles up to 1 cm long are harvested. They are collected at the beginning of flowering, before the flowers scatter. Sandy immortelle is collected, observing - in dry weather, when the dew has disappeared. The plant is dried under a canopy or outdoors in the shade. The raw material has a spicy-bitter taste and a faint aromatic odor. The period allotted for storing sandy immortelle is 36 months.

Chemical composition of a medicinal plant.

Flower baskets of immortelle sandy, taken from the upper parts of the shoots, contain sterols, flavonoid glycosides, vitamin C, essential oil, resins, sugars, saponins, dyes, tannins, carotene, fatty acids, calcium, sodium, manganese, iron salts.

Sandy immortelle - properties.

Sandy immortelle is used as a choleretic, stomach stimulant, and antispasmodic. In addition, it enhances the secretion of bile and reduces its viscosity, slightly raises blood pressure, and has a tonic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

Sandy immortelle: the use of a medicinal plant in medicine.

Antispasmodic, choleretic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties of the medicinal plant for various diseases of the biliary tract and liver. Sandy immortelle can be used for high blood sugar and allergies.

In folk medicine, sandy immortelle is also used for hepatitis, cholelithiasis, and cholecystitis. Medicinal preparations of the plant reduce the level of cholesterol and bilirubin in the blood, help flush out small stones and sand in chronic cholecystitis, increase the secretion of bile, prevent stagnation of bile, and improve the metabolic function of the liver. Patients' pain and dyspeptic symptoms disappear, and their general condition improves.

The beneficial properties of immortelle flowers are used in folk medicine to stop bleeding and as a diuretic.

Decoctions of immortelle sandy as a medicinal plant are used for inflammatory diseases of the bladder, kidney stones, stomach disorders and for douching for leucorrhoea in women.

The beneficial properties of immortelle sandy in the form of an infusion of the plant are used to stop bleeding from uterine fibroids and ovarian dysfunction.

Sandy immortelle: treatment with plant medicines.

Infusion of immortelle sandy for inflammation of the bladder.

Pour a tablespoon of immortelle flowers into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave in a thermos for an hour. Take half a glass three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Infusion of immortelle sandy for cholelithiasis.

Pour a tablespoon of immortelle flowers into 0.5 liters of boiling water and heat for 10 minutes in a water bath, then leave for half an hour, filter, and squeeze. Drink half a glass half an hour before meals, warm, 3-4 times a day.

Infusion for stomach illness.

1.5 tbsp. pour 1/2 liter of boiled cold water over spoons of immortelle flower baskets, leave for three hours, filter. Take half a glass half an hour before meals four times a day.

Decoction of sandy immortelle.

1 tbsp. l. Soak crushed herbs of a medicinal plant in 500 ml of water and then boil for 10 minutes in a water bath. Drink a warm decoction of a quarter glass three times a day.

A decoction as a choleretic agent.

Pour 3 tablespoons of immortelle flowers into a glass of boiled hot water and heat in a water bath, stirring frequently, for half an hour. Cool for 10 minutes at room temperature, then filter through cheesecloth. Bring the resulting decoction to 250 ml with boiled water. Drink half a glass a quarter of an hour before meals, 2-3 times a day.

Preparations from immortelle sandy in Apec.

Sandy immortelle flowers - available in cardboard packs of 50 g.

Dry immortelle extract - corresponds to 4 parts of sandy immortelle flowers.

The drug "Flamin" is used for biliary dyskinesia and chronic cholecystitis.

Granules of immortelle flowers.

Choleretic collection - coriander fruits 2 parts, peppermint leaves 2 parts, trefoil leaves 3 parts, immortelle flowers 4 parts.

The drug "Arenarin" - is used for thermal and chemical burns of the eyes and corneal ulcers, has antimicrobial activity.

How to take immortelle sandy? - read the packaging carefully!!!

Immortelle - contraindications for use.

Immortelle preparations are low-toxic, but long-term use can lead to congestion in the liver. Patients with hypertension should consult their doctor before taking immortelle preparations, as they slightly increase blood pressure. Sandy immortelle accumulates in the body, so it is not consumed for more than a quarter in a row. Obstructive jaundice is a contraindication. You can use sandy immortelle during pregnancy only after your doctor’s permission!

Think and guess!

I first met the immortelle flower in the village with my grandmother - in winter she planted it between the windows. Imagine my surprise that the flower was dry! After all, it looked like it was completely freshly assembled. There are many legends about the origin of the name of the flower. What of all this is true?

The second answer is considered correct - no legends, the name is based on the flower’s tendency to “longevity”. Moreover, when dried, it retains not only its color, but also its beneficial properties.

Alexander, especially for

Pharmaceutical action. Herbal product; has choleretic, cholekinetic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antispasmodic and wound-healing effects. Enhances the secretion of bile and increases the content of bilirubin in it, increases the tone of the gallbladder and promotes the outflow of bile. It has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the sphincters of the gallbladder and bile ducts, changes the viscosity and chemical composition of bile. By stimulating the secretion of gastric juice and slowing down the evacuation function of the stomach and intestines, it promotes better digestion of food. Activates the exocrine activity of the pancreas; dilates intestinal blood vessels. Promoting the release of cholesterol into bile, it has a hypocholesterolemic effect; has antibacterial activity against gram-positive bacteria, increases the activity of metronidazole and aminoquinol in the treatment of giardiasis. Stimulates regenerative processes in eye tissues.

Indications. Inside - hepatitis (including viral), chronic non-calculous cholecystitis, hepatocholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, cholangitis, postcholecystectomy syndrome. As part of combination therapy: obesity, diabetes mellitus, giardiasis. Locally - eye burns (chemical and thermal), erosions, corneal ulcers of various etiologies.

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity, cholelithiasis.

Dosing. Inside. In powder form for oral administration - 1 g 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks; if necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 5 days.

In the form of granules for the preparation of oral suspension - 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. Children from 1 month to 1 year - 13.5 mg/day (7.5 ml suspension), 1-3 years - 27 mg/day (15 ml), 4-5 years - 40.5 mg/day (22, 5 ml), over 5 years - 54 mg (30 ml). The course of treatment is 10-40 days. To prepare the suspension, add freshly boiled and cooled to room temperature water (to the 100 ml mark) to the contents of the jar (18.4 g) and shake until the granules are completely dissolved.

In the form of a decoction - 15-30 ml 3-4 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals; to prepare a decoction of 10 g, pour 200 ml of water at room temperature and heat in a boiling water bath with frequent stirring for 30 minutes, cool for 10 minutes; filter, squeeze and add boiled water to the original volume.

Microscopy(#2.8.3). When viewing the involucre leaves from the surface, an epidermis of slightly elongated porous cells is visible; in the narrowed part of the leaflet there are many simple whip-shaped hairs with several short basal and one long terminal cells and essential oil-bearing oval two-row multi-tiered glands consisting of 8-12 cells. When viewing the flower from the surface, an oval ovary with numerous swollen hairs and its annular base of quadrangular thick-walled cells are visible. At the top of the ovary, a pappus is visible, consisting of thin bristles fused with each other at the base. Corolla teeth with uneven and fringed edges. The corolla has many capitate hairs with a single-celled head on a 12-14-cell stalk.

Rice. II. Preparation of immortelle flowers (×72). A – involucre leaflet, B – tubular flower, middle, C – tubular flower, marginal: 1 – glands, 2 – whip-shaped hairs, 3 – pappus hairs, 4 – outgrowths on the ovary.

TASK 7. Get a sample of shepherd's purse grass:

1) prepare a surface preparation of the leaf;

2) study microscopic signs, taking into account the description given in the ND and Fig. III;

3) sketch and indicate the main diagnostic features in the drawing.

Rice. III. Shepherd's purse leaf preparation (×280). A – epidermis of the upper side of the leaf, B – epidermis of the lower side of the leaf: 1 – multi-pointed hairs, 2 – simple hair, 3 – forked hair.

Excerpt from the FS “Shepherd's Purse Grass”