Generalization lesson on the topic of mammals. Development of a lesson on the topic: "Mammals

General lesson-game on the topic: "Mammals class"


generalize and deepen students’ knowledge about mammals;

develop the interest and cognitive activity of students.


tasks for competitions: “Who’s the odd one out”, “distribute the animals into groups”, “Filword”, “Cryptography”, “Zoo Joke”, “Auction”, “Character Traits”;

album sheets and colored pencils;

"Black box";

a barrel and chips with numbers from 1 to 15;


Conditions of the game: 3 teams take part in the game (in rows of desks), each competition is worth a certain number of points. The team with the most points wins.


Conditions: teams receive pieces of paper, and each team member takes turns writing on the sheet one feature of the external or internal structure of mammals.

Score = number of correct answers.


Conditions: the first team members begin to draw any mammal, then on command they pass it to the next participant - he continues to draw, etc. until the last team member.

Rating: 5 points.


Assignment: determine who is the odd one out among the animals and justify your answer.

Rating: 2 points. Task for 1 team:

Dog, lynx, goat, cow, horse

(lynx is a wild animal) Task for team 2:

Antelope, zebra, camel, ram, elk

(camel - has no horns)

Task for team 3:

Polar bear, lion, antelope, coyote, hyena

(the polar bear is an inhabitant of another natural zone)


Task: in 2 minutes, write the largest number of real-life surnames derived from the names of mammals.

Score: 1 point for each name.


Task: distribute the animals into groups.

Score: 1 point for each representative. Squads:

A) Primal beasts:

B) Marsupials:

B) Insectivores:

D) Rodents:

D) Lagomorphs:

E) Chiroptera:

G) Predatory:

H) Cetaceans:

I) Pinnipeds:

J) Artiodactyls:

L) Odd-toed ungulates

M) Primates: Representatives:

1-gray rat; 2-wolf; 3-koala; 4-house mouse; 5-vampire; 6-brown bear;

7-kangaroo; 8-kulan; 9-sperm whale; 10-mink;

11-killer whale; 12-baboon; 13-macaques; 14-walrus; 15-weasel; 16-zebra; 17-rhino; 18-moose; 19-fox; 20-ushan; 21-hippopotamus; 22-echidna;

23-opossum; 24-hedgehog; 25-gopher;

26 SEAL; 27-muskrat;

28-marsupial mouse; 29-donkey; 30-argali;

31-white-sided dolphin;32-rabbit;

33-bison; 34-pika; 35-chinchilla;

36-squirrel; 37-chipmunk; 38-platypus.


A) 22; 38.

B) 3; 7; 23; 28.

B) 24; 27.

D) 1; 4; 25; 35; 36; 37.

D) 32; 34.

E) 5; 20.

G) 2; 6; 10; 15; 19.

H) 9; eleven; 31.

I) 14; 26.

K) 18; 21; thirty; 33.

L) 8; 16; 17; 29.

M) 12; 13.


Conditions: teams take turns drawing tokens with numbers from the “barrel” and answering questions under these numbers. If a team gives an incorrect answer, other teams can give their answer and, if it is correct, earn extra points.

Score: 2 points for each answer.

1. Which mammals store fat? What features of their life is this connected with?

(those that hibernate; those that go without food and water for a long time - camels; aquatic - increased buoyancy, protection from hypothermia)

2. Which mammals have a keel and why? (bats - for attaching flight muscles; in moles - for attaching powerful pectoral muscles)

3. Why does a whale that lands on land die within a few hours? (from overheating)

4. Why is the fat of a camel concentrated in the humps, and not evenly distributed throughout the body, like in whales? (otherwise the body would overheat)

5. What is the significance of molting for the white hare?

(winter cover is thicker and warmer and gives camouflage coloring)

6. Cats take more care of the cleanliness of their bodies than dogs: they wash themselves and diligently lick their fur. How can this be explained?

(the smell gives them away when they are guarding prey)

7. Zoologists have always dreamed of having exotic animals in zoos, in particular the well-known koala. However, it turned out to be impossible to transport, much less keep him in captivity. Why? (koala eats eucalyptus leaves, but it doesn’t grow everywhere)

8. About a hundred years ago, 5 rabbits were brought to Australia. Years passed, and their millions of offspring began to cause colossal damage to the fields. Explain the reasons for such a negative result of animal acclimatization.

(there were no predator rabbit population regulators in Australia)

9. Many animals mark their territory, for example, a deer has scent glands on its face. What does this mean for animals?

(fight for territory, distribution of space)

10. Some bats spend the winter in caves, accumulating there in large numbers. What does this mean to them? (this is how they warm each other)

11. Often in children's cartoons and fairy tales the hare is called oblique. Why was he called that?

(for the ability to always dodge to the side when running)

12. The hedgehog and the mole belong to the same order of insectivores. But the hedgehog hibernates, but the mole does not. What explains the differences in the life activities of these mammals?

(the mole feeds on underground insects, and the hedgehog eats on land)

13. Why are hares’ cubs born covered with fur and sighted, while rabbits’ cubs are naked and blind? (in rabbits, cubs are born in a deep hole and are protected from enemies)

14. An elephant can uproot trees with a diameter of 25-30 cm and plow the ground.

What tool does he use? What are its features? (tusks and trunk)

15. Monomakh’s hat, one of the symbols of autocracy in Russia, is trimmed with the fur of this animal. (sable)


Assignment: each team receives a postcard with an image of an animal; the opposing teams, using leading questions, must guess which animal is depicted on the postcard. The team that gives the correct answer receives points.

Rating: 5 points.


Conditions: teams listen to the task, and the team that first raised its hand when reading the task answers. If the answer is incorrect, other teams can answer.

Rating: 5 points.

This animal is familiar to us and is very similar to us. Although for some, comparison with him may seem offensive. Its heart, lungs and digestive system are so similar to human ones that in the future they can be used for transplantation into humans.

Heart valves are already in use today. These animals, communicating with their fellows, emit 23 sound signals. The structure of their skin is amazing. It has the ability to tan and can be used as a dressing for burns. Under this unique dressing, the patient's own skin forms faster. The animals we will talk about distinguish colors. Like people, they love cleanliness and adore beer. They enjoy searching for mushrooms and are not afraid of snake bites.

Scientists consider them to be among the most intelligent animals. Moreover, one of their representatives was awarded the rank of officer because she easily found drugs.

What animal is in the “black box”?

(pig - you can use a stuffed toy or a drawing)


Task: teams receive 4 encryptions, which they must decipher in 4 minutes.

Score: 2 points for each encryption. Encryptions for 1 command:

NATUNOGRAG (orangutan)


TMUNGAS (mongoose)

HEBETOM (hippopotamus) Encryption for team 2:

FNILDE (dolphin)

YURBLEV (camel)

KSLSUI (ground squirrel)

AORNTAD (muskrat)

Encryptions for command 3:

NATAOLIP (antelope)

LAGEZE (gazelle)

DAELOPR (leopard)

RBEZA (zebra)

“YOU are for me, I am for you”

Conditions: teams take turns asking other teams 3 questions; If the answering team gives an incorrect answer, the team that asked the question gets a point.


Assignment: in one old book dedicated to animals, an interesting description of animals was offered. Everyone knows that every animal has its own distinctive features that characterize it very clearly.

You need to select pairs from the proposed animal names and characteristics.

Score: 2 points for each correctly selected pair. Task for 1 team:

DOG - loyalty

SHEEP - stupidity

LEO - power

ELEPHANT - good nature

HORSE – hard work Assignment for team 2:

FOX - cunning

WOLF – bloodthirstiness

RAT - anger

PIG – uncleanliness

MONKEY – impudence

Task for team 3:

BEAR – clubfoot

HARE - cowardice

MOLE - secrecy

DONKEY - stubbornness

DEER - speed


Conditions: in 3 minutes, each team must answer as many questions as possible.

Score: 1 point for each answer.

Questions for 1 team:

1. What is the name of the science that studies mammals (teriology)

2. Does the porcupine shoot its quills at its enemies?

(no, they break off and remain in the victim’s body)

3. The thieving cheat, guilty before everyone, but leaves trouble with her head intact, covering all traces with a golden broom. (fox)

4. Who carries the forest? (deer)

5. The fastest running animal. (cheetah)

6. An animal that builds a nest on the grass or in the bushes. (little mouse)

7. Are rabbits born blind or sighted? (sighted)

8. Why does a zebra have such a bright striped skin? (for camouflage)

9. Which animal is the largest? (whale)

10. Why are the closest relatives of pika hares called haymakers?

(they stock up on hay for the winter)

11. Why does a hare have very thin skin?

(to make it easier to escape from the claws and teeth of the predator)

12. What is the name of the drink made from mare's milk? (kumys)

13. Gray, but not a wolf, long-eared, but not a hare, with hooves, but not a horse. (donkey)

14. Who picks apples with their backs? For what?

15. Two hares ran - one up the mountain, the other down the mountain. Which hare had an easier time running? Why? (it’s easier to run uphill because the hind legs are longer)

16. Why does the cat walk silently? (claws pull into pillows)

17. What is a flock? (flock of sheep)

18. Can camels swim? (No)

19. This cute dog was the first to go into space. What was her name? (Laika)

20. This animal promises good luck to the Englishman and the Frenchman, but for Russians it is a bad omen to meet him. Who is this? (black cat)

Questions for team 2:

1. What is the name of the dog “dormitory”? (kennel)

2. Does a camel store water in its humps? (no, fat)

3. Hungry in winter, but full in summer. (wolf)

4. Why don’t they kill fur-bearing animals in the spring? (molting; reproduction)

5. Which animal’s footprint is similar to a human one? (bear)

6. The fastest swimming sea animal (dolphin)

7. What terrible beast eats raspberries? (bear)

8. Why do whales need mustaches? (the role of the sieve in feeding)

9. Which animal is the most prickly? (porcupine)

10. Why do mammals need vibrissae? (for touch)

11. Are all mammals covered with hair? (No)

12. Which glands are mammary glands modified? (sweat)

13. Two are a hundred ears, two are a hundred rogasts, four are a hundred hodastas, one is a puff, one is a spinner. Who is this? (cow)

14. Why do they say: “sleeps like a groundhog”? (marmots sleep very soundly)

15. Wolves live in packs in winter, but foxes and lynxes do not. Why?

(wolves surround the prey, and foxes and lynxes sneak up on it)

16. What sense organ is developed in a cat? (hearing)

17. What is fat tail? (fat reserve under the tail of a sheep)

18. How to determine the age of a horse? (on the teeth)

19. A cow has calving, a cat has lambing, and a pig? (farrow)

20. These were the favorite animals of both the Prophet Mohammed and Cardinal Richelieu. Who are they? (cats)

Questions for team 3:

1. Which cat always wears glasses? (Basilio)

2. Lone wolves howl at the moon? (no, wolves howl in order to warn wolves of other packs that the territory is occupied)

3. Which mammals are poisonous? (platypus, echidna)

4. What do a hedgehog and a bear do in winter? (sleeping)

5. Why does a dog stick out its tongue when it’s hot, but a horse doesn’t?

(a dog has sweat glands on its tongue, and a horse has sweat glands on its body)

6. Who is stronger: a tiger or a lion? (tiger)

7. Which mammal has the longest tongue? (at the anteater)

8. Is a whale a fish or a beast? (sea beast)

9. Why do bats have such large ears?

(to catch the echo of ultrasonic waves)

10. Can mammals lay eggs? (yes, primordial beasts)

11. Why do polar bears cover their noses with their paws when they hunt seals?

(to be inconspicuous, a black nose is clearly visible on a white body and among the snow)

12. Why is fur-bearing animals harvested in winter? (fur is thicker)

13. Rynda digs, Skirda gallops, Thurman rides - he will eat you. (pig, hare, wolf)

14. What are the differences between the pouches of a kangaroo and a koala?

15. Is the saying true: “cowardly as a hare”? (the hare is not cowardly, but cautious)

16. Why does a cat wash itself often? (its smell can give it away when hunting)

17. What is a fleece? (wool shorn from a sheep)

18. Where are the camel’s calluses? (on the chest, knees and heel joints)

19. This state is not only a leader in modern football, but also the most “horse country in the world.” What is it called? (Brazil)

20. Wolves have a pack, cows have a pack, and lions? (pride)

Summing up the lesson and grading.

Lesson objectives: . Summarize and systematize students’ knowledge about the main orders of Mammals; their adaptability to habitats; meaning in nature and human life. . Continue the development of intellectual skills: highlight the main thing, establish cause-and-effect relationships. . Continue the formation of cognitive interest in the subject through the use of non-standard forms of education and the creation of a situation of success, contribute to the cultivation of a culture of communication.

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"lesson on the topic:"Mammals""

Open biology lesson "Mammals Class"

Lesson objectives:

    Summarize and systematize students’ knowledge about the main orders of Mammals; their adaptability to habitats; meaning in nature and human life.

    Continue the development of intellectual skills: highlight the main thing, establish cause-and-effect relationships.

    Continue the formation of cognitive interest in the subject through the use of non-standard forms of education and the creation of a situation of success, contribute to the cultivation of a culture of communication.

Equipment: a set of postcards and drawings depicting various representatives of the class Mammals, video equipment, slides.

Lesson type: unconventional.

The class is divided into several groups.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment .

Goal setting: recall the studied orders of the class Mammals, the characteristic features of animals of these orders, adaptability to the environment, their significance in nature and human life. Identify similarities.

Repetition of knowledge. Assignment for groups.

Task No. 1.“Seven-flowered flower” (a flower is pasted on a board made of colored paper, students tear off the petals, on which the names of the orders of Mammal animals are written on the other side)

It is necessary to characterize the detachment according to the plan:

a) representatives;

b) environment and habitat;

c) characteristic features, adaptation to the environment;

d) significance in nature and human life;

d) interesting facts.

Task No. 2.“Who's the odd one out?”


killer whale



Task No. 3. "Who is this?"

Guess the riddle, indicate the name of the animal and the order it belongs to:

a) “The Miracle Yudo Giant is carrying a fountain on his back.” (Elephant, Proboscis)

What is his fountain like? (The whale breathes atmospheric air. The act of its breathing occurs after emerging from the water, every 10-15 minutes. Exhaled water vapor and splashes of water from the surface of the sea form a fountain above it.)

b) “In rich clothes, but he himself is somewhat blind, lives without a window, has not seen the sun.” (Mole, Insectivores.)

What are the features of its fur due to its lifestyle?

(The mole's fur consists of one undercoat. It is very thick, short and velvety. The mole's hair only grows straight, which does not prevent it from moving in any direction. The fur protects the mole from dampness, cold and dirt.)

c) “What kind of forest animal is this, stood up like a post under a pine tree and stands among the grass - ears larger than head?” (Hare, Lagomorpha)

What is the significance of ears in a hare's life?

(The fast running of a hare is associated with intense work of skeletal muscles. At this time, excess heat is formed in its body, which can lead to overheating. Without sweat glands, hares regulate temperature and transfer heat through the large surface of the ears.)

d) “Who was born with a mustache?” (Cats. Predatory.)

What role do they play? (Long, coarse hairs are not whiskers, but vibrissae. They are located on the cat’s face, near the eyes, nose, on the upper lip and perform a tactile function.)

Task No. 4. “Why are they interesting?”

Solve the riddle. Give interesting facts from the life of these animals.

a) “This beast is familiar to you: as tall as a mountain, as tall as a house.
Ears on the air, hand on the nose.” (Elephant. Proboscis.)

b) “He likes to climb vines, eat grapefruits and bananas,
Makes kids laugh from ear to ear.” (Monkey. Primates.)

c) “All my life I’ve been wearing a vest,
But without boots and without a cap.” (Zebra. Odd-toed ungulates.)

d) “A cat walks and wanders along the forest paths.
This wild pussycat has two tassels on her ears.” (Lynx. Predatory. Felines.)

Task No. 5."Find yourself."

The orders of animals of the class Mammals are written on the board; students must select from the proposed drawings and place representatives of these orders on the board. (Pinnipeds, Carnivores, Rodents, and so on.)

Task No. 6.“Give me a word.”

Fill in the missing words in sayings and proverbs.

a) “From black…. White milk.” (ladies)

b) “And the shepherd and the wolf…. guard.) (sheep)

c) “… the yard, so is the food on the table.” (cow)

d) “From ...... there is a lot of squealing, but no fur.” (pigs)

Task No. 7 “What animals are the monuments erected?”

(In Rome - to a donkey toiler, in Paris - to a Serbernard who saved 41 people in the Alps; in Bergo San Lorenzo (Italy) to the dog Verny, who for 14 years went to a stop to meet his owner who died in the war; in St. Petersburg - to a dog serving science.)

Conclusions and generalization:

Animals of the Mammals class settled everywhere and adapted to all living environments, since they have a very high organization compared to other representatives of the animal world. And no matter how different they are from each other, they have the following common characteristics:


    body temperature is constant, the heart is four-chambered;

    viviparity, feeding babies with milk;

    well-developed brain, complex behavior.

Summarizing. Grading.

Lesson summary on the topic

Lesson summary on the topic
"Class Mammals, or Animals."
The purpose of the lesson is educational: Acquaintance with the external structure and features
class Mammals.
The purpose of the lesson is educational: expanding knowledge about the class of mammals
The purpose of the lesson is developmental: developing an understanding of the diversity of animals
Equipment: multimedia projector.
During the classes
Organizing time.
Checking homework
Explanation of a new topic
Today we will take a journey through the ocean of knowledge to the country
which is not on the map, but with some residents of this country you are fine
are familiar, and you have to find out about the rest. What kind of country are you supposed to
guess by answering the following question.
Attention! Mysterious stranger. I have in my hands a description of one
very interesting creature. Your task is to guess who we are talking about. Not
hurry up with conclusions! All versions are after listening.
This animal is familiar to us and is very similar to us. Although for whom
then comparison with him may seem insulting. Heart, lungs and
His digestive system is so similar to that of a human that in the future
can be used for human transplantation.
Heart valves are already in use today. These animals, communicating with
their brothers, emit 23 sound signals.
The structure of their skin is amazing. She has the ability to tan, her
can be used as a dressing material for burns. Under this
With a unique dressing, the patient’s own skin forms faster.
The animals we will talk about distinguish colors.

Like people, they love cleanliness. They like to find mushrooms and they don't
afraid of snake bites.
Scientists consider them to be among the most intelligent animals. Moreover, one of them
the representative was awarded the rank of officer because she easily
found drugs.
So who is she?
This cute pig (the teacher takes out a toy) will
mascot for today's lesson. But why suddenly today I started talking about
this creature?
That's right, new topic. "Class Mammals, or Animals."
Studying this topic lays the foundation for the study of biology in 8
m class, which means you must be very attentive and diligent.
So, which country will we travel to?
+ To the country of Mammals, or Beasts.

Around as far as the eye can see,

Mammals, or Beasts, have interested people since ancient times.
The famous Swedish scientist C. Linnaeus in his “System of Nature”
(1758) listed only 86 species of mammals; today science knows
about 4500 species of these animals.
Today is the first lesson on the topic, and its purpose is the most general acquaintance with
class of mammals.
For the first acquaintance, out of more than 4,500 species, I chose only 4 animals.
I didn’t choose it by chance, but with a certain intention.
Your task is to solve it.
One of the best diggers. The wool of this one is very interesting
animal: it is very short, thick, smoothes out in any direction and
changes up to 4 times a year.
+ Mole.
Perfectly navigates in absolute darkness thanks to the unique
echolocation system. They are excellent flyers, capable of flying
distance up to 1000 km.
+ Bat.
Who jumps on his hind legs,
Is he hiding his son in a warm bag?
Who, standing up to his full height,

Does it rest on its tail?
+ Kangaroo.
The animal's head ends with the famous "beak" resembling
duck The beak is covered with skin rich in nerves and special receptors,
sensitive to weak electrical impulses. Such impulses
occur during the movement of aquatic invertebrates on which it feeds.
+ Platypus.
Please draw a conclusion.
What did I want to show you?
+ Diversity of habitats, they inhabit all living environments: air
terrestrial, water and soil.
General characteristics of the class Mammals, or Animals.
1. I know mammals
Both pleasant and frightening,
Cute and terrible
Harmless and dangerous
Carnivores, herbivores,
Dirty and neat,
Shaggy, bare-skinned
And they look like people.
2. Mice and dogs,
Cows and elephants
Crumbs and animals
Large size.
They have a lot in common -
They are viviparous
They all feed
Children with milk.
3. Around as far as the eye can see,
The crown of creation is the highest class,
Prosperous creatures are mammals.
4. Mammals have a very delicate sense of smell,
Vision and hearing are well developed.
5. In mammals, all without exception,
There is hair
And a tendency to go bald.

6. Body temperature is a big deal.
Helps the animal survive
Warms him from the inside
In cold water, on hot sand,
On an ice floe, in a swamp and even in the ground.
7. There the covering is hairy, silky and thick,
And mine is colorless, rare, unnoticeable.
The most common mammals that we know from childhood are terrestrial
animals running on 4 legs (mice, cats, dogs, horses.) But is it possible?
Doesn't the duck face of a platypus or the flight of a bat resemble birds?
Are aquatic animals (dolphins and whales) with their appearance and fast swimming
don't they look like fish? Scaly cover of pangolin lizards, shell
armadillos, echidna quills, hedgehogs, porcupines are also examples
diverse and amazing appearance of mammals.
What explains the diversity of animals? Apparently, because they
ancestors for many millions of years adapted to different
living conditions; as a result, only the most
adapted from them.
Mammals also differ in size. The smallest animal
The shrew is a baby weighing 2 g, and the largest animal of all when
or a blue whale weighing 150 tons who lived and lives on Earth. Blue whale
65 million times heavier than the baby shrew.
Animals have varied habits and lifestyles. For example, in the echidna and
platypus babies hatch from eggs; in kangaroos and other marsupials they
are born underdeveloped, and in hares and mice newborns are helpless,
weak, blind. At the same time, in many animals (proboscideans, equids)
Soon after birth, the cubs can stand, walk, even
follow your mother.
There are many mammals known to stay awake all year, but there are many
those that spend six months in hibernation.
What unites such different people into one systematic group?
Give a general description of mammals.

Conclusion: Mammals are viviparous animals that suckle
their young with milk, the body of most of them is covered with hair
cover, very well developed nervous system, jaws with teeth,
ability to regulate body temperature. Mammals are the most
highly organized group of vertebrates
2. Game “Biological shooting gallery”.
55 points – excellent. (5).
54 – 50 – marksman (4).
49 – 40 – a good shooter. (3).
Less than 40 – no big deal. (2).
The question number indicates the amount of points you will receive if you answer it.
1. How many circulations do mammals have? (1 point).
2. How many chambers are there in the heart of mammals? (2 points).
3. Mammals have a closed circulatory system. What circulatory
is the system called closed? (3 points, etc.)
4. In what conditions do mammals live?
5. What sense organs in mammals have achieved significant development?
6. Mammals are warm-blooded animals. What animals are called
7. What did the ancestral forms of mammals eat?
8. What ensures better safety of young animals in a diverse
9. How many vertebrae are there in the cervical spine of mammals?
10. Is the statement true: “Caring for offspring leads to a reduction
fertility in animals." Prove your point.
I’ll unfold the Red Book,
(A very “thick” book at that)
And, having looked closely, we are amazed
How many lives do we have behind us?
Insects, birds and fish,
There are countless warm-blooded ones.
But we could
Save and save from death.

And it’s not for nothing that there is science on Earth
On the protection of the natural environment.
Ecology is an important thing
We couldn't have done it without her...
We study the life of organisms,
Their adaptation to the environment,
And also the human factor,
As a threat to everything on Earth.
I hope a miracle happens
Humanity will soon understand
Extinction of living organisms
And it also leads him to death.
We can't breathe carbon
Car exhaust pipes
And drink polluted water
Mining from various depths.
And systems of natural communities
Irreversibly destroyed
The planet's climate is changing
This is what we have come to today.
Studying this science
We find solutions to problems
So that children cannot know
What is Earth pollution?
I am very glad that you and I successfully returned from our trip.
We took a close look at the life of Mammals, or Beasts, and
we saw a lot of interesting things there that an indifferent person would not notice,
loving nature.
And you don’t need to go to distant countries to look at wonders.
Very interesting animals live around us.
Study nature carefully, look closely at everything - and you
you will be able to discover many different secrets of nature.
Homework: read paragraph 51 of the assignment in your notebook.

06.01.2015 2241 460

Lesson objectives:repeat and systematize knowledge about the structure and life activity of mammals, their relationships with their environment, the role of these animals in nature and human life.

Equipment:stuffed animals, skeletons, tables “Type Chordata. Class Mammals", "Type Chordata. Blood circulation patterns of vertebrates", "Type Chordates. Schemes of the structure of the brain."

The game involves two teams. The winning team is determined by the sum of points. The game is conducted by the presenter. Scientific consultants (2-3 people: teacher, strong students) determine the correctness of the answers. The points are calculated by a panel of judges. The game includes 5 games.

I. Lucky case".

The playing field is divided into 6 sectors: 1 sector - “External structure of animals”; Sector 2 - “Internal structure of mammals”; Sector 3 - “Behavior and Reproduction”, Sector 4 - “Diversity of Mammals”; Sector 5 - “Ecological groups of animals”; Sector 6 - “Diversity of mammals”.

Players are offered questions of two categories, differing in difficulty level. Each sector has questions both simple and complex. For a correct answer to a simple question the team receives 1 point, for a difficult one -


The sector is determined by rolling the dice; students choose the question number themselves.

External structure of animals

1.Why does a dog stick out its tongue in extreme heat?

2.What is characteristic of the external appearance of a mammal?

3.How does the skin of mammals differ from the skin of reptiles and birds?

4.What is the structure and role of hair? Why is it not developed in whales and dolphins?

5.There are no fatty or sweat glands on the cat's body, and it does not salivate when it sees prey. Felines have a flexible spine and strong hind legs. The cat's sense of smell is poor, but its hearing and vision are good. What significance do these features have for the animal?

6.Is there a change in fur in animals? If so, what significance does this process have in the life of an animal?

7.Mammalian odorant glands are a modification of the sebaceous or sweat glands, and sometimes a combination of both. What is the significance of these glands in the life of an animal?

8.Name the modifications of the epidermis in mammals and their purpose.

9.Name the methods of movement of mammals: bear, antelope (or horse), dog.

Internal structure of mammals

1.What adaptations do animals that eat rough plant food have to digest it?

2.Animals that have fallen into deep winter sleep are only a fraction of a degree warmer than the surrounding air. Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide emissions are reduced by approximately 10 times. A hedgehog that takes 40-50 breaths per minute takes only one breath in winter. His heart beats barely. What conclusion can be drawn based on these facts?

3.What skeletal features indicate the terrestrial lifestyle of mammals?

4.Why do many animals sleep curled up in a ball in cold weather?

5.What is a diaphragm and what is its role?

6.What are the features of a differentiated dental system?

7.How do mammalian red blood cells differ from the red blood cells of other animals? What are the positive aspects of these changes?

8.What are the similarities and differences between the circulatory systems of birds and mammals?

9.What organs of the mammal’s body are involved in the processes of heat regulation.

Behavior and reproduction of mammals

1.What role does the placenta play?

2.By what characteristics are the class of mammals divided into three subclasses?

3.Some mammals (hares, whales) have very fatty milk (whales, for example, have milk fat content up to 54%), while others (monkeys, wolves) do not. Offer an explanation for this fact and, based on it, name other animals that should have fatty or low-fat milk.

4.The weight of a bear cub is 0.2% of the weight of a she-bear, a sable cat is about

0,3%, lamb - almost 10%. During the first decade of life, sables gain about 10 g of weight per day, lambs - about 180 g, and bear cubs - 2.5 g. How can this be explained?

5.Scientists performed an experiment. When the bats flew away to hunt, they blocked the entrance to the cave with shields. The mice, returning home in the morning, one after another hit the barrier with a bang. What do the results of this experiment indicate?

6.What is the care of offspring in mammals?

Mammal diversity

1.Beavers are known to chew through thick trees. Why don't beaver teeth get dull?

2.Name the families included in the order Carnivora and give 2-3 examples for each family.

3.What conclusions can be drawn based on the following facts: a whale breathes with its lungs, the embryo of a blue whale develops teeth (then they disappear), and there are remains of pelvic bones in the skeleton of a blue whale?

4.The tiger, panther and other cats, with the exception of the cheetah, can quietly sneak up on their prey. What makes this possible?

5.Why are dolphins classified as mammals and not fish?

6.How are the wings of a bird and a bat different?

Ecological groups of animals

1.What structural features of the platypus characterize it as an aquatic animal?

2.What insectivorous mammals live underground? What structural features of a mole are associated with its lifestyle?

3.List the adaptations of desert mammals to survive heat.

4.Jerboas are “two-legged” high-speed jumpers. What features of their appearance do they have, and what is this connected with?

5.What structural features have developed in squirrels in connection with adaptation to life in trees?

6.What adaptations have large mammals developed in connection with living in open spaces?

Mammal diversity

1.In what ways do lagomorphs differ from rodents?

2.What are the structural features of carnivorous mammals?

3.How do cetaceans differ from pinnipeds?

4.How do ruminant artiodactyls differ from non-ruminant animals?

5.How do proboscideans differ from other mammals?

6.What features of insectivorous animals indicate their primitiveness?

II.You - for me, I - for you

Teams ask each other prepared questions: 1 question is asked by the captains and 1-2 questions by team members. Fans can take part in the game.

III.Black box

Teams are asked to determine what is hidden in the black box.

Download material

See the downloadable file for the full text of the material.
The page contains only a fragment of the material.

- -

Subject: General characteristics of the class mammals.

Target: To acquaint students with the progressive features of the organization of mammals, which allowed them to occupy the main habitats in the biosphere.


1. Introduce students to the general characteristics of the class mammals: the subclass of primal animals and the subclass of real animals.

2. Development of the ability to compare, highlight the main thing from the information received.

3. Show the need to protect the orders: Monotremes, Marsupials, Insectivores, Chiroptera.


Center for Educational Complex 1C: School. Biology. 7th grade Ventana Publishing Center - Graf. Model of a mammal, tables “Type Chordata. Class Mammals. Skeleton of a Dog", inhabitants of a living corner, books: E. Seton - Thompson. "Stories about Animals"; D. Darrell. "Overloaded Ark." Textbook “Biology. Animals. 7th grade” authors - Latyushin V.V., Shapkin V.A.

Nature is the most perfect master,

Having mastered the perfection of the craft,

N. Kondratkovskaya.

Today we are beginning to study one of the most interesting classes of the animal world - the class of mammals. This class represents the most highly organized vertebrates, which appeared 160 - 170 ml. years ago. The appearance and size of mammals are very diverse - from dwarfs (4cm - shrew) to giants (blue whale - 33m). There are five and a half thousand species of modern mammals, they have spread widely across the globe and have mastered various habitats: land-air, soil, water, and some in the air (the largest flying animal on the planet is the kalong, a large flying fox. Wingspan 1. 4m).

Watch the video clip “Animal Habitats” Gallery. Video fragment No. 90.

2. Operational and executive stage.

Traits that allowed representatives of the class mammals to be progressive animals.

Viviparity and feeding of young;

Presence of hair;

Presence of a central nervous system, complex behavior;

Closed circulatory system, four-chambered heart;


The cervical spine consists of seven vertebrae;

They have four limbs.


Make a logical reference diagram from the named features"Characteristic features of the class mammals."


Features of the external structure Features of the internal structure

Hairline central nervous system

Have 4 limbs, viviparity

Mammary glands 4 chamber heart

2 circles of blood circulation

7 vertebrae in the cervical region

View interactive drawings. Gallery. “External structure of mammals” No. 2 and “Internal structure of mammals” No. 12. Animation No. 20 “Circulatory system of mammals”

Characteristics of the subclass of the primal beast. Independent work of students with the article “Order Monotremes” and with figure 127. In the workbook “Biology. Animals” complete tasks No. 2, No. 3 p. 79.

Characteristics of the orders of marsupials, chiropterans, insectivores.

Task No. 1: using the text of paragraph No. 31 (Article 159-160)

Indicate: a - features of the external and internal structure of the representatives

Order marsupials.

B - fill out the table “Representatives of the order Marsupials”




Living environment, lifestyle.

State your conclusion.

Task No. 2: using the text of paragraph No. 31 (Articles 160 - 161)

Complete tasks No. 1-4 in the workbook, page 80.

We point out that the muskrat is a representative of the order of insectivores, the only mammal included in the “Red Book of the Chelyabinsk Region”.

Task No. 3: using the text of paragraph No. 31 (Articles 161 - 162)

Complete the diagram.

Order Chiroptera.

Features of the external structure General in the structure of birds and


Suborders of bats

? ?

Representatives Representatives

Problematic question.

What feature of bats was adopted by humans and began to be used in

technology? View video fragment No. 32 “Flying mammals”


1. Answer the test questions.

  1. Primal beasts:
  1. Kangaroo
  2. Rat
  3. Platypus
  4. Echidna
  1. The platypus is a mammal because:
  1. Lays eggs
  2. Has a horny beak
  3. Feeds cubs with milk
  4. Has hair
  1. Marsupials:
  1. Platypus
  2. Koala
  3. Echidna
  4. Kangaroo
  1. The hedgehog belongs to the order:
  1. Chiroptera
  2. Insectivores
  3. Rodents
  4. Lagomorpha
  1. Bats belong to the order:
  1. Rodents
  2. Artiodactyls
  3. Chiroptera
  4. Predatory

2. Why can’t the ending “-sya” be written in the word “mammals”?

Homework assignment.

1. Study paragraph No. 31, repeat paragraph No. 25.

2. Fill out the table.

Comparative characteristics of reptiles and mammals.

Features of structure and lifestyle




Coverings of the body

Respiratory system

Number of blood circulation

Number of chambers in the heart

Nervous system

Body temperature

Reproduction methods.


- -

Subject: Orders of mammals: rodents, lagomorphs, cetaceans, pinnipeds, carnivores

Target: Expand students' understanding of the diversity of mammals.


1. Introduce students to the general characteristics of mammal orders.

2. Development of the ability to work at a given pace in a small group, adequately reproduce information, work with text, textbook drawings and multimedia teaching aids.

3. Show the structural features and lifestyle of individual representatives of the orders; their significance in nature and human life..


Center for Educational Complex 1C: School. Biology. 7th grade Ventana Publishing Center - Graf. Tables “Rodents and Lagomorphs, Carnivores, Marine Mammals”, inhabitants of the living area. Books: Hans Peter Thiel “Animal Kingdom”, V.B. Sabunaev “Entertaining Zoology”. Textbook “Biology. Animals. 7th grade” authors - Latyushin V.V., Shapkin V.A.

“Nature has no idea what it’s like”

I. Krylov

1. Approximately - motivational stage.

A) Checking homework completion; table “Comparative characteristics of reptiles and mammals”

B) Testing. Complete the test task. Choose one answer out of four.

1. Features of the integument of mammals:

A) the skin is moist, bare, and has many glands

B) dry skin covered with feathers

C) most people have hairy skin

D) the skin is covered with bone scales

2. Mammalian heart:

A) two-chamber

B) three-chamber

B) three-chamber with an incomplete septum

D) four-chamber

3. A higher level of organization of mammals compared to reptiles is achieved by the structure:

A) respiratory system

B) nervous system

B) digestive system

D) musculoskeletal system

4. The safety of offspring in mammals does not depend on:

A) live births

B) habitat

B) bearing babies

D) feeding with milk.

5. Signs of a higher level of organization of mammals do not include:

A) structure of the nervous system

B) live birth

B) warm-blooded

D) structure of the respiratory system

6. Find the mistake.

A) Koala, kangaroo, possum

B) hedgehog, mole, muskrat

C) noctule, noctule, fruit bat

D) hedgehog, mole, mouse

B) Complete the diagram.

Class Mammals

Subclass? Subclass?

D) Work in small groups. Construct a logical support diagram, indicating in it what structural and vital features ensured the wide distribution of mammals in the biosphere. (Each group has a set of cards from which it is necessary to put together a diagram)

The role of the structural features of mammals in the evolutionary process.

Hairy Lungs 4-chamber Specialized Availability

cover heart digestive placenta,

Mammary gland system

Heat - Gas - Supply Splitting Preservation

isolation of metabolic organs of nutritious offspring

Blood substances

High metabolic rate

Warm-blooded High organization Motor

Nervous system activity

Intensive work

Brain, complex


Advantages in the struggle for existence

Increase in the number of species, expansion of the range

Emergence of new species

Work in small groups. Groups are given sheets of whatman paper to write the book “Our Neighbors on the Planet.” Each group should cover the pages of the book, telling about one of the orders of mammals:rodents, lagomorphs, cetaceans, pinnipeds, carnivores.

The story should reflect:

  1. Features of the structure and lifestyle of representatives of the detachment.
  2. The importance of representatives of the order in nature and human life.

Each group works with the corresponding part of the text of paragraphs No. 32 and 33.

3. Reflective-evaluative stage.

Presentation of the book.

1. Each group, or representatives from the group, come out, show their page and tell the content of their part of the work, after the presentation they ask their classmates questions that the students must answer.

2. All groups perform this way in turn. Between presentations, watch video clips on the presented orders of mammals. Gallery. Video fragments: No. 12 “Aquatic mammals”, “Forest mammals”, “Mammals of open spaces”

3. The responsible editor is a teacher, conducts a survey on new terms.

Terms: rodents, incisors, acclimatization, lagomorphs, flippers, filtering apparatus, echolocation, carnassial teeth.

4. A conclusion is formulated.

Homework assignment.

1. Draw a cover for the book “Our Neighbors on the Planet.” (optional)

2. Arrange the book page according to headings:

  1. "Sacred" animals
  2. Animals are heroes of fairy tales, fables, and epics.
  3. Animals are symbols on the coats of arms of countries and cities.
  4. Hunting
  5. Animals - suppliers of fur, food, medicine
  6. Animals are sources of inspiration for folk art and art.
  7. Protection and restoration of rare species.
  8. My pet.

Work can be either individual or group.


Subject: Orders of mammals: Artiodactyls, Odd-toed ungulates.

Target: Continue to familiarize students with the diversity of mammal orders.


1. To familiarize students with the characteristic features of the orders artiodactyls and equids

2 . Developing the ability to work with educational information, building a logical support diagram.

3. Reveal the significance of the orders artiodactyls and equids in nature and human life, the necessity and measures for their protection.


Center for Educational Complex 1C: School. Biology. 7th grade Ventana Publishing Center - Graf. Tables “Artiodactyls”, “Odd-toed ungulates”

1. Approximately - motivational stage.

Reading an excerpt from R. Kipling’s fairy tale “The Cat That Walked By Itself” about how a horse and a cow began to serve man. A story about famous ungulates in history.

Using the presentation materials, let's work with the mind map that is on your desk. The order Artiodactyla is divided into two suborders: non-ruminants and ruminants.

A) general characteristics of the artiodactyl order,

B) characteristic features of the non-ruminant suborder

B) characteristic features of the ruminant suborder

Task No. 2. Using the data from task No. 1, create a logical reference diagram"Order Artiodactyls"

"Order Artiodactyls"

Developed 3rd and 4th fingers

Toes covered with hoof

Size medium and large

Wide use

Suborder Non-ruminants Suborder Ruminants

Massive body Slim body

Short limbs Short limbs

Fangs No fangs

Muzzle with heel Have horns

Omnivores Herbivores

Simple stomach Complex stomach

Have a subcutaneous layer of fat No subcutaneous fat


Boar Bison

Warthog Elk

Hippo Deer


Viewing the video clip “Cow” (Gallery. Video clip

No. 30 "Cow")

Using the text of the textbook and the video fragment we watched, we analyze the structure and functioning of the complex stomach of ruminants.


“Structure and operation of the digestive system of ruminants”




View the animation “The work of the digestive system of a ruminant animal” (Gallery. Animation No. 9)

Task No. 3. Using the text of paragraph 34, pages 181-183, fill out the diagram “Systematic groups of the order Odd-toed ungulates”

"Systematic groups of the order Odd-toed ungulates"

Odd-toed ungulates

Many representatives of the orders Artiodactyls and Perissodactyls have long been domesticated by humans and are widely used by them.

Work according to the scheme “Protection of ungulates”

"Protection of ungulates"

Even-toed ungulates

200 types 16 types

Reasons for the decline in numbers


Habitat destruction


Wildlife sanctuaries


National parks

Education of the population


3. Reflective-evaluative stage.

Assignment: Use arrows to indicate the correspondence between the image of the animal, its name and order.








Odd-toed ungulates

Which of these animals are rare and protected?


Mesh Book Abomasum


Lesson topic: Order of mammals: Primates.

Target: Introduce students to the diversity of primates.

Tasks : 1. Identify the characteristic features of primates, signs of their high organization compared to other animals.

2. Development of general academic skills: comparison and generalization.

  1. Reveal the role of primates in nature, the need for their conservation and protection.

Equipment : A set of artistic drawings and postcards about primates, A set of photographs of various primates, (TsOR "Educational complex 1C: School. Biology. 7th grade. Ventana-Graf Publishing Center"),

installed by skillful nature...

  1. Indicative-motivational stage.
  1. Individual survey on logical support diagrams compiled in previous lessons:
  1. Characteristic features of mammals.
  2. The role of mammalian characteristics in the evolutionary process.
  3. Order Artiodactyls.
  4. The structure and functioning of the digestive system of ruminants.
  5. Systematic groups of the order Odd-toed ungulates.
  1. Performing test tasks. Choose one answer out of four.
  1. A sign that proves the complexity of the organization of mammals compared to reptiles:

A) sense organs

B) body parts

B) four-chambered heart

D) two circles of blood circulation

  1. Signs of a high level of organization in mammals do not include:

A) live birth

B) warm-blooded

B) feeding the young with milk

D) five-fingered limb

  1. The characteristics that ensure the distribution of mammals throughout the globe do not include:

A) live birth

B) high development of the nervous system

B) warm-blooded

D) removal of waste products

  1. Adaptations that allow mammals to survive in areas with dramatically changing seasonal environmental conditions do not include:

A) food supply

B) migration

B) hibernation

D) modification of the limbs.

  1. Operational and executive stage.

General characteristics of the order Primates

  1. Arboreal or terrestrial animals
  2. Medium or small in size
  3. Herd lifestyle
  4. Active during the day
  5. Fingers have nails
  6. Thumb opposable

To the rest

  1. Presence of clavicles
  2. All types of teeth are developed
  3. Binocular vision, color
  4. The complex structure of the cerebral cortex


  1. Helpless Cubs

Task No. 1. Using the text of paragraph No. 35, page 184, draw up a classification scheme for primates.

Order Primates

Suborder Prosimians Suborder Monkeys


Task No. 2. Fill out the table “Comparative characteristics of great apes”

“Comparative characteristics of great apes”



moves around








After checking, filling out the table, frontal survey

  1. What common features do representatives of the order of primates have?
  2. Name the families of the primate order (see Fig. 218). What features of these animals indicate their high organization?
  3. Name the similarities between representatives of the family of great apes and humans.

Task No. 3. Biodictation. We show a picture of a primate and students write down its name.

Task No. 4. From the listed species of primates, select separately representatives of the corresponding suborders:

  1. Reflective-evaluative stage.

Individual work.Answer the test questions.

  1. The most highly developed animals belong to the order:
  1. Lagomorpha
  2. Primates
  3. Ungulates
  4. Proboscis
  1. Apes include:
  1. Gorilla
  2. Lemur
  3. macaque
  4. Monkey
  1. The conditioned reflex is:
  1. Grasp reflex in a baby chimpanzee
  2. Cat licking fur
  3. Bird flights
  4. Birds' reaction to the bright colors of poisonous insects
  1. Monkey-like animals include
  1. Macaques
  2. Chimpanzee
  3. Baboons
  4. Gorillas
  1. Choose the correct statements:
  1. Mammals are warm-blooded vertebrates that give birth to live young and feed them with milk.
  2. The external structure of mammals does not depend on their habitat
  3. Mammalian skin is elastic and covered with hair.
  4. The brain part of the skull of mammals is characterized by an increase in size, which is associated with enlargement of the brain
  5. The clavicles are well developed in animals that perform a variety of movements with their forelimbs (primates), and are absent or underdeveloped in those that move in the same plane (for example, ungulates and carnivores)
  6. The number of convolutions in the cerebral cortex of all mammals is approximately the same
  7. The instinct to care for offspring is especially evident in animals that give birth to helpless young (for example, squirrels, rabbits)
  8. The life of mammals does not depend on the seasons of the year

Homework assignment

  1. Study paragraph No. 35, task No. 1,2 in the workbook.
  2. Fill in logic reference diagram"General characteristics of Primates"




Nervous system?



Lesson topic: Diversity of orders of the class Mammals. Generalization of knowledge.

Target: To consolidate and generalize students' knowledge about the studied orders of the class mammals.

Tasks : 1. Check the assimilation of educational material by students, the maturity of their knowledge and skills.

2. Development of general academic skills; analysis, comparison, generalization.

  1. Reveal the role of various animals in nature, the need to preserve the biodiversity of the animal world.

Equipment : A set of artistic drawings and postcards about animals, an “Animalist” sign, a set of photographs of various animals, video clips about animals (TsOR “Educational complex 1C: School. Biology. 7th grade. Ventana-Graf Publishing Center”), presentation “Representatives of various groups of the class mammals”, individual student work sheet.

“Who wants to evoke mutual

friendship and trust, he must try

study its features, character and habits...

and he will be rewarded with what he gains

friend" Alfred Bukovets

  1. Indicative-motivational stage

Over the course of several lessons, we studied the topic “Class Mammals”, got acquainted with the features of the external structure of mammals, studied the diversity of orders of this class, their characteristics and representatives. The topic of our lesson today is “Diversity of orders of the class mammals. Generalization of knowledge"

The class of mammals includes about 4 thousand species, they are very diverse: the largest animal is the blue whale, its body length is 30 m, weight - 130 tons. The smallest animal is the Etruscan shrew, its body length (including the tail is 7 cm, and its weight is only 2 g.

Let's rememberWhat characteristic features do representatives of the class mammals have?

  1. Viviparity and feeding of young with milk, care for offspring.
  2. They have hair.
  3. Highly developed nervous system, complex behavior.
  4. The circulatory system is closed, the heart is four-chambered, there are two circles of blood circulation.
  5. Warm-blooded, constant body temperature.
  6. The cervical spine has 7 vertebrae.

There are about 4 thousand species of modern mammals. They are widely distributed around the globe, living in a wide variety of conditions.

Now we will watch a video clip and answer the question: What living environments have mammals mastered? Viewing the video fragment “Mammalian Habitats” (gallery, video fragment No. 90 “Animal Habitats”)

  1. Operational and executive stage.

Working according to a logical diagram"Mammal Habitats"

Environmental conditions


Logic support diagram questions.

- What ensures the existence of mammals in different living environments?

How did different environmental conditions affect animals?

The diversity of living environments and the conditions of these environments have led to great diversity among mammals. Placental mammals include about 20 orders, representatives of which are widespread on our planet. Now you will test yourself how well you know representatives of various orders of mammals and their characteristic features.

We conduct a biodictation. When performing a biodictation, we show various mammals in a presentation, during which students fill out the “Name of the Animal” column, then we give time to fill out the remaining columns of the table.

Animal name

Squad name

Characteristic features of the squad

The editors of the magazine “Young Naturalist” received several notes from Dunno about the life of animals.Read these notes carefully and highlight in the text those mistakes that the author made due to his ignorance.(Texts are included in the student’s individual sheet of options)

BEARS (bears), a family of mammals of the primate order, the largest of modern predatory animals; includes 8 types.

The body length of modern bears is 110–300 cm, height at withers up to 135 cm, weight up to 700 kg. The body is powerful, with high withers. The neck is thick, usually long, the head is large, with an elongated facial region, the eyes are small, and the ears are round. The paws are strong, plantigrade, three-toed. The tail is short, almost invisible. The fur is tall and sparse. The wool is colored black, brown or white, changing with the seasons.

Distributed in Europe, Asia, North-West Africa, the Arctic, North America, and in the mountainous regions of northwestern South America. All types are terrestrial. They live alone or in families. Active only at night. Most lead a sedentary lifestyle, while some wander widely. They do not hibernate. Omnivorous. They prefer to eat plant foods: berries, fruits, nuts, also insects, fish, and less often large animals.

The life expectancy of bears is 30–45 years. Many species are well trained and kept in zoos.

DESERT ZEBRA (Grevy's zebra) is a species of artiodactyl mammal of the equine genus; the largest of the zebras. The light coloring of the belly rises quite high on the sides, the stripes are wide. The hair forming a brush at the end of the tail is relatively short. The cry of Grevy's zebra, more than that of other zebras, resembles the cry of a horse. The desert zebra is common in the central parts of Eastern Ethiopia, Somalia and Northern Kenya, as well as in the semi-deserts of Eurasia. It lives in wooded areas and semi-deserts, where it prefers gentle mountain slopes and plateaus; in Kenya it sometimes forms mixed packs with savannah zebra. The number of desert zebras is about 15 thousand.

CHEETAH, a mammal of the cat family, order of lagomorphs.

It has a dry, lean body 123-150 cm long, with a large head and long and slender legs. The long, strong tail (up to 75 cm) acts as a balancer when running. The fur is short and sparse. The general color tone is yellowish, sandy, there are no spots.

Distributed in lowland deserts and savannas of Europe and Asia. There are known references in Russian chronicles to the beast pardus, whose descriptions are similar to a cheetah.

The slowest animal of all mammals. When catching up with prey, it can reach speeds of up to 110 km/h over short distances. It hunts mainly during the day or at dusk, sometimes lying in wait for prey at a watering hole. It feeds on ungulates and, as additional food, on hares, small animals and birds. There are 2-4 cubs in a litter. Found alone or in pairs. Cubs (1-4) are born sighted and spotted.

In India and Western Asia it was previously used for hunting antelope. Few in number. Easily tamed and reproduces in captivity.

We check the completion of the task, correct the mistakes made by Dunno.

We look at the video fragments “Forest Mammals” (gallery, video fragment No. 31) and “Mammals of open spaces” (gallery, video fragment No. 40)

Here are images of various animals. All of them are made by the artist. An artist who professionally draws animals is calledANIMAL PAINTER. And the style of depicting animals in art is called animalism. The artist Malyavin painted a “portrait” of the animal, he tried to depict a hare.

What mistakes did the artist make? What animals are the parts mixed by the inept artist?

The fauna is influenced by human activity, which leads to the reduction or destruction of some animal species. Since the beginning of the 18th century, 63 species of mammals have disappeared on our planet, which is 1.5% of their total number.

The main reasons for the impoverishment of the Earth's fauna are:

  1. Hunting
  2. Habitat destruction
  3. Reduction and deterioration of food supply

To preserve endangered animal species, reserves and reserves are created, and the “Red Book” is published. The Red Book of Russia includes 54 species of mammals.


Hunters caught a leopard

On the banks of the Naryn River

He didn't growl, he smiled

When he showed his fangs...

But people dug up the ground.

They achieved their goal

He was strong, but about traps

He didn't know anything yet.

He understood. He gave in proudly

When the Kazakh knitted it,

And it was gloomy and bitter

In his orange eyes

He watched people with squinting eyes

They made him sad

Anger and generosity blazed within him,

And the tail darted across the sand.

He settled in the zoo

Where there is a lot of meat and water...

He is cherished there diligently.

He submitted. He's lying down.

And you can only see how the heart

His spotted fur trembles.

/ B. Akhmadulina/

How did reading this poem make you feel?

It is within our power to do everything to ensure that the animal world does not become scarce and is preserved.What can each of us personally do to preserve the diversity of the animal world?

Mammals are of great importance to humans. The domestication of horses and cattle ensured the long-term prosperity of human society. Livestock husbandry and hunting and commercial farming are the most important sectors of the modern economy, providing humanity with protein products. Rare species need protection. There is a fight against mammals that harm crop plants, food supplies, and carry pathogens.

Filling out the table “The importance of mammals in nature and human life”

Fill in the blanks in the table.

“The importance of mammals in nature and human life”

Significant Categories



Domesticated animals

They are used by humans to produce meat, milk, wool, for transporting heavy loads and other types of work.

Cellular fur farming

Mink, black and brown fox, arctic fox.

Hunting - fishing

Objects of sport hunting and fur trade.


House mouse, rat, mole.

Checking table completion

Screening of the video clip “Pets” (gallery, video clip No. 19)

Reflective-evaluative stage

And now we will find out our personal attitude towards animals. To do this, we will answer the test questions.

Test “Self-assessment of attitude towards animals”

Instructions:Choose one of three answers to the proposed survey questions. Circle the point corresponding to your answer, and at the end of the work, calculate the sum of all points. Anytime


When I need it


Very rarely



From the books I like to read

Many about animals


No books about animals


Some about animals



I have had to harm animals





Very rarely



Images of animals in paintings

I like to watch


I enjoy drawing myself


I don’t look and re-draw



In some cases

I show indifference to animals


I never show indifference to animals


I'm at a loss




With your favorite animal

I like to relax and prepare homework


I just like to relax


I don't have a favorite animal



If I see that someone is harming an animal through their actions, then I

I'll pass by


I'll definitely intervene


I find it difficult to answer what my actions will be



I relate to animals



Not always careful


I'm at a loss




Animals I

I always divide into attractive and unattractive


I never divide into attractive and unattractive


I'm at a loss




Diversity in the animal world

Appreciate it


I don't appreciate it


I'm at a loss




About my attitude towards animals

I often wonder


I don't think twice


It depends



Lesson conducted

Affected my attitude towards animals


Didn't affect my attitude towards animals


I'm at a loss






Bottom line

Rating scale

Less than 8 points.The attitude towards animals is indifferent and selfish. You don't care about the fate of the animals around you. Perhaps you have never had your own pet at home and it is difficult for you to imagine that an animal can become a true friend. Get a hamster, cat or dog at home and you will see that each creature will certainly reciprocate your feelings.

From 8 to 14 points.Little conscious and inactive attitude towards animals. You communicate with animals, but have little interest in their lives, habits and concerns. Watch the most common animals, and you will be able to learn a lot of interesting things, you will see that you have more friends, it has become easier for you to communicate. And, besides, you can trust your pet with your secrets and secrets. Rest assured, they will remain between you.

From 15 to 20 points.Correctly conscious attitude towards animals. You must have thought about your attitude towards animals. Most often, you act wisely towards our smaller brothers, and they, in turn, are grateful to you. You must become an example for others. Together with your friends, you will be able to discover the secrets of the animal world and share your discoveries with others.

Over 20 points.You overestimate your attitude towards animals. Perhaps you are characterized by excessive emotionality, and therefore you idealize the importance of animals in your life and the lives of those around you.

Let's return to our logical diagram that we built at the beginning of the lesson.

Why did mammals spread so widely on our planet? (Warm-blooded and complex behavior)

What led to the emergence of warm-bloodedness and complex behavior?

What emerged as a result of mammals mastering different living environments?

Environmental conditions

LIVING ENVIRONMENTS Challenging behavior


Ground-air Water Soil


Conclusion:The diversity of orders of the class mammals appeared as a result of adaptation to various living conditions.

Homework: Creative work “Mammals”

Application.An example of an individual student sheet.

Individual student work sheet___ class___________________________________________

Task No. 1

Representatives of various orders of mammals and their characteristic features.












Task No. 2Read this note carefully and highlight in the text those mistakes that the author made due to his ignorance.

BELYAK (white hare), a mammal of the family of hares of the order of rodents. The body length of the hare is 50-60 cm, sometimes up to 75 cm, weight up to 5.5 kg. It got its name from its snow-white summer fur.

The hare is found in forests, tundras and deserts throughout Northern Eurasia - from the shores of the Arctic Ocean to Mongolia, as well as in the north of North America. The white hare is also acclimatized in South America. In temperate latitudes, female hares usually give birth to 2-5 babies once a summer. In the north, hares breed once a year, but the litter size is larger - 6-9 hares. The white hare, although it has valuable fur and meat, is not a commercial object.