Developmental activity frosty patterns. Summary of a GCD drawing lesson on the topic "Frosty pattern"

Systematic and targeted use of active methods ensures quality training, education, development and socialization of students, brings pleasure and satisfaction to all participants educational process.

Dear colleagues, mastering AMO technology will allow you to make classes modern, meeting the needs of students, parents, society, and time.

The article gives detailed characteristics active teaching methods and features of their use.



AMO technology – educational technologies of new standards

IN Lately Russian system Education is undergoing constant change. Modernization of the learning process steadily leads every educator to the understanding that it is necessary to look for such pedagogical technologies that could interest students and motivate them to study the subject.
How can we make sure that our students, not under pressure, but through play, can independently discover new knowledge, evaluate their work and, ultimately, show good results?

How to make sure that every student feels comfortable, interesting and at the same time understandable in class or at any other event? How to weave harmoniously game moments into the outline of the lesson? How to choose one or another method for any stage of the lesson in order to achieve maximum results? "AMO Technology" provides answers to these and many other questions.

Now we're talking about about development for preschool institutions standards. A standard is a social conventional norm, a social contract between family, society and the state.

If earlier in the majority comprehensive programs there were sections that corresponded to certain academic subjects, then now we are talking about the totalityeducational areas.

In general, the new requirements are progressive in nature and will not only streamline and regulate certain aspects of the process of implementing preschool education programs, but will also give impetus to the development of the system as a whole. This is a vector of movement - towards real consideration of the principle of age adequacy in mass practice preschool education.

The most important condition for the full implementation of these requirements is a change in the position of students. The transition from the position of a passive object, obediently performing tasks to remember and reproduce information, to the position of an active, creative, purposeful, self-learning subject.

The new strategy cannot be implemented with the same pedagogical tools; new educational technologies and methods are required. These technologies should create conditions for effective and high-quality education, upbringing, development and socialization of the child.

Today, experience shows that active learning methods effectively solve new problems posed to education.

What kind of active learning technology is this?

Today there are various classifications active teaching methods. AMO includes an interactive seminar, training, problem-based learning, collaborative learning, project-based learning, educational games.

The adopted new Federal State Educational Standards finally convinced of the need to create a full-fledged educational technology that allows for the systematic and effective use of AMO in the educational process.

Technology can be divided into two components: structure and content.

By content the methods included in the technology representordered collection(system) AMO, providing activity and diversity of mental and practical activities pupils throughout Total educational event.
The educational activity of the methods included in this system is based on a practical orientation, playful action and the creative nature of learning, interactivity, various communications, dialogue, the use of knowledge and experience of students, a group form of organizing their work, the involvement of all senses in the process, an activity-based approach to learning, movement and reflection.

According to the structure, In accordance with technology, the entire educational event is divided into logically related phases and stages:

Phase 1. Start of educational activity

  • initiation (greeting, introduction)

You can start the lesson in an unusual way by inviting the children to shake hands with their elbows.

"Greet with your elbows" method

Target – Meeting each other, greeting, getting to know each other.

Note: This funny game allows you to start a lesson with fun, warm up before more serious exercises, and helps to establish contact between children.

  • entering or immersing yourself in the topic (determining the objectives of the lesson)

Instead of the usual oral history teacher about new topic You can use the following method for presenting new material:

Method "Info-guessing"

The goals of the method are: presentation of new material, structuring of material, revitalization of students’ attention.

N-R, when studying the topic “Vegetables,” ask children, using geometric shapes, color, shape, including association, to say what they are talking about. And smoothly lead to the definition of a new topic.

  • determining the expectations of students (planning the personal meaning of the lesson and creating a safe educational environment)

The methods used at this stage make it possible to effectively clarify expectations and concerns and set learning goals.
“Mood sensor” method (using happy or sad emoticons, children pointing at the sensor determine their mood)

Phase 2. Working on the topic

  • consolidation of learned material (discussion of homework)

discussion of the previous topic.

Method “Find a Pair” (Theme “Fruits”: one child describes the fruit, the second finds the answer)

  • interactive lecture (transmission and explanation of new information by the teacher)

“Magic bag” method (pulling out one item at a time from the bag, tell about it, give information)

  • elaboration of the topic content ( group work students on the topic of the lesson)

“Confusion” method (help the artist color only the vegetables)

Phase 3. Completion of the educational activity

  • emotional release (warm-up)

Relay race method - Whose team will collect vegetables in the basket faster.

  • summing up (reflection, analysis and evaluation of the lesson)

Children independently analyze and evaluate the lesson.

The "Sun" method. Show the children cards withdepicting three faces: cheerful,neutral and sad.

Children are asked to choose a drawing that matches their mood. Children can also be asked to imagine themselves as rays of sunshine. Give the task to place the rays in the sun according to your mood. Children come up to the board and insert rays.

At this stage, we are finding out and receiving feedback from the children and from the past lesson.

Each stage is a full-fledged section of an educational event. The volume and content of the section is determined by the topic and goals of the lesson or event. Each stage carries its own functional load, has its own goals and objectives, and, in addition, contributes to the achievement of the overall goals of the lesson. Being logically connected and complementary to each other, the phases and stages of the lesson ensure the integrity and consistency of the educational process, give a complete look to the lesson or entertainment event, create a reliable basis for the formation of all educational effects. The use of a system of active methods contributes to the achievement of a complex of educational effects - training, education, development and socialization of the student’s personality.

Internal contentactive methods are to create with their help a free creative environment, filling every action of students with meaning, understanding and motivation, involving all participants in the educational process in the overall conscious work, giving this process personal significance for each participant, ensuring the independence of students in setting goals and determining ways to achieve them, organize teamwork and build true subject-subject relationships.

The essence , the value core of this technology is that students, thanks to AMO, are involved in a rich educational process without coercion, of their own free will, and their motivation is determined not by fear of punishment, not by the desire to please the teacher or parents, not by the goal of getting a grade, but, in first of all,own interest in educational activities in this form. In AMO technology, the framework of compulsion to learn is removed - effective, rich, complete, high-quality training becomeschoice of the student himself. And this mainly determines the effects of this technology.

With the systematic use of active methods, the role of the educator changes fundamentally. He becomes a consultant, mentor, senior partner, which fundamentally changes the pupils’ attitude towards him - from a “controlling body” the teacher turns into a more experienced comrade playing on the same team as the pupil. Confidence in the teacher grows, his authority and respect among children grows. This requires psychological restructuring and special training of the teacher in designing such an activity, knowledge of active teaching methods, moderation technology, and the psychophysiological characteristics of preschoolers. But all these investments are more than compensated by the effects of the implementation of AMO.

active learning in preschool educational institutions

Galina Aleksandrovna Lebedeva, teacher at the MDOU combined type kindergarten No. 32 No. Ryabinka in Serpukhov.

Recently, many educators and teachers have noted the indifference of preschool and junior children school age to knowledge, lack of motivation to learn, as well as a low level of development of cognitive interests. Thus, the problem of introducing more effective forms, models and technologies into the educational process to enhance learning becomes urgent.

Active learning is one of the main directions of modern pedagogical research. The problem of finding methods to enhance the educational and cognitive activity of teachers was acutely raised in different time by different authors. A wide variety of solutions are offered: increasing the volume of information taught, compressing it and speeding up the reading process; creation of special psychological and didactic learning conditions; strengthening control forms in the management of educational and cognitive activities; widespread use of technical means and computer programs. At the same time, we point out that active teaching methods mean such methods and techniques of pedagogical influence that encourage children to be mentally active, to demonstrate a creative, research approach and search for new ideas for solving various problems.

Active learning methods (AML) should instill in children the desire to independently understand complex issues and, based on deep system analysis existing factors and events, develop an optimal solution to the problem under study for its implementation in practice.

Active forms of classes are forms of organizing the educational process that promote diverse (individual, group, collective) learning (learning) educational issues(problems), active interaction between children and the teacher, a lively exchange of opinions between them, aimed at developing a correct understanding of the content of the problem being studied and ways of its practical solution.

Active forms and methods of organizing the educational process are inextricably linked with each other. Their combination helps to create a certain type of classes in which active learning is carried out. Methods fill forms with specific content, and forms influence the quality of methods. If active methods are used in classes of a certain form, it is possible to achieve a significant activation of the educational process and an increase in its effectiveness. In this case, the form of classes itself acquires an active character.

Although it is believed that active learning and constructing situations (problems) in project activities are an innovation of the 21st century, in fact, the roots of this technique go back to the distant past. Ideas for intensifying learning were expressed by scientists throughout the entire period of the formation and development of pedagogy, long before it was formalized as an independent scientific discipline.

Thus, Socrates (470-399 BC) saw the surest way to manifest human abilities in self-knowledge. His main achievement is considered to be “maieutics” (literally “midwifery art”) - a dialectical debate that leads the student to the truth through questions thought out by the mentor. Among the ancient Roman thinkers, one can highlight the views of the philosopher Seneca (4-65 BC), who said that education should form, first of all, an independent personality and believed that the student himself should speak, and not his memory, i.e. .e. previously learned information. René Descartes (1596-1650) believed that every effort should be made to develop children's ability to make independent judgments. Jan Amos Comenius (1592-1670) in his work “Great Didactics” argued that teaching correctly does not mean hammering into a child’s head a mixture of words, phrases, sayings and opinions collected from the authors, it is necessary to reveal in him the ability to understand things. A. Disterweg (1790-1866) believed that the teacher should not only “encourage” the student to learn, but always encourage him to independent activity We also point out that in the 70s of the 20th century, the problem of searching for active learning methods was reflected in the studies of M. I. Makhmutov, I. Ya. Lerner and others, devoted to the problems of early and school education.

Regardless mentioned studies, there was also a search for so-called active learning methods (AMT), providing intensive development of cognitive motives in children and interest, contributing to the manifestation creativity in teaching.

In general, active learning can be represented as follows:

Forced activation of thinking, when a child is forced to be active regardless of his desire.

Enough long time children's involvement in educational activities, because their activity should not be short-term or episodic, but largely sustainable and long-term (i.e. throughout the entire project).

Independent creative development of solutions, increasing the degree of motivation and emotionality of children.

Constant interaction between students and educators through direct and feedback connections.

Of significant interest in preschool education is project activities. Each project is usually based on some kind of problematic situation, the essence of which is to create didactic and psychological conditions conducive to the manifestation of the student’s intellectual, personal and social activity. Depending on its nature, methods of resolution and the prevailing forms of activity of the participants, several types of projects are distinguished:

research– involve testing a certain assumption (hypothesis) using scientific methods cognition (observation, experiment);

creative– associated with the preparation of holidays, theatrical performances, filming video and animated films;

gaming– participants take on certain roles determined by the nature and content of the project. It can be literary characters or fictional characters imitating social or business relationship in certain problem or learning situations;

informational– aimed at collecting and analyzing information about any object or phenomenon;

practice-oriented– are associated with work to achieve an objectively or subjectively significant result.

Project method represents pedagogical technology, the core of which is independent research, cognitive, playful, creative, productive activity a person, in the process of which he gets to know himself and the world, translates new knowledge into real products.

Other active learning methods may be used during the project. For example, the search for a form of project implementation can be carried out during a discussion, business games or brainstorming.

This method serves as a tool for researching and studying the situation, assessing and choosing the right solution. Situations, like projects, can be standard, critical and extreme.

Thus, training using this method consists of the following stages:

preparing the plot of the situation;

formulation of questions and tasks for listeners;

group work to study the situation;

group discussion;

final conversation with the adoption of a certain decision.

The situation (or problem in project-based teaching of preschoolers) is one of the most important methods used in pedagogical practice, because it actively contributes to training thinking, enriching active and passive vocabulary, developing attention and memory. Solving a specific situation involves a certain combination of facts and factors from real life. Participants become actors, like actors, trying to find a solution, that is, come to an independent conclusion.

Activities based on the child’s personal experience and interests, his ability to answer a question without visual material or without a preliminary conversation, are more productive, because participants strive to put forward as many versions and ideas as possible, without being exposed or afraid of criticism from an adult, and then independently (or with minimal participation from the teacher) discuss and develop them, assessing the possibilities of their proof or refutation. The student himself must determine what the problem is, analyze it in the context of the situation described and propose possible ways to solve it. The main role of the teacher here is precisely to create a problem situation and to summarize the children’s versions.

So, for example, the teacher offers the children a situation: “Imagine that you and I find ourselves in the distant past, where there is no electricity, no running water, no gas stoves. And we were very hungry. What should we do?". Children begin to offer their solutions to this problem and discuss the answers of their peers. As a result, a discussion arises. The teacher does not interfere in this process, but listens carefully to all the children’s answers, analyzes them, and in the end leads the students to the correct solution to the problem. It is discussions with peers, pronouncing or discussing answers to a given topic that activates the mental activity of preschoolers and develops speech, imagination, thinking and the ability to interact in a team.

Let us note that active learning methods are based on experimentally established facts that a person’s memory is imprinted (all other things being equal) up to 90% of what he does, up to 50% of what he sees, and only 10% of what he does. he hears. Therefore, the most effective form of learning should be based on active participation in the relevant activity. It seems that experimental data show the advisability of using active learning methods.

Active learning methods develop in children not just knowledge-reproduction, but the skills and needs to apply this knowledge for analysis, evaluation and correct decision-making. The use of AMOs and their choice are determined by the goals and content of training, individual characteristics trainees and a number of other conditions.

As my personal experience shows, problem-based learning can be successfully used in all types of educational activities, provided that the educator has developed a clear plan for each project and has the necessary logistics. Teaching creative thinking in kindergarten requires special strong-willed and emotional qualities from the teacher, as well as thorough thinking and lengthy preparation.

With the help of active learning methods in preschoolers, you can develop, first of all, important ability carry out joint project and research activities, defend your position, justify own opinion and be tolerant of strangers, as well as useful skill work in a team, and take responsibility for others.

List of used literature

Active forms and methods of teaching, Minsk, Nauka, 1993.

Verbitsky A. A. Active learning in higher education: a contextual approach. - M.: Higher School, 1991.

Smolkin A.M. Methods of active learning: Scientific method. allowance.- M.: Higher. school, 1991.

Role active methods and techniques in the musical development of preschool children.

From the work experience of Irina Valerievna Bodrikova, music director MA preschool educational institution GCRR, kindergarten No. 3 “Cherry”, r. Golyshmanovo village, Tyumen region.

Currently, modern pedagogy requires a radical change in the strategy and tactics of teaching, including in preschool education. The main characteristics of a graduate of any educational institution are his competence and mobility. In this regard, the emphasis in teaching is transferred to the process of cognition, the effectiveness of which completely depends on the cognitive activity of the child himself. The success of achieving this goal depends not only on what is learned, but also on how it is learned: individually or collectively, in authoritarian or humanistic conditions, based on attention, perception, memory or on the entire personal potential of a person, with the help of reproductive or active teaching methods. Numerous studies by teachers and psychologists have proven that the process of assimilation of new knowledge is effective if it is based on the child’s personal experience, his creativity, his own activity and area of ​​interest.

The development and implementation of active learning methods is presented in various fields scientific knowledge and has been studied by many teachers and psychologists, but the use of active learning methods in conditions of kindergarten, which predetermined the relevance of the choice of this topic. Preschool age is unique. How a child is formed will determine his life, which is why it is important not to miss this period to reveal the creative potential of each child.

Goal of the work : to study the influence of active teaching methods on the process of musical development of older children preschool age.


  1. analysis of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of active teaching methods;
  2. development and systematization of methods and techniques to enhance the creative and cognitive activity of preschool children;
  3. testing music classes using active teaching methods.

Let's look at them in more detail .

1.1. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of active teaching methods.

Active methods lie in realizing the goals of problem-based and developmental learning. IN scientific literature A lot of research in the field of psychology and pedagogy is devoted to the problem of active learning methods. The psychological foundations for the development of a holistic concept of developmental education were laid back in the 1930s in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonina, A.N. Leontyeva, V.V. Davydov, although the systematic foundations of active teaching methods began to be widely developed only in the second half of the 1960s and early 1970s in the research of psychologists and teachers on problem-based learning. A major role in the formation and development of active teaching methods was played by the works of M.M. Birshtein, T.P. Timofeevsky, I.M. Syroezhin, S.R. Gidrovich, V.I. Rabalsky, R.F. Zhukov, V.N. .Burkova, B.N.Khristenko, A.M.Smolkin, A.A.Verbitsky, V.M.Efimov, V.F.Komarov, etc. Two main directions of developmental education were systematically developed: V.V. Davydov and L.V. Zankova. In the L.V. system Zankov laid down the principles of conducting training at a high level of difficulty, fast pace passing educational material, increasing theoretical knowledge. Developmental education system V.V. Davydov, is aimed at knowledge, cognitive activity of students. If in the traditional system training is directed from the particular, concrete, individual to the general, abstract, whole, then in the training system of V.V. Davydov, on the contrary, from the general to the particular, from the abstract to the concrete; knowledge is acquired by analyzing the conditions of its passage. Students learn to discover in the educational material the basic, essential relationship that determines the content and structure of the object of knowledge data; they reproduce this relationship in special subject, graphic or letter models that allow them to study the properties of the educational material in its pure form; students learn to move from performing actions on the mental plane to performing them on the external plane and back. This system received comprehensive application and implementation in teaching practice. M.A. Danilov, V.P. Esipov in his work “Didactics” formulated some rules for activating the learning process, reflecting some principles of organizing problem-based learning: lead students to generalization, and not give them ready-made definitions and concepts; occasionally introduce students to the methods of science; develop their independence of thought through creative tasks. In these areas, the purpose of teaching was well expressed, but the learning process, means and ways to achieve the goal were not indicated. Further, in 1965 M.N. Skatkin, analyzing research on the activation of the learning process, focuses on the practice of innovative teachers, and talks about the beginning of its research as a new direction in didactics.

As can be seen from the above, problem-based and developmental learning include elements of each other. The use of these types of teaching in practice led to the emergence of methods called active. It is based on the dialogic interaction between teacher and students. A.M. made their contribution to the development of active teaching methods. Matyushkin, T.V. Kudryavtsev, M.I. Makhmutov, I.Ya. Lerner, M.M. Levy et al. But these studies on active methods were conducted primarily on the material of school education. A.M. Matyushkin in his works substantiated the need to use active methods in all types academic work, introduced the concept of dialogic problem-based learning as the most fully conveying the essence of processes joint activities teacher and students, their mutual activity within the framework of “subject - subject” - relationships. The educational process using active teaching methods is based on a set of didactic teaching principles and includes its own specific principles, which are proposed by A.A. Balaev, namely:

1. the principle of balance between the content and method of teaching, taking into account the preparedness of students and the topic of the lesson,

2. modeling principle. The teacher needs to model and final result, that is, to describe the “model of the learner” who has completed the training. Namely: what knowledge (its depth, breadth and focus) and skills should he have, what activities should he be prepared for.

3. Principle of incoming control. Incoming control makes it possible to clarify the content with maximum efficiency training course, review the selected teaching methods, determine the nature and scope individual work with students, to substantiate the relevance of training and thereby arouse a desire to learn.

4. The principle of compliance of content and methods with learning objectives. To achieve effectively educational goal It is necessary to choose the types of learning activities that are most suitable for studying a specific topic or solving a problem.

5. The principle of problematicity. In this case, such an organization of classes is required when children learn new things, acquire knowledge and skills through overcoming difficulties and obstacles created by posing problems. Thus, A.M. Matyushkin, one of the founders of the theory of problem-based learning, argues that it is the problem-based structure of the lesson that guarantees the achievement of the educational goal. During the lesson, questions are asked that require searching, which activates the mental activity of children, and this is an important condition for the effectiveness of learning.

6. The principle of “negative experience”. In practical activities, along with success, mistakes are also made, so it is necessary to teach a person to avoid mistakes. This task is very urgent. In accordance with this principle, in educational process, built on active learning methods, two new learning elements are introduced:

Study, analysis and evaluation of errors made in specific situations,

Providing errors in the process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, the source of which, as a rule, is the lack of necessary experience. Analyzing the sequence of a child’s actions helps to discover the pattern of the error and develop tactics for solving the problem.

7. The principle “from simple to complex.” The lesson is planned and organized taking into account the increasing complexity of the educational material and the methods used in its study.

8. The principle of continuous updating. One of the sources of cognitive activity is the novelty of the educational material, specific topic and method of conducting the lesson. The information content of the educational process, that is, the saturation of the new, unknown, attracts and sharpens the attention of children, encourages them to study the topic, mastering new ways and techniques of educational activities.

9. The principle of organizing collective activities. The task arises of developing the ability for collective action in older preschoolers, and the need for joint activities is formed, which contributes to the achievement of results.

10. The principle of advanced learning. This principle implies mastering practical knowledge in a learning environment and the ability to put it into practice, building children’s self-confidence, and ensuring a high level of results in future activities.

11. Principle of diagnosis. This principle involves checking the effectiveness of classes.

12. The principle of saving teaching time. Active learning methods allow you to reduce the time spent on acquiring knowledge and developing skills.

13. Principle of output control. It is necessary to monitor the success of training at the next stage.

Despite the variety of approaches to the classification of teaching methods, each of them is most effective under certain conditions for organizing the learning process, when performing certain didactic functions.

2 .1 . Active learning methods used in preschool educational institutions.

Active learning methods (in comparison with traditional ones) prepare students for creative independent activity. They are divided into non-imitation and imitation. Imitation methods are divided into gaming and non-gaming. Game methods include conducting games, game design, etc., and non-game methods include analysis of specific situations, solving situational problems, and others.

A game- the only sphere of life in which a child can demonstrate his own internal active position. Works of N.A. Bernstein, an outstanding Russian psychophysiologist, are devoted to the study of the connection between mental plans and movement plans. They say that different levels and the qualities of movement construction directly affect the corresponding brain structures. Mastering various movements is the goal of the player; the developmental task is not set directly - it is located within the action. In the process of organizing creative games, it is important creation of a game image and a game character.

Principles of organizing games:

  • simulation of the situation;
  • problematic content;
  • role interaction in joint activities;
  • dialogical communication;
  • two-dimensionality of gaming educational activities.

Simulation model of the game: goal, subject of the game, evaluation system.

Components of a game model: scenario, rules, goals, roles and functions of players.

The game model includes a pedagogical task, the purpose of which is training and education.

There are not many rules of the game; they must include technology, regulations, roles of players and presenters, and an evaluation system. Analysis of the game at the end carries the main, teaching and educational load.

Simulation exercises reinforce important skills or concepts in a creative setting. The conditions of such exercises must contain an element of contradiction.

Creative task method aims to stimulate creativity, the creation of new ways of acting (creative activity).

Development of creative thinking of preschool children based on TRIZ and RTV. Circles of Lull.

TRIZ technology adapted for preschool age allows you to teach a child under the motto “Through life with creativity!” and allows him to exercise independence in choosing a solution to the problem. The purpose of using this technology is to develop such qualities of a preschooler’s thinking as flexibility, mobility, systematicity, and dialecticity; personality traits - activity, desire for novelty; development of speech and creative imagination.

Description of the method.

Raymond Lull (lived in the 13th-14th centuries) created a device that consists of several circles of different diameters strung on a common rod (like a pyramid). An arrow is installed at the top of the rod. The circles are movable. All of them are divided into the same number of sectors. When the circles rotate freely, certain sectors appear under the arrow. Lull placed drawings on the sectors, wrote words and entire sayings. Anyone could ask a question and, using the resulting combination, get an answer that had to be deciphered using their imagination. Lull circles can also be used in reproductive activities.

To work with preschoolers, it is advisable to use no more than four circles of different diameters with the number of sectors from 4 to 8: with children fourth year In life, it is advisable to take only two circles of different diameters with 4 sectors on each; When working with children of the fifth year of life, two or three circles are used (4-6 sectors on each; children of the seventh year of life can cope with tasks that use four circles with 8 sectors on each.

It is advisable to conduct trainings with Circles of Lull outside of classes as play exercises (individually or with subgroups of children). The training should consist of two parts: 1) clarification of existing knowledge in certain areas (real task - RP); 2) exercises to develop imagination (fantastic task - FZ).

Technological chain of training.

1. On all sectors of the circle, pictures or signs indicate any objects.

2. The training task is set. Children are asked to find matches on the circles. They explain what happened.

3. The circles are untwisted, the children look at which images on the circles are under the arrow, and name them.

4. Based on the fantastic transformation, a creative product is compiled. Assumption practical significance objects with unusual features.

Developmental discomfort method allows you to stimulate active search behavior (search activity), to form a creative attitude towards the phenomena of the surrounding reality, both in terms of perception and knowledge of these phenomena, and in terms of their practical transformation.

Method of experimentation in a research situation helps stimulate the child’s actively transformative activity (search and cognitive activity).

Truly creative essence children's experimentation lies in the fact that it is not given to the adult child in advance in the form of one scheme or another, but is built by the preschooler himself as he receives new information about the object. The activity of experimentation is characterized by the complication and development of goal-setting actions: the child sets goals himself, achieves them, gaining new knowledge about objects. Children's experimentation is, as a rule, creative in nature and stimulates the formation of a creative personality. In its structure, an offensive position actively begins to play a leading role - the position of a small researcher - experimenter, which positively influences the development of all spheres of the preschooler’s psyche and determines the searching and testing structure of his personality. Research by modern young scientists in this area (for example, V.T. Kudryavtsev on children's experimentation as the basis of creativity) makes it possible to use the experimentation method in working with preschoolers.

The free activity of experimentation poses the following tasks for the child:

  • independently determine the purpose and methods of action (manipulation, modification, operation, correlation, etc.);
  • track your own results and correlate your actions with them;
  • fix the final product (it can be a new method of action or a new effect achieved).

Problematic method involves steps: problem situation, problem task, solution search model.

Popular heuristic search method is “Brainstorming” - a method of activating collective activity. The solution to the problem is controlled by the leader. He sets the conditions of the task before the “assault”. A group of “idea generators” put forward the maximum number of hypotheses, any fantastic, humorous, complementing each other. A group of experts evaluates the hypotheses. To activate the “assault,” the following techniques are used: inversion (do the opposite), analogy, empathy (figure out your feelings), fantasy.

These methods are focused on the development of the child’s activity and form the ability to interact, imagine and predict one’s own position, obtain results, and master social skills and forms of behavior. And all these qualities are the basis for preschoolers’ readiness for the conditions of modern life.

2. 2. Active methods and techniques aimed at the musical development of preschool children.

Let's look at some of the active methods I use in my practice of working with children of senior preschool age.

One of the modern and popular pedagogical technologies adapted for preschool childhood is the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), created by Genrikh Saulovich Altshuler. Principles and axioms general theory Strong thinking allows you to teach children to solve problem situations in various activities. Methods and techniques of TRIZ technology can be used in all areas of a child’s musical development. Didactic and visual aids and a developmental environment are the basis for the implementation of TRIZ technology. I made an attempt to test and adapt some methods and techniques of TRIZ technology at my kindergarten.

So, when working with children of senior preschool age when consolidating the song repertoire, I use the method of activating thinking: method morphological analysis songs. For clarity, I use the “Morphological Table”. For example, I put pictures depicting the seasons horizontally, and the characters of songs vertically (Appendix 1). Children easily remember the name of the song and talk about the nature of the music.

In the section “Playing children's musical instruments” I use the “Morphological table for inventing new things with children musical instrument"(Appendix 1): horizontally there are pictures with images of container objects, vertically - images of objects that can be used to fill the containers we have taken. By connecting the coordinate axes it turns out new tool. Children come up with the name of the resulting noise musical instruments, can make them themselves and play accompaniment on them.

Another type of morphological analysis is “ Circles of Lull".

Let's look at examples of using the "Circle of Lull" in the musical development of older preschoolers.

With the help of “Lulli Circles” I consolidate and systematize children’s knowledge about musical instruments and musical genres(Appendix 2). First circle - symbols: song, dance, march; second circle - musical instruments. On the musical instrument dropped in the circle, the child must perform an accompaniment in the dropped genre. In chapter " Musical and rhythmic movements"(Appendix 2) I use the following “Circles of Lull”: the first is fairy-tale characters, the second is movements in the form of symbols. Task: after spinning both circles, perform a movement in the character of the dropped hero. "Circles of Lull" - on performing arts(Appendix 3): the first circle - the four seasons, the second circle - pictograms with moods. Having untwisted both rings, children must remember and voice the song in the character of the dropped pictogram. Exercises for pair selection: a picture is installed in one of the sectors, the pair of which is selected by scrolling the second ring. (One picture of the 1st ring must correspond to one picture of the 2nd ring). For example, the exercise "Musical Instruments". Goal: teach children to identify parts of objects. Encourage explanation of practical significance unusual combination objects or parts thereof known to them. Material. There are two circles on the rod (on big circle- images of objects, on a small one - parts of these objects). Real task: clarifying existing knowledge about musical instruments (look at what object is under the arrow on the first circle, and find its part on the second). Fantastic task: for the development of imagination (spun the circles, look and name what is under the arrow). Make up a story about the resulting musical instrument (How could this musical instrument be used?). Exercise to develop pitch hearing“FIND A SOUND” (Appendix 4): 1st circle - images of animals making sounds of a certain pitch: bear, wolf, cat, mouse; 2nd circle - piano keyboard, painted in a different color outline (blue, purple, green, yellow) corresponding to the low, medium and high range. Real task: name the pitch of the sound by range (low, middle, high register). Find and play this sound on the piano keyboard in the appropriate register. Fantastic task: come up with a story where an animal would sing with a voice of such pitch. For example, in the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats,” the wolf began to sing in a thin (high) voice.

Preschoolers themselves can also be involved in the process of creating “Circles of Lull”.

A very interesting method for activating thinking, expanding vocabulary in children - focal object method . We select an item that we want to improve or give other unusual properties. For example, "Melody". I invite the children to come up with several object words. For example, “queen”, “snow”, “wind”. These objects are characterized, and then the formulated properties are transferred to the focal object we have chosen. For example: “the melody is harsh, prickly, cold, windy, like The Snow Queen" This method is used very effectively in the “Listening to Music” section, when children have difficulty finding words to describe musical works. And with the help of this method, vocabulary is activated, children begin to think and talk about the nature and content of a musical work.

Brainstorming Method used in almost every music lesson to activate mental operations, develop associative connections, as a group and individual discussion of various problem situations. For example, you need to come up with and tell a fairy tale, but without words. What should I do? What to do? A certain task is posed, the solution to which the children themselves propose, for example: with the help of music, gestures, movements, costumes, etc. The main thing is that children themselves put forward different, even the most incredible and unrealistic ideas and solutions. An example is the fairy tale “Aibolit”. Its content can be conveyed through music (C. Saint-Saens - “Royal March of the Lions” and “Elephants”, I. Morozov - fragments from the ballet “Doctor Aibolit”; M. Meerovich - “Song about Africa”; V. Popovich - “Africa”), costume elements (doctor’s cap, robe, caps of monkeys and other animals); toys; movements; facial expressions (Appendix 3).

Synectics . Possibilities of the method: make the unfamiliar familiar, and the familiar - alien. This work is based on the technique of empathy - personal assimilation: the child’s ability to identify himself with someone or something, to be able to empathize with an object. This technique was also successful on music lessons. Children transform in their movements into a sick doll in P.I. Tchaikovsky’s play “The Doll’s Illness” and a healthy one in the play “ New doll"; into a funny and clumsy clown in D. Kabalevsky’s play “Clowns” and so on. Thus, the perception and understanding of musical works occurs through sensations throughout the body.

Method "Symbolic analogy" can be used when introducing preschoolers to musical literacy. For example, children compare a melody with a pattern on fabric, where there is an alternation of motifs (Appendix 4).

In the musical development of preschoolers, it is appropriate to use such techniques as : “Music of my body” is a rhythmic play with the sounds of one’s body (clicking the tongue, tapping the cheeks, playing on the surfaces of the hands, feet, etc.). "Playing with sounds" made by different objects, for example: music born from noise (the rustle of paper of different textures, the sound of water, etc.). Noise instruments also participate in the development of the basics of intonation hearing and figurative-associative thinking (and a comb can turn out to be a musical instrument). “Graphic recording” - a symbolic representation of individual properties of musical sound (dynamics, pitch, duration, timbre), recording the simplest music and voicing it using graphic symbols. Graphic, color modeling music meets the specifics of music as an art form and the peculiarities of perception of preschoolers. The choice of color and overall graphic composition are carried out in accordance with the nature of the musical image and emotional experiences. The emphasis is on the special position of the lines, reflecting the register, the direction of melodic movement, dynamics, and rhythmic pulsation (Appendix 4). Can be used in classes opposition game"Good bad". So you can talk with children about the topic “Musical Instruments”: is a homemade musical instrument good or bad, why? (Good: you can make it yourself from any materials, bad - it can easily break, etc.)

Method of creative tasks. Creative tasks for the development of imaginative thinking and expressiveness of speech:

“Guess by the description.” Target- teach children to identify the characteristics of objects and identify an object by description. Guidelines. One of the children stands with his back to the players. The presenter takes turns showing the children a picture of a musical instrument, each one names something from the characteristics of this instrument and passes the picture to the next one. You need to name as many signs as possible and not repeat yourself. The driver (standing with his back) gives the name of the instrument. For example: drum; wood; painted; wide at one end, narrow at the other; always with a girlfriend or two; amuses people with Russian folk melodies. These are spoons.

"Name your friends." Target- teach children to select synonyms for one of the characteristics of a melody. Guidelines . The presenter names some feature of the listened melody (cheerful). Children should name as many as possible more values this sign (funny, amusing, laughing, etc.). Systemic use This technique in working with children of the fifth and sixth year of life helps to develop in preschoolers speech, creative imagination, as well as such qualities of thinking as flexibility, mobility, systematicity; search activity, desire for novelty.

“Draw music” - children convey in a drawing the content and mood of the musical piece they listened to, showing creativity in choosing colors, shapes, etc.

Techniques: showing the performance of compositions by children (choice of presenters instead of the teacher - in turn or at will); demonstrating the exercise using conventional gestures and facial expressions; “provocations,” that is, the teacher’s special mistakes when showing them in order to activate children’s attention and encourage them to notice and correct the mistake.

These techniques develop the ability to creative self-expression in movement to music, they lead children to a creative interpretation of a piece of music, develop the ability to independently select and combine familiar movements and come up with their own, original exercises. TO creative tasks, refers to the staging of songs. So, at the beginning, children are invited to listen to a song, pronounce the text, then play “tests” in which children try to express the content of the song in movements. The role of the teacher is to observe the children’s manifestations, support them, but in no case seize the initiative, but help in the selection of figurative movements and the design of a holistic composition.

Method of figurative and playful entry into music can be considered using the example of dramatizing songs. At the beginning, children are invited to listen to the song, delve into the text, then try to express the content of the song in movements. The role of the teacher is to observe the children’s manifestations, support them, help in selecting figurative movements and designing a holistic composition, but the initiative remains with the children. No less interesting and educational for children are plastic sketches, which are aimed at realizing the child’s own understanding of music.

Trial and error method - an innate method of thinking. When solving a problem, we put forward ideas one by one, evaluate them, and if we don’t like them, we discard them and put forward new ones. For example, with children we match the sound of a musical instrument to some object or phenomenon (the rustling of leaves, the ticking of a clock, the music of rain, the sound of drops).

The little people method. The essence of the method is to imagine an object in the form of a set (crowd) of little people. This model retains the advantages of empathy (visuality, simplicity). The technique of applying the method boils down to the following operations:

  • select a part of the object that cannot fulfill the requirements of the task and represent this part in the form of little people,
  • divide the people into groups that act (move) according to the conditions of the task,
  • consider and rebuild the resulting model so that conflicting actions are performed.

Example: modeling the duration of musical sounds with the help of little men (whole - great-grandmother or great-grandfather, half - grandmother or grandfather; quarter - mother or father; eighth - daughter or son (children). Children wear attributes characteristic of the age of the people being depicted. They explain and show that mom or dad take a step, and the children take 2 small steps for 1 of their steps, because their step is shorter. This means that the quarter duration is longer, and the eighth duration is half shorter. Other durations are depicted in the same way, coming to a certain conclusion.

“Staging by little people” technique in musical sketches : how to show an elastic band, why does it stretch, what happens if a stretched elastic band is released? In this case, the properties of the object are analyzed. All answers are modeled: children stand tightly behind each other, one child pulls the column towards themselves, the distance between children increases (stretched elastic band) and vice versa.

Active learning methods can be used at various stages of the educational process:

Stage 1 - primary acquisition of knowledge,

Stage 2 - knowledge control (consolidation),

Stage 3 - the formation of skills based on knowledge and the development of creative abilities.

Thus, the selected active teaching methods intensified educational and cognitive activity, contributed to encouraging preschoolers to be active in thinking, practical and creative activity in the process of mastering the material, developing their musical abilities and speech. As practice shows, the use of active methods is a necessary condition to prepare children for school and leads to positive results in musical development.

Annex 1.

Morphological table of song analysis:

Appendix 2

Task cards: “The motif of the pattern is equal to the motif of the note durations.”

Recording the duration of sounds using symbols.

Recording the pitch of sounds using symbols:

(steps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)


1. Altshuller G.S. "Find an Idea: An Introduction to the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving." Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1986.

2. Ardyatseva N.I., Sidorchuk T.A. "Sadko" Scientific and Methodological Center for Developmental Education (collection of materials).

3. Balaev A.A. Active learning methods. M., 1986

4. Borovik T. “Autumn Gamma.” Educational and methodological manual.

5. Borovik T. “Sounds, rhythms and words.” Educational and methodological manual.

6. Dementyeva T.V., Sharova N.M. "Methods of musical development of preschool children." Ulyanovsk, 2003.

7. Dementyeva T.V., Sharova N.M. Article " Musical development preschoolers using OTSM - TRIZ - RTV."

8. TRIZ classes in kindergarten: a manual for preschool teachers. institutions: 3rd ed. — Minsk: Information Computing Center of the Ministry of Finance, 2007

9. Tyutyunnikova T.E. Program “Learning to create. Elementary music-making: music, speech, movement.” Moscow, 2005.

Active teaching methods in preschool - page No. 1/1

Active teaching methods in preschool educational institutions

What we know is limited

And what we don’t know is endless.

P. Laplace

Remember how in school years Did you like playing with friends in the yard or during recess, and how upset was it that you had to read gray, boring textbooks and memorize long, abstruse phrases invented by adults? Let's open little secret– today nothing has changed, and children still want to play and do not like to do incomprehensible and uninteresting things imposed on them by adults. Children do not like to sit motionless and silent during long, uninteresting lessons, memorize a huge amount of information and then try to retell it for some unknown reason.

A reasonable question arises: why do we continue to use the very teaching methods that caused us boredom and irritation, and why don’t we do anything to change this situation? But we all know classic example Tom Sawyer, who skillfully turned the boring, forced task of painting a fence into exciting game, for which his friends gave up their most expensive treasures to participate! The purpose, content and even technique of the lesson remained the same - painting a fence, but how did the motivation, efficiency and quality of work change?! This means that it is possible, even under existing restrictions, to introduce new forms and methods of implementing educational programs into usual practice, especially since a serious need for this has long existed.

If a habitual and desirable form of activity for a child is a game, then it is necessary to use this form of organization of activity for learning, combining the game and the educational process, or more precisely, using game uniform organizing the activities of students to achieve educational goals. Thus, the motivational potential of the game will be aimed at more effective development of the educational program by schoolchildren.

And the role of motivation in successful learning can hardly be overestimated. Conducted studies of student motivation have revealed interesting patterns. It turned out that the importance of motivation for successful study is higher than the importance of the student’s intelligence. High positive motivation can play the role of a compensating factor in case of insufficient high abilities student, however, this principle does not work in the opposite direction - no abilities can compensate for the absence of a learning motive or its low expression and ensure significant academic success.

The goals of education set by the state, society and family, in addition to acquiring a certain set of knowledge and skills, are the disclosure and development of the child’s potential, the creation favorable conditions to realize his natural abilities. A natural play environment, in which there is no coercion and there is an opportunity for each child to find his place, show initiative and independence, and freely realize his abilities and educational needs, is optimal for achieving these goals. Sometimes the concepts of AMO are expanded, referring to them, for example, modern forms training organizations such as interactive seminar, training, problem-based learning, collaborative learning, educational games. Strictly speaking, these are forms of organizing and conducting an integral educational event or even a subject cycle, although, of course, the principles of these forms of teaching can also be used to conduct individual parts of the lesson.

In other cases, authors narrow the concepts of AMO, referring to them as individual methods that solve specific problems, as, for example, in the definition posted in the glossary federal portal Russian education:

ACTIVE LEARNING METHODS– methods that stimulate the cognitive activity of students. They are built mainly on dialogue, which involves a free exchange of views on ways to resolve a particular problem. A.m.o. are characterized high level student activity. The capabilities of various teaching methods in terms of enhancing educational and educational-industrial activities are different; they depend on the nature and content of the corresponding method, methods of their use, and the skill of the teacher. Each method is made active by the one who applies it.

In addition to dialogue, active methods also use polylogue, providing multi-level and diverse communication of all participants in the educational process. And, of course, the method remains active regardless of who applies it; another thing is that To achieve high-quality results from using AMO, appropriate teacher training is required.

Active learning methods is a system of methods that ensure activity and diversity in the mental and practical activities of students in the process of mastering educational material. AMOs are built on a practical orientation, playful action and the creative nature of learning, interactivity, various communications, dialogue and polylogue, the use of knowledge and experience of students, a group form of organizing their work, the involvement of all senses in the process, an activity-based approach to learning, movement and reflection.

The effectiveness of the learning process and results using AMO is determined by the fact that the development of methods is based on a serious psychological and methodological basis.

Directly active methods include methods used within an educational event, during its implementation. Each stage of the lesson uses its own active methods to effectively solve specific tasks of the stage.

Directly active methods include methods used within an educational event during its implementation. Each stage of the lesson uses its own active methods to effectively solve specific tasks of the stage.

Methods such as “Gifts”, “Compliments”, “Hello Noses” will help us start activities, set the desired rhythm, ensure a working mood and a good atmosphere in the group. An example of an AM for the start of an educational event “Get your noses healthy.” The purpose of AMO is to meet children with each other and greet each other. All children and the teacher participate. Time – 3-4 minutes. Conduct: Children stand in a circle. The teacher invites the children to say hello to as many children as possible by simply saying their name and touching each other with the tip of their nose. After 3-4 minutes, the children gather in a circle again and greet each other with a smile. This funny game allows you to have a fun start to the lesson, warm up before more serious exercises, and helps to establish contact between children.

The next example of an active method is the presentation of educational material. You can use a method such as “Seven-flowered flower”. In the process of activity, the teacher regularly has to communicate new material. This method will allow us to orient children in the topic, present them with the main directions of movement for further independent work with new material. “Seven-flowered flower” is attached to the information board. In the center of it is the name of the topic. Each flower petal is filled but closed. By opening the petal, children find out what will happen to them, what task they need to complete. The petals open as the material is presented. In this way, all new material is presented clearly and in a clearly structured manner, and its key points are highlighted.

Another active method is “Brain attack”. Brainstorming (brainstorming, brainstorming) is a widely used method of generating new ideas for solving scientific and practical problems. Its goal is to organize collective mental activity to find unconventional ways to solve problems. Brainstorming participants are encouraged to freely express their expectations and concerns in the session and to put forward ideas without any criticism from the participants in the session at the time of generating original and non-standard ideas, but with their subsequent critical examination.

During joint activities, an active method such as relaxation is used. The purpose of this method is to increase the energy level in the group and relieve unnecessary tension that arose during the lesson. As a rule, this can be physical education or an outdoor game.

At the end of the lesson, the active “Cafe” method is used, with which you can summarize the results. The teacher asks the children to imagine that they spent today in a cafe and now the director of the cafe asks them to answer several questions: What did you like best? What else would you eat? What else do you need to add? What have you eaten too much? Of course, only children of senior preschool age can answer these questions. The teacher’s task is to use these questions to find out what the children have learned well and what needs to be paid attention to in the next lesson. Feedback from children allows you to adjust tasks for the future.

This way, the lesson will go unnoticed and fun using active learning methods, bringing pleasure to the children and the teacher.