The relationship between Katerina and the wild boar in the drama Thunderstorm. Katerina and the boar as two poles of folk life

Among famous Russian landscape painters, Sergei Baulin is considered one of the exemplary masters architectural painting. His canvases often feature buildings known to all of us, including the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl.

Karina is made in rather dark colors. The artist depicted a cloudy summer day, this is understandable due to the fact that the sky is painted in a dark blue, blurry color. On foreground The painting depicts a river bank covered with green grass. Small shrubs and trees also grow on it. The defenseless bare trunk of a tree standing right there catches your eye. We can discern that its branches and trunk have already been dried out by the scorching sun.

The center of the picture is occupied by the temple itself. With its snow-white walls, it seems to make a hole in this entire gloomy landscape, thereby demonstrating God's light pouring from heaven to earth. The church is painted in sufficient detail; we can see not only the windows that are located on each of its four sides, but also the carved patterns that so exquisitely decorate its facade. The building is located on a green hill, which is completely surrounded by water.

It is historically known that this hill was built on purpose, since the river constantly flooded in the spring. Surrounded by green trees, the church shoots its dome, topped with a gilded cross, which seems to radiate a mysterious shimmer, high into the sky. Perhaps it was the refracted shine Orthodox cross, so amazingly colors the clouds behind the temple, turning them into bizarre purple spots. The hill seems to be an endless green sea that extends over the entire free space of the canvas. The glare of the church is reflected on the surface of the river, also standing out among the rather restrained, predominantly dark color of the water. Surprisingly, the artist depicts the reflection of the trees on the water surface more clearly than they themselves.

Considering this work, you can’t help but think about how talented craftsmen our ancestors were. Without modern technical means at their disposal, they erected such beautiful architectural monuments. Of course, such buildings not only demonstrate the potential domestic craftsmen, but also their unshakable faith, thanks to which the spiritual beauty through which our communication with God occurs is so accurately conveyed, even when viewing similar images.

Description of the picture

Famous master landscape painting Sergei Baulin knew how to combine gorgeous landscapes with unique architectural buildings. An example of such work is his painting “The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl”, where he depicts the nature of the Russian land, in the lush embrace of which there is a white-stone temple, an outstanding crown of Russian architecture.

The church in honor of the shrine of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary is a symbol of the prosperity of the Orthodox faith in Rus'. The church itself is small in size, but this does not prevent it from rising above the expanses. Vladimir region and fascinate with its uniqueness. The author conveys in detail all the architectural solutions of the building, even the most visible small parts facade finishing. High Entrance door, made in the form of an arch, attracts you to go inside and plunge into spiritual world this historical building. A picturesque place and beauty - the Nerl River with its bright spring colors, allows Baulin to depict on canvas the entire atmosphere of this beautiful corner of Russia.

The majestic dome of the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary rises almost to heaven and resembles a halo; the church itself resembles an angel, whose wings guard the expanses of this holy place. It’s hard to believe that the church was created in Rus', but at the same time it has retained its beautiful appearance and is still one of the greatest monuments of world art.

The area that was chosen for the construction of the temple does not leave connoisseurs indifferent artistic arts. The temple is located on a majestic man-made hill, on the banks of the Nerl River, which is a tributary of the mighty Volga.

The river washes its banks clean waters and reflects the boundless blue sky, covered with clouds. Thus, it makes you plunge into the depths of your soul and feel the wonderful feelings of freedom and peace.

The painting by a talented painter very deeply conveys the atmosphere of this place, filling everyone who comes across it with spiritual strength. A ray of energy pierces through the canvas, which gives inner strength and inspiration. It is not surprising that Baulin depicted in his work exactly this place, which inspired him too.

Several interesting essays

The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl is an amazing building that has come down to us from the depths of centuries, greatest monument world architecture. Many artists depicted this temple on their canvases. The Church of the Intercession is located on the banks of the Nerl River, not far from Bogolyubov, in a very picturesque place. On the one hand there is a majestic river, on the other - beautiful lake. The church is located as if on a hill, it seems that the golden dome rushes into the clouds. The building is decorated with carvings. The temple can rightfully be called the pearl of world architecture. The history of this church is very interesting, dating back many centuries. It was built in 1165 in honor of the completion of Andrei Bogolyubsky’s campaign in Bulgaria, as well as in memory of his deceased son, young Izyaslav. In those distant times, next to the church there was a pier where ships of foreign ambassadors and merchants moored. So the church was kind of business card Vladimir-Suzdal Rus'. Visitors first of all saw amazing beautiful temple, were imbued with the greatness of the Russian state.

For Orthodox people The Church of the Intercession is a real shrine. You can imagine the mood with which people visit this temple. For them, this is a holiday that evokes the brightest feelings and blissful mood in their souls.

Sergei Vasilyevich Gerasimov, a talented Russian painter, paid a lot of attention to landscapes. The painting by S. V. Gerasimov “Church of the Intercession on the Nerl” evokes in the viewer positive emotions. There is something sacred in the soul of every person. And contemplation of the majestic temple makes you think about eternal values. The composition of Gerasimov’s painting is such that the church is not shown on its own, it is like the center of a small Universe, represented by an amazing Russian landscape. beauty surrounding nature only emphasizes the grace and sophistication of the temple, which is the work of human hands.

Sergei Alekseevich Baulin is a famous Russian artist, he is rightfully considered a master architectural landscape. The painter masterfully depicted in his canvases architectural styles various times. In the painting “Church of the Intercession on the Nerl” the church is shown close-up. We can see the smallest details, in particular the amazingly beautiful carvings that adorn the building. The proportions of the temple are such that it looks sophisticated, elegant and somehow airy. As if he is not the work of earthly craftsmen, but a creation of heaven. The building seems alive and spiritual. The very thought of how long ago the temple was created cannot but delight our contemporaries. The extraordinary talent of ancient Russian masters, our distant ancestors, is undeniable. We couldn't be more proud of this. And let every time you look at the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl, pure, sincere, sublime feelings awaken in your soul. And the paintings famous masters allow us to enjoy the contemplation of the temple, even if we cannot see it with our own eyes.

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From half a dozen female characters“Thunderstorms” in the foreground are undoubtedly the characters of Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova and her daughter-in-law Katerina. These are two main, largely opposite images that largely shape the reader and viewer’s view of the whole world, designated by Dobrolyubov as a dark kingdom. As you can see, Ostrovsky, unlike Dobrolyubov, does not take Katerina beyond patriarchal world Moreover, she is unthinkable without him. Is it possible to imagine Katerina without a sincere and deep religious feeling, without her memories of parental home, in which, it seems, everything is the same as in the Kabanovs’ house, but what’s more, can you imagine her without her melodious song language? Katerina embodies the poetic side of the patriarchal way of Russian life, best qualities Russian national character. But the people who surround her are terribly far from her in their spiritual properties, especially Kabanikha. It is worth comparing their words and actions. Kabanikha's speech is leisurely and monotonous, her movements are slow; living feelings awaken in her only when the conversation concerns the customs and orders of antiquity, which she fiercely defends. Kabanikha in everything relies on the authority of antiquity, which seems unshakable to her, and expects the same from those around her. It is a mistake to believe that Kabanikha, like Dikiy, belongs to the type of tyrants. Such a “tyrant couple” in a drama would be redundant, but Ostrovsky does not repeat himself, each of his images is artistically unique. Dikoy is psychologically much more primitive than Marfa Ignatievna; he more closely corresponds to the type of tyrant discovered by Ostrovsky in his early plays; Kabanova is much more difficult. None of her demands are dictated by her whim or caprice; she only requires strict compliance orders established by custom and traditions. These customs and traditions replace legal laws and dictate unshakable moral rules. Katerina has a similar attitude towards traditions, for her these customs and traditions, these rules are sacred, but in her speech and behavior there is no trace of Kabanikha’s deadness, she is very emotional, and she also perceives tradition emotionally, as something living and active. Katerina’s experiences and feelings are reflected not only in her words - this image is accompanied by numerous author’s remarks; regarding Kabanikha, Ostrovsky is much less verbose.
The main difference between Katerina and Kabanikha, the difference that takes them to different poles, is that following the traditions of antiquity for Katerina is a spiritual need, but for Kabanikha it is an attempt to find the necessary and only support in anticipation of the collapse of the patriarchal world. She does not think about the essence of the order that she protects; she has emptied the meaning and content from it, leaving only the form, thereby turning it into dogma. Beautiful essence ancient traditions and she turned customs into a meaningless ritual, which made them unnatural. We can say that Kabanikha in “The Thunderstorm” (just like Dikoy) personifies a phenomenon characteristic of the crisis state of the patriarchal way of life, and not inherent in it initially. The deadening effect of boars and wild animals on living life It manifests itself with particular clarity precisely when life forms are deprived of their former content and are preserved as museum relics. Katerina represents the best qualities of patriarchal life in their pristine purity.
Thus, Katerina belongs to the patriarchal world - in its original meaning - to a much greater extent to a greater extent than Kabanikha, Dikoy and all the other characters in the drama. Artistic purpose the latter - to outline the reasons for the doom of the patriarchal world as fully and comprehensively as possible. So, Varvara follows the line of least resistance - adapts to the situation, accepts the “rules of the game” in the “dark kingdom”, in which everything is built on deception and appearances. She learned to deceive and take advantage of opportunities; she, like Kabanikha,

Katerina is an outwardly fragile, tender and open-to-feeling young woman, not at all as defenseless as she seems at first glance. She is strong inside, she is a fighter against this." dark kingdom" Katerina is a girl who is able to stand up for herself, who is capable of much for the sake of her love. But she is alone in this world, and it’s hard for her, so she is looking for support. It seems to her that she finds support in Boris. And she strives for him in every possible way, no matter what. She chose him because Boris stood out from all the young people in this city, and they both had a similar situation. But in the finale, Boris abandons her, and she is left alone against the “dark kingdom.” To accept and return to Kabanikha’s house meant not to be herself. Suicide is the only way out. Katerina passes away because she does not accept this world - the world of Kabanikha, Dikiy, Tikhon and Boris. Kabanikha is a completely different person, she is the opposite of Katerina. She is completely satisfied with the world in which she lives. No one ever dared to contradict her, but then Katerina appears, unwilling to put up with Kabanikha’s rudeness, rudeness and cruelty. And therefore Katerina, with her self-esteem, constantly irritates Kabanikha. A conflict is brewing between Katerina and Kabanikha. This conflict does not explode until there are reasons for it. And the reason is Katerina’s confession of cheating on her husband. And Katerina understands that after this her life is over, because Kabanikha will then completely bully her. And she decides to commit suicide. After the death of Katerina, Kabanikha remains satisfied, because now no one will resist her. Katerina’s death is a kind of protest against this world, a world of lies and hypocrisy, to which she could never get used to. But Katerina and Kabanikha have something in common, because they are both capable of standing up for themselves, both do not want to put up with humiliation and insult, both a strong character. But their reluctance to be humiliated and insulted manifests itself in different ways. Katerina will never respond to rudeness with rudeness. Kabanikha, on the contrary, will try in every possible way to humiliate, offend, and bully a person who says something unpleasant in her direction. Katerina and Kabanikha have different attitudes towards God. If Katerina’s feeling for God is something bright, holy, inviolable and highest, then for Kabanikha it is only an external, superficial feeling. Even going to church for Kabanikha is only to make the impression of a pious lady on those around her. The most suitable comparison between Katerina and Kabanikha is something light and something dark, where Katerina is light and Kabanikha is dark. Katerina is a ray of light in “ dark kingdom" But this “ray” is not enough to illuminate this darkness that in the end it fades out altogether. The hero's mental flabbiness and the heroine's moral generosity are most obvious in their scene. last date. Katerina’s hopes are in vain: “If only I could live with him, maybe I would see some kind of joy.” “If only”, “maybe”, “some kind”... Little consolation! But even here she finds the strength to think not about herself. This is Katerina asking her beloved for forgiveness for the troubles she has caused him. Boris couldn’t even imagine such a thing. He won’t really be able to save or even feel sorry for Katerina: “Who knew that we should suffer so much with you for our love! It would be better for me to run then!” But didn’t she remind Boris of the price to pay for loving married woman folk song performed by Kudryash, didn’t Kudryash warn him about the same thing: “Eh, Boris Grigoryich, stop annoying me! Isn’t that what you told Boris? Alas, the hero simply did not hear any of this. Dobrolyubov soulfully saw an epochal meaning in the “Thunderstorm” conflict, and in the character of Katerina - “a new phase of our people’s life.” But, idealizing in the spirit of then popular ideas women's emancipation free love, he impoverished the moral depth of Katerina’s character. Dobrolyubov considered the hesitation of the heroine who fell in love with Boris, the burning of her conscience, “the ignorance of a poor woman who did not receive theoretical education" Duty, loyalty, conscientiousness, with the maximalism characteristic of revolutionary democracy, were declared “prejudices”, “artificial combinations”, “conventional instructions of the old morality”, “old rags”. It turned out that Dobrolyubov looked at Katerina’s love with the same un-Russian ease as Boris. Explaining the reasons for the heroine’s nationwide repentance, we will not repeat, following Dobrolyubov’s words, about “superstition,” “ignorance,” and “religious prejudices.” We will not see cowardice and fear in Katerina’s “fear” external punishment. After all, such a look turns the heroine into a victim of the dark kingdom of the Boars. The true source of the heroine’s repentance lies elsewhere: in her sensitive conscience. “It’s not so scary that it will kill you, but that death will suddenly find you as you are, with all your sins, with all your evil thoughts. I’m not afraid to die, but when I think that I’ll suddenly appear before God as I am here with you, after this conversation, that’s what’s scary.” “My heart really hurts,” says Katerina in a moment of confession. “Whoever has fear, there is also God,” echoes her folk wisdom. From time immemorial, “fear” was understood by the Russian people as a heightened moral self-awareness. IN " Explanatory dictionary V. I. Dahl “fear” is interpreted as “consciousness of moral responsibility.” This definition corresponds state of mind heroines. Unlike Kabanikha, Feklushi and other heroes of “The Thunderstorm,” Katerina’s “fear” is inner voice her conscience. Katerina perceives the thunderstorm as the chosen one: what is happening in her soul is akin to what is happening in the stormy skies. This is not slavery, this is equality. Katerina is equally heroic in both passionate and reckless love interest, and in deeply conscientious national repentance. “What a conscience!.. What a mighty Slavic conscience!.. What moral strength... What huge, sublime aspirations, full of power and beauty,” wrote V. M. Doroshevich about Katerina Strepetova in the scene of repentance. And S.V. Maksimov told how he happened to sit next to Ostrovsky during the first performance of “The Thunderstorm” with Nikulina-Kositskaya in the role of Katerina. Ostrovsky watched the drama in silence, absorbed in himself. But in that “pathetic scene when Katerina, tormented by remorse, throws herself at the feet of her husband and mother-in-law, repenting of her sin, Ostrovsky, all pale, whispered: “It’s not me, not me: it’s God!” Ostrovsky, obviously, did not believe that he could write such an amazing scene.” It’s time for us to appreciate not only the love, but also the repentant impulse of Katerina. Having gone through the stormy trials, the heroine is morally cleansed and leaves this sinful world with the consciousness of her rightness: “He who loves will pray.” “Death due to sins is terrible,” people say. And if Katerina is not afraid of death, then her sins have been atoned for. Her departure takes us back to the beginning of the tragedy. Death is sanctified by the same full-blooded and life-loving religiosity that has entered the heroine’s soul since childhood. “There is a grave under the tree... The sun warms it... birds will fly to the tree, they will sing, they will bring out the children...” Katerina dies surprisingly. Her death is the last flash of spiritualized love for God's peace: to trees, birds, flowers and herbs. Monologue about the grave - awakened metaphors, folk mythology with her belief in immortality. A person, dying, turns into a tree growing on a grave, or into a bird making a nest in its branches, or into a flower that gives a smile to passers-by - these are the constant motives folk songs about death. When leaving, Katerina retains all the signs that, according to popular belief, distinguished the saint: she is dead as if she were alive. “And exactly, guys, like alive! There’s only a small wound on the temple, and there’s only one drop of blood.”