The Last Supper author. “The Last Supper”: the story of the famous fresco by Leonardo da Vinci

Spirits Day is the beginning of the mermaid week and the time when the dead are among the living. This is what our ancestors thought. This holiday is actually a continuation of the Trinity and the beginning of the mermaid week.

Spirits Day in 2016

Spiritual Day is celebrated immediately after the Trinity Day and is a transitional holiday. It always falls on a Monday and in some countries is even a day off. For those who profess Catholicism, it is also called Monday of the Holy Spirit. In 2016, Spiritual Day is celebrated on June 20. To make the holiday also beneficial for the soul, read a prayer to the Holy Spirit: today it is more relevant than ever.

Slavic traditions and beliefs

U Eastern Slavs there was a belief that the Earth turns out to have a birthday on such a date, since it was created on this very day. The Earth's name day is an ancient folk holiday.

It was believed that whatever the weather was like on that day, it would stay like that until the end of summer, that is, the remaining 6 weeks. In some places there was even a ritual performed mainly by married older women. They went into the field and had a kind of feast. From time to time they stopped the meal and took part of the food, which they “fed” to the Earth with songs. They carefully covered her with earth and said: “Birthday Earth, give me a good harvest!”

On this day, as our ancestors believed, mermaids went for a walk in the fields. And on this day, the water maidens did not cause any harm: they irrigated the land and contributed to a good harvest.

The beliefs of the Spiritual Day are connected not only with the Earth. They also remembered the souls of the departed. It was believed that they sat on the branches of birch trees, which were placed on the shrine or stuck in the windows. As on Trinity and many days close to this holiday, the main beliefs are associated not with anything, but with the deceased and otherworldly evil forces. They believed that the evil spirits were most afraid of the Spiritual Day.

Herbs acquired special power on this day. The girls told fortunes using the wreaths, throwing them into the water. If the wreath sank, then there would be trouble, and if it floated, then happiness would come. Women collected medicinal plants. It was believed that they would cure diseases faster and more effectively. For example, you can collect herbs for the famous monastery collection.

In some regions of Russia there was a peculiar ritual. Women went to the consecrated spring or well. They threw a coin there and then prayed. With this water one could wash oneself and cleanse oneself of sins.

Signs for Spirits Day

It was forbidden to dredge and cultivate the land in any way, because it seemed to be “bearing” a harvest within itself, and it could be harmed. If you harm the Earth, you may end up losing all the fruits of your field labors.

On this day, the Earth seemed to reveal its secrets and, putting your ear to it, you could hear where the treasure was buried. Such a secret was revealed to few: it was not enough to simply pray to the Holy Spirit that day. Only the righteous could hear the voice of the Earth.

Spirits Day in paganism and Orthodoxy

The traditions of Orthodoxy and paganism are intertwined in many holidays. However, it is necessary to distinguish between two completely different approaches to this day. After all, Orthodoxy and paganism are incompatible in their essence, and it is a sin for a Christian believer to follow pagan rituals and beliefs.

In the folk and almost entirely pagan tradition of the Spirits, Day is the beginning of the Rusal week, which is central to big cycle spring and summer holidays. It is believed that until this time, the souls of ancestors remain on earth with people. For this reason, commemoration of deceased relatives was common. A funeral ceremony was also held for Kostroma, a straw effigy, which was eventually dismantled and drowned.

In Christianity, on this day all saints are revered - even those who have not been canonized. It is interesting that in Catholicism it is not a week, but All Saints Day, and on November 1, immediately after Halloween.

In 2016, Trinity Monday is close to another important holiday, the summer solstice, which is also of great importance in most European cultures. All the best, and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.06.2016 02:15

A person’s well-being largely depends on the gift received for christening, because this day is one...

According to the Orthodox faith, the majority church holidays directly depend on what time Easter is celebrated. Therefore, many are interested in what date is Holy Spirit Day in 2018.

Spiritual Day is always celebrated on Monday, the day after Trinity. Another name for the holiday is Holy Spirit Day.

Interesting fact. Catholics celebrate this holiday on the same day as Trinity. Since Trinity in 2018 falls on May 27, the Day of the Holy Spirit is celebrated at the same time. Such customs were established many centuries ago, which is one of the features of different movements of Orthodoxy.

According to Orthodox customs, this holiday is celebrated the day after Trinity, and among the common people such days are called Pentecost. And before these two holidays, they don’t forget about one more thing - Trinity Parents' Saturday. On such a day, all Christians remember and remember their deceased loved ones. In most cases, they go to their graves, clean up the mess and put flowers. An integral part of such a day on the eve of the Holy Spirit is going to church, where you need to light candles for the repose of your loved ones.

It is on this day that both the Orthodox and the Orthodox are intertwined into one whole. pagan traditions. It is worth noting that the Day of the Holy Spirit in the past became the first day in history, which marked the beginning of the spread of Christianity in the world, since the apostles had the opportunity to divulge their faith and bring it to the masses.

Religious meaning holiday:

The holiday gets its name from the fact that in the past it was on this day that the descent of the Holy Spirit to the apostles was observed. The apostles who were in the Zion Upper Room prayed tirelessly. They continued to do this since the death of Jesus Christ, since he told them about the miracle that they would eventually see.

At about 3 o'clock in the afternoon they heard a loud noise in the sky, as if a storm was raging. strong storm. And at that same hour the Holy Spirit descended. He was surrounded by hundreds of fiery rays. At that same hour all the apostles began to speak in different languages and, remarkably, they understood each other without difficulty. This helped them spread the word of God around the world in various languages, which the inhabitants of all countries would understand. Also, the Holy Spirit filled the souls of people with a piece of his soul.

The descent of the Holy Spirit to the apostles occurred exactly on the fiftieth day after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The apostles were given the opportunity to heal people in need and bring the word of God to the world. It is noteworthy that out of all the twelve apostles, eleven were executed because of their deeds and spreading the word of God among people. The twelfth apostle John the Theologian died a natural death. Since then, this day has been considered the birth of the Christian Church.

Festive liturgies are held in churches in honor of such an event. It is believed that it is on such a day that the Holy Spirit descends from heaven and visits every person, not leaving him without his attention. Prayers begin to be recited on Trinity evening. All the deceased are mentioned in them. If desired, everyone can order a special prayer service for their loved ones or magpie.

All living people on this day wish only the best: enlightenment, goodness, indulgence. It is interesting that on such days in most churches, when reading prayers, small figures of doves are hung under the icons, which symbolizes the descent of the Holy Spirit.

Before today The icon “The Descent of the Holy Spirit”, whose author was Prokhor, has been preserved. The work dates back to around 1405. It fully reflects church stories about the descent of the Spirit over the twelve apostles.

If we talk about Ancient Jerusalem, then this holiday was special here. Then, under one sky, all people gathered together: the simple, the rich, the healthy, and the infirm, in order to honor the memory of such a great divine act.

Folk traditions and holiday customs:

According to historians, it is Christians who have extremely deep roots, which in time span exceed several thousand years and bring us closer to paganism. Before Christianity came, most people celebrated another holiday on the day of the Holy Spirit - the Name Day of the Earth. And from the time Christianity began to spread in Rus', people did not forget about their previous traditions and beliefs, but only expanded their boundaries.

On this day it is customary to decorate entrance doors into the house or gate with birch branches. It is believed that this particular ritual will help cleanse the house. In addition, on such days the girls always told fortunes and did this too with the help of thin birch branches and various herbs, colors. To begin with, they wove wreaths and put them on their heads. After some time, they took them off, then went to the river. Here they launched them into the water. If a birch wreath floats, it foretells happiness for the owner; if it sinks, there will be trouble in a young woman’s life.

Also on this day, unmarried people were allowed to tell fortunes enough in a simple way. To do this, the girls got together and began to spin wildly in any direction. When each one spins too much, it will fall in some direction. It was believed that it was from that side that her betrothed would come. However, if during such a fortune-telling the girl was hurt by someone, then she had to repeat it, since it was untrue.

Another custom is associated with the fact that on the eve of the Day of the Holy Spirit on Trinity, girls gathered in the field and made wreaths, after which they hung them on the nearest birch tree. The very next day they came and studied it. If the wreath has withered, then the girl should be careful, troubles will await her. If you stay fresh, then the year will be successful and you won’t have to expect trouble. And if some flowers have bloomed, then someone is waiting for the young woman near the house, and good news will come very soon.

Traditions say that on this day the earth is pregnant with the future harvest, and its peace must not be disturbed. And therefore it was forbidden to do ordinary work related to the earth. In addition, on the evening of the holiday, people “fed” the earth: they went out into the field and took tablecloths with them. After this, they began to have dinner, and a few pieces of food were scattered across the field, donating it to the earth.

According to ancient rituals, it was customary to gather on this day large families, set “expensive” tables and treat loved ones. There must be a loaf of bread on the tables that was baked by the housewife herself. Pancakes are also considered an integral dish on any table on this day.

It is also not prohibited to organize celebrations in nature, however, according to traditions, there are some precautions that say not to choose a place in nature near swampy areas or near growing birches. It is in the swamps that mermaids live, who will try to take young girls to them, and the souls of deceased people will live near the birches that evening.

Quite often you can hear that it was on the Day of the Holy Spirit that young people danced in circles near birch trees, which symbolizes the fertility of the earth and gratitude to it for this. However, such rituals can only be performed in the morning or afternoon; doing this in the evening is strictly prohibited. Some, after rituals with birch trees, take several of its branches and hide them in their homes in secluded place. It is believed that this is how the family protects itself from unclean Spirits.

Folk signs on the day of the Holy Spirit:

There are quite a lot of signs that people pay attention to on this day. However, the main ones again came from the times of paganism and were slightly deformed after the spread of Christianity. This day has always been considered the day of mermaids, who crawled out of the water at night and swung on tree branches, calling young girls to them.

Despite all the mysticism of such events, people believed that thick and green grass would grow exactly in the place where the mermaid’s foot stepped. Young people very often went out on this day to “chase the mermaids” and ran through the meadows, steppes and forests.

One of the most important signs on this day is if you wash your face cold water in the morning on the day of the celebration of the Holy Spirit, then you can wash away any illnesses from yourself. It also helped protect against evil spirits for the entire next year. Often people with families went to wash themselves with river water or collected it from a well.

According to another sign, the souls of the dead, who visited loved ones on the day of the Holy Spirit and who had not yet had time to descend to heaven, visited places that were especially important to them and circled above them. If you look closely, you will never see the Spirit, because it hides in the branches of birch trees.

People also say that whatever the weather will be like on this day, it will be like that for the next month. It is interesting that it was in past times that they said that summer begins with the celebration of the Day of the Holy Spirit. Also, on such a day you should never worry, because any evil spirits are afraid of this day.

If on this day you need to cleanse the house from evil Spirits, then in the morning they collect wormwood branches and decorate their house with them. It is believed that their scent will ward off evil spirits throughout the year.

It was believed that on this day mermaids could drag anyone under water. Therefore, women who went to a well or river to fetch water always said: "went on water" since go "for water" meant bringing trouble upon oneself. By folk beliefs, on the day of the Holy Spirit one could drown even in shallow water.

Our ancestors believed that under no circumstances should you look at your reflection in the water on this day. This could lead to the girl or guy losing their true love.

What you can do on Holy Spirit Day:

*walk through the fresh dew in the morning. Such a ritual, as they believed in the old days, will attract good luck to life

*go to church, light candles for the repose of the soul, pray for happiness for the living

*gather healing herbs, mint, lemon balm, sedge will be especially strong on this day

*bless herbs in church

*bathing, washing with water from the river

*gather families and have a feast

* wash your face in the morning with water from a well or river

*make peace with those with whom you have been quarreling for a long time

What not to do on Holy Spirit Day:

*people said that running on this day is prohibited, because this way you can run away from your fate

*doing things in the garden: digging, planting, loosening the soil

*sewing, tinkering, making repairs

*clean the house

*lock yourself at home alone. It is advisable to invite guests, go to church for a service yourself, or simply visit family and friends

*mention someone with a bad word, bring trouble to the enemy

Holy Spirit Day is a holiday that has centuries-old history. Despite the fact that everyone celebrates this day in their own way, there are also common traditions every family and people. The Day of the Holy Spirit is a time of peace and tranquility on earth, which marks the Lord's protection and condescension towards people.

Traditions and customs on Spiritual Day:

It seems that such a day should begin with a service in the temple or prayer. However, according to ancient belief, on Spiritual Day many tried to listen to the earth. To do this, even before sunrise, they went out into the street, put their ear to the ground and listened. This ritual was performed in the hope that in this way great secrets would be revealed to them. But at the same time, everyone then sincerely believed that this could only happen to a select few.

As we have already mentioned, on this day we went into the forest with the priest to sprinkle the birch tree with holy water. However, this ritual was also performed over the well. Our ancestors sincerely believed that in this way they saved it from drying out, and also this sprinkling of the well helps to keep the water clean and fresh.

If on the feast of the Holy Trinity women did not have time to collect medicinal herbs, then on Spiritual Day they corrected this. After all, according to beliefs, on this holiday all herbs do not lose their special power, and are also capable of healing, like herbs collected on Trinity.

Since Spiritual Day is strongly associated with paganism, even after the adoption of Christianity our people tried to appease evil spirits. To do this, women went into the forest, to the river and hung old children's clothes everywhere.

At the same time, it was believed that if you meet a mermaid, then there is a huge chance of gaining wealth and prosperity, but there is also a risk of getting misfortune and misfortune on your head. After all, at the same time, there was a belief that mermaids could tickle you to death, or carry you away in a round dance. Girls and children had to be especially wary, so during Rusalya Week they were not allowed into the forest.

It was also common practice to feed the earth on this day. To do this, women went out into the field, laid out a blanket and had a meal. If this ritual is performed, then, according to our ancestors, there will be a good and rich harvest all year. And some of the food was either distributed around different parts fields, or tried to bury some food, saying: “Birthday Earth, give us a harvest.”

The well, which was consecrated, was constantly visited during the day. They washed, left funeral food, threw a coin and prayed. Thus, in ancient times in Rus' they tried to wash away all sins and cleanse themselves.

After the temple, many hurried to the cemetery to decorate the graves with birch branches. There was also a meal there. However, they did not take all the remaining food home, but left it in the cemetery.

The holiday ended with the symbolic burial of Kostroma, the role of which was most often taken by a young girl. She was dressed in white clothes, and then they laid her on boards, after which they carried the girl to the river and performed the “awakening” ritual. Then everyone swam together and had a party. This ritual symbolized that Kostroma resurrects after death and bestows fertility and a good harvest.

Fortune telling on Spiritual Day:

Fortune telling with wreaths was also relevant on this day. Therefore, the girls did not miss the opportunity to tell fortunes on the river.

To do this, they floated a wreath along the river:

*if he drowned, then there will be trouble and the girl will soon become very ill;

*if she landed on the shore, then she will get married this year;

*if the wreath has floated far away, then the girl will soon meet strong and long-lasting love.

The girls also tried to find out through fortune-telling about which side she should wait for her beloved. To do this, they circled on this day, who would fall in which direction, and from there await their fate. Or they scattered the fragments of an old plow - in which direction it fell, she would wait for her beloved.

Also, unmarried young girls curled a birch tree a few days before the holidays, and already on Trinity or Spiritual Day they came to develop it. If during this time the branches have withered, then the girl will soon get sick or be in trouble, but if the branches are fresh, then the girl will have good luck, joy and luck this year.

The prayer to the Holy Spirit, which will be discussed below, is universal. It is usually referred to as morning prayers. Reading the lines of this prayer, we turn to the holy principle of God, which lives in every person.

Holy Spirit in the Bible:

In general, in Christianity the Holy Spirit is a certain independent entity, an incorporeal creature that permeates both world of the dead, and so is the world of the living. It is the Holy Spirit who performs the rite of baptism. This is a kind of incorporeal personality that has no character, no face and no emotions. It is designed to give strength to any person and give its great blessing. The Holy Spirit does not act on his own because he is invisible like air, but he can receive various shapes. For example, in the form of fire or a dove. The dove is the most popular image of the Holy Spirit, which was established at the very beginning of the Christian era of mankind.

It was the Spirit, like light, that descended on many saints who acquired strength and insight in order to carry on their shoulders a heavy burden for their time, called faith in one God. This is the main reason for the many prayers asking the Spirit to bestow his great blessing. ordinary people so that their faith becomes unshakable and their actions righteous.

Text and interpretation of the prayer:

“Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed One, our souls.”

Why do these lines help us live another day in spiritual purity and peace?

Everything is extremely simple, because the Holy Spirit is the embodiment of sinlessness, it is one of the components of God, called the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and directly the Holy Spirit himself.

This prayer is about asking God to move into us and cleanse us of what prevents us from reuniting with him in the afterlife.

This is a short one, but one of the most strong prayers in the Christian faith, which gives us seven virtues: wisdom, reason, fortitude, advice, piety, fear of God.

The Holy Spirit and this prayer comfort us in moments of sorrow and grief, giving us peace. Also, all the sacraments of the church are sanctified by the grace of the Holy Spirit: baptism, communion, wedding, and so on.

May your faith be strong. Let this simple prayer always be with you to help in difficult situations and sanctify your path, blessing you for good deeds.

The national holiday of Spirits Day (Holy Spirit Day) is celebrated on the 51st day after Easter. In 2019 it falls on June 17th.


The Church established this holiday in memory of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles on the 50th day after Easter. It was created with the goal of conveying to people the greatness of the Holy and Life-giving Spirit, which is the source of all life. He possesses everything that is in the power of the Father and the Son, except life and death. There are three faces in one God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Orthodox Church speaks about this.

In the Bible, the most references and reflections on the Holy Spirit are found in John. But on the day of the holiday, the church decided to read from the 18th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew. It tells a parable about a shepherd and a sheep that strayed from the flock, about love for mankind and reproof. It also says that true Orthodox Christians have been given the power to judge the world and how important prayer is for a person.

Traditions and rituals

On Spiritual Day, priests consecrate wells. According to legend, this is where mermaids hide after emerging from bodies of water. Those who fear the presence of water spirits in the house place a table with bread and salt in the courtyard. After sprinkling the wells with holy water, the priest visits the homes and sprinkles it on the walls.

Girls throw wreaths into the water and tell fortunes for good luck. If the wreath goes to the bottom, it is not good, but if it remains on the surface, it is good luck.

The oldest women perform the ritual of “feeding the earth.” They spread tablecloths on lawns or fields and eat. After a while they pause to distribute some of the dishes to different places and leave it on the ground.

Mermaids leave lakes and rivers on Spiritual Day. They walk across open spaces, giving moisture to meadows and fields. After this, the shoots grow thicker and more spiky.

On the day of the holiday, a sacred cleansing fire descends to the earth, from which everything hides. devilry. And the Holy Spirit descends from heaven on the eve of the holiday. He dwells among people and enters houses.


What the weather is like that day will be like that for the next six weeks.

On Spiritual Day you cannot say “for water,” otherwise you may die from the water. You need to pronounce “by water.”

It is forbidden to stick anything into the ground or pull it out of it.

You can't catch a reflection in the water - this way you can lose love.

The Day of the Holy Trinity, otherwise Pentecost, is one of the twelve main holidays of Christian Orthodox Church. It falls on the fiftieth day after Easter and always falls on Sunday. On this day, the Church prayerfully turns to God, who is the Holy Trinity. And on Monday, celebrations take place in Orthodox churches in honor of the Holy Spirit Day. This is evidence of the Church’s veneration of the third Person of the Most Holy Trinity of the Holy Spirit, as the original and personal hypostasis of God.

Holy Spirit Day 2016 falls on Monday 20 June. This holiday is transferable and depends on the time of Easter celebration. This is the time when Orthodox churches decorated with greenery. Birch trees are erected in them and the extraordinary grandeur of Russian nature reigns. It is no coincidence that the birch tree is a symbol of Russia. Russian people, national identity which is the Orthodox worldview, always celebrated this holiday with special solemnity. Various concerts took place folk art and amateur performances, and in Russian folklore there is even an expression preserved that on Spiritual Day the earth becomes a birthday girl.

And yet, despite such special reverence for this holiday, some people may have a specific question: “What is Holy Spirit Day?” The Church gives a clear and unambiguous answer. This is a holiday dedicated to the third Person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit. Orthodoxy affirms the belief that God is one, but threefold in persons. Hence the belief in the Holy Trinity. The Holy Spirit is a Person. It is not merely the power of God, but a specific Person to whom appropriate worship is to be rendered. If Easter glorifies the resurrection of the second Person of the Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ, and on the day of Pentecost the celebration in honor of the entire Trinity, then on the Day of the Spirits the Church turns its gaze precisely to the Holy Spirit, as the source and giver of divine grace, and renders personal worship to Him. Unlike many sectarian teachings, Orthodoxy preserves the apostolic tradition of worshiping the triune God. It would be stupid to celebrate a holiday in honor of some impersonal force.

The Day of the Holy Spirit in 2016, the date of which directly depends on the time of Easter, is a time of triumph of the Christian faith. Every Christian believer on this day turns to the giver of divine grace and asks for the sanctification of their souls and bodies, realizing that only through the collaboration of man with God can one begin to reach the necessary heights in comprehending the main goal of human existence - the achievement of holiness.

Many holidays celebrated by the Slavs have Vedic roots, even such a famous church holiday as Trinity. It has long been customary to celebrate it for three days, coinciding with the name days of Earth and Water.


Children round dances
birthday girl Earth

Let's find out what date they are celebrated in 2019, what traditions and customs we know that came from antiquity.

Name day of the Earth

This holiday is also called Spiritual Day. It's filled deep meaning, has both pagan and Christian roots. According to the Bible, on the fiftieth day after Easter, Christ's disciples saw the Holy Spirit. He gave them the ability to understand all the languages ​​of the world so that they could preach. This concerns the religious history of the holiday.

What date is Earth's birthday celebrated in 2019? The date of the holiday varies in different religions, however, it is always timed to coincide with the date of Trinity. For example, Catholics celebrate it simultaneously with Trinity - exactly the fiftieth day after Easter. The Orthodox believe that the celebration falls on the next day after Trinity, that is, on the fifty-first day after Easter. By the way, Orthodox holiday It is always celebrated on Mondays, for which it is also called Holy Spirit Monday.

So, if Easter 2019 is celebrated on April 28, Trinity - on June 16, then the Earth’s birthday falls on the next day from it. Thus, Holy Spirit Monday is celebrated on June 17th.

Customs and traditions

For the Day of the Holy Spirit, the Old Slavs had great amount traditions, customs. Some of them have sunk into oblivion, others are revered to this day. In pre-Christian times, Earth's name days were always celebrated at the beginning of summer. As we see, this tradition remains today, embodied in Holy Spirit Monday.

The holiday began with Great Vespers and the singing of prayers to the Holy Spirit. During Vespers, worshipers kneel, and the priest reads seven prayers: about the Church, the salvation of all worldly souls, and the repose of the departed.

The Earth's name day is a tribute to the mother-nurse. On this holiday it was forbidden to dig the ground, plow, sow, or plant. People believed that by the Spiritual Day the earth was already filled with the future harvest (pregnant with it). Therefore, violating the integrity of the soil means causing serious harm to it, spoiling the future harvest, and leaving a wound.

People believed that on the eve of the holiday the Holy Spirit descends to earth, visits houses, and spills over the fields. Just before sunrise, people went to listen to what secrets Mother Cheese Earth was revealing to them.

The peasants fed the land. If you also want to pay tribute, throw a feast on the birthday of the Earth in 2019. Go out into the field, lay out tablecloths, and have a festive dinner. Don't forget to spread out the food pieces by covering them with soil. Having had enough, the earth will not be slow to respond with gratitude and will certainly give birth to a rich harvest.

Another tradition is to go around the plowed fields in a religious procession. This custom clearly indicates Christian roots holiday. It was believed that procession calls on God's grace. The earth thanked for this with a rich harvest of barley, wheat, and rye.

By the way, before people They believed that treasure could be found on Holy Spirit Monday. Pray to the Holy Spirit and put your ear to the ground to hear the secret treasures. Do not forget to cleanse your soul and heart from evil thoughts before doing this. According to legend, the treasures came to the surface and talked. But only a person with a pure mind could hear them.

Ancient people believed that mermaids came to the shores on Spiritual Day. It is believed that at night they come out of the water and walk along the shore. Where they are bare feet step on the ground, the grass grows thicker. Young people went out to the river in the evening, armed with birch twigs, and chased mermaids. Birch twigs served as protection from otherworldly forces, so that mermaids could not lead a person into the forest or drown them.

Guys, in order to protect themselves from the charms of mermaids, put on their heads wreaths woven by their beloved girls, with woven birch branches and wormwood. Birch drove away mermaids, and wormwood has long been considered universal remedy from all evil spirits.

And after Spiritual Day, early in the morning, people washed themselves with clean cold water (from a river or well), washing away all the troubles and diseases that mermaids and other evil spirits could send to a person. You too can wash your face if you know when Earth's birthday will be celebrated in 2019.

The birch tree was considered an important symbol. The walls of the house and gates were decorated with the branches of this tree; the girls wove wreaths and floated them on the water. It was believed that if the wreath drowned, it would be a misfortune.

The peasants believed that on the name day of the Earth, the souls of the departed returned to earth, sitting on birch branches placed on the windowsills. In some places, a birch tree, a ritual tree that was used for rituals, was taken out into the field, and later drowned in the river.

Here are some signs and sayings for Spiritual Day:

  1. It is better not to remove the casing until the Holy Spirit Day.
  2. On Earth's name day, all living things rejoice.
  3. On the Holy Spirit wreaths in the water - boom!
  4. Any dream seen on the night of Spiritual Day will come true.
  5. If the grass is dry in the morning, then expect rain in the evening.

Water birthday girl

Name days for Christians are celebrated on the third day after Trinity. If you are interested in the question of when the birthday girl of Water is celebrated in 2019, find out when Trinity Sunday will be. Since this year it falls on June 16th, therefore, Water Day will be June 17th.

By the way, this holiday always falls on Tuesday. Nowadays it is not very well known, but in ancient times its traditions and customs were sacredly revered.

Customs and traditions

The Old Slavs always celebrated the third day of Trinity - the name day of Water. It was forbidden to use water at all. The food was only dry. Garden crops were watered the evening before. Prohibitions also applied to washing, bathing, etc.

On Trinity Sunday, the peasants placed birch branches in the house, which stood for three days. People looked to see if the branches were drying up. If the leaves remained wet and fresh for a long time, it was believed that the summer would be heavy with rainfall; if they dried out quickly, people believed that the summer would be dry and the harvest would be poor.

Dried branches were burned, and to prevent drought, birch branches were drowned in the river.

Do you want to get married in 2019? Be sure to find out when Voda's birthday is. Unmarried girls It was customary to throw rotten eggs at people. They symbolized everything negative that spoiled and stagnated. To ensure fertility, future offspring, strong family, it was necessary to get rid of negativity in this way.

On the first Tuesday after Trinity, peasants also celebrated horses. They were given candles for their health and were not used for work.

Sayings related to the name day of Water:

  1. God loves the Trinity.
  2. Trinity - three days at the cottages.