Dimitrievskaya parental Saturday: history of establishment, traditions, prayers. Dmitrievskaya Parents' Saturday - remembrance of the departed

Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday is the day on which Orthodox believers pay tribute to the memory of their ancestors.
The remembrance of the dead is traditionally performed on the first Saturday of November, November 3, 2018.
It’s very old and probably many don’t remember why Orthodox people commemorate their dead at this particular time. There are several Parents' Saturdays throughout the year, and this one is special...

Saturday in Holy Scripture is a special day. In the Old Testament it is a day of rest, and in the New Testament it is a day of forgiveness and remission of sins. And it is no coincidence that Saturday was chosen by the Church for the cathedral commemoration of the heroes of the Battle of Kulikovo. On the eve of the holiday - Sunday, when, according to custom, all Christians should be in church, believers gathered to pray for the repose of the souls of brothers in faith.

…That day was a day of great joy and great sadness. The messenger of Prince Dimitri reached the gates of Moscow in a matter of days, and by the time the militia returned, the residents - priests, monks and laymen, old and young - with icons and banners went to the outskirts of the city, to the place below Yegoryevskaya Hill, where the street leading to The Kremlin and big trade.

Now it is called Varvarka (in honor of the Church of St. Great Martyr Barbara, built later, at its very beginning).

From Kulishki one could see the domes of the temple in honor of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George - “Egoria”, as it was popularly called. Along this very street, asking for a blessing from the patron saint of Moscow, the Russian militia marched to the Battle of Kulikovo. It was decided to go back along the same street. The road of hope, prayer, thanksgiving and tears - that’s what it became for the militia and the townspeople.

Wives, mothers, children and elders were eagerly awaiting theirs. “The messenger brought the news that the losses were enormous. “They went out to meet the prince and the squad, knowing that a great many carts with the wounded and dead were following them. Shouts of joy, crying, glorification of God, and over this entire sea - a heartfelt prayer for the repose of the souls of the Orthodox soldiers killed on the Kulikovo field.

Never before had the Russian army known such a victory. It was similar to the holy wars from the history of the Old Testament, when God Himself fought on the side of ancient Israel, when victory was given not by numbers and military skill, but by faith in His undoubted and close help.

Just as King David, still a youth, came out to meet the giant with a sling in his hand, and with the invocation of the Name of God crushed the wicked, so this time the monk Alexander Peresvet rode out of the timid camp towards Chelubey, dressed in heavy armor, with only a spear in his hands.

On September 8, 1380, a similar miracle was witnessed by a Russian army of many thousands. Having struck the enemy with one blow, the monk fell dead and betrayed his soul to God, but this was enough for the Russian regiments to come forward with prayer.

On that day, the word of St. Sergius of Radonezh was fulfilled, who foreshadowed victory for Prince Demetrius Ioannovich, but victory at a high price. Of the 150,000 militias, only 40,000 returned to Moscow. However, from that moment on, Rus' began to live with the hope of liberation from the Horde yoke.

Immediately upon his return, Prince Dimitri ordered memorial services to be served for those killed in all churches and monasteries. Lists of the dead were immediately compiled and distributed to parishes and monasteries. Many warriors remained forever unknown, and in those days the Orthodox Church unitedly prayed for the forgiveness of sins and for the repose of all Russian warriors, known and unknown, who laid down their lives for Rus', for the Orthodox faith.

The city lived with one sigh of prayer. In front of the altars, in the light of chandeliers and under the arches of monastic cells, in the boyars' chambers and in cramped huts by the lights of penny candles, the Gospel and Psalter were read with the memory of the fallen governors, thousands and centurions and all Orthodox militias. People who did not know how to read and write prayed from the heart with tears and bows to the ground in front of dark images and on the porches of churches. Every year on the same autumn Saturday, Prince Demetrius established a memorial service in memory of those killed.

Over time, the established custom changed somewhat: the prayer for fallen soldiers began to be joined by prayer for deceased relatives and for all Orthodox Christians who have died from time to time. It was then that “Dimitrovskaya Saturday” - as it was called in memory of Prince Dimitri Donskoy - began to be called “parental”.

Since ancient times, in the Russian Orthodox Church it has been a day of common prayer for the departed, a day of hope for God’s mercy. The custom established in the Church since the time of Prince Dimitri Ioannovich turned out to be the “connecting thread” that united many generations of Russian people with a sense of conciliarity and church unity.

What to do on Dmitrievskaya Parents' Saturday

In Rus' it was believed that this day marks the transition from autumn to winter. Severe frosts began, for which people prepared in advance. Despite the fact that many tried to complete their work on the farm even before Intercession on October 14, some for some reason did not have time to do this, and then they tried to complete the preparations before Dmitrievskaya Saturday.

The funeral meal is held after the service. On Dmitrievskaya Saturday, it is customary to set a rich table, which must include dishes that your deceased loved ones loved during their lifetime.

The most important dish on the table was pies: the housewife had to prepare a lot of pastries with different fillings. In ancient times it was believed that this could appease and please the deceased.

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During the funeral meal, it was necessary to place a separate clean plate on the table, where each relative put one spoon of his food. This dish was left overnight so that the deceased could come and eat with his family.

Before parents' Saturday, on Friday, the hostess after dinner must clear everything from the table and lay out a clean tablecloth. Then re-set the table and place freshly prepared dishes. Thus, in ancient times, the deceased was called to the table.

On Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday, the family of the deceased should remember only good things about him, share warm memories that are associated with the deceased. This way you let the soul of the deceased know that you still remember and love him.

Despite the fact that during many church events it is strictly forbidden to do household chores, this does not apply to Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday. On the contrary, on this day you should do a general cleaning and then wash yourself.

Our ancestors always left a fresh broom and clean water in the bathhouse for the deceased in order to appease the soul of the deceased. The most important thing is that your household chores do not interfere with attending church.

On Parents' Saturday it is customary to go to the cemetery. The grave of the deceased needs to be put in order and cleaned. After this, pray for the repose of his soul.

On St. Demetrius Saturday, it is customary to feed the poor so that they pray for the soul of your deceased relative.

How to remember: Prayer for the departed

Rest, O Lord, the souls of Your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

It is more convenient to read names from a commemoration book - a small book where the names of living and deceased relatives are written down.

There is a pious custom of conducting family memorials, reading which both in home prayer and during church services, Orthodox people remember by name many generations of their deceased ancestors.

As a rule, bread, sweets, fruits, vegetables, etc. are placed on the canon. You can bring flour for prosphora, Cahors for the liturgy, candles and oil for lamps. You are not allowed to bring meat products or strong alcoholic drinks.

Signs for Dmitrievskaya Parents' Saturday and sayings

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When it was warm outside, they said: “The dead are happy for us.” During Grandfather's Week, parents will also sigh. If your parents are alive, honor them, but if they are dead, remember them. The grandfathers did not know trouble, but the grandchildren knew torment. Do not remember the deceased with evil, but with kindness - as you wish.

  • Remember the living with goodness, and the dead with green wine.
  • No beer, no wine - and no wake.
  • Man is born to die, dies to live.
  • The earth is heavy, but when you pour some beer and wine on it, everything will become easier.
  • Remember good, forget evil.
  • A Russian person cannot live without relatives.
  • A man is strong with his family. And the field is great, but not native.
  • Dmitriev's Saturday - work for the partygoers.
  • Drink, don’t regret, remember more joyfully.
  • The deceased have more fun with cheerful memorial workers.
  • The girls are cunning on Dmitry (they are going to get married, so after this day there are rarely weddings in the villages before the winter meat-eater).
  • Round dances from Yegor, gatherings from Dmitry. It’s not always Saturday for the priestly guys of Dmitriev. Parents will have a rest during Grandfather's Week, there will be a thaw - the whole winter will be warm.
  • During Grandfather's Week, all of Rus' resembles a single great candle.

In Orthodoxy, the days of general remembrance of the dead are usually called “parental Saturdays.” It is believed that Saturday, which in the Old Testament was called the day of rest, and in the New Testament - the day of forgiveness and remission of sins, is the most appropriate time for prayers for the repose of the dead.

On such days, it is customary to go to church for services, remember deceased loved ones, visit cemeteries and tidy up the graves of relatives, give alms and treat the poor. It is believed that the more generous the alms in the church, the better the soul of the deceased feels in the next world.

The Church Orthodox calendar has established several such days: in addition to Demetrievskaya parental Saturday, these are

  • Trinity Parents' Saturday,
  • Meat Saturday
  • The beheading of John the Baptist,
  • days of remembrance of the dead in Lent (second, third and fourth Saturdays from the beginning of fasting),
  • Radonitsa.

The Day of Remembrance of those killed in the Great Patriotic War has also been established, which has a fixed date - May 9, all other days of remembrance are transferable.

On Dmitrievskaya Parent Saturday we remember the difficult bloody battle led by Dmitry Donskoy on the Kulikovo Field in 1380. Then the prediction of St. Sergius of Radonezh was fulfilled, who predicted victory for the prince’s troops at a high price.

Thousands of soldiers fighting for the Fatherland died in this battle. Initially, on this day they commemorated all the military personnel who died in that battle. Over time, Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday became the day of funeral commemoration of all deceased Orthodox Christians.

When will Dmitrievskaya Parents' Saturday take place in 2019?

Its date changes every year, so it should be checked against the church calendar. The commemoration takes place annually on the Saturday before the Day of Remembrance of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki, celebrated on November 8 (October 26, old style). In 2019, Dmitrievskaya Parents' Saturday falls on November 2.

The night before, on Friday, a memorial service is held in churches, during which the clergy offer prayers for the dead. Believers bring food to the church as a donation (vegetables, fruits, sweets, bread, flour for prosphora, Cahors for the liturgy), candles and oil for lamps. You are not allowed to bring meat products or strong alcoholic drinks.

Although this memorable date does not relate to ecumenical Saturdays, like Trinity and Meat Saturday, when ecumenical memorial services are celebrated, it is also of great significance.

On Parents' Day on St. Demetrius Saturday, churches will commemorate the dead, funeral liturgies and memorial services will be served for all soldiers who died on the battlefield. (Emperor Nicholas II even issued a decree in 1903 to perform a special memorial service for the soldiers who fell for the Fatherland - “For the faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland, who laid down their lives on the battlefield”).

Also in the churches they will remember all the people who died suddenly, who were not guided into eternal life by the prayers of the Holy Church.

At the liturgy you can order the commemoration of loved ones. For this purpose, parishioners prepare notes with the names of the deceased. In such a note, you need to write in large, legible handwriting the names of those commemorated, which are listed in the genitive case. All names must be given in church spelling (for example, “Tatiana, Alexy,” and not “Tatiana, Alexey”) and in full (“Mikhail, Lyubov,” and not “Misha, Lyubov”).

If you do not have the opportunity to visit the temple and visit the cemetery on Dmitrievskaya Parents’ Saturday, November 2, 2019, you can pray for the repose of the deceased at home. At this time, it is important to get into a serious mood and put aside all homework that distracts you from praying for the dead and thinking.

Prayers for the departed on Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday

“Rest, O Lord, the souls of Your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.”

“Rest the souls before those who depart in the place of refreshment, for it is not the dead who will praise Thee, Lord, those who exist in hell dare to bring confessions to Thee, but we, the living, bless Thee and pray, and offer cleansing prayers and sacrifices to Thee for their souls.”

On Demetrius Saturday, believers honor the memory of St. Demetrius, the patron saint of Russian soldiers. This Christian saint, who lived during the reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletian in the city of Thessaloniki, preached Christianity during the persecution of supporters of this religion and was executed.

Many temples built in our country are dedicated to him. On the eve of the Battle of Kulikovo, Dmitry Donskoy solemnly transferred to Moscow from Vladimir the main shrine of the Vladimir Demetrius Cathedral - the icon of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki, written on the board of the Saint’s tomb.

Believers offer a prayer to Saint Demetrius:

“Holy Great Martyr of Christ Demetrius! Standing boldly before the Heavenly King, ask Him for forgiveness of our sins and for us, the accursed (names), to be delivered from the all-destructive plague, fire and eternal punishment. Pray for His goodness to favor this parish (or house) and our temple. Ask us for grace-filled strengthening for good deeds, so that what is pleasing to our Master, Christ God, who works here, may be worthy through Your prayers to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and there glorify Him, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen".

How the deceased were remembered on St. Demetrius Saturday

In the old days, on Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday in Rus', it was customary to organize feasts in memory of deceased relatives and friends. The day before, people cleaned their houses and washed themselves. A fresh broom and clean water were left in the bathhouse for the deceased to appease the soul of the deceased.

Since Friday, the funeral table has been covered with a white tablecloth and candles have been placed on it. Housewives prepared meat dishes, the main one of which was stuffed pig's head.

Traditional funeral dishes were served at the table: kutya, pancakes, pies and other favorite dishes of deceased relatives. The shape of pies that were prepared with different fillings (meat, cabbage, cottage cheese) had to be oblong.

For the deceased, a separate plate was placed on the table, where each relative put one spoon of his food. This offering was left overnight so that the deceased could eat with his family.

There are many signs associated with Dmitrievskaya Saturday. It is believed that if it is cold on this day and snow has already fallen, then spring will be late, and if there is a thaw, spring will be warm. In the old days they said: “Demetrius Saturday is work for the kuteiniki,” since on the eve of the holiday it was customary to serve a ritual dish - kutya - to the table, remembering the deceased.

We hope that once you find out when Dmitrievskaya Parents' Saturday will be in 2019, you will spend it in accordance with long-established traditions and pay tribute to the memory of your family, following Orthodox customs.

November 3 is the last day of remembrance of the dead this year. Parishioners pray for the repose of the souls of deceased relatives and loved ones and visit their graves in cemeteries.

Memorial Saturdays are very important days, since a person whose earthly journey has already ended cannot beg for forgiveness of his sins and correct the mistakes he made during his life. However, the living can do this quite well. Parental Saturdays exist so that we do not forget about the dead, honor their memory and, most importantly, ask the Lord for mercy for relatives and close people who have passed on to another world, thereby facilitating their afterlife.

Many Christians pray every day for the repose of the dead, but especially important days of remembrance, according to the traditions of the Orthodox Church, come five times a year. All parental Saturdays for Orthodox Christians are especially important days when it is necessary to remember the departed and pray for the granting of the Kingdom of Heaven to all deceased relatives and friends. First of all, we are talking about parents, which is reflected in the title.

Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday is a moving holiday. It is not tied to a specific date, but to the Saturday before the day of remembrance of Demetrius of Thessalonica - the great martyr, whose life, miracles and exploits are remembered on November 8 (October 26, old style). On the weekend on the eve of the holiday, the funeral Divine Liturgy is served and memorial services are read.

Traditions of Dmitrievskaya Parent Saturday November 3, 2018

November 3 (the eve of St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki) is another day of remembrance of deceased relatives. Special memorial services are held in churches. People pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, asking God to forgive them their sinful acts and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

Many historians associate the origin of this Saturday with the Battle of Kulikovo. After the victory, Dmitry Donskoy suggested that Orthodox dignitaries establish a day of remembrance of their souls in honor of the soldiers who fell in battle. The clergy agreed, naming Saturday in honor of Prince Dmitry.

Those who cannot visit the temple to offer prayer for the departed can do so at home. On this day it is customary to give alms, so when going to the temple, do not forget to take treats with you, which must be distributed to the poor after the service.

After the memorial service, Orthodox believers can go to the cemetery and clean up the graves of their relatives. In this case, you need to take treats with you, which are left at the grave.

Dmitrievskaya Parents' Saturday in 2018, what to do

In folk traditions, on November 3 they say goodbye to autumn and welcome winter. On the day of remembrance of the dead, houses were cleaned, plots were put in order in order to begin sowing work as early as possible in the spring. After attending services in former times and now, believers organize funeral dinners, where, according to tradition, they set the table for departed relatives, believing that their souls descend from Heaven to look after the living. Previously, before Dmitrievskaya Saturday, they always visited the baths, and after washing they left brooms, believing that the souls of the deceased would also want to wash themselves.

On St. Demetrius Saturday, many go to cemeteries to clean up the graves, leave memorials and light candles taken from temples or churches. At graveyards they read prayers for the deceased and ask them for help and support.

You can pray for the departed not only during parental Saturdays, but also on ordinary days. The clergy note that regular prayers offered to the Higher Powers provide great support to the souls of the dead and help them get to Heaven. Sincere prayers coming from the heart will definitely be heard.

Meal rules for Dmitrievskaya Parents' Saturday

When arranging a memorial meal, you must adhere to important rules. First of all, try to serve dishes that the deceased liked during his lifetime. In ancient times, there was a tradition of putting extra cutlery on the table and filling the plate with treats.

It was believed that in this way it was possible to show the deceased that they still loved him and kept his memory. During the funeral dinner, it is forbidden to abuse alcohol, otherwise you may anger the souls of the deceased. It is better to serve soft drinks or Cahors on the table.

Prayer for the departed

Rest, O Lord, the souls of Your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

It is more convenient to read names from a commemoration book - a small book where the names of living and deceased relatives are written down. There is a pious custom of conducting family memorials, reading which both in home prayer and during church services, Orthodox people remember by name many generations of their deceased ancestors.

Church commemoration on Parents' Saturday

To remember your deceased relatives in church, you need to come to church for a service on Friday evening before parental Saturday. At this time, a great funeral service, or parastas, takes place. All troparia, stichera, chants and parastas readings are dedicated to prayer for the dead. On the morning of the memorial Saturday itself, the funeral Divine Liturgy is celebrated, after which a general memorial service is served.

For church commemoration at parastas, and then separately at the liturgy, parishioners prepare notes commemorating the deceased. In the note, in large, legible handwriting, the names of those commemorated are written in the genitive case (to answer the question “who?”), and the clergy and monastics are mentioned first, indicating the rank and degree of monasticism (for example, Metropolitan John, Schema-Abbot Savva, Archpriest Alexander, nun Rachel, Andrey, Nina). All names must be given in church spelling (for example, Tatiana, Alexy) and in full (Mikhail, Lyubov, and not Misha, Lyuba).

In addition, it is customary to bring food to the temple as a donation. As a rule, bread, sweets, fruits, vegetables, etc. are placed on the canon. You can bring flour for prosphora, Cahors for the liturgy, candles and oil for lamps. You are not allowed to bring meat products or strong alcoholic drinks.

Demetrius Saturday, which in 2019 is celebrated on November 2, is an Orthodox tradition to remember deceased parents, relatives and all those who suffered for the Orthodox faith. On Memorial Day, a special tribute is paid to the memory of departed parents.

In His fifth commandment, the Lord said that we are all obliged to honor our parents, living and dead, so that the days of our children and grandchildren on earth will be extended.

In Orthodoxy there are special days when the dead are remembered

The history of the emergence of Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday

According to Archbishop Demetrius, it was the establishment of Demetrius Saturday that contributed to the abolition of pagan funeral rites - funeral feasts. Triznas were served by the pagans during the burial of the deceased, during which ritual dances, songs and even warrior competitions were performed. The deceased was burned on a ritual pyre, around which funeral feasts were then held, which later turned into wakes.

The Day of Remembrance of the Dead in early November was established by the Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy himself, and Sergius of Radonezh blessed this undertaking.

In 1380, the battle took place on the Kulikovo Field, in which several hundred thousand Russians and two monks died, who were buried under the walls of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. In memory of the fallen soldiers, Dmitry Donskoy proposed to celebrate the day of remembrance before the feast of St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki.

This proposal was accepted, because the Russian victory cost the lives of thousands of fathers, husbands and sons who were mourned in their families. Demetrius Saturday is celebrated on the eve of the day of memory of the great Demetrius of Thessaloniki, November 8. Saturday Parents' Day is celebrated on the Saturday closest to this holiday.

For information! On November 4, the Orthodox world celebrates the day of the icon of the Mother of God; if this day coincides with parental Saturday, it is moved to the last Saturday of October.

Who is Demetrius of Thessaloniki

Among the Thessalonian Christians in the fourth century was a Roman proconsul who had a son, Demetrius. The proconsul's family were secret Christians. After the death of his father, the young man was called to Emperor Galerius Maximilian to appoint him to the post of his deceased parent.

The emperor made his demands clear to the young proconsul:

  • protect the city from the invasion of barbarians;
  • to keep order;
  • destroy Christianity.

If the first two tasks were successfully completed, then problems arose with the third. The once secret Christian Demetrius of Thessalonica began to openly preach the ideas of Jesus Christ, eradicating paganism and the worship of foreign idol gods. It is difficult to describe the anger of Emperor Maximilian, who learned about the Christian activities of the young proconsul during his return from the Black Sea campaign.

An angry Galerius sends an army to Thessalonica to destroy the Thessalonians who converted to Christianity. Saint Demetrius foresaw a cruel punishment; he gave away all his wealth and spent the time before meeting with the emperor in fasting and prayer.

Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica

The faithful son of the Living God boldly met his executioner, telling him everything about the vanity of the sinful Roman world, for which he was thrown into prison.

In honor of his victory, the emperor staged battles in the city. Ordinary Christians were forced to fight against the strong and experienced fighter Leah, the ruler’s favorite, who fell dead one after another. Saint Thessalonica blessed his friend Nestor for the battle, who defeated Leah by throwing him onto his spears. Nestor himself was immediately executed for the death of the imperial favorite.

The terrible execution of Saint Demetrius himself took place on November 8, 306. The young man's body was pierced with many spears and thrown outside the city walls to stray animals. The saint's faithful disciples buried him secretly.

100 years later, Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine ordered a church to be built over the saint’s grave. During excavations, builders discovered an incorrupt body. Initially, a basilica named after Demetrius of Thessalonica was built above the saint’s burial place, in which miracles of healing constantly took place.

The incorrupt relics were kept in a silver ciborium, a special silver box with the face of the saint. Anyone could go inside and pray in front of the relics. Subsequently, in the 16th century, the holy relics were taken to the Italian city of San Lorenzo in Campo. Only in 1978 were some of the relics returned to Thessaloniki. The veneration of Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica in Rus' began to be celebrated from the day of baptism.

Orthodox traditions of St. Demetrius Saturday

On Parents' Saturday, Christians are required to attend the funeral service and litany in church, after which they remember their deceased relatives at funeral dinners. If circumstances permit, you should visit the grave of deceased parents and relatives; for this, people often travel from different cities and villages.

Advice! If it is not possible to visit the grave of your relatives, as well as visit the temple, morning prayer must be read

Prayer for the deceased

Prayer for dead people is an invaluable service to the departed soul. A deceased person does not need monuments or memorial meals, these are purely Russian traditions, but the soul of the deceased is eternally alive, and it needs constant prayer.

On Parents' Saturday, Christians must attend church.

Rest, O Lord, and forgive all sins, voluntary and involuntary, grant the Kingdom of Heaven, Lord, to the souls of my departed relatives:

  • parents;
  • relatives;
  • benefactors;
  • to all Christians who died for the Orthodox faith.

In this case, the names of the deceased should be mentioned, which in Orthodox families, as a rule, are written down in the memorial. God is love, and it is the duty of every Christian to fulfill the commandment to treat one’s neighbor with love.

There is no consensus among the Orthodox priesthood whether it is possible to pray for unbaptized relatives. Some monasteries even warn that only those who have been baptized are remembered in prayers, so as not to take upon themselves the sins of those who have not converted to Orthodoxy.

Some priests, such as Sergei Kruglov, on the contrary, argue that prayer for the unbaptized is a special alms, because it is much harder for such a soul after the death of a person. This does not apply to heretics, conscious atheists, but they ask God for such during home prayers.

Commemoration in the temple

According to Orthodox tradition, relatives of the deceased come to the temple service, which begins on Friday, the eve of St. Demetrius Saturday. During parastas, prayers are read for the deceased, and troparia and chants are dedicated to them.

Bread products, sweets, honey, nuts, fruits are brought to the temple

On Saturday, after the Divine Liturgy, a memorial service is served, before which Christians submit notes with the names of the deceased, preferably written in block letters in the genitive case.

Remember who? Alexandra, Maria and others. You must write your full name.

Important! According to Orthodox tradition, on this day bread products, sweets, honey, nuts, and fruits are brought to the temple, but it is forbidden to place meat and alcohol products on the canon.

Some Christians bring flour for baking prosphora, wine for communion, and oil for lighting lamps as a donation.

Among the lit candles and choral chants while burning incense stand living Christians and departed souls. They are invisibly present during the funeral prayer, in which our petitions and consolations are heard, offering praise to the great and merciful Almighty God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Parents' Saturday: Orthodox Christians remember relatives and friends

Di-mit-ri-ev-skaya ro-di-tel-skaya sub-bo-ta - one of the main-new-minal-days of the Russian Right-to-slav-no- go ka-len-da-rya.

In general, every Saturday is a special day for Christianity. By Saturday, according to the Biblical West-West, the creation of the world was completed, and she became “day-by-day.” "- that's why we call this - the last day of the week (hell-ki-vayu - the last!) several of -a non-Jewish word Shab-Baht). But on the same day, Christ, who fell asleep in his flesh, completed the restoration of this “about-the-vet-shav-she-go” - the-vet-ho-za-vet-but -world and, having descended into hell, began a new life. Do you remember the three guys from the Pascal Hours? "In the grave pl O tski (flesh), in A Where's the shower? e yu (duh-shoy), I to (as) God, in ra And (to paradise) with no one, and on the throne was the EU And , Christ e , with Father e m and the Spirit, all full I I'm not op And dignified."

That's why on every Saturday there are a number of departed people who haven't abandoned us at all. where, but were patiently waiting for the next day of the general Resurrection. Among these days, you-de-la-have special public-church-annual - “ro-di-tel-sub-bo-you”, called They are so in such a way that every Christian prays first of all for his relatives.

Di-mit-ri-ev-skaya sub-bo-ta got its name from the name of the holy ve-li-to-mu-che-ni-ka Di -mit-ria, ko-men-dan-ta of the Greek city of So-lu-ni (or Fes-sa-lo-nik), kaz-nyon-no-go for use- the birth of Christianity in 306 (its commemoration is October 26 / November 8). He was a military man - and for some reason he is considered a warrior, and on the icons he is depicted bra-zha-et-sya in armor and with a spear. This day was established, in accordance with the pre-yes, another Di-mitriy - our glorious Great Prince Di-mitriy Donskoy - according to after the famous battle of Ku-li-kovo, which happened on September 8, 1380, that is, on the holiday of the Birth of the Great Saint Bo-go-ro-di-tsy (according to Yuli-an-sko-mu ka-len-da-ryu).

“And the great prince remained behind the Don in that place for seven days,” from the summer, “until then, were they unable to separate Christians from the ungodly ta-tars? after all, this was finally accomplished by God’s judgment. And the great prince ordered the holy ones to sing funeral songs over the murdered ones, and the holy ones sang Eternal memory to all the right-glorious Christ-sti-a-us, killed ta-ta-ra-mi on the Ku-li-ko-vom, between the Don and Me-chey. And the great prince himself with his brother and remaining in-and-on-me spoke in a loud voice with a cry and behind many eternal memories" (Tales and news about the Battle of Ku-likovskaya. L., 1982, p. 194) .

Since then, every year the Saturday preceding the day of remembrance of Di-mit-riy So-lunar is dedicated to the Christian-sti-an-sko-mu according to the departed, first of all - according to the mi-no-ve-niy of the vo-i-nov, “on the side of the bra- not for the Fatherland’s life.”

Yuri Ru-ban
Ph.D. ist. na-uk, cand. bo-go-word-via

For the repose of the Apostolic reading

I cannot do anything on my own: as I hear, so I judge, and My judgment is just; because I do not seek My will, but the will of the glorious Me [the Father].”


I’d like to remind you that in the 14th century, September 8th in July, ka-len-da-ryu, so-from-vet-va-lo 16 On September 3, according to Gri-go-ri-an-sko-mu (although this calendar itself was introduced later). That's what it is is-to-ri-che-ski unconditional yes, Ku-li-kovsky battle. That's why we're trying to note this event at the present time on September 21, coinciding with the holiday The birth of Bo-go-ro-di-tsy, based on the element-men-tar-noy chro-no-lo-gi-che-skoy without-gram-mot-no-sti . (The birth of Bo-go-ro-di-tsy is coming on September 21st according to Gri-go-ri-an-sko-mu ka-len-da-ryu only to in the XX-XXI centuries; in the XXII century it will shift to September 22, etc.)

For the sake of justice, a clarification should be made. This sub-bo-ta is our national-minal day, based on the pre-da-niy. That's why the Di-mit-ri-ev-skaya sub-bo-you is neither Greek nor even in Russian official-tsi-al-nom Church charter (Ti-pi-kone). The direct participation in his establishment of Dimitriy of the Don is also subject to the same conditions with me. As the well-known author writes many times, but re-from-da-va-she-go-xia-ru-ko-vo-stva according to God-service-zhe-zhe- but according to the statute, “Di-mit-riy Donskoy, after the burial of those killed in the-most-is-shche, ordered-the-hall to perform there pa-ni-hi-doo for them. Then, returning to Moscow on September 21 (September 29 according to Gri-go-ri-an-sko-mu ka-len-da-ryu. - Yu. R .), ordered all churches to tell her about the murdered people. Finally, upon arrival in Tro-i-tse-Ser-gi-e-vu lav-ru, came to the hall and there performed pa-ni-hi-du ( Russian Le-to-pis' according to Niko-nov's list, published by the Imperial Academy of Sciences, vol. IV, p. 124). In the le-to-pi-syah it was not said that Di-mit-riy Donskoy would indicate the hall for po-mi-no-ve-niya in-and-new sub-bo-tu before Dmit- this afternoon<…>“, that is, before the day of his name. “It’s natural to think that after his death on the Saturday before Di-mit-ri-e-day for po-mi-no- venerations of the deceased" ( Nikol-sky K., pro-to-e-rey. A guide to the study of the Charter of the Divine Service of the Right-Glorious Church. M., 1995, p. 506, approx. 1)

When determining whether you are a Di-mit-ri-ev-sky sub-bo-bo, in a specific year, you should learn the following ka -len-dar-but-bo-go-servants-in-right (in-be-zha-nie pu-ta-ni-tsy, yes-now all yes-you - on new style). If the memory of Di-mit-riy So-lunar (November 8th) comes to Sunday, then we will I eat the latest Di-mit-ri-ev-Saturday - November 7th. If the memory of Di-mit-riy So-lunar comes to the sub-bo-tu, then this sub-bo-ta cannot be a parent -skoy - and pa-ni-hi-da per-re-no-sit-sya on the previous Saturday (November 1). But if with Saturday in front of St. Di-mit-riya sov-pa-da-et the holiday of the Kazan icon of God Ma-te-ri (November 4), then Di-mit-ri-ev The sub-bo-ta is just one more week earlier. Based on these rules, one can easily determine that the earliest Di-mit-ri-ev-skaya sub-bot can be 28 ok -tyab-rya.

“By the Word of the Lord under him” in the Ancient Church, the call is made from the re-ch-niya of the churches of the prophets. The most important issues and in the process of for-mi-ro-va-niya Pre-da-niya became mis-si-o -ner-ski-mi or li-tur-gi-che-ski-mi for-mu-la-mi. (Bla-go-da-ryu for this clarification ar-hi-mand-ri-ta Ian-nu-a-riya . - Yu. R.)

We know well the Greek word cr And sis translated as “division”, “judgment”, “court”, “pri-go-vor”, “dispute”, “choice”, “window”, “breaking moment”, “crisis”. First of all, one-meaning-but from-ri-tsa-tel-no-mu me-schan-sko-mu meaning (“oh, when will this next damned crisis end and the desired stability»!), reasonable chri-sti-a-nin always remains in co-stan-i-niya kri-si-sa - that is, in a state of spiritual sobriety and judgment over one’s thoughts, desires and actions -ka-mi. So he is getting ready to ensure that the last and final Last Judgment (= Terrible Crisis!) of God does not become unexpected for him -given and “terrible” in the direct sense of this word.