Russian fairy tale about Ivan the Fool. Fairy tale Ivanushka the Fool

Once upon a time there lived Ivanushka the Fool, a handsome man, but no matter what he did, everything turned out funny for him - not like with people.

One man hired him as a worker, and he and his wife went to the city; wife and says to Ivanushka:

- You stay with the children, look after them, feed them!

- With what? - asks Ivanushka.

- Take water, flour, potatoes, chop and cook - there will be a stew! The man orders:

- Guard the door so that the children don’t run away into the forest! The man and his wife left. Ivanushka climbed onto the floor, woke up the children, dragged them to the floor, sat down behind them and said:

- Well, I'm watching you!

The children sat on the floor for a while and asked for food. Ivanushka dragged a tub of water into the hut, poured half a sack of flour and a measure of potatoes into it, shook it all out with a rocker and thought out loud:

- Who needs to be chopped up? The children heard it and got scared:

“He’ll probably crush us!” And they quietly ran away from the hut. Ivanushka looked after them, scratched the back of his head, and thought:

- How am I going to look after them now? Moreover, the door must be guarded so that she does not run away! He looked into the tub and said:

- Cook, stew, and I’ll go look after the children! He took the door off its hinges, put it on his shoulders and went into the forest. Suddenly the Bear steps towards him - he was surprised and growls:

- Hey, why are you carrying the tree into the forest? Ivanushka told him what happened to him. The bear sat on his hind legs and laughed:

- What a fool you are! Am I going to eat you for this? And Ivanushka says:

“You’d better eat the children, so that next time they listen to their father and mother and don’t run into the forest!”

The bear laughs even harder and rolls on the ground laughing.

-Have you ever seen such a stupid thing? Let's go, I'll show you to my wife!

He took him to his den. Ivanushka walks and hits the pine trees with the door.

- Leave her alone! - says the Bear.

“No, I’m true to my word: I promised to keep you safe, so I’ll keep you safe!”

We came to the den. The bear says to his wife:

- Look, Masha, what a fool I brought you! Laughter!

And Ivanushka asks the Bear:

- Aunt, have you seen the kids?

- Mine are at home, sleeping.

- Come on, show me, aren’t these mine?

The Bear showed him three cubs; He says:

- Not these, I had two. Then the Bear sees that he is stupid and laughs too:

- But you had human children!

“Well, yes,” said Ivanushka, “you can sort them out, little ones, which ones are whose!”

- That's funny! - The Bear was surprised and said to her husband:

- Mikhail Potapych, we won’t eat him, let him live among our workers!

“Okay,” agreed the Bear, “even though he’s a person, he’s too harmless!” The Bear gave Ivanushka a basket and ordered:

- Go ahead and pick some wild raspberries. The kids will wake up, I’ll treat them to something delicious!

- Okay, I can do this! - said Ivanushka. - Will you guard the door?

Ivanushka went to the forest raspberry patch, picked a basket full of raspberries, ate his fill, went back to the Bears and sang at the top of his lungs:

Oh, how awkward


Is it the ants?

Or lizards!

He came to the den and shouted:

- Here it is, raspberry?

The cubs ran up to the basket, growled, pushed each other, tumbled - they were very happy!

And Ivanushka, looking at them, says:

- Eh-ma, it’s a pity that I’m not a bear, otherwise I would have children!

The bear and his wife laugh.

- Oh, my fathers! - Bear growls. - You can’t live with him - you’ll die laughing!

“Tell you what,” says Ivanushka, “you guard the door here, and I’ll go look for the kids, otherwise the owner will give me trouble!”

And the Bear asks her husband:

- Misha, would you help him?

“We need to help,” agreed the Bear, “he’s very funny!”

The Bear and Ivanushka walked along the forest paths, they walked and talked in a friendly way.

- Well, you’re stupid! — the Bear is surprised. And Ivanushka asks him:

-Are you smart?

- Don't know.

- And I don’t know. You're evil?

- No, why?

“But in my opinion, whoever is angry is stupid.” I'm not evil either. Therefore, you and I will both not be fools!

- Look, how you brought it out! — the Bear was surprised. Suddenly they see two children sitting under a bush, asleep. The bear asks:

- These are yours, or what?

“I don’t know,” says Ivanushka, “you need to ask.” Mine wanted to eat.

They woke up the children and asked:

- Do you want to eat? They shout:

- We've been wanting it for a long time!

“Well,” said Ivanushka, “that means these are mine!” Now I will lead them to the village, and you, uncle, please bring the door, otherwise I don’t have time myself, I still need to cook the stew!

- Okay! - said the Bear - I’ll bring it! Ivanushka walks behind the children, looks at the ground after them, as he was ordered, and he himself sings:

Eh, such miracles!

Beetles catch a hare

A fox sits under a bush,

Very surprised!

I came to the hut, and the owners returned from the city. They see: in the middle of the hut there is a tub, filled to the top with water, filled with potatoes and flour, there are no children, the door is also missing - they sat down on a bench and cried bitterly.

-What are you crying about? - Ivanushka asked them. Then they saw the children, were delighted, hugged them, and asked Ivanushka, pointing to his cooking in the tub:

-What have you done?

- Chowder!

- Is that really necessary?

- How do I know - how?

- Where did the door go?

“They’ll bring it now, here it is!”

The owners looked out the window, and a Bear was walking down the street, pulling the door, people were running from him in all directions, climbing onto roofs, onto trees; the dogs got scared - they got stuck out of fear in the fences, under the gates; only one red rooster bravely stands in the middle of the street and shouts at the Bear:
- I’ll throw it into the river!

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman; They had three sons: two were smart, the third was Ivanushka the Fool. The smart ones tended the sheep in the field, but the fool did nothing, just sat on the stove and caught flies.

One day the old woman cooked some rye dumplings and said to the fool:

Come on, take these dumplings to the brothers; let them eat.

She poured a full pot and gave it to him; he wandered towards his brothers. The day was sunny; As soon as Ivanushka left the outskirts, he saw his shadow from the side and thought:

What kind of person is walking next to me, not lagging behind me a single step: right, he wanted some dumplings? And he began to throw dumplings at his shadow, and so he threw away every single one; looks, and the shadow keeps walking from the side.

What an insatiable womb! - said the fool with a heart and threw a pot at her - the shards scattered in different directions.

So he comes empty-handed to his brothers; they ask him:

You fool, why?

I brought you lunch.

Where's lunch? Come on lively.

Look, brothers, an unknown person got attached to me on the way and ate everything!

What kind of person is this?

Here he is! And now it’s standing nearby!

The brothers scold him, beat him, beat him; They beat off and forced the sheep to graze, and they themselves went to the village to dine.

The fool began to herd; sees that the sheep have scattered across the field, let's catch them and tear out their eyes. He caught everyone, gouged out everyone’s eyes, gathered the herd into one heap and the little one sits there, as if he had done the job. The brothers had lunch and returned to the field.

What have you done, fool? Why is the flock blind?

Why do they have eyes? When you left, brothers, the sheep scattered apart, and I came up with an idea: I started catching them, collecting them in a pile, tearing out their eyes - I was so tired!

Wait, you’re not so crazy yet! - the brothers say, and let’s treat him with our fists; The fool got a lot of nuts!

Not much time had passed, the old people sent Ivan the Fool to the city to buy household chores for the holiday. Ivanushka bought everything: he bought a table, spoons, cups, and salt; a whole cartload of all sorts of things. He was going home, and the little horse was, you know, unlucky: lucky or unlucky!

Well, Ivanushka thinks to himself, the horse has four legs and the table also has four, so the table itself will run.

He took the table and put it on the road. He drives and drives, whether close or far, and the crows hover over him and keep cawing.

You know, the sisters are hungry to eat, they shouted so much! - thought the fool. He placed the dishes with food on the ground and began to regale:

Little sisters! Eat for your health.

And he keeps moving forward and forward.

Ivanushka is driving through a forest; All the stumps along the road are burnt.

Eh, he thinks, the guys are without hats; After all, they will be cold, dear ones!

He took pots and pots and put them on them. So Ivanushka reached the river, let’s water the horse, but she doesn’t drink.

You know, he doesn’t want it without salt! - Well, salt the water. I poured out a bag full of salt, but the horse still didn’t drink.

Why don’t you drink, wolf meat? Did I pour out a bag of salt for nothing?

He grabbed her with a log, right in the head - and killed her on the spot. Ivanushka had only one purse of spoons left, and he carried that too. As he goes, the spoons keep clanking: clink, clink, clink! And he thinks that the spoons say: “Ivanushka is a fool!” - he threw the spoons and, well, trampled and said:

Here's Ivanushka the Fool! Here's Ivanushka the Fool! They even decided to tease you, you bastards! He returned home and said to his brothers:

I've redeemed everything, brothers!

Thank you, fool, but where are your purchases?

And the table runs, yes, you know, it fell behind, they eat from the sisters’ dishes, he put pots and pots on the heads of the children in the forest, he salted the horse’s swill with salt; and the spoons were teasing - so I left them on the road.

Go, you fool, quickly! Take everything you scattered along the road!

Ivanushka went into the forest, removed the pots from the charred stumps, knocked out the bottoms and put a dozen different pots on the batog: both large and small. Brings it home. His brothers beat him off; We went to the city ourselves to do some shopping, and left the fool to run the house. A fool listens, but the beer in the tub just ferments and ferments.

Beer, don't ferment! Don't tease the fool! - says Ivanushka.

No, beer doesn't listen; He took and let everything out of the tub, sat down in the trough, drove around the hut and sang songs.

The brothers arrived, became very angry, took Ivanushka, sewed him up in a sack and dragged him to the river. They put the sack on the shore, and they themselves went to inspect the ice hole.

At that time, some gentleman was riding past in a troika of brown ones; Ivanushka and well shout:

They put me in the voivodeship to judge and dress, but I can neither judge nor dress!

Wait, fool,” said the master, “I know how to judge and judge; get out of the bag!

Ivanushka got out of the sack, sewed the master there, and he got into his cart and drove out of sight. The brothers came, lowered the sack under the ice and listened; and in the water it just gurgles.

The brothers listened and wandered home.

Out of nowhere, Ivanushka rides towards them in a troika and boasts:

These are the horses I caught! And Sivko was still there - so nice!

The brothers became jealous; say to a fool:

Now sew us up and lower us into the hole! Sivko will not leave us...

Ivan the Fool lowered them into the ice hole and drove them home to drink beer and commemorate their brothers.

Ivanushka had a well, and in the well there was a dace fish, and my fairy tale was over.

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Once upon a time there lived Ivanushka the Fool, a handsome man, but no matter what he did, everything turned out funny for him - not like with people.

One man hired him as a worker, and he and his wife went to the city; wife and says to Ivanushka:

You stay with the children, look after them, feed them!

With what? - asks Ivanushka.

Take water, flour, potatoes, crumble and cook - there will be a stew! The man orders:

Guard the door so that the children do not run away into the forest! The man and his wife left. Ivanushka climbed onto the floor, woke up the children, dragged them to the floor, sat down behind them and said:

Well, I'm watching you!

The children sat on the floor for a while and asked for food. Ivanushka dragged a tub of water into the hut, poured half a sack of flour and a measure of potatoes into it, shook it all out with a rocker and thought out loud:

Who needs to be chopped? The children heard it and got scared:

He'll probably crush us! And they quietly ran away from the hut. Ivanushka looked after them, scratched the back of his head, and thought:

How am I going to look after them now? Moreover, the door must be guarded so that she does not run away! He looked into the tub and said:

Cook, stew, and I’ll go look after the children! He took the door off its hinges, put it on his shoulders and went into the forest. Suddenly the Bear steps towards him - surprised, growls:

Hey, why are you carrying the tree into the forest? Ivanushka told him what happened to him. The bear sat on his hind legs and laughed:

What a fool you are! Am I going to eat you for this? And Ivanushka says:

You’d better eat the children, so that next time they listen to their father and mother and don’t run into the forest!

The bear laughs even harder and rolls on the ground laughing.

Have you ever seen such a stupid thing? Let's go, I'll show you to my wife!

He took him to his den. Ivanushka walks and hits the pine trees with the door.

Give it up! - says the Bear.

No, I’m true to my word: I promised to keep you safe, so I’ll keep you safe!

We came to the den. The bear says to his wife:

Look, Masha, what a fool I brought you! Laughter!

And Ivanushka asks the Bear:

Aunt, have you seen the kids?

Mine are at home, sleeping.

Come on, show me if these are mine?

The Bear showed him three cubs; He says:

Not these, I had two. Then the Bear sees that he is stupid and laughs too:

But you had human children!

Well, yes,” said Ivanushka, “you can sort them out, little ones, which ones are whose!”

That's funny! - The Bear was surprised and said to her husband:

Mikhail Potapych, we won’t eat him, let him live among our workers!

Okay,” agreed the Bear, “even though he’s a person, he’s too harmless!” The Bear gave Ivanushka a basket and ordered:

Go ahead and pick some wild raspberries. The kids will wake up, I’ll treat them to something delicious!

Okay, I can do this! - said Ivanushka. - Will you guard the door?

Ivanushka went to the forest raspberry patch, picked a basket full of raspberries, ate his fill, went back to the Bears and sang at the top of his lungs:

Oh, how awkward


Is it the ants?

Or lizards!

He came to the den and shouted:

Here it is, raspberry?

The cubs ran up to the basket, growled, pushed each other, tumbled - they were very happy!

And Ivanushka, looking at them, says:

Eh-ma, it’s a pity that I’m not a bear, otherwise I would have children!

The bear and his wife laugh.

Oh, my fathers! - Bear growls. - You can’t live with him - you’ll die laughing!

That’s it,” says Ivanushka, “you guard the door here, and I’ll go look for the kids, otherwise the owner will give me trouble!”

And the Bear asks her husband:

Misha, would you help him?

We need to help,” agreed the Bear, “he’s very funny!”

The Bear and Ivanushka went along the forest paths, they walked and talked in a friendly manner.

Well, you are stupid! - the Bear is surprised. And Ivanushka asks him:

Are you smart?

Don't know.

And I don't know. You're evil?

No, why?

But in my opinion, whoever is angry is stupid. I'm not evil either. Therefore, you and I will both not be fools!

Look how you brought it out! - the Bear was surprised. Suddenly they see two children sitting under a bush, asleep. The bear asks:

Are these yours, or what?

I don’t know,” says Ivanushka, “you have to ask.” Mine wanted to eat.

They woke up the children and asked:

Are you hungry? They shout:

We've been wanting it for a long time!

Well,” said Ivanushka, “that means these are mine!” Now I will lead them to the village, and you, uncle, please bring the door, otherwise I don’t have time myself, I still need to cook the stew!

Okay! - said the Bear - I’ll bring it! Ivanushka walks behind the children, looks at the ground after them, as he was ordered, and he himself sings:

Eh, such miracles!

Beetles catch a hare

A fox sits under a bush,

Very surprised!

I came to the hut, and the owners returned from the city. They see: in the middle of the hut there is a tub, filled to the top with water, filled with potatoes and flour, there are no children, the door has also disappeared - they sat down on a bench and cried bitterly.

About the fairy tale

Russian folk tale "Ivan the Fool"

The very first books that a child becomes acquainted with in childhood are fairy tales. It is from them that children learn about the world around them, that somewhere far, far away, distant lands, there are wonderful gardens and strange animals.

Russian folk tales are not only amazing stories about miracles and magic. Characters play an important role in these stories. One of the favorite heroes of Russian folk tales is Ivan, nicknamed the fool.

"Why fool"? - children may ask. Many attempts have been made to explain this circumstance from the point of view of different positions. They looked for consonant words in the words of other peoples. Or they explained that in fairy tales, Ivan the Fool is usually the youngest son.

And the word “fool” can be interpreted as “stupid”, “inexperienced”, “unintelligent”. But, be that as it may, this fairy-tale hero has gained both love and sympathy from the storytellers themselves, and from those who read or listen to them.

In one of these stories, the parents of their youngest son Ivan sent him to plow a field. But the idiot didn’t have enough strength for this, and he didn’t have enough intelligence. He was tired of mosquitoes and midges that hovered around. He took a whip and killed about forty insects in one fell swoop.

This event struck Ivan the Fool. He imagined himself to be a mighty hero. Well, if so, then he decided to try his strength together with other heroes. And so it happened that the fool went with Ilya Muromets and Fyodor Lyzhnikov to look for adventure.

And the heroes had to fight Dobrynya himself. But neither Ilya Muromets nor Fyodor Lyzhnikov could cope with it. And Vanka the Fool accidentally won. And for this he was granted royal favor. They gave him the king's daughter in marriage and half the kingdom in addition.

Why did all the fame, honors and wealth go to a fool? Or maybe the storyteller wanted to use this example to show that the rustic Ivan, personifying the Russian people, is only stupid and unsightly in appearance? And in a difficult situation, he will be able to show both ingenuity and dexterity. He will be able to stand up for himself and for his friends. Why not a hero of the Russian land?

Read the Russian folk tale “Ivan the Fool” online for free and without registration.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived an old man and an old woman. They had three sons, the third was called Ivan the Fool. The first two are married, and Ivan the Fool is single; two brothers were engaged in business, managing the house, plowing and sowing, but the third did nothing. One day, Ivan’s father and daughters-in-law began sending Ivan out to the field to plow some arable land. The guy rode, arrived at the arable land, harnessed his horse, rode with the plow once or twice, and saw: there were no more mosquitoes and midges; he grabbed a whip, lashed the horse on the side, killed them without estimate; hit another, killed forty spiders and thinks: “After all, I killed forty heroes in one swing, but the small fry has no budget!” He took them all, put them in a pile and covered them with horse feces; He didn’t bother to plow himself, he unharnessed the horse and rode home. He comes home and says to his daughters-in-law and mother: “Give me a canopy and a saddle, and you, father, give me the saber that hangs on your wall - it’s rusty. What kind of a man am I! I have nothing".

They laughed at him and gave him some kind of split tyurik instead of a saddle; Our guy attached girths to it and put it on the thin little filly. Instead of a canopy, the mother gave some old oakwood; He took that too, and took a saber from his father, went, sharpened it, got ready and went. He reaches Rosstany - and he was still somewhat literate - he wrote on a post: the strong heroes Ilya Muromets and Fyodor Lyzhnikov would come to such and such a state to a strong and mighty hero, who killed forty heroes at one stroke, but the small fry has no estimate, and rolled them all over with a stone.

Sure enough, after him the hero Ilya Muromets arrives and sees the inscription on the pillar: “Bah,” he says, “a strong, mighty hero has passed by: it is not good to disobey.” Let's go, they'll catch up with Vanyukha; didn’t get far, took off his hat and bowed: “Hello, strong, mighty hero!” But Vanyukha doesn’t break his hat, he says: “Great, Ilyukha!” Let's go together. Not long after, Fyodor Lyzhnikov arrived at the same post, he saw that it was written on the post, it is not good to disobey: Ilya Muromets has passed! - and he went there; he didn’t get far to Vanyukha either - he took off his hat and said: “Hello, strong, mighty hero!” But Vanyukha doesn’t break his hat. “Great,” he says, “Fedyunka!”

All three went together; They come to one state and stop at the royal meadows. The heroes set up tents for themselves, and Vanyukha crucified the oak; The two heroes tangled the horses with silk fetters, and Vanyukha tore the rod from the tree, twisted it and tangled his mare. Here they live. The king saw from his tower that his favorite meadows were being poisoned by some people, and they immediately ordered their neighbor to ask what kind of people they were? He arrived at the meadows, approached Ilya Muromets, and asked what kind of people they were and how they dared trample the royal meadows without permission? Ilya Muromets replied: “It’s none of our business! Ask the elder over there - a strong, mighty hero."

The ambassador approached Vanyukha. He shouted at him, did not let him say a word: “Get out, you’re still alive, and tell the king that a strong, mighty hero came to his meadows, who killed forty heroes with one blow, but the small fry has no estimate, and rolled over with a stone, and Ilya Muromets and Fyodor Lyzhnikov are with him, and demand the Tsar’s daughter in marriage.” He told this to the king. The Tsar had enough of the records: Ilya Muromets and Fyodor Lyzhnikov are there, but the third, who killed forty heroes at a time, is not in the records. Then the king ordered to gather an army, capture three heroes and bring them to him. Where to grab it? Vanyukha saw how the army began to approach closer; he shouted: “Ilya! Go and drive them away, what kind of people are they?” - he lies there, stretched out and looking at him like an owl.

At those words, Ilya Muromets jumped onto his horse, drove him, not so much beat him with his hands as trampled him with his horse; He killed everyone and left only the pagans to the king. The king heard this misfortune, gathered more strength and sent to catch the heroes. Ivan the Fool shouted: “Fedyunka! Go ahead and drive this bastard away!” He jumped on his horse, killed everyone, and left only the pagans.

What should the king do? Things are bad, the warriors have beaten the forces; The king became thoughtful and remembered that a strong hero, Dobrynya, lived in his kingdom. He sends him a letter, asking him to come defeat three heroes. Dobrynya has arrived; The Tsar met him on the third balcony, and Dobrynya, on top, rode up to the balcony level with the Tsar: that’s what he was like! We said hello and talked. He went to the royal meadows. Ilya Muromets and Fyodor Lyzhnikov saw that Dobrynya was coming towards them, they got scared, jumped on their horses and got out of there - they drove away. But Vanyukha didn’t have time. While he was picking up his little mare, Dobrynya drove up to him and laughed, what kind of strong, mighty hero is this? Small, skinny! He bent his head towards Vanyukha himself, looking at him and admiring him. Vanyukha somehow didn’t lose heart, he grabbed his saber and cut off his head.

The king saw this and got scared: “Oh,” he says, “the hero killed Dobrynya; trouble now! Go quickly and call the hero to the palace.” Such honor came for Vanyukha that, father forbid! The carriages are the best, the people are all kind. They planted him and brought him to the king. The king treated him and gave him his daughter; They got married, and now they live and chew bread.

I was here, drinking honey; It flowed down my mustache but didn’t get into my mouth. They gave me a cap and started pushing me; They gave me a caftan, I go home, and the titmouse flies and says: “The blue is good!” I thought: “Take it off and put it down!” He took it, threw it off, and put it down. This is not a fairy tale, but a saying, a fairy tale ahead!

There was an old man and an old woman; They had three sons: two were smart, the third was Ivanushka the Fool. The smart ones tended the sheep in the field, but the fool did nothing, just sat on the stove and caught flies.

One day the old woman cooked some rye dumplings and said to the fool:

- Come on, take these dumplings to the brothers; let them eat.

She poured a full pot and gave it to him; he wandered towards his brothers. The day was sunny; As soon as Ivanushka left the outskirts, he saw his shadow on the side and thought:

“What kind of person is this? He walks next to me, not a step behind: right, he wanted some dumplings?” And he began to throw dumplings at his shadow, and so he threw away every single one; looks, and the shadow keeps walking from the side.

- What an insatiable womb! - said the fool with a heart and threw a pot at her - the shards scattered in different directions.

So he comes empty-handed to his brothers; they ask him:

- You fool, why?

- I brought you lunch.

-Where is lunch? Come on lively.

- Look, brothers, an unknown person got attached to me on the way and ate everything!

- What kind of person is this?

- Here he is! And now it’s standing nearby!

The brothers scold him, beat him, beat him; They beat off and forced the sheep to graze, and they themselves went to the village to dine.

The fool began to herd; sees that the sheep have scattered across the field, let's catch them and tear out their eyes. He caught everyone, gouged out everyone’s eyes, gathered the herd into one heap and the little one sits there as if he had done the job. The brothers had lunch and returned to the field.

- What have you done, fool? Why is the flock blind?

- Why do they have eyes? When you left, brothers, the sheep scattered apart, and I came up with an idea: I started catching them, collecting them in a pile, tearing out their eyes - I was so tired!

- Wait, you’re not so smart yet! - the brothers say and let’s treat him with their fists; The fool got a lot of nuts!

Not much time had passed, the old people sent Ivan the Fool to the city to buy household chores for the holiday. Ivanushka bought everything: he bought a table, spoons, cups, and salt; a whole cartload of all sorts of things. He’s going home, and the horse is such an unlucky little horse: he’s lucky or unlucky!

“Well,” Ivanushka thinks to himself, “the horse has four legs and the table also has four, so the table will run away on its own.”

He took the table and put it on the road. He drives and drives, whether close or far, and the crows hover over him and keep cawing.

“You know, the sisters are hungry to eat, that they shouted so much!” thought the fool. He placed the dishes with food on the ground and began to regale:

- Little sisters! Eat for your health.

And he keeps moving forward and forward.

Ivanushka is driving through a forest; All the stumps along the road are burnt.

“Eh,” he thinks, the guys are without hats; After all, they’ll be cold, dear ones!”

He took pots and pots and put them on them. So Ivanushka reached the river, let’s water the horse, but she still doesn’t drink.

“You know, he doesn’t want it without salt!” - and well, salt the water. I poured out a bag full of salt, but the horse still didn’t drink.

- Why don’t you drink, wolf meat? Did I pour out a bag of salt for nothing?

He grabbed her with a log, right in the head - and killed her on the spot. Ivanushka had only one purse of spoons left, and he carried that too. As he goes, the spoons go back and clang: clang, clang, clang! And he thinks that the spoons say: “Ivanushka is a fool!” - he threw them and, well, trampled them and said:

- Here's Ivanushka the fool! Here's Ivanushka the Fool! They even decided to tease you, you bastards! He returned home and said to his brothers:

- I've redeemed everything, brothers!

- Thank you, fool, but where are your purchases?

- And the table is running away, yes, you know, it’s lagging behind, they’re eating from the sisters’ dishes, he put pots and pots on the heads of the children in the forest, he salted the horse’s swill with salt; and the spoons are teasing - so I left them on the road.

- Go, fool, quickly! Collect everything you scattered along the road!

Ivanushka went into the forest, removed the pots from the charred stumps, knocked out the bottoms and put a dozen different pots on the batog: both large and small. Brings it home. His brothers beat him off; We went to the city ourselves to do some shopping, and left the fool to run the house. A fool listens, but the beer in the tub just ferments and ferments.

- Beer, don't wander! Don't tease the fool! - says Ivanushka.

No, beer doesn't listen; He took it and let everything out of the tub, sat down in the trough, drove around the hut and sang songs.

The brothers arrived, became very angry, took Ivanushka, sewed him up in a sack and dragged him to the river. They put the sack on the shore, and they themselves went to inspect the ice hole.

At that time, some gentleman was riding past in a troika of brown ones; Ivanushka and well shout:

“They put me in the voivodeship to judge and dress, but I don’t know how to judge or dress!”

“Wait, fool,” said the master, “I know how to judge and judge; get out of the bag!

Ivanushka got out of the sack, sewed the master there, and he got into his cart and drove out of sight. The brothers came, lowered the sack under the ice and listened; and in the water it just gurgles.

- You know, the burka catches! - the brothers said and wandered home.

Out of nowhere, Ivanushka rides towards them in a troika, rides and boasts:

- That's a hundred horses I caught! And Sivko was still there - so nice!

The brothers became jealous; say to a fool:

- Now sew us up and quickly lower us into the hole! Sivko will not leave us...

Ivan the Fool lowered them into the ice hole and drove them home to finish their beer and commemorate their brothers.

Ivanushka had a well, in the well there was a dace fish, and my fairy tale was over.