Reproductions of the painting in Polenova's Golden Autumn. Description of the painting “Golden Autumn” by Polenov: admiring and dreaming

"Gold autumn".

Tasks of the teacher: create conditions for compiling and recording a text based on the reproduction of V. D. Polenov’s painting “Golden Autumn”.

Lesson type: solving particular problems.

Planned learning outcomes:

Subject: will learn compose a text on a reproduction of a painting (consider and describe the content of a reproduction of a painting, discuss the content of an upcoming story based on a reproduction of a painting, highlight parts of the content of a story), write down the compiled text.

Meta-subject (criteria for the formation/evaluation of components of universal educational activities– UUD):

Cognitive: navigate the textbook, answer the teacher’s questions, find the necessary information intextbook.

Regulatory: organize your workplace, determine the goal and draw up a plan for completing tasks in the lesson under the guidance of the teacher.

Communicative: listen and engage in dialogue, participate in collective discussion.

Personal: have the skills of constructive cooperation with adults and peers, and demonstrate aesthetic feelings.

Educational Resources:

1. Textbook, workbook.

2. Explanatory dictionary.

3. Internet resources:

Visual demonstration material: words for spelling training written on the board.

Lesson script

I. Report the topic of the lesson.

Today is a lesson on speech development.

During the lesson we will compose a text on the reproduction of Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov’s painting “Golden Autumn”: consider and describe the content of the reproduction of the painting, discuss the content of the upcoming story based on the reproduction of the painting, highlight parts in the content of the story, write down the compiled text.

II. Getting to know the artist's work.

Polenov Vasily Dmitrievich - an outstanding Russian artist, master of historical, landscape and genre painting(the teacher demonstrates reproductions of paintings: “Grandma’s Garden” (1878), “Moscow Courtyard” (1878), “First Snow” (1891), “Overgrown Pond” (1879), “Russian Village” (1889), “Birch Alley in Abramtseve" (1880)) , teacher. Born on May 20, 1844 in St. Petersburg, in the old noble family. Polenov's father, Dmitry Vasilievich, was famous historian, archaeologist and bibliographer. The artist's mother, Maria Alekseevna, was a children's writer and amateur artist.

III. Mastering new content and its application: work according to the textbook (p. 37).

1. Consideration and description of the content of the reproduction of the painting.

Look at the reproduction of the painting(the teacher demonstrates a reproduction of the painting using an interactive whiteboard) .

What did the artist depict in the picture?(The artist depicted early autumn.)

Why do you think so?(The artist used soft yellow, blue and green tones when painting the picture.)

Autumn - favorite time year of the artist.

Did you get the impression that you were seeing the autumn landscape as if from above?(Yes. The artist probably climbed onto a hill and spent a long time choosing the place from which he would paint.)

What do you see in the center of the picture?(River.)

It should be noted that Polenov used in the painting a technique characteristic of his style: organizing space using an arc. On the canvas, the role of this arc is the image of the Oka River, which balances and completes the picture as a whole. The river stretches, dividing the picture
into two parts. Oka is Polenov’s favorite place. “How I would like to show you our Oka. After all, you and I were the first to discover its beauty. Then for some reason it seemed to you that in this beauty and harmony, no, no, and even a harmonic would slip through. I’ve been living here now for twenty-two years and have never heard it, but the beauty and harmony are still the same.”
(From the artist’s letter to K. Korovin.)

How did you see the river and its banks?(It is a mirror of the entire landscape. It reflects the trees that grow along the river, and blue sky. The shore is strewn with clean, as if sifted, sand. In the summer, village children play and swim there.)

How did you see the water meadows stretching towards the horizon?(Green islands are visible on the ocher-yellow grass.)

How did you see the trees and their autumn attire, the earth?(In the midst of golden trees, young green pines shine through, and three old pines growing nearby rise above them. A path trampled by local residents leads into a dense forest. There they collect mushrooms and wild berries. In the lower right corner of the picture you can see the shadow of a large tree. )

How did you see the sky?(In the blue sky, through which air clouds float, clouds, grayness and other signs of bad weather are not visible.)

What do you remember about the film?(The painting exudes coolness and silence. I want to dissolve in the gentle beauty and harmony, think about the smooth and leisurely flow of life. It is clear that part of the author’s soul has forever frozen in the work, filling it with warmth and soft inner light.)

2. Writing a story.

How many parts will there be in the story?(Three parts: introductory, main, final.)

What will you write about in the first part?(About the artist, his painting.)

What will you write about in the main part?(We will give a description of the nature depicted in the picture.)

How will you end your story? What words will you use to start sentences in which you express your opinion, your impressions of the picture?(Students' statements.)

3. Retelling the compiled story.

What will you tell us in the introductory part?(About the artist, his painting.)

(Two or three sentences.)

Now think about what you will talk about in the main part?(About the contents of the picture.)

How many proposals will this require?(At least five sentences.)

What will you talk about in conclusion?(About why you like the picture.)

How many proposals will this require?(One or two sentences.)

Retell the text.(1–2 students retell the compiled text.)

Does the content of the story fit the theme?

How many parts are there in the story?(3.)

Physical education minute

4. Lexico-spelling preparation.

Words for spelling trainingon the board: picture, early autumn, autumn landscape, we see, calm, blue, river, yellow, copses, golden, birch trees, as if dancing, light, round dance, towering, greenery, giant trees, earth, yellowed, grass, path, swiftly, running, calling, horizon, flooded, blowing, cool, silence.

Read the first word spellingly.(Painting.)

What do you need to know to spell this word correctly?(This vocabulary word. You need to remember its spelling, namely: the unstressed vowel at the root of the word - the letter “a”.)

Work with other words in the same way.

5. Writing sentences in a notebook.

Write down suggestions for reproducing the painting.

Option 1

The picture shows early autumn. Autumn landscape we see as if from above. The river calmly rolls its blue waters. There are yellow copses everywhere. Golden birches seem to be dancing in a light round dance. The dense greenery of giant trees rises above them. There is yellowed grass on the ground. The path runs quickly and calls us into the distance. Water meadows stretch towards the horizon.

The painting exudes coolness and silence.

Option 2

During the Russian language lesson, the teacher presented paintings by the artist Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov. What struck me most was his painting “Golden Autumn”.

The picture shows early autumn. We see the autumn landscape as if from above. The painting is made in soft yellow, blue and green tones. In the midst of golden trees, young green pines shine through, and three old pines growing nearby rise above them. Green islands are visible on the ocher-yellow grass. In the blue sky, across which air clouds float, no clouds are visible. The river is a mirror of the entire landscape. The river surface reflects the trees that grow along the banks and the blue sky. The river stretches, dividing the picture into two parts. The shore is strewn with clean, as if sifted, sand. In summer, village children play and swim there. A trampled path leads into a dense forest. There local residents They collect mushrooms and wild berries. In the lower right corner of the picture you can see the shadow of a large tree.

It is clear that part of the artist’s soul has frozen forever in the work, filling it with warmth and soft inner light.

6. Mutual verification.

7. Reading written sentences.

IV. Lesson summary. Reflection of activity.

What lesson did you teach today?(Lesson on speech development.)

What did you compile and write down?(Text based on the reproduction of the painting.)

How did you cope with the work? What caused the difficulties? How do you evaluate your activities in class?

Painting famous artist V.D. Polenova’s “Golden Autumn” shows us a beautiful view of the banks of the Oka River towards the Ochkovy Mountains.

This place is quite specific. Not far from him, in the Bekhovo estate, at one time the author of the painting “Golden Autumn”, Vasily Polenov, lived.

V. Polenov "Golden Autumn"

About the artist

Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov was born in 1844 into a large noble family. His family lived in St. Petersburg. The artist’s father was a fairly famous archaeologist in his time, and his mother was engaged in painting and writing books for children.

When Vasily Polenov was 12 years old, his parents saw his talent as an artist and hired a teacher from the Academy of Arts for him. This teacher was Pavel Petrovich Chistyakov, who had a very great influence on Polenov’s work.

From 1861 to 1863, Polenov studied at the Petrozavodsk gymnasium, and after that he entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at St. Petersburg University. At the same time, he studied at the Academy of Arts.

In 1867 Vasily Polenov graduated from the Academy of Arts with a silver medal.

The artist’s work begins to enjoy high popularity. After graduating from the Academy of Arts, Vasily Polenov travels a lot, which gives him inspiration for new works. He visits Vienna, Naples, Venice, Munich and other cities. Enough for a long time he lived in Paris.

In 1876, Polenov participated in Russian-Turkish War, and a year later he moves to Moscow, where he visits many art exhibitions, and also demonstrates his works to the general public. At that time, the artist’s creativity began to be used great success, V to a greater extent thanks to the painting “Moscow Courtyard”, which was painted in Arbatsky Lane. Many contemporaries are beginning to call Vasily Polenov a master of epic landscape.

In the early 80s of the 19th century, Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov went on a trip to the Middle East: to Palestine, Egypt, Syria and other countries to search for inspiration.

The artist died in 1927 in his estate, having lived for 83 years. Above the grave of Vasily Dmitry Polenov, according to the artist’s will, there is an Olonets cross.

Grave of V. Polenov in Bekhov

Painting by V. Polenov “Golden Autumn”

Vasily Polenov painted the painting “Golden Autumn” in 1890, after he acquired Vacation home V Tula province on the banks of the Oka River, thereby realizing his old dream. The house was in a quiet and beautiful place.

It is worth noting that in this moment in this house there is the historical and art museum of V.D. Polenov, in which the interior and furnishings created by the artist have been preserved.

Museum-estate "Polenovo"

In the picture we see a majestic and at the same time calm autumn motif. “Golden Autumn” is made in yellow and green tones. On foreground we observe a path along which people probably walk, but we do not see where and from where it leads. Yellowing leaves on some trees are already about to fall to the ground. Behind them are three tall and old pines, which with their dark green color stand out significantly from all the other trees.

There are clouds in the bright blue sky, but no clouds are visible, so there is no sign of bad weather. The relatively narrow Oka River reflects the entire surrounding landscape. The trees that grow next to it and the sky with clouds are reflected in its surface. On the left side of the river the bank is strewn with sand. The river goes into the horizon, so we don’t see its end.

In the distance on the horizon is a small rural church.

It’s easy to notice that the entire landscape was drawn from above, which means that Vasily Polenov spent quite a long time looking for appropriate place to depict your picture from the best angle.

Vasily Polenov knew how to convey the extraordinary in the ordinary, and this is the artist’s skill.

It's a wonderful time Golden autumn. V.D. Polenov very accurately depicted this time of year “Forests dressed in scarlet and gold” - as if looking at this picture, writes A.S. Pushkin.

In the foreground of the picture you can still see green grass. Dark spots- these are small Christmas trees.

In the middle ground of the picture, all the beauty of autumn Russian nature is revealed. When you look at these trees, your soul is filled with delight and joy. Such mighty pines and spruces stand green on the left side of the picture, but against their background the multi-colored trees have become even more expressive.

In the background of the picture there is not a large village, but a church next to it. Behind the fence of golden trees there is still a rather green and mighty oak tree.

And what a sky! The words of Alexander Pushkin just burst from the soul: “And the heavens are covered with a wavy haze...”. The sky is still bright, but the winter darkness is already somewhere close. Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov is a famous Russian painter. I saw his paintings in Tretyakov Gallery and was very delighted.

Essay – description based on a painting by V.D. Polenov

"Gold autumn"

Class: 3 "B"

Target : Formation of the ability to perceive artistic images paintings.

Tasks :

    introduce the work of V.D. Polenov

    develop the ability to analyze visual means of expression paintings

    teach to perceive the beauty of nature and respond emotionally to it

Keywords :

    landscape artist


    color spectrum

During the classes

1. Preliminary work

The teacher reads an excerpt from a poem by I.A. Bunin (the text itself is written on the board):

The musical accompaniment is a play by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song" from the cycle "Seasons".

The forest is like a painted tower,

Lilac, gold, crimson,

Stands like a cheerful, motley wall

Above the bright clearing.

It's so light all around today,

Such dead silence:

In the forest and blue heights,

What is possible in this silence

Hear the rustle of a leaf...

- What time of year is this poem talking about?

2. Conversation on the content of the picture.

A reproduction of V.D. Polenov’s painting “Golden Autumn” opens on the board. The students look at it carefully.

- What title would you give to this picture?

Choose the most suitable name from those suggested on the board.

Comment on your choice.

    "Autumn River"


    "Sunny day"

    "Gold autumn"

- The painting is called “Golden Autumn”.

A story about an artist

This painting was painted by Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov (1844-1927) - one of the outstanding Russian artists. He was born in St. Petersburg, into a cultured noble family. Systematic painting began for him at the age of 12. Fulfilling the will of his father, Polenov entered St. Petersburg University, received legal education, but at the same time in the evenings he studied at the Academy of Arts, which he also successfully graduated from. Since 1882, the artist taught at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, his students were Ostroukhov, Korovin, Levitan. I was studying educational activities, created scenery in the theater. Many of his paintings had big success and gained fame (“Moscow Yard”, “Grandmother’s Garden”)

Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov was one of the first painters to receive the title folk artist. (1924)

- Why is the painting called “Golden Autumn”?

The painting is called so because the artist chose the time when the trees are colorful, mostly yellow and red. Therefore, in color, they resemble the color of gold. It's mid-autumn. Polenov wanted to show the beauty of this time

- What attracted your attention in this picture?

What feelings and desires do you experience when you look at this picture? (joy, I want to hug the whole forest, run along the edge, be silent, etc.).

Let's try to understand why the picture evokes this particular mood. What day did the artist depict? (The day is warm, sunny, fine)

How does the artist achieve a feeling of joy in us? What colors (tones) did Levitan choose to show the “gold” of autumn?
(The artist chose clean, bright colors: blue, yellow green, red, orange, brown)

- What trees do you see in the picture?

What color is the outfit of birches? (they are all gold).
- Are all the trees dressed in gold? Which trees stay green? Prove that the day depicted in the picture is sunny and warm. (The sky is clear, there is no wind, the forest is quiet, sunbeams on the grass, on the river).

3. Vocabulary work

- Remember what an epithet is, a comparison.
- Select the epithets that you will use in the essay.



fine, good, warm, autumn


clear, blue, light, azure

light, airy, white, fluffy

yellow, gold, colorful, autumn, beautiful, elegant


slender, flexible, white-trunked.


yellow, green

blue, mirror, blue, sinuous, shiny.


playful, autumnal, radiant.

- Choose comparisons.


Clouds float like a flock of white swans, like magic boats

Floating clouds look like snow-white fluffy cotton wool


The river is like a mirror"

The river winds like a blue ribbon


Birches are like girls at a ball in white dresses with bright ribbons in their hair
The forest spreads along the banks of the river in a lush, colorful carpet

4. Writing an essay plan

Children make a plan collectively under the guidance of the teacher.

1 . About the artist and his painting. What time of year is shown in the picture?
2 . What day is it, how is the sky and sun depicted?
3. River.
4. Tree outfit

5 . Earth.
What feelings does the picture evoke? .
- How would you start an essay on a painting?
From the introduction. You can write about the artist and his paintings. Since Polenov depicted a beautiful season - autumn.
- What would you write after the introduction?

(I would like to describe trees, river, sky, etc.)

- What would be the conclusion of your essay?
(I would definitely write about what beautiful time year - autumn, and how Polenov portrayed it well. I really liked this picture)

The artist conveyed immeasurable beauty with the help of paints and brushes native land, autumn nature, and when describing the picture, try to use the rich possibilities of the Russian language.

5. Writing an essay and checking it.

Students once again think about the structure of the essay, the teacher helps them with leading questions.

Where should I start?

What should you write in the main body?

What will the ending be?

Students write essay-description paintings. The work ends with checking the essay in terms of spelling, structure and completeness of the topic.

Write an essay based on V.D Polenov’s painting “Golden Autumn”, adhering to the laws of text construction.

Sample text essays.

The painting by artist V.D. Polenov depicts a golden autumn.

It's a fine autumn day. The radiant sun is shining. By clear skies Fluffy clouds float like a flock of white swans.

In the center of the picture, a river winds like a blue ribbon. In it, as in a mirror, the azure surface of the sky and trees dressed in multi-colored outfits are reflected.

A lush bright carpet spread along the banks of the river autumn forest. Yellowed leaves shine in the sunlight like gold. White-trunked birch trees braided bright orange ribbons into their braids. They look like slender girls dancing in a circle in a sunny meadow. Proud, slender pines rise in a circle of birch trees. They admire the magical golden outfit of the birches and wave them with their fluffy green scarves.

The earth has also put on a golden outfit, only here and there small islands of still green grass flicker. The forest path beckons and invites you into this colorful fairy tale.

The picture is joyful, magical. A wonderful time - golden autumn. The artist Polenov very accurately conveyed her beauty. I really want to find myself in this place: listen to the sound of the river, admire the autumn colors of the trees, bask in the rays of the gentle and playful sun.

Golden autumn

The painting by Russian artist Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov depicts the beauty of nature in autumn time. The picture captivates with the variety of colors and splendor of autumn nature.

The canvas depicts a sunny, fine day, perhaps warm Sun rays make the earth happy last time this year. Snow-white, occasionally gray, fluffy clouds float across the sky. The grass and trees have turned yellow and acquired an incredible, golden autumn color, but in some places the green colors of the passing summer are still visible. The foliage of the trees seems to have all the colors of the rainbow: green, yellow, crimson, red, brown, Orange color. In the middle of a thick carpet of autumn grass a small path has been trodden leading into the distance of the forest.

A smooth blue river winds along the trees, dressed in colorful, lush and multi-colored outfits. Her smooth curves are captivating, they are magical, they have no end. Clouds floating across the sky are reflected in the clear waters of a clear river. Tall, slender trees cast their various shadows on the river.

On the other side of the river you can see the sandy bank. The landscape awakens the desire to sit on the river bank, soak up the sun and enjoy the last warm days. Beyond the shore, in the background of the picture, are wide, endless autumn fields, with lonely trees occasionally visible among them.

The artist skillfully conveyed in his painting all the variety of colors and colors of autumn. Admiring the picture you admire and get inspired autumn nature, the soul is filled with warm, peaceful and joyful memories. The picture allows you to escape from the bustle of the city, completely immerse yourself in the world of nature and enjoy its splendor.

Essay based on the painting Golden Autumn by Polenov

Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov devoted in his work great attention Russian nature, however, the landscape “Golden Autumn” is depicted with some special love. It was written several years after Polenov settled in his estate on the Bekhovo estate. The beloved image of September nature, the mighty Oka, and the Ochkov Mountains appears before us in the best possible execution. The entire work reflects the author’s thoughts, his mood in relation to his native places. With some special care and trepidation, he paints this landscape.

The river, like a blue ribbon, winds its way towards the horizon. The water is calm, and the quietly rustling trees standing on the shore are reflected in it. The foliage has just begun to turn yellow, coloring the entire forest in beautiful shades. Slender birch trees slowly put on golden clothes, while the mighty oak tree still sways its dark green leaves in the wind. Surely, it will stubbornly stand for a long time, but someday the leaves will fly off its mighty branches.

The grass did not have time to change its emerald color. Small bushes grow in dark spots in a clearing in the shade of trees. There is a neat narrow path through the forest clearing, which, as one might assume, heads to the neighboring village, which owns the small wooden church standing in the background. Above the huge wide hills, dissolving into the distance, hung a gray-blue sky with lazily floating clouds. It is located very low to the horizon line, so softly outlined that it is not clear where the earth begins and where the heavens begin. Autumn stands timidly on the threshold, as if waiting for summer to leave. It’s as if she hasn’t yet decided to take away the joyful, hot excitement with an imperious hand and is waiting for something.

Nature has always impressed and inspired people. She was a muse not only for artists, but also for writers and poets. And if the poet put the beauty of the surrounding world into lines with the help of epithets and metaphors, the artist uses color. Color is the soul of painting. It carries not only a description of the color of an object or something secret meaning, but also psychological description, emotions. How much a palette can convey, and not every artist is able to handle color. V.D. Polenov, on the other hand, is a master of his craft, he wonderfully conveys the autumn mood, using careful strokes to paint an image of mysterious sadness and peace in the picture. Light colors dominate his work, which seems to make it almost weightless. The whole canvas seems to breathe transparent bliss.

The picture is as vivid as real nature and captivates everyone with its amazing beauty. A true Russian soul is eager to get into this serene and calm corner, where a person can find true peace, harmony with the world, and most importantly with himself. You can spend hours looking at this landscape: graceful trees, small bushes, a wide free river, endless blue distances and the same blue sky. I would like to feel the gentle touch of the breeze that gently ruffles the crowns, causing the leaves, aging before our eyes, to whisper something in amazing voices.

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