How to teach vocabulary words to a child. Vocabulary words: how to learn

Learning vocabulary words is easy and interesting

Studying vocabulary words gives primary school teachers a lot of trouble. Often, after drawing children’s attention to the peculiarities of the spelling of a word and emphasizing the necessary letters, they suggest writing it down in a dictionary and remembering how it is spelled. But memory often fails young schoolchildren, since they do not yet know any memorization methods, and not every teacher can teach them these methods. Of course, there are many creative teachers who try to diversify the process of learning vocabulary words: they select poems, proverbs and sayings, introduce these words into the context of entertaining content, etc. But, unfortunately, the results in these cases do not always correspond to expectations.

Meanwhile, there is a method that will help cope with this problem. It is based on the age-related characteristics of the thinking of younger schoolchildren and the general laws of memorization.

This publication presents two options for working with dictionary words.

Option I

The thinking of primary school students is visual and figurative in nature, that is, it is based on specific ideas and images. In this regard, the majority of them have a correspondingly predominant figurative type of memory.

In addition, it should be noted that successful memorization is facilitated by compliance with certain conditions:

1) memorization mindset: the student must want to remember what he needs to remember;
2) interest: what is interesting is easier to remember;
3) brightness of perception: everything that is bright, unusual, and that which evokes certain emotions is better remembered;
4) imagery of imprinting: memorization based on images is much better than mechanical memorization.

All these conditions are met when memorizing vocabulary words using the proposed method. Its essence is that the child, in order to remember the word, makes drawings on letters that cause difficulty in writing. Children enjoy doing this exciting activity, and the results ultimately meet their expectations.

Instructions for the teacher

1. Name the word that needs to be remembered and write it on the chalkboard.
2. Find out whether the meaning of the word is clear to children.
3. Give instructions for memorization.
4. Mark letters that may cause difficulties when writing.
5. Write the word in block letters.
6. Invite children to make drawings in their notebooks on “difficult” letters, based on the meaning of the word.
7. When the drawings are ready, those interested demonstrate their options on the board.

How to draw

On the letter o it is very easy to draw a tomato, and the letter i are knives that can be used to cut it.

When you get stung by a nettle, it's hard not to scream.

It is very easy to make the letter a out of bananas, but it is impossible to make the letter o.

There is no alley without trees... and there are also people walking along the alley, and not just one or two, but many...

And these plumbers came to repair the battery.

This word is very easy to remember - pencils and a box for them.

Why not imagine like this?

What's a sunrise without the sun?

What's a drum without sticks?

Once they bought me a balloon, it was great!

Do you have a vegetable garden at your dacha?

Of course, there must be at least a small staircase in the middle of this word.

When the appetite is worked up, no one will refuse a couple of cutlets or... popsicles.

This little man is not afraid of the puddle on the letter o, because he is wearing boots.

Boys love this word very much; they come up with many variations.

Everything is clear here without explanation.

Drawings should be made only on those letters that cause difficulty in writing, otherwise a “pile up” of images occurs. The drawing must necessarily correspond to the meaning of the word.

This process is as exciting as it is useful. Children enjoy drawing, which not only allows them to remember vocabulary words, but also develops their imagination.

Note. The teacher needs to remember that there is a process of forgetting, and think through a system of repetitions.

L.P. Kopylova,
psychologist of Lyceum No. 42 VSJ,

Option II

Vocabulary words are memorized using a mnemonic system of “connections”, which is as follows:

1) memorization occurs more easily if a person mentally imagines objects, phenomena or actions that words mean;
2) objects combined into groups should “come to life”, “move”.

Our class had Russian on Saturday.

In Katya’s apartment, a pan and a glass are drawn in pencil in a painting. And Olya has an apple above her bed.

Weather was good. (The sun was shining.) We drove along the road to the garden. (Draw bicycle wheels.) We planted vegetables. (Vegetable seeds resemble the letter o.) Peas (we draw peas), carrots, cucumber, tomato. But we also have “wrong” plants; their seeds resemble the letter o, but the letter a grows. Cabbage, potatoes.

We took the tram to the store and bought raspberries for breakfast.

The passenger carefully walked a long distance along the alley.

On Thursday at camp we drew wheat with black and yellow pencils.

The pencil stand resembles the letter e.

A man was walking through the city, suddenly a black cat jumped out in front. I turned back - there was a dead end, I went left - there was a dead end on the left, I went right - and there was a dead end on the right, I wanted to go down, but the asphalt from below was in the way. I had to meet a black cat. And all these words are written together.

The spelling of the letters a and o at the end of the words “left - left”, “right” - “right” can be remembered as follows:

to the south window to the left;
from the south window on the left;
on the U window right;
from the window
Yu is on the right.

Wow! One day a nut and an apple grew on an aspen tree!

When we are very surprised, we open our eyes wide, they become like the letter o.

The wind blew from the north, the bear swayed vm eat with birch.

The branches of the birch tree and the claws on the paws of the bear resemble the letter e. The bear pressed closely to the birch tree, merged with it, the word also merged together.

A worker gets ready for work, puts on boots and a coat, gets into the car, and drives to the factory.

My drawing is called "Lilacs on the street."

The human figure is inscribed in the letter i. In one hand he holds a brush, in the other he leans on the table.

How to ride a bike? Fast, fun, soon, good.

My friend dug up the beds with a shovel, planted berries, there will be a good harvest.

The human head, shovel and basket of berries resemble the letter o.

It was the month of June. The hare put strawberries on his tongue.

The inverted letter I is the head of a hare with ears, a strawberry.

Working on vocabulary words
How to help your child remember the spelling of vocabulary words

Language is both old and eternally new -
And it's so wonderful!
In a huge sea - a sea of ​​words -
Take a bath every hour!

Birch and dog, cabbage and director, frost and ship... What do these words have in common? The answer is simple, they are all vocabulary words from the primary school dictionary.

Vocabulary words, like the multiplication table, must be known by heart. But the multiplication table fits on half a notebook page, and the vocabulary words are a huge thick dictionary, and the writing of these words defies any logic. They must be taught and taught, often returning to the same word. It’s good if the child reads a lot and has developed intuition. What if he can’t remember the spelling of the words “apricot” and “shovel” for several years?

The work of spelling dictionary words is difficult and painstaking. It continues from lesson to lesson, remaining in the students’ memory after the teacher uses special techniques.

Vocabulary words are one of the problems of primary school.If the problem is not solved, then it becomes a heavy burden. Unsolved problems in primary school naturally turn into problems at the middle level, and then...

Teachers in their practice use the method of P. S. Totsky, which suggests multiple repetitions to develop the speech apparatus and spelling vigilance.But this technique is not designed for children who had speech problems in preschool age (FFN, ONR, ZRR). Children with attention deficit disorder, MMD, experience great difficulties in mastering vocabulary words.

I want to offer you several ways and methods, adapted for children with a history of speech problems, for memorizing the spelling of vocabulary words.

Important to remember: 1. Exercise daily for 15-20 minutes.
2. Take 5 to 10 words to memorize per week.

To memorize words, use the following tasks.
1. Reading a word by a child.

2. Explanation of the meaning of the word (if the child does not know the meaning of the word, invite him to use a dictionary).

3. Spelling work on the word:
- placing emphasis, highlighting difficult letters in green,
- sound-letter analysis of a word,
- dividing a word into syllables and into syllables for transfer.

4. Learning the spelling of a given word:
- selection of words with the same root,
- composing a phrase or sentence with this word,
- selection of synonyms, antonyms, riddles, sayings with a given word.

5. Recording the word in a spelling dictionary.
In the evening (better before bed), ask your child to say how he will write vocabulary words.

6. Compiling a story from a group of vocabulary words (December, frost, skates, guys).

7. Picture dictation (show pictures of objects, the child writes down the names of these objects).

8. Copy vocabulary words in ascending order of syllables or vice versa.

9. Complete the sentence (there is a missing vocabulary word in the sentence).

10. Formation of the singular from the plural or vice versa (teacher - teachers, vegetable gardens - vegetable garden).

11. Formation of another part of speech (birch - birch, eastern - east, seller - sell).

12. Writing out these dictionary words in several columns:
- by childbirth;
- by numbers;
- by declination;
- with unverified vowels A, O, E, I;
- with an unverified and verifiable vowel;
- animate or inanimate objects;
- by topic (for example: “City” and “Village”);
- by parts of speech;

13. Write out from these words:
- words consisting of two or three syllables;
- words with Y;
- words with hissing words.

14. Coming up with phrases with vocabulary words (red tomato, wide street).

15. Recording words under dictation, with stress setting, underlining unchecked spelling, choosing a word for sound-letter analysis.

16. Selection of words with the same root.

17. Restoring a deformed text or sentence (guys, garden, in, collected, and, cucumbers, tomatoes, peas, baskets).

18. Analysis of words by composition.

19. Writing words with different prefixes (went, came, left, came).

20. Writing words with different prepositions (to the square, at the square, on the square).

21. Put the word in the correct case, decline the dictionary word.

22. Form a new word using a suffix (birch - birch, coast - berezhok).

23. Replace with one word (a person who drives a tractor is a tractor driver, a wide asphalt road is a highway, to win is to win).

24. Writing from memory.

25. Self-dictation and mutual verification.

26. Copy, insert one or two consonants (S or SS - kla...ny,, sho...e, ro...a,, ba...ein) .

27. Replace these words according to their meaning with others (group - collective, store - department store, break - intermission, doctor - surgeon, friend - comrade).

28. For these adjectives, select nouns that are dictionary words according to their meaning (red apple, fiction, drama theater).

29. Replace with synonyms (driver - chauffeur) or antonyms (south - north).

30. Complete the sentence with homogeneous parts of the sentence (You can buy it at the grocery store...).

    "Close your eyes and imagine this word written in a book.
    Spell it.
    Make the “dangerous” letter blink. Which letter is "blinking"?
    Read slowly as you write.
    Write down this word 5 times, each time say out loud what you write."
    (Do everything with your eyes closed.)
Can be usedmethod of associative memorization of words. But I do not recommend its use in children with speech development level 2, mental retardation, ADD, MMD, or mental retardation.

The essence of the method. A difficult spelling of a dictionary word is associated with a vivid associative image, which is remembered when writing this dictionary word, helping to write the spelling correctly.


    1. Write down a vocabulary word (cl. word) and put emphasis.
    For example: birch.

    2. Highlight in green (underline, circle) the syllable that causes difficulties (doubt) when writing.
    For example: be-re-za.

    3. Write out the doubtful syllable separately, highlighting (by size, color) the dubious spelling.
    For example: b_E., b_e.

    4. Find an associative image associated with a vocabulary word and write it down opposite the vocabulary word.


a) An associative image must be associated with the dictionary word by some common feature.
The associative connection can be by:
- color;
- location;
- form;
- sound;
- action;
- taste;
- material;
- purpose;
- quantity

b) The associative image must have in its writing a letter that is not in doubt, which is doubtful in the dictionary word.

For example:
Dictionary word
* birch - by color _white
* birch - curly: you need a comb to comb (shape like the letter E)
Result: b_E.reza - b_E.laya, - gr_E.ben (_E.)

5. Depict a vocabulary word combined with an associative image (drawing and/or intersection of words through a questionable spelling).
For example:

6. Read the dictionary word and clearly reproduce out loud the found associative image, imagining their combination and the dubious spelling linking them.
ATTENTION! DO NOT impose your association on your child!
The value is the presence of each associative image given the given requirements: connection and a general given spelling.

Examples of vocabulary words and associative images:

    g_A.zeta -,
    k_A.rman - holes_A.,
    d_I.rekt_O.r - kr_I.k, r_O.t,
    k_O.concert - n_O.ta, d_O., x_O.r,
    z_A.water - pipe_A.,
    k_O.rabl - v_O.lny, b_O.tsman, k_O.k,
    in_E.y -, sn_E.g,
    l_A.don -,
    k_A.empty - z_A.yats
    k_A.randash - gr_A.n,,
    s_O.tank -
Literature that will help diversify your activities with your child.
1. Molokova A.V., Molokov Yu.G., Kilina G.F. Electronic textbook "Vocabulary words. Grades 1-4"
The manual is intended for use in Russian language lessons in elementary school for the purpose of studying, practicing the skills of correct spelling of vocabulary words, as well as for the purpose of organizing control and self-control in the lesson.
Words whose spelling needs to be remembered are divided into classes, and within each class they are grouped thematically. The student can work with each group of vocabulary words in three modes.
The "Learn" mode allows you to see an illustration and spelling of each vocabulary word in a given group, as well as hear its pronunciation by a speaker.
The "Test Yourself" mode is designed to practice the skills of correct spelling of vocabulary words after the appearance of illustrations and voice accompaniment. The student can use the hint to select the required letters. This will be reflected in the comments for completing the task.
The "Control" mode allows the student to interactively check the correct spelling of vocabulary words in a group based on the illustration and sound of the word. There is no way to use a hint.
The results of the work are recorded and can be reviewed by the teacher after completion.

Vocabulary words, how to remember them better?

Language is both old and eternally new -

And it's so wonderful!

In a huge sea - a sea of ​​words -

Take a bath every hour!

Potatoes and cardboard, a scarf and a scarf, frost and a ship... What do these words have in common? All of them are vocabulary words from the school dictionary for primary grades.

Starting my journey as a primary school teacher, I encountered a problem during Russian language lessons - children at this age stubbornly refuse to memorize so-called vocabulary words using the standard method of pronunciation and memorization. A very small number of children, having a good auditory memory, and more often just “innate” literacy, write vocabulary dictations or use these words in creative and other written works without errors. But what to do with the bulk of the students?

The work of spelling dictionary words is difficult and painstaking. “Vocabulary work is not an episode in the teacher’s work, but a systematic, well-organized, pedagogically appropriately structured work related to all sections of the Russian language course,” wrote the famous methodologist A.V. Tekuchev. It continues from lesson to lesson, remaining in the memory of students after the teacher uses special techniques.

Methods of vocabulary work in Russian language lessons in elementary school are closely related to the study of unstressed vowels, untested unstressed vowels of the root.

The question of unstressed vowels, as one of the most important problems of vocabulary work, by universal vocation, is fundamental in Russian spelling. To study unstressed vowels in the roots of words, in prefixes, suffixes and endings, in connecting vowels, etc. The greatest amount of time is spent in the school course of the Russian language. When mastering the spelling of words with unstressed vowels, students experience the greatest difficulties.

For most schoolchildren who make such mistakes, the teacher’s request to formulate a spelling diagram does not cause any particular difficulties. However, the need to apply a long-familiar rule in somewhat unexpected conditions, requiring not a mechanical repetition of the usual algorithm, but a conscious approach, turns out to be an almost impossible task for many. Therefore, a primary school teacher faces a very serious task - to ensure that students master the skills of spelling unstressed vowels in the roots of words.

Working with dictionary words is one of the serious problems of elementary school. A problem that is not resolved in a timely manner turns into a heavy burden, which then has to be dragged to the middle level and beyond. In my work I try to use various methods of memorizing difficult words with untestable letters. One of the effective methods that gives excellent results is associative memorization methodvocabularywords, which is successfully used in the teaching and learning methodology “Prospective Primary School”.

The essencethismethod thing is difficultspelling vocabulary word associated with in a vivid associative way, which is remembered when writing a given word, helping to write the spelling correctly. So this is - method of vivid associations.

This method makes it possible to memorize words on the first presentation, without repeated repetition. A well-chosen word - the association becomes "check" for a difficult and previously untested vocabulary word. For this purpose, it is convenient to place next to a dictionary word a word that is similar in sound and spelling, but not related, in which the “difficult” element from the dictionary word is in a strong position and its spelling does not cause difficulties. And so that the sound of this word is similar to our vocabulary. Let’s play with the associative connection in a poem, fairy tale, riddle or charade, and the vocabulary word will have an “adopted relative” that will help to highlight and firmly remember the spelling. And we must not forget that for the successful functioning of emotional-figurative memory, our associative information block must arouse interest, curiosity, and even better - in addition, a smile and laughter. At the same time, the more unexpected, the more comical , The more absurd the connection between words in an associative pair, the higher the efficiency of memorization. Children will be very amused by ridiculous situations, so it is advisable to use them as actively as possible in information blocks.

A pair of two vocabulary words works especially effectively, in which each becomes a kind of “test word” for the other: for example, “axe” and “poplar,” “city” and “vegetable garden.”

Another technique that affects the quality of memorization is the use of assonance (repetition of vowel sounds):

"TO A someone in b A r come in b A R A n,

b A R A b A nya in b A R A b A n."

Or the use of alliteration (repetition of the same or homogeneous consonants):

« G A- G A- G A!" - she G O G report".

This technique activates auditory memory: some part of the text is saturated with a sound that corresponds to the memorized letter.

Let's look at examples from the dictionary to see these techniques in action.

Take, for example, the word “room”. How do you remember that it is written with an “a” and not an “o”? Let's choose an “adopted relative” for him - the word “Nata”. In this word, the sound “a” is stressed and it is simply impossible to write the letter “o” here. And the word itself coincides with part of the word “room”. All that remains is to connect them together: com N ata - room A ta.

Time N A in the room A she came in
And the letter " A" she found.
There's a letter " A"was captured
Between the letter " T" and the letter " N».

The plot of the poem develops in the drawing: the letters “T” and “N” in this drawing are no longer just letters, but characters - robbers, to whom the letter “A” was captured.

Another technique is an absurd situation: For example, choose the word “shovel”. It couldn’t be done without an “adopted relative” here either - the word “l” O kicked."

Went to the dacha on a day off
I'm with l O inflatable pata -
Even though it’s far from the dacha,
Walking with her is easy.

But it’s a little difficult for her to dig:
Once! - and l O kicked l O pata!

“Adoptive relative” does not have to be similar to the original word. Memorizing a vocabulary word is achieved through the plot. This technique is very convenient to use in a fairy tale. Read, for example, this fairy tale about baka.

Once upon a time there lived a baka. She knew how to bark, wag her tail, guard the house and loved to howl at the round moon, which looks a little like the letter " ABOUT". And bite a bagel that looks like a letter " ABOUT".

And she also loved to look at the round O cloud and round with O moon, similar to the letter " ABOUT", loved O canopy that starts with the letter " ABOUT". In general, of course, you guessed that she fell in love with the letter itself." ABOUT". And when I fell in love, I wanted to be written with this letter.

“Okay,” they told her, “we’ll write you “sides.”

No, I don't want that! From what other side?! - Baka was offended. - I don’t want to be called that! I just want to pee with" ABOUT".

And they began to write it with " ABOUT". Like this: dog. And then simply: dog.

That's how they still write.

Expressing information in an easy and interesting associative form makes it clear to the child that he himself is capable of creating associative information blocks, and that he himself is capable of turning difficult material into accessible material for himself and others. I was very glad that later my children, picking up the baton, began to offer their associations, ideas, images, invent fairy tales and even write poetry.

In addition, I actively use gaming techniques in my practice.


The presenter (teacher or student), without naming a dictionary word, explains to everyone the lexical meaning of the word. Children guess and write down with pronunciation. This type of work develops attention, expands vocabulary, and develops the skill of competent sentence construction in the leading student...


The presenter tells the origin of the hidden word. Children guess (they can also add to the presenter’s story), and then write down the word with pronunciation.


These can be individual subject pictures for a specific vocabulary word. But this type of work can be complicated. To do this, you need to either select or draw a plot picture (which is easier to do if words are studied in groups on a specific topic). You need to find as many vocabulary words as possible. Then you can match these words with signs, actions... As a result, you can write a short essay on this picture, using the worked out blanks.


The presenter reads a sentence or text. The rest of the children determine the vocabulary word by ear and write it down while pronouncing it. It could be visual selective dictation. In this case, it is necessary to determine the time limits for completing the work and then identify which of the children found more words. Moreover, in this work it is important not just to copy out dictionary words, but also to work with the word (selecting spellings).


On the board or on cards are diagrams of words with the indicated “dictionary” spellings. Although a more complex option is possible for children of the strong category - spelling patterns are not only untestable, but also testable. But this option requires certain designations for each spelling. For example, checkable spellings can be indicated by a dot, and uncheckable spellings can be underlined (minus sign - weak position):

O___O___ (sparrow, milk...)

A___KK_____ (neat)

СС__ (cash, mass...)

E_____Дь (bear, notebook...)


A group of vocabulary words is written on the board. Not necessarily thematic. This could be a selection of words for a specific spelling for a specific lesson topic. For example, when studying paired consonants, a group of vocabulary words with paired consonants is taken, similarly - doubled consonants, unpronounceable consonants, etc.

There must be at least 10 of these words. I give you 1 minute to memorize the words. I ask you to speak the words silently. Then I remove (erase) the words. Again I give 1 minute to write the words. Task: remember and write down as many vocabulary words as possible. We definitely check (self-check, mutual check...), emphasize spelling.


This work can be done at the beginning of the lesson instead of a warm-up or as a lead-in to new material. For example: lesson topic: “Animate and inanimate nouns.” On the board are the words:


I carefully select words in advance so that more than one word can be highlighted. The most important thing is to justify the choice of the “extra” word (this perfectly develops creative thinking!). The following are the arguments:

1.I think that the “superfluous” word rooster, because it took 6 words to write all the words, and for the word rooster- only 5.

2. I think that the “superfluous” word rooster, because All words have 3 syllables, but this word has 2.

3….word rooster, because all words end with a vowel, and this word ends with a consonant.

4…..word road, because all words answer the question WHO?, and the word road - to the question WHAT? Etc.

There can be many arguments, and “extra” words too!

    LETTERS - Velcro (MAGNETS).

A specific letter (spelling) is given. For a certain time, it is necessary to “magnetize” letters to it (on one or both sides) so that you get dictionary words. For example:




This work is good to do when the dictionary has a lot of words for a certain spelling. You can use this technique as an option for homework, for example, when studying the topic “Double consonants...”.


This is also a very interesting and unusual way of working with dictionary words.

Children, with the help of a teacher or parents, or themselves (by analogy) using the method of phonetic associations, compose a sentence with a vocabulary word that is consonant with part of another word in a sentence or phrase. For example:

U LAND C A. I went out to persons I saw a lot of friends PERSON


PA LTO. PA LTO wears PA pa.

My children absolutely love this phrase. For, if dad wears a coat, then who, or rather what, wears a coat?... An amazing thing is that no one in the class makes a mistake in this word.


I like to use proverbs, sayings, and phraseological units in my work. It's not only interesting. This type of work instills a love for the Russian language. Children from a very early age learn to speak competently, beautifully, and interestingly. The active vocabulary of words is enriched.

For example, you need to add vocabulary words:

Like hitting a wall _____________(PEAS).

Take care of your nose in the big ______________ (FROST).

Feed _______________(COW) more nourishingly,

_____________ (MILK) will taste better.


This is another convenient way to memorize difficult spellings. Most often it is suitable for words with strong characteristics. For example:




This method is especially good for those children whose visual memory predominates. To memorize particularly difficult words, I don’t spare 2-3 minutes in class to discuss what the letter that needs to be memorized looks like. I would like to note that children are not limited to 1-2 options. For example, in the word “driver”, instead of the untestable vowel “o”, children were asked to draw a steering wheel, a wheel, or a road sign, which were similar in outline to the letter “o”. And it also happened that, having worked on a word with this method in class, someone came up after the lesson and offered other options for graphically depicting an untestable letter. So one student suggested drawing a sun instead of the letter “o”. What does this mean? Yes, that this child will definitely remember this spelling, because... I was thinking about her the whole lesson!

So, after talking for 1-2 minutes about how a letter can be graphically depicted in a “dangerous” place, I give the children a creative task - to sketch a vocabulary word in dictionaries (at the end of individual dictionaries you can leave a few pages for creative work). Those who wish can sketch the word on album sheets - supports. Here are some examples:



1. He is friends with people and guards the house. (Dog).

2. No arms, no legs, but he can draw. (Freezing).

3. Liquid, not water, white, not snow. (Milk).

4. A piece of bread hangs over grandma’s hut. (Month).

5. Small, small, chirp-tweet. (Sparrow).

6. Who stands in the barn, chews gum, gives milk. (Cow).

7. Black Ivashka, wooden shirt. Wherever he leads his nose, he will leave a mark. (Pencil).

Carrying out such types of vocabulary work will make it possible to interest children in the meaning of the words being studied, enrich the students’ vocabulary and develop a conscious skill in writing and correctly using difficult words in oral and written speech.

In my work, I shared with you techniques for working with so-called dictionary words. This is my accumulated experience. But I'm not going to put an end to this topic. I'll put an ellipsis. After all, now I know what else I can offer my students. You can organize the following types of work with dictionary words (group or individual) within the framework of project activities: select poems, riddles, etymological origins of words, phraseological units, pictures for a certain thematic group of words. Compose crosswords and puzzles. Write mini-stories, etc. If the plan succeeds, then within 4 years it will be possible to publish the collective work “Directory - Gamer everyone vocabulary words for elementary school"…

Annex 1

Card No. 1

    What is shown in the pictures?

    In one column write down the words that answer the question what?, in the other - to the question who?

    Place stress in the words, underline the unverified unstressed vowel at the root.

Appendix 2

Fragment of a lesson on familiarization with a vocabulary word.

Topic: Introducing the spelling of the word “birch”.

Today we will learn a new vocabulary word. Guess what we're talking about:

In a white sundress

I stood in the clearing.

The tits were flying,

They sat on their braids.

The teacher hangs up a picture of a birch tree.

Name a feature that distinguishes birch from other trees. (Birch is a tree with a white trunk.)

We need to figure out the spelling of the word "birch". Say it syllable by syllable.

How many syllables are in this word?

Name the first syllable, the second.

Which one is the shock one?

Name the unstressed syllable.

Write this word down in your notebook yourself, skipping the spelling.

Before we insert the missing letter, let's find out why this tree was called that.

The teacher reads out the etymological certificate.

Birch got its name from the color of its bark. Previously, the language had the word “ber”, which means “light”, “clear”, “white”, from which the word “birch” was first formed, and subsequently “birch”.

So, the word “birch” is derived from the same root as the word “white”, and the tree is named so because of the white color of the bark. What letter should be written in the word?

Check the spelling of this word in the textbook's dictionary.

Say how we will write this word.

Then each student writes the word “birch” in a notebook under self-dictation, divides it into syllables and for transfer.

Choose words with the same root.

Make up phrases with these words.

Replace the expression with one word. Insert the missing letters.

Made from birch wood -... (birch).

B. cut forest - ... (birch forest).

A mushroom that grows under a boletus - ... (boletus).

Make up word combinations with the words given on the board.

Behind the birch - (hide).

Birch tree - (to look after).

On a birch tree - (climb).

On the birch - (bloomed).

Under the birch tree - (sit).

Under the birch tree - (fall).

Read the stable expression (phraseological unit) with the word “birch” on the board.

When do they say: “Give me some birch porridge”? (When they want to punish, flog, flog with birch rods.)

Make up phrases and sentences with this word.

Primary school teachers know how much trouble learning vocabulary words can be. This is often explained by an incorrect approach, since drawing a child’s attention to the spelling features of a particular word, offering to write it down in a dictionary and memorize it is clearly not enough for a small schoolchild who does not know any memorization techniques to learn the information.

We should not forget about age-related characteristics of thinking. Thus, primary school students and high school students perceive the same information differently, and therefore the approach to learning vocabulary words is significantly different.

There are several methods based specifically on the characteristics of a child’s age-related thinking that will help cope with the difficulties that arise when learning vocabulary words.

Method No. 1

The mnemonic system of “connections” is one of the most common memorization techniques, the meaning of which is as follows:

1. The easiest words to remember are those that evoke certain associations in the child, be it an object, phenomenon, action, etc.;

2. Objects combined into one group need to be “revived”, made to “move”.

Method No. 2

The thinking of children aged 6-9 years is based on clear ideas and images. Consequently, the type of memory most children have is figurative. Here are a few conditions, the observance of which will significantly speed up memorization:

1) psychological attitude: the child himself must strive to remember what is needed;

2) passion: what arouses interest in the student is remembered faster;

3) vividness of perception: something unusual, bright, and capable of evoking certain emotions in a child is easier to remember;

4) figurative memorization: memorization based on images is much more effective than mechanical memorization.

The essence of this method is for the child to remember words by drawing pictures on “controversial” letters, the spelling of which cannot be checked. This method of memorization arouses keen interest in children. The fascinating process of drawing brings them true pleasure and, in addition, contributes to the development of imagination, which subsequently leads to very tangible results.

1) write down the desired word in block letters on the board;

2) explain the meaning of the word to children;

3) identify letters that are difficult to remember;

4) invite children to come up with and depict on “controversial” letters objects with which they associate this word;

5) upon completion of the work, offer to demonstrate their options on the board.


1) there is no need to allow the child to get too carried away: drawings should be made exclusively for those letters that cause difficulties. Otherwise, a “pile of images” occurs, which slows down the memorization process;

2) children tend to quickly forget what they have learned, so the teacher needs to carefully consider a system for repeating what has been learned.

It’s worth starting with the most ordinary word work, especially if we are talking about elementary school students.

  1. Read the word syllable by syllable.
  2. Make a word from letters using a flannelgraph and letters cut out of velvet paper or textured cardboard (you can do it without a flannelgraph, if you don’t have one, just on the table); The child must run his finger over the letters.
  3. Divide the word into syllables and for transfer, count the number of letters, vowels, consonants.
  4. Determine the composition, part of speech.
  5. Find the “dangerous” letter, rewrite the word, highlighting it with color.
  6. Come up with sentences and phrases with the word, a riddle, maybe draw a picture.
  7. Write down the word several times in different forms (cases, persons, etc.), being sure to carefully pronounce it out loud.

What's next?

All these methods are usually used in the classroom, and often this is enough to memorize a word. But just as often this is not enough. Either the word came across some kind of “evil” one - it doesn’t want to be remembered, or the child learns words poorly, or there are too many words - there are different reasons. And then the work is worth continuing. There are many techniques, you can choose according to your taste or use them all. It is desirable that all work should be fun and interesting, so that the games that children like the most will be the most preferred.

"Word Tree"

You need to draw (you can very schematically) a tree. Its root is the root of a dictionary word. And twigs are words with the same root. Whose tree will turn out to be more spreading?


If the game is conducted by a teacher, especially in high school, it is still worth paying attention to the students’ distinction between the concepts of “single root word” and “word form”: only words with the same root should be written on the branches.

Morphemic and phonetic “charades”

If a game of linguistic “charades” is played in the lessons, it is worth including vocabulary words in it and riddle them and their cognates.

For example, the word “walked” is remembered.

Phonetic "charade". The first sound is like the last sound in the word “knife”; the stressed vowel is like the stressed vowel in the word “cat”, the last sound is like the last sound in the word “floor”.

"Third wheel"

It’s also worth including vocabulary words in the game “The Third Wheel”.

Let me remind you that the student must not only name the extra word, but also justify his choice. Different words can be considered “redundant” for different reasons. All reasonable answers are correct. Example:

K..randash, k..row, d...rkov

An extra word is “pencil”, because it is necessary to insert an A, and the rest are O. An extra word is “carrot”, because it is in M, and the rest are in K. An extra word is “pencil”, because it is masculine, and the rest are feminine . Etc.

"Letter from a Bottle"

Text in which individual letters and words are missing (“washed away with water while the letter floated in a bottle across the endless sea”). It needs to be restored. You need to skip words and letters that can be mistaken.

"Punch cards"

The control method proposed by G. Bogdanova requires preparation from the teacher, but it enjoys constant success among schoolchildren. For it, you need to prepare punched cards - cardboard boxes in which “windows” are cut out in three columns. The author of the method has 9 in each column, I do 4. In total, the teacher dictates 27 (12) vocabulary words (you cannot repeat words!), and the children write only one “dangerous” letter in the “window”. It is both executed and verified in a matter of minutes.

Your own vocabulary dictation

Homework in the form of “Create your own vocabulary dictation” arouses great enthusiasm. If the children are advanced, let them compose a dictation in the form of a text that includes at least 10 vocabulary words.

“Correct the mistakes” (“Corrector”)

Children are offered text or words that contain mistakes here and there. The student’s task is to find them and correct them.

Puzzles, crosswords

Games of this kind are liked by many children and also help in memorizing vocabulary words.


If there are creative children in the class, then you can offer to write a burime using the words being studied. Let me remind you that some rhymes are selected for the game. It is necessary to compose a poem with these rhymes. For example, “unexpectedly - instantly - fog - overtook.”

What if the words are not remembered?

It happens that words still don’t want to be remembered. Then you will have to work with them more seriously, using various mnemonics.

cut word

Write the word in large block letters on a strip of paper, cut the strip not syllable by syllable, but randomly into several parts, mix them and put the word together. It turns out? Now cut the letters and fold them again.

"It's the other way around"

Write the word “back to front” using the Olya-Yalo principle. Even if you succeed the first time, still repeat a couple more times.

For a younger child, you can offer a word in which the letters are rearranged. For example, “mrokov”, “mkorov”, “moovkr”, etc. It is advisable not to rearrange the first letter.

"Fluent Vowels"

All the vowels from the words have escaped somewhere! They need to be restored. The student receives a card either like this: “m_rk_v, k_p_st_,” or like this: “mrkv, kpst.” Of course, a hint is needed: “These are words from a home exercise” or “These are the names of vegetables.”

Association pictures

If one of you - you or a child - draws well, then this option is for you. You need to depict a dictionary word so that the “dangerous” letter is encrypted in the picture. For example, the letter A cut out from a newspaper; a dog with a tail curled in the shape of the letter O; Cucumber, cut into circles in the shape of O, etc.

The pictures should be done colorfully, the letter should be highlighted in a bright color that is not used anywhere else in the image, and then a vernissage should be held throughout the apartment, especially where the child spends more time.

Associations and consonances

This is such a creative method to memorize words. Of course, not everyone likes it or is suitable for it, and from the very beginning, children may not accept the game and will not want to come up with associations. It’s worth offering them this game again with different words, simpler ones. But you can’t make up associations for a child, except perhaps for the first time, as an example.

The essence of consonance is that this word or combination is similar in sound and corresponds in spelling to the dictionary. For example, to remember the spelling of the word “vinaigrette”, you can use the consonant phrase “... and it doesn’t warm”:

Let's cook in AND n E gree T,

It's not fried AND n E gree T.

The essence of the association is to come up with a word that is associated with the dictionary and contains a “dangerous” letter in a strong position. A textbook example: “cabbage is a hare.”

Bottom line

Learning vocabulary words is not the most interesting thing. But if you approach it creatively, even in it you can find a lot of exciting and enjoyable things. And the reward will be high literacy!

Language is both old and eternally new -
And it's so wonderful!
In a huge sea - a sea of ​​words -
Take a bath every hour!

Birch and dog, cabbage and director, frost and ship... What do these words have in common? The answer is simple, they are all vocabulary words from the primary school dictionary.

Vocabulary words, like the multiplication table, must be known by heart. But the multiplication table fits on half a notebook page, and the vocabulary words are a huge thick dictionary, and the writing of these words defies any logic. They must be taught and taught, often returning to the same word. It’s good if the child reads a lot and has developed intuition. What if he can’t remember the spelling of the words “apricot” and “shovel” for several years?

The work of spelling dictionary words is difficult and painstaking. It continues from lesson to lesson, remaining in the students’ memory after the teacher uses special techniques.

Vocabulary words are one of the problems of primary school. If the problem is not solved, then it becomes a heavy burden. Unsolved problems in primary school naturally turn into problems at the middle level, and then...

Teachers in their practice use the method of P. S. Totsky, which suggests multiple repetitions to develop the speech apparatus and spelling vigilance.

But this technique is not designed for children who had speech problems in preschool age (FFN, ONR, ZRR). Children with attention deficit disorder, MMD, experience great difficulties in mastering vocabulary words.

I want to offer you several ways and methods, adapted for children with a history of speech problems, for memorizing the spelling of vocabulary words.

Important to remember:
1. Exercise daily for 15-20 minutes.
2. Take 5 to 10 words to memorize per week.

To memorize words, use the following tasks.

1. Reading a word by a child.

2. Explanation of the meaning of the word (if the child does not know the meaning of the word, invite him to use a dictionary).

3. Spelling work on the word:
- placing emphasis, highlighting difficult letters in green,
- sound-letter analysis of a word,
- dividing a word into syllables and into syllables for transfer.

4. Learning the spelling of a given word:
- selection of words with the same root,
- composing a phrase or sentence with this word,
- selection of synonyms, antonyms, riddles, sayings with a given word.

5. Recording the word in a spelling dictionary.
In the evening (better before bed), ask your child to say how he will write vocabulary words.

6. Compiling a story from a group of vocabulary words (December, frost, skates, guys).

7. Picture dictation (show pictures of objects, the child writes down the names of these objects).

8. Copy vocabulary words in ascending order of syllables or vice versa.

9. Complete the sentence (there is a missing vocabulary word in the sentence).

10. Formation of the singular from the plural or vice versa (teacher - teachers, vegetable gardens - vegetable garden).

11. Formation of another part of speech (birch - birch, eastern - east, seller - sell).

12. Writing out these dictionary words in several columns:
- by childbirth;
- by numbers;
- by declination;
- with unverified vowels A, O, E, I;
- with an unverified and verifiable vowel;
- animate or inanimate objects;
- by topic (for example: “City” and “Village”);
- by parts of speech;

13. Write out from these words:
- words consisting of two or three syllables;
- words with Y;
- words with hissing words.

14. Coming up with phrases with vocabulary words (red tomato, wide street).

15. Recording words under dictation, with stress setting, underlining unchecked spelling, choosing a word for sound-letter analysis.

16. Selection of words with the same root.

17. Restoring a deformed text or sentence (guys, garden, in, collected, and, cucumbers, tomatoes, peas, baskets).

18. Analysis of words by composition.

19. Writing words with different prefixes (went, came, left, came).

20. Writing words with different prepositions (to the square, at the square, on the square).

21. Put the word in the correct case, decline the dictionary word.

22. Form a new word using a suffix (birch - birch, coast - berezhok).

23. Replace with one word (a person who drives a tractor is a tractor driver, a wide asphalt road is a highway, to win is to win).

24. Writing from memory.

25. Self-dictation and mutual verification.

26. Copy, insert one or two consonants (S or SS - kla...ny,, sho...e, ro...a,, ba...ein) .

27. Replace these words according to their meaning with others (group - collective, store - department store, break - intermission, doctor - surgeon, friend - comrade).

28. For these adjectives, select nouns that are dictionary words according to their meaning (red apple, fiction, drama theater).

29. Replace with synonyms (driver - chauffeur) or antonyms (south - north).

30. Complete the sentence with homogeneous parts of the sentence (You can buy it at the grocery store...).

"Close your eyes and imagine this word written in a book.
Spell it.
Make the “dangerous” letter blink. Which letter is "blinking"?
Read slowly as you write.
Write down this word 5 times, each time say out loud what you write."
(Do everything with your eyes closed.)

Can be used method of associative memorization of words. But I do not recommend its use in children with speech development level 2, mental retardation, ADD, MMD, or mental retardation.

The essence of the method. A difficult spelling of a dictionary word is associated with a vivid associative image, which is remembered when writing this dictionary word, helping to write the spelling correctly.


1. Write down a vocabulary word (cl. word) and put emphasis.
For example: birch.

2. Highlight in green (underline, circle) the syllable that causes difficulties (doubt) when writing.
For example: be-re-za.

3. Write out the doubtful syllable separately, highlighting (by size, color) the dubious spelling.
For example: b_E., b_e.

4. Find an associative image associated with a vocabulary word and write it down opposite the vocabulary word.


A) An associative image must be associated with the dictionary word by some common feature.

The associative connection can be by:
- color;
- location;
- form;
- sound;
- action;
- taste;
- material;
- purpose;
- quantity

B) The associative image must have in its writing a letter that is not in doubt, which is doubtful in the dictionary word.

For example:
Dictionary word
* birch - by color _white
* birch - curly: you need a comb to comb (shape like the letter E)

B_E.reza - b_E.bark,
- gr_E.ben (_E.)

5. Depict a vocabulary word combined with an associative image (drawing and/or intersection of words through a questionable spelling).
For example:

6. Read the dictionary word and clearly reproduce out loud the found associative image, imagining their combination and the dubious spelling linking them.

ATTENTION! DO NOT impose your association on your child!
The value is the presence of each associative image given the given requirements: connection and a general given spelling.

Examples of vocabulary words and associative images:

G_A.zeta -,
k_A.rman - holes_A.,
d_I.rekt_O.r - kr_I.k, r_O.t,
k_O.concert - n_O.ta, d_O., x_O.r,
z_A.water - pipe_A.,
k_O.rabl - v_O.lny, b_O.tsman, k_O.k,
in_E.y -, sn_E.g,
l_A.don -,
k_A.empty - z_A.yats
k_A.randash - gr_A.n,,
s_O.tank -

Literature that will help diversify your activities with your child.

1. Agafonov V.V. “Wrong rules” for dictionary words - and not only.”

2. "Vocabulary words in images and pictures." A manual for speech therapists in two parts.
The manual presents specially designed picture material for studying vocabulary words by students of grades 1 and 2 of secondary schools. It allows children to remember vocabulary words not in the traditional way, but in the form of pictures, which is especially important for children with various speech disorders. The material in the second part of the manual is intended for individual work with students.

3. Paramonova L. G. “How to master the spelling of “dictionary” words.”
The proposed manual is devoted to the traditional principle of writing, which is one of the basic principles of Russian orthography. The particular difficulty of mastering this principle lies in the need to memorize and memorize a huge number of words, the spelling of which does not obey any modern grammatical rules.

4. Molokova A.V., Molokov Yu.G., Kilina G.F. Electronic textbook "Vocabulary words. Grades 1-4"
The manual is intended for use in Russian language lessons in elementary school for the purpose of studying, practicing the skills of correct spelling of vocabulary words, as well as for the purpose of organizing control and self-control in the lesson.
Words whose spelling needs to be remembered are divided into classes, and within each class they are grouped thematically. The student can work with each group of vocabulary words in three modes.
The "Learn" mode allows you to see an illustration and spelling of each vocabulary word in a given group, as well as hear its pronunciation by a speaker.
The "Test Yourself" mode is designed to practice the skills of correct spelling of vocabulary words after the appearance of illustrations and voice accompaniment. The student can use the hint to select the required letters. This will be reflected in the comments for completing the task.
The "Control" mode allows the student to interactively check the correct spelling of vocabulary words in a group based on the illustration and sound of the word. There is no way to use a hint.
The results of the work are recorded and can be reviewed by the teacher after completion.

5. Zegebart G. M. "Learning without torment. Correction of dysgraphia."
Publishing house Genesis M. - 2007