Drawing an autumn tree in the senior group step by step. Lesson notes for the senior group. “Early Autumn”

Synopsis of the educational activity on drawing “Autumn Forest”

Description: This summary is designed for older children. May be useful for educators, parents, and additional education teachers.

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Target: expand children’s ideas about golden autumn in poetry and works of fine art; learn to reflect autumn impressions in a drawing.

Objectives: continue to introduce children to a new drawing technique - the sponge.

To cultivate interest in understanding nature and displaying ideas in visual activities (cognitive development).

To develop in children the ability to listen to the teacher (social and communicative development).

Develop children's physical activity (physical development).

Methods and techniques: practical - exercise children in painting with a sponge, outdoor game, surprise moment.

Visual - demonstration of autumn pictures.

Verbal - conversation, explanations, questions to children, reading a poem, listening to music.

Materials and equipment: white sheets of paper, brushes, sponges, watercolor paints, jars of water, rags, paintings of autumn.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations depicting trees in golden autumn. Tree watching while walking.

Logic of educational activities.

The teacher invites the children to listen to the poem:

(holds a yellow leaf in his palm)

Yellow leaf on the palm

It was once green.

He flew into our window.

Why did he turn yellow?

Who, friends, won’t we ask?

They will say it has arrived...

Children: Autumn!

Educator. Well done boys! What is autumn like?

Children express their thoughts (early, golden, late, cold, etc.)

Educator: Guys, let's look at paintings depicting golden autumn.

(They look at I. Levitan’s paintings “Birch Grove”, “Golden Autumn”, discuss.)

The music of Chopin “Autumn Waltz” is played, the teacher reads the poem “Autumn” by E. Trutneva:

Suddenly it became twice as bright,

The yard is like in the sun's rays -

This dress is golden

On the shoulders of a birch tree.

Cobwebs fly by

With spiders in the middle,

And high from the ground

Cranes fly by.

Everything flies... This must be

Our summer is flying by.

Educator: What autumn is the poem talking about?

So now we will draw a golden autumn. But we will draw in an unusual way: with a sponge (dip method).

(Repeat the rules for working with paints)

Children draw to the music of Chopin's "Autumn Waltz."

While the children are drawing, the teacher (or assistant teacher) lays out colorful leaves on the floor.

After the children finish their work, the teacher turns on an audio recording of wind noise.

Teacher: Guys, look, while we were working, the wind blew in and scattered the leaves. What is this natural phenomenon called? Yes, there was real leaf fall!

Offers the game “Who can collect an autumn bouquet faster? ".

Children take an active part in the game.

At this time, the teacher hangs the drawings on the board.

Children look and exchange impressions.

This is such a golden autumn for my children.

GCD for drawing in the senior group

"Autumn Tree"

Program content:

Arouse interest in creating a collective composition “Autumn Tree” Introduce children to a new type of non-traditional drawing technique “imprint, imprint with leaves” Create conditions for artistic experimentation: show the possibility of obtaining orange by mixing yellow with red Develop color perception, a sense of composition, aesthetic taste Cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature in the surrounding world and in art Equipment: Panel with an autumn tree without leaves for group work Gouache, napkins, water, brushes Basket with natural leaves (birch, linden, oak, maple) Didactic game “An Artist Named Autumn” Poems, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” Preliminary work: Excursions around the kindergarten site and the autumn park Examination of autumn illustrations Reading poems about autumn Conversations with children about autumn and autumn phenomena Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment

The teacher shows the children photographs of autumn nature with characteristic autumn colors.

The forest stripped

Blue sky

It's that time of year...autumn

Autumn can be different: gloomy with rain; affectionate, bright, elegant, kind - just like the mood... Let's convey a good mood to each other and get ready for joint creative work! Let's pass the smile around... (passing a mushroom, an apple, etc. we pass a smile to each other)

2. Didactic game “An Artist Named Autumn” (according to Lykova)

Look at these leaves - they are multi-colored. What colors does Autumn love most? Choose a similar color scheme from among the artist’s paints.

3. Dynamic pause “We walked through the forest...”

We bring in a basket with natural leaves. This is a gift from Autumn. The teacher reads the poem and lays out the leaves on the floor.

Autumn has come to visit us

The rain and the wind brought

The wind blows, blows,

The leaves are torn from the branches.

Leaves are spinning in the wind

And they lie at our feet

Well, let's go for a walk

And we’ll collect the leaves...

GAME “We were walking through the forest, we found a leaf...”

Children stand in a circle, moving in a circle, pronounce words, find the piece of paper that is mentioned in the text.

We walked through the forest, we found a leaf,

We walked through the forest, we found an oak leaf...

... found a linden leaf...

...they found a leaf from a birch tree...

...we found a maple leaf!

Children hold maple leaves in their hands and approach the “Autumn Tree” panel.

4. Examination of the panel

Educator: what elegant, beautiful trees are in autumn, look how richly decorated our tree is... oh, what is it, what happened, why is our tree sad, upset, how can you and I help it? Lead the children to the idea that they need to draw leaves and decorate the tree together...

Educator: The right decision, guys! But today we will draw with the leaves that we have in our hands, we will make impressions, imprints of leaves. But there is no orange paint on the table, only red and yellow...how to get orange?

5. Showing the order in which the impression (print) is made.

How to complete the task correctly: use gouache paint to paint over the leaf from the side of the veins, carefully turn the leaf over, holding it by the handle and press it to the panel, making an imprint.

6. Practical part.

Children make prints from autumn leaves on a panel depicting an autumn landscape, collective co-creation.

The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons” - “Autumn” sounds quietly.

7. Lesson summary:

Do you think our tree is happy now? Why? Are you satisfied?

Well done guys, do you know any poems about autumn? (reading poetry to children if desired)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 5" of the Engels municipal district

Saratov region

Summary of a drawing lesson in a senior group on the topic"Autumn landscape".

(Unconventional technique)


Yalalova Zoya Anatolyevna

Engels, 2015

Lesson notes

Program content:

1. Cultivate interest in autumn natural phenomena, emotional responsiveness to the beauty of autumn.

2. Introduce a new type of fine art technique – “plant printing”. Learn to create various images of trees, bushes and grass using the proposed technique

3. Develop in children a vision of artistic image and design through natural forms.

4. Develop a sense of composition and color perception.


Leaves of different tree species (4 – 5 species).

2 landscape sheets, size A 4.

Set of gouache paints.


A glass of water.


Reproduction of a painting by I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn".

Basket for collecting leaves.

Preliminary work:

Observing autumn nature while walking, learning poems about autumn, talking about the signs of autumn, looking at illustrations depicting autumn nature, collecting leaves from different types of trees that differ in shape, size and color.

Musical accompaniment:

“September” from the album I.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons"


1. Organizational moment

Guys, we have guests today. Say hello to your guests.

Now I suggest you listen to a fairy tale, sit down comfortably:

In one old park there was a lonely tree. Autumn has come and all the leaves have flown to travel. And on one branch there was a very small leaf. He was so small that he was afraid to fly alone. So he was bored, bored, thought, thought and came up with an idea. He sees a passerby wearing a hat. The leaf plucked up courage and jumped onto the hat. The passer-by did not notice anything, brought it home, and the house was warm, and the leaf began to dry out and get bored. He missed his friends and the tree. Then the leaf shouted: “Wind, wind!” The wind was his great friend. The wind heard a cry, flew into the house, picked up a leaf and carried it to the park. At parting, I told him: “No one can live without a home; they will get bored and dry up.” Since then, the leaf has not parted with its native park house.

Here's an interesting story that happened to one of the autumn leaves.

2. Conversation about leaf fall.

Guys, do you know what the autumn phenomenon is called when the leaves fall? (Leaf fall)
- That's right, why does a tree shed its leaves in the fall?

(Trees shed their leaves in the fall because it gets cold; the trees fall asleep; snow can stick to the leaves, brancheswill break and the tree will die.)
No one tells a tree when to shed its leaves. But now autumn is approaching - the leaves on the trees change their green color to yellow or red and fall off. There are a number of reasons for this: first, various substances enter the leaves with water and air, which are not always useful for the tree; the tree could poison itself with them and get sick, therefore, by shedding leaves, the tree is freed from harmful substances; the second reason is that the water in the soil freezes in winter and does not reach the branches and leaves; Well, the third reason for leaf fall is to protect the tree branches from the weight of snow that has fallen in winter.

Leaves fall from all trees in autumn. The wind carries them through the streets and parks. The next year new leaves appear on the tree.

What color do the leaves turn in autumn?
(red, yellow, gold, orange)
- What determines the color of the leaves?
(depending on the weather)

A lot of sun means bright colors: red, yellow, etc.

If it’s cloudy, the colors are dull: brown, purple, black.

Well done! Let's look at the screen.

Many artists love to paint autumn nature precisely because of this variety of colors. When many colors occur simultaneously in nature. I just want to admire these landscapes. Today I want to bring to your attention a reproduction of the painting “Golden Autumn” by artist Isaac Levitan. The very name of the painting indicates what time of year the artist depicted in it.

Looking at this picture and observing nature on a walk, you and I can be convinced that autumn is a great artist, because she herself comes up with outfits for trees, bushes, and all of nature, as if organizing a competition to see who has the brightest and most beautiful leaves. I want to admire them every day.

What a shame.

Autumn with a long thin brush

Recolors leaves.

Red, yellow, gold –

How beautiful you are, colored leaf!...

And the wind has thick cheeks

Cheated, cheated, cheated.

And the trees are variegated

Blow, blow, blow!

Red, yellow, gold...

The entire colored sheet flew around!..

I. Mikhailova

/The teacher invites the children to fly with the leaves in the breeze./

Physical education minute.


We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on the branches.

/ Children swing leaves in their hands above their heads./

The wind blew and they flew.

We flew, we flew.

/ Running in different directions./

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

/ Squatting./

The wind came again

And he picked up all the leaves.

/They stand up, raise their hands with leaves and shake them./

Spun and flew

/ Running in different directions./

And they sat down on the ground again.

/ They return to their places./

Teacher. There are many different leaves in our autumn collection. Look at them; I think that you are unlikely to find two completely identical, each leaf is always different from the other in some way: size, shape, color.

/ Children look at the leaves and choose the ones they like./

Teacher. If you look at the leaves carefully, you can see a small tree in each of them. There is a vein running through the middle of the leaf, from which thinner veins—twigs—extend to the sides. The leaf resembles the crown of a tree. At the bottom of the leaf, the main vein turns into a stalk - a stick, with the help of which the leaves are held on the branches. The stalk resembles a trunk.

Today we will draw an autumn tree, but in a somewhat unusual way, our leaves will help us with this - we will print with them.

3. Practical part.

1. Take any leaf you like, cover it with paint (yellow, red, etc.) with a brush, leaving no empty spaces and not forgetting to paint the edges. It is better to do this on a separate sheet of paper.

2. With the painted side, place the leaf on a clean landscape sheet with the handle down and press it tightly to the paper, trying not to move it, otherwise the print will be fuzzy and smeared.

3. Then take the leaf by the stem and carefully remove it from the surface of the paper sheet.

4. Take the next piece of paper, paint it a different color and print it somewhere else in the composition. The leaf can be coated not with one color, but with different ones, then the print will turn out to be two-color.

You can reuse an already painted piece of paper by applying a different color to it, then when mixing different paints you can get an unusual shade.

5. When the drawing is filled with imprints of leaves, use a brush to complete the tree trunks; the imprinted leaf veins will resemble twigs in a colored crown.

4. Summary of the lesson.

Round dance game “Fly, leaf, to my box”

/The selected leader goes into the middle of the circle with a basket and says: “Maple leaf, fly into my box.” Children with maple leaves in their hands run up and put them in the basket. The driver is the one who was the first to place his piece of paper in the basket without making a mistake./

Autumn has come to visit us, /Children hold hands and walk in a circle./

Brought rain and wind.

The wind blows, blows, /They raise their hands up and shake them from

The leaves are blown off the branches.side to side./

Leaves are spinning in the wind /They run in different directions, spin around and


And they fall under our feet.

Well, let's go for a walk

And we'll collect the leaves. /They gather in a circle again./

Teacher. We have a wonderful autumn grove with beautiful trees. These leaf imprints, leaving their mark, helped us create such fancy crowns and draw such unusual trees.

Summary of drawing lesson “Autumn Forest”

Senior group. Teacher I.N. Sukhareva.

Target: Teaching children non-traditional drawing techniques, clarifying and generalizing knowledge about autumn.

Software tasks:


Learn to convey the structure of a tree in a drawing - trunk and branches of different lengths;

Introduce the technique - imprint (imprint) with crumpled paper.

2. Developmental:

Develop creative individuality.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

To promote the development of children's creativity when doing work independently.

3. Educational:

To instill in children a sense of beauty, a love for nature, for their native land through fine art.

Cultivate an interest in reflecting your impressions in visual arts.

Cultivate accuracy when working with paints.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, look at the album I have. (Open an empty album). Oh, but there is not a single drawing in it. And I really wanted to have an interesting and beautiful album! Can you help me draw autumn pictures?

I suggest drawing an autumn forest. What color paints will we use?

In autumn, the leaves on the trees turn not only yellow, but also red, orange, brown and even purple. The color of the leaves depends on what the weather is like: the sunnier the autumn days, the brighter the color. Many artists love to paint autumn nature precisely because of this variety of colors. Today I want to bring to your attention reproductions of Russian artists. (Display of reproductions of autumn nature at the discretion of the teacher).

Looking at these pictures and observing nature on a walk, you and I can be convinced that autumn itself comes up with outfits for trees, shrubs, and all of nature, as if organizing a competition to see who has the brightest and most beautiful leaves. I want to admire them every day.

Autumn with a long thin brush

Recolors leaves.

Red, yellow, gold-

How beautiful you are, colored leaf!...

And the wind has thick cheeks

Cheated, cheated, cheated.

And the trees are variegated

Blow, blow, blow!

Red, yellow, gold...

The entire colored sheet flew around!...

We look at images of some trees with children, pay attention to the different shapes of trunks - they can be thin and thick, straight and curved, low and high; on the crown of trees - spreading or raised up.

Dynamic pause (trees).

Look carefully, we don’t have brushes on our tables, what are we going to paint with?

We will draw the trunks with wax crayons, and the crown with crumpled paper. To do this, we need to crumple the paper, as if we were offended by it, and make lumps out of it.

(Children crumple the paper. Physical exercise)

Pull the sheets of paper towards you. We will draw trees that grow in different places - trunks and branches of all trees; some are closer, others are further away. If the tree is close, where will you draw it? What if further? To have time to draw three to four trees, first draw the trunks and branches of all the trees; and then you will draw foliage (crown) on the trees. Draw trees tall. Try to draw so that the entire sheet is filled with images (partial showing the image of a tree). We will learn to draw foliage (crown) using an imprint of crumpled paper (showing on pre-drawn trees how to draw foliage - using the imprint method).

We'll be dipping balls of crumpled paper into paint and lightly stamping them onto the trees. (There is no need to wet the lumps too much). For each paint you need to take a new piece of paper.

There are also leaves on the ground, draw them in the same way. Now you can start drawing yourself. Where will you start drawing? From drawing trunks and branches. Next we draw leaves on the trees and the ground. We draw the trunk from top to bottom, the tree thickens towards the bottom.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher asks what you liked and what the children had difficulties with? After the children’s work has dried, the album “Autumn Forest” is created.

Summary of a lesson on drawing using non-traditional techniques

Topic: “Rainy late autumn.”

(Senior group)

Program content:
    Develop the idea that through the selection of colors one can convey in a drawing certain weather and mood characteristic of rainy late autumn. Introduce children to a new way of expressively depicting the colors of late autumn, using drawing with a wax candle. To develop skills in wet tinting of paper with watercolors, as well as imprinting dried leaves painted with paint. Develop emotional and aesthetic feelings, imagination and creative activity Cultivate an interest in landscape painting and the drawing process itself.

Preliminary work:

    Reading poems by Russian poets A. N. Pleshcheev, A. S. Pushkin and others. Examination of reproductions of “Frown” (autumn) by S. Zhukovsky, “fog. Autumn”, “Late Autumn” by I. I. Levitan and others. Listening to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons” “Autumn” Observing the sky, trees, rain while walking. Collecting and drying autumn leaves, designing a herbarium.
Material and equipment:
    Sheets of white paper for drawing Watercolor paints, gouache Simple pencils Wide brush for wetting paper Squirrel brushes No. 6, No. 2 Pieces of white paraffin candle Jars of water, brush holders, oilcloth, napkins

Progress of the lesson

1 part. Formation of the plan
The teacher invites the children to look outside the window and draws attention to the fact that the golden autumn has ended. Increasingly, the sky is clouded with heavy gray clouds, and cold drizzling rain falls. All the leaves fell from the trees onto the wet dark ground. Late autumn has arrived. The poet M.P. Chekhov wrote about this time: It rains and rains. There are puddles everywhere Streams pour onto the ground from the roof. Each day becomes cloudier and worse, And from the acute autumn cold You don't know where to find shelter.
All the rain and rain... the roses have faded, The flowers are cold, they don’t bloom, And there are only tears on the trees... Another week - and frosts They will come to us menacingly from the north.
The teacher draws attention to reproductions of paintings of late autumn and suggests determining the range of colors that the artists used when painting late autumn ( gray, brown, black all dark colors and completely little yellow, red, etc.) Invites children to become artists and paint their own late autumn with inclement rainy weather.
The teacher shows a new technique for drawing rain: - Before you start drawing, I will teach you one simple, but very interesting and unusual technique that you do not know yet. I'll show you how to depict rain on paper. Take a simple pencil and draw oblique streams of rain on a white sheet of paper. Remember the riddle “The Long Man Got Stuck in the Ground.” Let's not forget to mark the line of the ground with a pencil and draw how streams of rain pour from the sky to the ground.
- Now let’s take a piece of the candle - it’s on your table - and run it, pressing with medium force, along the pencil lines of the rain. The teacher asks a question:
-How can we see rain in the picture? What should be done? (color the sheet paper).
The teacher invites the children to remember how to get blurry tones to create the background of a picture (the technique of tinting paper on wet paper). The teacher clarifies the raw drawing technique: - I would like to remind you of the wet toning technique. Lightly moisten a sheet of paper with water using broad strokes using a wide brush. Then, on a wet sheet, we apply paint of the color we need and one that suits the given color scheme of the design, apply it so that the borders of the paint touch, even slightly overlap each other. So you can highlight the earth with one color, and the sky with another, and the border between them becomes blurred. The teacher asks a question: -What range of colors will you use when painting gloomy, rainy, cloudy weather? ( grey, black, purple, brown, dark blue…) The teacher invites the children to think: -How can you depict bare trees by imprinting with dry leaves? ( You can not paint over the entire dried leaf, but apply paint with a thick brush only along its veins).


Part 2. Independent activity of children.

The teacher invites the children to start working in stages:
    Sketch of rain with a simple pencil and drawing of rain with a wax candle. Toning paper wet using a dark range of colors. Imprinting with dry tree leaves.
(In time, for the children’s independent work, turn on a recording of P. I. Tchaikovsky’s music “Seasons” “Autumn”).

Part 3 Analysis of children's works.

    Children look at the work. They give names to their paintings. They explain what month and what weather is depicted. They tell us how they painted. What materials did you use? What mood do children's drawings evoke?
The teacher offers to listen to an excerpt from a poem by N. Rubtsov.
Small, drowsy, without measure, As if from many sieves, The rain is chilling and gray Everything is drizzling, drizzling... Stubbles, trees and walls In the wet networks of semi-darkness As if changes are waiting Have a clean, fun winter!
- It seems to me, guys, that this poem very well reflects the mood that your paintings create. And it instills in us the joy of the imminent arrival of the long-awaited winter. You all did a great job today. Thank you for your creativity.