How to become an emo girl. Everything about emo as a subculture

Emo- a clothing style preferred by young people of the subculture of the same name. The style itself is characterized by an abundance of black, both in clothing and in the image in general, with its indispensable alternation with pink. Availability Pink colour is one of the main differences between the emo style and.

The name "emo" is an abbreviation for the English "emotional", "emotional". Representatives of this trend are called “emo kids” (from the English kid - child). Sometimes you can come across the terms “emo boy” or “emo girl” (from the English boy - boy and girl - girl). Such “childish” designations are by no means accidental: the subculture is called “emotional” because adolescence, like no other, is characterized by deep experiences and vivid emotions. This teenage exaltation is often called youthful maximalism.

We can say that emo is a style for boys and girls who are characterized by strong feelings and who are not afraid to express them openly. It is believed that all emo kids are depressed people with pronounced suicidal tendencies. In fact, representatives of this youth movement are not always immersed in depression. They simply either love very much or hate very much: friends, parents, lovers, themselves. The key parameter is the strength of the emotions experienced, not their nature.


The image of an emo kid is very bright and attracts attention. This is partly why this style has become so popular. He is characterized by a certain amount of androgyny, and therefore emo boys often look like girls in appearance.

Most often, boys and girls who consider themselves to be part of this trend dye their hair black. However, you can find combinations of black with ash-white or pink. Emo hair is mostly straight, medium in length (approximately to the middle of the chin) or quite long (for girls, emo boys rarely grow their hair long hair). Emo hairstyles are either very neat, hair to hair, or, on the contrary, slightly careless. Girls love to decorate their emo hairstyles bright hairpins or headbands. Also, many emos wear bangs that cover one eye.

Because musical culture emo-core is a “direct descendant” of punk rock, despite their value differences, boys and girls of this subculture have a love for a typical attribute - piercing. Pierced lips, chins, eyebrows, nose - quite characteristic picture for this style. Emo kids often resort to a special type of ear piercing, the so-called “tunnels”.

They love emo kids and tattoos. Usually these are very stylish and beautiful colored tattoos. big size. They are most often performed on the arms (“sleeves”), chest, and back. Their themes can be very different, but most often the meaning of a tattoo turns out to be closely related to the main values ​​of the direction: love, emotions.

Bright makeup is an indispensable attribute of style. It is done not only by girls, but also by boys. Usually simple and catchy: eyes are lined with black pencil, black shadow is applied to the eyelids. A combination of black and pink colors is also used to highlight the eyes.

Clothes and shoes

Emo clothes, like their makeup, are quite bright. It is dominated by the same colors, black and pink (however, others are also allowed bright colors). The choice of this range is not accidental. Both colors have their own designations. Black is a symbol of sadness, sadness, melancholy and pain. Pink, on the other hand, reflects cheerful and positive moments, such as friendship and love.

It's hard to say that emos adhere to any particular style in terms of clothing as such. However, most of all they are close to something sports: sweatshirts, sweatshirts.

Characteristic for the emo style are narrowed ones. Girls can wear tutus - such shocking behavior is by no means forbidden, because it is self-expression, which is so valued in this subculture. Emo girls are generally not alien to purely girly elements of clothing.

As a rule, clothing in the emo style implies the presence of bright, unusual drawings. These could be hearts, blades, pistols (original symbols of suicide), or maybe something more positive, for example, stylized images of couples in love.

Clothes of this style are also characterized by black and pink stripes or black and pink checkered patterns.
However, as for the checkered pattern, there is also a black and white version.

Emo's favorite shoes are sneakers and skate slippers, as well as flips and slip-ons (rag slippers and slippers with rubber soles).

Emo style usually implies an abundance of a variety of thematic themes. Both boys and girls of this culture wear badges with pictures or logos famous groups given musical direction, or with designs similar to those that can be seen on their clothes.

Among emo people, striped knee socks and leg warmers, mittens and scarves, and wristbands are popular. vaguely reminiscent of punk accessories, but has a more pronounced romantic character.

How to create an emo look?

Since emo culture is built on bold self-expression, creating an image in this style will not only attract attention, but also increase self-confidence. By learning to express your emotions through clothing, you can make a stronger statement and be more creative.

Emo style for girls

  • First, choose expressive items, be it a T-shirt, sweatshirt or blouse. pay attention to dark colors, which are characteristic of many popular emo groups, for example “AFI” or “My Chemical Romance" Combine black and dark gray items with pink, purple, and fuchsia. Wear cozy clothes, baggy hoodies and warm colored jumpers, decorated with characteristic emo prints and mysterious inscriptions, allowing others to see your innermost thoughts. Try to put inscriptions or images on your clothes that will express your views.
  • Find a base for your emo look. Let them be skinny jeans or tight-fitting, focusing on the curves of the figure, which will emphasize the emo style. All shades of blue, as well as sparkling white, will best reflect your ever-changing mood. You can also combine short denim with openwork.
  • Add emo accessories. For example, items such as skulls, cross necklaces and spiked collars, and metal chains are great options. Pay attention to the plastic decorations in black, pink, purple shades. Wear hot pink leg warmers and wristbands. Invest in a pair of dark glasses that create a mysterious look. Add all kinds of ties, suspenders and headbands to your look.
  • Your emo style will be emphasized by semi-sports sneakers, such as Vans. They can also be decorated with spikes, rivets and buttons of different colors.
  • Get creative with your makeup, because it is one of the main components of the emo girl's image. Let your mood be the foundation of your daily makeup and be reflected in it. Forget about fashion trends in makeup, color schemes, as well as color combinations accepted as the norm or standard. Also, don’t be afraid of wearing too much makeup, as emo girls tend to wear bright makeup and wear fairly heavy everyday makeup. Line your eyes generously with dark blue or black liner to make your eyes expressive and emotional. Apply several shades of eyeshadow at once, which will create a noticeable visual effect. Apply dark or neon lipstick to your lips.
  • Next, do your hair. Emphasize some individual strands and bangs by highlighting them. To do this, use hair gel and strong hold hairspray. Asymmetrical hairstyles and choppy bangs that almost cover the eyes are distinctive feature emo. To show your commitment to freedom and emphasize your bright individuality, get dreadlocks or twist your hair into small buns. Don't forget about hair coloring. This can be done using easily rinsed products or professional paint. Color your strands blue, pink, black, purple, green colors. In addition, you can wear various wigs or extensions, which will help create a volume effect on your head. Change your hairstyle regularly to indicate your changing mood.

Emo style for men

  • Emo boys, just like girls, are very particular about their hairstyle. The main type of haircut they choose is short at the back and long at the front. Long bangs are a must-have attribute of any emo's hairstyle.
  • Emos also tend to have piercings, and the more, the better. Start with the ears, then pierce the nose, eyebrow or lip, or better yet, all together.
  • Wear it, a lot of emo boys do it.
  • Some emos, wanting to fully match the style, also use makeup. It is worth noting that this is not at all uncommon among young people. If you want to look like a real emo, line your eyes with a black liner or lightly blend black or red eyeshadow on your eyelids. You can also paint your nails with black polish.
  • Make black T-shirts the centerpiece of your emo wardrobe. They may be a little worn or torn, with or without. Choose fairly tight styles and combine them with suitable style, preferably gloomy and decorated with your own hands.
  • In general, the term “tight” is key in the emo image. This applies not only to T-shirts, but also to jeans, and for young people representing this subculture.
  • By the way, not every belt will go with your emo jeans. To match the style, make sure to choose a model in a bright, contrasting color with metal studs, studs and snaps.
  • And finally, shoes. Complete the look with black Converse sneakers.

Both boys and girls want to challenge their parents, teachers, peers, and finally the whole world. The goal is simple - to prove that they are no longer children, but adults, individuals, full-fledged members of society, which “is not ideal yet, but they will definitely fix everything.” And one of the ways to do this is to join one or another youth movement, informal subculture, which today exist, as they say, for every color and taste.

Let's talk today about what emo culture is and how to become its representative. This term itself appeared in the mid-80s. last century. It was an abbreviation for the English word “emotional”, which meant specific type hardcore music with particularly sensual vocal performance (with whispers, wheezing, straining) and melodic instrumental accompaniment.

How to become emo: where should you start?

The optimal age to become an emo is 12-13 years old. At this age, all information is absorbed as fully as possible, and you will not be required to radically change your preferences in cosmetics and clothing, since they have not yet been fully formed. Read the information posted on thematic sites and forums dedicated to emo. Decide for yourself whether you need it or not, whether this philosophy will cause dissonance with your worldview. It would also be a good idea to listen to the corresponding musical groups. Then you can start working on your emo image.

How to become an emo: image issues

The external style of emo is manifested in bright makeup, so you must (regardless of gender) wear black mascara, dark lipstick, eye shadow (black, crimson). In terms of your wardrobe, you should stock up on tight skinny jeans (also black), T-shirts with images of your favorite emo artists or psychedelic designs, sneakers, as well as wristbands, badges, a messenger bag, and riveted belts. It wouldn’t hurt to go to the hairdresser, dye your hair black (you can add a few contrasting strands - white or crimson) and make torn, oblique bangs covering one eye. If your parents allow, you can get a piercing. This is what girls and boys who consider themselves emo traditionally look like.

Emo music is more than just music. Representatives of this subculture can almost always be found with a player and headphones in their ears, since it is the songs that help them deeply feel the emotions expressed in tearful lyrics and touching melodies. If initially the musical style here was one of the directions, today emo prefer to listen to everything that can touch their soul. As a rule, the themes of the songs revolve around those associated with suffering, pain, and death.

How to become emo inside?

If you think that in order to become emo, it is enough to dress up accordingly, you are mistaken. It should be understood that in any situation it is not posing or fashion that is important, but what you feel inside yourself. Therefore, a true emo (real emo) leads an appropriate lifestyle (does not eat meat, does not drink, does not smoke, does not take drugs), is not shy about expressing (even splashing out) his emotions in public (both positive and negative), and is not afraid condemnation of society. Learn to be emotional and truly understand the pain of others. Learn to sympathize sincerely and from the bottom of your heart.

Remember that you should devote yourself to any business with your soul. Therefore, if you are really close to emo culture, study all its aspects and in no case perceive it simply as a fashion inspired by today.

Emos hate themselves, goths hate everyone

The emo youth subculture, like the goth subculture, “hatched” from punk. And if, even if punks, who have gone quite far from aggressive rebellion to detachment from the world and purely aesthetic protest, can somehow be associated with punks, then emo cannot be put anywhere near.

The very name of the emo subculture is an abbreviation for the English “emotional”, “emotional”. The main thing for emo kids, which is what they, along with emo boys and emo girls, can be called, is the expression of emotions. A representative of the emo subculture is vulnerable and susceptible depressive states Human. Emo's favorite gestures are as emotional as they are. Emos can fold their hands in the shape of a heart, put two fingers to their temple like a pistol, or tilt their head so that their bangs hang down, which makes them look appearance even more touching.

It is believed that emo was first talked about in the West in 1988. The emo subculture also began with music - namely with the performances of the group Fugazy. Other sources write that the first emo appeared in 1984 and their appearance is associated with the work of the group “Rites of Spring”.

And if punks are youth from the outskirts, goths are middle class, then emo are originally children from wealthy families. emos in the late 1980s - early 1990s Western countries called alternative golden youth. The second wave of popularity of the emo subculture occurred in the early 2000s.

The main idea of ​​the emo subculture is the importance of emotions, but at the same time, emotions are also flaunted. It is no coincidence that emo kids, like no other, love to take pictures of themselves in the mirror. Emos believe in love - real and sincere, but in most cases they experience emotions of sadness and sadness, and they certainly know like no one else that life is suffering.

Clothing style and accessories of the emo subculture

Like the Goths, the style of emo boys has much in common with the style of girls, and in general, the image of young people in the emo style is characterized by femininity. Like the Goths, the main color of clothing is black. But not the only one. It is paired with pink.

A characteristic element of clothing in the emo style is skinny jeans. Girls wear tutu skirts. All emo wear tight tight T-shirts, black or pink belts, sneakers with bright or black laces, slip-ons (shoes similar to slippers, but with rubber soles), and checkered arafat scarves around their necks.

On emo clothes you can find unusual and bright drawings- hearts, blades, pistols. Sometimes the pink heart may be cracked or even torn to shreds. There is also a skull and crossbones, a black five-pointed star on a pink background, and cartoon characters.

Emo clothes can be striped and checkered.

Bags with images or logos of famous emo bands, messenger bags (bags worn over the shoulder) with numerous patches.
Mittens and gloves.

Leg warmers and knee socks.
Scarves and badges attached to clothing and even shoes.
Multi-colored bright bracelets on the hands.
The beads are large and of bright colors.

Stuffed Toys, which emos carry with them. Moreover, with his own teddy bears Emos can rip open bellies and sew them up with thick threads.

Emo boys often wear glasses as an accessory.

It's easy to spot emo by their hairstyles. An emo hairstyle is a slanting, torn bang to the tip of the nose, covering one eye, and behind short hair, sticking out in different directions. Hair is better than black. Girls can wear “childish” hairstyles - for example, two small ponytails with bright hairpins on the sides, bows.

Emos wear piercings, after all, the heirs of punks. Piercing can be on the left nostril, on the lips and eyebrows, in the bridge of the nose, emo and ears are pierced.

Makeup among emo is used by both girls and boys - they apply lipstick in the color of their skin on their lips, use pencil and mascara for eyeliner, apply light foundation on their face, and black varnish on their nails.

Today there are few followers of this subculture left and their main feature is not the direction in music, but the style of clothing and demeanor. Modern emos pay most attention to the style of clothing and accessories. In general, they are doing the right thing, why bother with dubious music and depressive ideology, when it is better to live by traditional values ​​and stand out with an unusual style of clothing and experiments with images.

Surely you have met on the streets big cities boys and girls, and even teenagers, dressed in strange black and pink clothes, with numerous piercings, with black, often dyed hair and long oblique bangs. They are called emo. These youth are often confused with other subcultures (primarily the Goths) and ridiculed. And in some countries they are even persecuted. Many people unknowingly believe that emo is just a style of clothing: a thick bauble on a patched shoulder bag.

Others believe that these guys like to gather in cemeteries and read maudlin poems about death, that this is a phenomenon close to the decadence of the early twentieth century. There are those who identify these difficult teenagers as the first candidates for suicide. So who are emo? How did they arise, how do they differ from representatives of other related subcultures? Read all about them in this article.

History of origin

If you had asked who emo were in the 1980s, most of the inhabitants of our planet would have shrugged their shoulders in bewilderment, and the inhabitants of the District of Columbia (USA) would have told you that they were fans of a certain musical style. Indeed, spiritual ancestors modern girls and young men with side-swept bangs were called punks. They also listened to hard rock, decorated their bodies with tattoos and piercings, and had a penchant for “nooses” on their necks. But the emo-core, which sprang from punk rock, was too peculiar and specific. And fans of these two styles professed different principles of life, felt the world completely differently, in order to be different. And therefore, in the style of clothing, slender young men with black hair began to move away from pumped-up, clean-shaven guys. A little later they were separated from the Goths.


With flourishing new subculture and its penetration into the countries of the Old World, many people began to become interested in who emo were. The main distinguishing feature of the adherents of this youth movement is expressiveness, a bright and undisguised expression of their feelings. Therefore, among the masses, far from subcultures, there is an opinion that emos are whiny, do not want to grow up, and are prone to depression and even suicide. Yes, they have a romanticization of death, however, just like the Goths. But what gave the current its name is not called the desire for suicide, but the desire to express emotions - no matter what, sad or cheerful. It’s just that our world gives more reasons to cry than to laugh... They call themselves emo kids (from English words emotional and kid (child), thereby emphasizing their desire to remain childlike, their refusal to wear social masks that society imposes on people.

Emo-core music

Of course, a subculture is defined by a certain ideology, lifestyle and attitude, but we should not forget that it was born in the depths of music lovers. The first creators of emo-core were punks from Washington, who brought a certain harmony and musicality to the cacophony of the mainstream. In subsequent years musical style influenced by movements such as grunge and Hindi rock. The lyrics of emo-core songs are distinguished by their lyricism, and their performance is characterized by excessive emotionality and expansiveness. Long ballads are mainly dedicated to broken heart, melancholy and suffering. Singers must have a high and strong voice, capable of abruptly transitioning from a whisper to a squeal. Modern emo style in music has split into several movements. One of them is the classic “core”, close to hard rock, but softened with lyrical notes. Vaolens (from violence) is distinguished by cruel lyrics that splash out aggression. Emo-punk is not without fun and self-irony. But screamo is hard for unprepared people to endure, but this style also has its fans.

Famous emo bands

Many musical groups, which emo worship all over the world, deny belonging to this subculture, or use in their creativity different styles. Leading in popularity in Russia German group « Tokio Hotel" Her album “Room 483” received platinum status with us. The Fall Out Boy musicians call themselves pop-punks, although experts consider their work to be classic emo style. The compositions of “30 Seconds To Mars” merged alternative, space and prog rock. Since the early 2000s, various emo groups have appeared in Russia. Monalisa is extremely popular. She appeared in Moscow in 2001 under the original name “The Day After Tomorrow”, and six months later she gave her first solo concert. You also cannot ignore “Ocean of My Hope,” whose album “What You Don’t Know About” is very popular.

Varieties in the subculture environment

Emo is, first of all, a lifestyle. You don't have to dress in black and wear long bangs raven colored to belong to this subculture. For example, true emo (from the English tru - real), who consider themselves true exponents of views and life position of this youth trend, they dress in retro-style checkered clothes. They also only listen to music on vinyl records, reel-to-reel and cassette recorders. “Real emo” do not smoke or drink alcohol and avoid drugs. The entire youth movement is characterized by vegetarianism and even veganism. New emo - with black hair, long bangs hanging down to the tip of the nose, wristbands and piercings - are very recognizable.


A special feature of this subculture that distinguishes it from the Goths is clothing. The emo boy often wears a tight T-shirt and jeans in black or dark blue, with patches and holes. A bag is slung over his shoulder, like a postman's, with badges and emblems tightly attached to it. Emo girl decorates with black Short skirt, from under which torn tights stick out. Attached to a backpack or bag Plush Toys, whose bellies are ripped open by the owner and then sewn up with harsh threads. Representatives of both sexes are also identified by a belt - black or pink - with chains and a huge plaque. T-shirts are decorated with either names musical groups, or very characteristic prints: broken hearts, crossed pistols, other cemetery paraphernalia. Wristbands, severe collars and piercings (on the left nostril, as well as the lips, eyebrows and bridge of the nose) complete the look.

Emo makeup

Both girls and boys who adhere to this style apply white powder to their faces to highlight the contrast with black hair. Lips are painted with flesh-colored lipstick. They line their eyes thickly with a dark pencil. Emo kids cover their nails with black polish. Everything in their appearance should speak of a gloomy rejection of this cruel world, of their own resentment and defenselessness. Emo makeup creates a certain image- a sweet, vulnerable child whom you so want to protect. On a bloodless-pale face (this effect is achieved using a light foundation and white powder), the eyes stand out. Upper eyelid paint with a pencil, the bottom with eyeliner. Apply shadows generously and shade them. Mascara is passed over the eyelashes twice. Lipstick in emo makeup (as opposed to goths) should be light pastel colors.


Representatives of this subculture are distinguished by long, oblique bangs that completely cover one eye. Emos go to specialized salons for a haircut, since they need to use a razor to thin the ends of their hair and make their hair look spiky. Those with wavy hair should first straighten their hair with a straightening iron. Emo hair is dyed black or dark red. Girls often wear a lot of accessories - bows, bright hairpins, elastic bands. They often wear the ends of their hair in ponytails or braids. Using hairspray or wax, emos fix short hair on the top of the head so that it stands upright.

Subculture in Russia

How did they appear? Many music critics They claim that Russian emo are “crazy punks.” However, there are some creative teams, who are trying to completely copy the classic Western core. The fans themselves try to follow emo fashion down to the last detail. Despite the absence of specialized clothing and especially shoe stores in most cities, boys and girls try to be completely like their American and European “colleagues.” Despite the obvious apolitical nature of the representatives of this subculture, the Russian authorities do not particularly favor them. In 2008, the State Duma even considered the “Concept of state intervention in spiritual education children." This bill stated that it promotes suicide and cultivates depression. In Armenia in 2010, there was a wave of repression against representatives of this youth movement. The country's authorities spoke in a very unique way about who emos are: they say that foreign influence spoils young people, and instead of being filled with a national-patriotic spirit, they resort to suicide attempts.

Nowadays, you can often find teenagers on the streets of the city with hair dyed black, a kind of bangs, in black and pink clothes, and a bag covered with various badges. You probably know that these teenagers are called emo, but who are they and how to become an emo?

Who are emo?

The beginning of the emergence of emo can be considered the 80s of the twentieth century. It was at this time that a branch of hard rock called emocore arose in England. Over time this direction music gave rise to a lifestyle. Real emo who adhere to the traditions of the 80s are called true emo. True emo people do not drink cigarettes, alcohol or drugs, and are also vegetarians. True emo people dress in plaid clothes classic style, prefer to listen to music only on cassette players or vinyl records.

The music that emo people prefer to listen to usually has a large emotional component, lyrics that try to hook the listener (mostly sad ballads about death, pain and love), and sharp transitions from low to high notes are also welcomed.

Musicians in emo groups try to write their own music and lyrics; in addition to writing poetry, emo people take a lot of photographs, using photography as another way of expressing their emotions and experiences. Piercing is also very common among emo, which serves as a kind of proof of the lack of fear of pain and death. Besides, most of emo, is bisexual. As a rule, the strange teenagers we see on the streets every day are an awkward semblance of real emo. Society perceives emo as ordinary crybabies who are not capable of anything. Although, in fact, real emo are people who are not afraid to show their emotions in public. They easily show their emotions in public because they don’t care what others think of them, they are not afraid of being judged. the site claims that in order to become an emo, it is not at all necessary to dress strangely, because emo culture is aimed primarily at inner world person. Of course, you can dye your hair black and wear a combination of pink and black, but this will not make you a real emo. It is because of various imitators that people forget that emo is a state of mind, equating the emo subculture with just another fashion. However, like all fashion trends, the fashion for black and pink clothes will pass and over time only real emos will remain who do not need to imitate anyone, because they have their own own opinion and your own view of the world, and your place in it.

Should you become emo?

To some extent, being emo is even useful. This is explained by the fact that people who do not restrain their emotions - laugh when they are happy and cry when they feel like crying - are less susceptible to nervous breakdowns, and live longer as a result. Those who love open people, will support you, getting a lot of pleasure from communication. After all, you must agree that many people are already tired of seeing not faces, but masks in front of them, and for them communication with an open, living person is a real gift, as well as an opportunity to trust, to open up to someone who is not afraid of openness. There are, of course, disadvantages. So, for example, in order to be a real emo, you need to show a certain courage, since not all the people around you will agree to accept you as you are, with your experiences and emotions. And since we all live among people, refusal to accept us as we are can be a very strong blow. Of course, you can try to convince your loved ones and if they also value you, then sooner or later they will accept you. After all, we all know that sooner or later people change, some develop, others, on the contrary, degrade, but we all change and it is impossible to freeze our appearance, character, and mental development.

What to do to become emo?

First of all, start with your inner world, not your clothes. Stop being shy about showing your emotions in public, but remember that you shouldn’t overdo it either. Side bangs, which have become a symbol of emo, are worn to cover part of the face, thus open part faces - symbolizes that emo are open to the world, and the closed one symbolizes the inner world, which is closed to outsiders. Therefore, in order to become one of the real emo, you just need to become more open than the people around you. While most of humanity only slightly opens its soul, your soul must be slightly covered in order for the most important things to be hidden from outsiders. Your strengths are your emotionality and the ability to feel the surrounding reality deeper and more acutely. Emos are able to sympathize not only in words, but also to truly feel the pain of another person.

As for clothing style, there are no restrictions. Of course, you can dress in true emo or new emo style, but you can just wear what you like and remain a seemingly ordinary person. IN Once again the site wants to remind you that emo is a state of mind, not a style of clothing, and in order to become a real emo, you just need to change inside.

The emo subculture has its own unique ideology, which is absolutely harmless to others and anyone has the right to support it or not accept it. However, do not forget that any person has the inalienable right to choose the style of clothing, favorite music, and much more.