Rudneva rhythmic musical movement. Musical movement


About the way we move

People with poor vocabulary

have at their disposal such

same poor stock of gestures.


There is an opinion that the handshake appeared in ancient times as a way to show that there is no weapon in the hand. The Japanese have a saying:
“He has his whole soul in the palm of his hand,” it is customary for them to greet with both hands, which means a greeting from the bottom of their hearts.

In the field of business communication, three main meanings can be conveyed through a handshake: superiority, humility (compliance) or equality (Table 2).

table 2

Image Handshake type Description
Imperious - owner of a black sleeve Neutralization of an attempt at an imperious handshake: option 1; option 2. “Glove”; option 3 A B C Imperious Promotes submission. It is typical for people who strive to lead and subordinate. At the same time, the palm is directed downward, and therefore the partner is simply forced to turn the palm up. Should not be used when introducing A. The person on the right is offered an authoritative, dominant type of handshake B. He accepts the hand and steps forward with his left foot C. Then he takes a step right foot and moves into intimate area another person and turns his hand to a vertical position

End of table 2

Image Handshake type Description
The giver is the owner white sleeves inferior The palm is directed upward. Demonstrates a subordinate position and willingness to give in.
This is necessary in situations where you want to give the initiative to another person, or allow him to feel like he is in control. Equal

When two powerful people shake hands, a symbolic struggle occurs between them, during which each tries to subjugate the other's hand. The result is a handshake in which both hands remain upright and both people feel a sense of respect and understanding for each other.

A strong handshake is one that can cause pain. It is usually preferred by serious people whose main character trait is the desire to conquer.

A weak handshake is only the touching of hands. It leaves the partner with the feeling that the person who makes such a gesture has a weak will.

1. Handshake and zonal spaces(from 15 to 46 cm). Of all the zones, this is the most important, since it is this that a person protects as if it were his property. Only those persons who are in close emotional contact with him are allowed to enter this area. These are children, parents, spouses, lovers, close friends and relatives. In this zone there is also a subzone with a radius of 15 cm, which can only be entered through physical contact. This is a super intimate area.

2. Personal zone(from 46 cm to 1.2 m). This is the distance that usually separates us when we are at cocktail parties and official receptions.

3. Social zone ( from 1.2 to 3.6 m). We keep this distance from strangers, such as a plumber or carpenter, who come to do repairs in our house; the postman, the new employee at work and from people we don’t know very well.

4. Public area(more than 3.6 meters). When we address large group people, then it is most convenient to stand exactly at this distance from the audience (Table 3).

Table 3

Shaking with an unbent, straight hand. Restrictive handshake Sign aggressive person
. Its main purpose is to maintain distance and prevent a person from entering your intimate area. This handshake is also used to protect their personal territory by people who grew up in rural areas and have a wider intimate area. Villagers, however, will lean forward or even balance on one leg. Squeezing fingertips

It is reminiscent of a shake with a straight, unbent hand, but not fully completed: instead of a hand, only the fingers are placed in the palm. Even if the initiator of the greeting is friendly towards the recipient, in fact he is not confident in himself. As in the previous case, the purpose of this handshake is to keep your partner at a comfortable distance

End of table 3

Handshakes that suggest an invasion of personal space:

Such handshakes can lead to the contact of bodies. These gestures are possible only between fairly close people who, at the moment of greeting, want to express the full depth of feelings.

Who is the first to extend their hand? Famous Soviet writer Ilya Ehrenburg reasoned: “Why are Europeans amazed by the morals of Asia? Europeans, when greeting, extend their hand, and a Chinese, Japanese or Indian is forced to shake the limb of a stranger. If a visitor was sticking it to Parisians or Muscovites, it would hardly cause delight.” The outstanding Russian scientist and traveler Miklouho-Maclay wrote about Papuans’ greetings: “Papuans shake hands with each other, but do not shake them. They squat before the guest of honor as a sign of greeting.” In India, the custom is still preserved when meeting acquaintances, placing your palms on your heart. Residents of Kenya, as a sign of high respect, spit on the person they meet, and when meeting a representative of the Maasai tribe, he first spits, then spits on his own hand, and only after that allows him to shake his hand. The Zambezi people clap their hands and curtsy.” V. Ovchinnikov writes about the Japanese greeting ritual in his book “Sakura Branch”: “Having noticed an acquaintance, the Japanese consider it his duty first of all to freeze in place, even if it happens in the middle of the street and a tram is heading straight towards him. Then he seems to break in the lower back, so that the palms of his outstretched hands slide down his knees, and, frozen for a few more seconds in a bent position, he carefully lifts up only his eyes. It is impolite to be the first to straighten up, and those bowing have to keep a watchful eye on each other.”

» Handshake, meaning

What does a handshake say? Different types handshakes and their meaning

A handshake is essential element nonverbal communication. It is the key that opens or closes the door if only you give it the necessary and sufficient attention.

A handshake is also a magical test that allows you to quickly and with high confidence find out whether the conversation will end with a positive result easily and naturally, or whether you will have to work hard to get the expected result. Knowing that shaking hands too quickly predicts a fruitless conversation can be very helpful. It will be equally useful to always remember that an exaggerated handshake communicates that you are a very welcome guest.

Sluggish, limp, strong, short, medium or endless handshakes - they all say a lot about the person you are dealing with. By carefully listening to the sensations of a handshake, you can understand a lot about the interlocutor and avoid wasting valuable time in fruitless negotiations.

What does a handshake mean?

When you meet someone, the first thing you notice is how they extend their hand.

When shaking hands, your interlocutor holds his hand at a right angle, pressing his elbow to his body.

Such a gesture belongs to a subject who has nothing to offer you except his own time. You are obliged to him just because he agreed to accept you. If you do not have an urgent need to convince or seduce this person, reduce the time of the visit to a minimum, since you will not receive any benefit. Your interlocutor is inaccessible, closed and very calculating.

The hand of your interlocutor remains glued to the body.

This forces you to reach out to shake his hand. IN in this case you find yourself face to face with a character who values ​​​​his privileges and is not inclined to show sympathy at first glance.

Your interlocutor extends his hand far to shake hands.

Most likely, he needs your support, which is why he extends his hand - so that you come to the rescue. He becomes completely accessible and will inevitably become disposed and spontaneous. This handshake means a friendly welcome.

Your interlocutor unrestrainedly extends his hand in your direction.

Being an extrovert, he just helps you settle in faster. He will agree to buy your product or service if you can present your arguments at the RIGHT moment.

When shaking hands, the interlocutor extends only his fingertips to you.

Such a handshake betrays a fugitive who is responsible for something only in words. It’s a shame that such a person can later put on a friendly face, which is why you simply forget about how he faked it in the very beginning.

So, the above handshake is a real confession of faking or concealing. Your interlocutor will pretend to accept you, will pretend to listen to you and promise you to think about it, pretending to see you off. It's all make-believe, including you!

With a broad smile, the interlocutor extends his left hand for a handshake, although he is definitely not left-handed.

Even if his right hand is occupied, such a greeting, accompanied by a hypocritical smile, is clean water an expression of antipathy. In fencing, at the end of a fight, opponents who do not respect each other shake hands with their left hands. A provocateur, gossiper or manipulator will always do his best to squeeze you in the door and get everything out of you. He will repeat lies in order to find out the truth, betray everyone and everything (don’t be fooled, you too) and will meaningfully pretend that some divine revelations are available to him.

If you are discerning enough to anticipate this gesture, we strongly recommend that you do not shake his hand. At least it will make him respect you. The next time you meet him, refuse his left hand if he does not consider it possible to extend his right. If, in spite of everything, you are forced to answer such a handshake, tie a knot in your handkerchief. This knot will remind you of what awaits you if you contact this person.

The interlocutor shakes your hands and forearms with both hands with a smile.

If the person you're talking to shakes your hands and forearms with both hands, you're trapped. He has the initiative and from the very beginning of the game neutralizes all your defensive and offensive mechanisms. Such a handshake may also indicate that both heroes are in difficult situation and need each other. This type of handshake reveals a predator.

The interlocutor shakes your hand, folding his hand in the shape of a duck’s beak.

Another handshake that communicates that you are not particularly welcome, or that the other person does not really respect you. This contemptuous type does not even consider it necessary to hide his attitude. He uses this simple manipulation to force you to open your cards. If you are lucky, you will be able to see his behavior towards you change. He will not even deny himself the pleasure of justifying the coldness at the beginning of the conversation as some kind of misunderstanding. Hypocritical and vicious, he will quickly pluck you like a chicken if you give him the opportunity.

The most commonly seen handshake is the average handshake with the arm bent. The hand is bent at a right or obtuse angle, the handshake is energetic, but without excesses. Your interlocutor is generally constructive, but wants to learn more and get to know you better. A priori, he is moderately open, but everything will change if you manage to arouse his interest. Bent arm seems less friendly than a long handshake. Be as careful as possible if you meet with your interlocutor for work matters, whether employment or cooperation. A long handshake will be the exception, a medium one will be the norm, as for a short handshake, it belongs to people in power or posing as such.

The meaning of the hand when shaking hands

Now let's look at the position of the hand when shaking hands. Most often, the interlocutor’s hand is located vertically and parallel to yours.

  • horizontal palm facing upward (instep support);
  • horizontal palm facing down (pronator);
  • vertical palm.

Most handshakes happen the last way, but it also happens that when meeting people, a handshake is involved in the game for primacy.

The subject extending his hand with his palm down is submissive, upward - dominant. A hand turned up has more handshakes at its disposal than a hand turned down. By observing the position of the hands during a handshake, you can instantly determine the relative hierarchical position of the greeters. The person who extends his hand palm down is directly influenced by the one whose hand is turned palm up.

What then is a vertical handshake? Neither dominant nor submissive, but equal. From the very beginning, your interlocutor wants to be equal with you.

It also happens when, when shaking hands, the hands meet, but the palms do not touch. Although your interlocutor greets you with a broad smile and energetically extends his hand, there is no exchange of energy with such a handshake. The palms are away from each other. You won't pay attention to the way you shake hands if your thoughts are occupied with something else, such as the upcoming conversation. Meanwhile, the air cushion clearly indicates that your palm and the palm of your interlocutor are avoiding each other. There is no sympathy on the meeting menu.

Repulsion often comes from the one who extends his hand turned inward, palm down. Those turning palm down give up the initiative from the very beginning of the game, while those turning up try to impose their superiority at the same time. You are an unexpected guest. And if at the end of the meeting such a handshake is repeated again, then you will receive confirmation of your first observation.

Handshake distance

The distance between you and the person shaking hands is just as (if not more) important than the way you shake hands. It is a reliable indicator of the level of affection of your counterpart. We tend to stay close to people who are close and attractive to us, and further away from people we don’t like. A comfortable interpersonal distance with loved ones and friends is down to a minimum, with colleagues - about 0.5-1 m. It is better to stay even further with your boss.

A sharp reduction in the distance when shaking hands can lead to loss of orientation in the semantic structure of the conversation. The interlocutors feel somehow uncomfortable. By the reaction of your interlocutor, you can see that you are breaking the distance. If you invade her/his personal space while shaking hands, he/she will feel discomfort and try to move away from you. One leans over his desk, the other leans back in his chair and thus maintains a distance for escape. If it is impossible to move away (for example, in a cramped elevator), he will accept closed pose(crossed arms over chest, legs crossed, etc.).

Vigorous handshake

You probably weren’t particularly surprised when farewells after negotiations were accompanied by more energetic handshakes than the meeting; an indispensable condition is that mutual sympathy was born in the process of dialogue. It also happens the other way around, when after unsuccessful attempts to reach an agreement, the farewell handshake is dropped. tacit consent both sides.

In any case, be very careful about the manner in which you shake your hand. No matter how short the handshake, the joining of hands should be pleasant, otherwise it is in your best interests to take the distance.

Enough most of your feelings and those of your interlocutor are expressed in the blink of an eye when your palms touch. The social intelligence of your hands is a powerful subconscious signal of likes or dislikes that your consciousness hides as it is conquered by the goal being achieved.

Firm handshake

Every time someone shakes your hand, they squeeze it too tightly.

For example, when a boss crushes your hand when shaking it, he is demonstrating his strong-willed character. He clearly lacks confidence, otherwise there would be no need for this boasting.

This handshake is often found among those who are in search of conflict in order to get rid of a painful feeling of inferiority. This is quite popular, although far from the only one and not the most The best way boost your self-esteem when you feel vulnerable. If you react with a grimace of exaggerated pain, he will like it. Your facial expressions will warm his pride. “You are strong,” your hand will say, clamped as if in a vice.

Limp handshake

Through this tactile exchange, you can transmit an energetic signal to another or refuse it to him. A sluggish hand is the same case when energy metabolism is denied.

A limp handshake usually belongs to a person with a weak-willed character, even if he has some power. Do not trust the scope of his activities or reputation, they are inflated; trust his handshake, which is more eloquent than his fake smile. This is a weakling. A limp handshake usually belongs eternal student or a politician whose ambitions are infinitely inflated in comparison with his charisma and real leadership potential.

Mechanical handshake

The interlocutor shakes your hand, looking over your shoulder. This is a mechanical handshake. It indicates a lack of respect for the owner of the outstretched hand, who is perceived as something ghostly.

Languid handshake

The interlocutor languidly holds her hand, palm down, in yours, as if for a kiss. The handshake dominates her complaints and complaints. Your interlocutor is really submissive or very sensual, which can get along very well. This type of handshake reveals a submissive woman, in love with the masculine power or irresistibility of her interlocutor. This contact is pleasant, although a little sluggish.

Your interlocutor shakes your hand with feigned languor, while you noticed that he greeted others present differently. This special handshake signifies a refusal to recognize you as an equal or even worthy.

Handshake with fingers

Instead of extending their hand to you, they only extend their index finger to you.

In the eyes of your interlocutor there is only a virtual image that will dissipate ten seconds after you leave. Your interlocutor is symbolically preparing to say goodbye to you before even meeting you. Such a gesture betrays demotivation, additionally colored by distrust towards the one to whom he gives a finger instead of an open hand.

If your interlocutor has the habit of shaking hands in this way, know that he belongs to the category of people who get down to business only superficially and keep their promises in exceptional cases.

Is there a difference in the meaning of a gesture depending on the number of fingers extended? Hardly. In any case, we do not recommend getting close to a person who shakes your hand in this way. And if, despite everything, you still have to endure shaking hands with your fingers for family or any other reasons, think of something to avoid shaking hands next time; you can try to copy the gesture and extend your finger in response

Elusive handshake

When shaking hands, the gaze wanders somewhere far away. A fascinating sight, since this pose gives the manipulator the appearance of almost biblical prophet. “I see even further than you can guess” - this is hidden meaning this handshake.

Some Democratic politicians overuse this view and do not realize that they are devaluing their public image. A dictator may have the same habit, but he is sure that he does not risk losing votes because of some kind of gesture. Take a closer look at the small bosses with a similar outlook that you meet in the office, it can be educational.

When shaking hands, the other person's hand slips away like an eel. You barely have time to shake his hand before yours turns out to be completely empty, hanging in the air. If your interlocutor shakes hands in an elusive way, run! The duality of man is highest degree hypocrisy, and you will see this very soon. You are standing in front of a fraudster who is... best case scenario will give you a fake smile. You have to be completely blind and deaf to trust him. He is stingier than Moliere's Harpagon (the character who personifies greed). If you are going to sell him something, even if the deal goes through, he will find many reasons why you will reduce the price.

Touching the shoulder when shaking hands

Standing at your side, the interlocutor places his right hand on your left shoulder. Shoulder squeezing is typically manipulative intimacy if it occurs outside of a friendly or romantic acquaintance.

The same thing can happen on the right side, but then the meaning will be completely different. Right shoulder - symbolic center ambitions, and by placing your hand on it, your interlocutor is probably playing overlord.

For example, the boss leaves his office to go around all the departments of the enterprise and greet the employees and give everyone an additional word of encouragement. After shaking hands, he always places his hand on the employee’s right shoulder.

Therefore, touching the shoulder is a common sign of an aggressive (or invading) handshake.

Invading (aggressive) handshake

It also occurs with touching other parts of the body. This kind of handshake is a little intrusive, and the physical intrusion is only a prelude to the psychological one. A conqueror is almost always a liar. He lures you into his field by force. He pulls you into his desires. His handshake is a micro-message that expresses his goals briefly and clearly. He is counting on you completely and completely even before you have agreed to anything.

If such a handshake comes from one another, then there is nothing more to talk about. However, there are some friends with whom it is better to be enemies. But if they are with you business relations, then you need to urgently return it. Your interlocutor expects to ask you much more than you will be able to offer him. He wants to influence or manipulate you from the first minute he meets you.

The classic conqueror is a cattle driver, and physical contact is his weapon of choice. He will squeeze your hand with such enthusiasm, as if you had met after twenty years of separation. He will grab your elbow, cling to your sleeve, emphasizing his speech, in short, he will take over your body. Running from the field in such conditions is not very convenient. But if you remember this method of manipulation, in case of alarm, your mistrust will receive the necessary evidence.

Two-handed handshake

If the interlocutor shakes your hand with both hands, then he is pretending to be friendly, which he does not feel at all. Outwardly, this is an ardent gesture, but such a handshake betrays the predatory nature of the one who performs it. The interlocutor pretends that you are the same person whom you have been looking forward to for so long and who has finally arrived.

What does a two-handed handshake mean? If your boss shakes your hand this way, it’s better to prepare in advance for petty nagging or even punishment. If we're talking about about the merchant’s visit, don’t give a damn about all his offers, since he only needs to expand his business, and you are a lucky victim who will allow him to get out of a difficult situation. Why does he need both hands? Perhaps in order to imprison your mechanisms of determination...

Long handshake

The interlocutor squeezes your hand for an exaggeratedly long time and does not actually let go of it.

The longer the handshake, the more false it is. This handshake is an act of manipulation, a kind of hidden submission under the guise of friendliness. Logically clasp the right hand, which symbolizes left hemisphere brain, that is, rational intelligence.

An abnormally long handshake is a carefully calculated way to absorb and subjugate your logical thinking and disable defensive reactions. A long handshake is one of the favorite gestures of all kinds of gurus. He does not need you, but your unconditional acceptance of his doctrine and submission to his desires.

In seduction, the initiator of the endless handshake tries to convey a love message to a person whom he really likes, but to whom he does not want to declare his love. He holds his hand as long as possible, looking for the slightest hint of reciprocity or refusal on his victim's face. With this handshake, a double grip is possible at the level of the wrist, the center of feelings of security and uncertainty. An unconscious way to calm the interlocutor by expanding the channel of emotional exchange.

If this is your friend, then it is better to keep your distance, since his friendship may entirely depend on the benefits derived from it. The gesture is aimed at penetrating your defense system. Along with this, the handshake in question is often accompanied by what are called carnivorous hands - your hand is enclosed in the jaws of the interlocutor's clenched hands.

“Can I get my hand back?” This witty joke is almost the only way restore sufficient distance with the manipulator without touching it too much. If you watch his eyes closely as he loosens his grip, you may notice a gleam that betrays disappointment. As if he realized that you had frustrated his plans and yours. critical thinking it worked again. Don't let your guard down throughout the conversation; Exaggeratedly long handshakes are synonymous with a hidden threat from someone who is trying to take over your hand, and therefore your mind.

Handshake while sitting

The owner of the office shakes your hand without even bothering to stand up to greet you. Not a single overlord rises to greet his vassal. If he did so, he would signal hierarchical equality. A boss who receives you in this way needs any confirmation of his shaky authority. But if he gets up to walk you to the door, you can be sure that you have conquered him. If he lets you go without getting up, he thinks you wasted his precious time. It is precisely by such little things that you can evaluate the results of a meeting or meeting.

Who gives their hand first when shaking hands?

If your interlocutor is the first to extend his hand to shake hands, then you have carte blanche. If you are, then you will have to work hard to convince him of the benefits of your visit.

In any game, the one who reaches out first most often loses. That's why popular expression“The main thing is the ability to pause; the bigger the artist, the longer his pause. Don’t pause unnecessarily, and if you take one, take it as long as you can!” Can also be applied to a handshake. If you are waiting for your interlocutor to extend his hand to you first, try to hold the pause until the last moment.

Handshake refusal

Did one of those present refuse to shake your hand? Forgets or refuses, leaving his hands in his pockets, crossed or lowered along his body? A missed handshake is a sign of either a lack of respect or contempt on the part of your interlocutor. They do not shake hands with an enemy or a boor. Some super-humble people also find it difficult to step up and shake hands with their colleagues.

If this happens, go out, you don’t even have to apologize. Refusal to shake hands- this is pure recognition of antipathy. You'll get great benefit, much larger than what you could claim after the meeting. When someone refuses to shake an outstretched hand, this is a signal that an agreement cannot be reached.

Prepared from: Messinger J. C. Ces gestes qui vous trahissent - Paris: France, 2013

We use a handshake every day. We say hello to our loved ones and strangers. How often do we remember what it means? Infrequently. Although this gesture preserves deep traditions, and may even offend some.

Handshake price and age

When a person first shook a person’s hand is unknown to us for certain, however, the fact that this is a very ancient gesture is evidenced, for example, by the bas-relief that can be seen above... On it, the Babylonian king Marduk-zakir-shumi I shakes the hand of Shalmananaser III, the king of the Assyrians.

They shook hands in 855 BC.
The details of this truly historic handshake are interesting.

The Babylonian king Marduk-zakir-shumi was expelled from Babylon by his brother Marduk-bel-usati. The angry king turned to the Assyrian ruler Shalmaneser III for help. Shalmaneser helped. He helped so much that for this service Marduk-zakir-shumi was forced to cede significant territories to him, and actually became a vassal of the Assyrian king.

Then it broke out in Assyria Civil War and Shamshi-Adad V began to fight for the throne, who turned to Marduk-zakir-shumi for help. The Babylonian king helped Shamshi-Adad take power, but in return asked for the lands taken by Shalmaneser. The Assyrian king first gave them away, and then strengthened his power, went to war against Babylon and took away the lands again.

What was the price of this handshake?

Biorhythm in Russian

Touching hands is an ancient gesture that communicates a lot to interlocutors without a single word. You can tell a lot by how strong and long a handshake is. Its duration is proportional to the warmth of the relationship; close friends or people who have not seen each other for a long time and are happy to meet could make a warm handshake not with one hand, but with both.

The elder was usually the first to extend his hand to the younger - it was as if he was inviting him into his circle. The hand must be “bare” - this rule has been preserved to this day.

An open hand shows trust.

Another option for shaking hands is touching not with your palms, but with your hands. Apparently, it was common among warriors: this is how they checked that those they met on their way did not have weapons with them, and demonstrated their lack of weapons.

The sacred meaning of such a greeting is that when the wrists touch, the pulse, and therefore the biorhythm of the other person, is transmitted. Two people form a chain, which is also important in the Russian tradition. Later, when rules of etiquette appeared, only friends were allowed to shake hands. And in order to greet distant acquaintances, they raised their hats. That's where it went from here Russian expression"casual acquaintance", meaning superficial acquaintance.

Mysterious handshakes

A handshake is not only a gesture, but also a symbol. It is used in heraldry. Both in the state and in the “corporate” one. For example, the Masons. On seals and banners Masonic lodges handshakes, as well as the “brotherly chain” of clasped hands symbolize brotherhood.
Not every handshake depicted is so easy to decipher. Look, for example, at this bas-relief. It is located on the pediment of 131 houses on the Fontanka Embankment in St. Petersburg. Until 1918, the house belonged to the Jewish merchants Margolin, and was reconstructed in 1914 by the architect Lishnevsky. The composer Vasily Solovyov-Sedoy, the author of “Moscow Evenings” and many war songs, lived in this house.

What does this handshake mean? The bas-relief is interesting because it combines, on one side, a handshake as a symbol of brotherhood and trust, as well as flowers, which in heraldry often symbolize frailty and fragility. The warriors’ helmets have been removed and lie under their feet, but the warrior on the right stands with a raised shield with the image of Magen David.
The Magen David first entered official Jewish heraldry only in 1354, when Emperor Charles IV (Holy Roman Emperor) granted the Jews of Prague the privilege of having their own flag. This flag - a red cloth with the image of a six-pointed star - was called the “flag of King David”. Magen David also adorned the official seal of the community and became in fact official symbol Jewish community of Prague for centuries.

It is significant that in the Hellenistic period Magen-David was not associated with Jews. Long before the hexagram acquired the status of a Jewish symbol, this role was played by the menorah - the temple lamp.

What does the bas-relief depict? Transfer of the Shield of David from the Holy Roman Emperor? Why is there not only a handshake on the bas-relief, but also flowers? You can write your versions in the comments.


The handshake that we exchange everywhere when we meet, say goodbye, or get to know each other is, first of all, contact, interaction. Meanwhile, it was believed that touch could cure or, conversely, transmit a disease, cause damage, or cause sexual desire. Thus, in the 16th century in Rus' it was not allowed to hold hands in round dances, since this was considered as a “means to voluptuousness.”

Being an ambiguous and multifaceted gesture, the handshake also represented a ritual conclusion of an agreement, a “handshake” that legitimized the completed transaction.

In Northern Russian shepherding there was a ritual of a contract between a shepherd and a goblin. The shepherd went into the forest in the spring to negotiate with the goblin the number of cows or sheep to be given to the goblin, which guaranteed excellent grazing. The shepherd fought hand-in-hand with the goblin, for which he put on woolen mittens, and on his right hand he also put on a special large straw hand, which served as a talisman against evil spirits.

All types of ritual handshake, the same “handshake” in wedding ceremony, were performed with a covered hand to protect oneself from damage, and in an etiquette handshake the hand should be bare as a sign of trust.

Be careful abroad

A handshake is a fairly intimate gesture. Attitude towards him different countries is different. So, there is no need at all to rush towards the Japanese with outstretched fingers. Handshakes are not accepted in the land of the rising sun. Also, do not rush to shake hands with an Indian. In India, the traditional greeting is namaste - hands clasped together at heart level. This word is translated as "bow to you" and also means: "the divine in me welcomes and unites with the divine in you."

Australian Aborigines say hello by dancing around each other, New Zealand Aborigines stick out their tongues and widen their eyes. In Egypt and Yemen, men place their palm to their forehead as a sign of greeting - back side towards the interlocutor, and in Iran, Malaysia and some others Muslim countries After shaking hands, you need to press your right hand to your heart.

Be more careful with how you shake hands. In Russia it is customary to stick to the “golden mean”. Do not aggressively squeeze your hand like claws when shaking hands. This may be regarded as a manifestation of aggression. There is also no need to present a relaxed palm. A person with a limp handshake is not immediately treated with the most favorable attitude.
When traveling abroad, you need to remember that the attitude towards a handshake in the West and the East is radically different. In the USA and Western Europe In business circles, a strong handshake is valued as it reflects dominance; in the East, for example, in Japan, it is not customary to shake hands for a long time. The handshake should be concise and simple.

If you suddenly find yourself in the Copper Canyons of Mexico and meet a Tarahumara Indian, extend your open palm to him and touch his fingertips with your fingertips. If you start shaking the Indian’s hand, he may not understand and simply run away, but the Tarahumara run fast. They can run 500 kilometers without rest.

Types of handshake and their meaning

How to produce good impression and find out the mood of the interlocutor

The handshake has deep roots in history. In ancient times, people showed open palms to show the absence of weapons. The ancient Romans had a bad habit of hiding daggers in the sleeves of their clothes, so they also invented and introduced shaking the wrists when meeting at waist level. Later this movement was transformed into a handshake. It began to be used in business transactions back in the 19th century. In most countries, the hand is shaken five to seven times, in Germany - two to three times, after which the hand is held for some more time. The French use the handshake most and most often.

At the first handshake, you can understand how your interlocutor is configured. It can be dominance, submission or equality. These signals are sent and perceived subconsciously and influence the outcome of the meeting.

1. Dominance

It is conveyed by turning your hand so that it is under the other person's palm, palm facing up. You can do the same, thereby showing that you occupy a dominant position.

2. Submission

With this handshake, the interlocutor makes sure that his hand is on the bottom, thereby showing that you will make the decision. Likewise, you can use this handshake to show your submission (with your boss, for example) or if you want to apologize for something.

3. Equality

When two equally energetic people meet, the handshake turns into a kind of power play and thus the palms remain in a vertical position. This handshake immediately establishes an atmosphere of equality and respect. Very often such interlocutors are not inferior to each other in negotiations.

Small lyrical digression. When shaking hands, you need to take into account who exactly you are meeting. For example, violinists, pianists, artists, and neurosurgeons may shake hands very carefully to avoid damaging them. Also, the handshake will be weak if a person has problems with the joints or has a hand injury. You should not expect a favorable outcome if you strongly squeeze and vigorously shake the hand of a person suffering from arthritis. So be careful.

If you feel that they are deliberately trying to force you into a “subordinate” position during a handshake, there are several options to avoid this.

"Palm on top" technique

If the interlocutor tries to move his palm into a dominant position (that is, on top of yours), do not resist. But then cover his right hand with your left hand. It turns out to be a two-handed handshake and your hand is on top.

A handshake with both hands is a demonstration of sincerity and depth of feelings. You can see such a handshake between friends who have not seen each other for a long time, or relatives (and here it may well develop into a hug). The left hand expresses the depth of feelings of the initiator of the handshake. Therefore, the place where the left hand of the handshake initiator is on right hand interlocutor, plays very important role. But in this way the initiator can not only show his closeness, but also establish complete control.

For example, an elbow squeeze demonstrates more intimacy (or control) than a wrist squeeze. For a person to feel comfortable with such a handshake, he must be a truly close person to you. If you try to shake the hand of a person whom you have seen only a few times in your life (of course, to demonstrate special treatment), then you will only cause him more mistrust and, perhaps, even fear. To him, it will look like you are trying to hold him back so that he doesn't run away.

Before you shake hands, think carefully about how best to do it. Take into account who exactly you are meeting with and what outcome you expect. And I would like to note once again that most people shake hands completely unconsciously and are unlikely to deliberately try to move your hand into a subordinate position. Their handshake shows their character and attitude, so be careful.