What does it mean to wave your arms to the side? Hand gestures and their meaning: open and closed poses

Monica Bellucci is a world-famous Italian actress who has acted a lot in Hollywood and is a fashion model. For many, Monica is the embodiment true beauty and femininity.


Monica Bellucci's parents had a difficult fate. Her father is an emigrant from Baluchistan (a region in Western Afghanistan), an Iranian by nationality and a Muslim who is barely making ends meet. Expectant mother Monica, Brunella Briganti, was raised in the Catholic faith all her life, but she, in defiance of her family and friends, married a poor foreigner.

They settled in a small Italian city Citta di Castello. The man was engaged in agricultural work, his wife became an artist. They lived poorly, but in perfect harmony. And only one thing darkened their union - for a long time they had no children. Doctors diagnosed the woman with infertility and advised her to hope for a miracle. So when their daughter Monica was born on September 30, 1964, the parents perceived it as nothing other than God’s providence.

The future celebrity grew up in a poor family and understood that only education could compensate for the lack of money, so Monica Bellucci was a diligent student at school. In her youth, in addition to her native language, Monica Bellucci mastered French and English languages, as well as the basics of Spanish.

Since childhood, Monica was determined to become a lawyer. At the same time, with early years those around her noted her spectacular appearance, the result of a mixture of Eastern and Mediterranean blood. So as a teenager, at 13, she started working as a model. A local amateur photographer helped her create her portfolio.

Model career

At the age of 16, the girl was already walking the catwalk at Liceo Classico. Monica liked transforming herself into glamorous images and catching the admiring glances of photographers, and she gave up her childhood dream of a career in law.

In 1983, the girl wanted to enter the Faculty of Law at the University of Perugia, but had to give up her studies due to her busy schedule.

In 1988, 24-year-old Monica moved to Milan, where she signed a contract with the Elite Model Management modeling agency. A year later, Monica Bellucci was already well known by representatives of the fashion industry in New York and Paris.

The young celebrity posed for French Elle and starred in an advertisement for Dolce & Gabbana perfume. The video for the brand was shot by Italian director Giuseppe Tornatore, who later directed Bellucci in his film.

Actor career

Monica Bellucci achieved considerable success in the modeling business, but did not want to stop there. Her debut in acting role took place in 1990 in Italian cinema. Her first works were cameo roles in the films “Life with Sons”, “Abuse” and “Bandits”.

In 1992, the famous director Francis Ford Coppola radically changed the situation and invited Bellucci to play the role of Dracula's bride in the film with Gary Oldman in the role of the bloodthirsty count and young Winona Ryder And Keanu Reeves. This was Monica's first serious role, albeit a very small one. After that, she began to receive offers from directors from America and Europe.

Resounding success at European continent came to Monica in 1996, after playing the role of Lisa in the melodrama “Apartment”. The young beauty Bellucci won the hearts of spectators and critics and received a Cesar Award. During filming, the girl met an already popular French actor Vincent Cassel. Already on next year she played with him in the French action film "Doberman", where she got the role of the deaf girlfriend of the main character, a bandit.

“Apartment”: dance by Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel

In 1997, Monica Bellucci took part in the filming of three films at once - “Stress”, “The Way You Want Me” and “Bad Taste”, and a year later in four more - “Compromise”, “Desire”, “There Will Be No Holiday”, "About those who love." Job offers kept pouring in for the beautiful Italian, but Monica was very critical and demanding of everyone. The girl tried to choose only those roles where her talent could be fully revealed, and not just show her already obvious beauty.

Bellucci’s ticket to big cinema was her role in Giuseppe Tornatore’s drama “Malena” (2000), where she seemed to play herself - insanely beautiful woman, for whom her unearthly appearance becomes both a gift and a curse. Beauty is dangerous - it burns some with envy and others with lust, but at the same time it is also a gift that must be carried with dignity. For this delicately performed role in 2001, the actress received the Prize audience choice from the European Film Academy.

“People can forgive a person’s intelligence, even talent, but never beauty” (Monica Bellucci).

In 2001, Monica, together with her husband Vincent Cassel, starred in the film “Brotherhood of the Wolf”, for which she received another award - the Saturn Award for the best female role background. She then played Cleopatra in the adventure comedy Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra with Gerard Depardieu. The film was doomed to success, largely thanks to Bellucci’s participation in it, because Monica is the very embodiment of regal beauty, and the role last queen Egyptian as if created especially for her.

This was followed by the provocative film Irreversible (2002) by Gaspar Noe, which caused a storm of conflicting emotions among the public. The nine-minute scene of the rape of the heroine Monica was shown so realistically that when it was shown in Cannes, many viewers felt sick. Bellucci herself later admitted that she was scared to review this film, but it is obvious that this is one of the best and most daring works of her career. By the way, in this experimental drama, in which all events are shown in reverse order, Monica's boyfriend was played by her husband, Vincent Cassel.

Further in Bellucci's filmography followed Italian film“Remember Me” (2003) and the drama “Tears of the Sun” (2003) with Bruce Willis, after which in the same year the actress appeared in the popular films of the then Wachowski brothers “The Matrix: Revolution” and “The Matrix Reloaded”. Monica played the role of the mysterious Persephone, the wife of the Merovingian, who offers help to Neo (Keanu Reeves) in exchange for a passionate kiss. Of course, the directors of the legendary trilogy could not help but appreciate the attractiveness of the Italian actress, so they chose a rather simple character for her, simply taking advantage of her sexuality.

Participation in the filming of “The Matrix” marked a new and very important stage in her career for the 39-year-old Italian actress – the conquest of Hollywood. And the industry, greedy for beauty, sexuality and charisma, could not resist Monica Bellucci. The actress could have easily exploited the image of an inaccessible beauty, but she preferred serious acting work and non-trivial scripts to this. At this time, Monica often changed the genres of films in her filmography, proving that she was capable of appearing in any role.

Monica Bellucci in the film "Tango of the Heart" (2007)

After The Matrix, she played Mary Magdalene in the biblical drama Mel Gibson"The Passion of Christ". A difficult film with many brutal scenes, telling about last days Christ before the Crucifixion, has received mixed reviews from critics, including for its controversial interpretation of the Bible. Even though Monica is not a Catholic, she really wanted to get the role of a follower of Jesus.

Then the actress again played with Vincent Cassel – this time in the action-packed thriller “Secret Agents” (2004). But her next successful Hollywood project was the fantasy “The Brothers Grimm” (2005) by Terry Gilliam, which tells an alternative biography of the most famous German storytellers. Of course, there was some mysticism there - Monica played an evil queen who died hundreds of centuries ago, but with the help of spells continues to tempt her former beauty random visitors. The brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, played by Heath Ledger And (ab:462)Matt t Damon(/ab).

In the same year, Bellucci again tried on the image of a fatal courtesan in the film by the famous French director Bertrand Blier “How Much Are You Worth?”, where Gerard Depardieu became her partner. Monica's next major role was in the film "The Brotherhood of Stone" (2006), where she played with Catherine Deneuve and Moritz Bleibtreu. The mass audience remembers Bellucci's role in the Hollywood thriller Shoot 'Em Up (2007) with Clive Owen. Also worth noting is the game famous actress in the Italian melodrama “The Man Who Loves” (2008), where she also played Ksenia Rappoport.

During this period, Bellucci also managed to collaborate with such French actors as Sophie Marceau and Daniel Auteuil. It is also worth noting the films with her participation “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” (2010) with Nicolas Cage and “Love: Instructions for Use” with Robert De Niro. In 2014, the actress played an opera diva in popular TV series Amazon Mozart in the Jungle with Gael García Bernal. In 2015, Bellucci became the first mature Bond woman ( Daniel Craig) in the new part of the Bond film - “007: SPECTER”.

In 2016, the actress was lucky enough to work with the cult Serbian director Emira Kusturica over his war melodrama “Po milky way" Bellucci played the beloved of the main character, who was portrayed by Kusturica himself.

“Evening Urgant”: Monica Bellucci and Emir Kusturica about the “Milky Way”

Personal life of Monica Bellucci

The famous Italian actress had affairs only with her colleagues - at first she was married for a very short time to the Argentine photographer Claudio Brasso, then she was engaged to the Italian actor Nicola Farron.

At first they did not make a particularly pleasant impression on each other: Monica considered Kassel too arrogant, and he was young beautiful actress she seemed like just another starlet with a beautiful figure, who for some reason suddenly imagined herself to be an actress. However, by the end of filming they could not part with each other.

When we first met Vincent, a spark flashed between us. Initially, we thought that it was rather antipathy and hostility towards each other, but later, having gotten to know each other better, we realized that this is the magic of attraction. I don’t know how we ended up together, it’s more like we didn’t choose who we were with, it just happened.

However, the couple did not live together - Monica needed personal space and independence. Even a few years after the wedding, they continued to live in two houses - he in France, and she in Italy. The actress explained this by saying that the last thing she wants is to immerse herself in a family routine.

In 2013 star couple Cassel-Bellucci, to the frustration of many fans, broke up. Perhaps the frequent forced and voluntary separations of former spouses played a role, later actress admitted that the independence of each subsequently jeopardized their relationship, and then they simply decided to separate.

Monica Bellucci now

In 2017, the actress held the opening and closing ceremonies of the Cannes Film Festival for the second time. She also appeared in episode 14 as a cameo in the continuation of the series Twin Peaks. David Lynch. Bellucci also agreed to take part in the fantasy horror film "The Necromancer" and the thriller "The Spider in the Web", where she will also play Ben Kingsley.

Now Monica devotes a lot of time to her family and raising her daughters. She admits that she wants her daughters to listen to their inner voice and understood that for personal success they did not need the support of a man.

Not long ago, one men's magazine asked married Russians which stars they dreamed of going on a date with. The survey showed that the “dream girl” for the majority of our compatriots is Monica Bellucci. 17% of Russian men dream about her! Angelina Jolie and Scarlett Johansson are significantly inferior to the hot Italian in this regard (they have second and third places - 16 and 12 percent, respectively). And everything would be fine if not for one thing. Against the background of the cult of youth in modern world Monica Bellucci's popularity is simply amazing. After all, she turns 52 on September 30th! However, what does age have to do with it, I would like to ask, looking at this delightful standard of femininity... For the birthday of the charming actress, we have prepared 50 interesting facts about her.

1) Monica Bellucci's height is 178 cm.

2) Weight - from 63 to 68 kg.

3) Parameters - 92-62-92 (plus or minus 2-3 cm).

4) Shoe size - 40-41. Although many media write about the 44th and constantly include Bellucci in ratings of celebrities with the most large size legs.

5) The actress has posed nude several times throughout her career. Her nude photo shoots are best known for the MAX (1998) and GQ (2000) calendars.

6) Bellucci posed twice for the famous Pirelli calendar (and in the world of models this is the same as the Oscars for actors).

7) Monica Bellucci is the constant muse of Dolce&Gabbana. Their cooperation has lasted for 26 years.

8) Favorite poem- “A Silvia” by Giacomo Leopardi.

9) Monica has two daughters. The actress had her first child two weeks before her fortieth birthday (the girl was named Virgo). And in 2010, at the age of 45, Bellucci gave birth to another daughter, Leoni. Both babies were born in marriage to actor Vincent Cassel. “When I get old, I’d rather watch my children than watch films with my participation,” says the star.

10) During both pregnancies, Bellucci posed nude for fashion magazines.

11) The actress has never had plastic surgery.

12) Monica Bellucci had two marriages. In 1990-1994 - with photographer Claudio Carlos Basso. And from 1999 to 2013 - with the French actor Vincent Cassel.

13) Bellucci dated Cassel for 5 years before her wedding. Those. In total, their relationship lasted 19 years.

14) Vincent Cassel is two years younger than Monica Bellucci.

15) After the divorce in August 2013, the media constantly gives Monica Bellucci away in marriage. In particular, she was credited with having affairs with Russian oligarchs - Telman Ismailov and Mikhail Prokhorov. Neither in the first nor in the second case the information was confirmed.

16) Native language actresses - Italian. In addition to him, Bellucci is fluent in English and French languages, and also understands and speaks some Spanish.

17) Bellucci often admitted in interviews that she dreamed of starring in the same film with Robert De Niro. Her dream came true in 2011 - during the filming of the film “Love: instructions for use.”

18) Hometown actresses - Citta di Castello, Italy.

19) Bellucci’s father was an agricultural worker, and his mother was an artist.

20) Surprisingly, Monica’s mother was diagnosed with infertility several years before her birth. By the way, the actress was only child in family.

21) Monica Bellucci dreamed of becoming a lawyer as a child. To pay for her education, at the age of 16 she decided to work as a model. My career took off. The girl liked the modeling world and abandoned the idea of ​​devoting her life to jurisprudence.

22) Of all sports, the actress prefers swimming and yoga.

23) The Dolce&Gabbana lipstick collection is named after her.

24) Bellucci’s debut in cinema came in 1990. Her first job was Italian painting"Life with Sons."

25) Bellucci’s first success came after the role of Dracula’s bride in the film “Dracula” by Francis Coppola (1992).

26) The actress met her future husband, Vincent Cassel, while filming the film “The Apartment” (1995).

27) Monica admits that she does not want to watch the film “Irreversible” with her participation. All because of a horrific nine-minute brutal rape scene.

28) Monica’s zodiac sign is Libra.

29) Monica Bellucci is often called “the second Sophia Loren.”

30) In the morning, the actress always takes a contrast shower.

31) Bellucci has a house in Rio de Janeiro. She says she is “madly in love” with the city.

32) A turning point Bellucci's career includes the film "Malena" (2000). It was after this picture that they began to talk about her as not just a beautiful, but also a very talented actress.

33) The film “Malena”, as Monika herself believes, is half a reflection of her biography.

34) The actress is convinced: washing your hair more than twice a week is detrimental to your hair. And before the procedure, be sure to dilute the shampoo with water. In addition, before washing, rub olive oil into the hair roots.

35) The actress’s favorite book is Patricia Alber’s novel “The Life of Tina Modotti.”

36) Cult films Bellucci believes " Sweet life" and "Eight and a Half" by Fellini.

37) Favorite drink is cool white wine.

38) Favorite color - strict black

39) A nude shoot for Vanity Fair magazine during pregnancy became the actress’s protest against Italian laws prohibiting artificial insemination.

40) Bellucci posed in the 90s famous photographer Richard Avedon, who once photographed Marilyn Monroe.

41) Since 2001, Monica Bellucci has been the face of the Cartier jewelry company.

42) An actress goes on a diet only if the role requires it from her. And in ordinary life Bellucci does not deny himself pasta and pizza. And she’s not at all worried that they might get deposited on her thighs. “Beauty for a woman becomes a problem only in two cases: when it is not there and when there is nothing but beauty,” says Monica.

43) Monica Bellucci official website -

44) Official page on Facebook -

4 In this article I would like to talk about such a fashionable Dub gesture now. What does Dub gesture mean?? However, I recommend reading a few first interesting articles on the topic of fashionable jargon Pipidastra, Twerk, B-Boy, Beatmaker, etc.
Many are now perplexed and are trying to Google the answer to the question of what the Dub movement means. You need to understand that this gesture was invented among rappers of the trap and crunk crowd, such as Migos, Skippa Da Flippa, Rich The Kid etc. Most likely, Dub dance originated in Atlanta, but this is not a fact.
Now the dance has become so famous that questions have certainly arisen about it, both among schoolchildren and adults. In fact, the Dub has essentially become the dominant dance of the summer. 2016 of the year. Someone without understanding could see LeBron James doing " Dab", and it looked like he either wanted to sneeze into his forearm or wanted to smell his armpit.

Dub movement -this gesture shows your internal state when you have done something cool and are very pleased with yourself. Please note that some football players often “sniff” their armpit

Some believe that the very first team that created the Dub movement were three " acrobat brother" Huey, Duey, and Louie - The Migos, while other individuals, foaming at the mouth, prove that it was created by such famous rappers, How Pee-Wee Longway, Rich The Kid, or Jose Guapo living in Atlanta. However, although they have certain merits in creating the Dub movement, they came up with the main part Skippa Da Flippa, which can be traced back to his videos before they became mainstream. Regardless of who did it first, it should be understood that most likely the now popular Dub movement has roots in Atlanta, where such dances are baked like pancakes at Shrovetide.

Myself the message of the dance means not just stupidly waving your arms and sniffing your armpit. This is what you feel in this moment time, your inner state, and what music means to you.