Actress Amanda Seyfried has a new boyfriend. Hollywood's fatal heartthrob Amanda Seyfried and all her boyfriends A little later, the actress began dating actor Emile Hirsch, who starred with her in the movie "Alpha Dog"

30-year-old beauty Amanda is in love again. Her new friend is actor Thomas Sadoski.

Amanda has only recently been with Thomas - not even a month has passed. But apparently, passions are running high.

You look at this big-eyed gentle beauty, and it takes your breath away. But the romantic, gentle image of Amanda is very deceptive - this girl is very willful and treats men quite harshly, because she once said: “The most dear thing to me is my dog ​​Finn. A man who insists that Finn sleep on his own pad will leave my house immediately.” So uncompromising.

Amanda and Finn

Many interesting men couldn't stand the competition with Finn. At one time, Amanda had affairs with such handsome men as Emile Hirsch, Dominic Cooper, Ryan Phillippe, Josh Hartnett and Justin Long. And none of them stayed in Amanda’s life for more than a few months!

Amanda with Justin Long

Amanda with Dominic Cooper

Amanda with Ryan Phillippe

Amanda with Josh Hartnett

I wonder how long Thomas Sadoski will have the patience to compete with Finn for the right to sleep with Amanda?

For the first time, Amanda found herself drawn into such, frankly speaking, an ugly story and couldn’t find a place for herself. She did not want to listen to Dominic’s excuses over the phone: he, of course, could not fly to America and talk to her honestly, face to face. Busy as hell. Filming has just begun for a new film. And in general, she attaches too much importance to such insignificant things...

Probably, alcohol would have helped her a lot during that terrible period. Nothing heals love's wounds like a good bottle of whiskey. But in this case, Amanda would risk jeopardizing her career that had just exploded upward. No, she is a professional, and not a cheap alcoholic like Lindsay... And then, out of grief, she... began to knit. I knitted three scarves, mittens and a hat for my sister, which she, of course, didn’t need.

Amanda also had access to some other entertainment. Suddenly it turned out that she was now on the coveted list of “VIP guests” and many society ladies, as well as PR people from large corporations and charitable foundations, were ready to do anything just to get the movie star to their lunches and brunches. Kate Hudson kindly invited Miss Seyfried to her Halloween party. And everyone knows how careful Miss Hudson is in selecting guests... It was at Kate’s villa, in an atmosphere of crazy frenzy, that Amanda ran into Ryan Phillippe, who seemed to have fallen out of the general fun. He stood on the veranda with a glass of martini and thoughtfully watched the dancing unfolding right by the pool. Or rather, right in the pool, where undressed and, indeed, dressed guests were jumping joyfully.

She silently stood next to him. Finally Ryan noticed her, perked up - and word for word they started talking. Ryan was absolutely not her type of man, but Amanda was flattered that an adult famous actor was courting her.

How could she know that this child-faced man had the soul of an old man? This was her first encounter with a generation of rather useless thirty-five-year-old men living by inertia, incapable of decisive action and deeds. Ryan had only one duty - to meet with Ava and Deacon, children from his first marriage, once a week, and he forgot to do this from time to time. The actor chose his roles completely at random. One random success was followed by three failures.

Amanda, on the contrary, was in strict control of everything: her career developed progressively, in full accordance with the recommendations of her Hollywood agent. Besides, Ryan's previous personal relationships... No, Amanda is not a prude, but still. In February, three months after the start of their romance, actress Alexis Knapp announced that she was... expecting a child with Ryan Phillippe. They officially broke up in September, but shortly before the breakup, the poor thing managed to get pregnant, which she now told the public about. Ryan, of course, learned the news about his impending fatherhood from the newspapers... And again the name of poor Amanda as “the new girlfriend of the spoiled playboy” appeared in the unpleasant proceedings. America rubbed her hands in anticipation of another paternity scandal: Alexis swore that the child's father was Ryan Phillippe, and he claimed that he did not believe a single word she said and would admit this fact only after a genetic examination.

All this made the actor look bad, reflected badly on his children, and Reese Witherspoon, his ex-wife, was forced to intervene to support Ryan. The appearance of Reese in this story, despite the fact that she seemed to be already getting ready to marry her agent Jim Toth for the second time, further escalated the situation. Amanda categorically did not like all this. Ryan spent whole days consulting with lawyers or trying to make amends to his children, and Amanda was afraid to stick her nose out of the house: she was tormented by journalists asking her to “comment on the situation.”

I don’t want to interfere,” older sister Jennifer looked grim and determined that morning, “but you need to figure this out.” This is not appropriate.

To become world famous, most people have to work day and night tirelessly. But there are also those who simply find themselves in the right place at the right time. However, becoming famous is not such a difficult matter; maintaining this fame and fame is more difficult. Ryan Phillippe successfully dealt with this - his biography is a prime example of this.

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born on September 10, 1974. This happened in the city of New Castle, located in Delaware. The young couple Richard and Susan Philip decided to name their son Matthew Ryan.

The boy grew up courageous: from an early age he was fond of football and basketball, and later enrolled in the taekwondo section. Perseverance and strong character helped Ryan pass the qualifying exam and receive a black belt. Now the suitors of his three sisters behaved carefully with them, because they knew about Ryan’s military merits.

The parents planned that after graduating from school their son would follow in his father’s footsteps and get a job at the DuPont company, which produces chemical materials. But chance decided the matter.

In 1992, Ryan walked into a barbershop where one of the producers of One Life to Live was getting his hair cut. The producer liked the boy so much with his appearance and demeanor that he immediately invited him to star in his series and gave him the number of his casting agent. The following year he appeared in the series as gay teenager Billy Douglas. The role was scandalous, so it forced the attention of film and television figures. Thus began the success story of Ryan Phillippe.


Having understood a little about the world of cinema and television, the guy realized that feature-length films are much better than TV series, so together with his friend Seth Green he moves to Los Angeles and begins to storm castings. At first, they have to make do with episodic roles in TV films.

This situation does not please the actors - young guys are increasingly wandering around the city at night, climbing on roofs, dreaming, making plans for the future and misbehaving - in small ways. At these moments, Ryan is filming “Due South,” “The Case of the Grimacing Governor” and “Killer Bees.”

The actor considers his first serious role to be his participation in the film “White Squall” in 1996. The first nominations, the experience of working with a famous director and first-rate actors - all this gives the guy confidence in a bright future. And he turns out to be right.

In 1997, he was invited to star in the youth thriller “I Know What You Did Last Summer.” This film became a hit of its year and gave rise to many imitations, both successful and not so successful, and for the young cast in the person of Ryan Phillippe, and, of course, offers fell from a cornucopia.

For Ryan, this period of acting was marked by participation in such films as Sad Boy (1997), Homegrown (1998), Studio 54 (1998) and Vicissitudes of Love (1998). However, the next cult film with Ryan’s participation after the release of “I Know What You Did Last Summer” was the film adaptation of Chédorlos de Laclos’ novel “Cruel Intentions,” filmed in 1999. By the way, the already mentioned Sarah Michelle Gellar and Ryan's future wife also took part in the filming.

In 2000, Philip decides to change his role as a character in youth thrillers to something more serious. During this period of his acting career, he starred in “The Way of the Gun” (2000), “The Dangerous Truth” (2001), “Igby Goes Down” (2002), “Inside My Memory” (2003), “Clash” (2004) and in the film “Flags of Our Fathers”, based on real events.

In 2010, Ryan, along with his friends Seth Green, David Siegel and Breckin Meyer, created the Lucid Film studio, and also decided to try his hand at producing.

Personal life

Ryan Phillippe turned out to be a rather amorous person, but his most important love story is connected with his first wife. They met thanks to Seth Green, who decided to pull out a depressed friend on a friend’s birthday. This friend turned out to be Reese.

The girl liked Ryan so much that at the end of the holiday party she publicly called him her main gift. In 1999 the wedding took place. But their happiness lasted only 9 years, during which they had children - daughter Ava Philip and son Deacon Reese.

In 2008, the couple filed for divorce. Over the next few years, the actor dated an Australian actress, but in 2011, Ryan ended his relationship with her. His next chosen one is American actress Alexis Knapp. Also in 2011, she gives birth to her daughter Kay, but after she broke up with Ryan.

In 2013, his girlfriend, whom the actor met at his friend’s party, received the title for three months. In 2015, Ryan Phillippe decides to propose to Polina Slagger, a girl who has nothing to do with the world of cinema (at that time Polina was a law student at Stanford University). However, this time nothing serious came of it either - the following year the engagement was called off.

The actor continues to this day – there are rumors that Ryan is having an affair with. As an argument, they cite the fact that after their joint March anniversary photo, they can often be seen together at other media events.

However, there is no official confirmation (or denial) of these rumors. Ryan Phillippe is often called a heartthrob, but he denies this description.

“I’m a regular guy, a responsible father and the owner of several companies - I just don’t have time for all this,” he says, but you can’t argue with the facts.

Ryan Phillippe now

Now the actor is busy filming the next season of the series “Shooter”. The USA Network series is a remake of the film of the same name. Complicating the situation is a broken leg, which Ryan suffered in the summer of 2017 during a family outing. However, in your account in "Instagram" the actor posts photos from training, under which he writes: “I’m getting back into fighting shape” (September 6, 2017).

Ryan also posted an interesting comparison on his account - excerpts of a training scene with a punching bag from the film “I Know What You Did Last Summer” and a similar scene from “Shooter.” At first glance, it’s hard to believe that there is an 18-year difference between these shots, but if you consider that the actor’s current height and weight (175 cm, 75 kg) are the same, then this ceases to seem so surprising.

We should be happy about these results, but in a recent interview for Woman`s Health magazine, the actor admitted that he has been suffering from depression for the last two years. To get out of this situation, the actor began to practice daily meditation.


  • 1992-1993 – “One Life to Live”
  • 1994 – “Due South”
  • 1994 – “Perry Mason. The Case of the Grimacing Governor"
  • 1995 – “Killer Bees”
  • 1996 – “White Squall”
  • 1997 – “I Know What You Did Last Summer”
  • 1998 – “Homegrown”
  • 1998 – “Studio 54”
  • 2001 – “Gosford Park”
  • 2003 – “Inside My Memory”
  • 2006 – “Flags of our fathers”
  • 2011 – “Lincoln for a Lawyer”
  • 2014 – “Secrets and Lies”
  • 2016-2017 – “Shooter”

March 05, 2016 Comments back to Hollywood's fatal heartbreaker Amanda Seyfried and all her boyfriends. disabled

Hollywood's fatal heartbreaker Amanda Seyfried and all her boyfriends.

Her favorite director is David Lynch. She once admitted in an interview that she was attracted to Lyn’s films not only by the atmosphere of madness, the talented presentation of the material, but also by the fatal heartthrob beauties. It looks like Amanda just recognizes herself in them.

How many times has Amanda Michelle Seyfried turned away all sorts of guys!

Sometimes it seems that the popular Hollywood actress collects boyfriends.

While still on the set of the television series All My Children, Amanda Seyfried began an affair with her co-star Micah Albert. Their relationship was not that long.

A little later, the actress began dating actor Emile Hirsch, who starred with her in the movie “Alpha Dog.”

After Hirsch, the blonde "beast" breaks the heart of musician Jess Marchant

Since 2009, Amanda Seyfried began a relationship with Dominic Cooper, her co-star in the film Mamma Mia! The couple had a difficult relationship: they broke up, then started dating again, and so on for more than three years.

The star’s romance with actor Ryan Phillippe was discussed in the press for a long time. But this relationship lasted only three months.

After Ryan Phillippe, Amanda switched to Alexander Sarsgard. Literally from the first minutes, charming him.

And at the end of 2011, Seyfried began dating French real estate agent Andrew Joblon.

Since January 2012, Amanda Seyfried has been dating 33-year-old actor Josh Hartnett. Heartthrob Hartnett had an impressive list of wins that included Scarlett Johansson, whom the actor dated for several years after they met on the set of Brian De Palma's Black Dahlia. And it seemed that Amanda had met her ideal. But it was not there.

It was that same year that Amanda broke up with Hartnett and Desmond Harrington became her “victim.”

There were persistent rumors about her affair with James Franco, and with one of the famous bodybuilders. She was also seen in the arms of a man unknown to the press.

In 2013, Amanda decided to settle down and began dating Justin Long. Seyfried and Long moved in together in a New York apartment worth almost $2 million. In the mornings they made themselves green smoothies, which they both adored, walked Amanda’s dog Finn together, and in the evenings they watched their favorite reality show.

It seemed like there would be no end to this idyll. There were even rumors that they were going to get married. The tabloids vied with each other about her pregnancy and upcoming wedding. But, after two years of a very vibrant and at the same time difficult relationship, Amanda decided to leave Justin.