Lesson topic: Amazing ponies Yu. Moritz (Poems by Yu

Open the textbook to page 98. Read aloud (the best reader reads) the text after the questions.

What problem did Nastya have? (didn’t know poems about animals)

Who is Bulat Okudzhava? (poet)

Bulat Shalvovich Okudzhava (May 9, 1924 - 1977) - poet, writer, composer and performer of his songs. Do you agree with him that J. Moritz discovered her country? What would you call it? (She called it “One Hundred Fantasies”).

Born on June 2, 1937 in Kyiv. Father had double higher education: engineering and legal, he worked as an engineer on transport lines. Mother graduated from high school before the revolution, gave lessons in French and mathematics, worked in the arts, as a nurse in a hospital, and in other jobs, even as a woodcutter. And most importantly, her mother knew a lot of poetry and prose by heart, which she enthusiastically read to her daughters. Yunna Moritz remembers herself from the age of two, and at the age of 4... the Great Patriotic War. He remembers how Kyiv was bombed, he remembers how he lived in evacuation with his sister and mother. She remembers reading everything that was at hand. And for good reason. She graduated from school with a gold medal and entered the literary institute. At the age of 20, her school poems were published for the first time! Her poems have been translated into all European languages, as well as Japanese, Korean, and Turkish. But she started writing for children only after she was 30 years old. In 1963, a page “For younger brothers and sisters”, where the poem with which we will now begin was published.

    Working with the poem “Pony”

Read the title on p.99.

Who is this? (small horses, height 80-140 cm, hardy). Where could we see them? (in a zoo, circus, park)

Read the poem to yourself. Whether there is a unclear words? (blanket)

Silent reading of "Pony".

What's the pony's mood? What does he do every day?

What words does the poet use to show the monotony of the pony's work? (“the pony runs in circles and counts the circles in his head”)

Who is the pony jealous of? Why? (horses, they are busy with serious business)

What can a pony do?

What made you smile?

Does the intonation change throughout the poem? (calm – solemn – sad, with offense and reproach – proud, exclamatory) Let's mark...

Self-preparation in pairs. Reading check.

Now let's sing this poem together with Tatyana and Sergei Nikitin. You can stand up. Be careful, some lines have changed places.

Do you agree with the pony that he is busy with frivolous things? Why is his work important?

Fizminutka We rode a horse, (We walk in place.)

We reached the corner.

Got in the car (Running in place.)

They poured gasoline.

We were traveling by car,

We reached the river. (Squats.)

Trrr! Stop! U-turn. (Turn around.)

There is a steamer on the river. (Clap our hands.)

We were traveling by steamboat,

We reached the mountain. (We walk in place.)

    Working with the poem “Favorite Pony”

Read the title of another poem.

What is the semantic difference between the headings? (1 – just about a pony, 2 – about that horse that is loved and dear)

Listen to this poem performed by Honored Artist of Russia Tatyana Zhukova. Try to understand how you will feel when you listen to it.

Listening to an audio recording.

Discussion of feelings.

Reading by children stanza by stanza and analysis.

1 stanza

Where does the pony work? (the pony hurries to work at the zoo)

What is a pony's job? Let's look for the answer in the text. (He's pushing a cart)

What for? After all, there is so much transport in the city!?

2, 4,6 stanzas

Where can no one but a pony take you? (country Childhood)

How many times is this stanza repeated? Why?

3rd stanza

Why is it so difficult to get to elephants, hippos, orangutans...? ( Where they live is difficult for humans to get to)

Where can you and I see them? (In our zoo, it is one of the largest in Russia)

stanza 5

What words does J. Moritz use to describe the plane and the ship? (magnificent, wonderful)

What words are these? (solemn)

What word is used for pony, also solemn? (wonderful - joyful)

What technique does the poet use? (comparison – contrast, contrast)

What is this poem about? (about a favorite animal that helps a person remember his childhood)

Yes, perhaps, walking around Kyiv or Moscow or our city with her grandson Vanechka, Yunna Moritz watched the ponies and recalled her, admittedly not very easy, post-war childhood. Why does she prefer ponies over a magnificent plane or a beautiful ship? (they are inanimate, but the pony is alive).

Do you think this poem can be turned into a song?

Let's listen to it performed by the Nikitins. (Listening to audio recording)

You can stand up and sing along.

Yunna Moritz
Favorite pony

When it's cool or hot outside
And the pony gallops to work at nine,
Trolleybus from the trolleybus depot,
Bus from the bus depot
Ready for you at the gates of the zoo,
Bring it to the gates of the zoo.

At the pony - long bangs
Made from soft silk
He's pushing a cart
To such lands,
Where did mom go for a ride?
And dad rode
When were they
People like me.
I would day and night
I rode a pony
I would become a grandfather
But I didn’t break up with him!

Where elephants and hippos live,
Orangutans and other wonders -
Planes fly once a week,
Then the ships sail for a week,
Then all-terrain vehicles go for a week,
And a pony will take you there in half an hour!

The pony has long bangs
Made from soft silk
He's pushing a cart
To such lands,
Where did mom go for a ride?
And dad rode
When were they
People like me.
I would day and night
I rode a pony
I would become a grandfather
But I didn’t break up with him!

Magnificent plane behind the clouds,
And the ships are beautiful, every single one, -
But it’s hard to hug a plane with your hands,
And it’s hard to hug the ship with your hands,
And it’s so easy to hug a pony with your arms,
And it’s so wonderful to hug him!

The pony has long bangs
Made from soft silk
He's pushing a cart
To such lands,
Where did mom go for a ride?
And dad rode
When were they
People like me.
I would day and night
I rode a pony
I would become a grandfather
But I didn’t break up with him!

Read by T. Zhukova

Yunna Petrovna (Pinkhusovna) Moritz (b. June 2, 1937, Kyiv), Russian poetess.
Yunna Petrovna Moritz's poems have been translated into all major European languages, as well as Japanese, Turkish, and Chinese. Many songs have been written and performed based on her poems, for example “When We Were Young” by Sergei Nikitin. She writes a lot for children, ever since she published several poems in the magazine “Youth” (at that time Moritz was banned from publishing for independence and inflexibility in creativity and was even expelled from Literary Institute them. Gorky). Children's poems - kind, humorous and paradoxical - are immortalized in cartoons (“Rubber Hedgehog”, “ A big secret for a small company", "Favorite Pony"). Yunna Moritz puts her thoughts not only in letters and lines, but also in graphics and painting, “which are not illustrations, they are such poems, in such a language.”
“Writing poetry is like climbing a mountain: with each step there is significant experience, more perfect skill. Another effort - and the height is taken!.. The height is taken, but the fact is that true poetry begins precisely after this, it begins with soaring, with magic, and this is a secret accessible to few. Junna Moritz was lucky: she discovered magical land, didn’t make it up, but discovered it. She populated it with living inhabitants, not fairy tales, but living ones.
Yunna Moritz discovered a new magical land. Here everything is fair, kind, loving and full of correspondence between one another: the music could not be different, and it is probably impossible to read and sing these poems differently.

development of skills in listening to texts performed by teachers and students;
development of skills to read aloud consciously, correctly, expressively;
development of skills to independently predict the content of a text based on the title, author’s surname, illustration,
classify works into the genres of short stories, novels, and plays according to certain criteria;
express and argue your attitude to what you read, including the artistic side of the text (which
I liked what I read and why).

Lesson steps
During the classes
. Update
1 2
1. Checking homework.
Expressive reading of fragments of the story by Yu. Koval “Captain
2. Conversation.
– What feeling did you have after reading?
– How are the works “Captain Klyukvin” and “Hang and Chang” similar? "Captain
Klyukvin" and "Farewell to a Friend"?
– What advice did you receive from writers? (A person should be a friend to everything
alive. There is no need to deprive forest inhabitants of their usual habitats,
bring them home, put them in cages. A person is responsible for those
whom he tamed.)
Formation of UUD,
(evaluation technology
academic success)
Cognitive UUD
1. Convert
information from one
forms to another: details
retell small
2. Draw conclusions
result of joint
class and teacher work.
3. Focus on
spread of the textbook.
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4. Find answers to
questions in the text,
– What can you say about the author? (Loves, knows nature, teaches this to his
– Yuri Iosifovich Koval walked many tens of kilometers through forests and
fields, lived in distant abandoned villages and in hunting huts.
He knew birds and different herbs by sight. And he understood them and loved them. Yuri Koval is not
I was just a writer. His hands were skillful, “smart.” They got along and
with paints, and with clay, and with metal. Yes, and he wrote like an artist - noticing that
that others cannot see. Read other works of the author, and you will learn more
his special gift will be revealed.
3. Report the topic of the lesson.
Written on the board: “Rubber hedgehog”, “Elephant, baby elephant and elephant”, “Pony”,
"Crow", "Favorite Pony", "The Real Secret".
– Why do you think these names are written on the board? (Children's answers.)
Who is the author of these works? (Yunna Moritz.) Which of these poems do you
haven't you read it? ("Pony", "Favorite Pony.")
– Which of them could be included in the section “Animals in our house”?
4. Reading the author's text (textbook, p. 98).
– Who is Bulat Okudzhava? (Poet, writer, composer and performer
– Do you agree with Bulat Okudzhava that Yunna Moritz discovered the magical
country? What would you call it? (Country of Fantasy, Country of Kindness, Country
– What words from Okudzhava convey the feelings that remain after reading?
poems by Yunna Moritz?
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II. Development
2 4 2 2 4
Working with the poem “Pony” by Yu. Moritz.

– Read the title. Who is this pony? (Little horse.) Where did you see them?
(In the circus, in the zoo, in the park.) What desires and thoughts did you have?

1. Primary reading (to yourself).
2. Identification of primary perception.
– What kind of poem is this: funny, serious, sad?
- Why is the pony sad? (This is a small horse, it is not taken to the parade, but is very
I want to go out to the square in a beautiful red blanket - this is such a cape for
horse's back.)
– What does the pony do every day? (Works at the zoo: he rides children around
circle, it's monotonous - running in circles all the time, and the pony is jealous of the big ones
horses: they are doing serious business!)
3. Preparation for expressive reading.
We read stanza by stanza and decide how to read each stanza:
1st – calm, measured;
2nd - solemnly and a little with envy;
3–4yu – with intonation of conviction;
5–7th – more and more confident.
4. Expressive reading.
Working with the poem “Favorite Pony.”
1. Working with the text before reading.
Personal results
1. Developing skills
show your attitude
to the characters, to express emotions.
2. Evaluate actions in
According to
a certain situation.
3. We create motivation to
training and
Regulatory UUD
1. Define and
formulate a goal
activities in the lesson with
with the help of the teacher.
2. Speak
activities in the lesson.
3. Learn to express yourself
guess based on
illustration work
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4. Learn to work according to
suggested by the teacher
Communicative UUD
1. Developing skill
listen and understand speech
2. Read expressively and
retell the text.
3. Formulate your thoughts in
orally and in writing.
4. Ability to work in pairs and
in groups.
– What is the difference between the names: “Pony” and “Favorite Pony”?
– I wonder why Yunna Petrovna Moritz has several poems about
this little horse?
2. Working with text while reading.
1. Primary reading aloud (read by teacher).