Why do we meet gypsies along the path of life? What are gypsies forbidden to do? Gypsy names and surnames

I decided to figure out how real gypsies live, what traditions and codes they adhere to, what laws they obey.

The customs of the Gypsies largely depend on their environment and religion. But there are still basic laws that have not changed for centuries. These are the foundations on which gypsy society is built. We'll talk about them today.

Modern gypsies:

And the gypsies:


It is generally accepted that gypsies do not stay in any one place for long and constantly roam. Currently this is not the case, for example, of all Russian gypsies, only 1% wanders. A sedentary lifestyle allowed the gypsies to settle in ordinary houses with all the amenities. Gypsy house is distinguished by a pompous design and “rich” decoration with a design similar to a luxurious mansion or some other famous building. This is especially clear in the example of Romanian gypsies. But this, of course, if the owner has money.

Houses of wealthy gypsies from outside:

And inside:

And the houses of poor Romanian gypsies are, as a rule, one-story tiny shacks.

By the way, the one-story building is directly related to the gypsy concept of “filth” coming from a woman, or more precisely, from the lower part of her body. It is believed that “filth” flows down and is capable of staining everything that is “underneath”. Therefore, many gypsies preferred to build one-story houses so that women would not rise higher.
Currently, of all Russian Gypsies, only 1% are nomadic
In modern houses of rich gypsies, of course, there are more than one floor, and only men and little girls who do not yet have the “ability” to “defile” are allowed to go higher. By the way, no precise definition, at what point does this “filth” appear in a woman: either when she becomes sexually mature, or when she loses her innocence.

Gypsies, early 20th century:

Gypsies take marriage very seriously. It is believed that it is customary for them to remain faithful to their soulmate, but, of course, this applies to women only to a greater extent. Gypsy men take care of their family and do not leave their children without attention and care. Children in gypsy settlements have the best life: they are the object of attention of all the surrounding women, they are usually pampered and generally treated very affectionately.
The one-story building is directly related to the gypsy concept of “filth” coming from a woman

There are legends about gypsy weddings. It is believed that this is a large-scale celebration, with songs and dances, which will not leave anyone behind. The bride must be “pure” and innocent before marriage. According to customs, it was previously accepted after the first wedding night the newlyweds show the guests the bedspread from the marital bed. A man could “walk” with non-gypsy women even before marriage.

The life of today's gypsies, of course, has become “modernized” in many ways. So, now it is difficult to name any dietary features and taste preferences of gypsies. However, among the “traditional” dishes, one exotic one can be distinguished - hedgehog. The gypsies roamed and caught the living creatures that were found in the surrounding area - birds, animals, and, among other things, hedgehogs. They were used to cook stew or stew meat.

Good and bad

Roma laws are aimed at regulating relations both within the Roma society and at relations between Roma and non-Roma. In the latter case, it is considered correct and reasonable to adhere to the norms and rules of the non-Gypsy society with whom the Gypsies interact. By the way, marriages between gypsies and non-gypsies are not prohibited, but they are not very encouraged either.

Within the gypsy society, many things are regulated: the form of communication, the choice of clothing, the traditions of major holidays and much more.

The most terrible punishment for any gypsy has always been considered expulsion and isolation. Such punishment can follow for committing a serious crime, from the point of view of the Gypsy code: murder, rape, and sometimes theft. For a gypsy, after the ritual of exile, returning back to his native society will be very, very difficult. It is believed that outcasts from the gypsies lead a predatory and extremely marginal lifestyle, because in their understanding the worst has already happened and there is nowhere to fall lower.
The most terrible punishment for any gypsy has always been considered expulsion

By the way, cut hair among gypsies is a symbol of dishonor. Usually the outcasts just had their hair cut off.

Historically, gypsies had a certain set of professions that they engaged in: crafts, trade, acting, show business, and the famous begging and “fortune telling.” In addition, gypsies do not shun working with animals, in particular horse breeding. But there are some works that are considered “non-gypsy” and therefore shameful. These include factory work, street cleaning and journalism. If a gypsy has one of these professions, then, as a rule, he tries not to advertise it.

Gypsy Baron:

There is a cliché about the “gypsy baron,” that is, the main person in the camp, to whom they go for advice, give all sorts of honors, send “outsiders” to him and ask him to administer justice. In fact, the gypsies have a very strong cult of seniority; respect and honors are due to older members of society. But, as a rule, there is no one “leader” - this is a collection of respected older people. By the way, it is considered a serious offense to express disrespect towards those who are older.


The famous gypsy outfits, in which they are usually depicted in illustrations, appeared not so long ago. Previously, the gypsies dressed in what they could beg from the local population. Accordingly, their costume depended on their habitat. Famous women's skirts with frills was invented by Romanian gypsies, having observed the style of Spanish women. A frilled skirt is a practical thing: as soon as the hem wears out, rags and ribbons attach to it, and the outfit looks renewed.

Men often prefer to wear a jacket or vest with large buttons, boots and a hat.

Journalism was considered a shameful profession for a gypsy

The gypsies have their own folklore, songs, music, and poetry. TO literary heritage include stories, myths, proverbs and sayings that are passed down from generation to generation.

Among the gypsies there are many famous figures culture: musicians Alyosha Dmitrievich, Mikhail, Nikolay and Sergey Erdenko, Janos Bihari, Gianni Linkach, Petr Demeter. Gypsy roots also existed famous actor Charlie Chaplin. Gypsies also became famous as actors, writers and athletes.

Gina Lollobrigida as Esmeralda:

Gypsy culture inspired and still inspires artists: who hasn’t read Pushkin’s poem “The Gypsies” or hasn’t remembered the beautiful gypsy Esmeralda from Hugo? And, of course, when it comes to gypsy culture, it is impossible not to recall the work of director Emir Kusturica.


Myths and facts about gypsies

Since we are talking about nomadic peoples, I thought it would be interesting to introduce the reader to this article, just published. I'm not sure that everything in it is correct, for example, are Yul Brynner gypsies, Yuri Lyubimov, Charlie Chaplin and Anna Netrebko. But overall I like it and it seems true.

Historical information about gypsies, intertwined with myths and wander with them, from century to century, and from country to country. It has now been precisely established that the Gypsies originate from Northern India. However, it is unknown what prompted their exodus from this region and when it began. They were presumably driven out by invasions by the Greeks, Persians, Scythians, Kushites, Huns and Arabs. For one reason or another, approximately in the 9th-10th centuries large groups people left their homeland and moved west...

The Gypsies are the largest of the peoples who still do not have their own state and live in literally all over the planet. Everyone has heard about the gypsies, everyone has seen them, but they do not look like the average person in the street, so at the everyday level there are numerous myths and stereotypes about this people. Mostly negative. And they arose, as often happens, from ignorance and the same unusualness.

Below are the 10 most important myths and stereotypes about gypsies. What’s curious is that these myths exist in all countries of the world, and not just in Russia.

Roma live mainly in Central and Eastern Europe.

This myth often circulates in Western Europe, they say, all gypsies live in the Balkans and to the east. And some consider the residents of the states of the former Yugoslavia not Serbs, Montenegrins or Bosnians, but gypsies and use this term rather as an insult (just as in Russia ordinary people often call representatives of the Caucasian peoples, without understanding who they really are). The same fate applies to the Hungarians and Romanians.

But in fact, the largest number of gypsies live in the United States - about a million people, followed by Brazil (more than 600 thousand). But then there are really Romania and Bulgaria. But the gypsies there are far from the majority of the local population (500 and 300 thousand, respectively). In Russia, according to the 2010 census, 220 thousand people called themselves Roma.

Gypsies are nomadic people

This myth is very ancient and firmly settled in the heads of Europeans. If you ask even children all over the world: “Who are our nomadic people?”, they will answer in unison: “Gypsies.” But for several centuries no mass natural (if there is no war, for example) relocations of gypsies have been observed. The myth was born from the Middle Ages, when the gypsies were truly nomadic, and is passed down from generation to generation.

Every gypsy family has many children

This myth is from the same series as the “nomadic people”. Just a century ago, the gypsies were truly distinguished by the fact that they were fertile. But let me! Remember your great-grandparents. How many brothers and sisters did they have? Often, a lot. Now gypsies all over the world give birth like everyone else. The norm is one or two children in a family. Naturally, there are also families with many children, just like any other nation.

Gypsies kidnap children

Admit that you, or someone you know, was frightened by your parents as a child: “If you behave badly, the gypsies will come and take you away.” This myth is almost the most ancient. And it came from the fact that among the gypsy children there were and are not quite classic gypsies - not dark, not curly, but fair and in no way different from us (from a Russian, a Frenchman, a German, an Englishman - underline as necessary) not different.

This is where gossip and gossip begin. There are often cases when, for various reasons, distant gypsy relatives adopt children, and if these children do not resemble the “parents,” then this is also a reason to whisper.

In central Greece, near the city of Farsala, a fair-haired girl who did not at all resemble her “parents” was discovered among a gypsy family; now the Greek police are trying to establish the girl’s identity. After a DNA test showed that four-year-old Maria was not related to the couple with whom she lived, she was taken away from the Roma.

Gypsies are ruled by barons

Well, since the gypsies do not have a state or something resembling one, it means that they are ruled by barons, sort of authoritative men whose power can be called “royal”. This myth is also ancient and is connected with the fact that when some important issues needed to be resolved (for example, the police suspect a gypsy of crimes or local authorities need to resolve some legal issues with the camp), the gypsy was represented by the baron - usually the most authoritative person.

But in any other situation such a leader is not required and the gypsies decide all the main issues in general meetings. Now there are no barons in the classical sense. But we and the Europeans have a stereotype that this certain baron still “keeps” his people under control.

In general, such things are almost irrelevant. Many gypsies are socialized into the society of the state where they live and submit to the authorities just like any other people and nations. But like everyone else, there are marginal groups. It is by them that all gypsies are often judged.

Among gypsies all over the world unified culture

The saying: “A gypsy is also a gypsy in Africa” does not accurately reflect reality. Yes, there is a Gypsy language, which belongs to the group of Indo-European languages, but the Gypsies in different countries different. Firstly, their language has a bunch of dialects and branches, depending on the geographical location. Secondly, their culture cannot be called uniform. This is largely influenced by the religion of the state where they live.

For example, Russian gypsies are mostly Orthodox, while Crimean gypsies are Muslims. Croatians are Catholics, and Palestinians are also Muslims. Many of us believe that gypsies, wherever they are, seek connections with each other, with their people. But in reality they cannot be called a single people. Rather, Roma in a particular state have commonalities with each other, but do not maintain connections with Roma from other countries.

Gypsies do not serve in the army

The roots of the myth are simple: since the gypsies do not have their own state, then what is the point for them to fight for an alien non-native state? It seems that the myth has a rational grain, and indeed it is not so easy to find gypsies in the army, besides, they call themselves a peace-loving people.

But... Let's start with the fact that there are not so many gypsies at all (there are approximately 10 million people in the world, and in Russia, as indicated above, a little more than 200 thousand), and there are even fewer men of military age. And history still proves that the gypsies serve. A typical example is that Gypsies were in active units of Napoleonic army. But then a myth about the pacifism of the Roma arose: the Roma of the French army publicly fraternized with the Gypsies of the Spanish.

Nevertheless, the gypsies also fought as part of the army of the Ottoman Empire, there is evidence of service in the French army of Louis XIV, etc. But they really did not have any mass desire to fight.

The gypsies do nothing but steal, tell fortunes and sell drugs

The myth was not taken from empty space. No one will argue that gypsies used to steal often. But simply because there was nothing to eat. Due to their dislike for the gypsies, they could not just join the elite of the local population and live comfortably. We can say that life made me steal. It's the same story with drugs. As they say, every family has its black sheep.

As for fortune telling, this also comes from ancient times: you had to somehow earn money. And since the gypsies willingly told fortunes, a myth arose that they all knew how to do it. The Europeans themselves are largely to blame for this - since the gypsies are different, they were credited with some kind of supernatural abilities. The most enterprising gypsies make full use of this stereotype.

All gypsies can play guitars

Well, what would a wedding be without gypsies, judging by works of the XIX century. Bears, red shirts and guitars. The whim of the landowners grew into a myth that is still relevant today. All this is from the category - all black Americans can rap and play basketball, all Brazilians play football before they can walk, etc. In fact, gypsies play guitars no more than Russians. And, let’s say, Hungarian gypsies generally prefer to play the violin.

Gypsies always live in communities

A very ancient, very persistent and international myth. Like, all the gypsies are one after another, they live closely together and where there is one, there is another. Yes, and everyone still knows each other. The fact is that this has happened before. But this has generally not been the case for decades now. Although it is not uncommon for several families to live nearby, this can only be explained by common interests and mentality. The Roma have no longer had a communal system, and in developed countries this has long been forgotten.

Some interesting facts:

"Gypsies" is a collective term, the same as "Slavs", "Caucasians", "Scandinavians" or "Latin Americans". Several dozen nationalities belong to the gypsies.

Gypsies are divided into several ethnic groups. Calderas is one such group. The other main groups are the Gitans and the Manush. Kalderash are metal specialists: tinkers, tinsmiths, etc. The Gitans settled mainly in the south of France, Spain, Portugal and North Africa. The Manush specialize in animal training, travel and give performances.

There are also smaller ethnic groups of gypsies: Blidari, Rudari and Lingurari are engaged in various types of woodwork (Blidari specialize in making things for the home); chobatori - shoemakers; kostorari - tinkers; gilabari—musicians; lautari - makers of musical instruments; Lakatushi place - locksmiths; salahori - masons and builders; vatrashi—gardeners; zlatari - goldsmiths. The pronunciation may be different in different regions, but in general these names are easily recognizable...marriages between representatives different groups rare.

The Roma have a national anthem, a flag and art culture, including literature.

Gypsies are conventionally divided into Eastern and Western.

“Eastern” gypsies began to be called gypsies only in the 19th and 20th centuries, when Europeans visiting Asia paid attention to their external resemblance with the gypsies, as well as some common crafts and traditions. “Eastern” Gypsies have a culture that is sharply different from the “general Gypsy” (i.e., the culture of the noticeably more numerous and culturally developed “Western” Gypsies), although both have something in common cultural heritage Indian ancestors. “Eastern” and “Western” gypsies practically do not communicate.

The Romani languages ​​are overwhelmingly descendants of Sanskrit. Ethnically, the Gypsies are descendants of the Aryans, with a Dravidian admixture (the Dravidians are the indigenous population of India, conquered by the Aryans, one of the oldest literate cultures, at the time of the conquest they were more developed than the culture of the nomadic Aryans).

In India there were no gypsies at all, there were Hindus. According to recent genetic and linguistic studies, the ancestors of the Gypsies, a group of Hindus of the "house" caste of approximately 1,000 people, left India sometime in the 6th century. It is assumed that this group of musicians and jewelers was presented by the Indian ruler to the Persian, as was the custom of that time.

Already in Persia, the size of the group grew greatly, and a social division appeared within it (mainly by profession); part of the ancestors in the 9th-10th centuries began to gradually move west and finally reached Byzantium and Palestine (two different branches). Some remained in Persia and from there spread to the east. Some of these gypsies eventually reached their homeland distant ancestors- India.

The gypsies left Byzantium during the period of its conquest by Muslims, in the hope of receiving help from fellow Christians (the people and times were naive). The exodus from the Roman Empire lasted for decades. Some Gypsies, however, remained in their homeland for various reasons. Their descendants eventually converted to Islam.

There is a hypothesis that the gypsies received the nickname “Egyptians” back in Byzantium, for their dark complexion and for the fact that the most noticeable part of the gypsies, like the visiting Egyptians, were engaged in circus art. Another nickname was associated with circus art and fortune telling, from which the word “gypsies” came: “atsingane”. Initially, this was the name given to certain sectarians seeking secret knowledge. But over time, apparently, the word has become a household word, ironic for anyone involved in esotericism, magic tricks, fortune telling and divination. The gypsies even then called themselves “Roma” and gave themselves the nickname “kale”, that is, dark-skinned, dark-skinned

It is believed that it was the gypsies who widely spread Muslim countries belly dance. However, there is no evidence or refutation of this.

Traditional areas of activity for Gypsies include the arts, trade, horse breeding and crafts (from the prosaic of brick making and basket weaving to the romantic art of jewelry and embroidery).

Soon after coming to Europe, the Gypsies became one of the victims of great socio-economic crises and were subjected to severe persecution. This has led to severe marginalization and criminalization of Roma. The gypsies were saved from complete extermination by the generally neutral or friendly attitude of the majority common people, who did not want to implement bloody laws against the Gypsies.

They say that the famous Papus learned fortune telling from the gypsies.

The Inquisition was never interested in the gypsies.

Medicine knows no cases of leprosy among the Roma. The most common blood types among Roma are III and I. The percentage of III and IV blood is very high compared to other European peoples.

In the Middle Ages, Gypsies, like Jews, were accused of cannibalism.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, with increasing tolerance towards them in European society, the crime rate of the Roma fell sharply and significantly. In the 19th century, a very rapid process of integration of Roma into society began in Europe.

Gypsies came to Russia more than 300 years ago. Like other peoples that have now taken root (for example, the Kalmyks), they received imperial permission to live in Russia and engage in traditional crafts(trade, horse breeding, fortune telling, singing and dancing). After some time, these gypsies began to call themselves Russian Roma, which is still the largest gypsy nationality in Russia. By 1917, the Russian Roma were the most integrated and educated Gypsies in Russia.

At various times, Kelderars (Kotlyars), Lovaris, Servas, Ursaris, Vlachs and other gypsies also immigrated to Russia.

Almost all names of Roma nationalities are either the names of key professions or reflect the name of the country they consider their homeland. This says a lot about Roma priorities.

The famous gypsy national costume was invented in the 19th century. The Kalderars were the first to wear it. The Russian Roma national costume was invented by artists to create a more exotic stage image. Historically, Gypsies have always tended to wear clothing typical of their country of residence.

Short hair among gypsies is a symbol of dishonor. The hair of the exiled and isolated was cut. Until now, gypsies avoid very short haircuts.

In 1812, Russian Roma were voluntarily handed over for maintenance Russian army large amounts. Young gypsy boys fought as part of Russian troops. At the same time, what’s funny is that quite a few French gypsies fought in Napoleon’s army. There is even a description of a meeting between two gypsies from different sides during the battle between the Spaniards and the French.

During the Second World War, Gypsies participated in hostilities as part of both regular armies (USSR, France; privates, tank crews, military engineers, pilots, orderlies, artillerymen, etc.) and partisan groups, mixed and purely Gypsy (USSR , France, Eastern Europe). The guerrilla actions of the Roma against the Nazis are sometimes called “Aryans against Aryans.”

As a result of the systematic targeted extermination of the Gypsies by the Nazis, about 150,000 Gypsies (for comparison, in the USSR lived from 60,000, according to the census, to 120,000, according to assumptions) died in Europe. "Gypsy Holocaust" is called Kali Thrash (there are also variants Samudaripen and Paraimos).

Among the outstanding Roma there are scientists, writers, poets, composers, musicians, singers, dancers, actors, directors, boxers (including champions), football players, historians, politicians, priests, missionaries, artists and sculptors. Some are better known, for example, Marishka Veres, Ion Voicu, Janos Bihari, Cem Mace, Mateo Maximov, Yul Brynner, Tony Gatlif, Bob Hoskins, Nikolay Slichenko, Django Reinhardt, Bireli Lagren, others less, but can also boast of significant contributions to gypsy culture.

If you see the phrase “nomadic people” without quotation marks in an article about Russian gypsies, you don’t have to read it. The author will not write anything truly reliable if he does not even know the fact that only 1% of Russian Gypsies are nomadic.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, despite the fact that in the media Roma frauds are in first place when mentioned in criminal articles, in statistics they are in last place. Ethnographers believe that the situation with gypsy fraud and drug trafficking is similar in Russia.

During Stalin's time, the Roma were subjected to targeted repression.

The term “gypsy baron” has been used by gypsies only for the last couple of decades, and not by everyone. This is borrowed from the media and romantic literature. The term is used specifically to communicate with non-Gypsies.

There are several notable gypsy theaters in the world: in Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia, Germany, as well as smaller theaters and studios in these and other countries.

One of the most interesting gypsy concepts is the concept of “filth”. It is associated with the lower body of a married woman or simply adult woman. All she has to do is walk over something and the place becomes “desecrated.” Clothing worn by a woman below the waist and shoes are automatically considered “defiled.” Therefore, the women's national costume of many gypsies around the world includes a large apron. And for the same reason, in order not to be desecrated, gypsies prefer to live in small, one-story houses.

Gypsies understand many simple phrases spoken in Hindi. That's why gypsies love some Indian films so much.

Roma have “undesirable” professions, which are usually hidden so as not to “fall out” of Roma society. These are, for example, factory work, street cleaning and journalism.

Like every nation, gypsies have their own national dishes. Since ancient times, gypsies lived in or near the forest, so they ate animals caught in hunts - hares, wild boars and others. Special National dish gypsy - hedgehog, fried or stewed.

Carriers of gypsy genes are called Romano rats. Romanians are recognized as having the right, if they wish, to become gypsies. Romano Rath is the guitarist of the Rolling Stones group Ronnie Wood, Sergei Kuryokhin, Yuri Lyubimov, Charlie Chaplin and Anna Netrebko.

The word “lave” in Russian slang is borrowed from the Gypsy language, where it has the form “lowe” (Gypsies do not “akayut”) and the meaning “money”.

An earring in one ear of a gypsy means that he is the only son in the family.

Gypsies live in many European countries, as well as in North Africa, North and South America and Australia. Groups related to European gypsies also live in the countries of Western Asia. The number of European gypsies, according to various estimates, ranges from 8 million to 10-12 million people. There were officially 175.3 thousand people in the USSR (1970 census). According to the 2010 census, about 220 thousand Roma live in Russia.

I was once shocked by the anti-fascist film “The Passage” with Anthony Quinn and Malcolm McDowell in the lead roles and a terrible scene of the extermination of the gypsies.

Those interested can watch this film here.

Komi Republic

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One gypsy legend says that God loved the gypsies so much for their fun and talent that he did not tie them to pieces of land, like other peoples, but gave them the whole world to live in. Therefore, gypsies can be found on all continents except Antarctica.

One of the most interesting gypsy concepts is the concept of “filth”. It is associated with the lower part of the body of a married or just an adult woman. All she has to do is walk over something and the place becomes “desecrated.” Clothing worn by a woman below the waist and shoes are automatically considered “defiled.” Therefore, the women's national costume of many gypsies around the world includes a large apron. And for the same reason, in order not to be desecrated, gypsies prefer to live in small, one-story houses.

Only 1% of Russian Roma are nomadic.

Short hair among gypsies is a symbol of dishonor. The hair of the exiled and isolated was cut. Until now, gypsies avoid very short haircuts.

There are no medically known cases of leprosy among the Roma. That is, gypsies do not suffer from leprosy.

Gypsies understand many simple phrases spoken in Hindi. That's why gypsies love some Indian films so much.

Roma have “undesirable” professions, which are usually hidden so as not to “fall out” of Roma society. These are, for example, factory work, street cleaning and journalism.

Like every nation, gypsies have their own national dishes. Since ancient times, gypsies lived in or near the forest, so they ate animals caught in hunts - hares, wild boars and others. A special national dish of the Gypsies is hedgehog, fried or stewed.

Carriers of gypsy genes are called Romano rats. Romanians are recognized as having the right, if they wish, to become gypsies. Romano Rath is the guitarist of the Rolling Stones group Ronnie Wood, Sergei Kuryokhin, Yuri Lyubimov, Charlie Chaplin and Anna Netrebko.

The word "lave?" in Russian jargon, borrowed from the Gypsy language, where it has the form “love?” (gypsies do not “akat”) and the meaning of “money”.

An earring in one ear of a gypsy means that he is the only son in the family.

And more about the gypsies...

Many people associate the word “Gypsies” with such concepts as freedom and liberty. In fact, quite strict morals reign in a gypsy family.

Gypsies, immigrants from India, wherever they appeared, led isolated image life - they are strangers everywhere. But those who stayed for a long time in one area or another adopted the customs of the indigenous population over the years. Russia is inhabited mainly by Russian Roma (Russian Gypsies) and Servas (Ukrainian Gypsies). Magyar gypsies from Western Ukraine and Central Asian Lyuli gypsies come to Moscow in search of work.

Gypsies differ in religion - in Russia and Ukraine, mostly Orthodox Christians live, but there are Muslims and Catholics.


Roma marriages take place quite early: the elders are afraid that the youth will “run wild and get spoiled.” In addition, a younger girl quickly gets used to the way of life of her husband’s family.

It is not customary for gypsies to go on dates or to discos. Usually young people meet at relatives' weddings and other celebrations. Parents, of course, look for future spouses for their children, but more often they act as advisers rather than dictators. Every father, every mother wants the family with whom they are to become related to be respected, noble and decent. And if you're rich, even better. But no one is forced into marriage.

Living among your own people presupposes being informed about everything. “Gypsy Post” knows where the beauty grew up and where to send matchmakers. As soon as the son hinted to his parents about his choice, preparations for matchmaking begin.

Sometimes this is a separate festive event with its own canons - who should say what, where to sit, and so on. And if the families have agreed, the wedding is prepared.


Gypsy wedding celebrations are similar to theatrical performances. For example, only those women whose family life was a success. It is obligatory to bless the bride and groom with icons - for Christians, of course.

And the bride’s chastity is an indispensable condition. The bride and groom are solemnly escorted to separate apartments with songs and dances, and then they are also solemnly welcomed. As a sign of the girl's purity, red flowers are pinned to the guests' chests. A wedding veil is opened over the heads of the bride and groom so that guests can ascertain the bride’s innocence; other, “adult” songs and ditties are sung to the young people. The girl puts on a new outfit and a scarf is tied on her head.

In some groups of Crimean gypsies they also pay bride price. And at the weddings of Lovarian gypsies they do not give gifts; it is believed that anyone can come and simply rejoice at the happiness of the newlyweds.

Legends that gypsies steal brides are based on real basis. This happens in our time if parents do not approve of their children’s choices. But in such cases, wedding feasts, as a rule, are not arranged. Everything goes quietly and modestly.


In most cases, young people remain to live with the groom's parents. Then, over time, they move under their own roof. Only the most younger son with his family he must stay with his parents - someone needs to look after them.

The daughter-in-law gets up earlier and goes to bed later than everyone else. She performs all household functions under the guidance of her mother-in-law. A gypsy woman never contradicts a man, and does not enter into a man’s conversation until she is addressed. There are legends about the loyalty of Gypsy women; they know how to respect men, look after them, and most importantly, they protect the honor of the family. You will never hear a gypsy disgrace her husband in front of strangers or talk about what he should do. She will silently go and do it herself. She will earn money herself and will never reproach her husband for not bringing money.

However, for the most part, Roma men feel responsible for their family, children, and relatives. This is instilled in them from an early age.

Sometimes men, of course, allow themselves to be lazy, lie on the couch in front of the TV. They love to show off in society chic clothes, show off: he is a big man, “baro rum”!

All men are in love with horses. A ring with an image of a horse's head or a horseshoe is a worthy decoration for a gypsy. If you really can’t own a horse, then at least forge its image on the gate of your house! Many men collect figurines of these animals. Now horses are being replaced by cars, and any gypsy can name you dozens of the best foreign cars.


The standard of living of many Roma is very low: it is a self-built building without water, sewerage or gas. There are such places throughout the post-Soviet space. But in Europe, as well as here, some gypsies live quite decently: they travel in cozy trailers.

Genetics is a stubborn thing. Therefore, in multi-storey buildings, the gypsies are stuffy, difficult, and want freedom. They try to live closer to the ground - in private houses or at least on the first floors.

Gypsies decorate their homes with carpets, stucco, and love expensive dishes. There is always a lot of food prepared - you never know who will stop by. A gypsy woman will never let a person leave the house without at least giving him some tea. By the way, tea is brewed strongly, adding slices of lemon and apple, and drunk from crystal glasses.

Modern gypsies, of course, do not wear 12 skirts, like Gorky’s or Tolstoy’s characters. But their clothes are often different from what others wear. Most of all, of course, gypsies love black. But they are also partial to bright colors - red, white, turquoise, gold. Favorite fabrics are chiffon, velvet, guipure. Length - maxi or midi, short skirts Only city girls wear them, and even then rarely. Shoes for everyday use - without heels, but festive ones are very chic! Gypsies love gold jewelry, and more diamonds. Favorite stones are turquoise and corals.


It is not customary for gypsies to talk out loud about love; you cannot touch another woman, even while dancing. If you are a real man, know how to manage your emotions. If you like another gypsy, don’t show it, except maybe throw out your passion in a song or dance. The hot temperament of men sometimes leads them into the arms of strangers, non-gypsy women. Society treats this condescendingly, although it does not welcome it.

Mixed marriages nevertheless occur. And if the wife is of a different clan-tribe, she gradually “Gypsyizes”: she accepts the Gypsy culture, customs, and language. If the spouse is of a different nationality, then gypsies sometimes try to take over in order to build a life in their own way. In the end, this is what happens: everyday life depends on the woman. Divorce occurs extremely rarely in Roma families. But if a man leaves, he usually takes care of the children or takes them to new family. When meeting each other, gypsies ask each other: “Whose are you? Who is your father?"

Fortune telling is an original gypsy skill passed down from generation to generation - both joy and sorrow for the fortune teller. If you see trouble and can’t do anything, it’s hard! From the outside it may seem that everything is simple - I looked at the cards and voiced it. In fact, it is hard work for the soul, for the mind. To see the past, present, future, you need to tune in, enter a certain state and concentrate. And after the session you should restore your strength. But when you are thanked by people who have found love or overcome an illness, given birth to a baby or achieved success in business, isn’t that happiness?


But real gypsy happiness is being a child in a camp. You get the most delicious food, you are always with your mother, everyone loves you, kisses you, gives you gifts, pampers you. Therefore, if one of the “strangers” in the carriage or on the street refused to give the gypsy a coin, he will not be upset, and his self-esteem certainly will not suffer from this. Well, if they offend you, then there will always be someone in the camp - a sister, brother, aunt or godmother who will console and reassure.

Unfortunately, the gypsy mother sees her task only in ensuring that the child is well-fed and healthy. Not everyone understands the need for education. And it is difficult for Roma children to study in a regular school. Poor knowledge of the local language is a hindrance - the kids simply do not understand what they want from them. In addition, for gypsies there is no category of time, because of this, learning to come to class on time is not possible for them.

Social conditions are also sometimes against studying - there is nothing to wear, nothing to put on shoes, there is no place in the house where to do homework. In addition, Roma have a prejudice that their more liberated peers at school will teach their children something bad.

But nevertheless, having an education is becoming prestigious. And many encourage their children to study. Among universities, gypsies prefer institutes of culture and... tourism business - this is where it manifested itself, the longing for nomadism!


In order for a gypsy family to survive, it requires a little more effort than for the indigenous population. A bright, characteristic appearance sometimes interferes with getting a job. Stereotypes (“a gypsy stole - and sings and dances!”) make it difficult to treat a person objectively. Therefore, for a gypsy, a family is a refuge where they will listen to him, feed him, take care of him, and cheer him up. Life outside the homeland taught my fellow tribesmen to stick together and not leave their brother in trouble. The President of the International Roma Union, Stakhiro Stankiewicz, once said: “If a non-Gypsy comes to a foreign country, he looks for a hotel to stay. And the gypsy will find another gypsy who will give him food and shelter.”liveinternet.ru/users/igorinna/pos t131700140/#

Artist Nikolai Bessonov

November 7th, 2016

Let's continue the series of posts about various things. This time we'll find out some interesting and persistent misconceptions about the gypsies and their culture.

Gypsies have been surrounded all their lives by speculation, tales and myths that are passed down from generation to generation. And all these myths are firmly rooted in the heads of not only ordinary people, but also writers and journalists. We decided to look into the issue and find out what is true in the statements about gypsies and what is not entirely true.

Gypsies are nomadic people

You cannot imagine the wandering of gypsies as aimless wanderings or romantic wanderlust. For centuries, the basis of life for most of them was crafts, the gypsies were skilled traders, skilled blacksmiths, jewelers and horse breeders. Therefore, this phenomenon was based on economic reasons: camp artisans needed markets for their products, artists needed a new audience for performances, fortune tellers needed a change in clientele. In each case, the area of ​​movement was specific and relatively small - approximately 300-500 km². And even when they found themselves in unfavorable conditions, the Roma were in no hurry to leave the territories where they were persecuted. This is how the Sinti ethnic groups appeared in Germany, the Calais in Spain and the Travelers in England. They managed to survive while in the midst of legally organized violence.

In the USSR, back in October 1956, a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council was issued “On the introduction to work of gypsies engaged in vagrancy”, equating nomadic gypsies to parasites and prohibiting a nomadic lifestyle. 60 years have passed since then, and today every Gypsy in Russia has their own home (rare exceptions of a marginal nature only confirm the rule).

The gypsies have a baron

This concept originated in Russia and is associated with the release of Johann Strauss’s operetta “The Gypsy Baron” in 1885. In the Gypsy language there is the word “baro”, which means big, in combination “baro manush” or “rai baro” - a big person, an important person. Due to the consonance of the word “baro” and the word “baron” existing in European languages, it was the latter concept that came into use when talking about gypsies. leader in the community or big man Most ethnic groups do not have gypsies, with the exception of the Kelderars. In any case, baro are those people who are more educated than others, or simply live better, so they can be turned to for advice and they are the ones who conduct dialogue with the authorities.

Gypsies know how to hypnotize and tell fortunes

Gypsies are wonderfully able to confuse and distract attention, but not to hypnotize. The gypsies needed to earn money, and since the whole of Europe looked at them as a strange and mysterious people with supernatural abilities, the most enterprising simply began to use this stereotype. Gypsies know very well that a person has five senses and they must be “loaded” all together at the same time in order to disorient the victim: vision - with bright clothes, hearing - with fast speech, smell - with a specific smell, touch - simply by stroking the victim . And in the gypsy’s head there are a million more necessary skills in the field of human psychology, which he has been taught since childhood. It's simple, no magic.

Gypsies are one people

The expression “Gypsies are also Gypsies in Africa” has never been understood by the Gypsies themselves, because they are divided into completely different ethnic groups, which have their own languages, customs, religions, professions, and folklore. Even the gypsies themselves composed many sayings on this subject: “Kazhnoneste narodoste ekh chib, romende but chiba” (“Every people has one language, the gypsies have many languages”), “Kitik Roma, dakitik custom: kon nevestenza torginela, kon freenes len chorla , kon doryyosa otdela" (“How many gypsies, so many customs: who sells brides, who steals them for free, who gives them with a dowry”) - the famous gypsy scholar Nikolai Bessonov writes about this.

Gypsy men wear earrings

You can read on the Internet that an earring in a gypsy’s ear means that he is the only son. Another statement is that old people supposedly wore large earrings, which were called “gypsy horseshoes”, so that happiness would accompany them. But in Russia, the image of a gypsy with an earring in his ear took root thanks to “The Elusive Avengers” and Yashka the Gypsy. In fact, among gypsies, the earring is exclusively a part female image. Gypsy scholar Kirill Kozhanov even wrote in one of his articles that when he meets Kotlyar gypsies (they live on the territory of the Russian Federation), with whom he is quite friendly, they always ask to take off his earring.

Roma do not work or study

There is a layer of declassed citizens in any nation, including the Roma. They really only have a primary education and are engaged in trading or selling goods obtained illegally. But there are many representatives of this nationality, assimilated in the land on which they live: they honor their culture, serve the state, engage in science, etc. Every year a Gypsy Congress is held in Prague, which brings together the best representatives of the Roma peoples. Singer and musician Elvis Presley, Nikolai Slichenko (actor, and now director of the Moscow Musical Drama Gypsy Theater "Romen"), Zlatan Ibrahimovic (football player), Ivan Rom-Lebedev (Soviet actor), Dufunya Vishnevsky (film director), Tony Gatlif ( film director, winner of the Cannes Film Festival prize), Alexey and Mikhail Ilyinsky (writers), Alexander Berdnikov (musician, member of the group “Korni”) - the list of gypsies who have contributed to science and culture does not end here, and let’s hope that it will only grow.

Gypsies have never served in the army

It would be more correct to say that they never started wars. But they had to take up arms, more than once. Throughout history, the Roma of various states have been drawn into armed conflicts: they fought wars for Ottoman Empire and against it, they fought in the army of the French king Henry IV, served in the Portuguese troops, Russian gypsies defended the Fatherland in 1812 and 1941, etc. They served in the infantry, aviation and tank forces; many were awarded medals and orders.

Gypsies are freedom-loving women

The spread of the myth about free gypsies was greatly facilitated by the poet Alexander Pushkin, who created romantic poem“Gypsies” is the image of the passionate gypsy Zemfira. Alas, beautiful story far from reality. Zemfira was a serf. In addition, all her behavior contradicts the traditional way of life of a gypsy family, where strict moral rules are observed. A girl must remain pure before marriage, otherwise she faces universal condemnation. She can only marry a representative of her own nationality (and the groom is chosen by her parents). And after the wedding, the gypsy must be submissive to her husband in everything. So in real life, it was hardly possible for Zemfira to have an affair with a stranger, Aleko, in full view of the entire camp.

Meanwhile, with the light hand of Pushkin, the myth about the character of the gypsy woman went for a walk throughout world literature. The charm of Pushkin’s image also influenced Prosper Merimee, who created legendary image Carmen. This heroine also has little in common with a true gypsy, but for more than 100 years her image has been stirring the souls of people and inspiring the creativity of poets and composers.

A. Kozakevich. "The Stolen Child" Oil on canvas, 1880s.

Stolen children

"Lie quietly, otherwise the gypsy will steal you away!" With this phrase, mothers frightened children not only here in Russia, but throughout Europe. The stereotype is so entrenched that few people doubt it. Did you know that the Roma people have become victims of slander?

Alas, not only folklore tradition, but also art worked to create an unsightly image. With a consistency worthy of better use, poets and writers resorted to such a spectacular plot device as the kidnapping of a baby by a passing camp (so that, naturally, the true parents would be found in the finale). Nowadays, few people remember the tragicomedy of Alexander Hardy “The Beautiful Egyptian” or “The Gypsy” by Eugene Scribe. Moreover, the 17th century short story “The Innocent Egyptian Woman” by Jean-Pierre Camus has been forgotten. But the play “The Tricks of Scapin”, created by the great French playwright Moliere, is already better known.1

Let us also remember Cervantes' "Gypsy Girl". The heroine of this story, Preciosa, was kidnapped as a child from a noble family. All these works once played a role in instilling Gypsyphobia. However, there are stories that act on the subconscious of the current generation. Who doesn’t remember that Esmeralda in Hugo’s novel is the stolen daughter of a French townswoman? And who is not familiar with the denouement of The Marriage of Figaro? Everyone who watched this brilliant comedy knows that Figaro became a victim of insidious gypsies in infancy, and only special sign on the body, applied by prudent parents, helped to clarify the truth.

In general, various kinds of moles, marks on the neck, and other attributes necessary for recognition after many years - so standard literary device that sometimes it just gets boring. So, the theme of stolen children was developed in stories, tabloid articles, comic books and children's plays.2 And then cinema got involved. Yesenia from the sensational Mexican film is again not a gypsy by blood, and her appearance in a foreign environment is shrouded in the fog of an illegal transaction.

So is it any wonder that the myth still exists in the public consciousness? Few people want to hear that in real life, the kidnapping of children by evil gypsies is as “common” as camp cannibalism.

A very significant case occurred in 1802 in England. A certain Mary Kellen asked the police for help. She said that gypsies passing by Plymouth forcibly dragged her along with them. The “kidnappers” were immediately arrested, an investigation began - so what? It turned out that the impudent girl had escaped from the workhouse in Rotherhithe and asked for refuge in the camp. (Let me explain that workhouses in England at that time were something like convict prisons, and you could get there at any age.) When the truth was revealed, the judges were so outraged by the treachery of the fugitive that the gypsies were released from custody, and in their Even a fundraiser was held for the benefit.

But were there fair-haired children in the camps? Where?

Let's not forget that gypsies are people like everyone else. And they also have childless couples. It’s hardly worth explaining what a misfortune this is for the family. In such cases, people usually go for adoption...

Now put yourself in the shoes of the nomadic gypsies. Of course they would prefer to raise a child native blood. But even if a little gypsy child remained an orphan, distant relatives took care of him. The gypsy family is usually very branched, so that an orphan that no one wanted was extremely rare in the national environment. What should a childless couple do? There was only one way out. Adopt or adopt a child of a foreign nationality.

This is what happened in practice. And without any kidnappings. Gypsies told fortunes in many villages. Sooner or later they found a baby who was perceived as an “extra mouth.” After this, the gypsies agreed either with relatives or with the peasant community. And very often they even documented the adoption. So that no one gets caught later. It turns out that either the gypsies raise orphans, or their own children are mistaken for stolen ones due to their uncharacteristic appearance.

The myth about the notorious laziness of camp men

More than 200 thousand Roma live in Russia. Nevertheless, there is hardly another people about whom there are more myths and legends. The sources of some of them are the gypsies themselves, others have developed
as a result of generalizations of the population, others are the imagination of specific authors, and others are simply stupidity. Our task is to try to change these
largely based on misconceptions.

Myth one: Gypsies are one people. The myth is based on the fact that the gypsies have a single language. But there are a huge number of very diverse ethnic groups of Roma, which can differ in almost everything, primarily in dialects and traditions.

Myth two: gypsies don't own language, Gypsies adopt the language of the peoples on whose territory they live. But the Gypsy language exists.
It is genetically related to Indian languages; during the gypsy migration
From India to Europe, the language was subject to many influences, then various dialect groups appeared.

Myth three: all gypsies are nomadic. Apparently, historically the gypsies
were not a nomadic people: the movements of the gypsies date back to the era of their migration to Europe. In addition, the nomadic lifestyle of the Gypsies is highly dependent on region and time.

Myth four: Gypsy communities are led by barons. The thing is,
that in the Gypsy language there is a word “baro”, which literally means “big” and in the phrase “baro manush” or “rai baro” it can mean a big person, an important person. In fact, most ethnic groups do not have a direct leader who would lead the main affairs of the community.

Myth five: Gypsies are a criminal people and trade exclusively in criminal acts. In reality, there are a huge number of gypsy professions, and in some communities there are taboos against certain occupations, such as drug dealing.

Myth six: Gypsies kidnap children. The myth is connected, apparently, with the fact that
that gypsies always have many children and among them there are children with a light, “non-gypsy” appearance.


In the Russian tradition, the word “Gypsies” has taken root for the name of the people in question, but now the term “Roma” or “Roma” is increasingly used.
In Europe, the use of the word "gypsy" is considered undesirable.

In the 19th century, ethnographers of the Voronezh province recorded the following fact: when peasants want to offend gypsies, they call them “pharaohs.” All names - “gypsy”, “pharaoh”, “rum” - refer us to one version or another
about the origin of the gypsies.

Rum. This word is taken from the gypsy language and is a self-name.
Apparently, the name "Rum" goes back to the caste, which in modern India is called "Vom". Over time the word has taken on different forms
in different dialects Indian languages: in particular, in the Middle East and the Caucasus there live a people who are usually called “doms”, and their language is “domari”; On the territory of Armenia live a people called “Lomovs”, and their language is “Lomovren”. Apparently, they go back to a single Indian ancestor.

The name “pharaoh” could have appeared thanks to a legend, which, apparently, the gypsies themselves invented and used during their movements
in Europe. According to this legend, they come from Lesser Egypt
and are serving a sentence of pilgrimage across Europe for backsliding
from the Christian faith. The gypsies told this story to the population and even received it from local rulers safe conduct letters, allowing them to move freely across European lands. So, in Hungary, the gypsies were called “the pharaoh’s tribe” for some time, and the English word “gypsy” is a corruption of “Egypt” - “Egypt”.

“Gypsy,” a word used in Russian, refers
to the so-called Atsingani: a certain Byzantine sect of apostates
from the Christian faith (first mentioned in the 11th century), possibly using witchcraft. This word has taken root in many European languages, and from here we have Russian name"gypsy", German "gypsy"
and so on.

There are several legends about the origin of the gypsies, in fact
they came from India: the German scientist Johann Rüdiger in 1782,
based on linguistic data, was the first to prove Indian
origin of the gypsies.

One way or another, when they arrived in Europe in the 15th century, they were initially accepted
with great honor: first of all - because they were pilgrims, secondly - because they generously paid for their stay. But already from the second half of the 15th century, accusations have been increasingly heard that the Gypsies are Turkish spies; women who practice fortune telling are declared apostates from the faith.

Gradually, laws against gypsies appeared - in some countries it was even allowed to kill any gypsy encountered on the street. So, on the one hand, a negative attitude towards this people took root, and on the other, attempts were made to assimilate them, and quite successful ones: the gypsies were forbidden to use their language, the children were selected and given away
into Christian families, marriages between gypsies were prohibited, exams were held on knowledge of Christian dogmas, all young men were recruited into the army, gypsies were forbidden to live in certain territories, and in the territory of Moldova and Wallachia gypsies for a long time were actually slaves.


The first mention that we know of gypsies in the territory Russian state, dates back to 1721. In 1733, a decree appeared - to begin collecting taxes from the gypsies, as is done in Little Russia(from which it follows that the gypsies ended up in Little Russia earlier). Those gypsies who appeared in Russia in the first third of the 18th century came from Poland.

Quite quickly, these gypsies find their main occupation - music. Gypsy choirs, as a rule, were organized at estates; gradually the choirs gained independence, and gypsy singing, dancing, and the ability to have fun became the leitmotif in Russian literature of the 19th and early 19th centuries.
XX century.

Some groups of gypsies become more familiar with the traditions of the state where they live, while others preserve the traditional way of life to a greater extent. This is how various ethnic groups of Roma are formed. In the modern scientific tradition, there is a division into four main European groups: the northeastern group (Russian Roma, gypsies of Poland and the Baltic countries); central group (Gypsies of Germany - Sinti, the Gypsy population of the modern Czech Republic and Slovakia, as well as part of Western Ukraine and Southern Poland); Vlach group formed
under the influence of the Romanian language and Romanian culture (Kelderars, Lovars, Vlachs, Servas and many others); Balkan group (Crimean gypsies professing Islam).

The Gypsy language has practically disappeared in many communities in Hungary and Slovakia, and is rapidly disappearing in Finland, among the Spanish Gypsies. In some countries, a specific phenomenon occurred, which in the gypsy tradition is usually called the emergence of para-gypsy languages, when the language practically loses its grammar and morphology, but is preserved in the form of individual lexemes that can be used to make speech incomprehensible to the surrounding population.


The two largest groups of Gypsies in Russia are the Russian Roma
and Kalderars. What is the history of these names? In the Baltic countries, Russian Gypsies are often called “Kladytko Roma”. In the language of these gypsies, the word “cold” means soldier. This is how Russian gypsies turn out to be “soldier gypsies.”

The word "kelderary" has more complicated story: Romanian root meaning "cauldron". This name is practically not used in Russia
and unknown to the Kalderars themselves. In Russia, this group is usually called “kotlyars,” which is most likely a translation from Romanian. It also contains information about the main profession that this ethnic group was engaged in: the Kelderars were primarily known as blacksmiths
and tinkers, and to this day their occupations are connected in one way or another
with metal. Russian gypsies, as a rule, were engaged in horse trading.
And now their specialization is mainly related to trade.

Among the Russian gypsies, nomadism happened like this: they came to a new place, a camp was located, the women went to the nearest village to ask for food and tell fortunes, and the men went to fairs, exchanged or sold horses.

Earlier hallmark Pants, boots, beard were considered a gypsy
and long hair. Now men have practically no special costume preserved, but women still have some mandatory elements. Mainly for kitties: they can’t wear trousers,
Until recently, there was a strict rule about wearing a headdress. In addition, catfish have a characteristic hairstyle in the form of two braids braided around the ear.

As for customs, the concept of female uncleanliness and desecration still remains an important feature. For example, a skirt that comes into contact with the lower part of a woman’s body is considered unclean; for the same reasons, a woman cannot be taller than a man, step over a wire or other things on the floor, and so on (in case of desecration, some groups of gypsies have a ritual of defilement).

Another important thing that unites Russian Gypsies and Kotlyars is the Gypsy court, which meets to resolve any conflicts, financial issues, questions of honor. His decisions are carried out unquestioningly. It is important that although these groups have much in common, the differences in customs and rituals are sometimes quite strong; There are almost no weddings between Kotlyars and Russian gypsies.


In the language and culture of the Roma there is a clear opposition between the Roma and the non-Roma. If “gypsy” in gypsy is “rum” or “gom”,
then a person of non-Roma nationality will be called “gadzho”
or “I’m shitting.” There are actions that can only be performed in relation to
to the gypsies: for example, there is a ban on marrying non-gypsies. Now this prohibition is increasingly violated among Russian gypsies, but almost never among the Kotlyars.

Another important point concerns religion. Many believe that gypsies accept the faith that turns out to be more profitable. This is partly true -
many profess the dominant faith in a particular region, but there are
and exceptions, as in the case of Muslim Roma in the Balkans.

History knows of many attempts to create a literary Gypsy language, one of the most interesting, but unsuccessful, in the Soviet Union in the 1920s.
The Gypsy Union was formed, textbooks began to be published in the Gypsy language, Gypsy schools were opened, original literature was created, and translations of classics into the Gypsy language were made. This initiative practically failed, in particular because by 1938 the national policy in the USSR had radically changed: a course was taken to introduce the Roma to the culture of the general population. In Russia there are still quite a few Roma schools and Roma classes, where Roma children are educated separately from Russian children. However, there are no courses, let alone lessons, in native speech.

A unique culture, despite repression and assimilation policies,
or otherwise stored. And I would like to see attempts to recreate the Gypsy culture made more often and give future generations the opportunity to know and see who the Gypsies are, what their language and culture are
and traditions.