What did Herzen write? Alexander Herzen: biography, literary heritage

Hour of communication: My tongue: enemy or friend?

Target: show the role played by mastery of cultural speech in the appearance modern man in general and professionals in particular.

Equipment: posters with proverbs and sayings about language, DVD player, disc with the films “12 Chairs”, “Gentlemen of Fortune”, laptop, interactive whiteboard.

Progress of the hour of communication

Educator: Dear friends! The topic of our conversation today is “My tongue: enemy or friend” . We

Let's talk about the importance of speech in a person's life. Each of us has dozens of meetings with different people- in school, on the street, in the library, in the gym, in the store. And I think that every time your mood, well-being, and performance depend on whether the people around you were friendly to you, did they show kindness or were they irritated and rude? We live among people, and our words, gestures and actions influence those around us in one way or another. And above all, this applies to our speech, to our language. Language elevates a person above the world of all living things. You will probably agree that human life is unthinkable without language, without speech. Language is a means of communication between people, a way of exchanging information. Language proficiency is highly valued in society. This ability is part of a person's general culture. We often judge people by what and how they say, what kind of interlocutors they are, and how they convey their thoughts to others. Correct language you can strengthen a person in faith and hope, support in Hard time, direct him to serious life achievements, but it is also possible, on the contrary, to introduce uncertainty into his soul and lead to trouble.

Now listen to this parable.

(Slide demonstration with a portrait of Aesop)

In Ancient Greece there lived the famous fabulist Aesop, who was a slave of the philosopher Xanthus. One day Xanthus invited guests and asked Aesop to prepare the best food for lunch. Aesop went to the market, bought tongues and made three dishes from them. The guests were very surprised and began to ask why Aesop considered some languages ​​to be the best dish in the world. To this Aesop replied: “You ordered, Xanthus, to buy the best. What in the world could it be? better language? With the help of language, people explain themselves to each other, gain knowledge, greet each other, make peace, and declare their love.” Xanthus and his guests liked this reasoning.

The next time, to test Aesop, Xanthus ordered a dish to be prepared from the worst thing in the world. Aesop went to the market and bought... tongues. Everyone was surprised again. Then Aesop began to explain: “You told me to find the worst thing, and what in the world is worse than language? Through language, people upset and deceive each other, cheat, and quarrel. Language can make people enemies, it can cause war, it orders the destruction of cities and entire states. Can there be anything worse than language? In a word, this answer made Xanthus and his guests think about the wise words of Aesop.

Educator: In fact, it’s not for nothing that there is a saying: “You can kill with a word.” A word can save you. With a word you can lead people.”

How quickly a word can hurt

How quickly a word can hurt,
It's even faster to kill them.
But it's harder to fix everything
And it is impossible to forget everything.
Like a sharp blade through the veins.
A careless word will slip out.
Like fresh wounds on the body.
They will then become scarred.
Making the world a kinder place is very important
Be careful with your words.
So that in every person.
There was 100 grams of mercy.

Dina Besputina

Educator: This is how important words are in our lives. Now imagine that a well-dressed, handsome man with a briefcase and a tie comes up to you on the street and says: “Hey, dude, where can I change money here?” Of course, you will understand his speech, but I have no doubt that your impression of his culture will change. So it turns out that we can judge a person’s culture not only by his appearance, but by the way he speaks, what words he uses.

The ancient poet Saadi said this:

Are you smart or stupid?

Whether you are big or small,

We don't know

Until you said a word.

Thus, you and I realized that it is very important for every person to speak correctly, using cultural words. However, the meaning of correct speech is not only to highlight a person's culture, but to help people understand each other. Now let's turn to the speech of a modern teenager


The elevator goes up. In the cockpit - elderly woman and teenager.

A woman asks a teenager a question:

How are you?

Wow, things are powerful. Just one wick froze this. Rolls up to the net. Let me drive the bike, he says! He sat down and scratched. And here is the teacher. And let him show off. He opened his mitten. Yes, how it gets messy. Himself with a black eye. The teacher almost went crazy, and the bike booed. Laugh! Cool, right?

Was there a horse there? - asks the woman.

What horse? – the teenager is perplexed.

A woman has a growing need to sort out, understand and process the “flow of information.”

Well, let’s do it all over again,” she suggests.

Well, let's. And what didn’t you understand?! So, one wick...

Without a candle?


What kind of wick is this?

Well, one guy, a long one, rolled up to the sket...

What did he ride up on, a bicycle?

No, the skete had a bicycle.

Which sket?

Well, there's only one idiot. You know him, he walks around here with such a snob.

With whom, with whom?

Not with whom, but with what. His nose is shaped like a snob. Well, he says, let me drive the bike. He sat down and scratched.

Did he have an itch?

No, he said.

Well, how did you cut it?

What did you saw?

Well, is it big?


Well, this very schnobel.

- No, the cat had a snob. And the wick got a black eye, a quirk hit him in the head, and he began to wander around. He opened his mitten, and so he jerked.

Why the mitten, did he get fussy in the winter?

Yes, there was no winter there, there was a teacher there.

Teacher, what do you mean?

Well, yes, with a black eye, that is, with a great one, no, with coils. But it was the rolling of the bike that made the bike whoop.

How did you whoop?

And so - it was covered. Into small pieces. Now it is clear?

It's clear! – the interlocutor answered.

Educator: So, you heard that the woman could not understand what the teenager was saying. Why do you think?

Pupils’ responses: “He used slang words.”

Educator: Why do you think such words predominated in the teenager’s speech? Yes, this is slang, jargon. They greatly pollute our speech. Often, teenagers can express their thoughts only with their help, and those around them do not always understand them. Is it good?

Doesn't this remind you of Ellochka the Ogress? Let's remember a fragment from the film “12 Chairs”. (Demonstration of a video fragment)

Can we call this lady cultured? Could communication with her be interesting? A man who uses few words reminds us of the undeveloped ancient people of the Mumbo-Yumbo tribe, who knew only 300 words.

So why don’t teenagers and young people often want to make their speech beautiful and expressive without any verbal garbage?

Pupils' answers

Educator: Maybe by inventing your own language, you want to be different from us adults?

Maybe yours is small lexicon? Do you not know the meaning of the words you speak? Or are you often aggressive and angry towards your comrades?

Apparently, for all these reasons, your speech is not always what it should be. cultured person, a person with self-esteem, that is, respecting himself and the people around him.

This especially applies to communication between boys and girls. It can be strange to hear a dialogue between a boy and a girl who use rude and, worst of all, obscene words, or, as scientists call them, “profanity.”

Listen to the ballad about the Beautiful Lady and try to answer the question whether there are real Knights and Beautiful Ladies now. And if there are few of them left, then why?

Ballad of a Beautiful Lady

God doesn't know, people don't know,

Where does the Beautiful Lady disappear?

And no one knows what he does to her

This lady-kidnapping villain.

Where is that faithful and devoted knight,

Who is trying to help this lady,

Trampling water, despising fire,

Where is his kind and devoted horse?

Where, finally, is the fighting spear,

Eternally ready for the right fight,

Valor, male and female honor,

This is where I encourage you.

But the brave knight is not

The horse galloped away and the spear became rusty,

And the Beautiful Lady is not there,

Where would you like to see her?

And nothing happened to her

She just went on a spree with the Snake,

Unlucky daughter, may God help her,

The night will end and he will rise to the threshold.

Evgeniy Bachurin

Let us remember who we meet among the people around us. Unfortunately, among them we see not only cultured and polite people, but also homeless people, parasites, and alcoholics. Can we call them Knights?

But a Knight is a man of honor, words, faithful, pure, selfless, and fair.

The fewer Knights among us, the fewer Beautiful Ladies, since the “lady” does not have to try to be better in order to please the “knight”...

And now it is necessary to discuss the issue of excessive use slang words and the inadmissibility of obscene language, which can, unfortunately, be heard from your lips!

What ways do you suggest to combat verbal garbage and profanity?

Working with cards. Discussion of pupils' answers.

What ways do you suggest to combat profanity (underline)

    everyone should watch their own speech;

    pass a law prohibiting foul language, and violators will not only be fined and arrested, but also punished corporally (flogging);

    instill a culture of speech different ways(reading books, art, media...);

    pay bonuses and raise salaries to those who do not use foul language;

    do not communicate with people who use profanity, making them outcasts;

    ignore foul language;

    do not fight in any way, as it is useless;

Your suggestions _______________________________________

Educator: Why did we bring up this topic and involve you in its discussion? In the future, you are plasterers and painters, and in the process of your work you will have to communicate with the customer, with your work colleagues when jointly completing a production order, and be able to negotiate. You will be required to know many professional terms, as well as simple everyday words. How ready are you for this?

Performance practical tasks:

    Pronounce it correctly: alphabet And t, document e nt, quart A l, red And vee, dogov O r, k at honny.

    Use the words correctly: who is the last - who is the last; ice cream - ice cream; pies with jam - pies with jam;

    Name in plural in the genitive case:

saucer - saucer

business - business

place - places

boots - boots

towel - towel

apple - apples

orange - oranges

poker - poker

barge - barge

shoe - shoe

Analysis of pupils' responses.

Educator: Guys, you need to expand your vocabulary by reading more books in order to successfully interact with colleagues at work in the future. This concludes our lesson. I thank all participants for their work. See you again!


    Speak correctly Aesthetics of speech: a book for students / E.V. Yazovitsky. – L. Enlightenment, 1969.- 304 p.

    We live among people: Code of Conduct / author.-comp. I.V. Dubrovina. – M.: Politizdat, 1989. – 383 p.

    Encyclopedia of etiquette / comp. N.L. Rukavchuk. – St. Petersburg: Mim-EXPESS, 1996. – 352 p.

It may not be very clear - but I hope that this article will become a kind of detonator to start studying information from the authors listed above. With this article I would like to provoke some discussion among readers regarding the topic addressed in it.

Touching on this topic, I had no idea how deep a layer of our existence it covers. Therefore, I decided to first give an outline for further deepening and clarification on this issue. I hope that the understatements will encourage readers to independently work out the not fully disclosed details, which will undoubtedly give a great impetus to understanding the importance of the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. The same method of presenting material was used by N. Levashov, and I will follow it.

The title of the article was born after a rethinking of information that slowly but persistently penetrates the level of consciousness both when reading materials related to New Knowledge and through direct contact with the “subconscious”. Such, passed through itself, and conscious information becomes KNOWLEDGE of the complex constructive form of KNOWLEDGE and its programmatic and independent existence in the Noosphere. The brain of biological “shirts” does not form KNOWLEDGE, i.e. people have nothing to do with the formation of the structure of knowledge. The form of KNOWLEDGE is not morphology, as it is now presented in its generally accepted form. This is precisely the form received either from the Memory Archive, or additionally formed in the process of the current development of the Control System itself, or rather, by the substance of the state of its MIND. If, according to the functional endowment and the corresponding set of functions of the Brain, an individual has no relation to specific information, then he will not be able to acquire the possibility of a contact state to receive such information and, corresponding to this, KNOWLEDGE.

"My tongue is my enemy" - interesting expression, which, like all Russian sayings, carries not only the philistine concept - “don’t talk too much, because it’s to your detriment,” but also contains a hidden (sacred) meaning - the spoken word is the essence of the product of thought processes and the state of the Human Brain, and all the consequences of this affect his actions, the development of thinking and health. Development colloquial speech various ethnic groups within the framework of the program of the intervention Earth Control System for the formation of a certain brain genotype (GM - functionality of the Human brain, such as mental and thinking activity) has turned LANGUAGE (the means of reproducing articular sounds) into the enemy of man. Reproduced speech not only influences cognition, but is itself formed in the process of cognition of the provided illusory reality as a means of adequately reflecting it. Philosophers have repeatedly drawn attention to errors arising from the misuse and imperfection of natural language, and called for caution in its use.

Over the past more than 500 years, a GRID of information exchange and control has been actively created in the overall structure of the atmospheric grid. The presence of such a specific lattice, and in terminology modern science this was defined as an ELECTROMAGNETIC field, which made it possible not only to effectively CONTROL all biological objects on Earth, but also to prevent the creation of unnecessary deviations when other biological objects arise. Until such a grid was formed, there could simply BE no “science”, this is obvious and has been noticed by historians! However, the changes that have already occurred and are occurring before our eyes allowed to “APPEAR” and the “Psi-Generator” called “SvetL”, which counteracts the destructive consequences of the dying Ebrov system, provides Man with energy protection, helps him adapt to new conditions of life support, healing the body, and, most importantly, PROGRAMS HAVE APPEARED, which are being implemented today in GENERATOR and THROUGH it not only for health improvement. Changing the grid parameters occurs in a planned manner, as ELIMINATION of the consequences of the intervention during the transition period.

Everything that does not fit into the specified parameters is subject to gradual destruction or transformation, which has already begun. As an example of transformation - the “suddenly ARISING” interest in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. Russia has always been the object of close attention of Western countries, but mainly as a country of incomprehensible barbarians, great scientists, inventors, literary geniuses and Russian ballet. Today, Russia is becoming a leading country that is holding back any attempts to unleash the 3rd World War and is coming forward, thanks to the strategy and tactics imposed territorially from the SPS. Interest in the Russian language was greatly promoted by the books of Nikolai Viktorovich LEVASHOV, which can only be understood, albeit with difficulty, by those who are native speakers of the Russian language by birth in Russia. It is even more difficult for people to perceive the language of the Native Earth Control System, to which information is transmitted in an adaptive form by the authors of the materials on the NII TsUS website. To make this “language” easier to understand, our colleague Yuri Ocheretyanny introduced Dictionary of basic terms, concepts, definitions, for which I express my sincere gratitude and gratitude to the author for such painstaking and important work!

Nevertheless, the Brain, which is not prepared for this, in most cases, may not accept this information, but users of the “SvetL” Programs will “accept” it with great confidence and become co-executors in the implementation of the intended Vector of the Goal. The mind of a truly re-creating Man begins to awaken with its need to know the truth from the moment the new energy-informational broadcast begins from the re-creating Control System. That's what it is big chance"INTEGRATION" into the future. It's time to talk about it OPENLY.

Let's go back a little...

In the works of the Great Russian Scientist Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov, the main initial state of the civilization of our planet (Midgard-earth) was repeatedly indicated and actually substantiated - it was POPULATED White Race, people who spoke Russian and had Russian genetics!

The civilization of the Earth was created by the unification of civilizations that had general culture, almost identical level of development, MUTUAL LANGUAGE. Such a language was an intranatural language with an intranatural semantic matrix. This language corresponded to " holy alphabet letter", obtained by "divine revelation" that is, directly by the brain from the Unified resonant information-energy space.

If we reason logically, then it could not be otherwise, since the formation of life and mental processes directly depends on the design of atomic structures. Each atom sounds individually, each atomic structure has its own set of notes. The Unified Control System, created during the formation of the planet and the planetary cluster system, transmits information on the preservation of the Brain Cell and the Flesh Cell in accordance with the lattice structure of the atmosphere and a set of basic control frequencies, using the codes of the musical series and a given time clock (Magnetic Impulse). All living things are subject to a single beat in the design of the atomosphere. Therefore, the language is formed under the control of this unified system, and not by the random territorial wishes of local aborigines. After the introduction of intervention frequencies into the control programs of the captured servers and complexes of the native Earth Control System, the thought process imputed into the restored biostructures of people began to gradually deviate from the true state, from the vector of development of the Mind, which led to the formation of many languages ​​and the division of people.

“The whole earth had one language and one dialect. Moving from the East, they found a valley in the land of Shinar and settled there. And they said to each other: Let us make bricks and burn them with fire. And they used bricks instead of stones, and earthen resin instead of lime. And they said: Let us build ourselves a city and a tower whose height reaches to heaven; and let us make a name for ourselves, before we are scattered over the face of all the earth. And he came down Lord see the city and the tower which the sons of men built. And said Lord: here is one people, and they all have one language; and this is what they began to do, and they will not deviate from what they planned to do. Let's get off as well as let's mix there is their language, so that one does not understand the speech of another. And scattered them Lord from there throughout the whole earth; and they stopped building the city. Therefore the name was given to it: Babylon, for there the Lord confused the languages ​​of all the earth, and from there the Lord scattered them throughout all the earth...”(Gen. 11, 1-9)

18,000 years ago was on the Planet SINGLE language. But the Ebres (“ Lord", spiders ) violated this unity, did not allow “to build a tower to heaven”, diverted the development of civilization along the path of Reasonable Orientation from the Goal Vector in order to completely capture the “shirts” of people (Human appearance) and merge with more developed civilizations in a new camouflage. For this purpose, the Human Brain was rebuilt to qualitatively correspond to the state of the Ebrian Brain.

Nowadays, all existing languages ​​Nature must lead to OVERALL denominator. The Russian language was chosen as such a denominator, the key to the base of Consciousness. All information component broadcast through New (Native) Programs is produced ONLY in Russian (previously the entire broadcast was carried out only in English). That is why the Russian language was chosen as the world language for communication. Why Russian? Because, in due time, no other languages DID NOT HAVE. The language was the same. It was a slightly different language than the one we speak and write in today, but we must return to this, our Mother tongue.

Researcher of the Old Russian Alphabet and follower of the 18th century Slavist scholar Thaddeus Volansky, P.P. Oreshkin was engaged in deciphering ancient written monuments. As a result of his research, he came to the conclusion that the oldest documents were written using different alphabetic systems, but in the same language, and this is the key to deciphering them. " SIGNS - DIFFERENT, LANGUAGE - SINGLE“- this is what Pyotr Oreshkin said. And a simple accessible conclusion that is beyond doubt: since the Rus are native speakers of the Russian language, then REVIVAL Humanity will begin (has already begun) in Russia in the broadest historical understanding this word.

The Earth Control System in the process of the Transition Period will gradually eliminate the differences in the thought processes of people, distorted by the Ebro cubic structure of the grid and fragmentary (false) information blocks, leading to a single spatial-structural structure of the existence of energies.

For example, the structure of the thought process in countries that use hieroglyphs differs from the generally accepted one. This structure of images, and changes in this structure, not characteristic of the stereotype, would lead to the destruction of a significant part of the brain matrices. The Program Management System changes the charge potentials in the corresponding octaves, shifting the note series of the atomic structure (limits: lower 11%, upper 122%) - in other words, it softens the potential difference, which preserves the stability of the biostructure.

In experiments on people, the aliens, first of all, tried to increase the octaves of the brain. It only gave Humanity a level CAVE development. This significantly changed the morphology of biostructures, leading to ethnic differences and way of thinking. EXPERIMENTS over people BROUGHT to the appearance on Earth of colored races and various varieties of monkeys. At the previous stages, the Ebrov System, FORCEDkeeping SPEECH , imposed SUCH a significant taboo in people's awareness! After all, people never DID NOT APPLY attention to such things. After the intervention, the Ebres were forced to retain a certain number of Humans, without providing them sufficient the previous condition of life support . Just in case, understanding that OUTSIDE Human form, their physical existence on Earth is simply IMPOSSIBLE. However, among these (left behind) people, degradation and extinction began quite quickly. As they studied and learned about Man, they improved their biological “shirt” with an increase in the octave of the Brain. Ultimately, they were able to improve the Human Brain and brought it only to the 66th octave. In some experiments, 71 octaves of the brain were achieved. In order to keep each “biological shirt” under control, they attached PROGRAMMED humanoid.

To make it clear what the word “humanoid” means, without slipping into the usual framework of philistine ideas about little green men, we can call it a programmatic energy clot, a substance in a non-inertial mass. One can imagine it as a plasmoid (energy program matrix) possessing a certain intelligence, that is, these are the energy states of the entities of the entire diversity of the biosphere in their non-physical plane. Sometimes they can be seen as small spheres.

According to the proposal put forward by Academician V.P. Kaznacheev’s hypothesis is that creatures in the form of an energy field form live on the planet with us. One of the experts in this field, Pavel Poluyan, believes that field life forms have existed for billions of years and they formed much earlier than protein forms. Naturally, they have gone much further than humans in their technical development. According to Poluyan, field forms can easily change the state of matter, concentrate energy in huge quantities and take on any form.

Back in the last century, candidate of technical sciences Boris Aleksandrovich Solomin put forward a hypothesis about the possibility of the existence of intelligent plasma life on the Sun. And in 1956, the concept of a plasmoid came into use - a plasma clot, a limited configuration of magnetic fields and plasma. These plasmoids have a left- and right-sided structure of the flow of matter - male and female matrices of life.

In the process of taking over humanoid proto- A person (Earthly soul entities with a brain octave level in the range of 96-12) was captured and kept in “chambers” of intervention objects (mainly type 440) that landed on Earth. The first attempts were made by the Ebrov System to create people (in the image and likeness of proto-Man) based on captive humanoids.

From the moment of capture by the Control System, all processes of energy biogenesis of the body were worked out in the image of captive Human humanoids under the protection of Type 440 Objects. Settlement was organized in the “tent” zones, primary fragments of a culture of communication with the changed environment were developed, and adaptation to new environmental conditions was practiced.

“It was through individuals of the 384 brain genotype that the True Earth Control System preserved the elements of approaching the truth about the “Created World.” Considering the level of development of the mind in relation to each stage of the event chronoprocess, such information was presented more often in an object-esoteric worldview, or in a demonic understanding, or in some particular forms of worldview, taking into account the territorial and functional endowment of the community of people, their “national” and geographical characteristics. Then there were still people, the so-called Vedas, the same applies to forms of storing information (with the help of people), but on tablets, scrolls, in the form of some artifacts, etc. - this is not important. But they really were on Russian territory.

From time to time, the “True Earth Control System” provided hidden information support for the everyday existence of this special genotype - this is genotype 384. Individuals of this special brain genotype were perceived by the Intervention System (Ebrovskaya) - as the main material for " practical application"under the Program for the Development of Energy Biogenesis of Flesh Cells" on which many experimental processes were mainly tested. A separate functional-territorial allocation of the territory of Russia made it possible (unlike other territories) to retain the Brain of people of 384 genotypes with minimal distortion. The most "capable" part of them and there were the Vedas. By them and through them was carried out ENERGY INFORMATION BROADCAST from the True Earth Control System in such a hidden form that it was possible to different stages bring development to people.” (B.V. Makov - answers to questions http://www.salvatorem.ru/?page_id=1074 )

Home THE TASK The Control System was the creation of such biostructures, the Brain of which had to fully comply with all Program settings of the System and be completely controllable. At the same time, the embodied Management of the entire existence of individuals, and the social organization of society should only be in the form of a pyramid (since this was required by the imported BASIC basis for constructing Control Information).

At this stage, the question arises: “How did the intervention system begin to change the genotype?” After all, for this it is necessary to enter information in an already distorted state. This act was accomplished at the level of additional introduction of Entities (lunar) into the energy-biostructure of women!!! It is no coincidence that the expression “all people are like people, and women live on the moon.” The information that was supplied through the introduction of additional lunar (replacements) to women of Jewish origin formed a receiving device in the brain of the baby they gave birth to. This is why Jews define “theirs” by their mother!

Let’s just return to the information from Nikolai Levashov’s book “Mirror of My Soul” about such replantings:

Another way to transform and simplify language is to limit the conceptual basis by simplifying texts and the communication environment. The more limited the interests of the community, the more narrowed the channel of information support for the individual. (Fig.5 Moses receives the tablets from God).

But let’s return to the essence of the translation of “language” at the present stage of the revival of civilization...

The information “comes” with the musical RUSSIAN series, which is basic, it does not need to be translated into other languages, the octave is understandable to everyone.

The modern Russian alphabet of 33 letters and language is that same holy alphabet and language that can help humanity continue its evolution in the Universe (if humanity really has such a desire).

The more the alphabet corresponds to the internal matrix of symbols reflected frequency fractals, the more effective is a person’s communication with the information-energy levels of the Cosmos, the more “ connection" are alphabet and language. Only in this language and alphabet did it make sense to write sacred scriptures. This is exactly what the alphabet and language has always been, which is currently called Russians.

The sacred alphabets and languages, in particular, those of Moses (the historical leader of the pre-Old Testament Jews), Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin had the basis of the Russian alphabet and language. As a result of natural global disasters, humanity has repeatedly lost sacred alphabets, but has always tried to restore them.

These attempts were more or less successful. A system was superimposed on this activity esotericism And hermeticism, that is, encryption through a system of hieroglyphs of Higher knowledge, both to preserve Higher knowledge in general, and to ensure the monopoly of priests on knowledge of managing socio-economic processes.

All this gradually led to the formation of many alphabetic systems, the symbols of which largely did not correspond to the internal natural information matrix.

As a result, humanity lost direct information communication with the Unified Information Field, lost the Higher knowledge about the laws of evolution, other processes of the Universe, mainly O requirements of the Moral Law for living human society , as parts of a single organism of the Universe.

The result of the loss of humanity’s orientation, its place and purpose in the overall structure of the Universe, led to a spiritual and global ecological crisis, with a real possibility of (self-)liquidation of modern civilization.

Erroneous concepts were formed that led people's ideas about the nature of matter in the wrong direction. For example, according to Heraclitus, it is believed that the source of any movement, development of nature is the struggle of opposites. Democritus and Epicurus considered motion an attribute of matter. Aristotle believed that “ignorance of movement necessarily entails ignorance of nature” (Physics, III 1, 200 century; Russian translation, M., 1936).

One of the main reasons for this was that the population of countries ancient world formed as a result of several waves of resettlement and military invasions of hordes of outcasts from the lands of the Slavic-Aryan Empire. The resettlement of some clans occurred due to deteriorating climatic conditions in the vastness of Western and Eastern Siberia. Hordes of outcasts went to the Wild West (Europe) because these lands were not yet occupied by anyone after the melting of the European glacier and after these lands became suitable for human habitation, which happened about five to six thousand years ago.

This mixing of races led to a change in the language due to the introduction into the Russian language of words and concepts from the languages ​​of the tribes of the black race, with which the settlers of the white race mixed. The peoples of these countries already spoke languages, although similar, but already quite different from the Russian language, and cultural traditions were quite different. And the knowledge accumulated and transmitted through writing often disappeared forever.

As a result of his research, Professor V.A. Chudinov comes to the conclusion that Slavic writing and, above all, Russian writing exists, at least SEVERAL TENS OF THOUSANDS OF YEARS.

“Now it’s completely obvious,” says Valery Chudinov, “ For many millennia, our ancestors had traditions of writing, very thoughtful and perfect in their own way - and this at a time when most European peoples could not write or read » (Chudinov V.A. The Russian language is millions of years old).

As an example, in support of these studies, we can cite an excerpt from Plato’s “Dialogues” (Priests Ancient Egypt told Solon the legend about the ancestors of the Hellenes (Slavic-Aryans), and he, in turn, retold it to Critias, who, already a ninety-year-old man, retold it to his ten-year-old grandson - also Critias - one of the participants " Dialogues" Plato. And this is what the priests of Ancient Egypt said to Solon about the loss of information and the gradual simplification of knowledge and the language of concepts:

“...in fact, bodies rotating in the sky around the Earth deviate from their paths, and therefore, AFTER KNOWN PERIODS OF TIME, everything on Earth PERISHES FROM THE GREAT FIRE. IN such times, THE INHABITANTS OF MOUNTAINS AND HIGH OR DRY PLACES ARE SUBJECT TO MORE COMPLETE EXTERMINATION than those who live near rivers or the sea; and therefore our constant benefactor, the Nile, saves us from this misfortune by overflowing. WHEN THE GODS, PERFORMING CLEANIFICATION OVER THE EARTH, FLOOD IT WITH WATER, THE BOOT HERDERS AND CASH HERDERS IN THE MOUNTAINS CAN SURVIVE, WHILE THE RESIDENTS OF YOUR CITIES ARE CARRIED AWAY BY THE STREAMES INTO THE SEA...”

"...but in our country (Egypt - author's note) water neither at such a time nor at any other time falls onto the fields from above, but, on the contrary, by its nature rises from below. For this reason, the traditions that we have preserved are the most ancient of all, although they are true. that in all lands where it is not prevented by excessive cold or heat, the human race invariably exists in greater or lesser numbers...


Whatever glorious or great deed or generally remarkable event may happen, whether in our region or in any country about which we receive news, all this has been since ancient times imprinted in the records we keep in our temples; MEANWHILE, WITH YOU AND OTHER PEOPLES, WHENEVER WRITING AND EVERYTHING ELSE THAT IS NECESSARY FOR CITY LIFE HAVE DEVELOPED, again and again at the appointed time, streams pour down from the heavens, like a pestilence, LEAVING OUT OF ALL OF YOU ONLY THE ILLITERATS AND UNLEARNED..."

AND YOU START ALL AGAIN AGAIN, as if you had just been born, knowing nothing about what happened in ancient times in our country or in your own country. Take, for example, your genealogies, Solon, which you just outlined, because they are almost no different from children's fairy tales. So, YOU KEEP THE MEMORY OF ONLY ONE FLOOD, AND THERE WERE MANY BEFORE THIS; Moreover, you DON’T even KNOW that THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND NOBLE KIND OF PEOPLE ONCE LIVED IN YOUR COUNTRY. YOU YOURSELF AND YOUR WHOLE CITY COME FROM THOSE FEW WHO REMAIN FROM THIS CLASS..."

That is, during its heyday, the civilization of Ancient Greece was at an infantile level of its development, even in relation to its distant ancestors! That is why the Priest of Ancient Egypt, conveying information about the distant past, speaks to Solon IN THE LANGUAGE HE MAY UNDERSTAND!!! This is equivalent to an adult trying to answer a small child's question in words that he can understand. This Priest of Ancient Egypt speaks of distant ancestors"Hellenes", which also belong to related tribes and his people, just because SOLON - “BABY” OTHERWISE WOULD NOT UNDERSTAND HIM! And it is precisely because of this that we can now assert that the CIVILIZATION OF ANCIENT GREECE IS NOTHING OTHER THAN THE CIVILIZATION THAT WAS CREATED BY THE DESCENDANTS OF THE SLAVIC-ARRIANS, THE DESCENDANTS OF THE ANTS, OR AS THEY ARE ALSO CALLED - THE PELASIANS.

And with each transmission of information, psychological apperception inevitably occurred (a sensation already perceived by consciousness), that is, the perceptions of the perceiver never completely coincided with the ideas of the reporter, and the aberration during verbal or written transmission was the stronger, the more one-sided the narrator and the listener were mentally developed, or a writer and a reader, and the worse their command of the Latin or Greek. Therefore, any compromises with the differentiation of thought processes formed on the basis of conscious perception are possible only on the basis of physical sensations through the senses - “until I see (feel, taste, smell, measure, etc.), I will not believe!” And all modern science is built on this basis.

Now let's move directly to the concept LANGUAGE.

“A movable muscular organ in the oral cavity of vertebrates and humans, facilitating grasping, chewing, etc. food. // Such an organ is like an organ of taste. // Such an organ involved in the formation of speech sounds (in humans).” (From Ozhegov’s dictionary)

It can be added that this is also an ORGAN that hints to humanity about a HUGE SCAM in the field of physics of the material world and in the formation of the scientific worldview of the entire human civilization.

Language as a means of communication

Unlike humanoids, humans can talk. A detailed analysis of sound forms is given in N. Morozov's monograph "Christ", volume 3. However, the reason for the formation of coherent speech is unclear to modern science.

Not scientific point view: The brain of each person contains a “Translator”, that is, a method of translating musical series received by the octaves of the spine, or stored in operative or long-term memory. There may be several such translators. Without such a translator, you can uselessly learn a language for hundreds of years. If there is no translator, you cannot force your brain to engage in an unfamiliar language. During reincarnation, it is possible not only to transfer records of events that occurred with the transferred brain, but also to transfer the translator, which makes it possible to easily and quickly replenish language knowledge.

The Control System, when monitoring the brain, checks the correct operation of the translator and, if necessary, supplements (increasing frequency potentials) the brain with “instructions” for changing the ion part (shirt). When frequency potentials decrease, you can forget everything and lose your memory.

There is a well-known method of learning a foreign language in a dream. In reality you need to use 8-bit musical literacy, and not 7 (12), as is customary now. In addition, the recording must be made in the appropriate octave (The maximum possible frequency of radio equipment is 16 octave, which is not enough to form the potential of a command magnetic pulse).

Instead of precise “requests” to install a translator from a language, we currently have noise effects such as a crowd talking, and the Control System can only either increase the density of potentials of the previously laid down capabilities, or remove them altogether (you wake up and find that you have forgotten native language, but there is no other). With an increase in the density of potentials, there may be effects (not immediately) of knowledge of the language.

The Russian language was developed 257 years before the birth of A.S. Pushkin (and English too), and from that time the frequency balance of the living cell and bone resonators has been changed to accommodate NEW STRUCTURES . These changes were made throughout the Earth, but taking into account "local control structures", for example, in China, Japan, Korea.

However, in a number of places on Earth, sounds coming from the depths of the ocean have been recorded. These objects, using the same settings, transmitted texts through the grid. Each letter of the text corresponded to a note; since 2007, musical notation was translated into Russian (4 octaves).

All sounds performed by atomic structures are accessible to external reproduction because we have a common lattice and general table recognition Control - Software only. If you yourself change the properties of a chemical element, you may hear indignant exclamations of this element, but there will never be sounds that go beyond the scope of the table.

Water (tritium) is especially chatty.

A person has everything necessary to listen to the music of atomic structures - the spine, the brain. WHAT is not heard explicitly can be listened to with other structures (ears are attached to listen to news).

To make the gap with the true “language” of the Earth even greater, new words were introduced, pronunciation was replaced, “extra” letters were removed, and concepts were replaced.

After the “Great” October Revolution of 1917, a “reform” was carried out in the Russian language by people who had nothing to do with the Russian people and their culture, but “invented” abbreviations for the letters of the Russian alphabet, introduced new rules of grammar, spelling and pronunciation of words.

As a result of this “revolution” of the Russian language, the living Russian language turned into a dead language, which does not resonate with Russian people at the genetic level. Several letters were thrown out of the Russian language, declaring them “unnecessary”! The only question that arises is: unnecessary to whom?! Now it is no longer possible to type these letters on any keyboard (except perhaps on museum, pre-revolutionary typewriters)! Only one “unnecessary” letter can be printed using english alphabet- the letter " i "! Although this letter was left in the “Ukrainian” alphabet, for obvious reasons. In addition, strict rules of Russian grammar were introduced, which “correctly” determined the order in which words should appear in a sentence, etc.

A special place in the formation of the desired brain genotype is given to special professional terms. Entire classes with specialties were formed. language: lawyers, doctors, economists, physicists, chemists, etc., which creates barriers to perception and does not allow making correct predictions, diagnosing a disease, or creating complete theories in accordance with accumulated data.

It turns out that a completely different approach is needed to fill the gaps in understanding. Interesting about creation f normal- e natural n normalized I language ( FENYA) written on the website of the Research Institute Center for Proactive Strategies www.salvatorem.ru:

FENYA economy

“In the 70s, correct forecasting of social (socio-economic) dynamics was required. We, then design bureau engineers, were asked to try to do this using the existing analog computer technology. From the first days of development, it was discovered that economic texts, which we had not seriously studied before, lacked correct terminology. Some of us remembered that in the late 50s, in one of the volumes of N. Bourbaki’s five-volume work, which were then published in the USSR, three necessary conditions for the existence of a formal theory. The first condition required the presence of a theoretical language. This has given rise to the painstaking work of creating a dictionary of economic terms whose verbal definitions can be written down by algorithms. Duplication of verbal text by algorithms made it possible to immediately reject those definitions of terms that do not correspond to the rule: definition of a term It's clear, if can be reflected by the algorithm. Compliance with this rule led to the fact that the mathematical description of economic (social, political, etc.) dynamics began to be obtained from the verbal one and, as a result, were carried out using dynamic models that carry out very correct economic forecasts for the development of the national economy. Since then, more than 40 years, the dictionary of formalized terms has been continuously expanded and adjusted.

At that time, this dictionary of formal definitions of terms was called FENYA Economics (formally a natural normalized language) for the synthesis of models. However, when trying to publish it for the first time in 1983, censorship prohibited such an abbreviation, citing the coincidence of the name of the dictionary with criminal jargon. FENYA was renamed FAIRY, which was preserved in all subsequent publications. In fact, it is a dictionary of normalized definitions of terms, i.e. FENYA.”

The task of the example of the FENYA dictionary presented here ( f normal e natural n normalized I language) is illustration the possibility of creating such definitions of terms that

. each definition in the verbal description was brief(usually no more than one verbal phrase), so that it can only be reproduced one formal algorithm;

. definitions of terms Not formed " cycles"(for example, DECEPTION is lie, and LIE, this is deception, and so on.);

. all definitions of terms must be subject to a clear subordination structure in the form of a chain, tree, table, etc. (see Attachment).

In the example dictionary presented here, all definitions are made in resource basis, which simplifies the formulations for their application in dynamic economic modeling. The presented dictionary is imperfect and, most importantly, incomplete (only about 1000 terms). He can be

1) used to create an automated system for translating verbal socio-economic, political, psychological and other similar information that describes the original into its formalized model, which will make it possible to identify breaks in the chains of logical algorithms of the original information.

2) useful for creating conditions of “mutual understanding” between the source of the message and its recipient. This is necessary due to the fact that in the overwhelming majority of cases, the terms of the message, without having a functional reflection in the algorithms, are understood ambiguously by the sender of the information and its recipient. For example, in the phrase “it was found constructive solution », the term “constructive” will be understood differently by each recipient and almost always differently from how the source of the message understood it. Another example. Term confrontation often defined as confrontation. This definition leads to the fact that two neighboring objects can be algorithmized as being in confrontation. The FAIRY dictionary of terms eliminates the reader’s incorrect perception of special verbal descriptions (see terms: analysis, economics, love, resentment, justice, panic, intelligence, creativity, scientist, professional etc.).

Given example of a functional dictionary designed for dynamic modeling of socio-economic (s-e) originals, formed by non-stationary structures (which are classified as chaotic systems).

You can view the dictionary on the website http://www.salvatorem.ru/

In 2007, the Control System switched to Russian command language. Before this, the Russian language was introduced to the entire population of the Earth 257 years before the birth of A.S. Pushkin. The birthplace of the Russian language is Ethiopia, all the necessary frequencies for brain restructuring were received by the Complex for Communication with Planetary Satellites (located in Ethiopia). Since 2006, there has been an information vacuum among a significant part of the population and isolated manifestations of knowledge of the language (which was not taught). Since 2006, information began to be received only by those whose brains have a complete perception environment in Russian.

The following is also associated with this date: key event, which is described in Nikolai Levashov’s book “Mirror of My Soul” regarding the replanting of lunar humanoids:

In the same 2006, Nikolai Viktorovich returned to Russia, where he organized the Russian Social Movement “Renaissance of the Golden Age” - in order to informationally awaken the sleeping genetics of the Rus (genotype 384), he taught not just to read books, but to consciously pass New Knowledge through oneself, removing the blockages of the Ebrovskaya systems at the Russian language level, true concepts. Probably everyone remembered his recommendations to say out loud “I am RUS!” And for many - it immediately made them healthier!!! Nikolai understood how important RESONATION(reasonable correspondence - THE MIND OF THE NATION) of the true natural language with Human genetics.

Due to the fact that the Management System has completely switched to Russian, it no longer accepts texts (complaints, requests, etc.) in other languages ​​- only in Russian (correct). There is no point in striving to study the English language, which is imposed on every corner in the cities of Russia, in order to completely destroy the possibility of awakening the Brain of people, to deprive it of the residual contact state with the true control system. Moreover, the Russian language should not be disfigured with borrowed terms to ennoble gesheftmaherstvo.

In conclusion of the article, it is necessary to emphasize that only by returning to the true sound NATIVE PLANETARY SYSTEM LANGUAGE - RUSSIAN, you can awaken the genetics of the sleeping Rus - the carefully protected genotype 384.

With respect to Russian language researchers and colleagues,

Elena Bittner, 09/16/2016

IN in this case- a non-humanoid, it is simply not an earthly entity used by the Ebras for their own purposes.

Aberration- deviation from the norm; mistakes, violations, inaccuracies.

Russian history is full of ascetics who are ready to lay down their lives for their idea.

Alexander Ivanovich Herzen (1812-1870) was the first Russian socialist who preached the ideas of equality and brotherhood. And although he did not directly participate in revolutionary activities, he was among those who prepared the ground for its development. One of the leaders of the Westerners, he later became disillusioned with the ideals of the European path of development of Russia, went over to the opposite camp and became the founder of another significant movement for our history - populism.

The biography of Alexander Herzen is closely connected with such figures of the Russian and world revolution as Ogarev, Belinsky, Proudhon, Garibaldi. Throughout his life he constantly tried to find best way fair structure of society. But it is the ardent love for one’s people that selfless service chosen ideals - this is what earned Alexander Ivanovich Herzen the respect of his descendants.

short biography and a review of the main works will allow the reader to become better acquainted with this Russian thinker. After all, only in our memory can they live forever and continue to influence minds.

Herzen Alexander Ivanovich: biography of the Russian thinker

He was the illegitimate son of a wealthy landowner Ivan Alekseevich Yakovlev and the daughter of a manufacturing official, 16-year-old German Henrietta Haag. Due to the fact that the marriage was not officially registered, the father came up with a surname for his son. Translated from German, it means “child of the heart.”

The future publicist and writer was brought up in his uncle’s house (now it is named after Gorky).

From an early age, he began to be overwhelmed by “freedom-loving dreams,” which is not surprising - literature teacher I. E. Protopopov introduced the student to the poems of Pushkin, Ryleev, Busho. The ideas of the Great French Revolution were constantly in the air of Alexander's study room. Already at that time, Herzen became friends with Ogarev, and together they hatched plans to transform the world. Made an unusually strong impression on friends after which they caught fire revolutionary activities and vowed to defend the ideals of freedom and fraternity until the end of their lives.

Books constituted Alexander's daily book ration - he read a lot of Voltaire, Beaumarchais, and Kotzebue. He did not ignore early German romanticism - the works of Goethe and Schiller put him in an enthusiastic spirit.

University club

In 1829, Alexander Herzen entered Moscow University in the physics and mathematics department. And there he did not part with his childhood friend Ogarev, with whom they soon organized a circle of like-minded people. It also included the future famous writer-historian V. Passek and translator N. Ketcher. At their meetings, members of the circle discussed the ideas of Saint-Simonism, equal rights for men and women, the destruction of private property - in general, these were the first socialists in Russia.

"Malovskaya story"

Studying at the university was sluggish and monotonous. Few teachers could introduce lecturers to the advanced ideas of German philosophy. Herzen sought an outlet for his energy by participating in university pranks. In 1831, he became involved in the so-called “Malov story,” in which Lermontov also took part. The students expelled the criminal law professor from the classroom. As Alexander Ivanovich himself later recalled, M. Ya. Malov was a stupid, rude and uneducated professor. Students despised him and openly laughed at him in lectures. The rioters got off relatively lightly for their prank - they spent several days in a punishment cell.

First link

The activities of Herzen’s friendly circle were of a rather innocent nature, but the Imperial Chancellery saw in their beliefs a threat to the tsarist power. In 1834, all members of this association were arrested and exiled. Herzen first ended up in Perm, and then he was assigned to serve in Vyatka. There he organized an exhibition of local works, which gave Zhukovsky a reason to petition for his transfer to Vladimir. Herzen also took his bride there from Moscow. These days turned out to be the brightest and happiest in the writer’s stormy life.

The split of Russian thought into Slavophiles and Westerners

In 1840, Alexander Herzen returned to Moscow. Here fate brought him together with the literary circle of Belinsky, who preached and actively propagated the ideas of Hegelianism. With typical Russian enthusiasm and intransigence, the members of this circle perceived the ideas German philosopher about the rationality of all reality is somewhat one-sided. However, Herzen himself drew completely opposite conclusions from Hegel’s philosophy. As a result, the circle broke up into Slavophiles, whose leaders were Kirievsky and Khomyakov, and Westerners, who united around Herzen and Ogarev. Despite the extremely opposing views on the future path of development of Russia, both were united true patriotism, based not on blind love for Russian statehood, but on sincere faith in the strength and power of the people. As Herzen later wrote, they looked like whose faces were turned in different directions, but their hearts beat the same.

The collapse of ideals

Herzen Alexander Ivanovich, whose biography was already full of frequent moves, spent the second half of his life completely outside of Russia. In 1846, the writer's father died, leaving Herzen a large inheritance. This gave Alexander Ivanovich the opportunity to travel around Europe for several years. The trip radically changed the writer's way of thinking. His Western friends were shocked when they read what was published in the magazine " Domestic notes" Herzen's article entitled "Letters from Avenue Marigny", which later became known as "Letters from France and Italy". The obvious anti-bourgeois attitude of these letters indicated that the writer was disillusioned with the viability of revolutionary Western ideas. Having witnessed the failure of the chain of revolutions that swept across Europe in 1848-1849, the so-called “spring of nations”, he began to develop the theory of “Russian socialism”, which gave birth to a new trend of Russian philosophical thought - populism.

New philosophy

In France, Alexander Herzen became close to Proudhon, with whom he began publishing the newspaper “Voice of the People.” After the suppression of the radical opposition, he moved to Switzerland, and then to Nice, where he met Garibaldi, the famous fighter for freedom and independence of the Italian people. The publication of the essay “From the Other Shore” belongs to this period, which outlined new ideas that Alexander Ivanovich Herzen became interested in. Philosophy of radical reconstruction social order no longer satisfied the writer, and Herzen finally said goodbye to his liberal convictions. He begins to be visited by thoughts about the doom of old Europe and the great potential of the Slavic world, which should bring the socialist ideal to life.

A. I. Herzen - Russian publicist

After the death of his wife, Herzen moved to London, where he began publishing his famous newspaper “The Bell”. Greatest influence the newspaper was used in the period preceding the abolition of serfdom. Then its circulation began to fall; its popularity was especially affected by the suppression of the Polish uprising of 1863. As a result, Herzen’s ideas did not find support among either radicals or liberals: for the former they turned out to be too moderate, and for the latter too radical. In 1865, the Russian government persistently demanded from Her Majesty the Queen of England that the editors of Kolokol be expelled from the country. Alexander Herzen and his associates were forced to move to Switzerland.

Herzen died of pneumonia in 1870 in Paris, where he came on family business.

Literary heritage

The bibliography of Alexander Ivanovich Herzen includes a huge number of articles written in Russia and in emigration. But his greatest fame was brought to him by his books, in particular the final work of his life, “Past and Thoughts.” Alexander Herzen himself, whose biography sometimes took unimaginable zigzags, called this work a confession that evoked various “thoughts from his thoughts.” This is a synthesis of journalism, memoirs, literary portraits and historical chronicle. Over the novel “Who is to Blame?” the writer worked for six years. In this work, he proposes to solve the problems of equality of women and men, relationships in marriage, and education with the help of high ideals of humanism. He also wrote the highly social stories “The Thieving Magpie”, “Doctor Krupov”, “Tragedy over a Glass of Grog”, “For the Sake of Boredom” and others.

No, probably not one educated person, who, at least by hearsay, did not know who Alexander Herzen was. A brief biography of the writer is contained in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, the Brockhaus and Efron dictionary, and who knows what other sources! However, it is best to get acquainted with the writer through his books - it is in them that full height his personality emerges.

Russian revolutionary, philosopher, writer A. I. Herzen was born in Moscow on March 25, 1812. He was born from the extramarital affair of a wealthy landowner Ivan Yakovlev and a young German woman of bourgeois blood, Louise Haag, originally from Stuttgart. They came up with the surname Herzen for their son (translated from German as “heart”).

The child grew up and was brought up on Yakovlev’s estate. He was given a good education at home, he had the opportunity to read books from his father's library: works of Western educators, poems of banned domestic poets and Ryleeva. While still a teenager, he became friends with the future revolutionary and poet N. Ogarev. This friendship lasted a lifetime.

Herzen's youth

When Alexander was thirteen years old, something happened in Russia, the events of which forever influenced the fate of Herzen. So from a very young age he had eternal idols, patriotic heroes who came out to Senate Square to conscious death for the sake of the future new life of the younger generation. He swore an oath to avenge the execution of the Decembrists and continue their work.

In the summer of 1828, on the Sparrow Hills in Moscow, Herzen and Ogarev swore an oath to devote their lives to the struggle for the freedom of the people. The friends remained faithful to their oath for the rest of their lives. In 1829, Aleksandr began his studies at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow University. In 1833 he graduated from it, receiving a candidate's degree. IN student years Herzen and Ogarev gathered around themselves progressive youth from like-minded people. They were interested in issues of freedom, equality, and education. The university management considered Herzen a dangerous freethinker with very daring plans.

Arrest and exile. Herzen's marriage

A year after graduating from the university, he was arrested for active propaganda activities and exiled to Perm, then transferred to Vyatka, then to Vladimir. The harsh conditions of exile in Perm and Vyatka changed during his stay in Vladimir for the better. Now he could travel to Moscow and meet with friends. He took his bride N.A. Zakharyina from Moscow to Vladimir, where they got married.

The years 1838 - 1840 were especially happy for the young couple. Herzen, who had already tried his hand at literature before, did not record any creative achievements during these years. He wrote two romantic dramas in verse (“Licinius”, “William Pen”), which have not survived, and the story “Notes of a Young Man”. Aleksandr Ivanovich knew that creative imagination- not his element. He was better able to realize himself as a publicist and philosopher. But nevertheless, he did not abandon his studies in the field of literary creativity.

Philosophical works. The novel "Who is to Blame?"

Having served his exile in 1839, he returned to Moscow, but soon showed imprudence in correspondence with his father and spoke harshly to the tsarist police. He was arrested again and again sent into exile, this time to Novgorod. Returning from exile in 1842, he published his work, which he had worked on in Novgorod, “Amateurism in Science,” then a very serious philosophical study, “Letters on the Study of Nature.”

During the years of exile, he began work on the novel “Who is to Blame?” In 1845 he completed the work, devoting five years to it. Critics consider the novel "Who's to Blame?" Herzen's greatest creative achievement. Belinsky believed that the author’s strength lies in the “power of thought,” and the soul of his talent lies in “humanity.”

"The Thieving Magpie"

Herzen wrote “The Thieving Magpie” in 1846. It was published two years later, when the author was already living abroad. In this story, Herzen focused his attention on the particularly difficult, powerless position of the serf actress. Interesting fact: the narrator in the story is “ famous artist", the prototype of the great actor M. S. Shchepkin, who for a long time was also a serf.

Herzen Abroad

January 1847. Herzen and his family left Russia forever. Settled in Paris. But in the fall of the same year he went to Rome to participate in demonstrations and engage in revolutionary activities. In the spring of 1848 he returned to Paris, engulfed in revolution. After her defeat, the writer suffered an ideological crisis. His book of 1847-50 “From the Other Shore” is about this.

1851 was tragic for Herzen: a shipwreck claimed the lives of his mother and son. And in 1852 his beloved wife died. In the same year, he left for London and began work on his main book, “Past and Thoughts,” which he wrote for sixteen years. It was a book - a confession, a book of memories. In 1855 he published the almanac "Polar Star", in 1857 - the newspaper "Bell". Herzen died in Paris on January 9, 1870.

Herzen Alexander Ivanovich - Russian prose writer, publicist.

Born on March 25 (April 6), 1812 in Moscow in the family of a noble Moscow gentleman I.A. Yakovlev and a German woman, Louise Haag. The parents' marriage was not officially registered, so the illegitimate child was considered his father's pupil. This explains the invented surname - from the German word Herz (heart). The future writer spent his childhood in his uncle's house on Tverskoy Boulevard(now building 25, which houses Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorky). Although Herzen was not deprived of attention from childhood, his position as an illegitimate child gave him a feeling of orphanhood. In his memoirs the writer called native home“a strange abbey”, and the only pleasures of childhood he considered playing with the yard boys, the front room and the girls’ play. Childhood impressions of the life of serfs, according to Herzen, aroused in him “an irresistible hatred of all slavery and all arbitrariness.”
Oral memories of living witnesses of the war with Napoleon, the freedom-loving poems of Pushkin and Ryleev, the works of Voltaire and Schiller - these are the main milestones in the development of the soul of young Herzen. The uprising of December 14, 1825 turned out to be the most significant event in this series. After the execution of the Decembrists, Herzen, together with his friend N. Ogarev, vowed to “take revenge on those executed.”

In 1829, Herzen entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow University, where he soon formed a group of progressively thinking students. Members of this group Ogarev, N.H. Ketcher and others discussed the burning problems of our time: French Revolution 1830, Polish uprising 1830–1831, other events of modern history. This time included a fascination with the ideas of Saint-Simonism and attempts to present his own vision social order. Already in his first articles (On the place of man in nature, 1832, etc.) Herzen showed himself not only as a philosopher, but also as a brilliant writer. The essay by Hoffmann (1833–1834, published 1836) showed a typical style of writing: an introduction to the journalistic reasoning of a bright figurative language, confirmation of the author's thoughts with a plot narrative.

In 1833 Herzen graduated from the university with a silver medal. Work in the Moscow expedition of the Kremlin building. The service left the young man enough free time to engage in creativity. Herzen planned to publish a magazine, but in July 1834 he was arrested for allegedly singing songs discrediting the royal family in the company of friends. During interrogations, the Investigative Commission, without proving Herzen’s direct guilt, nevertheless considered that his beliefs posed a danger to the state.

In April 1835, with the obligation to remain in public service under the supervision of local authorities, Herzen was exiled first to Perm, then to Vyatka. He was friends with the architect A.L. Vitberg and other exiles, corresponded with his cousin N.A. Zakharyina, who later became his wife. In 1837, the heir to the throne visited Vyatka, who was accompanied by V.A. Zhukovsky. At the poet's request, at the end of 1837 Herzen was transferred to Vladimir, where he served in the governor's office. From Vladimir, Herzen secretly traveled to Moscow to visit his bride, and in May they got married. From 1839 to 1850, four children were born into the Herzen family. In July 1839, police surveillance was removed from Herzen, he was given the opportunity to visit Moscow and St. Petersburg, where he was accepted into the circle of V.G. Belinsky, T.N. Granovsky, I.I. Panaev and others. In 1840, Herzen’s letter was illustrated, in in which he wrote about the “murder” of a St. Petersburg security guard. The enraged Nicholas I ordered Herzen to be expelled “for spreading unfounded rumors” to Novgorod without the right to enter the capital. Only in July 1842, having retired with the rank of court councilor, after the petition of friends, Herzen returned to Moscow. I began hard work on a series of articles about the connection of science and philosophy with real life under common name Amateurism in science.

After several unsuccessful attempts to turn to fiction. In 1847, Herzen and his family left Russia and began their many-year journey through Europe. Watching life Western countries, interspersed personal impressions with historical and philosophical research (Letters from France and Italy, 1847–1852; From the Other Shore, 1847–1850, etc.). In 1850–1852, a series of Herzen’s personal dramas took place: his wife’s betrayal, the death of his mother and youngest son in a shipwreck, his wife’s death from childbirth. In 1852 Herzen settled in London. By this time he was perceived as the first figure of the Russian emigration. Together with Ogarev, he began to publish revolutionary publications - the almanac "Polar Star" (1855-1868) and the newspaper "Bell" (1857-1867), the influence of which on revolutionary movement in Russia it was huge. Despite the many articles published by the writer in Polar Star and Kolokol and published separate publications, his main creation of the emigrant years is The Past and Thoughts (published 1855–1919).

The past and thoughts by genre - a synthesis of memoirs, journalism, literary portraits, autobiographical novels, historical chronicles, short stories. The author himself called this book a confession, “about which stopped thoughts from thoughts were collected here and there.” The first five parts describe Herzen's life from childhood until the events of 1850–1852, when the author suffered difficult mental trials associated with the collapse of his family. The sixth part, as a continuation of the first five, is devoted to life in England. The seventh and eighth parts, even more free in chronology and theme, reflect the life and thoughts of the author in the 1860s.

At first Herzen was going to write about tragic events your personal life. But “everything old, half-forgotten, was resurrected,” and the architecture of the plan gradually expanded. In general, work on the book lasted about fifteen years, and the chronology of the narrative did not always coincide with the chronology of writing. In 1865, Herzen left England and went on a long trip to Europe, trying to unwind after another family drama(three-year-old twins died of diphtheria, new wife did not find understanding among older children). At this time, Herzen distanced himself from the revolutionaries, especially from the Russian radicals. Arguing with Bakunin, who called for the destruction of the state, he wrote: “People cannot be liberated in external life more than they are liberated internally.” These words are perceived as Herzen’s spiritual testament.
Like most Russian Westernized radicals, Herzen went through his spiritual development through a period of deep fascination with Hegelianism. Hegel's influence can be clearly seen in the series of articles Amateurism in Science (1842–1843). Their pathos lies in the affirmation and interpretation of Hegelian dialectics as an instrument of knowledge and revolutionary transformation of the world (“algebra of revolution”). Herzen severely condemned abstract idealism in philosophy and science for its isolation from real life, for “apriorism” and “spiritism”. The future development of humanity, in his opinion, should lead to the “removal” of antagonistic contradictions in society, the formation of philosophical and scientific knowledge inextricably linked with reality. Moreover, the result of development will be the merging of spirit and matter. IN historical process knowledge of reality, a “universal mind freed from personality” will be formed.
These ideas were further developed in Herzen’s main philosophical work, Letters on the Study of Nature (1845–1846). Continuing his criticism of philosophical idealism, Herzen defined nature as “the genealogy of thinking,” and saw only an illusion in the idea of ​​pure being. For a materialistically minded thinker, nature is an ever-living, “fermenting substance”, primary in relation to the dialectics of knowledge. In the Letters, Herzen, quite in the spirit of Hegelianism, substantiated consistent historiocentrism: “neither humanity nor nature can be understood without historical existence,” and in understanding the meaning of history he adhered to the principles of historical determinism. However, in the thoughts of the late Herzen, the old progressivism gives way to much more pessimistic and critical assessments.
First of all, this relates to his analysis of the process of formation in society of a new type of mass consciousness, exclusively consumer, based on completely materialistic individualism (egoism). Such a process, according to Herzen, leads to the total massification of social life and, accordingly, to its peculiar entropy (“the turn of the whole European life in favor of silence and crystallization"), to the loss of individual and personal originality. “Personalities were erased, generic typism smoothed out everything sharply individual and restless” (Ends and Beginnings, 1863). Disappointment in European progress, as Herzen admitted, led him “to the brink of moral death,” from which only “faith in Russia” saved him. Herzen hoped for the possibility of establishing socialist relations in Russia (although he had considerable doubts about the previous revolutionary paths, as he wrote about in the article To an Old Comrade, 1869). Herzen associated the prospects for the development of socialism primarily with the peasant community.