Marilyn manson personal life. Marilyn Manson group: composition, discography, photos

American musician, an artist and journalist, an eternal irritant to all kinds of “guardians of morality” and simply a charming personality - all this is Marilyn Manson.

  1. Manson's real name is Brian Hugh Warner. He was born in 1969 in Canton, Ohio, the son of a furniture dealer and a nurse. Years later, his mother, Barbara, still calls her son Brian, but his father, Hugh, calls his son Manson.
  2. Brian's pseudonym is a combination of the name of a beautiful actress (Marilyn Monroe) and the name of the mass murderer Charles Manson. In the future, the musician’s colleagues in the group will create stage names for themselves using the same principle. The artist himself explained this by the desire to maintain balance, the status quo - he took part of the pseudonym from Marilyn, whom the world adored, and the other part from Charles, whom the world hated.
  3. Before forming the band with guitarist Scott Mitchell Puteski (who took the pseudonym "Daisy Berkowitz"), Warner worked as a music journalist in Tampa Bay, Florida.
  4. Since 1998 he has lived in Hollywood.
  5. Initially, the team organized by Warner and Puteski was called Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids.
  6. Nine Inch Nails leader Trent Reznor showed interest in the work of Manson and his band in the early 1990s. Trent offered the guys a contract with Nothing Records, and also allowed them to open NIN's shows. All this contributed to a significant increase in the popularity of the Marilyn Manson team.
  7. The young group took full advantage of Reznor's good nature. The guys began to shock the public very quickly. Thus, the frontman was awarded the title of "Reverend" by the Church of Satanists when, during a show in Salt Lake City, Utah, he tore up a copy of the Book of Mormon right on stage.
  8. Various religious and conservative groups and organizations took the musician seriously over time. After the Columbine High School massacre in April 1999, Warner-Manson came under heavy fire from them. Out of harm's way, he canceled his tour Rock groups Is Dead.
  9. Organizations leading protests against Manson and his group included The American Family Association and Empower America. Many cities across the country tried to ban Marilyn Manson concerts, but only occasionally were the attempts successful.
  10. Manson calls himself " mama's boy" He has a T-shirt that says "Kill Your Parents" but claims it's just sarcasm. In reality, his parents never bullied him and still support him in everything.
  11. When Manson was still a small boy, someone broke into the Warner family's home and tried to suffocate the child with a pillow. The musician does not remember the criminal, but since then he can only fall asleep with the TV on.
  12. Manson's parents sent him to Christian school when he was 5 years old. There, they tried to demonstrate to the future notorious rocker and other children music that they should not listen to, and to turn young people away from it. In the case of Brian Warner, the effect was the opposite - he fell in love with “forbidden” tunes.
  13. At Christian School, Manson began creating a magazine to make life and learning less boring. He called his creation “Stupid”.
  14. Manson hates sports, but lost his virginity at the age of 16 on a baseball field with a girl cheerleader.
  15. Manson's autobiography is called The Long Hard Road out of Hell. The first few pages of the book tell how Manson and his cousin in their grandfather's basement they got acquainted with various sex toys, adult magazines, women's clothing and other amusements of the fetishist grandfather.
  16. Marilyn Manson - big fan series “Lost” (even painted a portrait of one of the characters, John Locke) and “Californication” (starred as himself in season 6).
  17. Favorite drink is absinthe.
  18. Manson's favorite vegetable is broccoli.
  19. Manson is a distant relative of Patrick Buchanan, statesman and a right-wing conservative journalist. Buchanan believes that the main cause of the crisis is the European and American society his de-Christianization, so Manson probably treats his fourth cousin without much enthusiasm.
  20. Manson has more than 450 scars, welts and scratches on his body.
  21. Manson owns a large collection of medical prosthetics (artificial limbs, glass eyes, etc.).
  22. Manson's favorite movie is Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971).
  23. Has its own brand contact lenses, called The Marilyn Manson Look.

The shocking group Marilyn Manson attracts the public's attention with its provocative statements. Its leader became an icon of originality; since childhood, he was not like everyone else, and made this his main feature.

The unusual childhood of a leader

The future group Marilyn Manson, who would become world famous, was born on January 5, 1969 in Canton. His family was not entirely ordinary: his grandfather did not hide his sexual fetishism. Brian spoke about his impressions of what he saw in his autobiographical book “Long hard way from hell,” which he wrote in 1998. Brian's father was a veteran of the Vietnam War, where he was exposed to chemical weapons. Therefore, the child needed to undergo a medical examination to eliminate the risk of painful consequences. In the hospital, Brian saw many of his father’s fellow soldiers with children who had prosthetics instead of limbs, this left an indelible mark on the boy’s psyche. Apparently, this is why he later begins collecting prosthetics and actively uses them in When Brian was little, he had to survive an attack: robbers broke into the house at night, and one of them began to suffocate the child with a pillow. Since then, Marilyn Manson has been afraid to sleep in the dark and always turns on the TV before going to bed.

The parents, seeing that the child was growing up strange, sent Brian to a Catholic school, hoping that they could re-educate him there. But relationships with his classmates did not work out, and the school only contributed to the boy finally turning away from God.

Strange hobbies

Marilyn Manson was born from unusual interests Brian as a child. He is with early age experienced an inexplicable passion for mutilation, blood, human entrails. In addition, he thought a lot about the fate of the world and came to disappointing conclusions. Banal and vulgar life the people around him, including his parents, did not satisfy him; he longed for more, at least fame. In high school, he enthusiastically read Darwin and Nietzsche, as well as “ Satanic Bible» Anton LaVey's Sandora, who produces a teenager strong impression. All these interests did not become decisive in the “philosophy” that the Marilyn Manson group later “professed,” but became elements of the future image. The young man had a keen sense of the edges of outrageousness and from a young age began to create his own legend and future image. While still at school, Brian was interested in music; he listened a lot to rock idols of that time: Kiss, David Bowie, Pink Floyd, Queen and dreams of the same fame as theirs.

Birth of the group

After graduating from school, Brian leaves for Florida, works in a music store and moonlights as a journalist, writes poetry, but most of all spends his time in bars, where he smokes marijuana and communicates with different people. This is how he meets George White, who also passionately dreams of musical career, and guitarist Scott Putesky. And in 1989 the group Marilyn Manson appeared. The songs are based on Brian's poetry; George and Scott compose the music. This is how the famous Marilyn Manson and The Spooky Kids was born, a group that earned scandalous fame thanks to the strangeness of its lead singer.

He deliberately shocks the public, knowing that this is the only way to quickly gain fame. His journalistic experience was very useful here; Brian knew how to get into newspapers and magazines. The simple path of shocking becomes the path chosen by the Marilyn Manson group. The lineup of the group changed frequently, but the “golden” lineup is considered to be Brian Warnen, George White, Scott Putesky, John Lowry, Stephen Beer and Kenny Wilson, who different time made the team famous. But of course they are known by other names. Later, the band's name is shortened to just the frontman's pseudonym.

Nicknames of musicians

Often, artists take pseudonyms for themselves in order to get a sonorous, memorable name. The Marilyn Manson team was no exception. The group members immediately decided to take bright names for themselves. Brian was the first to come up with the idea; he chose the names of two celebrities: Marilyn Monroe, who at one time shocked the public with her deliberate sexuality, and Charles Manson, a man accused of the brutal murders of several dozen people, including the pregnant wife of director Roman Polyanski. The idea was greeted with a bang by his colleagues, and subsequently each musician who joined the group took a pseudonym. This is how they appear: Daisy Berkowitz (the name of the heroine of the famous series and the surname of a maniac killer), Twiggy Ramirez (the name of the model and inventor of the miniskirt, the surname of a serial killer), (the name of a shocking pop singer, the surname of a pedophile who killed 35 boys. By The names of all new team members were formed according to the same principle.

Musical style

Researchers have repeatedly tried to attribute the Marilyn Manson group to any one style, but they were unable to do so, primarily because the group constantly changed their style. Its principle is uniqueness and originality. At different times, the band's music could be called punk rock, industrial, nu metal, grunge or glam rock. But the best fit is the name that the musicians themselves came up with - shock band. After all musical style may change, but the stage image and philosophy of the group remain unchanged, the main goal is to shock the audience.


The Marilyn Manson group, whose discography includes eleven studio albums strives to ensure that each new record was an event in musical culture. They released their first album, Portrait of an American Family, or Poaaf, in 1994. This program helped the group pave the way upward, with it they for a long time act as the opening act for other bands, but in the end, the disc became gold. Listeners were already waiting for the next album, Smells Like Children, and in 1995 it began its ascent, gradually reaching 31st place in the list of the best albums of the year The magazine Billboard. This album showed more aggressive and hard music of the group, which was very popular with the public.

The third album Antichrist Superstar, released in 1996, was already eagerly awaited by fans, and on the day of release the entire circulation was sold out in just a few hours, and in total it was sold in the amount of more than 7 million copies. The release of the album was accompanied by real hysteria in the media, which threw mud at the band and even predicted Manson's suicide. This collection has already shown a mature team, which changes with the arrival of new members, but continues to produce a high-quality musical product. All subsequent albums of Marilyn Manson, a shock group, are already habitually released under the fierce attack of Christian defenders and bans from various organizations, all this only benefited the records, which were not always distinguished by their brightness. musical material, but all demonstrated Manson's development as a musician. The group has repeatedly received awards for best album of the year and as the best group.


Most of the band's fame came from its visual image, which could be seen at concerts, but no less important role Its videos played a role in popularizing the team. In their videos, as in concert performances, the group does everything to shock the audience. The emphasis on sadomasochistic themes, on the themes of death and sexual perversion is dominant in the work of the group. Several clips were so scandalous that they were banned from showing by many television companies, in particular, the Born Villain clip was banned from showing by all music channels. In total, the group released about 40 videos, each of which at one time became a shock to the public and an event in musical culture. Several works awarded music awards world level.

Marilyn Manson in cinema

Many musicians, including the Marilyn Manson group, often strive to realize their talents not only in music, but also in other forms of art. The soloist, whose name is, many fans are wondering, since he merged so much with in a scenic manner that does not want to respond to his real name, has been embodied more than once various images to the cinema. For the first time on the big screen, he appears in the film Lost Highway by the famous mystical director David Lynch in 1997 as a porn star. In total, Manson’s filmography includes 15 films, in three of which he played himself. Directors invite a musician more because of his stage image and fame than because of his acting talent. In 2007, Manson launched his own film, Phantasmagoria: The Visions of Lewis Carroll, in which he played the role of the main character, but after some time the project was frozen. It remains unfinished.

Marilyn Manson leader in art

Marilyn Manson, the group, albums have become for Brian the embodiment of his alter ego, but he strives to realize his creative potential and in other areas. In addition to cinema, he is quite successfully involved in fine arts - he paints watercolors. In total, about 150 of his works are known today, which were successfully exhibited in many countries around the world, including Moscow, Berlin, Vienna, and Los Angeles.

Personal life of participants

Music stars always attract the attention of the public, who are interested in the personal lives of their heroes, and the Marilyn Manson group is no exception. A photo of the participants without makeup will not make anyone pay attention to them, because it is shocking makeup that has become the main element of the musicians’ image. Their stage appearance makes them famous and interesting to the press and public. In 2005, the frontman of the group married singer and actress Dita von Teese, who is known as a burlesque star. But in 2006 the couple broke up. The press records Manson's numerous affairs with models and actresses, but he does not start long-term relationships. The musician is fond of tattoos, of which there are already 23 on his body, loves absinthe, listens to a lot of different music, and is a fan of the work of David Bowie.

ABOUT privacy Less is known about the other members of the group; the press writes that all of them were repeatedly found using drugs and were involved in various kinds of scandals, including trials. The only one who never used drugs was Frank Kenny Wilson.

Philosophy of Marilyn Manson

Scandalous famous group Marilyn Manson, whose photos adorn many covers of newspapers and magazines, achieved fame thanks to the special view of the world of its permanent leader. Manson always declared a protest against everyday life. Despite the fact that he is accused of adhering to Satanism, he considers himself an atheist, although he claims that God is in everything. His style and philosophy are shocking, so looking for consistency in his views is pointless. But you definitely can’t deny him a showman’s talent and knowledge of the public’s tastes. Manson skillfully manipulates the public, telling them stories that cause them delight and horror.

The artist's stage name is formed from the names of two iconic American figures of the 60s: actress Marilyn Monroe and a man convicted of several murders of Charles Manson.

Marilyn Manson's childhood

Brian was only child in family. His father sold furniture, and his mother worked as a nurse. The boy's worldview was greatly influenced by his grandfather's sexual fetishes, which he described in detail in his autobiography, The Long Hard Road out of Hell. As a child, Bryans was constantly attended by his mother in the Episcopal Church, and this despite the fact that his father was a Catholic.

The young man received his education at the Heritage Christian School. After 10th grade he was transferred to regular school named after Cardinal Gibbson in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Brian received his certificate in 1987.

Carier start

After school, Brian found a job in music magazine, which was released in Florida. He was a reporter and music critic, and free time wrote poetry. In 1989, the young man, together with a guitarist named Scott Puteski, created a rock band and took the pseudonym Marilyn Manson. After him, other musicians of the group took on fictitious names, and the choice of pseudonym was carried out according to the same scheme.

Initially, the name of the group sounded like “Marilyn Manson and The Spooky Kids”. In it, Manson sang, and Scott Puteski (aka Daisy Berkowitz) was the main guitarist and drum machine programmer. The band's earliest lineup included Marilyn Manson, Daisy Berkowitz, as well as Olivia Newton-Bundy (bass) and Zsa Zsa Specka (keyboards). The last two left, and were replaced by bassist Gidget Gein, who died of a heroin overdose in 2008, and a keyboardist named Madonna Wayne Gacy.

Initially, the group performed as an opening act for Nine Inch Nails. Trent Reznor liked the young group; he became friends with the musicians and became their informal mentor. On foreground the group and its leader Marilyn Manson transitioned quite quickly, and all thanks to a well-thought-out advertising campaign. At the same time, all the musicians of the group remained in the shadows. The band’s logo was quite unique: it featured the inscription “MARILYN MANSON” in a “dripping” font in the style of a horror film, with Monroe’s gentle gaze above and Charles Manson’s crazy look below. Souvenirs with the image were immediately released, and the group was advertised by Brian’s numerous fellow journalists.

The group began to accompany their performances with various attractions. The musicians used everything that could somehow enhance the impression of the listeners: they used sandwiches with nut butter that flew from the stage, girls crucified on stage or sitting in cages, goat heads, nudity, as well as open flames on the stage.

Musicians could play in skirts, bras, wigs, and cigarettes. In a word, everything was done for a spectacular concert number.

Marilyn Manson in the movies

Marilyn Manson made his acting debut in 1997 in David Lynch's Lost Highway. A year later, the musician appeared in the film “Queens of Murder.” By the way, Marilyn's friend Rose McGoweg also starred here. And in 2003, the celebrity appeared in the film “Chicks” by Asia Argento. In 2007, Manson got the role of a bartender in the film Vampire. By the way, Marilyn also took part in the filming documentary film“Bowling for Columbine” by Michael Moore, where, in addition, he gave an interview.

Film-biography of Marilyn Manson and his team. Celebrity friends appear in the film: Ozzy Osbourne, Sharon Osbourne, Jonathan Davis, Alice Cooper and others

The musician also worked on own project to the cinema. He was filming Phantasmagoria: The Visions of Lewis Carroll. In it, Marilyn was supposed to appear in the role of Carroll himself, the same author of the popular book “Alice in Wonderland.” $4.2 million was allocated for the tapes. However, in 2007 the project was stopped and work was postponed indefinitely. And in 2011 they presented the film “Splatter Sisters”. Manson starred in it along with girlfriend Evan Rachel Wood.

Marilyn Manson on video

In 2013, the musician appears in an episode of his favorite TV series “Californication.”


Marilyn Manson is also an artist, and quite a famous one. Since 1999 he has been painting in watercolors. In total, the artist has already painted more than 150 paintings. Some of them have already been exhibited in different cities world, including in Moscow.

In early 2011, Marilyn, together with director David Lynch, published a book of works that were presented at the exhibition in Vienna “Genealogies of Pain” in 2010.

Personal life of Marilyn Manson

In 1998, the musician met Rose McGowan. The couple later became engaged, but it was dissolved in 2000. At the end of 2005, Marilyn married Dita von Teese. But a year later, the wife filed for divorce, citing “irreconcilable differences.”

In December 2006, the singer began dating actress Evan Rachel Wood. The relationship lasted until October 2008. Manson then met with American model and porn actress Stoya, but in December 2009 he returned to Evan Rachel Wood. A month later, the musician proposed to her, but after six months the engagement was called off.

Marilyn Manson. Clip

In the fall of 2010, information appeared that the rocker was dating America's Next Top Model 7, Carey Dee English. But the girl herself denied the rumor; on her Twitter she stated that she was only friends with Manson.

Now Marilyn is having an affair with photographer Lindsay Yusich; he began a relationship with her in August 2010.

Marilyn loves the TV series “Californication”, “Eastbound & Down”, “Lost”. The musician even painted John Locke.

Manson has lived in Hollywood since 1998.

The singer loves absinthe. Loves to listen to the work of David Bowie, Prince, PJ Harvey, Jeff Buckley, Cat Stevens.

At the end of 2010, he appeared in the video of the Brunei group D"hask.

Marilyn Manson is a distant relative of Patrick Buchanan.

The artist was a guest on the Channel One TV show Evening Urgant.

But in childhood and adolescence, Marilyn Manson was not at all terrible. And his name was not Antichrist Superstar, but simply Brian Warner.

He had quite ordinary parents - his mother, a nurse, and his father, a furniture dealer...

In 1987, at age 18, Brian graduated from high school in Ohio and moved to Florida.

He began his independent life by working in a music magazine: he began writing reports from concerts and, in the end, realized that his calling was not to watch from auditorium, like others perform on stage, and rock it yourself.

At the age of 20, Brian took the first step towards future success and created the group Marilyn Manson and Spooky Kids.

The guys almost immediately became a phenomenon in club life America: during their performances, the musicians deliberately tried to make a shocking impression on the audience.

It is at this time that crosses with girls crucified on them, bald goat heads, and fresh goat blood appear on the stage, which is splashed on the audience...

The young musicians are noticed by Nine Inch Nails lead singer Reznor Trenty and takes them under his wing: soon Marilyn Manson and Spooky Kids are already performing as the opening act... And in 1993, Brian's connections - by this time he began to call himself Marilyn Manson - in musical circles and Trent's support made the group famous throughout America...

But of course, main reason The success of the Marilyn Manson project became a truly shocking show.

There was absolutely no one to scare the public at that time. In the early nineties, Alice Cooper, who once became famous for biting off the head of a chicken on stage, had already switched to romantic ballads...

...And Ozzy Osbourne, who once trampled on a Christian cross at a concert, stopped drinking and began to promote healthy image life.

Marilyn Manson not only filled the niche of shock rock, but also surpassed all his predecessors...

In 2000, Marilyn Manson's activities reached their climax - the chapter catholic church America's William Donahue accused the musician of waging war on Jesus himself. Manson did everything to anger the clergy - he tore up Bibles at concerts, went on stage with a cross drenched in imitation blood, put on a priest's cassock...

In 2003, Marilyn stated live on an American television show that the Prophet Moses was gay. But Marilyn's main scandal is still the brawl during his performance in Salt Lake City - then the indignant head of the Mormon church climbed onto the stage, and the singer tore out all the pages from the Book of Mormon as a sign of protest. As a result, the singer's fans - in the name of Marilyn - and the Mormons - in the name of the Lord - started a real fight in the hall.

After this, as soon as a musician comes to any country with a concert, local religious authorities immediately declare that the performance must be urgently cancelled. For example, in 2001, before Manson’s concert in Moscow, the hierarchs Orthodox Church sent a letter to Mayor Yuri Luzhkov with a request not to organize a concert in the capital of a performer who shows disrespect for Christianity.

While shocking religious figures, Manson does not forget about mere mortals... For example, the rock star's security guard David officially stated that during a concert the musician suddenly attacked him, grabbed him by the head and pressed him to his thighs, simulating oral sex. The man assessed moral damages at $75,000, but later withdrew the lawsuit.

Manson says things about himself that make decent people I immediately feel uneasy: that at home he has a whole collection of enemas - he supposedly often invites friends and together they happily cleanse their stomachs. The musician also claims that he slept with a sheep and then killed it on the altar. Manson spreads the most terrible rumors about himself with amazing ease - this is also one of his talents.

But even if the musician had not torn the Holy Bible to shreds, he still would not have gone to heaven: he would not have passed face control. The terrible image in which the singer appears in public clearly indicates that he was born near nuclear waste. All his predecessors in the field of shock rock - Alice Cooper, King Diamond or Ozzy Osbourne - with their supposedly terrible makeup - are simply handsome in comparison with Manson.

However, Lately in the person of the zombie mutant Manson are increasingly visible human traits... He doesn’t go to church yet, but he already respects the Holy Scriptures. The reason for this, as one might expect, was women: they never saw Manson as the devil’s spawn, they always admired his... kindness and decency.

His first official girlfriend, with whom he appeared in front of journalists, actress Rose McGowan, star of the TV series “Charmed,” spoke about the singer like this: “Everyone thought I was a savage and crazy, and I sat and baked cupcakes for Manson at home. He’s very cool – not at all like what they write about him in the newspapers.”

Another woman - famous on both sides of the ocean, stripper Dita Von Teese, also did not see anything terrifying in Marilyn, on the contrary - she was going to settle down and enjoy herself with him family happiness. “I want three children - at least,” said Dita.

Manson and Dita became husband and wife in 2005. For the wedding, “The Great and the Terrible” was a touching gift to his wife wedding ring with diamonds, made to his order. But a year later they divorced - due to domestic disagreements, nothing original or shocking.

Not long ago Manson presented to the public new girlfriend– 20 year old actress Evan Rachel Wood. Despite the big age difference, Evan and Marilyn are happy together: the aged musician enthusiastically talks about his love for his girlfriend and how she suits him, although recently he only gave interviews on the topic of devilry and Satanism...

The new lover claims: “We both adore the Beatles. I truly love Manson! The only drawback is that he sometimes snores at night. Although I like this too!”

At official receptions, Manson shyly, like a schoolboy, holds Evan’s hand. And not so long ago they were photographed on the beach in Malibu, where they carefully listened to the instructions of a surfing coach. It seems that Evan masterfully completed what her predecessors started. The gates of hell slammed shut in the face of respectable citizen Marilyn Manson, and he remained with us forever.

Yielding to the pacifying influence of Evan, Marilyn Manson today is not concerned with how to effectively shock the world community, but with completely different things: the film “Phantasmagoria,” in which he acted as both director and screenwriter, and an exhibition of his own drawings. Marilyn Manson has good capital - he has a mansion in Hollywood worth $1,700,000 and an antique Cadillac worth $650,000, and most recently he purchased a yacht for $340,000... His immediate plans are to open a clothing boutique, write a book about show business and have children ...

There seems to be no one again to shock the world. But a holy place, as we know, is never empty...

Despite the fact that many consider Marilyn Manson a maniac and Satanist, he is a subtle intellectual person. His image is based on the idea of ​​the presence of Good and Evil in man, and his creativity is based on conceptualism and philosophy. His image and position are just a reaction to “fake” American morality.

early years

Marilyn Manson was born Brian Hugh Warner in Canton, Ohio on January 5, 1969. His father sold furniture, and his mother was a nurse. There are many stories about how Brian grew up, most of which he himself recounted in his autobiographical book. However, you cannot believe everything that the outrageous rock musician wrote, but if you read between the lines, you can understand how he became what he became - a Satanist in the eyes of the church, a maniac in the eyes of mothers worried about their teenage children and a destroyer of morality in the eyes of American society.

Brian had a typical childhood American family and was unremarkable, except for a few “buts”. According to the musician, his grandfather was a sexual pervert and often locked himself in the basement, where he did all sorts of “dirty things.” His father, who apparently inherited his quirks, often annoyed Brian. For example, he constantly threatened to take him to a prostitute, citing the fact that it was time for him to lose his virginity.

There was also an unhealthy environment at the Christian school where Warner attended. He hated the Law of God and considered religion a fairy tale for fools. His protest resulted in a fascination with Nietzsche and Darwin, and when he read The Satanic Bi

"Bly" LaVey, then looked at many things differently. According to Manson, he really liked the idea of ​​the symbiosis of the Devil and God in man. And although in the future he never professed Satanism, this idea became fundamental in the image and work of the musician.

At age 18, Brian moved to Florida, where he began working as a journalist and music critic for a local publication. He wrote articles during the day and hung out in rock clubs at night. In one of them he met musician George White, whom he persuaded to create a rock band.

First of all, Brian took the pseudonym Marilyn Manson, combining the name of the actress Marilyn Monroe and the surname of the maniac Charles Manson. By this he emphasized that he has both light and dark side. All members of the group also took on such pseudonyms.

In 1989, due to disagreements within the team, Manson left Satan on Fire and formed the group Marilyn Manson & The Spooky Kids with Scott Puteske. After some time, several musicians changed in the group, and it began to be called simply “Marilyn Manson”. The production of the newly formed group was taken up by the main ideologist and founder of Nine Inch Nails, Trent Reznor, a man no less “crazy” than Manson himself.

In 1994, after long disputes with the producers, it was released

album "Portrait Of An American Family", which was a serious success. Marilyn Manson acquired not only big army fans, but also a huge amount enemies in the person of clergy and authorities. The musician said that he expected such a stir, since his album is a real bomb. He destroyed the American illusion of "fairness" and the false sense of hope that everything would be okay.

World fame

After working on the album, Marilyn Manson and Nine Inch Nails went on their first tour, leaving a trail of blood throughout the United States. Trent Reznor, who mentored the young band, said that he wanted a lot of fire and blood, naked female breasts and other obscurantism. Manson's show shocked even the most radical fans of Macabre. However, the number of fans grew by leaps and bounds.

In 1995, the group went on an independent tour, and a year later they released a cover version of the song "Sweet Dreams", which became a hit and acquired platinum status. New album Manson decided to record in New Orleans, “the murder capital of America.” The hype around the album began long before its release, and when it was released, it put the whole world on ears.

"Antichrist Superstar" (1996) became the first concept film

Manson's album. Its plot revolves around three cycles that tell about the metamorphoses of the Bible Worm. First there is a confrontation between the external and inner world this creature. Then his reincarnation as an Angel. And finally, the return of the Angel back to heaven. According to Manson, the main idea of ​​the record is the assertion that the cause of all troubles lies in Christianity. People must trust their own reason, then they will be free.

"Antichrist Superstar" made Marilyn Manson incredibly popular. They talked about him music critics, he was idolized by his fans and hated by the church. The ominous rumors that began to spread throughout the country only fueled interest in the musician. For example, they said that during their performances, group members ate bugs, took drugs, raped teenagers of both sexes, and performed oral acts. Manson was constantly subjected to repression by the authorities, his concerts were banned, the church bought all the tickets to prevent young people from attending them. The outrageous rocker was philosophical about this and said that they made him into the same sensation that they once made out of Jesus Christ.

In 1998, the disc “Mechanical Animals” was released, and in 2000, “Holy Wood” was released, completing the conceptual trilogy about the Messiah. He

and sold millions of copies all over the world and became the best in Manson’s work. His next works were not very successful, except for “The Golden Age of Grotesque” (2003), created under the influence of the musician’s friend Dita von Teese.

By the way, the personal life of the outrageous musician has always been under close public attention. Early in his career, Manson dated actress Rose McGowan, then was married to famous dancer Dite von Teese. They divorced in 2006, and two years later Marilyn announced that he was dating Evan Rachel Wood. Star couple was going to sign a marriage contract, but in 2010 it unexpectedly broke up. The musician is currently dating Lindsay Yuzich, a professional photographer.

Marilyn Manson continues to shock the public by changing her image, image and outfits. In addition to music, he paints and acts in films. Thanks to these activities, he met another eccentric - director and artist David Lynch. In 2011, they published a joint book catalog of their works. But even earlier, the autobiographical book “The Long Hard Road Out of Hell” (1998) appeared on bookstore shelves. It is not only a sarcastic textbook on show business, but also a painful and poignant confession of a true artist