Get married in Denmark at an older age. In Denmark, family does not equal marriage

Denmark is one of the most prosperous countries globe. It's no surprise that many people want to move here permanent place residence. Those who are planning to make a radical turn in their lives and try their luck in the “country of the Vikings” will find it useful to familiarize themselves with information about this Scandinavian kingdom and the peculiarities of life in the country through the eyes of Russian immigrants.

Life in Denmark: what does an immigrant need to know about it?

Standard of living

Denmark is a prosperous state with a stable economy. Denmark occupies top positions in the rankings of countries with the lowest level of corruption, with the most favorable conditions for doing business, with the most efficient government policy in the field of ecology. As a result, the Danes are the happiest nation - the vast majority of the country's population is completely satisfied with their lives.

Taxes are high here, but this is quite justified: medicine, the education system and social security - everything is at the highest level, and people are willing to pay for it. In addition, Denmark is one of the safest countries in the world. Here low level crime and a large proportion of offenses are cases of domestic violence. A robbery on the street is an unlikely situation in Denmark. Even at night you can walk along the streets without fear for your life. Strikes here are also a single phenomenon, and not a massive one, as, for example, in France, where it would seem that everyone goes on strike: taxi drivers, students, workers, and with enviable regularity.

Climate and ecology

The climate of Denmark is quite comfortable for a Russian person: it is not hot here, the average air temperature varies from + 10 to + 20 degrees Celsius. However, this is not a dream climate, as, for example, on the Californian coast. The sun rarely appears in the Danish sky, but rain and wind are constant daily companions.

Not a single Dane leaves home without an umbrella: the weather here changes in a matter of minutes. If you see the sun outside your window in the morning, this does not mean that the whole day will be clear. It is likely that in a minute it will be blowing outside gusty wind and it will start to rain.

Popular proverb: if you don't like the Danish weather, wait 5 minutes, it will change.

Taking care of environment- another principle in the life of every Dane. The policy of local authorities contributes to the successful development of this trend. In every supermarket you will see a machine that accepts plastic bottles. I handed over the empty container and received a receipt that can be used to pay for purchases in the same supermarket. Thanks to such a well-thought-out system, everyone has the opportunity to save a little, and local authorities can ensure clean streets at minimal cost.

Nuances of lifestyle

The Danes are simply obsessed with a healthy lifestyle. Kayaking, daily jogging, cycling as the main form of transport - all this is in order here (and this despite the constant rainy weather!). In many large companies there are gyms for employees and members of their families, sports competitions are held regularly, many employers provide their subordinates with discounts on visiting the pool/fitness center/gym.

Bicycles are a separate topic for Denmark. This type of transport became popular after World War II, when, due to a shortage of gasoline, everything more people made a choice in favor of a two-wheeled vehicle. Bicycles are still very common: Denmark has an extremely high tax on car ownership (it is higher than the cost of the car itself). As a result: the bicycle today is the main mode of transport for most citizens, and the winners of bicycle races are no less popular than show business stars.

Interesting fact: in Denmark, anyone can use a bicycle for free if they don’t have their own. There are special parking lots everywhere where you can take an “iron horse” for 20 CZK - this is a deposit upon return vehicle your seat will be automatically returned to you.

Work takes up much less time in a Dane’s life than a Russian or Ukrainian. The average working day here lasts only 6.4 hours, and an annual paid vacation of 6 weeks is provided. In their free time from work, the Danes play sports, attend various trainings, courses (here it is customary to constantly learn something), interest groups (for example, there are communities of young mothers or pensioners), and spend time with their families.

This is a plus: the average Dane has 16 hours a day “for himself” - this is time for sleep and relaxation, communication, hobbies and sports.

Video: how Denmark lives through the eyes of a Russian woman

Danish cuisine

Danish cuisine is quite modest and monotonous. Baked goods, meat and potato dishes are held in high esteem here. It is understandable to Russian people, but many immigrants say that they lack typically Russian products: pickles, sprat, dumplings, caviar, buckwheat.

National Danish cuisine often includes pork dishes - in the summer it is grilled ribs, in the winter it is oven-baked pork with skin, and to this there are various types of potatoes.


Features of mentality

The Danes are very practical and conservative. Here it is considered normal to present a list of desired gifts along with a birthday invitation. What seems inconvenient to a Russian person is considered practical here.

There is a clear sign of equality between men and women. There is no division of responsibilities into “male” and “female”. Men do housework on an equal basis, women work. But Russian women need to be prepared for the fact that equality also results in other aspects that are not entirely familiar to our mentality: a separate family budget, paying the restaurant bill equally.

Interesting fact: being a housewife is extremely unpopular in Denmark (even among older ladies): 80% of women work.

Women here dress much more modestly than is customary in Russia. Bright makeup and elegant clothes are appropriate here only at appropriate events. It's not customary to boast here fashion brands and go “to work as if it were a holiday.” The priority is practicality and comfort.

It is customary to start a family here already in mature age and approach this very responsibly. There are many 30-year-old men and women here who have not yet been burdened by marriage. Couples have been cohabiting for a long time, but if they finally decide to legalize their relationship, it is usually forever. By the way, unequal marriages This is a rarity: an older man dating a girl old enough to be his daughter is almost never seen here.

Men often postpone marriage until age 30+, but value family; A lot of time is spent on children, but at the same time, women are expected to work and not just care for children.


The Danes do not boast of wealth: you won’t see as many expensive cars on the streets as in the average Russian city. A sign of status here is simplicity and comfort, which is manifested in minimalist Scandinavian interiors, in the style of clothing, and in the choice of car.

Immigrants in Denmark

Migrants make up 7–10% of the Danish population. There are many people here from Iran, Iraq, and Turkey. They are treated worse than migrants from Russia and the CIS countries. Immigrants from these countries do not try to assimilate, do not show interest in local traditions and culture. Locals are especially wary of them. You won’t find people from Somalia or Middle Eastern countries in the rural outback - they settle in large cities and live in entire communities.

They don't like immigrants, especially from the Middle East.

Elena,53 years old, Russian. Lives in Denmark for 13 years in the countryside

It is much easier for Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians to assimilate. They do not settle in communities, but organically join the local community, live traditional families, not diasporas.

Many Russians come here not in search of higher-paying jobs, like the latter, but with the goal of starting a family here. Many women first look for a potential groom and only then move in with him. On the contrary, more men travel from Middle Eastern countries to Denmark. As a rule, they do not have higher education and are ready for the most low-skilled jobs. Reviews Russian men indicate that many of them come to Denmark under an agreement with an existing employer. This could be a transfer to a local branch of an international company, contract work at some facility, or an offer from a Danish partner to open a joint business here.

How do they treat Russians?

Russians are treated quite normally here, there is no aggression or outright discrimination, because the Danes themselves are quite calm and peaceful, but their attitude towards visitors is still restrained and cool. This is explained, among other things, by the fact that Denmark is a mono-ethnic state. The local population predominates here, so all foreigners are treated with caution. Many immigrants from Russia say that the Danes are friendly and friendly, but very closed and not easy to make contact with. Finding close friends here is very, very difficult.

This is a country where you feel like a human being. It's comfortable to live here.

Elena, 53 years old

Video: attitude towards ordinary Russian emigrants

What financial assistance can immigrants expect?

In addition to the standard unemployment benefit, divorced women with children receive substantial payments here. The state pays them single mother's allowance and housing subsidies.

Due to the fact that in Denmark migrants can live comfortably on the benefits provided to them, many of them do not work. The statistics are as follows: less than half of immigrants are employed, while the rest are content with the benefits of the social security system. And the country's indigenous residents, on the contrary, prefer to work - as many as 73% of them. The current circumstances are putting a colossal burden on the state budget. Because of this, government officials took extreme measures back in 1997: the state decided to pay compensation to those immigrants who were ready to return to their homeland. This benefit is quite significant: 11 thousand crowns even before the immigrant returned to home country, and 89 thousand when he already left Denmark. As a result, an emigrant leaving Denmark can count on 100 thousand Danish crowns, which is 3,700 euros or 311 thousand rubles.

Anyone who is on welfare is the “bottom”. The local population really has a bad attitude towards this category. And this applies not only to foreigners, but also to the Danes themselves.

Svetlana, lives in Denmark for 8 years

Russians in Denmark

How to adapt to life?

The best option is when an immigrant tries to assimilate: he studies the language, tries to observe traditions and conform to the peculiarities of the local way of life. The best way assimilation - obtaining higher education. This will allow you to make new acquaintances, look at the life of the Danes from the inside, and most importantly, get a diploma from a local university. It will greatly increase your chances of finding decent job. Danish higher education has the following advantages:

  • it is carried out on English language, so you can study here even if you don’t speak Danish;
  • the cost of training is not as high as in others Scandinavian countries. Year " high school» costs from 6 to 16 thousand euros;
  • The quality of education, on the contrary, is high - people from all over the world strive to get into Danish universities.

The Danish language is indeed quite complex for people from the CIS countries - both linguistically and phonetically. However, the plus is that foreigners who come to Denmark for permanent residence are taught the language completely free of charge: lessons are given, dictionaries and textbooks are given out, so if you want, learning the language is quite possible. If you want to gain a foothold in the country and try to become “your own” here, you must know the language.

Adaptation in new country rarely goes without problems, and integration into ancient culture a small people requires much more effort.

Natalia Karpan Lieknins

Video: interview about what awaits a migrant in Denmark

What do Russians do here?

Here everything depends primarily on the person himself, on his mood and desire to adapt to new conditions. Some immigrants from Russia say that it is impossible to get a good, well-paid professional job here, because... supposedly immigrants from the CIS countries are considered by local employers to be worthy only of the simplest work in the service sector. Others are on by example prove the opposite: many successfully find employment in their specialty and occupy high-status positions in international companies. These are mainly those who found an opportunity to learn the language and get a diploma from a local university, or confirmed an existing diploma successful completion professional qualification exam.

With our medical diploma you CANNOT get a job as a nurse, and our teacher will NOT be hired kindergarten! Simply because to work as a nurse you must have a nursing diploma approved by the Danish system (education lasts 4 years).

Natalia Karpan Lieknins

In Denmark, both highly qualified specialists of a narrow profile and representatives of blue-collar professions are in demand. Here you can get a job as a builder, farm worker, or nanny. Many people do just that to begin with: they sign a contract to do, for example, seasonal work in order to live here for 3-4 months and get a first impression of the country. Salaries, especially on farms, are not as high as in Copenhagen for highly skilled work, but still, compared to Russian ones, they are much higher. For cleaning the territory, caring for livestock and harvesting crops on agricultural farms, they pay a little more than 100 crowns per hour (13.5 euros or 1140 rubles). On average, a cleaning woman in the country receives 16 thousand crowns per month, which is equivalent to 177 thousand rubles. In low-skilled positions, it is quite possible to earn up to 3,500 euros per month, which at the current exchange rate is a lot of money for a Russian.

Please note: you can assess your relevance in the Danish labor market by looking at the so-called Positive List ( - it indicates those professions in which this moment the state needs it most. Today, the TOP includes builders, industrial professionals, medical workers (both highly qualified doctors and junior staff), and IT specialists.

In addition to the service sector, Russians are actively involved in the transport sector. Russian truck drivers are recruited into all European companies, and sailors are accepted on board Scandinavian ships. At the same time, the main advantage of our fellow citizens, alas, is not professionalism, but cheapness.

Expert opinion–1-0–5460

Where do our compatriots live?

Today there are few Russians in Denmark: about 8 thousand. Difficult language and the extreme high cost of living are just some of the reasons. Many people from the CIS countries prefer to move to those countries where there are more Russians, which means it’s easier to assimilate - this is, for example, Germany.

Denmark has only one large city by Russian standards - its capital, Copenhagen. Immigrants from Russia strive to get here: wages here are higher than in rural areas, there are more employment options, and the attitude towards immigrants is more loyal, because in the provinces people are always more conservative.

The entire territory of the country can be divided into 3 zones: Copenhagen, the island part and the mainland (it is called Jutland). In Jutland, the largest city is Aarhus, but it doesn’t seem like that to a Russian, because only 300 thousand people live here. Also enough major cities Herning, Odense, Aalborg are considered. Immigrants from the CIS live in both cities and rural areas. There are no Russian districts, such as Brighton Beach in New York, either in the capital or in the provinces, so choose your place of residence depending on what specialty you plan to choose, what lifestyle you prefer, etc.

Photo gallery: panoramas of the largest cities in Denmark

The most famous tourist street in Copenhagen - Nuhavn Panorama of Aarhus
View of Aalborg Panorama of Odense Streets of Herning

Russian societies

People from the CIS countries try to maintain contacts with their compatriots, communicate on forums, but this is ordinary friendly communication, and not communalism, as is the case with representatives eastern civilizations. In Denmark there are several organizations uniting Russian-speaking immigrants, for example:

  • “Russian Society in Denmark” (;
  • “Council of Russian-speaking societies in Denmark” (;
  • “Danish-Russian House” (;
  • “Danish-Russian house in Jutland” (;
  • “Danish-Ukrainian Partnership” (

There are also more specialized organizations, for example, “ Russian center science and culture in Copenhagen" ( Functioning Russian theaters, literary and artistic associations, art studios, circles, Orthodox parishes, schools - in short, there is a lack of communication with compatriots among immigrants from countries former USSR No.

Russian pensioners in Denmark

In Denmark retirement age occurs at age 65 - the same for both men and women. From this moment on, a person can count on receiving a state pension. However there is one important nuance: only those who have lived in Denmark for at least 40 years receive a full pension. Most immigrants cannot boast of such length of residence in the country, which means they will not receive a full pension.

Please note: to obtain information about the amount of state pension you are entitled to, you must contact the municipal pensions department.

In addition to the state pension, there are early pension payments. To be eligible, you must have contributed to the unemployment insurance fund for at least 30 years. If you pass this stage, you can leave your job at 60 instead of 65, or work part-time. Early pension payments will thus be paid to you from the date of insured event(you can stop working at either age 60 or 62) and when you reach age 65.

In addition, when you retire in Denmark, you can count on:

  • providing assistance at home (need assessed by municipal authorities);
  • obtaining special housing adapted to the needs of the elderly and disabled, or enrollment in a nursing home.

Comparison of Russia and Denmark

Social Security

In Denmark, social guarantees are much more significant than in Russia. A striking example- unemployment benefit. It exists in both countries. Payments in both cases are not 100% of wages on last place work: in Denmark, an unemployed person can count on 80–90% of its size, in Russia - a maximum of 75%. The difference would seem to be insignificant, but in practice the situation is different.

In Russia, the maximum limit for payment of benefits is set at 4,900 rubles. This is even below the subsistence level. In Denmark, the upper limit of the benefit amount is 2,600 euros (that’s more than 200 thousand rubles). Even if we take into account the fact that salaries in Scandinavia are significantly higher than in Russia, the difference is still staggering. Considering that the average salary in Denmark is 2500–2600 euros, we can conclude that the maximum limit of unemployment benefits fully compensates the unemployed citizen for his previous earnings.


The most obvious indicator is, perhaps, life expectancy. Russia is not in an advantageous position here: our country is not even included in the top hundred of the ranking, giving way even to Bangladesh. Men in Russia live up to 63 years, women - up to 75. In Denmark, the average man can expect to live up to 78 years, women, again, more - up to 82 years.


High life expectancy is a direct consequence of priorities public policy. 11% of GDP is allocated from the treasury to maintain the healthcare system, while the average level in other European countries is 9% of GDP. Due to high taxes, medicine is free for the Danes. And in practice this is exactly what it looks like. For Danes, not only doctor’s consultations are free, but also operations of any complexity. The exception is dental services (they are only partially subsidized). In Russia, medical services are free only de jure. De facto, if a person has an urgent need for medical advice, getting to see a doctor on the same day in most cases is simply unrealistic (especially if we are not talking about a therapist, but about an ophthalmologist/gynecologist/cardiologist).


For food and essential goods

Prices for food and general consumer goods in Denmark are naturally much higher than in Russia.

Table: comparison of prices in Russia and Denmark

Video: cost of food in Denmark

For real estate

Housing in Denmark is expensive, and mortgage only citizens of the country or people with a residence permit are given to purchase it, so the average immigrant prefers to rent a house. A one-room apartment on the outskirts can be rented for 700 euros; in the center it can cost from 750 to 1200 euros. It’s also not cheap, which is why many Russians rent an apartment together: with friends with whom they came to Denmark, with fellow students, or simply find a roommate through an advertisement.

Please note: the rental price in Denmark already includes utilities.

In Russia, real estate prices are certainly lower. Renting a one-room apartment in the economy segment in Moscow will cost you about 300 euros, and in the regions it is quite possible to rent a one-room apartment for only 125 euros per month.

Interesting Facts:

  • native Danes do not live in apartments, but in separate houses. The “family nest” is passed down from generation to generation;
  • Danes spend on average 24% of their income on housing costs and maintenance;
  • on average there are 2 rooms per inhabitant of Denmark (in Russia - 0.9 rooms);
  • more than 90% of the population are completely satisfied with their living conditions.

Wage level

The average Danish earnings are 2500–2600 euros. It is quite consistent with the high prices here and allows a working person to lead a decent lifestyle. One of the highest paid professions is a doctor; among those at the bottom of the ranking is a cashier. In Russia, the average salary in the country is approximately 33 thousand rubles, which corresponds to 412 euros. People employed in the production of petroleum products and the extraction of fuel and energy minerals receive the most. The least number are employed in textile and clothing production and in the field of primary general education.

Assessing your chances of immigration

There are many options for moving to Denmark for permanent residence:

  • obtain a visa for the purpose of family reunification - suitable for those who have relatives living in Denmark, or those who plan to marry a citizen of the country;

Did you know? Today, Danish legislation establishes the following rules: if a citizen of the country wants to marry a foreigner, he must first confirm his financial solvency. He must have an apartment, be able to provide a deposit of 50 thousand crowns, and must not be on social security. All this, on the one hand, infringes on the rights of poor Danes to marry whoever they want, but, on the other hand, provides some guarantees of a prosperous life for immigrant women.

  • become a participant in any exchange program: get a job with a Danish family as an au pair or nanny, for example, under the Au-pair program. This option is only suitable for those aged 18 to 29;
  • a common option is to go to Denmark to study by enrolling in a local university (you first need to apply for a student visa);

Students are allowed to carry out labor activities. They can expect to pay 13 euros per hour.

  • apply for a work visa. To do this, you first need to find an employer in absentia and only then contact the consulate to apply for a visa, because it is issued on the basis of an invitation to work from a Danish company or individual. A work visa is usually issued for a year, after which it can be extended;
  • You can get a job using the Danish Green Card program. You can read more about it here:;
  • you can open your own business here by first obtaining a special permit for that, and thus obtain a residence permit;
  • You can become a refugee - go to Denmark on a tourist visa and contact the police department to ask for asylum.

Video: how to move to Denmark, possible options

Life in Denmark: pros and cons (final table)



Immigrants are taught the language for freeDifficult language to understand and learn
It is not necessary to know Danish - almost all Danes speak English well, so there should be no problems with communicationA radically different mentality for a Russian person
Friendly and friendly peopleThe Danes are conservative and closed, it is difficult for immigrants to make friends here
High social guaranteesVery high prices
Low crime rateConstantly cloudy and rainy weather
Free higher educationIt will take a lot of time to get a diploma from a local university
Here in high esteem healthy image lifeGetting a job in your specialty with a Russian diploma is almost impossible
Migrant-friendly legislationThe attitude towards those living on benefits is extremely negative
Economic stability: no sharp price increases, economic collapse, or political crisesThe local way of life may seem overly boring to a resident of a Russian metropolis
Calm and measured flow of life

Denmark is a prosperous state with a stable economy and high level life, so it is not surprising that it is very attractive for citizens of the former USSR as a country for immigration. However, your well-being in a new place depends on your desire to assimilate: are you ready to learn the language and accept the local way of life. The attitude towards immigrants here is loyal, but cool and wary - this is a consequence of the fact that Denmark is a mono-ethnic country and there are not as many migrants here as, for example, in the USA. The local mentality also plays a role - the Danes are conservative, reserved and closed, and not only this feature may seem unusual to a Russian with a broad soul. If you are thinking about immigrating to Denmark, good option will first visit this country as part of a tourist trip in order to make a first impression about it and evaluate your personal attitude towards the local way of life.

The Danes are proud of their country (and, frankly, with good reason) and quite sincerely believe that being a Dane is happiness. If you were not born in Denmark, but want to join this happy community, you can at least try to marry a Dane - and, therefore, to some extent, become a Dane. But first, let's see what it is like, this Danish happiness? How achievable is it?

Well, first of all, there are chances: Denmark leads Europe in the number of divorces, which means you can find an unmarried Danish man at almost any age. Secondly, in order for a Dane to marry a foreigner, he must have a permanent job and be wealthy, which is also a positive thing. I don’t want to talk about the negative ones, but they exist: these are the strict immigration laws of Denmark. In addition, Danish men are wary of all sorts of marriage scams, which are reported in the press and warned on the websites of embassies and consulates. The number of marriages with foreigners is decreasing year by year. Danish men are no longer rushing into the arms of Hymen, the number of civil marriages is constantly growing, and the vast majority choose their compatriots.

It would seem that the trend is obvious, but... it is impossible to forbid a woman to dream of a prince on a white horse, so let’s at least try to understand what he is like - the Danish prince?

The average Dane is peaceful, non-aggressive and able to communicate kindly. It's easy to find mutual language, it will be the language of Byron and Thackeray, which more or less all Danes speak. By the way, if your relationship develops into a serious one, you can learn Danish in Denmark for free, there are state courses, just teach.

A distinctive feature of the Danish mentality is respect for other people, the Danes will not speak harshly about what they don’t like, they may limit themselves to raising their eyebrows in surprise, so be careful not to wonder later where your fan suddenly disappeared, because just a week ago everything was so great!

Danish men are generally quite reserved and will not shower you with bouquets of roses and boxes of chocolates. They do not like to kiss when meeting and would rather do with a handshake. They are in no hurry to develop relationships, and will be very surprised to hear a quick confession from you. Therefore, if you love strong emotions and, when they are not there, you immediately begin to get bored, irritated and believe that your “boyfriend” is neither fish nor fowl, you are better off looking for a prince elsewhere.

The Danes take care of their health, but do not bother too much with their appearance and accept themselves as they are - your chosen one is unlikely to lose weight and build muscles to please you. To be fair, it should be noted that there are few fat Danes, the habit of playing sports and best friend Danes - bicycles make a beneficial contribution to the health of the nation. Danish men love all sports that are associated with the sea, probably the genes of their ancestors - sailors and travelers - make themselves felt. Swimming, rowing, sailing are held in high esteem; it was not for nothing that the Danes managed to win gold in classical rowing at the last Olympics in London. Having your own boat is every Dane's dream.

Danes are modest and will never brag about their achievements or material wealth. You should be able to guess for yourself how wealthy your Danish friend is, for example, by seeing an expensive designer coffee pot on his kitchen table.

The average Danish family can afford to buy a car for each member, but don't expect a Bentley or Lamborghini as a gift. Practicality, economy and reluctance to stand out - this is what your spouse will be guided by when choosing a car for you.

The majority of Danes live in own homes. Love for your home, the desire to make it warm and cozy is an integral part of Danish life. Danish men will always appreciate your handmade product, which will decorate the house and add charm to family evenings by candlelight. The Danes generally love to light candles; in their dim light, even the simplest and most austere home becomes attractive and soulful.

Nothing brightens life more and gives a feeling of warmth and security than a pleasant feast with family and friends. Friendly jokes, laughter, toasts to the owners, delicious food accompanied by Danish beer - this is a symbol of Danish happiness. The Danes have strong family connections, brothers and sisters often share lifelong friendships. Many serious issues are resolved collectively, by the whole family. Therefore, be prepared to communicate not only with your chosen one, but also with all his relatives, as well as children from previous marriages.

In Denmark there is no division of responsibilities into strictly male and female. The heirs of the Vikings enjoy doing housework and are not deprived culinary skills, but there is a high probability that you will have to work, as 80% of Danish women do. Life in Denmark is expensive, and supporting a family usually requires both parents to work. Danish children enjoy visiting children's institutions, where they learn the healthy collectivism characteristic of the inhabitants of this country.

Old people in Denmark are quite wealthy and independent people, so your mother-in-law is unlikely to share the wisdom of life with you and teach you how to cook fledegred, but she won’t stay with her grandchildren either.

And finally, it should be noted that great importance is attached to the social security of women with children in Denmark; children receive very decent benefits until they reach the age of 16. So if, God forbid, you have to divorce your Danish husband, there is no need to despair.

Danish Scandinavian men incredibly intelligent and gallant - respect and admiration for women is instilled in them from childhood. No, Scandinavian Danish man, when you get out of the car, they most likely won’t give you a hand and won’t let you through the door - equality is equality, European feminists have done their best here. But you don’t need to glue it on right away Danes label of ungallant Scandinavian men. Some Scandinavian men great masters of giving compliments and showing gallantry in small things, but in serious things there is no need to expect actions from them.

But in Everyday life Dane will surround you with care and even guardianship, especially if you are younger than him. In the morning you will wake up to the sounds of washing dishes, they will bring you coffee in bed, prepare breakfast, and allow you to relax in bed. And they will turn on the news channel at your request, even if the remote control is closer to you. Well, what about Danish man shook hands with you when getting out of the car, you can simply... ask, explaining unobtrusively that it would be nice for you . Believe me, before you is a knight without fear or reproach, you don’t need to remind him of this, his main goal is to please you! So if you go out, you won’t regret it. A Dane can only love children more than his wife - as a rule, Danes just extremely caring and gentle fathers.

Equal responsibilities. As a rule, in Danish family There is no division between women's and non-women's work. Scandinavian, and in particular Danish man will be happy to cook dinner, and not scrambled eggs and pasta, but lasagna with some kind of delicious salad, will uncork a bottle of Italian wine, create the necessary atmosphere at home or take you to dinner at a restaurant, he knows a lot about it! By the way, this also applies to household chores. Cleaning the apartment, washing dishes, shopping for groceries - all this for Danish man usual things. Which they talk about with pride and irony.

In Scandinavia you can often meet a tall handsome man - Dane with muscles and tattoos, pushing a stroller or waiting for a child playing peacefully on the playground. What another man would call a woman's business has long become a habit for Northern Europeans. And therefore, in Scandinavian families, the upbringing of offspring occurs harmoniously and fully, because they accept the most Active participation both dad and mom.

Fantasy and initiative. There is a myth thatScandinavian menboring. It is not true! They are reasonable and calm. But at the same time, they are incredible dreamers and inventors, they love to surprise and please their partner pleasant surprises. Yes, like any other man, the Dane does not like scandals. But, unlike ours, Scandinavian menwillingly discuss family problems , they even start such conversations themselves, so as not to aggravate the problem, not to let the conflict take its course - maybe it will resolve itself. They understand perfectly well that they themselves may suffer later...

Surprisingly, the descendants of the Vikings - Danish men quite…timid, and may not immediately take the initiative in relationships. But you can allow yourself to be the first to talk about the desire to live together or confess your love to him if you feel that he will reciprocate. If you are also timid, you can tell the man about it directly. Then, knowing about this trait of your character, he, again, out of a desire to please you, will take on the role of “first violin”. All men, regardless of nationality, do not understand hints! This is how their brain works, because they are logic, and we are emotions. Therefore, some things can and should be said directly. Including about your feelings and desires. This way you can avoid many misunderstandings in your life together.

Finance. Scandinavian men They are generous, but they know how to count money and see the gold digger from afar. Be honest! The first rule: do not look into your wallet and find out about its income. Over time, as you get closer, Dane he will share this information with you. The very fact that you met and met indicates that the man earns normally for his country. Since he apparently came to meet you with further intentions of marriage or a serious relationship, he takes into account that you will not be given a fiancee visa if he does not have a certain monthly income. Believe me, he has already calculated everything several steps ahead. This is unusual for our ladies, but only at the beginning. Then you yourself will understand that it is this approach that leads to healthy relationships and the implementation of plans, for which you will later tell your loved one man from Denmark Thanks a lot.

Children. With pleasure! Danish the population is aging, like all of Scandinavia, and offspring, healthy and beautiful, is the dream of every man and every family. For a Dane, the birth of a child is a big event. And the new father Dane takes almost complete care of him. Of course, we are not talking about breastfeeding. But changing diapers, feeding with a spoon, going out for a walk with a stroller is not a burden, but a real Viking privilege, which they bring to life with pride. By the way Danish children and surprisingly quiet. They never scream or cry.

The most favorable in the kingdom ecological situation from all European countries, so most women planning to get married in Denmark dream of having a baby here. Transparent mirrors of the purest lakes, dense beech forests, sandy coasts surround small Danish towns, creating a feeling of unity with nature. Even the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen, does not look like a typical smoky metropolis - rather a cozy place for a measured family life.

If a woman has her own child, there is no need to be afraid. It would never even occur to a Dane to divide children into his own and those of others - he will love him just like his own children.

Approach to life and travel. Attitude to what is happening Scandinavians very light, but not devoid of philosophical depth, which is especially pleasing to the Russian soul. At a glance Dane, life should be an orderly process, everyone should finish school, go to college, study, work, build adult life, create a family. The system teaches them such a responsible approach to life. Residents of Denmark both rent housing and buy their own - usually on credit. Interest rates- about 2% today, some are talking about the possibility of the rate falling to one percent. After the recession Danes they began to take out fewer loans, and therefore banks are glad to see every client. Besides, government system economics and finance exists for the sake of people, and not just for the sake of profit.

Traveling Scandinavians a lot and willingly. Fortunately, they have four holidays a year: Easter week (varies), autumn vacation(mid-October), summer annual leave(three weeks of any summer month) and, of course, the Christmas holidays (about two weeks).

Language. Danish, Norwegian and Swedish are similar to Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian. Representatives of all three nations understand each other perfectly. If you know English or German, then Danish you will be able to learn much faster, because the structure and logic of the language is quite clear. But in cities there are numerous language classes, plus the language environment is the best “breeding ground” for linguistic knowledge. You can already learn the first word: elskede (elskede) - favorite!

National character and traditions.
Main national trait Danes- balance and calmness. Danes, men of Denmark They are incredibly well organized internally and have incredible abilities to communicate and understand people.

Punctuality, but not to the point of fanaticism. Danes- beer lovers and tasty food. The local cuisine includes the familiar herring, pickled vegetables and delicious dairy desserts, open sandwiches, smoked and dried fish, pea soup with smoked meats (yes, yes! this is not our invention!). Scandinavian cuisine very varied, but... they don’t have borscht! Share your traditions, surprise with yours national dishes- believe me, it will be appreciated. After all, in the end, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. And our wonderful cuisine, like no other, greatly contributes to making this journey as short as possible.

Danish husband- this is a real gift of fate, which is why dating in Denmark for marriage is so popular among our ladies. If you decide to marriage in Denmark, and at the same time chose a resident of this country as your husband, it is unlikely that you will ever have to regret it. It is in Denmark that dreams come true happy life in a cozy family nest with a loved and reliable person.

Dear girls! If you want to marry a Danish man, we invite you to use the services to use everything and meet a successful and serious man from Denmark!

Hello, my name is Lyudmila Saunina. And this is the channel Denmark with Liudmila Saunina.

Let's talk about Danish women today.

The first thing I want to say is that Danish women are usually tall, they are usually fair-haired, blue-eyed, gray-eyed. I have practically never met brown-eyed Danish women. Many of them have pronounced cheekbones. There are very few chubby people. Many of them are muscular; figures, perhaps, more masculine (whether I can say so - I don’t know). But find a Danish woman with thin waist and wide hips are problematic, and if you find it, be sure that there is some kind of mixture of blood, because Danish women are more dry and athletic; either very slim, or, on the contrary, have some body fat in the abdominal area. In any case, it will be difficult to find their waist.

As for leisure, Danish women love to dance and, in principle, love to spend time together. Two-thirds of Danish women, like Danish men, have tattoos and piercings on their bodies. This is very common in Denmark, literally some kind of, I don’t know, epidemic. It doesn’t matter what age you are: whether you are 10, 12, 14, 60 years old - it’s all the same. You'll see tattoos on 60-year-olds (maybe you won't see piercings, but tattoos, yes). A! Well, Danish women are like grilled chickens, because almost everyone goes to the solarium. But I understand why this is due: because in Denmark there is very little sunny days and, probably, there is a lack of vitamin D in the body. However, in any case, it is fashionable and it is very popular here.

What else... do you like from drinks? Well, I don’t know, you can’t say that Danish women drink only wine or only beer; but they also drink vodka and juice. The only thing is that it doesn’t happen the same way as with us, the drinks are diluted; no one drinks a 50 gram shot of vodka; Of course, this is all in cocktails: “Mojito”, “Sex on the Beach” - this is all very popular.

What else... ummm... they are not very politicized, for Danish women the topic of politicians, politics is not the number one topic, absolutely not. They may not be so... well, they are unfeminine, as a rule, they are unfeminine, they often have a prickly look, but they always have a smile on their face. I can’t say that Danish women are warm people, but I don’t feel any warmth. Everything is somehow behind some kind of mask, this is what catches your eye.

The family orientation differs from the Slavic orientation; the Danish woman does not devote herself entirely to the family, there is no cult of food, no cult of the child. Children are left to their own devices very early. In general, at the age of 17, as a rule, children no longer live with their parents, they go to boarding schools, and then colleges, universities, and hostels begin. In general, from around the age of 17, children are left to their own devices. It is not customary to help children with money. Neither children at a more mature age help their parents, nor do parents help children over 17 years old. The children live on a stipend, which is enough for reasonable expenses. Among other things, probably from the age of 14, all children in Denmark work part-time, and this is the norm here. I consider this a huge plus, since children are taught to work and to know the value of money and to be able to manage it rationally. In this regard, almost all Danes (99%) try to work.

In general, as for Danish women, it is considered bad form among them; it is not customary not to work, so all Danish women work; They are on maternity leave for literally 2-4 months, a very small percentage of them are on maternity leave for up to a year. As a rule, from 4 to 6 months of age, children are sent to nurseries. The nursery here is open from 8 a.m. to 2-3 p.m. And thus, whoever has a job, has jobs, and after maternity leave Danish women go to work. This is the absolute norm, because, in general, dad helps, and helps quite, I must say, significantly; men are very family-oriented.

Another point is that in Denmark, in order to live well, it is necessary for two people in the family to work. Don't be fooled by high salaries. Believe me, salaries, yes, are high, one of the highest in Europe; but the costs are also very high, the prices here are huge, that is, this is a very expensive country and this is no secret. There is a lot of information on the Internet about how expensive food is here; food is about 2.5 times more expensive than in Germany. And the hotels are very expensive. Yes, I don’t know, in principle, there is nothing cheap here. You got a lot, but you also spend a lot.

God didn’t think for very long about the appearance of Danish women (he was more interested in Italians, Spanish women and Irina Shayk). He created half of them simply by cloning Rooney Mara, and for the second half he used the genes of Tilda Swindon.

With Danish men, the Creator completely profiled in best examples top manager of a Russian company before an audit. After lounging all the time in the jacuzzi of the world's oceans, drinking ambrosia cocktails, a minute before the project was due, he drew the image of a tall, blond, broad-shouldered bearded man with blue eyes and threw it onto the conveyor belt.
So, at least, one can judge by all the samples of the Danish football team at all world tournaments. Especially the one that in 1992, having also skipped all the training on the beaches, suddenly foolishly won the European Championship. Everyone remembers the dark, dyed back of his head and his native blond bangs, eleven curly hairs in a row. Well, the Laudrups, yes. These were the exception, these were the angels whom the Creator gave to Denmark, apologizing for past mistakes.

Of course, I would like to think so, but we all understand that in spite of current globalization and total incest, this is all a terrible stereotype. Sometimes you can’t tell a Dane from a Spaniard, and some who look quite French are actually Chechens and Mordovians at the same time and have an apartment in Grozny and Saransk.

7. Well, I collected so many of these stereotypes during my trip to Denmark, no less than shrimp for fish market Copenhagen.

Stereotype one. The closer we get to the northern lights, to Thor’s menacing hammer and Odin’s lightning, the more often fans of the vocal-instrumental ensemble Hammerfall and other musicians in the genre of all shades of Heavy Metal are found on the streets. Literally every eleventh Laudrup wears torn black T-shirts, biker jackets, tight-fitting leather pants and lace-up boots. True, there is one less stereotype: Scandinavian metalheads prefer beards to traditional long shoulder-length patches