Write-off of a mortgage loan upon the birth of a third child. Birth of a third child in a family with an existing mortgage

Until 2018, there were many mortgage offers in Russia for large families from different banks, including Sberbank. On average, mortgage interest rates for a young family were 7.5-10.5%. At the moment, there is a new program proposed by the state - a mortgage for the 2nd and 3rd child at 6% in 2018. Conditions for families in which a second and third child is born are now more favorable.

This program is aimed at stimulating the birth rate and helping families solve housing problems.

Terms of mortgage lending for a second and third child in 2018

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, decree No. 1711 was signed on December 30, 2017 to launch a program of assistance in mortgage lending to families where a second or third child is born in 2018.

According to the terms of this program, families that meet the requirements will be able to obtain a mortgage for their primary home, as well as refinance on terms 6% per annum. That is, if a bank offers a mortgage at 10%, the state will pay 4%.

Details on the conditions of receipt

Under the terms of this state program, the following families will be able to receive mortgage support at 6% or refinancing at 6% of their existing one (received before 2018 and after):

  • in which the 2nd and 3rd child is born after January 1, 2018. Accordingly, families in which 2 or 3 children were born previously January 1, 2018 under the program don't hit;
  • having a mortgage, at the birth of 2 and 3 children after January 1, 2018, will be able to refinance at 6% (the rest of the interest payments will be covered by the state);
  • parents of any age (not to be confused with the “Young Family” program, where parents under the age of 35 can become participants);
  • those who already have a mortgage and make payments on it in accordance with the established procedure.
  • provided that life and health insurance is taken out.

Amount and duration of subsidies

The maximum amount of preferential mortgage lending at 6% - up to 8 million for Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions and 3 million for other cities of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the down payment on the mortgage must be at least 20% of the total cost of the purchased home.

The subsidy period is 3 years for the second And 5 years for third child. At the same time, if state support (6%) has already been received for the 2nd child for 3 years, and subsequently the 3rd is born, then the subsidy can be extended for another 2 years (total period 5 years).

According to the terms of subsidies for the 2nd and 3rd children, preferential lending (and refinancing of existing ones) is limited 3 and 5 years old. Subsequent payments will be calculated according to general bank lending conditions. It is possible that the program will be extended in the future.

In 2018, Sberbank, in addition to the existing mortgage program for large families, can provide loans for the construction and purchase of housing on the primary market (new buildings).

This program does not apply when purchasing housing on the secondary market.

How to get a mortgage from Sberbank at 6%

The conditions for providing a mortgage are the same as for the regular program:

  • documents are submitted (as for a regular mortgage);
  • documents confirming the birth of the second (third) child;
  • The bank reduces the interest rate to 6%.

Mortgage refinancing

If a mortgage was obtained earlier, at a standard interest rate for young families, and a second (third) child is born, then you can submit birth certificates to Sberbank. The bank will refinance the existing mortgage at 6% per year.

Young Family Program

An advantage when obtaining a mortgage from Sberbank for borrowers with many children can be the bank’s “Young Family” program. Parents under 35 years of age have the right to use it. At the same time, the state can pay off up to 30% of the cost of housing. About this - in the article. According to this program, you can take long credit holidays (up to 3 years), which consist of paying only interest, that is, the principal debt does not have to be repaid. It is also possible to slightly extend the loan term.

All conditions for preferential lending for the 2nd and 3rd child

All conditions and details for preferential loans for the second and third child are in the PDF resolution.

Consultation on individual issues and clarification of conditions

If you have individual questions about the provision of subsidies, you need to contact the local authorities (administration) in person or by calling the hotline.

You can also consult the bank’s hotline regarding loan terms.

Mortgage calculator

On the domofond website page there is an online calculator for calculating a mortgage according to specified parameters.

Social projects and mortgage lending programs are aimed at supporting socially vulnerable segments of the population, including families with children. Let's look in detail at what the country's largest bank offers at the birth of a child, and whether the Sberbank mortgage is written off in this case.

Writing off a mortgage at Sberbank or repaying the loan debt partially/entirely is possible only in the following cases:

  1. If the borrower is a participant in the mortgage program for young families. Benefits are provided only to Russian families in which one of the spouses is under 35 years of age at the time of registration. Also, a mandatory restriction is queuing with local authorities to improve housing conditions. In this case, upon the birth of a child/children, such a family will receive compensation equivalent to the regional cost of 18 sq.m., which can be used to repay the principal debt on the mortgage.

If a second child is born, the amount of compensation will be the cost of 36 sq.m. At the birth of the third child, the mortgage loan is written off completely.

Compensation is provided in the form of a targeted housing certificate, which can only be used to pay off debt to the bank. It cannot be used for any other purpose.

IMPORTANT! The cost of square meters depends on the region in which the young family is registered and lives, and can vary significantly among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

  1. If the borrower has taken out a social mortgage. Social mortgages in a number of regions provide for the allocation of subsidies from the budget to families upon the birth of children, which can be used to pay off the debt on a housing loan. In most cases, the benefit is provided at the birth of the third and subsequent child by compensating the first payment or repaying part of the debt in an amount not exceeding 20-40% of the cost of the purchased housing (conditions differ by region).
  1. If the borrower is the owner of the governor's (regional) capital. This measure of state support is provided to families in which a third/subsequent child was born after the start of the maternity capital program. In most cases, the regions themselves determine the purposes for which the governor’s capital can be directed. Paying off your mortgage is definitely one of the options for spending money.

The financial assistance allocated by the regions is usually significantly less than the federal maternity capital (on average, 100 thousand rubles).

NOTE! Reducing the loan, reducing and writing off the mortgage according to the options indicated above does not occur automatically. In all situations, the borrower will need to contact the authorized government authorities with a corresponding application and provide documentary evidence of the birth of children in the family.

Additional benefits from the state

In the Russian Federation, families with children have the right to take advantage of additional state benefits in resolving the housing issue. Let's look at them in more detail.

Maternal capital

Families with two or more children can reduce their Sberbank mortgage by transferring maternity capital funds to their loan account. According to current legislation, state assistance can be used to repay the principal debt or accrued interest.

For many, the amount of 453 thousand rubles can be a feasible help in reducing their credit burden.

Any questions regarding the use of this measure of state support are resolved upon receipt of consent from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. In order to repay the mortgage debt, the client must receive a certificate from Sberbank about the balance of the debt indicating the details for transferring money and write a statement to the Pension Fund about the expenditure of funds under the certificate.

After reviewing the application within one month, the borrower will be informed of the final decision. If the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation satisfies the applicant’s requirements, the money will be transferred to the bank also one month after the notification.

Family mortgage at 6%

From the beginning of 2018, families in which a second and/or third child will be born before the end of February 2023 can apply, part of which is subsidized from the state budget.

The conditions for obtaining such a loan are to receive a loan portion from Sberbank in the amount of 300 thousand to 8 million rubles in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions and up to 3 million rubles in the regions. The loan term will be from 1 to 30 years, and the rate is 6% for the duration of the grace period (from 3 to 8 years maximum).

Upon expiration of the specified grace period, the rate calculated as the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation + 2 percentage points will be applied.

Additional benefits from Sberbank

Sberbank provides its clients with the opportunity to take advantage of additional benefits and programs that can help reduce the final cost of a mortgage loan. Let's take a closer look at them.

“Young Family” program from Sberbank for finished housing

This Sberbank product involves the provision of, namely, reduced interest rates. As part of this promotion, the borrower can purchase ready-made real estate worth over 300 thousand rubles for a period of up to 30 years with an interest rate of 9.2 to 9.3% as part of the “Showcase” promotion (purchase of an object from the Sberbank database) and from 9.5 up to 9.6% without using such a promotion.

Young families typically include families in which one of the spouses is under 35 years of age and is on a waiting list for normalization of living conditions.

Mortgage restructuring during maternity leave

The period of maternity leave is associated with additional material expenses for any family. Therefore, Sberbank accepts applications from existing borrowers to restructure current mortgage debt.

This program, in agreement with the lender, may include:

  • provision of credit holidays or deferment of Sberbank mortgages upon the birth of a child;
  • increasing the loan term with reducing the monthly payment amount.

In most cases, this means paying only interest for the period allowed by the bank. After this period, the client enters the normal schedule and continues repayment as usual.

How to get government help to pay off part of the mortgage upon the birth of a child

Certain categories of Sberbank mortgage borrowers who find themselves in a difficult financial situation have the right to receive. These categories of citizens include, among other things, parents of minor children.

The assistance does not completely relieve the borrower from his obligations to Sberbank, but it allows him to reduce the current amount of mortgage debt by 30% of the total balance. The limit is limited to 1.5 million rubles.

The decision on the possibility of providing such assistance is made by an authorized interdepartmental commission. Applicants may be families in which the average monthly income is less than twice the regional subsistence level or the monthly mortgage payment has increased by more than 30% since its registration.

Welcome! So, a 6 percent mortgage in Russia is becoming a reality. 11/25/2017 Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, at a meeting of the coordinating council for the development of a national strategy for state action in the interests of children, said that starting from 2018, in addition to other options for helping families with children, a special mortgage program “Mortgage 6%” will be developed. It will allow families with two, three or more children to receive a loan at a preferential rate not exceeding 6% per annum. Let's find out the terms of this program, the requirements for the borrower and how to apply for such a housing loan, and most importantly - where?

Earlier, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev spoke about the possibility of reducing the mortgage rate to 6-7%. At a meeting with the governor of the Samara region in May 2017, he said that the Russian economy was ready for such a rate.

Let's really evaluate the reasons that led to the creation of preferential mortgages with subsidized mortgage rates from the state:

  • Low inflation. At the end of 2017, inflation in Russia should not exceed 3%, which will allow the Central Bank to continue to reduce the key rate, and therefore reduce the cost of money for banks. As a result, the next point.
  • In 2017, mortgage rates reached their lowest levels. According to the Central Bank, it is 10.05% percent, which is an absolute record and by the end of the year the rate may break 10%.
  • Economic stabilization. Oil prices remain around 60 rubles per barrel, which is a comfortable price for Russia. External attacks from the West on the economy were also repulsed. There was a respite before another storm before and after the 2018 presidential elections.
  • Mortgages have become one of the most reliable sources of profit for banks. In 2017, it should exceed the level of 2 billion rubles. Banks are actively entering this market because... The mortgage product is one of the lowest risk. The share of mortgage arrears does not exceed 1-3%.
  • Stagnation in the construction industry. The end of state-supported mortgages in 2017 became a serious problem for developers. During the period of this program, the share of mortgages for new buildings reached 70-80% in bank portfolios. At the moment, the situation has changed dramatically. Interest rates on secondary housing have become equal to or even lower than rates on new buildings. This influenced the fact that the share of the secondary market in mortgage transactions reached 70% percent. The growth that the mortgage market showed did not cover the developers' need for cheap money. People went to apply for loans for ready-made options on the secondary market. The result is a decrease in the commissioning of new square meters, suspension of current projects, postponed new projects and bankruptcies of developers. If we add to this Putin’s order to move away from the practice of shared construction in the direction of project financing of construction projects within 3 years, then a serious crisis in the construction industry was looming ahead.

All these prerequisites prompted the government to launch mortgages at 6 percent. Let's find out the conditions.

Government Decree

Changes for 2019

Today (01/15/2019) during the Gaidar Forum in Moscow, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova announced that changes will be made to the preferential mortgage program for families. In particular, it is assumed that:

  • the grace period of the 6% rate will be extended for the entire term of the mortgage, and not for 3 and 5 years, as was previously provided;
  • it is possible to provide a subsidy to mortgage borrowers in the amount of the Central Bank rate + 4%;
  • part of the borrower's debt to the bank will be written off (the bank will be reimbursed for losses in the amount of 10% of the debt amount, but not more than 450,000 rubles).

Now we are waiting for an official document from the government to describe all the innovations in more detail. Subscribe to updates.

The above resolution includes the following important changes:

  • now families with a fourth and subsequent children can participate in a family mortgage and refinance an old mortgage at 6% (previously, families with a 4th and subsequent children could not qualify for a 6% mortgage rate);
  • the period of participation in the program is extended until March 1, 2023 for families whose second and subsequent child is born between 07/01/2022 and 12/31/2022;
  • a concept is introduced as an “additional refinancing agreement”, which allows the bank to reduce the rate on an existing mortgage to 6% (regardless of the date of issue, but strictly from the legal entity), without drawing up a new agreement (now the rate reduction has become possible in that bank as well , who issued a mortgage without the need to prepare a new package of documents for work, which is especially true in the case when the wife is on maternity leave and has no income);
  • the subsidy period increases to 8 years if two or more children are born between January 2018 and December 31, 2022.


Preferential mortgages assume that the state subsidizes the interest rate for banks up to 6%. The mechanism will be approximately the same as with state mortgages in 2015-2017. The state will determine the circle of banks that will participate in the program. All of them must submit a special package of documents to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and an application for participation in the program within 30 days from the date of publication of the decree. Banks and AHML will receive monthly compensation for lost income. If your mortgage was sold to AHML or another bank, then you shouldn’t worry either. You will be able to participate in the rate subsidy program.

The program is valid from January 1, 2018 to March 1, 2023. 600 billion rubles have been allocated for the implementation of the program.

Next, they will sell mortgage products at a rate of 6 percent per annum or even less, and the Ministry of Finance will compensate the banks for lost income. This income will be the difference between the market rate (currently about 10%) and 6%. The operator of the entire mechanism is AHML. After the end of the subsidy period, the rate will be set at the Central Bank refinancing rate on the date of registration of the mortgage + 2%. It may be less according to the bank's decision.

For ordinary borrowers this will not be noticeable in any way. The mortgage agreement will indicate a fixed rate. But there is a very important nuance that distinguishes a subsidized mortgage from a mortgage with state support - this is the subsidy period.

  • For a family with 2 children (the second child must be born after January 1, 2018 and before December 31, 2022) - the subsidy period will be 3 years;
  • For a family with 3 or more children, the reduced rate will be valid for 5 years.

Important point. A mortgage loan at 6% will be issued only for a new building, as well as for refinancing an existing mortgage loan issued for similar purposes. This program does not apply to the secondary market. Also, this object must be purchased only from a legal entity. It is not possible to take out a mortgage at 6% by transferring it from an individual. Another very important point! Previously, according to government decree, families with 4 or subsequent children were not able to get a family mortgage at 6 percent. After a direct line with the president on June 7, 2018, this issue was raised. The state additionally allocated another 9 billion rubles and eliminated this problem.

Who can get a mortgage

Let's define the circle of borrowers:

  1. A family in which a second child is born after 2018;
  2. A family in which a third and subsequent child is born after 2018.

It is worth understanding that a preferential mortgage at 6% is aimed at further increasing the birth rate, so only those families who are planning to have a baby in 2018 and later can apply for a subsidy. If a third child is born during the period of validity of the subsidy received for the second child, the subsidy period is extended for another 5 years after the end of the first subsidy. If two children are born after January 2018 and before the end of 2012, the preferential mortgage period will be 8 years.

According to the forecast of the Ministry of Finance, more than 500 thousand families will be able to take advantage of this mortgage.

Only citizens of the Russian Federation can take advantage of the subsidy.

Loan requirements

In order for the loan to be subsidized, the bank must issue a mortgage with the following parameters:

  1. The loan must be concluded in rubles no earlier than 01/01/2018 (for a new loan).
  2. The size of the mortgage loan does not exceed 3 million rubles. for regions of the Russian Federation and does not exceed 8 million rubles. for Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region.
  3. Down payment from 20% of the cost of housing.
  4. The rate is 6% for the subsidy period. It should not exceed by more than 2% the Central Bank rate on the date the mortgage was issued, after the end of the subsidy period.
  5. Mandatory life insurance of the borrower and the facility after completion of its construction.
  6. Annuity payment.

In essence, this is the return of the previous ““ program, but with a new sauce - a preferential rate of 6%.

Banks participants

As mentioned above, in order for a bank to become a participant in the program, it must submit a special application for participation. If it is approved, the bank will have the right to receive compensation from the state and issue preferential mortgages at 6 percent.

The very first bank that has already started accepting applications was VTB 24 Bank and VTB Bank of Moscow. At the moment, employees are not very familiar with the conditions, but they need to be patient. You can now contact the bank. Sberbank has not yet made a decision on participation and is eyeing the president’s initiative. Employees received notifications that the entire implementation mechanism is now being worked out and the program will work in Sberbank from the second half of February.

Which marked the start of the family mortgage program. You can download the order from the link. The final list of participants included 46 banks + AHML. The allocated funds in the amount of 600 billion rubles were distributed among them in unequal proportions. The largest shares were received by Sberbank, VTB and, unexpectedly, Absalut Bank. See the table in the order or below.

Family mortgage with state support of 6% participating banks at the moment:

BankLending for a new buildingOn-lendingLimit, million rubles
AHML Dom.RFYesYes320
Russian capitalYesYes22 840
VTB Bank of MoscowYesNo106 726
AbsalutbankYesNo46 586
MetallinvestbankYesYes3 202
SberbankYesNo171 205
GazprombankYesYes22 006
RosselkhozYesYes20 145
PromsvyazbankYesNo14 835
OpeningYesNo14 578
ICDYesNo13 261
RaiffeisenYesYes12 807
RenaissanceYesYes12 135
Bank RussiaYesNo9 285
SovcombankYesNo8 538
DeltaCreditYesYes8 062
TranscapitalbankYesYes7 628
AK BarsYesYes6 980
Investment Trade BankYesYes5 136
ZapsibcombankYesNo4 937
UralsibYesNo4 717
Center-investYesYes4 669
UniCredit BankYesNo4 269
Koshelev BankYesNo3 202
SnezhinskyYesNo3 202
Kuban CreditYesNo3 202
Prio VneshtorgbankYesNo3 202
RNKBYesNo3 202
SMPYesNo3 202
Active BankYesNo3 202
TatsotsbankYesNo3 202
RosevrobankYesNo3 148
Bank "Rus'YesNo3 148
ZenithYesNo3 148
ObverseYesNo3 148
Kursk Industrial BankYesNo3 148
Bank "Saint-PetersburgYesNo3 148
Orenburg Industrial Development BankYesNo3 095
Far Eastern BankYesNo3 095
SurgutneftegazbankYesNo3 095
Ural Financial HouseYesNo3 095
SevergazbankYesNo3 095
BainbankYesNo3 095
Credit Bank of MoscowYesYes3 095
EnergobankYesNo2 988
Bank KuznetskyYesNo2 988
All-Russian Regional Development BankYesNo2 988

AHML and agency partners have already launched their “Family Mortgage with State Support” program and are considering not only borrowers for new loans, but also refinancing of existing mortgages.

How to apply

How to get a mortgage at 6% is already possible. The principle will be as follows:

  1. A standard package of documents is being prepared, which is supplemented by birth certificates of children;
  2. A mortgage is issued at a preferential rate of 6%;
  3. The state compensates the bank for lost income.

Refinancing an existing mortgage at 6% will be as follows:

  • the borrower applies to the bank with an application to conclude an additional agreement to refinance the mortgage at 6% and birth certificates of children;
  • the bank is preparing an additional agreement;
  • the borrower signs an additional agreement and the bank reduces the rate;
  • the state compensates the bank for lost income.

Where to apply

All major players in the mortgage market will definitely participate in the subsidy program. As an example, it’s worth comparing the current leaderboard. Below are the conditions for a mortgage in a new building in the TOP 30 banks in the country.

BankBid, %PV, %Experience, yearsAge, yearsNote
Sberbank9,1 15 6 21-75 0.4% discount on mortgages over 3.8 million rubles. The rate on subsidized mortgages is from 6.7 to 7.7%. 0.1% surcharge for refusing electronic registration; + 0.3% if the client is not a salary worker, + 1% if he refuses insurance
VTB 24 and Bank of Moscow9,1 15 3 21-65 8.9% if the apartment is more than 65 sq.m., salary employees PV 10%,
Raiffeisenbank9,99 15 3 21-65 10% PV for salary earners, discount 0.59-0.49 for certain developers
Gazprombank9,5 20 6 21-65 10% PV for gas workers, 15% PV for large partners
Deltacredit12 15 2 20-65 FB 20% PV, 1.5% discount if 4% commission,
Rosselkhozbank9,45 20 6 21-65 maternity capital without PV the rate does not change, a discount of 0.25 if over 3 million, another discount of 0.25 if through partners
Absalut Bank10,9 15 3 21-65 FB +0.5%
Bank "Revival10,9 15 6 18-65
Bank "Saint-Petersburg12 15 4 18-70 0.5% discount for salary earners and with a closed mortgage from a bank, -1% after commissioning of the house
Promsvyazbank10,9 15 4 21-65 10% PV for key partners
Russian capital11,75 15 3 21-65 0.5% discount for clients through bank partners, 0.5% discount for PV from 50%
Uralsib10,4 10 3 18-65 0.5% higher if the bank form is 20% PV, discount 0.41% with PV 30% and higher
AK Bars11 10 3 18-70 discount 0.3% if PV 20-30%, over 30% discount 0.6%
Transcapitalbank13,25 20 3 21-75 you can reduce the rate by 1.5% for a 4.5% commission; after commissioning the house, the rate is reduced by 1%
Bank Center-Invest10 10 6 18-65 from 5-10 years the rate is 12% then the Mosprime rate index (6M) as of October 1 of the previous year +3.75% per annum
FC Otkritie10 15 3 18-65 0.25 plus if FB, 0.25% discount for corporate clients, 0.3% reduction if you pay a commission of 2.5%, 10% PV if salary employee, 20% PV on FB
Svyaz-bank10,9 15 4 21-65
Zapsibcombank10,99 15 6 21-65 0.5% discount for salary earners
Zhilfinance11 20 6 21-65
Credit Bank of Moscow12 10 6 18-65
Globex bank11,8 20 4 18-65 0.3% discount for salary earners
Metallinvestbank12,75 10 4 18-65
Bank Zenit14,25 20 4 21-65
Rosevrobank11,25 20 4 23-65
Binbank10,75 20 6 21-65
SMP Bank11,9 15 6 21-65 0.2% discount for PV 40% or more, 0.5% discount for preferential category of clients, rate 10.9 - 11.4% for quick access to a deal
AHML10,75 20 6 21-65
Eurasian Bank11,75 15 1 21-65 4% commission - 1.5% discount works according to delta
Ugra11,5 20 6 21-65
Alfa Bank11,75 15 6 20-64 4% commission - 1.5% discount works according to delta

Family mortgage with state support in AHML

AHML and its partners have started accepting applications for refinancing and issuing new preferential mortgages. Let's look at the bank's requirements.


  • From three to thirty years;
  • From 500 thousand to 3-8 million according to the resolution;
  • Up to 80% of the appraised value of housing when refinancing;
  • Rate according to the resolution.

Requirement for the borrower:

  • Standard requirements for the birth of a second and third child during the program period;
  • Age 21-65 at the time of completion of loan payment;
  • Work experience of at least six months (IP worker - 2 years);
  • Up to four co-borrowers are allowed.

Object requirement:

  • The house must be accredited by AHML;
  • It is possible to already register from the beginning of the cycle;
  • Registration in accordance with Federal Law 214 is required.


  • Home insurance for a finished apartment;
  • Borrower's personal insurance.

Add. conditions for refinancing:

  • At least six payments have been made on the mortgage;
  • There is no current overdue or overdue for more than 30 days;
  • No previous restructuring.

Standard. Additionally, you must provide a birth certificate for your children.

Mortgage with state support for families with children at Sberbank

From February 7, 2017, a special mortgage with state support (family mortgage) will start in Sberbank. With this preferential mortgage, you can purchase housing on the primary and secondary market from a legal entity at a rate of only 6% per annum.

General terms and Conditions:

  • The rate is 6% (3 or 5 years depending on which child, second or subsequent). After the grace period ends, the rate will be 9.5%. If the Central Bank rate changes, then the rate on the date of issuance of the mortgage will be + 2 percentage points;
  • PV 20%;
  • You can buy a secondary or primary one, but only from a developer or contractor;
  • Amount from 3 to 8 million depending on the region of acquisition of the object within the framework of government decree;
  • Compulsory life and health insurance, as well as secondary property insurance.

Who can receive:

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation, where the 2nd and subsequent child was born after January 1, 2018.
  • Age 21-75;
  • Experience from 6 months;
  • Sufficient solvency.

For registration you need a standard package of documents for a mortgage + birth certificates of all children.

Important point! Sberbank currently does not refinance existing loans within the framework of government regulations. The entire mechanism is being developed. There is no exact launch date for refinancing yet. Follow the news on our website.

Other programs

State support also exists through other programs. Let's get to know them.


In addition to preferential mortgages, the program to support families with two or more children will continue in 2019. will operate approximately until 2022. Under this program, upon the birth of a second child, young families have the right to receive a subsidy from the state and use it for various purposes, including repaying an existing loan or paying the first installment on it.

After 2019, the Maternity Capital program will undergo a number of changes that will allow only families in special need to receive a certificate. Therefore, it is worth thinking about receiving 453,026 rubles from the state at the birth of your second child in 2019, and you will be able to use the certificate later.

Mortgage Assistance Program

It resumed in August 2018. The essence of the program is that the state writes off 20-30% of the principal debt, but not more than 1.5 million rubles, and can also convert a foreign currency loan into a ruble loan and reduce the rate to 11.5%.

This program, unfortunately, has a number of nuances that will not allow most mortgage borrowers to receive support from the state. We wrote more about this in the previous post. Be sure to check it out.

We hope that banks will begin to strictly fulfill their obligations under this program and the interdepartmental commission will be able to really help a large number of families.

For military personnel

It has become a clear and most reliable tool in solving the housing issue of military personnel. It will also continue in 2019. You can find the conditions for this program on our website.


A special program to support socially significant and less protected categories of citizens is being implemented in various regions of the Russian Federation. These programs allow you to receive a subsidy from the region at the interest rate or for the down payment on a mortgage.

A great example is this. Based on her example, mortgage programs are now being launched in other regions.

We are waiting for your questions in the comments. We would be grateful for rating the post and reposting it on social networks. Let's monitor the launch and implementation of the new program together. Bookmark this page in your browser so you don't miss news and updates on this program.

Our mortgage lawyer is always available to help you with mortgages and banks. Sign up for a free consultation in a special form.

On December 30, 2017, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution according to which families in which a second or third child is born after January 1, 2018 will have benefits when obtaining a mortgage loan. Novostroy-SPb found out how this program will work and what impact it will have on the St. Petersburg real estate market.

How the new mortgage program works

The interest rate subsidy program is a mortgage at 6% per annum. Its participants will be families in which a second or third child will be born between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2022, says Dmitry Falaleev, director of the Retail Business Directorate of RosEvroBank.

The grace period is valid for 3 years at the birth of a second child and 5 years at the birth of a third. However, there are certain nuances: for example, some families can use the subsidy until 2029. If the third baby is born during the benefit program, it can be extended for another 5 years - from the end of the first compensation period.

The state will compensate for the difference between the market and bank rates. When the grace period ends, the interest rate under the Loan Agreement will be set at the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation at the time of its signing + 2%.

The subsidy can only be used to purchase an apartment in a new building. It can also be used to restructure a previously taken out mortgage. The reduced rate is valid for three years from the date of birth of the child. If a loan is provided for refinancing, the size of the new loan should not exceed 80% of the value of the property.

The program includes compulsory insurance of purchased property, as well as personal insurance (against illness, risk of loss of life and disability).

You can pay the first installment, the amount of which is 20% of the total amount, using maternity capital.

Demand for preferential mortgages

The relevance of the preferential lending program is beyond doubt. Alexey Bushuev, sales director at Seven Suns Development, believes that it will be in demand and will increase the availability of new housing for many families. A mortgage at a rate of 6% per annum, which, although valid for a limited period of time, allows borrowers to save significant money. It is also worth considering that upon the birth of a second child, the family receives maternity capital, which can be used for early repayment of the loan. This, in turn, will also allow buyers to significantly reduce overpayments on loans and the burden on the family budget.

“Mortgages and various subsidy programs make real estate more affordable. In our country, a large number of people need to improve their living conditions, and this support mechanism can help them buy an apartment. As of the end of 2016, the share of buyers with children in our sales volume was about 60%. Of these, 52% have one child in the family, 37% have two children, 10% of families have three children and 1% have four.”

Press service of LSR Group

The content of the subsidized mortgage program is quite logical in the light of the policy of supporting families, but it will affect only a small number of borrowers, believes Svetlana Denisova, head of the sales department of BFA-Development CJSC. The limit is income per family member: it should not exceed 1.5 minimum wages for the region of residence. For example, in St. Petersburg for a family of 4 people this figure will be less than 50,000 rubles. These population groups are not mortgage borrowers due to their modest income. As a rule, the own income of young families with children turns out to be very small, so purchasing real estate is usually possible only if their parents help them. But thanks to the support of relatives, young spouses will still be able to take advantage of the state preferential program.

How it works in practice

At the end of December, Mikhail Men, head of the Ministry of Construction, announced that a program to subsidize mortgage interest rates for large families would help, on average, reduce the cost of purchasing an apartment by about 800,000 rubles.

Alexey Bushuev demonstrated with a specific example that savings can be even greater - about 976,000 rubles. This benefit is obtained when purchasing an apartment in the residential complex “Bright World “Ya-Romantic” for 5.1 million rubles on a 15-year mortgage - according to statistics, this is the most common loan term. The basis for the calculations was a Euro-3 apartment (with fine finishing) with an area of ​​over 60 square meters. m, with a large kitchen-living room and two spacious rooms.

“When calculating, we took into account the minimum down payment (20% of the cost of this property - 1.02 million rubles), the minimum validity period of the preferential rate (at the birth of a second child - 3 years) and the contribution of maternity capital for early repayment of the loan in order to reduce the term mortgages. Thus, at the time of registration of the mortgage, the monthly payment will be 34,430 rubles. And after the end of the subsidy period, the rate is 35,480 rubles (if the mortgage is repaid early with maternity capital in the first six months of the loan agreement). Obviously, if the down payment is greater than the minimum level - 20%, then the credit burden on the family budget will be even less,” comments Alexey Bushuev.

Are multi-room apartments popular among buyers?

The demand for multi-room apartments is driven by many factors, and preferential mortgage terms are just one of them. In general, interest in multi-room apartments will increase, comments Svetlana Denisova. Such demand will come to the market, but it will not exceed 5-7% of apartments. If you look at the statistics, you can see that the number of families with three or more children has increased in recent years. Improving their living conditions in most cases is a necessity for them. There are not many multi-room apartments on the real estate market; spacious housing located in interesting locations will definitely find its buyer . For example, at one time in the Academ Park residential complex there were four-room apartments with an area of ​​120 sq. m sold out very quickly.

« Family mortgages may somewhat fuel interest in multi-room apartments, but we do not expect a global increase in demand that could affect the apartment layout of new projects.”

Alexey Bushuev, Sales Director, Seven Suns Development

According to Yulia Ruzhitskaya, sales director at Glavstroy-SPb, the share of family buyers purchasing housing is about 35-40%. This number also includes large families with three or more children. The preferential mortgage program is unlikely to lead to a significant increase in demand for multi-room apartments, but will expand the possibilities of purchasing housing. People will be able to afford to purchase an apartment with increased footage or with more rooms.

There is hardly any need to fear a shortage of multi-room housing on the St. Petersburg real estate market. According to Glavstroy-SPb estimates, the share of three-room apartments within the city limits is about 20%. You can find such an offer in almost any area. The distribution of the volume of “three rubles” by class in the urban agglomeration is as follows:

  • economy segment - 15% of the total supply;
  • comfort class - 20%;
  • business class - 30%;
  • elite segment - 35%.

The average area of ​​the most popular apartments is about 65-100 sq. m. m. Apartments with four rooms or more occupy a small niche in the structure of supply in the market of new buildings in the Northern capital - about 2%. There is a large offer of family apartments in the “Northern Valley” projects in the Vyborg district and the Yuntolovo residential complex in the Primorsky district.

“Over the past three years, we have observed a trend towards a decrease in the area and number of rooms of apartments being sold, as the demand was generally for small premises. So the supply of larger apartments today is quite high.”

Roman Stroilov, sales director in the North-West region of Glorax Development

Controversial issues

The preferential program has caused a lot of controversy. There was even an opinion that “a 6% rate is madness for a low-income family and we will create a huge “bubble” that will begin to burst,” it was expressed by the chairman of the committee of the Association of Russian Banks, Vladimir Lopatin, in an interview with bfm.ru. Should we be afraid of such a development of events?

Dmitry Falaleev believes that this cannot be ruled out: “The statement, of course, is harsh, but true. What will those families who take out a soft loan and pay an amount that is comfortable for them do in three years, if a third child is not born, in order to extend the period for another five years? This is a controversial issue that needs to be finalized to protect those who take advantage of the mortgage program. We especially note that large families often pay the mortgage for the entire term, as they cannot afford early repayment.”

Svetlana Denisova has a different opinion on this issue: “I think that no bubble will arise due to the appearance of this product, because very low-income families without accumulated money will not be able to become borrowers, they will not go through bank underwriting and will not receive approval.”

The media also reported that there are doubts about the demand for preferential mortgages at 6% due to the loan limit of 8 million in St. Petersburg and 3 million in the region: supposedly prices for multi-room apartments are much higher than the specified thresholds. Experts unanimously disagree with this statement.

“We believe that the amount of 8 million rubles is enough for St. Petersburg. Young families with two children most often purchase economy-class housing,” comments Dmitry Falaleev.

“The opinion of experts that a 6% mortgage will not be in demand due to the loan limit of 8 million in St. Petersburg and 3 million in the region and high prices for multi-room apartments makes me smile. We must not forget that only low-income families are entitled to a preferential mortgage; they are unlikely to be disappointed by the loan size of 8 million rubles.”

Svetlana Denisova, head of the sales department of BFA-Development CJSC

According to BFA-Development CJSC, in 2017 the average mortgage loan amount in St. Petersburg was just over 2.6 million rubles. In Russia as a whole, this figure does not exceed 1.5 million rubles.

The amount offered under the program is sufficient to purchase a multi-room spacious apartment in a modern comfort-class new building, says Alexey Bushuev. Today, a client with a budget of 8 million rubles has access to three-room apartments with full finishing in prestigious areas of St. Petersburg. For example, in the residential complex “Svetly Mir “Life...”” near the “Zvezdnaya” metro station in the Moskovsky district, you can buy a three-room apartment with an area of ​​about 80 square meters. m for 6.2 million rubles. In the residential complex “Bright World “I am a Romantic...” on Vasilievsky Island, a three-room apartment measuring 82 square meters is available to the client for 6.7 million rubles. m. In the already commissioned quarter of the residential complex “Bright World “O’Yunost...” in the Nevsky district, you can purchase a three-room apartment with three-meter ceilings with a total area of ​​83 sq. m. m for 6.5 million rubles.

Publication date January 25, 2018

Russians apply for preferential mortgages without even reading the terms of the program. Having heard the word “preferential”, many decide that we are talking almost about installment plans for everyone. If they meet the conditions of the state and banks, then they will be very surprised to learn that compensation from the budget is calculated for only a few years, and not for the entire loan line.

CIAN talked with regional realtors and compiled a rating of the most common myths about preferential mortgages.

1. Preferential mortgages are available to young families

State support for obtaining a loan is not available to all young people and not only others. It applies to all families with two or more children. Moreover, the youngest child must be born no earlier than January 1, 2018. And parents must only be citizens of Russia.

2. The government does not limit the size of the loan (because it is rich)

The loan limit under the program is limited. In Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Moscow region and the Leningrad region, it can vary up to 8 million rubles. In other regions of Russia – up to 3 million rubles. That is, you can buy an apartment for 30 million rubles, but the down payment must be at least 27 or 22 million, depending on the region.

3. Down payment doesn't matter

The amount of the minimum contribution is specified exactly - from 20%. Thus, those who want to use maternity capital as a down payment can count on an apartment that costs no more than 2 million 200 thousand rubles.

4. 6% for the entire loan term

State compensation - the money that the government pays extra to banks for reducing interest on loans - is limited in time. At the birth of a second child, the six percent rate is valid for no more than three years; if a third child is born, it is valid for five years. In the case of a second and third birth, the family can receive eight years at a reduced rate.

5. The program subsidizes mortgages on the secondary housing market

Preferential mortgages are issued exclusively for new houses and apartments. Including if a shared construction agreement is drawn up. The secondary market is excluded in this scheme.

6. Refinancing is possible for any residential property

Refinancing a mortgage at a preferential 6% is only possible if the loan is issued for a new home and purchased from a company. It is useless to contact DOM.RF with an application to change the terms of the loan, even if the apartment was purchased in a new building, but its first owner was an individual and not a legal entity. If the apartment was purchased from a real estate agency, developer or other legal entity, then refinancing is possible.

7. The preferential program can only be used once

The government does not limit the number of mortgage contracts that can be issued to one family at a six percent rate. The main thing is that applicants are solvent and meet the conditions for such loans. Therefore, if a family managed to quickly pay off the first loan, it can apply for a second and even a third.

8. A loan at 6% can be obtained from any bank

The state has approved a certain list of banks participating in the state support program for mortgage lending in 2018, where you can get a preferential mortgage. To get acquainted with it, you need to go to the DOM.RF website.

9. Family income doesn’t matter.

Despite the fact that the preferential lending program itself states that there is no need to confirm family income, banks always check the solvency of applicants. Therefore, you should not count on “lenience” or the “obligation” of banks not to pay attention to the size of salaries. It often happens that, having received approval at the first stage, applicants end up receiving a refusal from the bank or an offer to receive a smaller amount. The reason is insufficient financial security.

10. Benefits can also be obtained with a foreign currency loan

Loans are given in rubles, so those who want to play on exchange rates will be refused. As it turned out, there are many Russians who believe that the prices of the world’s leading currencies will soon fall, and want to receive a preferential loan for housing in dollars, euros and even yen and Swiss francs. Such “dealers” will be disappointed, because the program is designed only for ruble loans.