Draw a Russian hero? Yes Easy! It was not without reason that the epic heroes joined forces. A storm is coming



I'm bored, demon.


What should I do, Faust?
This is your limit
Nobody violates it.
All intelligent creatures are bored:
Some from laziness, some from deeds;
Who believes, who has lost faith;
He didn't have time to enjoy it
He enjoyed it in moderation,
And everyone yawns and lives -
And the coffin, yawning, awaits all of you.
Yawn too.

Dry joke!
Find me a way somehow


Be happy
You are proof of reason.

In your album write:
Fastidium est quies - boredom
Relaxation of the soul.
I'm a psychologist... oh, that's science!..
Tell me, when were you not bored?
Think, look. Then,
As I dozed over Virgil,
Did the rod excite your mind?
Then, as he crowned with roses
You are the benevolent maidens of joy
And in a noisy riot he dedicated
Do they feel the heat of an evening hangover?
Then how immersed have you become?
In generous dreams,
Into the abyss of dark science?
But - I remember - then out of boredom,
Like a harlequin, out of the fire
You finally called me.
I little devil wriggled
I tried to cheer you up,
Took me to witches and spirits,
And what? all for nothing.
You wanted glory - and you achieved it -
I wanted to fall in love - and I fell in love.
You took a possible tribute from life,
Were you happy?

Stop doing that,
Don't poison me with secrets.
In deep knowledge there is no life -
I cursed the false light of knowledge,
And glory... its ray is accidental
Elusive. Worldly honor
Meaningless, like a dream... But there is
Direct benefit: combination
Two souls...


And the first date
Isn't it true? But is it possible to find out

Whom do you want to remember?
Isn't it Gretchen?

Oh wonderful dream!
Oh flame pure love!
There, there - where the shadow is, where the wood noise is,
Where are the sweet-ringing streams -
There, on her lovely chest
Peace to the languid chapter,
I was happy...


Heavenly Creator!
You are delirious, Faust, in reality!
Helpful memory
You are deceiving yourself.
Am I not the one who helped you with my efforts?
Delivered a miracle of beauty?
And at midnight deep
Did he set her up with you? Then
The fruits of your labor
I was playing alone
How you two are together - I remember everything.
When the beauty is yours
I was delighted, in ecstasy,
You are a restless soul
I was deep in thought
(And you and I have proven
What thinking is the seed of boredom).
And you know, my philosopher,
What were you thinking at such a time?
When no one thinks?
Shall I say?

Speak. Well?


You thought: my obedient lamb!
How greedily I wanted you!

How cunning in a simple-minded maiden
I disturbed the dreams of the heart! -
Involuntary, selfless love
She innocently surrendered...
Well my chest is full now
Longing and hateful boredom?..
To the victim of my whim
I look, drunk with pleasure,
With irresistible disgust:
Such a reckless fool,
Having decided in vain to do an evil deed,
Having stabbed a beggar in the forest,
Scolds the flayed body; -
So on to selling beauty,
Having had enough of it hastily,
Depravity glances timidly...
Then from all this
You came to one conclusion...

Hide, you infernal creation!
Flee from my sight!


Please. Just give me a task:
Idle, you know, from you
I don’t dare leave -
I don't waste my time.

What's white there? speak.


Spanish three-masted ship,
Ready to land in Holland:
There are three hundred scoundrels on it,

Two monkeys, barrels of gold,
Yes, a rich load of chocolate,
Yes fashion disease: she
Recently given to you.

Drown everything.


Sea shore. Faust and Mephistopheles.

I'm bored, demon.


What should I do, Faust?
This is your limit
Nobody violates it.
All intelligent creatures are bored:
Some from laziness, some from deeds;
Who believes, who has lost faith;
He didn't have time to enjoy it
He enjoyed it in moderation,
And everyone yawns and lives -
And the coffin, yawning, awaits all of you.
Yawn too.

Dry joke!
Find me a way somehow


Be happy
You are proof of reason.
In your album write:
Fastidium est quies - boredom
Relaxation of the soul.
I'm a psychologist... oh, that's science!..
Tell me, when were you not bored?
Think, look. Then,
As I dozed over Virgil,
Did the rod excite your mind?
Then, as I crowned with roses
You are the benevolent maidens of joy
And in a noisy riot he dedicated
Do they feel the heat of an evening hangover?
Then how immersed have you become?
In generous dreams,
Into the abyss of dark science?
But - I remember - then out of boredom,
Like a harlequin, out of the fire
You finally called me.
I was squirming like a little demon,
I tried to cheer you up,
Took me to witches and spirits,
And what? all for nothing.
You wanted glory - and you achieved it -
I wanted to fall in love - and I fell in love.
You took a possible tribute from life,
Were you happy?

Stop doing that,
Don't poison me with secrets.
In deep knowledge there is no life -
I cursed the false light of knowledge,
And glory... its ray is random
Elusive. Worldly honor
Meaningless, like a dream... But there is
Direct benefit: combination
Two souls...


And the first date
Isn't it true? But is it possible to find out
Whom do you want to remember?
Isn't it Gretchen?

Oh wonderful dream!
O pure flame of love!
There, there - where the shadow is, where the wood noise is,
Where are the sweet-ringing streams -
There, on her lovely chest
Peace to the languid chapter,
I was happy...


Heavenly Creator!
You are delirious, Faust, in reality!
Helpful memory
You are deceiving yourself.
Am I not the one who helped you with my efforts?
Delivered a miracle of beauty?
And at midnight deep
Did he set her up with you? Then
The fruits of your labor
I was playing alone
How you two are together - I remember everything.
When the beauty is yours
I was delighted, in ecstasy,
You are a restless soul
I was deep in thought
(And you and I have proven
What thinking is the seed of boredom).
And you know, my philosopher,
What were you thinking at a time like this?
When no one thinks?
Shall I say?

Speak. Well?


You thought: my obedient lamb!
How greedily I wanted you!
How cunning in a simple-minded maiden
I disturbed the dreams of the heart! -
Involuntary, selfless love
She innocently surrendered...
Well my chest is full now
Longing and hateful boredom?..
To the victim of my whim
I look, drunk with pleasure,
With irresistible disgust:
Such a reckless fool,
Having decided in vain to do an evil deed,
Having stabbed a beggar in the forest,
Scolds the flayed body; -
So on to selling beauty,
Having had enough of it hastily,
Depravity glances timidly...
Then from all this
You came to one conclusion...

Hide, you infernal creation!
Flee from my sight!


Please. Just give me a task:
Idle, you know, from you
I don’t dare leave -
I don't waste my time.

In life everything is the same. The same tree that you walk past to work, the same street-lamp-pharmacy. The same prayers in the morning and evening, the same holidays. Again Petrov's post. Everything has already happened. Everything goes in circles. But in the Church everything is arranged - in circles. And in the world, in nature too. It turns out that you won’t get out of it? Why do you suddenly begin to get tired of repetitions, what is this sign, is it necessary to leave the usual circle, answers priest Alexy POTOKIN.

- What does faith in God give me? Who am I, a believer? Do I need others and why do I need them? This is what I would try to understand before answering your questions.

I would say I'm dead. At what plan? I am not capable of personal relationships with any person. By personal relationships I mean deep reciprocity, devotion, constant burning, desire for another person, joy about him. And what is less than this, what is now and not tomorrow, is a state in which man dead can remember what life is. Osip Mandelstam has one observation about how scary it is when you say goodbye to your hosts, leaving the guests, to catch their changed gaze from the already half-closed door, when they think that you have said goodbye and are no longer looking at them. One minute you were “guests” for them, and half a second later you were nobody. So I wanted to push your life out of mine or free up some piece of my life just for myself, without you - I rejected you. Because you mean less to me than I mean to myself. But so I rejected myself, there was less living in me, and more deadness.

And from this deadness people begin to seek deliverance. How to get rid of it? Who is to blame for it? The fault is largely ours. We lose this life through what is commonly called “selfishness,” when I am not for another, but for myself. And boredom is a sign of loss of life.

And if faith is for oneself, if it is a ritual, a tradition, a mechanism for maintaining mental, spiritual comfort, it will inevitably become boring. True faith, like true life, is possible only in relationships, in mutual exchange, in mutual giving. Why don’t lovers get bored, why do they wait for each other every day, why do they learn unknown things about themselves and each other every day? And this simultaneity is very important, because not only do you recognize others, a lot is revealed in yourself. Already in this there is reciprocity. But if a person himself has stopped changing, then he will never notice changes in another person.

Faith for me is the recognition that a person is dead and the desire to overcome this deadness. When did the first man, Adam, die? When he was left alone - without God, in separation from Eve, seeing her after the Fall no longer as “flesh of his flesh”, but as “another.” And recognizing that he himself chose this loneliness, he himself wanted it, he himself wished to live in freedom.

And having already gone far from God, it is very difficult to guess that the Lord wants to forgive you, that He even agrees to die for you, knowing that you yourself are accustomed to taking and not giving. This is what faith is all about. Can such faith become boring? How can it get boring when in personal relationships I don’t know how to live, be faithful, and the Other always forgives me? The Church was given to us for one simple thing, to honestly admit to the Other: “Yes, I am Your tormentor, I am Your traitor” and accept His mercy, without any doubt that He forgives.

But the fact of the matter is that I cannot say these words sincerely. I cannot sincerely lament my sins, grieve over my greed, fickleness, etc. Because if my egoistic joy is taken away from me, I will become bored! The other always fades away in me. I need a reminder of him. I can’t change my treasures yet and that’s why I need confession. That’s why I come to the temple, see the cross there, hear His word that this blood is for me and my sins. And I remember. That is, I myself am always prone to freezing, stopping, oblivion, and boredom. Boredom is when there is a disconnect, a pause in a relationship. Is the dead man bored? Of course it's boring.

But not from height to height, but from fall to fall, as Metropolitan said. Anthony of Sourozh, from the deep pit, from the hell of loneliness, from being separated from everyone, I am trying to come out to gain both God, and myself, and others. There are also signs of this Spirit, which lives, which gives the desire to live and connects with others. And there is another spirit that deadens, makes you bored, separates. Remember how Pushkin said in his “Scene from Faust”: “I’m bored, demon.” In this state, a person can say: “Lord, I’m tired of You, I don’t understand You, I don’t know You.”

In addition to being honest with yourself, remembering good things can help you meet the Spirit. If there was and is something good in my life and I thank for it, I remember it, it is preserved, renewed, and if I don’t thank it, it will disappear and may not return. Do you understand?
There is a memory of good things in the Church too. During Great Lent the chant “On the Rivers of Babylon” is sung: “... if I forget you in Jerusalem, cursed be my right hand.” What is Jerusalem? This is reciprocity, this is the bliss of reciprocity. If I forget what I live for, what I was created for, and we were all created for the sake of love, then no earthly affairs are needed.

To feel the need for another means to understand your weakness, your weakness, your sin. So you ask your question from a position of strength, when you seem to be kind, but sometimes this kindness stumbles, it is not enough. I speak from a completely different position. On my own behalf, I can only say: “I don’t have kindness and almost never have it. And when it happens, it’s a real miracle.” Then I understand how you can live, why and for what. But more often than not I have no inner strength- my eyes, ears, heart are closed, and I can only admit that I am a dead man, go to the temple and admit it. And it's a miracle that stone temple helps this heart of stone. One saint said that seeing angels and performing miracles is much less than seeing your sin.

It's about about authenticity. We all sin before each other, but few are able to repent before others. And in order for the relationship to be resurrected, you need to come up and say: “I’m sorry.” And if it is from the heart and they answer you from the heart, the evil will go away.

If you said “I’m sorry” and felt that you were forgiven forever, for eternity, your whole life will change. And a person will never feel bored or lonely. He will become extremely sensitive to the absence of life or its presence. If I know what life is like, I can testify when I do not live, do not feel, do not understand. And this is the development of relationships - mine with God, with man. And there is no cyclicality here. I say “Hello” to you every day, but the first time I said it with doubt - do you need to say “Hello”? The second time I already said it with desire. And the third time I’m already waiting for me to say “Hello.” This is how relationships grow. The most natural thing for their development is gratitude.

Is every year the same for a child? No, of course not. And we are told: “Be like children.” And this applies to our relationships. So if a dead person notices that he is dead, I think that is a great gift for him. Because many do not live and do not suffer. We need to slowly find a way out of this impasse. This is already blessed.

But people are incapable of this life, simple and natural on the one hand, and mysterious and wonderful on the other. It is very difficult to say sorry and forgive from the heart. And then the authentic life is replaced by an inauthentic, mechanical, boring one, where habit reigns as a “substitute for happiness.” Pushkin could have said “replacement for God,” because this is one thing - God, bliss, true happiness.

What's so bad about habit? Substitution. Why is it good? The habit of being polite helps to restrain anger and malice. That is, habit, rules are good for villains, for the dead. For a villain, it is a feat to fulfill rules that deprive him of the joy of freely living in sin. True, it’s a feat that doesn’t save. Because, having gotten used to it, having stopped looking inside, having completely replaced happiness with habit, a person can very easily become a Pharisee, boring and moralizing.

It’s not scary that we are dead, it’s scary if we don’t want to come to life. I take your question as a question good man who doesn't know what it means to disappear. And if this question was asked by a person who disappeared, did something terrible, but was rescued, life would not be boring for him. A person who comes out of death row, like, say, Dostoevsky, will not get bored, even if his life is hard.

Every word spoken by both man and Holy Scripture, can become new not only because I understood it differently, but because I connect it with other words. Volume and perspective appear. So I can see when you are despairing, sad, angry, and mischievous. And I can notice when you are waiting, when you want to understand yourself. There is a time when you are looking, and there is a time when you have found, and there is a time when you are generous. Who you are? And all this together. A person who can be sad, be greedy, and be generous. And at a time when you are greedy, I must say: “Lord, forgive her and have mercy, she is sick now.” And when you become generous, I must say: “Lord, that’s who she is, thank God, let her remember that too, and let me be grateful for her generosity.” Do you understand?

Alexander Elchininov wrote that when he gives a sermon, he cannot repeat the old things, because they seem to have been burned out. And he doesn't want to repeat this again. He is right. You never want to repeat the old things. And we will say the same word with different moods. And eternal life is not a frozen life. This life is always new. And if for me my faith is a theory, I stated it once and got bored, but if it’s a relationship, they will be new every Easter, every Ascension, every St. Peter’s Fast. Like this. Very simple, in my opinion. Is it true?

    In the picture, draw a boat and boyars, as in Pushkin’s fairy tales or about the scarlet flower.

    There are boats on the blue sea. There are three boyars on the shore. From the bridge from the boat to the shore, peasants carry overseas goods. Drawing on the theme of trade in ancient times. Drawing ancient temple, drawing of a historical event, drawing of a portrait of a hero of a great historical battle.

    Theme: Battle of Borodino. Hussars at a halt, portrait of a hussar, portrait of Kutuzov, battle scene.

    Drawing about the Great Patriotic War. Air battle. In a sky black with smoke - draw a gray background of the sky and swirls, or shading over the entire selected area with black smoke.

    Two planes are flying towards each other.

    Drawing a historical theme for school not an easy task. Mostly historical pictures with people come to mind. But if you don’t know how to draw people, but for example you are great at drawing ships, trains, architectural structures, nature, then the picture on historical topic It will also turn out very good.

    Pictures can be drawn on famous historical events and dates.

    Or simply draw a picture from the life of people of the past.

    For example, a wooden church.

    But what struck me most was this one children's drawing on a historical topic.