Lies and hypocrisy in the family are arguments. Unified State Exam Russian language

What are the dangers of lies and hypocrisy in the family? What happens to children who are faced with the hypocrisy of loved ones? These are the questions that arise when reading the text by A. G. Aleksin.

Revealing the problem of lies and hypocrisy in the family, the writer introduces us to a boy named Genka, who learned about the lies and hypocrisy of his father. It seemed to the child that his father loved his mother and affectionately called her “my dear baby.” But one day Genka decided to go to an evening show and saw his father leaving the cinema with an unfamiliar young woman, whom he also called a baby.

The boy realized that his father was deceiving when he warned that he would come home late from work, referring to testing a new car. Returning home, Genka did not want to wait for his father, for whom he had lost respect and trust.

To confirm the correctness of our reasoning, let us turn to literary arguments. Already from the first act of the comedy by A.

S. Griboyedov's "Woe from Wit" we learn that Famusov's house is based on deception. Sophia, secretly from her father, arranges nightly dates with his secretary Molchalin. The maid Lisa, in order to deceive the unwary lovers, sets the clock, forcing them to play. Famusov flirts with the maid, and then sets himself up as an example for his daughter, claiming that he is “known for his monastic behavior.” Molchalin deceives his benefactor, who took him from Tver to Moscow. He also pretends to be in front of Sophia, playing the role of a lover, hoping that the “quel in love” will put in a good word with his father. I think that Sophia, who was brought up in an atmosphere of hypocrisy, is a smart and sensitive girl, and that is why she made the mistake of choosing the “dumb” and treacherous Molchalin over the noble Chatsky.

Let's give one more literary argument. In the play “The Thunderstorm” by A. N. Ostrovsky, the Kabanovs’ house is also based on deception. Kabanikha is a prude: “she gives money to the poor, but completely eats up her family.” Her daughter Varvara is convinced that you can’t live without deception, and arranges secret nightly dates with Vanya Kudryash. Tikhon, leaving home on business, immediately begins to drink. Only Katerina says that she does not know how to deceive, since she grew up in an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding, and in Kabanikha’s house she feels uncomfortable. Moral purity Katerina, her deep conscience could not help but lead to tragedy, to her death.

Let's summarize what has been said. If there are lies, hypocrisy and deception between close people, this creates a difficult psychological atmosphere, leads to mental trauma, and sometimes to death, as happened with Katerina.

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Updated: 2017-12-18

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Sofya Famusova, who grew up in an atmosphere of lies and deception, carefully hides her feelings from her father, realizing that he will not allow the development of relations with Molchalin. He does everything in defiance of his father. Molchalin, on the contrary, is faithful to his moral (or immoral) credo, builds his life as his father bequeathed: to please all people without exception. Griboyedov gives the reader the opportunity to reflect on the future of both heroes.

2. A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

The upbringing of Petrusha Grinev remains beyond the pages of the text, but the main thing that the young nobleman took out from communicating with his father (strict and demanding person), the need to be true to your word, protect honor, and observe moral laws. He does this to everyone life situations. Even when his father forbids him to marry his beloved Masha Mironova, he accepts his will as a mandatory requirement.

3. N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

From Chichikov’s childhood memories, the image of a gloomy, unkind, cruel father and his instructions about the need to take care and save a penny, the only idol in Pavel Ivanovich’s life, emerges. Chichikov builds his life according to his father’s behests and succeeds in many ways.

4. A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

The relationship between mother and children in the Kabanov family is based on fear and hypocrisy. Varvara is accustomed to lying and is trying to teach Katerina this. But the brother’s wife had different relationships in the family; she does not accept her mother-in-law’s hypocrisy and fights her with her own means. The ending of such an upbringing is predictable: Varvara runs away from home, Katerina dies voluntarily, Tikhon rebels against his mother.

5. I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

The “children” in the novel - Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov - at the beginning of the story act as a united front against the “fathers” in the person of Uncle Arkady - Pavel Petrovich. Nikolai Petrovich does not resist the bold and daring statements of his son and his friend. And he acts wisely and far-sightedly. Gradually, many discrepancies in his friend’s behavior are revealed to Arkady, and he returns to the bosom of his family. And Bazarov, who so easily criticizes the “romanticism” of the Kirsanovs, is absolutely sensitive to such behavior of his father, because he loves his parents and takes care of them.

6. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

The novel presents several families, in each of which relationships are built on certain principles. In the Kuragin family, this is the principle of profit and gain. Both the father and his children agree to any relationship, as long as it is profitable, that’s how marriages are made. The Drubetsky family is guided by the same principle: humiliation and servility are their tools in achieving their goals. The Rostovs live as they breathe: they enjoy friends, holidays, hunting - everything that decorates our lives. Father and mother try to be honest in everything with their children and each other. Benefits are not important to them. Practically ruining her family and herself, Natasha demands that carts be given for the wounded, this is the only way she can do it a true patriot and a merciful person. And the mother agrees with her daughter. The relationship between father and daughter Bolkonsky is similar. And although it seems that the father is too strict and intolerant towards his daughter, in fact, he understands too well the difficulties of his daughter’s upcoming life. Therefore, Princess Marya herself refuses Anatoly Kuragin, realizing how right her father is.

7. F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Rodion Raskolnikov, explaining the reason for the murder of the old pawnbroker, says that he wanted to help his mother. In fact, he is very kind to his mother, trying to break out of the vicious circle of poverty. With trepidation and excitement, he remembers his father, from whom he was left with a watch (pawned to an old woman pawnbroker). The mother does not fully believe in the crime of her beloved Rodya.

8. A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard"

In the play, daughter Anya, a seventeen-year-old girl, goes after her prodigal mother, lost somewhere in Paris, in order to return her to the bosom of the family to solve problems with the estate. Ranevskaya behaves naively and stupidly. Common sense Only Varya, the adopted daughter of the same Ranevskaya, is endowed. When Lyubov Andreevna gives a gold piece to a passing beggar, Varya cannot stand it and says that there is nothing in the house, and the lady is throwing away such money. Having lost everything, Ranevskaya leaves for Paris and takes away her aunt’s money, leaving her daughters to their fate. The girl Anya is going to the capital, and it is not clear how her life will turn out, where she will get money for living. Varya goes to work as a housekeeper. Fathers and sons change places here.

9. M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don"

In the Melekhov family, everything rests on the power of the father. And when Panteley Prokofievich finds out about Grigory’s relationship with Aksinya, he decides to marry his son to Natalya. Gregory submits to his father's will. But, realizing that he does not love his wife, he gives up everything and goes with Aksinya to work as workers. He agrees to shame in the name of love. But time destroys everything in the world, and the Melekhovs’ house, the foundations of Cossack life, collapses. And soon no one obeys the laws of life, everyone lives as they want. Daria steps on her father-in-law with indecent proposal, and Dunyashka puts her mother in a hopeless position and literally forces her to bless her marriage with Mishka Koshev.

10. B. Vasiliev “Tomorrow there was war”

The story focuses on two families, Iskra Polyakova and Vika Lyuberetskaya. Iskra's mother is a female commissar, strong-willed, domineering, and strict. But when the mother Once again decides to flog her daughter with her soldier’s belt, she responds in the spirit of her mother - just as strictly and irrevocably. And the mother understands that the girl has matured. Vika and her father have a completely different relationship - warm and trusting. When the girl is faced with a choice: abandon her father or be expelled from the Komsomol, Vika decides to take her own life. She cannot abandon her beloved father, no matter what suspicions fall on him.

The problem of the relationship between man and nature.
The role of nature in human life
The problem of environmental disaster
The problem is seeing beauty in the ordinary
Saving problem historical memory.
Attitude to cultural heritage Role cultural traditions in the moral development of man Fathers and sons
Problem disrespectful attitude youth to old age and old people. The problem of loneliness.
The problem of assessing talent by contemporaries.
The problem of drug addiction.
The problem of love for one's country
The problem of choosing a profession.
Russian language
Problem moral duty, moral choice.
The problem of the national spirit in tragic moments of history
War and Peace
Problem moral strength simple soldier
The problem of the heroic everyday life of war
Literature and poetry
Mind, knowledge, book, science
The role of books in human life
good and evil
Good Speech
Conscience, morality
Youth, youth
Will, freedom
Heroism, exploits
Sports, movement
The problem of responsibility.
Self-sacrifice. Love for one's neighbor.
Self-realization of a person. Life is like a struggle for happiness
False values
The problem of the development of science and technology
Everyone holds the fate of the world in their hands
The role of personality in history
The impact of art on spiritual formation person
Educational function art
Interpersonal relationships
Fear in human life
The problem of human rights and responsibilities
The problem of moral degradation of the individual
Man and scientific progress The role of science in modern life Spiritual Implications scientific discoveries Scientific progress And moral qualities person
Laws social development. Man and power
Man and knowledge.
Problem of conscience
The role of example. Human education
The problem of spirituality
The problem of boorish attitude towards others (or (un)worthy behavior in society)
The problem of the influence of religion on human life
The problem of moral disgust
The problem of human stinginess
The problem of true and false human interest in culture
The influence of art and culture on humans
The problem of ethical aspects of human cloning
The problem of true and false education
The problem of heredity
The problem of influence scientific activity on human life and habits
The problem of the truth of art
The problem of timely education
The problem of attitude towards learning
The problem of the relationship between science and religion
The problem of human perception of the surrounding world
The problem of hypocrisy and sycophancy
The problem of bribery, lawlessness of officials
The problem of philistinism
The problem of the transience of human happiness
The problem of the influence of a teacher’s personality on the formation of students’ character
The problem of irresponsibility of officials
.The problem of the Russian village
The problem of love of freedom
The problem of a person realizing superpowers
The problem of the relationship between the people and the authorities
The problem of courage and heroism in peacetime
The problem of heroism during the Great Patriotic War
The problem of heroism of people of peaceful professions during the years of HE
The problem of national unity during the Second World War
The prisoner of war problem
The problem of patriotism
The problem of true and false patriotism
The problem of geniuses confronting the world around them
The problem of the tragic situation of man in a totalitarian state
The role of personality in history
Problem moral lessons stories
The problem of betrayal during the war years
Motherhood problem
The problem of the transformative power of parental love
The problem of parenting
The problem of the unmerciful attitude of adults towards children
Life and fate of women
The problem of finding the meaning of life
The problem of the moral health of the nation
The problem of the role of the intelligentsia in society
The problem of lonely old age
The problem of attitude towards the native language
The problem of inspiration.
Psychological problem of inferiority complex
The problem of fathers and children
The problem of human limitations
The problem of juvenile delinquency
The problem of non-standard spiritual search modern young people
The problem of the unity of peoples and cultures
The problem of crime based on interethnic hostility (or nationalism)
The problem of human perception of the animal world
The problem of human relations with animals
The problem of attitude towards learning
Computer abuse problem
The problem of the future of the book
The problem of education true masters performing arts
Role printed publications in modern Russia
The role of television in human life
The problem of relationships between women and men

As a result of the research, scientists have come to the disappointing conclusion that all people lie, even the closest relatives and spouses who, at first glance, have an ideal relationship.

People lie for different reasons: some lie for small reasons, others for serious reasons. Can a lie be justified? What to do in cases where a spouse’s deception is discovered?

Many married couples would like to find answers to these questions, for whom lies are the main obstacle to a happy life. family life. According to statistics, spouses lie to each other at least 3-4 times a day (we are talking about minor lies regarding everyday issues, etc.).

If a person deceives me once, let him be ashamed;
If he deceives me a second time, let me be ashamed.
Stephen King

Lies: intentional or not?

In addition, a loving spouse may deliberately hide the truth from their significant other simply to avoid upsetting them. A “white lie”, the purpose of which is to maintain calm in a situation, of course, cannot be completely justified, but still, this is the most harmless version of deception.

It is much worse when spouses hide serious things from each other. It will undoubtedly be very unpleasant and painful to one day discover that close person deliberately deceives you. Not everyone has the self-control and composure to calmly accept the news that you have been living a lie for so long. In such a situation, it is very difficult to avoid a series of quarrels and scandals.

Many naively believe that the cause of a quarrel between spouses can only be global deception (for example, news of infidelity), this is not at all true. According to psychologists, even a small lie can become a source of protracted conflict.

Experts believe that there are no harmless lies; as soon as the whole truth comes to the surface, the family member who was misled will feel betrayed and deceived. In such a situation it is very difficult to remain a diplomat, so, most likely, conflict is inevitable.

What to do if the deception is discovered?

As numerous studies have shown, very a large number of married couples prefer to turn a blind eye to their partner's lies. They believe that this way they can save their marriage, but this is far from the case. Sooner or later, the patience of the deceived party will be filled to the limit and the showdown will be comparable in scale to a volcanic eruption.

It would seem that the most easy way avoiding any conflicts means starting to tell the truth, but in reality it is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Psychologists believe that lying is part of human nature: we are used to lying about little things and deceiving with or without reason. Therefore, it is worth taking as an axiom the fact that it will not be possible to completely eradicate lies.

The only way out is to learn how to react correctly to deception.

Ways to peacefully resolve the conflict

  • Do not hide from your partner that his deception has been exposed and you know everything.
  • Give the person the opportunity to speak out, explain his behavior, reveal the reasons for deception, etc. This way you can not only find out the true motives of the liar, but also determine the degree of his sincerity.
  • If a person denies the fact of deception, and you are absolutely sure that he is telling a lie, you should not react too emotionally. Try to calm down and present arguments that will convince your partner that you really know everything and there is no point in denying.
  • Draw the right conclusions. If a person does not repent of what he did, then perhaps you should consider making drastic changes in the relationship. Also, don't trust too much sincere repentance a liar, there is a possibility that he is simply misleading you once again.

Prejudice and bigotry

Both prejudice and bigotry are condemned in society. They are akin to such human personality traits as lack of enlightenment, ignorance, and a tendency to lie and hypocrisy.

In this regard, the author puts forward the following problem. In Soviet pre-perestroika times, both prejudices and hypocrisy in people were sharply condemned and were unacceptable in a person decent person. The concept of “prejudice” meant belief in something supernatural, certain dark forces who dominated people and controlled their behavior. Evil Beginning: prophetic dreams, messengers from the other world, black cats, bad premonitions - instilled fear in the souls of people and, as it was believed, deprived them of their will.

The word “hypocrisy” meant pretense, insincerity, covered by arguments about honesty and ostentatious holiness. So what was condemned about bigots? Pretense (they said one thing, but in reality they were different) or deceit? But the bigots, if they talked about the need to help their neighbors, then in reality they helped those same neighbors. So why was it necessary to despise bigots?

Commenting this problem, it should be said that both of these concepts: bigotry and prejudice - are today viewed from a positive perspective.

What is the author's position? IN public consciousness, a different, new understanding of prejudice and bigotry penetrates into the system of ideas about morality. The author refers to the great Pushkin, who saw the following meaning in the word “prejudice”: it is an almost unconscious, but deep sense of truth that lives in every person and helps him distinguish bad from good, sincerity from lies, pretense from the living manifestation of human nature.

How do we explain the concept of “hypocrisy” today? Condemning the selfish, selfish motives of a person, covered with a mask of holiness, the bearers of Soviet morality did not take into account the fact that the so-called bigots not only spoke lofty words, but also did good deeds.

The first example confirming the correctness of the author’s position can be cited from the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm". Wanderers visit the house of the pious merchant Kabanova. Katerina speaks about them, recalling her girlhood years in her mother’s house, where “it was so good.” It can be argued that the piety of these people without specific activities is ostentatious, that they show zeal in worshiping the Lord insincerely, falsely, for a piece of bread. The comment is: so what? Whether they pretend or not when they bring glory to the Lord in prayer is not so important. The important thing is that they experience the revitalizing power of goodness and generosity. human heart and in some difficult times they live by this.

Second example. Due to the fact that Christianity in its original essence was closer to people from the people, this had its consequences. There was communication between people, and their religious understanding of the world was enriched. People from the people, the peasantry, representatives of the bourgeois and merchant classes went to monasteries, went to procession to holy places, begging the Almighty for mercy, grace and salvation.

The path to grace was difficult, and it was rewarded with both health and, most often, success in life.