The problem of loneliness arguments from literature. Literary arguments

The problem of loneliness has been relevant at all times. It also exists in modern world. Of course, today people use the Internet and by various means connections that allow you to communicate limitlessly. However, according to psychologists, the one who most often turns to social networks, more than others, feels a feeling of loneliness, that is, the absence of a soul mate. Sometimes such a person comes up with some life events and stories. And this is all to attract attention. It often occurs among those people who do not want to accept the society that surrounds them.

They oppose themselves to others, try in every possible way to isolate themselves from the whole world and often go against generally accepted norms and traditions.

Child and loneliness

It is easier to agree with the existence of a problem when a person does not have family, friends or loved ones. However, situations are different. Sometimes a feeling of loneliness visits a person surrounded by relatives. Unfortunately, such a phenomenon exists, although it seems simply incredible.

So, there is a problem of a child’s loneliness in the world of adults. Arguments given by psychologists indicate the danger of this phenomenon. After all, the fears and emotions experienced in early age, have a strong influence on the formation of personality, and, consequently, on a person’s entire life. This is why adults should pay attention to their child’s problem.

What are the reasons why a child becomes lonely? The most obvious of them is the lack of attention from people close to him. Often adults are so absorbed in their worries and problems that they simply do not have enough free time for their children. Think about it, maybe this situation has developed in your family? If yes, then it requires immediate correction. And there is a strong argument in favor of such a step. The problem of loneliness, according to psychologists, leads to children becoming withdrawn, depressed and alienated. Child provided for a long time to himself, goes into the world of thoughts and fantasies he created.

The reason for loneliness at an early age may also be the wrong approach of parents to education issues. Some fathers and mothers mistakenly believe that they know better than the child himself what he needs. In this case, the interests of the not yet formed personality are ignored. Put that kind of pressure on little man it is forbidden. And psychologists have a compelling argument about this. The problem of loneliness that arose in the process of such upbringing can alienate the child from his parents, as it will gradually degenerate into misunderstanding.

How to protect a child from loneliness?

The problem that has arisen requires immediate elimination. Of course, the ways to solve it are not easy, but they exist. The constant efforts of people close to him will help drive away the feeling of loneliness from a child. The main assistant in this will be parental love. But it should not be expressed in material benefits, but in sincere sensitivity, care and participation in the life of the baby. You need to constantly be interested in your child’s affairs and not brush him off when he invites you to play with him.

The problem of children's loneliness in literary works

Many writers and publicists have raised the topic of lack of attention to the life and interests of a little person. They often discussed how the problem of loneliness arises. Arguments from literature that can be given on this topic are Pavel Sanaev’s story “Bury me behind the baseboard.” The main character of the work is the boy Sasha Savelyev. He tells readers about lost dreams and unfulfilled hopes due to the moral indifference of adults. The boy has no toys and no friends. All this is replaced only by a small mouse. When she is gone, Sasha will fully feel the loneliness of a child among adults.

The same feeling takes over the heroine of the story written by Dina Sabitova, “Your Three Names.” This is a story about the terrible fate of a girl who went through the real hell of a half-starved beggarly life, first in family of origin, and then in orphanage and with adoptive parents.

Male loneliness

Often representatives of the stronger half of humanity do not have any attachments or close connections. Some men consider this condition to be normal. Is it so? For understanding this issue It is necessary to consider what argument psychologists put forward to counter this.

The problem of loneliness, according to experts, may lie in a man’s inadequate self-esteem. Such a person simply withdraws from relationships with the people around him. He is afraid of criticism of his abilities and talents, which will bring him pain.

The reason for a man’s loneliness may be a lack of communication skills in communicating with others. Often the basis of such immaturity is shyness, which arose due to psychological trauma received in childhood or adolescence.

The cause may be the presence of social phobia. The roots of this phenomenon lie deep and lie in the imposition of an adult opinion on the boy. For example, starting to attend kindergarten when the child is psychologically unprepared. This causes fear and leads to a desire to spend time alone, away from other children.

The reason for a man’s isolation can be psychopathology, expressed in depression, autism, schizophrenia, and a tendency to alcoholism. The problem of loneliness also arises among those young guys who have a strong emotional attachment to their mother. However, it is not only as a result of underdevelopment that a person does not have contact with the world around him. As a direct contrast to everything said above, another, quite compelling argument can be made. The problem of loneliness sometimes becomes an element spiritual growth. Here we are talking about the pinnacle of human development.

The theme of male loneliness in literary works

The feeling of lack of attachment haunts many representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Numerous arguments that are directly related to the problem of human loneliness are found in the works of domestic and foreign writers. There are books that are literally permeated with this feeling, and among them are the works of Marquez.

Many of this author’s works raise the problem of loneliness. Arguments from literature written by Marquez - the hero of his novel “The Outsider”. In addition, he wrote about loneliness Albert Camus, and Truman Capote(“Breakfast at Teffany’s”) and Hermann Hesse (“Demian”). In these works, loneliness is a special canvas of life with hopes and torments, alienation and solitude woven into it, internal conflicts and contradiction.

A weighty argument to the problem of the loneliness of a person who has chosen the path of service is L. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” In this work we see the image of the great commander Kutuzov. He saves the country and spares the lives of soldiers, giving up Moscow without a fight. The main task that the commander-in-chief sets for himself is to rid Rus' of its enemies with minimal losses for his army. However, the official government has a different opinion. She wants to achieve fame at any cost. As a result, the author raises the problem tragic loneliness person. The arguments for it are the resignation and then the premature death of the great commander. This is the price to pay for the decision made.

The problem of loneliness was raised in many works of Russian writers. Arguments from the literature on this issue are the hero of A. Pushkin, Evgeny Onegin. At first glance, he could be considered a socially active person. Onegin was joyfully accepted and the hero received true pleasure from leading such an idle life. However, at the end of the novel, Onegin concludes for himself that he has always been “a stranger to everyone...”.

In what other works does the problem of loneliness arise? Arguments from the literature can be given as follows:

  1. Novel by I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons.” His main character Bazarov is lonely both in love and in friendship and views.
  2. Roman by Y. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”. In it, the image of Pechorin is a multifaceted loneliness, both lyrical and civil, as well as universal.
  3. Comedy by A. S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit.” Her hero, Alexander Chatsky, experiences loneliness, not finding support for his thoughts in society. He perceives his situation as a personal tragedy.

Women's loneliness

Complaints about this state can often be heard from representatives of the fairer sex. Moreover, the topic of such loneliness is, as a rule, of concern to women themselves. Unfortunately, even married ladies or those who are in a love relationship can experience this feeling.

What are the origins of this problem? Psychologists explain its presence:

Complexes and insecurity when women compare themselves with beauties from the covers of glossy magazines;

Stereotypes, when ladies believe that men only love blondes, marry bitches, etc.;

Lack of meaningfulness in finding a partner.

But be that as it may, psychology usually concerns the absence of a beloved man nearby. Even those divorced girls who have children talk about the emergence of this feeling. They project their condition onto the baby, saying: “Nobody needs us.” A woman’s desire to have a family is inherent in nature itself. The little girls are already in kindergarten They begin to play mother and daughter, cook soup in a plastic saucepan and swaddle dolls. At the same time they dream of handsome husband and about a luxurious white veil.

However, the fact is that even after putting a wedding ring on her hand, a representative of the fairer sex may feel lonely. This is often explained by the fact that many families live as if by inertia, and spouses are not interested in each other’s moods and thoughts. This situation often happens when a woman lovingly prepares dinner for her husband, receiving a routine “thank you” in response.

Sometimes ladies doom themselves to loneliness after an unsuccessful romance. They experience the situation painfully, experiencing humiliation. And here the problem of overcoming loneliness arises. Arguments given by psychologists indicate that it needs to be addressed. Otherwise, the woman will become even more unhappy than she was before. She will be prevented from creating new relationships by the fear of her prejudice that all men are evil.

The theme of women's loneliness in literary works

He talks about the life of a simple Russian collective farmer in his story “ Matrenin Dvor"A. I. Solzhenitsyn. This is a lonely woman who lost her husband at the front and buried six children. Matryona Vasilyevna, that’s the name of the main character of the story, struggles alone with the hardships of life. To her, having seniority at the state farm, they do not pay pensions. She was unable to obtain payments for the loss of a breadwinner. However, Matryona did not lose her human feelings. She readily responds to someone else's misfortune and continues to carry the cross of a homemaker.

Very bright female loneliness shown in L. Tolstoy’s novel “Anna Karenina”. This work is about the breakup of the main character’s relationship with all areas of life. Here the author also highlights the problem of the influence of loneliness on a person. The arguments in favor of the fact that the love of Vronsky and Anna is doomed to failure are obvious. Alienation of society and its rejection of feelings that arise that contradict the morality of secular circles. Young and cheerful at the beginning of the novel, the woman is eventually driven to complete despair and dies under the wheels of a train.

Loneliness of the elderly

The problem of lack of demand, the emergence of a feeling of abandonment and misunderstanding on the part of young people often accompanies the elderly. This is aggravated by the fact that they also experience a lack of support and care from the state. But often this is a problem of loneliness of a person who has devoted himself to others. Arguments in favor of the need to solve it are the social aspects of the issue.

What are the reasons for loneliness in old age? This is the absence of relatives and children or living separately from them. It is not easy for old people to bear the death of a spouse. For Russian state Another characteristic problem is loneliness of older people. Arguments for the seclusion of old people are financial helplessness and the inability to cope with household and hygienic issues.

The theme of loneliness of older people in literary works

About old life village woman The story of K. G. Paustovsky “Telegram” is narrated. Its main character, Ekaterina Ivanovna, had to experience loneliness, despite the fact that she has a daughter, Nastya. The author raises the problem of loneliness of old people. The arguments confirming its existence are the main character’s awareness of her uselessness, because her daughter has not visited her for four years. This leads to the old woman living out her days completely alone.

The same problem was raised by A.S. Pushkin. In his story " Stationmaster“He showed how terrible the picture of the loneliness of an old man is. The hero of the story, Samson Vyrin, was abandoned by his daughter, who went after her beloved.

N.V. Gogol convincingly showed us how loneliness changes a person. The hero of his novel " Dead Souls“Plyushkin himself alienated his children from himself. He was afraid that they would ruin him. The result of Plyushkin's loneliness was personality degradation.

One of the problems of residents of big cities

Huge crowds of people in megacities do not allow people to meet often and do not encourage close spiritual communication. Everyone is in a hurry and running about their business, often not paying attention to who is nearby. Women and men live as if by inertia. However, a certain moment comes, and each of them understands that loneliness has set in, because there is no one nearby. You can find a description of this condition in many literary works. It also appears in F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “White Nights”. In it, the author raises the problem of loneliness of people in big cities. Arguments confirming the existence of such a situation are a divergence of interests and a total separation of people. At the center of F. M. Dostoevsky’s narrative is the story of a lonely Dreamer. on his life path I met a girl Nastenka. The dreamer falls in love with her and, with her help, tries to get out of the “dungeon” of loneliness.

However, Nastenka loves another and remains true to her feelings. She apologizes for her betrayal in a letter written to Dreamer. He forgives the girl, but, continuing to love her, remains lonely in a cold city that does not understand him.


based on the story “House for Sale” by Boris Petrovich Ekimov

Loneliness is emotional condition a person associated with the absence of loved ones or with the fear of losing them.

Ekimov Boris Petrovich, author of the story “House for Sale,” addresses the problem of loneliness. This problem is not new, especially among older people. To attract the attention of readers to it, Ekimov tells how main character Baba Manya is trying to sell her house, but at the same time stay with it: “I will live quietly, but it seems like in front of people.” She suffers from loneliness, she wants to at least talk to someone. “I can’t sit alone in the house,” she says.

Elderly people need the participation of loved ones in their lives. Sometimes a call from relatives is enough to ask about your well-being and tell you about their successes and problems. But in life everything often happens the same as with Baba Mani.

The author of the story feels sorry for the old woman. He wants readers to feel this story, since it is quite typical in our time. Many older people face this problem. You wouldn’t wish anyone to be in such a situation, because loneliness makes a person unhappy and pitiful.

The writer managed to show us how bad Grandma Mana is, how much she needs to communicate with her children, but they have no time for her, they have their own problems and worries: “My daughter... comes once a week. He will fly in, sit down and sing: “Oh, mom, there’s no time.” Sometimes the old woman goes to the neighbors just to be with people: “And it’s all the same. I go to my neighbors, as long as I’m with people.” By telling the story of Baba Mani, the author tries to warn us against such mistakes in relationships with elderly parents and even strangers.

I completely share the author's position. I also feel sorry for Grandma Manya. If a person has children, he should not remain lonely, unhappy, forgotten by everyone in his old age. I feel especially acutely the suffering of this elderly woman, because I experienced firsthand what loneliness is. I am also afraid of him and I know how offensive and painful it can be when they forget about you and leave you alone with your problems.

There are many similar examples in life and in literature. Thus, the story “Telegram” by Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky shows the loneliness of an elderly woman, Katerina Ivanovna, who was left completely alone after the death of her husband. And she, too, like Baba Mani, has a daughter, Nastya. And Nastya also has no time. She regularly sends money to her mother, but Katerina Ivanovna does not need this. She dies without waiting for her daughter. And strangers even bury her. But this is wrong.

We also encounter the problem of human loneliness in A.P. Chekhov’s story “Tosca.” From the beginning of the story, A.P. Chekhov points out the harmony present in the relationship between the old cab driver and his “horse”, which is sensitive to the slightest changes state of mind its owner. The world of people has rejected him, and the old man goes to his horse - a dumb creature - which alone understands him. With warm irony for his hero, for all people alone in their melancholy, vainly seeking a response, salvation in another person, and, perhaps, for himself, A.P. Chekhov ends the story with the following two phrases: “The little horse chews, listens and breathes.” into the arms of his master... Jonah gets carried away and tells her everything..."

The theme of loneliness stated by A.P. Chekhov in the story is developed and comprehended by the writer throughout his subsequent literary activity.

Thus, the problem of loneliness has always been and remains one of the most significant in society. You should pay attention to it.

  • Category: Arguments for the Unified State Exam essay
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  • M.Yu. Lermontov - poem “Both boring and sad...... In this poem, the poet writes about loneliness: “It’s boring, and sad, and there’s no one to give a hand to in a moment of spiritual adversity...”. Desires, love, passions - everything turns out to be empty and worthless. At the end of the poem there is disappointment lyrical hero in life reaches its climax: life itself turns out to be “an empty and stupid joke.”
  • A.P. Chekhov's story "Tosca". The plot of the story is simple: the son of cab driver Iona Potapov died. And he has no one to go to with his grief. People don't want to listen to him. Then he tells the horse everything. And only in this way does his melancholy dissipate.

Unified State Examination essay:

It seems to me that it is no coincidence that the text German writer G. Hesse is entitled “On Old Age” - the author touches on important issues related to this period of a person’s life. Looking at older people, you understand that old age can be different: cheerful, strong spirit and, conversely, sad, gloomy. What does this depend on? The author of the text answers this question by raising the problem of perception of old age.

Analyzing such an important problem for every person, the famous writer gives examples that help the reader see old age differently and reconsider his views. On behalf of the hero-narrator, the author convinces the reader that “being old is as wonderful and necessary a task as being young.” U famous writer there is an answer to the question: “What should I do to fulfill my purpose in old age?” , he finds many advantages at this age. It is no coincidence, I think, that a special place in the text is occupied by the narrator’s memory of a meeting with an eighty-year-old woman, conversations that made both heroes feel almost young. I perceive the final part of the text as an appeal to young people with a request to be more tolerant, to treat older people with more respect, to value their experience and wisdom.

G. Hesse is deeply convinced that old people should have a goal that gives meaning to their existence. The writer believes that being old is as wonderful and necessary a task as being young, and advises at this stage of life to remember your purpose.

It is difficult to disagree with the author of the text. I completely share his position and believe that even in old age a person can engage in some kind of activity, develop spiritually and mentally, and cope with his task. I'll try to prove it.

I would like to substantiate my point of view by referring to L. N. Tolstoy’s novel War and Peace. Before us is one of the characters in the work - old prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky. It would seem that age life difficulties should have deprived the hero of the thirst for life, but the author portrays a very active person. The prince is smart, pedantic, unemotional, harsh, picky. He is constantly busy: writing memoirs, calculations from higher mathematics, turning snuff boxes on a machine, working in the garden and observing the buildings that did not stop on his estate - all this makes the hero truly alive and active. Reading the work of L.N. Tolstoy, we understand: the old prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, despite his age, is a man for whom old age is not a hindrance.

At one time, I read with pleasure I. S. Turgenev’s “Fathers and Sons.” I was particularly impressed by the part of the book in which Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov, the father of the main character, is described. This is an energetic and hardworking sixty-year-old man who, even in retirement, continues to treat people. His free help to sick peasants, his desire to read modern magazines in order to keep up with his son, the advanced thoughts at that time that everyone should get food for themselves with their own hands, there is nothing to rely on others: you have to work yourself, inspires respect. It is difficult to call Vasily Ivanovich an old man: the image of the hero helps to understand that old age is an incentive for new things.

G. Hesse in his text raised very important problem and made me think that it depends only on ourselves whether old age will be a bright continuation of life or a dull existence doomed to despondency.

Text by G. Hesse

(1) Without a doubt, old age is a stage of our life, which, like any other stage, has its own own face, your own atmosphere, your own joys and sorrows. (2) Believe me: we, gray-haired old men, have, like all our younger brothers, our own goal that gives meaning to our existence. (3) Being old is as wonderful and necessary a task as being young. (4) An old man, to whom old age and gray hair are only hated and feared, is just as unworthy a representative of his stage of life as a young and strong man who hates his occupation and everyday work and tries to evade them.

(5) In short, in order to fulfill your purpose in old age and cope with your task, you must be in agreement with old age and with everything that it brings with it, you must say “yes” to it. (6) Without this “yes”, without the willingness to surrender to what nature requires of us, we lose - whether we are old or young - the value and meaning of our days and deceive life.

(7) Driven by desires, dreams, passions, we, like most people, rushed through the weeks, months, years and decades of our lives, violently experiencing successes and disappointments - and today, carefully leafing through a large illustrated book of our own life, we are surprised at how beautiful and glorious it is to step away from this race and surrender to a contemplative life. (8) We become calmer, more forgiving, and the less our need to intervene and act, the greater our ability to look closely and listen to the bright and clear life nature and to the life of our fellow humans, observing its progress without criticism and never ceasing to be amazed at its diversity, sometimes with participation and quiet sadness, sometimes with laughter, pure joy, with humor.

(9)…Recently I stood in my garden by the fire, throwing leaves and dry branches into it. (10) An old woman, probably eighty years old, walked past the thorny fence; she stopped and began to watch me. (11) I greeted her, then she laughed and said: “(12) They did the right thing by lighting a fire. (13) At our age we have to adapt to hell.” (14) This was how the tone was set for the conversation, in which we complained to each other about all sorts of illnesses and troubles, but each time jokingly. (15) And at the end of the conversation we admitted that, despite all this, we are not so terribly old.

(16) When very young people, with the superiority of their strength and naivety, laugh behind our backs, finding our heavy gait and our sinewy necks funny, we remember how, possessing the same strength and the same naivety, we once laughed. (17) Only now we don’t seem defeated and beaten at all, but rejoice in the fact that we have outgrown this stage of life and have become a little smarter and more tolerant. (18) We wish the same for you.

(according to G. Hesse*)

Have you ever thought about getting old? Young people hardly think about it because of their age. Why think about the distant future when you are full of energy, healthy and cheerful! But with age, a person increasingly thinks about the inevitable.

Why does this happen? The answer is obvious: people are afraid of weakness and loneliness. Everyone wants to have a friendly family, caring children, obedient grandchildren who can be pampered and guided on the right path. I want my family to always be there and not forget about the older generation.

It was this kind of old age that Katerina Ivanovna, the heroine of K. G. Paustovsky’s “Telegram”, dreamed of. In the story, the author raises the problem of lonely old age and the moral deafness of adult children.

The work tells the story of an elderly woman living alone in an old village house.

She “never complained,” although for four years she received only money from her daughter, who left for the city, “but even then, it happened intermittently.” The old woman was left “alone in this world”, she wanted only one thing: to see her daughter Nastya, “to stroke her Brown hair"... The melancholy was so great that Katerina Ivanovna asked not to loved one accompany her for a walk in the garden. But there she burst into tears, “like very old people, not ashamed of their tears.” The heroine was never destined to wait to meet the dearest person in the world.

Paustovsky bows to the selfless motherly love, mental fortitude Russian woman, saying: “How happy I would be if I had such a mother!”

From generation to generation, the problem of lonely old age remains relevant. This is not the end, continued below.

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