Children draw dad. Step-by-step video on a master class on drawing a family with mom, dad and daughter

    From childhood, children perceive dad in drawings as a person who wears formal clothes, that is, a suit to work, and they rarely see him while mom spends time with them most of our time, we all know about this.

    Therefore, I offer several silhouettes from which you can draw the image of a man in a suit; you will only need to correct the facial features and appearance of your beloved daddy and the drawing is ready!

    Here, a man is shown in a suit of low and tall It’s a good thing, because everyone’s dad is different.

    You can draw a father with a small child like this.

    You can also look at:

    How to draw a man with a pencil step by step?

    Depending on the age of the child, the father will also turn out. The easiest way to draw a dad is to draw his face in the form of a triangle. Draw eyes, mouth, nose and hair in it. The torso is also a triangle; add legs and arms to it.

    Like this in a simple way you can draw dad.

    Here are some options for how to draw a dad. The first option is for older children (the main difference from a woman is a shirt, tie, chess), but the second drawing is for those who are still learning, to draw their family Dad, Mom, themselves and a cat..)

    Hello, you can draw a Man in both complex and the easy way, we are required to have an option for children; to get started you need to have all the necessary things (pencil, eraser, paper, and patience.)

    Firstly, we make the outlines of the drawing, you don’t need to draw much, because in the future you need to remove the extra lines, in the second stage we give the drawing roundings and remove the extra lines, in the third stage we already draw the hair, eyes, mouth and nose, and give the drawing its final appearance !

    Any child can draw a dad if he is shown a sample. For example, a photograph or other children's drawings. You can draw clothes, and instead of the head, glue a photo from a real photo of dad. Here are the options

    It’s impossible to describe exactly how to draw a dad, because everyone’s dad is different and they all look different. Some have an oval-shaped face, some have a round face, some are fat, some are thin. You can make a dad in a working uniform.

    Children have a richer imagination than ours, which is why they cope with this task better. And we can only admire.

  • Draw dad!

    Any person a child can draw is drawn.

    Children distinguish between mom and dad by two things: hairstyle and hat. Usually they are drawn side by side, even if you say, draw dad. She will also finish drawing her mother!))

    Both little men will be the same, but dad will be wearing a hat, and mom will have big hair.

    Older children also add shoes and a handbag to their mother. But they don’t finish drawing anything for dad. He has nothing..))

    Once upon a time, in the old days, children would add a mustache to their dad, but now no one wears a mustache...

    Now the child is more likely to finish drawing a gun or a bottle for dad))

  • There will be a portrait of dad a great gift from a child to his father, for example, on a birthday, or on the holiday of February 23.

    And such a drawing will not be difficult to complete, even if the child does not have any special drawing skills. It can be created from simple geometric shapes. And you will need colored pencils, a simple pencil, paper and, of course, an eraser.

    First you need to draw these figures.

    And then take a black pencil and draw the contours and add some details.

    Then draw dad’s hair and design his face, eyes and lips, draw his legs.

    And after that, color the drawing with colored pencils or felt-tip pens.

    The easiest way to draw a dad will be shown to you by the child himself.))) I have a 3.5-year-old daughter, she draws her dad exclusively with the head and the arms and legs come from it, without the torso)). In general, you can draw dad like this.

    It will be easy to draw a child’s dad if it’s not a class art school. From simple figures: face - circle or oval; body - triangle or oval; limbs - sticks; hands, feet - circles or ovals. So that no one doubts that this is your dad - find in him distinctive feature and transfer it to paper.

    To draw a dad or a man, take a pencil, paper and an eraser. Start by drawing the head and torso. To do this, draw an oval at the top of the sheet and two short lines going down, this will be the head and neck. Then we depict the torso, arms, and legs with a square. We draw eyes, lips, nose, ears and hair on the face, and put boots on the legs. That's it, dad is ready. A child can give such a drawing to his dad on February 23 or his birthday.

    Hands, legs, cucumber. It turned out to be a little man.

Drawing a family: step-by-step lessons for children and beginners.

For a child, family is the whole world! These are people who love, this is a place where they wait, this is a magical similarity and at the same time dissimilarity with each other. The family begins to draw their first drawings at the age of 2-3, and children return to this plot many times. This article is compiled for children and adults who are planning to draw their family. In it we will talk about how to draw a real masterpiece in the simplest way!

How to draw your family with a pencil step by step for beginners and children?

First, you need to determine who exactly you plan to draw. Mom + dad + child + several children + grandparents, and possibly pets.

Now decide who will be where. Never put everyone on the same line, it’s not aesthetically pleasing, and in life it doesn’t happen that all family members are the same height. It is better to draw small children and small animals on the hands, with parents in the center, with children between them or standing/sitting around them.

We propose to draw several options for a family, both cartoon and real, consisting of 3-5 family members.

So let's get started! In the first lesson we will draw a mom and dad holding a child in their arms. The first step is to draw the outlines of dad and mom. Please note that dad's head is significantly higher than mom's head, and there is enough space between the silhouettes to fit three people.

Now, using oval shapes and straight lines, we draw the main contours of all family members.

We draw large and small details, and also carefully erase unnecessary lines. Draw lines in bold with a simple pencil, add in the necessary places. The picture is ready!

Now let's draw a mom, dad and two children. Youngest child will sit on daddy's shoulders. We draw the contours of father and son.

We detail the head and torso of the couple and son. We repeat the outlines as in the photo. Don't forget that the dad's head should be larger, and the baby's head should be rounder. We monitor the proportions of the face, ears, and hairstyle.

Let's draw dad's T-shirt. Since the sleeve is short, we next draw the arms. We pay careful attention to the collar area and neck.

Let's move on to drawing the trousers. Maintain the necessary symmetry and proportionality of folds and pockets.

And now we draw eyebrows, noses, eyes for dad and son.

Let's move on to the second half of the picture. We draw a mother and her eldest daughter, who is running next to her mother.

After marking, you can proceed to drawing the details. This time we decided to start with the hair and the shape of the face.

Now draw the face, do not forget about the facial features: in children they are more rounded and delicate.

I would like to add interesting detail, for example a briefcase. And this is no longer just a family, but parents picking up their daughter from school.

We draw dresses for mother and girl. Don't forget about the anatomical shape of the mother - the bust.

We finish the drawing - draw the legs and shoes. Finish the drawing and paint!

How to draw a family of 3,4,5 people?

And in this wonderful step by step wizard The class shows how to draw the most popular family in the world - the Simpsons with many children! The master class is so detailed that it does not require text accompaniment.

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with several video lessons that contain examples of drawing close-knit families.

Video: How to draw a friendly family?

Video: How to draw a family?

How to draw a family portrait?

A family portrait is more difficult to draw than big picture, since the portrait places greater emphasis on the faces of family members. In this case, it is important to place the faces so that they look either at one person or at each other. To add atmosphere to the picture, it doesn’t hurt to add small family details or heirlooms to the portrait.

In this section we will draw the Griffin family consisting of six family members. Please note that the atmosphere of this portrait is given by the dog, which is included in the family and added to the portrait.

How to draw a portrait of a family: using the example of Family Guy

Using ovals, draw dad in the center, and then all the family members around. Small ones a little in front, tall ones on the sides. First, we draw ovals proportional to the parts of the body.

We give the outlines of the body and faces of our heroes.

We draw small details of faces, torsos, clothes.

We finish the work and decorate it if desired. Don't forget that in black and white drawings the presence of shadow and light is mandatory, but in color you can either create shadows or do without it.

How to draw a happy family with a pencil?

In this section we suggest drawing happy family using things that are always at hand, and then decorate with gouache. This method is perfect for young children and their parents.

For work, we will need, in addition to pencils, rulers and paints, bottles and bottles as in the photo.

We lay the sheet vertically and place a large bottle on the right, a smaller one on the left and barely noticeably outline it so that the lines are visible, but then they can be easily erased.

Put one more bottle on top of two bottles in front, and outline the “baby in the hat.”

The lids will help us draw the hats, and with our hands we will complete the scarves by hand as in the photo.

We draw small details and decorate. We decided to decorate with paints, but you can also use pencils, felt-tip pens, etc.

Light brown paints draw eyebrows and eyes.

We create a background and draw details on the clothes: stripes on a scarf, a checkered pattern on a coat.

Video: Draw your family through the eyes of a child?

Drawings for children on the topic MY FAMILY: sample drawings

In this section we provide many drawings on the topic My Family for creative inspiration. When a child decides to draw his family, that’s great. Give the opportunity to realize the vision that the child imagines. While drawing, do not compete, and in no case correct the drawing. Happy drawing to you and your kids!

Drawings for children on the theme MY FAMILY

Video: How to draw a family?

For loving mother even ordinary scribbles own child They look like a real masterpiece, touching and very cute. And if the album sheet depicts her own portrait, the gift becomes priceless. It’s a pity, it’s precisely these kinds of drawings that most often upset the “artists” themselves. Kids always try to draw their beloved parent as the most beautiful, bright and fashionable, while older children create a more realistic step by step portrait With small details. Both of them put maximum diligence and a piece of unconditional childhood love into the illustration, but the result is not always successful and flawless. The result: joy for the mother, tears for the child! How to proceed to the process children's creativity became a real gift not only for mothers, but also for children? The answer is simple: you should familiarize yourself with detailed master classes even before the drawing lesson. And then simple artistic basics will help children make a beautiful portrait postcard with their own hands, using regular pencil or paint.

How to draw a mother for Mother’s Day and what to draw for a mother’s birthday, see the following sections with step-by-step master classes.

How to draw a DIY portrait card for your mom as a gift for Mother's Day

Every child knows: his mother is the kindest, bravest, smartest and beautiful woman in the world. This is exactly what children are used to drawing their dear ones on funny drawings, small caricatures and colorful postcard portraits. At the same time, the majority young artists skillfully draws all the small, but so familiar details: mother’s curly hair, a mole above the upper lip, a birthmark on the forehead, etc. Do you know how to draw a portrait postcard for your mother as a gift for Mother’s Day with your own hands? If not, we will teach you. Follow our step-by-step master class with pictures.

Necessary materials for a portrait card for mom on Mother's Day

  • sheet of thick white paper
  • pencil soft and hard
  • sharpener
  • eraser
  • black gel pen

Step-by-step master class on creating a mother's portrait for a Mother's Day card

On a note! Now you know how to draw a portrait postcard for your mother as a gift for Mother’s Day with your own hands. All that remains is to supplement it with beautiful congratulatory inscriptions (“To my beloved mother”, “To the most best mom", "I love you!") and small festive details - bows, flowers, frames or ruffles.

How to draw a mother and child with a simple pencil step by step

“Mom” is the child’s first word. She is the most important person in a child's life, the most best friend and a faithful teacher. A beloved parent opens the door to her children great life, surrounds you with warmth and affection, holds your hand tightly during the first timid steps. Mother and child are essentially inseparable, so we will not separate them in our next illustration. Let's find out how to draw a mother and child with a simple pencil without much difficulty.

Necessary materials for drawing “mother and child” with a simple pencil

  • a sheet of thick white or tinted paper
  • soft and hard pencil
  • black pen
  • leaf
  • sharpener
  • piece of paper for shading

Step-by-step instructions with photos on how to draw a mother and child with a regular pencil

  1. Place a sheet of thick white or light-colored paper horizontally on the table. Visually divide the field into two even parts. In the center, draw the contours of two faces - mother and daughter.
  2. Add hairstyle outlines. Sketch the strands of hair falling onto the face.
  3. Using a hard pencil, draw the facial features of the daughter and mother - closed eyes, eyebrows, cheeks, mouth, nose.
  4. Replacing the hard pencil with a soft one, leave shadows on the faces, as in the picture below. Shade the flowing areas with light stroke-like movements.
  5. Blend the shadows around the eyes, under the nose, in the corners of the lips, on the neck and cheekbones with a piece of clean paper. Leave the cheeks unpainted.
  6. Use a soft pencil to color your hair, drawing lines from roots to ends. To make hairstyles more expressive and realistic, add a few bright strokes with a black pen.
  7. In this primitive way, you can draw not only a mother and child with a simple pencil, but also a father and son, grandparents, young people in love, etc.

How to easily draw the whole family step by step: mom, dad, daughter and son

A large and friendly family is every person’s dream. And children are no exception to the rule. Boys and girls, just like adults, are happy to have a warm home with caring parents, brothers and sisters, and fun holidays together. Someone was lucky enough to be born and live in full family with all that it entails, and for some, a full-fledged house is just plans for the future. Let's try to draw a whole family (mom and dad with a daughter or son), and thus visualize the ideal unit of society.

Necessary materials for drawing “family” with mom, dad, daughter or son

  • sheet of thick landscape paper
  • soft and hard pencil
  • eraser
  • sharpener
  • colored pencils or paints

Step-by-step master class on drawing an entire family (mother, father, son and daughter)

What to draw for a mother’s birthday from her daughter or son: simple step-by-step instructions

The birthday of your beloved mother is a special occasion for your daughter and son to draw beautiful gift birthday girl with her own hands using simple step by step instructions. On an elegant white album sheet you can depict a bright box with a bow, a delicious cake, beautiful bouquet flowers or the mother herself with the baby in her arms. Such unusual drawing will momentarily return the hero of the occasion to the past and fill the whole day with pleasant nostalgic emotions. See how and what to draw for your mother's birthday from her daughter or son, in simple step-by-step instructions.

Necessary materials for a drawing for a mother from her daughter or son for her birthday

  • sheet of thick landscape paper
  • pencil
  • eraser
  • sharpener
  • colored pencils or paints

Simple step-by-step instructions on how to draw a birthday gift for your mother from your daughter or son

  1. Start drawing with mommy's face. Using a schematic circle, as in the photo, determine the tilt of the head. Draw the contours of the face and hair.
  2. Detail the profile: draw eyes, eyelashes, wrinkles on the eyelids, nose, lips, teeth, cheeks, etc. Add curves in the ear and strands in the hair.

    On a note! To make the drawing more accurate and realistic, use one of the photographs of your mother with a baby in her arms as a “nature”. Depicting a non-moving object using a finished illustration is much easier and faster.

  3. Draw a sketch of the woman's skeleton using straight lines. Draw the lines of the arms and the contours of the baby in the diaper. Its body will be rectangular and its head will be round.
  4. Detail the baby's head and torso, draw arms, ears, cavities on the face.
  5. Following the straight lines of the skeleton, draw the woman's torso. One hand supports the baby under the head, the other hugs the legs. Don't forget about mommy's clothes. Determine the location of the collar and cuffs, buttons and other details.
  6. Erase everything auxiliary lines and draw folds in both the woman’s clothing and the baby’s diaper.
  7. Fade in the recessed areas, thus creating shadows. Leave all raised and well-lit elements white.
  8. Using colored pencils, watercolors or gouache paints, color the drawing.

What to draw for your mother just like that with watercolors or pencils

In previous master classes you mastered drawing mother's portrait, women with a child and even the whole family from photographs, live models or simply from memory. But there are still many original and unusual ideas what to draw for your mother just like that watercolor paints or pencils. For example, a dining table with a tea set, mom’s favorite flower bed, or a mother cat with little kittens. The last option is the most relevant and symbolic for a drawing for Mother’s Day or the birthday of a dear parent.

Necessary materials for drawing with a pencil or paints for mom just like that

  • sheet of pastel paper
  • soft pencil
  • eraser
  • colored pastels or watercolors

A step-by-step master class on creating a beautiful drawing for mom with paints or pencils just like that

  1. Place a sheet of paper horizontally. In the upper central part, draw an oval (the middle of the cat’s body), and to the left and below - a circle (the future head of the animal).
  2. Next, draw the contours of the mother cat’s body, her muzzle and ears.
  3. Divide the area below the torso into three parts, forming a triple trapezoid.
  4. In the central field of the trapezoid, draw the outline of a small kitten. Don't forget about your baby's tail and ears.
  5. Draw one more “baby” on both sides. To make the image more lively, place the kids in different poses.
  6. Draw the body of mommy, observing the proportions in the length and thickness of the paws, tail, belly and other details.
  7. Erase all the auxiliary lines with a soft eraser, give the fur of the cats fluffiness using dashed lines.

Probably every child loves to draw. It's exciting exciting activity, in which children can express themselves and reveal themselves as individuals. As they grow older, the drawings of little artists also change.

They become meaningful, childish carelessness is replaced realistic images. Perhaps it's time to teach children how to draw a portrait. The right approach will give a good result, because drawing a portrait step by step is not at all difficult.

Step by step instructions

Once you are sure that the children are in the right mood, you can start creating. To do this, you will need to prepare a sheet of paper, a well-sharpened pencil and an eraser, with which you can eliminate minor errors in the future masterpiece, completed in stages.

Let's draw a portrait step by step:

  • To begin, take a sheet of paper and mark its center. Then we draw an oval of the future face. It should resemble an inverted egg. After this, the oval will need to be divided dotted lines so that children have the opportunity to navigate when depicting parts of the face.

Therefore, we draw one vertical line and 2 horizontal lines on the drawing. By using vertical line we delimit the left and right parts of the face, and horizontal marks divide the face into 3 parts: forehead and eyebrows, eyes and nose, mouth and chin.

  • Let's move on to the next stage, where we draw the eyebrows and eyes. Eyebrows are two arches located parallel to each other. They are depicted above the top horizontal line. At the next stage, the eyebrows can be given any shape.

Under the same line we draw eyes, the shape of which can be chosen arbitrarily. The eyes are depicted as two mirrored arcs, between which there is a round iris and pupil.

In order for children to have a realistic drawing, it is necessary to draw eyelashes on the lower and upper eyelids. The length of the eyelashes on the upper eyelid should be greater than on the lower eyelid.

  • Draw the nose. This stage needs to be given Special attention, since it is the nose that most children fail to do. In order to give it the correct shape, make it proportional, it is recommended to start drawing the nose from inside eyebrows A thin arc is drawn down, indicating the crown of the nose.

After this, the wings of the nose and nostrils are drawn, all excess is erased with an eraser, and the lines are drawn with a pencil.

  • At the very bottom of the face we draw a mouth. It will be depicted as a lower arcuate line and two arcuate lines located on top. The upper and lower parts of the mouth are connected and outlined with a pencil. Using a slightly curved horizontal line, draw a line dividing the upper and lower lip.

  • The stage at which the portrait, depicted in stages, will be supplemented with finishing touches, involves the depiction of ears, shoulders and hair. In order for the drawing to be correct and all parts of the face to be proportional, it is necessary to follow the recommendations for their depiction.

So, the ears should be at the same level as the nose. After finishing the shoulders, you can move on to the hair. If the portrait depicts a man, then the hair will be short; if it is a woman, then you can come up with any haircut, hairstyle, hair length.

Having drawn the portrait step by step, use an eraser to erase minor errors, straighten the lines with a simple pencil, and also remove all marks that were made on the initial stage drawing. If desired, the portrait can be supplemented with elements such as freckles and birthmarks.

Given step-by-step instruction easy for children. It allows you to master the basic skills of depicting a person’s face, learn to draw its parts correctly, observing the recommended proportions. The portrait turns out realistic, because it is made according to all the rules.

It is not difficult to instill in children a love of creativity if you approach this issue correctly. If you share the desire of young artists to draw and support their endeavors, they will certainly master their favorite pastime, because the support and understanding of their parents in this matter comes first.