Step by step drawing of a steamship. Master classes with detailed instructions: how to draw a ship

The Titanic is a famous human invention, which was proud of and attributed to it a great future. BUT nature had its own way, and already on the fifth day of the journey, the British transatlantic steamer sank, hitting an ice floe. Then many people died in the cold waters of the ocean. A film was made about this, based on the love story of the surviving girl. How to draw Titanic?

detailed instructions

In order not to get confused in complex details, we will look in detail at how to draw the Titanic step by step. Let's start with the body, but from which it will be directed to the right. The ship will be long. On the right it is limited by a high nose, on the left there is a border with a slight bend, in this part it will be narrower. From above we can start sketching the handrails.

In the center, but closer to the left side, we begin to build up the floors of the steamer.

Columns of pipes rise above them. There should be five of them, and their height should be on the same line. We add an antenna to the front.

Using a dark pen or black felt-tip pen, we draw all the boundaries, simultaneously detailing the elements. At the end of the ship we draw a spire with a flag. But we make four pipes, sketching their tops with a dark color. For realism, add waves.

Pencil drawing

Now let's move on to a more realistic picture and figure out how to draw the Titanic with a pencil. We turn it to the left. We draw the contours of the body: on the left it is tall, on the right it is half as big.

We hook two anchors on the bow on both sides in front. We draw circles on the fence. Immediately behind them we pull up a pipe with a round extension. Above the floors we draw the outlines of four pipes and a flag behind them. On the side we draw a piece of an iceberg, and the waves under the bow of the Titanic.

Let's detail the drawing. We go through the floors and finish drawing the windows of the holds, casting a shadow. We make the pipes dark on top and painted a light shade on the bottom.

Shading the hull of the Titanic.

Now we need to add coldness and threat to the picture. This can be easily done by creating dark clouds behind the ship and cold ocean waters underneath.

Titanic wreck

We looked at how to draw the Titanic at the moment of its triumphal procession, but how to depict it while it was sinking? Only the right part will be visible, which goes into the ocean at an angle. Therefore, we draw two rectangles that are connected by a common side.

In the middle we draw two rectangles of pipes.

We describe the foreground of the Titanic steamship. This will be a jagged figure.

From the foreground, using an oblique line, we make a transition to the opposite building. We limit the pipes and draw a strip at the top.

We return to the foreground again. We add two lines of different lengths in the middle, draw a rounded area at the stern, and extend the mast upward.

We detail the place near the pipes. There we draw volumetric cubes. Add a long line in the middle in the foreground. Below the nose we draw a few more elements.

At the front of the ship we add six rows of hold windows. The closer the row is to the bottom, the smaller the windows.

Now we add waves that eat part of the Titanic.

We draw all the boundaries of the ship and the waves.

We wipe away the auxiliary lines.

Good afternoon. In today's lesson we will draw a steamship. This lesson is very simple, even children can draw it. You don’t even have to read our descriptions of the stages of drawing the ship, since everything is drawn in the pictures very clearly, you can just pick up pencils and copy from our drawings.

All lines necessary for drawing at a certain stage are marked in red, this is done so that you do not get confused and draw the steamer correctly. Although this is not necessary, the lesson is very simple.

Step 1
Let's start by drawing the hull of our steamship. For now it will look like a regular boat.

Step 2
. We want to depict the ship in motion, and for this we need to draw waves beating against its side. But before we do that, we need to add a line dividing the body. This line is called the Waterline. With its help, we will later paint the hull of the steamer in two colors. Now you can draw the waves.

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Step 3
Now let's draw the upper part of the ship's hull, in which the captain sits, guiding it along the right course. My steamer has two upper tiers. You can do more if you want.

Step 4
All we have to do is add two pipes and draw the smoke coming out of them, as well as small ovals on the body - portholes. Remember that the windows should gradually become smaller: the further the part of the hull is from us, the smaller the ovals on it. Use an eraser to erase mistakes and extra lines and admire the result.

Step 5
Our lesson ends and what is left for us? That's right, paint our ship.

Now all that remains is to paint the ship

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A boat is a small vessel that is usually used for short sea or river trips. Most likely, you also visited them once and know how great it is to enjoy the views of the embankments and feel the fresh sea breeze on your face. And therefore you will be very interested in learning how to draw a boat.

Drawing a golden boat

Usually boats are made white, but you can show your imagination. Moreover, the golden color of the body will go perfectly with the surface of the sea. So let's learn how to draw a boat with a pencil.

First, let's make a general sketch - it will consist of only two figures.

Then we will draw stripes on the bottom of the vessel - a kind of design move.

After this, we will outline the glass on the cockpit and the engine at the rear of the boat.

And, of course, the waves splashing below.

Let's clear the contours of unnecessary lines.

Now let's paint it - the body, as we said, will be golden in color, the stripes will be a little closer to yellow. And the waves, of course, are azure blue. But you can add a little green tint to the color of sea water.

That's all - the drawing is finished.

Learning to portray a small open boat

A boat does not necessarily have closed decks - most often it is a very small, completely open boat with several seats. And drawing a boat step by step, especially a small one, is not at all difficult. Moreover, we will do this together.

First we will create the base of the vessel, its general shape. Let's immediately mark the water line.

Next we will outline the control module, motor and propeller. So far, very basic - simple geometric shapes.

Now let's draw out the details carefully. The control module will become rounded and streamlined. There will also be seats on the boat.

And a few more details - we’ll draw decorative stripes on the body and motor, propeller blades, etc.

Let's add colors - the engine will be gray-red, the seats will be yellowish, and there will be green and blue elements on the body. But, if you wish, you can color everything in your own way.

Boat with a person on board

Children usually love anything that has a nautical theme. Of course, here the first thing that comes to mind are stories about pirates, but in practice you can come up with many more stories related to the sea. For example, you can figure out how to draw a boat for children. Rest assured, your baby will love it!

First of all, let's outline the general outline of the vessel. All curves will be very smooth - no sharp bends or jagged lines. It is best to make sketches with a simple pencil - if something happens, it can be easily erased.

Then we will draw a line of water with waves foaming under the stern. The foam will be very fluffy, with large “lambs”.

Now let’s finish drawing the engine, the person behind the wheel and the front window. The little man will turn out to be very funny.

This concludes the lesson, but if you want, you can color the drawing with bright colors.

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How to draw a sailboat with a simple pencil step by step

Video: how to draw a sailboat with a pencil on paper

How to draw a large sailing ship with a pen

  • Step 1

    To begin, draw the basic outline of the ship. For the future hull, draw such a simple marking of squares and draw the outline of the ship's hull.

  • Step 2

    Now you need to draw the base of the masts of an old wooden sailing ship. To do this, first draw two long vertical lines. The first one on the right will be the largest and the one on the far right the smallest. In some places on the masts you need to draw crossbars for the sails. Next we will draw a long keel in front of the stern of the ship.

  • Step 3

    At this stage you need to draw the outlines of the sails for the ship. Draw them in an almost rectangular shape. On the rightmost mast there will be three of them (triangular in shape). On the middle one there are five and on the last mast of the ship there are also five, only smaller.

  • Step 4

    Now we will need to draw the stern of our ship in detail. To do this, we will round the side line of the stern, and also keep in mind that the front part of the stern should be located higher than the back and middle. After that, draw another corrugated strip on it, it will trim the upper part of the stern. Next we will make a railing at the top of the stern. In the next step, add several round windows to the ship drawing.

  • Step 5

    At this stage we draw the masts of our sailboat. Use an eraser to erase the previous outlines of the base of the ship and draw the final lines of the masts. Shade them with a simple pencil. The same will need to be done with the keel.

  • Step 6

    Now let's take care of the ship's sails. Let's start with the first tilting mast first. The sails will be in the form of triangles. Let's give these sails a slight bend. Let's draw the rest of the ship's sails with an inward bend.

  • Step 7

    If you draw the ship only with a simple pencil, then use a soft pencil to apply shadows. First, shade the lower part of the stern, making it as dark as possible. Darken the top part just a little. Darker, you will only have to make a horizontal strip in the middle of the sailboat's hull. Let's also give the sails a little tint. Let's paint over the windows and add flags to the top of each mast.

Video: how to draw the Cutty Sark ship with a pencil

In this video you will see how to draw a sailboat with a pencil on paper.

How to draw the sailing ship Brigantine with a pencil step by step

  • Step 1

    We draw the base of the ship, its deck and three masts.

  • Step 2

    We depict the water level, which reaches approximately half the side of the brigantine. On the left side of the ship we draw a bowsprit - an element that protrudes from the bow of the ship. On the masts we draw yards, four perpendicular on the first two and two inclined on the third.

  • Step 3

    We depict the rigging of the brigantine, the cables that hold the masts, four on the first two and one on the last. At the rear of the side we draw a rise in the form of a rectangle.

  • Step 4

    On the first mast we depict a sail.

  • Step 5

    Now we are finalizing its shape, emphasizing each of the four canvases with an arc from below. We also depict the outlines of the sail on the second and third masts.

  • Step 6

    From the bowsprit on the bow of the brigantine we draw three cables holding the front mast of the ship. On the central mast we emphasize the shape of the sails, as in the fifth

  • Step 7

    We finish drawing three sails on the cables in the front of the ship shown in the last step. And another one at the rear of the ship, which is attached with one end to the mast and two to the deck of the brigantine.

  • Step 8

    A more detailed drawing of the sails, showing the folds on them. Adding a pair of cables to emphasize the shape of the ship, drawing rope ladders, the sides of the ship, emphasizing its texture and the waves on which the ship floats.

  • Step 9

    At this stage the lesson is completed. You can leave a pencil sketch or add color to the drawing. We wish you creative success!

We recently held a why question competition. There were few participants, so we decided to reward everyone, which was announced in the group in “Contact” (). Judging by the fact that only two people sent me their addresses, the news is worth repeating :) Now let's draw.

Our fleet has already been replenished, and transoceanic, and now let's draw a small steamer. And then we’ll add a couple of touches and turn it first into a cartoon and then into a warship.

Let's start drawing a steamboat not with a steamer at all, but with water. Our water surface turned out to be crooked, but it is what it is. As you remember, we don’t need impeccable lines - it would be interesting!

Let's mark the upper edge of the body above the water...

...and mark the bow and stern. They can be made rounded (like ours), or straight.

Right where the top and bottom parts of the body connect, let's draw a pipe. High enough, otherwise the whole team will get smoked and sneeze because of the smoke.

Let's attach a cabin with a pair of portholes to the pipe. The front part of the ship is called the “tank,” and the wheelhouse of our steamboat takes up about half of the tank.

Let's crown the cabin with a kind of visor.

To insure ourselves in case of an unexpected encounter with an iceberg, let's draw a boat - yes, hanging in the air just like that, unscientifically.

No, it’s still not in the air—let’s add a couple of squiggles. They are called "davits". Arkady was going fishing when he tripped on a davit.

Let's draw a flag on the bow of the ship. The bow flag is called "guys". Strictly speaking, in Russia only warships have a huys, but, as the great marine painter Aivazovsky often answered critics, “I paint my steamship the way I want!”