What can you draw in a village garage? Airbrushing on garage doors

Agree that monotony is boring, and every car owner wants to distinguish his own garage from millions of others. Some people are overly interested in security systems, and for others, graffiti can be a manifestation of individuality. Beauty is needed everywhere and let your neighbors begin to envy you and stop in surprise near your garage door.

Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with a car with stickers or airbrushing, but here are the drawings on garage doors will arouse interest and make the owner an original personality. Any images can be placed on such surfaces. The graffiti placed on garage doors can depend only on the following factors: the wishes of the owner and the artist’s skill and imagination.

Unique beauty

Previously it was believed that drawings on gates could only be placed on retail outlets, markets. Stickers and graffiti were considered additional advertising. But now everything has changed. 3D drawings on garage doors can be installed by anyone who wants to emphasize the uniqueness of their property.

Ordinary buildings for garages and the gates on them are not particularly original. All of them are produced according to standard standards, and whether to make such an object original is a personal matter for the owner. Using 3D stickers or graffiti for garage doors, you can decorate not only the gate, but also the building itself in an original way. This is the method that will add zest to your site.

What to depict?

Professional garage door designers make any designs on garage doors. You can depict anything: a starship from Star Wars, elephants and a picture of a nightclub with a DJ and dancers. The main task of such a solution is visual deception, giving an unusual realistic look.

Airbrush is the most expensive type of drawing. On the pages of the World Wide Web you can find examples of thousands of options for 3D drawings for a garage. Graffiti and 3D stickers for garage doors are the most popular alternative expensive hand-made airbrush drawings. Ordering such options is much easier than finding a specialist.

Making 3D designs for garage doors is not new or innovative. They are made on the same principle as posters for billboards, photo wallpapers, and pictures for doors.

What do they like to depict?

It is very fashionable now to use 3D stickers for garage doors with images of animals or equipment that are supposedly located in the doorway, standing in the garage:

  • Horses;
  • Airplanes, helicopters;
  • Powerful large trucks;
  • Formula 1 cars;
  • Various car models in retro style.

In addition, thematic 3D stickers for garage doors, prepared for various holidays, are in demand: New Year, Halloween and others. Garage doors can be decorated with images of discos or overseas beaches.

Majority contemporary artists– designers are learning a new skill – making 3D drawings specifically for garage doors. In addition, companies producing wallpaper and billboards began to produce stickers with a 3D effect.

A standard garage door sticker will cost about 150-160 euros, and you can order it on any website offering similar services. You can participate in the design, monitor the design and the pictures depicted. We warn you that there are cases when applying graffiti to garage doors is simply unacceptable. But the choice is yours!

Websites also offer the following services: you can choose a picture yourself, download it, and then print it to complete your order. The dimensions will be standard, suitable for any garage. If your gate is non-standard, send the dimensions to the contractor. Some companies are accepted to implement any customer's ideas regarding poster design. You can even get a reward if your idea is liked and starts selling.

All stickers and posters for the garage are made of strong, moisture-resistant, non-flammable materials. This material can be glued to any surface - wood, metal, glass. You can apply the sticker to the gate yourself! It doesn’t take more than half an hour, but the result will please not only you!

The desire to stand out from the gray mass, to show individuality and creativity encourages people to seek new methods of self-expression. Most car owners treat their “iron horses” like children. They look after, cherish, blow away specks of dust in the literal sense of the word, decorate in every possible way.

Not so long ago, pictures on the car body caused a real boom; now pictures on the garage and garage doors are popular. There are countless variations of images, it all depends on the preferences of the owner, creativity and financial situation.

A few years ago, garage doors were not decorated with anything, at most they updated the coating or glued advertising posters, someone dabbled in graffiti. Now the situation has changed dramatically, very often garage doors are full of interesting drawings in the form of 3D drawings on the garage, airbrushing.

3D stickers

The themes of the drawings can be different, it all depends on the method of application. The simplest and available way– 3D stickers with images of airplanes, large animals, retro cars, Formula 1 cars. In addition, the drawings are modified taking into account the season and holidays, for example, New Year and Defender of the Fatherland Day. Garage airbrushing allows you to turn the idea of ​​the author of the drawing into reality, provided that he has artistic talent or invites an artist to do the work.

There are a great variety of garage door design options. The most affordable: stickers with 3D effect, holographic images, photo wallpaper, photo curtains, billboards. The theme is presented in catalogs for buyers to choose from; you can also select a design yourself and show it to the master.


Garage door decals and posters must be moisture-resistant.

At first glance it may seem that it is difficult to stick a poster on a gate with a corrugated surface, but the material has an elastic structure and is easily fixed on metal, glass, and wooden products. In addition, the speed of the gluing process is also attractive; everything will take you no more than 1 - 1.5 hours.

Graffiti is done by young people who have the skills to handle spray paint, or by their friends or acquaintances. Over time, boring drawings can be repainted and replaced with more relevant ones.

If you choose airbrushing, then be prepared for the fact that this method is the most expensive, but also the most effective. This is due to the fact that in this case you will need to use the services professional artist to paint the garage door. When choosing an image, remember that this is a long-term investment of money, and the result will delight you and those around you for a long time.

Airbrushing on garage doors

This type of art is quite popular and is used to decorate walls and any other surfaces and objects. To apply the image, an airbrush is used, which works like a spray gun, but is endowed with greater functionality.

The main advantage of an airbrush is the ability to convey the saturation and depth of an image. This happens due to drawing small parts and elements. If you wish, you can turn any idea into reality.

Airbrushes are available for sale different levels difficulties. Suitable for beginner artists simple model, for professionals – special sets. Airbrush simple type resembles a spray gun with which paint is applied to walls in residential premises. This unit allows you to spray material of the required thickness. Professional devices equip additional set features that allow you to create realistic images.

The quality and safety of do-it-yourself designs on garage doors depends on the rules of adherence to paint application technology:

  • to begin with, the surface is carefully cleaned of dirt, saw blades, old coating, and rust;
  • Apply degreasing compounds (solvent) and dry.


To distribute the paint evenly, the gates are treated with a primer.

To give the surface a matte finish, before starting to paint, the surface is treated with sandpaper or abrasive paste. Upon completion preparatory work, proceeds to create a design on the garage door with his own hands using paints.

The process of creating airbrushing on garage doors

To make an airbrush design on a garage door, use the following tools and materials:

  • thumbnail image;
  • airbrush;
  • paints of different shades.

Masters who have perfected their work techniques create such realistic drawings that at first glance it is difficult to believe that this is a picture.

When operating a simple airbrush, the paint is supplied under the pressure of compressed air, which reduces the pressure at the outlet, and the paint comes from the nozzle in an amount that is sufficient to apply a dense layer. Professional tools are equipped with a function for adjusting the paint supply. Simple units are suitable for creating simple drawings. For monumental paintings, expensive equipment is purchased.

Creating a Sketch

A masterpiece begins with a sketch, so it is not advisable to lose sight of this stage. You can find an image on the Internet or design it yourself. Independent work It’s easier for craftsmen to do it from scratch. An excellent basis for simple drawing On the garage door there will be photographs of animals, cars, landscapes, and futuristic motifs. This will allow you to convey the image with maximum accuracy.

In the process of creating a drawing, paints play an important role. They should be High Quality, in addition, they must be properly prepared for work. To do this, you need to mix the paints, strain through a mesh in order to sift out large particles and apply the material without streaks, in an even layer.

The surface of the gate is prepared as follows:

  • clean the old paint layer, remove rust and dirt;
  • rub the surface with sandpaper and degrease;
  • left to dry;
  • cover with a primer to extend the life of the image.

Instead of sandpaper They use an abrasive paste, which, after application, is rubbed over the surface of the gate.

Drawing an outline and detailing the drawing

Instructions for creating an airbrush image:

Processing of small parts for the purpose of transfer realistic drawing depends on the quality of the tool, materials and abilities of the craftsman. After completion of the work, the image is coated with varnish, which will help give additional volume and shine, protect from negative influence rain, snow, sun rays.

In recent years, the design on a dacha fence has become increasingly popular. The most popular is the direction associated with the application beautiful drawing on the fence. Most people believe that only real artists can paint a fence. Basically, beautiful picture Only they can portray it.

Realistic drawing on a concrete fence

However, a simple drawing is quite easy to draw and to an ordinary person. The most important thing is to have the necessary materials on hand and use your imagination.

How to apply the drawing

To draw a design on a fence with your own hands, several methods have been developed. In this matter, the person’s ability to draw comes first.


The beginning of this trend, when an inscription is made on a fence, was a drawing technique called “graffiti”. This method has found particular popularity in car tuning. To paint a picture, a special airbrush is used. It is also called an air brush.

In fact, this is an ordinary spray can that has interchangeable nozzles for spraying paint.

Due to the compressed air under high pressure, the paint is evenly sprayed. In this way, you can paint a picture on every surface with your own hands.

An example of an airbrush design on a fence

For such an airbrush, any unevenness on the fence of the dacha will not be a hindrance. The fact is that when painting in this way, you can use pressure on the sprayer to adjust the saturation of the shades.

Airbrush paintings always have volume and look quite realistic. However, for a person who does not have the ability to draw, such a technique will not be available. It is best to use the services of professionals.

Applying a stencil

If you don't need to draw it yourself piece of art on the fence, you can use more affordable technology. The picture can be drawn on the fence of the dacha using a stencil. It is made from cardboard on which the desired image is cut out. Absolutely anyone can make a stencil with their own hands. But if you wish, you can purchase a ready-made stencil in a specialized store for artists.

Painting a fence using a stencil

To attach the stencil to the fence, use the most ordinary tape; masking tape is also suitable. During operation, for greater reliability, it is better to hold the stencil with your hand.
The drawing can be applied with a variety of tools:

  • brush;
  • roller;
  • sponge

To paint the fence, use water-repellent paints.

Sketch for drawing

To draw an image from an already made drawing, a sketch is first made. A drawing of the fence is made on a small scale; color painting with drawing of all the details. For such a drawing, you can choose any theme. It can be different geometric figures or beautiful landscape.


This newest direction, appeared in last years in the artists' arsenal. A special vandalizer is used to apply the image.

This is what the drawing on the fence looks like using the tagging method

This is a multi-colored marker designed for reusable, having a feather up to 10 centimeters wide.

Paints that can be used for painting

Most suitable for:

  • Acrylic water-repellent paints;
  • Oil enamels;
  • Alkyd paints.

Metal fences can be perfectly painted with anti-corrosion paints. Brick fences are coated with acrylic or silicone paint. Any paint must be water-repellent. After applying the design so that it pleases the eye long years, it is advisable to coat it with acrylic varnish.

How to paint corrugated board

When, the plot of the picture can be almost anything. Can be done beautiful fence from corrugated sheeting, decorating a reproduction of any painting on its surface.

Original drawing on a corrugated fence

Thanks to a huge number shades, you can create a unique fence with your own hands, which will not lose its beauty for many years and will be unique and original. The result is a work of art that harmonizes perfectly with the overall landscape. To make the fence more beautiful, you need to paint it bright colors With rich colors. However, the industry produces corrugated sheets that are already colored. He can be:

  • red;
  • green;
  • blue;
  • brown;
  • gray;
  • burgundy.

Therefore, it is possible to select steel sheets that do not require painting. To achieve true harmony, it is advisable to select the shade of corrugated board according to color scheme building. For example, a brick house with a green roof looks very bad when it has a blue fence. But a fence painted in rainbow colors will be attractive and unique.
You can draw any design on a fence made of corrugated sheets:

  • flowers;
  • portraits;
  • ornaments;
  • animals.

You can draw pictures on each section or selectively on several of them. Since, for ease of work, you need to make cardboard stencils that are glued to the fence double tape. When graffiti is made using spray cans, it turns out very fashionable. Each section must have different pattern. Such a fence always attracts attention; it will become a regional attraction that people come to specially admire.
On corrugated sheets, the designs are perfectly preserved, the colors do not fade, they are not washed off.

Metal fences

Sometimes they are covered with a pattern that imitates the structure of wood. The image can be almost anything. If you look at such a fence from afar, it is very difficult to distinguish it from an ordinary wooden one. Only when you get closer you can see that the fence is made of metal. If such a fence has beautiful pillars, it becomes attractive and looks very original. To protect the design on the metal, it is covered with a transparent film. Thus, the picture will remain bright for many years.

Everyone will like a good one optical illusion. Especially life-size 3D pictures evoke funny emotions. At first, a person does not understand how it is possible that there is an entire Mediterranean field behind the house, especially if it is not in the area Mediterranean Sea, and realizing that it is a sticker, he smiles with relief. Well made 3D stickers look so real that they will fool anyone.

Garage door sticker - knight's castle

Garage doors seem to be an insignificant part of the facade that few people pay attention to. But you can create a whole world on the gate - a knight’s castle, a Tuscan landscape, an airplane hangar... You can always choose (or create with your own hands) exactly the picture that will express and emphasize your individuality.

3D sticker for a gate in the form of a stable

You can understand that these horses are not real only by looking closely at the picture for a long time. Otherwise, you get the complete impression that they are about to neigh quietly, jump over the fence and run across the summer meadow.

Picture of a sports car on a garage door

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Beach Gate Sticker

Here's another great effect. It seems like a series of dull garages of the same type, and behind the gates of one of them is a Hawaiian paradise with transparent sea, white sand and surfboards. I just want to enter this picture, like entering a portal.

Image of a road on a garage door

There is no end to the road! The main thing is that guests who do not know about the joke do not mistake the image for the real road.

Home garage or truck stop?

What's in your garage? Let's consider that a great sports bike

Or maybe there’s a whole hangar with a single-seat plane hidden behind the gate?

...or not even single-seater?!