How to draw a beautiful fence. Drawing a fence

Decorating fences with pictures is a new direction in the design of fences. Despite their “youth”, various painting technologies quickly became popular, because they allow creative owners to individualize their summer cottage and any fenced area. Anyone can create an attractive pattern using our recommendations.

Airbrush drawings in fence design

An interesting option is to paint the fence using airbrushing, i.e. by spraying paint from an airbrush. Airbrushing is applicable on fences made of different materials, since the paint is easily distributed on the surface under the pressure of a stream of compressed air. If there are bulges, curvatures, or depressions on the fence, it’s not a big deal. The substance released from the can will mask any defect in a matter of minutes.

To turn the fence into a real masterpiece of art, you will need some materials and tools:

  • A drawing of the pattern with color markings, if it will occupy a large surface.
  • A stencil with an image you like (you can buy ready-made or make it yourself).
  • Scotch tape or masking tape is useful for fixing the stencil.
  • A level or plumb line will help you level the workpiece on the fence.
  • Grinding machine - will remove rust and give the working surface a smooth finish.
  • Acrylic, oil or nitro paints.

If painting will be done on a metal canvas, you will additionally need a solvent and a primer. For concrete fences - only primer, for wooden fences - antiseptic and drying oil. Materials will help remove old paint and protect the canvas from the influence of precipitation. They are also needed to achieve a blurry effect.

Thanks to airbrushing, the drawings are more realistic. With a spray can it is easier to achieve gradation of shades and make the pattern more effective. Images made with a brush or roller look a little worse.

DIY drawings on a fence for a dacha

There are many options for applying a pattern to a country fence. The most modern of them is considered to be airbrushing, but in the old fashioned way you can also use a stencil. Each method has its own working nuances, which determine final result. Let's learn how to use a stencil and start with simple drawings, because... Complex patterns cannot be made without experience.

Let's write down all the work in the form of instructions:

  1. A suitable pattern is transferred to paper and cut out along the edge.
  2. Prepare masking tape that will protect the painting from smudges.
  3. The workpiece is leveled and, after making sure it is level, the stencil is attached.
  4. The span material is cleaned with sandpaper or a grinding machine.
  5. The surface is painted along the lines indicated by the stencil.
  6. The workpiece is carefully removed after the paint has set a little, otherwise it will flow.

Looks very nice on a country fence floral ornament, birds, butterflies, flowers. Some owners will like a picture with cartoon characters or fairy tale scenes. Also interesting are options with seasonal landscapes and scenes of village life.

In order for the image lines to lie accurately and the final result to be perfect, you must use a stencil. At home, it can be cut out of linoleum or thick cardboard.

Instructions for designing metal fencing

The ideal easel for painting on a fence are fences with metal spans. Before the beginning decorative works It is recommended to carefully prepare the surface to be painted.

Let's look at the whole process step by step:

  1. Cleaning the working surface (with a metal brush or grinder).
  2. Degreasing of iron sheets with a special composition that ensures high degree adhesion, or the adhesion of metal to a dye.
  3. Priming of metal areas.
  4. Applying the pattern according to the created sketch and color markings.
  5. Coating the painting with colorless varnish, which makes the painting durable.

You can paint a metal fence with any paint - acrylic, oil or nitro. Any tool is suitable for the job - an airbrush, a brush, a spray gun or a roller.

Drawings on wooden surfaces

When decorating a wooden fence, it is important to follow the same procedure as when decorating a metal surface. But first, the wood should be cleaned of burrs with a grinder and coated with an antiseptic and drying oil. Next, create a pattern acrylic paints. Nitro and oil paints They are not used for drawing on a wooden fence, because they quickly peel off, warp and lose color. A varnish coating does not make surfaces painted with such substances durable.

What designs are applied to wooden fences? Options can be either strict, in the form of geometric patterns, or cheerful, childish, bright and intentionally careless. It is convenient to apply paint with a brush or roller, because wood quickly absorbs the substance and does not drip.

If the picture is painted with an airbrush, the drawing will have to be completely reproduced 2 or even 3 times. The reason is the same - rapid absorption of paint. To consolidate the achieved result, the fence is coated with colorless acrylic varnish.

Slate fencing design

Slate in the construction of fences is used flat and wavy. It is clear that it will be easier to draw on a flat material, and you can apply the image in any way - with a roller, airbrush, brush or marker. To ensure that the paint is absorbed less intensively by asbestos cement, the surface of the fence is sanded and primed in advance. The finished drawing is additionally varnished with colorless acrylic.

It will be difficult to paint wavy slates with a marker and a roller. A high-quality drawing on a curved surface will be achieved if the artist uses an airbrush or brushes. Cleaning corrugated slate is also very difficult, since the work is done manually or by carefully using a vibrating grinder.

Slate with a small wave is also difficult to draw. You can improve the quality of your painted work by using brushes of different sizes.

The easiest way to paint wavy slate is with an airbrush. The paint released from the sprayer will settle well on a non-uniform surface, which is characterized by many technological irregularities. It is also easy to paint on a fence with spans made of wave slate with paint brushes. They produce excellent images with blurred lines.

Modern technologies for fencing design

Special artistic stickers will help you decorate your fence in an unusual and colorful way. When purchasing, the consumer must pay attention to whether the original purpose of the translation is suitable for use in outdoor conditions. There are usually many variations of images on sale, so even the most fastidious buyer will find interesting decor.

Bright stickers that convey pictures in a fashionable 3D image have several important properties that allow them to be used for exterior decoration.

Useful qualities for decorating a fence are::

  • Resistant to fading and discoloration.
  • Ability to withstand mechanical stress.
  • Withstands wet and frosty conditions and sudden temperature changes.

Our instructions will tell you how to properly stick the finished drawing on the fence:

  1. First wipe off the dust from the surface of the fence.
  2. Degrease or prime the fence.
  3. Carefully remove the film from the sticker as it adheres to the canvas. If you remove the protective coating immediately, you will not be able to avoid creases and bubble areas on the canvas.
  4. Poke the bubbles with a needle if they do appear, and slowly smooth out the puncture sites with your palm.
  5. Make the design durable by covering it with several layers of varnish.

Decorate your fence with stickers only in warm, dry weather. Best time for finishing - morning and evening, when straight Sun rays do not fall on the surface being processed.

A completely new direction in the design of personal plots is applying designs to fences using airbrushing. Of course, everyone has seen beautifully painted cars on the streets of cities and towns. The same method is used to perform original and realistic drawings at the dacha on the fence.

What is the essence of the technique and is it possible to do this design yourself. And also, what other modern techniques design can be used to make a fence in a country house or country house became exclusive and expressed the lifestyle and worldview of the owner of the house.

After all, along the fence, as if business card, the first impression is created about the inhabitants of the household.

The use of airbrushing in landscape design

Applying paint by spraying using a special device - an airbrush - is called aerography. Which literally means air brush. The device allows you to create a design on a fence made of any material, since the paint is sprayed with compressed air under pressure. This method allows you to decorate materials that cannot be painted with a regular brush or roller.

Drawings made using the airbrush method are extremely realistic and impressive. The method allows you to perform the most subtle gradations of tone and retouching, which no other painting technique can achieve.

Of course, the price for such fencing design is quite high. But this is justified by the exclusivity and beauty of the design. The technique is quite new and originates in youth street art - graffiti. But thanks to work professional artists simple drawings turn into amazingly realistic and stylish paintings.

Advice. It is unlikely that it will be possible to reproduce such drawings as in the photo on your own. Therefore, it is better to turn to professionals.

But there are other, simpler techniques that allow you to make drawings on fences with your own hands.

Drawing with a stencil

Not everyone has artistic talent, but using a stencil you can create bright and colorful compositions on fences from the most different materials:

  • With inside are not distinguished by a joyful palette of colors. Therefore, drawing a picture on the inside of such a fence will transform the yard into summer cottage;
  • Drawings of metal fences can also please the eye with bright and unusual decor;
  • Painting is not difficult even for an amateur.

Stenciling will become exciting activity not only for adults, but also for children. In addition, such painting develops fine motor skills, which is very important for children under twelve years of age.

Materials required for stenciling

In order to draw a picture with your own hands you will need the following materials:

  • A stencil prepared independently or already prepared, purchased at a hardware store;
  • Masking tape and tape;
  • Level and plumb line for evenly attaching the stencil to the surface;
  • Sandpaper or a grinding machine for troweling surfaces;
  • Solvent and drying oil. Necessary for removing paint residues, as well as for creating the effect of a “blurry” image;
  • Paints.

Advice. The choice of paints depends on the material from which the fence is made. But without fail, the paint must have water-repellent and, preferably, antiseptic properties.
Instructions for use of paint should contain information about the properties of a particular paint.

Sequence of work

To ensure that the decor does not disappear after the first rain, you must follow the sequence of work:

  • First you need to prepare the surface of the fence. Degrease and sand wooden surfaces for better paint adhesion to the surface.

Advice. If the drawing is made on concrete, then the surface is treated with a special deep penetration primer for painting.
It is necessary to wait until the surface treated with primer is completely dry. This requires a minimum of twenty-four hours, as required by the instructions.

  • The stencil is attached level to the surface using masking tape or tape;
  • The sequence of paint application is indicated in the specification for the finished stencil;
  • After applying paint of one color, it is better to wait for it to dry completely and then paint with a different color;
  • After applying all the colors, the stencil is removed and the design is outlined.

Important. After the painting has dried, it must be additionally coated with a protective layer of transparent varnish.

Modern technologies for decorating fences

To decorate your fence in a colorful and original way, you can use artistic stickers designed for decorating surfaces. It is only important to pay attention to the fact that the sticker must be intended for outdoor use. The variety of design options is amazing; you can always choose an interesting and stylish option decor.

For example, frescoes that imitate antique painting on plaster.

Bright and colorful stickers with pictures in three-dimensional 3D images, the price of which is quite affordable, intended for outdoor use, have the following properties:

  • Resistant to moisture;
  • Do not fade in the sun and withstand sudden temperature changes;
  • Frost-resistant;
  • Resistant to abrasion and mechanical stress.

A few tips on how to quickly and correctly glue such a pattern on a fence:

  • The surface must be cleaned of dirt and dust;
  • The protective film on the inside must be removed as it is glued to avoid the appearance of bubbles and breaks;
  • If unwanted air bubbles nevertheless form, they can be easily pierced with a needle and smoothed out with the palm of your hand;
  • In order to be sure of the durability and durability of the design, after gluing, the surface can be coated with a layer of transparent varnish in several layers.

Important. Work must be carried out in dry, warm weather. Preferably in the morning or evening time to avoid direct sunlight on the finish.


As you can see, variants of the original and unusual design there are quite a lot of fences. The choice depends only on the taste preferences and financial capabilities of the owners. In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

When starting any business, we do not immediately take everything into our own hands, but study the initial basics. Drawing is no exception. The desire to paint beautiful portraits and landscapes must be strengthened by the practice of drawing ordinary things. Sometimes you need to draw a regular circle a hundred times so that you can then manipulate it in all directions. Today we will study and practice perspective, and for example we will learn how to draw a fence. Perspective is a concept in drawing that distorts the image relative to the viewer. The concept is the simplest and, at the same time, the most complex. It’s worth starting with simple objects, like squares and circles. Even a regular chair or ball will work well. Why is this necessary? As you noticed from previous lessons, often before creating an object, we draw the corresponding geometric figure and fit it there. This skill will allow you to accurately depict complex structures.

It is interesting that perspective changes not only dimension, but also attributes such as color and contrast. The effect of presence and fullness is created, this will only make the drawing more realistic.

Tips for building perspective:

  • Always remember that with any type of perspective, objects converge at one or more points, this can distort their size and make them appear irregular shape. It may seem like this only at the beginning, but in the end everything will look natural.
  • You cannot create a drawing so that some objects have one type of perspective, while others are directed to a different point. Unless you decide to make some surreal compositions.
  • Practice on common geometric shapes!

Let's move on to the practical lesson.

How to draw a fence with a pencil step by step

Step one. First we determine the horizon line, then it will serve reference point prospects. We determine this point and draw fence lines to it. As you can see, its size will decrease and converge at one point. Behind the horizon we draw clouds and several houses.
Step two. When everything is built correctly, just carefully outline the fence and other objects environment. Using short lines we draw grass on the ground.
Step three. At this stage, we will finish drawing everything that lies beyond the horizon line. This is a continuation of the fence that goes to the houses; on the left side we will draw a piece of the road.
Step four. Now let's just sketch the trees in the background and shade the fence, making it more vibrant and rich.
Everything big starts with small things. Leave comments and suggestions, do not forget to share ideas and stories for lessons. You can do this on a special page -

Nowadays, unusual and beautiful homemade fence decorations are increasingly being used. The most unexpected materials and ways to create beautiful drawings can be used.

If you want to create real beauty on your fence, then you should initially do a preparatory drawing:

  1. Think through all the details on a piece of paper or use a ready-made project.
  2. It will be important to choose the correct image location.
  3. You should not place elements close to the edge, and you should not leave inconsistent empty spaces.
  4. remember, that compositional solution must be balanced and thoughtful.

You can purchase paint and all related supplies at various hardware stores.

Thumbnail Themes

The theme and style of drawings can be varied. If this is a fence in the city, then pop art and of different nature large-scale portraits, geometric compositions or realistic drawings of the sea, night city or space. In this case, the picture can be either integral or consist of different parts. Suitable for fencing a house in the village:

  • floral ornaments,
  • landscapes,
  • drawings of different animals.

National motifs and traditional painting will look especially good on such a fence. You can see in the photo unusual examples paintings.

A good solution would be to depict smooth color transitions that imitate the shades of water or sky. They are relatively easy to apply with an aerosol or brush. But should be avoided contrasting colors, since they are disharmonious and hurt vision.

Images of flowers are of particular importance. Lilies, roses, peonies, tulips will perfectly enliven any fence. It doesn't matter whether it's an ornament or a large realistic image. In all variants, these plants will perfectly decorate your fence.

The fence can also be painted for children. The cartoon or animalistic style is replete with different cartoon characters. Bright colors and funny drawings will contribute to children's joy. For a garden fence, you can make fantastic images of gnomes, elves, fairies and trolls. Examples of beautiful children's fences can be seen in the photo.

If you don’t have the desire to create, you can simply and tastefully decorate the fence with all sorts of stains and strokes. You can even paint the surface one color and then splash it different paints– it turns out to be a kind of “avant-garde”. To do this, you should choose three or four similar colors. For special occasions(fenced tourist center or hotel) you can use the logo and symbols of this establishment in the image.

Features of drawing

On every surface, be it iron, concrete or bricks, you must first apply primer. It will help the paint adhere better to the surface. If you are going to create special paint, then the surface, on the contrary, should be cleaned and degreased.

The next step is your DIY creativity. There are no limits to the flight of fancy, you just need to thoroughly carry out your plans. At the end of the work, the ornament should be varnished.

If you don't know how to draw, you can use a stencil. The lack of such a skill cannot become an obstacle to creating a masterpiece. The stencil can first be made from very thick cardboard, plastic or oilcloth. Then use spray paint to apply a design to the fence. If you lack such skills, you need to contact a specialist.


For a larger image, you should use an airbrush. It has many different attachments for spraying paint. Air enters the gun under pressure, which promotes uniform application of the layer. Drawings using these devices turn out very beautiful and realistic.

For airbrushing, only a metal surface is used, so this technology will help create a unique appearance namely a metal fence. Special paint is used, designed for this type of equipment. How to properly prepare the fence can be seen in the photo.

In addition to the airbrush, images can be applied with rollers, brushes and sprayers. Small parts can be worked on with artistic brushes. To apply inscriptions with even letters, you need to use construction tape. The photo shows how to correctly place the stencil and secure it.

Creativity not only lifts your spirits, creates beautiful ornaments and paintings, but also allows you to take a break from the hustle and bustle of life and dream. Create with your own hands and enjoy the resulting masterpieces.

In recent years, the design on a dacha fence has become increasingly popular. The most popular is the direction associated with the application beautiful drawing on the fence. Most people believe that only real artists can paint a fence. Basically, beautiful picture Only they can portray it.

Realistic drawing on a concrete fence

However, a simple drawing is quite easy to draw and to an ordinary person. The most important thing is to have the necessary materials on hand and use your imagination.

How to apply the drawing

To draw a design on a fence with your own hands, several methods have been developed. In this matter, the person’s ability to draw comes first.


The beginning of this trend, when an inscription is made on a fence, was a drawing technique called “graffiti”. This method has found particular popularity in car tuning. To paint a picture, a special airbrush is used. It is also called an air brush.

In fact, this is an ordinary spray can that has interchangeable nozzles for spraying paint.

Due to the compressed air under high pressure, the paint is evenly sprayed. In this way, you can paint a picture on every surface with your own hands.

An example of an airbrush design on a fence

For such an airbrush, any unevenness on the fence of the dacha will not be a hindrance. The fact is that when painting in this way, you can use pressure on the sprayer to adjust the saturation of the shades.

Airbrush paintings always have volume and look quite realistic. However, for a person who does not have the ability to draw, such a technique will not be available. It is best to use the services of professionals.

Applying a stencil

If you don't need to draw it yourself piece of art on the fence, you can use more affordable technology. The picture can be drawn on the fence of the dacha using a stencil. It is made from cardboard on which the desired image is cut out. Absolutely anyone can make a stencil with their own hands. But if you wish, you can purchase a ready-made stencil in a specialized store for artists.

Painting a fence using a stencil

To attach the stencil to the fence, use the most ordinary tape; masking tape is also suitable. During operation, for greater reliability, it is better to hold the stencil with your hand.
The drawing can be applied with a variety of tools:

  • brush;
  • roller;
  • sponge

To paint the fence, use water-repellent paints.

Sketch for drawing

To draw an image from an already made drawing, a sketch is first made. A drawing of the fence is made on a small scale; color painting with drawing of all the details. For such a drawing, you can choose any theme. It can be different geometric figures or beautiful landscape.


This newest direction, appeared in last years in the artists' arsenal. A special vandalizer is used to apply the image.

This is what the drawing on the fence looks like using the tagging method

This is a multi-colored marker designed for reusable, having a feather up to 10 centimeters wide.

Paints that can be used for painting

Most suitable for:

  • Acrylic water-repellent paints;
  • Oil enamels;
  • Alkyd paints.

Metal fences can be perfectly painted with anti-corrosion paints. Brick fences are coated with acrylic or silicone paint. Any paint must be water-repellent. After applying the design so that it pleases the eye long years, it is advisable to coat it with acrylic varnish.

How to paint corrugated board

When, the plot of the picture can be almost anything. You can make a beautiful fence from corrugated sheets by decorating a reproduction of any painting on its surface.

Original drawing on a corrugated fence

Thanks to a huge number shades, you can create a unique fence with your own hands, which will not lose its beauty for many years and will be unique and original. The result is a work of art that harmonizes perfectly with the overall landscape. To make the fence more beautiful, you need to paint it bright colors With rich colors. However, the industry produces corrugated sheets that are already colored. He can be:

  • red;
  • green;
  • blue;
  • brown;
  • gray;
  • burgundy.

Therefore, it is possible to select steel sheets that do not require painting. To achieve true harmony, it is advisable to select the shade of corrugated board according to color scheme building. For example, a brick house with a green roof looks very bad when it has a blue fence. But a fence painted in rainbow colors will be attractive and unique.
You can draw any design on a fence made of corrugated sheets:

  • flowers;
  • portraits;
  • ornaments;
  • animals.

You can draw pictures on each section or selectively on several of them. Since, for ease of work, you need to make cardboard stencils that are glued to the fence double tape. When graffiti is made using spray cans, it turns out very fashionable. Each section must have different pattern. Such a fence always attracts attention; it will become a regional attraction that people come to specially admire.
On corrugated sheets, the designs are perfectly preserved, the colors do not fade, they are not washed off.

Metal fences

Sometimes they are covered with a pattern that imitates the structure of wood. The image can be almost anything. If you look at such a fence from afar, it is very difficult to distinguish it from an ordinary wooden one. Only when you get closer you can see that the fence is made of metal. If such a fence has beautiful pillars, it becomes attractive and looks very original. To protect the design on the metal, it is covered with a transparent film. Thus, the picture will remain bright for many years.