Laser show for the event. Market analysis and relevance

For several years in a row, the entertainment business has been actively developing in Russia. Depending on its type, growth ranges from 5 to 25% per year. This is a high figure, but is this the case with profitability in this area? Considering that development is a cyclical process, the risks of opening are minimal. Let's talk about a business like an organization laser shows. What is it and is it profitable to do it now?

Market analysis and relevance

Laser shows today are considered entertainment for:

The services are often used by bars and nightclubs, restaurants with evening shows, and city authorities during holidays. The popularity of laser shows is growing every year. This once again confirms that the idea can and should be brought to life.

It makes sense to open:

  1. If there is little competition.
  2. Only in large and medium-sized cities.
  3. Not only for experienced businessmen, but also for beginners.

Of course, organizing laser shows is a business for young people who like to make new acquaintances, attend noisy events, and whose imagination allows them to create new ones. original ideas. In addition, you need to understand the technical process.

Registration and organization of business

The modern laser show has become a real work of art. The task of choosing equipment has been simplified, so there will be no difficulties in organizing a business. As for registration, everything is quite simple here too.

In order for everything to be legally completed correctly, it is necessary to register a company. Most often, they are limited to registering individual entrepreneurship, buying and registering a cash register.

If in your city you need to participate in a tender system to organize a show, for example, to service municipal holidays, you can open entity, but it will take a little longer. In terms of cost, opening a legal entity is somewhat more expensive.

No licenses are needed to run a business.


Office in this matter of great importance does not have, but it makes no sense to completely abandon it. You need somewhere to store expensive equipment, accept requests and develop new ideas.

You can equip a small space to receive clients.

It would be good if one of the rooms served as a storage room. There is no need to do any major repairs, just keep the office clean and tidy. The amount of furniture doesn't really matter.

Equipment and facilities

The most important purchase for organizing a laser show business is equipment. Just a few years ago it was considered expensive and not available. Today everything has changed. You can limit yourself to purchasing semi-professional installations or immediately invest in high-quality, expensive equipment.

The most inexpensive option is a show using a personal computer and the cheapest laser machine. The purchase will cost from 50 to 70,000 rubles. You can make money with it in small bars and restaurants. The power of the devices is low, so such shows will quickly go out of fashion.

If there are enough funds, there can be no talk of any savings. It is necessary to immediately invest money in professional equipment.

These include:

  • multicolor laser;
  • controller (control system);
  • laser system;
  • mixer.

Please note that even among professional systems There are some that are not worth buying at the opening stage. They are extremely expensive. Only if there are a lot of clients can you subsequently “expand” your business by purchasing an expensive system.

To begin with, it is enough to purchase a system with a power of up to 1000 mW.

The beam length can be up to 50 meters. It's enough. The system control panel (mixer) is selected for the laser installation. You should make sure that they are compatible in operation. Now you can move on to putting together the show.

Show program

The level of the show is of great importance. Nice show and it will cost more, and high-quality equipment is required to carry it out.

Laser programs are divided into three types:

  1. Screen show.
  2. Beam show.
  3. Mixed style.

The first term means that the installation will be projected onto a screen. These are images sequentially replacing each other. The second term is a spatial installation; it is often complemented by effects: smoke, ultraviolet light, strobe lights. However, the third type is most often used today.


For such a business it is not advisable to hire a large number of employees. You will need someone to control the mixer during the show.

If you can’t do the show yourself, you will definitely have to hire a technical specialist (laser graphics specialist) for this. When opening such a business, it is better to independently engage in either the creation of show programs or the work of a client search manager. A manager is a person who will distribute advertising, promote the company on the market, and organize the schedule.

Laser graphics specialists sometimes require an assistant. In total, the number of permanently employed employees is 3-4 people.

All employees working with a laser system must be certified in accordance with SanPin No. 5804-91.

This is a legal requirement.


You have to create your own website and distribute it online. If the website is not ready, it is better to promote your company on the Internet. Now in its vastness there are a lot of websites advertising various establishments and entertainment companies.

You can also use magazines and newspapers, but they should be narrowly targeted. It's not worth investing in simple advertising, such as newspaper ads or tickers. It's not effective.

Financial component of business

The financial component of the issue is of great importance. Many people think that opening such a business will cost a huge amount. There is no need to talk about profitability. Let's see if this is actually the case.

Cost of opening and maintaining

The most expensive expense item will be the purchase of equipment.

If you limit yourself to an unprofessional system, then you can meet 300-400 thousand rubles, including the cost of renting premises and paying employees. However, experts advise immediately investing in the purchase of a good laser system, which, including optional equipment, will cost half a million rubles.

Consider the risks and expenses for the first three months of work, including expenses for wages employees. In total, the initial amount must be at least 800 thousand rubles.

Amount of future income

Income from the show is high. If you do this professionally, you can earn about 150,000 rubles in one evening. Let's say there are 10 such shows per month.

Don't forget that good specialist can create individual project, it is valued at much a large amount However, there are only a few such orders per year. You can do less expensive shows to increase the number of customers. They are estimated at 60-100 thousand rubles.

Payback period

U of this business profitability is very high.

It depends on the following components:

  • equipment cost;
  • quality and cost of show programs;
  • marketing;
  • number of clients.

With proper business promotion, it can pay for itself in just 3-4 months.

It is extremely rare for this to take a year. Keep in mind that it will be more difficult to pay for expensive equipment costing several millions, as the cost of the show program will increase. It must be acceptable to large number clients.

You need to aim for year-round work, and not just during the warm season. By the way, seasonality in this business cannot be ignored. In autumn and winter you will have to make discounts and go to restaurants and bars.

Organizing a laser show is one of the developing types of business that can quickly pay for itself even with the high cost of equipment. The only caveat is knowledge in this area. Without them, you will have to spend several months reading specialized literature and studying. However, it's worth it.

At Laser New Tec you can order the organization and holding of a laser show. Our specialists will think through your event to the smallest detail.

Laser show: relevance and features

A laser show is an amazing spectacle that can deeply influence a person, touching almost all his senses and positively affecting emotions. With the help of a laser show, you can take any presentation, festival, concert and other events to a new level.

Of course, the event will be bright and unforgettable only if you use modern equipment. This is exactly what we offer. In addition, when organizing events, it is very important to contact professionals! Our specialists will cope with all the tasks you set, as they have been organizing laser events for a long time. famous companies world level. Already today, representatives of the brands Samsung, MTS, McDonald's, Beeline, Mercedes-Benz, Reso, etc. are successfully cooperating with us. All our clients are satisfied with every laser show we conduct! In a separate program, we realize all the ideas of animation and laser graphics artists, as well as the amazing ideas of directors. Any laser show turns out to be memorable and truly amazing.

It is also important that, in addition to lighting, we will also take care of the sound of the video. The laser show (Moscow) will be as complete as possible.

How to place an order?

Are you planning to order laser light show with video in Moscow?

Contact us! Our specialists will answer all your questions, tell you about the equipment used and give you prices. The cost of laser shows pleasantly surprises all our clients. We don't inflate prices.

Note! From us you can also buy or rent the necessary modifications of lighting and other equipment (lasers, etc.). Experienced specialists will help you choose suitable devices. Your laser show will be unique!

Today, the most promising business ideas in Russia are those related to services in the field of entertainment and recreation. Moreover, they can bring serious profits all year round. As an example, we can name a business idea, the basis of which is holding a variety of laser shows. It should be noted that the popularity of laser shows is increasing, which only confirms the promise of this area.

Let's reverse Special attention that it's not very good complex business and even novice businessmen can master it. Find clients in both medium and major cities it will be quite simple, since laser shows are in demand for various holidays for children, parties and corporate events, and weddings. Laser accompaniment is in particular demand among nightclubs and similar establishments. After all, you can organize a laser show both in open spaces and indoors.

Necessary equipment

To bring this business idea to life, you need special equipment, the minimum list of which may include:

  • laser system;
  • programmed controller.

There is a fairly wide range of all kinds of laser equipment on the market today. Its cost, as well as the principle of operation, is determined by various factors, including the power and size of the laser installation, as well as the capabilities of the system itself, the quantity software and etc.

When you plan to organize a laser show in restaurants or cafes, it will be enough to purchase a simple installation option, which does not even include a controller. This mini equipment will not show complex images, but it will also cost inexpensively - from 400 to 1000 dollars. Among the advantages of this option are the compactness of the equipment itself and the ease of management. The latter can be done via a computer. The main disadvantage of such an acquisition is that you will receive an installation with low functionality.

What is a laser show?

A laser show is a light show. It can be used on any holiday. Images appearing on the wall, special grids, thematic animation or beams - all this relates to the show. This type of decoration for any event creates a festive atmosphere, positive emotions and surprise your guests.

Organization of a laser show

For festive events V Lately Laser projectors are increasingly being used. They may differ in type, structure, and area of ​​use. If you are planning to spend similar show at home, you can rent a cheap projector. But for a laser performance on the street, a scanning system and high-power lasers are needed. Only in this case will you be able to draw a ray show or complex animation in the air. This device is divided into several types. Moreover, the 3 projectors described below are considered the most basic. Before renting a device, you need to determine the features of its use, as well as the financial costs that you are willing to incur.

Household lasers

Inexpensive laser devices are assembled based on a stepper motor. They are equipped with low-power emitters different colors. This equipment is used in houses or apartments. But it will be impossible to connect a controller to them, since it works from a DMX remote control or sound activation control, and this does not provide special capabilities.

However, these devices have many advantages. First of all, this is the cost. It can be purchased within 10 thousand rubles. and is used to create the effect of a laser performance in a small room. But you should know that you will only get a beam show, that is, it will not be considered a full-fledged laser show. These devices are produced with a power of 50-200 milliwatts.

Club lasers

This projector has stronger emitters and is also considered a serious piece of equipment. It works on the following principle: information is transmitted to the scanning system through modules, and subsequently pictures, animations or text are projected onto it. Such equipment is capable of creating unique animation.

Most often, such lasers only have green color. However, expensive equipment has color scheme RGB, so you can create a full-color presentation. Their power is 500-100 milliwatts. In addition, these devices can be controlled via a special ILDA port. A control program with a laser controller is connected to it. This provides extensive possibilities. This program is easy to use for a novice lighting designer. In this case, our specialists use the Pangolin quick show program.

Equipment for professional shows

Professional lasers have an advanced scanning system that operates at high speed. Such a device can reproduce complex animations. The modules of these projectors have increased power, so they are used even in outdoor conditions.

Color lasers of this category have special type modules that use analog modulation. It is more advanced and makes it possible to reproduce the full color spectrum. Devices of this type have a power of 1000-30000 milliwatts.

It is not recommended to use more powerful projectors; they can harm the health of invited people and damage photographic equipment. For this reason, it is recommended to place high-power lasers at a high height so that they do not shine on guests. But the use of a standard laser for show business with a power of up to 5000 milliwatts will cause harm only when a person looks out of the projector window or is too close to it.

Laser show price

Clients often wonder how much it will cost to hold such a performance in Moscow. To answer this question, our specialists will ask where the performance will be held - indoors, outdoors, in a club, what effect you need, how many guests will arrive at the event. To perform a laser show in an open space, the client will need a powerful laser. If the event is held at a small venue or in a club, you can purchase a mid-level device; this service will not cost too much. But, if you are planning a small party in a cottage, then the cost will be low, since you can use a simple entry-level projector.

How to conduct a laser show correctly?

In order for it to go smoothly and please the audience, it is necessary to carefully approach the issue of its organization. Our experts offer trusses for hanging the device or stands depending on the tasks. An important issue is the creation of artificial smoke on the site. In this case, you will need fog machines.

Fog generators can be rented various types. These are devices that periodically release streams of smoke. It spreads across the site, and lighting devices create an original effect. There are also smoke machines that produce it constantly. They do not create real smoke and do not cause discomfort to guests.

This modern Art, the main component of which is the laser system, and together with creative professionals and technicians, it turns into an amazing performance. In addition to laser effects, other elements can be used in the show, such as video projection, pyrotechnics and fountains, the participation of which is justified by the scenography, as well as directing of this event. A laser show can significantly decorate and emotionally enhance visual perception in various show programs and presentations, so by including a laser show in your arsenal, you definitely win.

Types of laser show:

Mixed laser show

In everyday practice, we often combine graphic and beam shows, for example, when, in addition to the main laser projector that works on the screen, additional lasers are used. During such a show, lasers cover the entire space of the site with beams, and thanks to their work synchronized with the musical accompaniment, they enhance the perception show. And that is why this type of laser performance is the brightest and largest.

Graphic laser show

Using laser graphic stations, laser animation is programmed and reproduced on various surfaces: translucent screen, water screen, buildings, balloons and any other flat surfaces. As a rule, a translucent screen is used to project a laser video; it is not visible in the dark, and that is why the projected image seems to hover in the air, which creates an enchanting spectacle. Laser animation, previously created by the artist for this show program, can include your company logo, slogans and any other images. As a rule, a laser video is created by an artist in the form of a small and logically complete story.

Beam laser show

Geometric images created by a laser in a smoky space form spatial figures: planes, cones, etc., which move in the air, changing shape and color. This laser show is undoubtedly spectacular, as the laser beams cover the entire space of the site and this makes an unforgettable impression on the audience.

The constant progress of the laser show is explained rapid development the laser effects themselves and the software, as well as the equipment accompanying them. Modern laser systems are compact, mobile and energy-efficient installations; these qualities open up new horizons for creativity. Another equally important part of the laser show is the musical accompaniment. A high-quality selection of musical accompaniment that matches the emotional mood, as well as clear synchronization of music and laser effects enhances the impact on the audience, completely immersing them in the performance.

The use of laser systems in the show industry is not limited to laser shows. There are other methods of using them, for example, laser advertising or laser decoration. It all depends on your imagination.