Organization of a bookmaker's office. How to open a bookmaker: a complex business with a difficult start

Breeding dogs is difficult, but interesting activity, however, any breeder must understand the responsibilities and risks associated with breeding. Sure, everyone loves little puppies running around the house, but puppies also require a lot of time and attention. If you would like to breed dogs, you should consider whether you are ready for it.


How to make a decision

    Research the information. To make an informed decision about breeding dogs, you need to study all the available information. You need to understand what the process consists of and what you will need to do. Read books from reputable veterinarians and breeders. Talk to your veterinarian about the pros and cons. Ask other breeders about the challenges they face.

    • Look for books written by veterinarians. Reliable sources of information include the books Breeding Dogs by Phyllis Holst and Dogs and Breeding by Hillery Harmar.
  1. Analyze the reasons why you want to breed dogs. The only reason The reason for breeding dogs is the desire to improve the breed. If you have spent the last two years or longer caring for and training your dog, you may make a good breeder. In order to get healthy puppies that match the breed, you will need to devote a lot of time to breeding and study a lot of information.

    • Don't breed dogs to sell them as pets. This is an unethical and unprofitable way to breed dogs. Such breeding creates a corresponding market, due to which low-quality nurseries appear throughout the country. Be responsible for breeding - do not contribute to the worsening of the situation by creating a huge number of pets.
    • Conscious breeding is a responsible endeavor that requires money and time.
  2. Analyze the current situation. Make sure everything in your dog is represented. best qualities breeds This can be done with the help of experts. If you want to improve the breed, it is important to make sure that your dog is one of the 10% of dogs that have all best characteristics breeds Your dog should have a positive impact on the genetic pool of the breed.

    Find out what are the best dogs to breed. There are several types of dogs that are best suited for breeding. There are also characteristics that can be passed on to puppies. You can breed service dogs that can fetch prey and control the behavior of herd animals. It is also possible to breed show dogs, which are judged on both physical characteristics and temperament.

    Check the age of the dogs. Both dogs must be of suitable age for breeding. Most often, the dog must be about two years old. Many genetic problems appear after 24 months, the presence of which can be determined using special tests. For example, some veterinary clinics do not test for dysplasia until the child is two years old. The dog must have a microchip or tattoo with the data necessary for the study. This will help avoid falsification of survey results.

    • In females, estrus begins between 6 and 9 months of age. After the first cycle, estrus occurs every 5–11 months. Females typically begin breeding after two years and 3–4 estrus cycles. By this time, the dog has reached full sexual maturity and is physically able to bear and give birth to puppies.

Dog examination

How to start

  1. Wait until the female is in heat. Mating is possible only during estrus. Heat cycles can occur at different intervals, so keep an eye on your dog. The genital area will begin to swell. Bloody discharge is possible. If there is a male nearby, he will show special interest in the female.

    Consider artificial insemination. This will allow you to get offspring if you do not have a male. Frozen sperm in liquid nitrogen can be shipped worldwide. It should be defrosted in a special way, and then impregnate the female with it. Consider this option if you are unable to mate in the usual way.

  2. Monitor the female's health. If you are sure fertilization has occurred, separate the dogs. Give your dog balanced food. You can also give vitamins (for example, calcium). Vitamins must be prescribed by a veterinarian.

    • Feed your dog nutritious food and vitamins throughout pregnancy. Typically, dogs carry puppies for 58–68 days.
    • Prevent fleas from appearing in the doghouse and on your dog's bed. Clean the area, cover it with a clean cloth, and offer the dog clean water.
  3. Be aware that during pregnancy the appearance of your nipples and mammary glands changes. Towards the end of pregnancy, the mammary glands fill with milk. In the last three weeks, the dog needs to be given more food. Discuss nutrition with your veterinarian.

    • Typically, pregnant dogs are given puppy food during the last three weeks of pregnancy. It is more nutritious and provides the dog and puppies with all the necessary substances. This food also helps the dog prepare for lactation.

How to deliver a baby

  1. Prepare the birth box. The dog will give birth in this box. The box should be 15 centimeters longer than the dog in the prone position, and at least 30 centimeters wider. There should be a grab bar in the box to prevent the dog from laying on the puppies when they are born.

    • Line the bottom of the box with several layers of plastic bags and newspaper alternately. This will keep the box clean. You will be able to simply pull out the layer of newspaper and plastic without replacing the entire bedding. Place clean towels or cloth inside that can be easily washed.
  2. Stay alert. You will need to notice when labor is approaching. Find out how dog birth occurs. When your dog begins to give birth, make sure that strong contractions do not last longer than 30 to 45 minutes. If the puppy is not born after 45 minutes of strong contractions, this may indicate complications.

    • An X-ray at 45 days of pregnancy will allow the veterinarian to determine the number of puppies. The doctor will also see large puppies that can cause problems during delivery. This information will prepare you and your veterinarian for what may need to be done. C-section, and you will know how many puppies should be born.

History of bookmaking

Before we begin discussing the cost of opening a bookmaker's office, I want to go back a little to the past in order to understand where this entertainment activity first appeared and where it came from.

It is worth noting that, unlike modern species earnings, such as opening marriage agency, bookmakers have existed for a very long time, for many centuries.

IN ancient Rome, professional athletes were called gladiators, probably everyone has read about the famous gladiator fights. So, the residents of Rome were very gambling, and enjoyed betting on various competitions. While such bookmakers, of course, did not exist, bets were accepted mainly by well-known bankers. The principle of placing bets: from the entire amount collected, the argentarium took his percentage, and the rest was distributed to those participants who guessed the outcome of the event.

In the Middle Ages, betting was popular among rich people. Many nobles were not averse to predicting the results of the duels of knights, which were a massive entertainment event at that time.

If we talk about modern betting, then its founder is rightfully considered Pierre Oller, who first began accepting bets on horse racing. Around 1875, bookmaking became firmly established as an activity and began to exist permanently, bringing a stable income to its founders.

What do you need to open a bookmaker's office?

The question of how to open a bookmaker's office interests many entrepreneurs. This type of income is rightfully considered one of the most profitable. Therefore, the competition here is quite serious. Today, there are hundreds of large bookmakers that are serious rivals for a novice entrepreneur who wants to start a business in this area.

The first thing you need to do is draw up a detailed business plan, with which you can predict the cost of opening a bookmaker's office and its development.

A business plan is a document that details all the steps that are necessary to open and operate a bookmaker’s office.

Stages of a business plan for opening a bookmaker's office:

  1. Detailed analysis of a business idea. Be sure to research the niche. You should analyze the level of competition, and also study what services can be provided to the population;
  2. Business registration. At this stage, it is necessary to collect all the information about the procedure for registering a business in the gaming industry. After this, you need to prepare the entire package of documents to obtain a license to operate a bookmaker;
  3. Rental of premises and repairs. Please pay attention Special attention the location of the establishment, the profit and payback period of the business depend on this;
  4. Purchase of equipment;
  5. Selection and hiring of personnel. A lot depends on the activities of employees, so you should not miss this important nuance;
  6. Advertising expenses. There are a lot of options for attracting clients today. Choose the most successful types of advertising for PR for your bookmaker organization.

How much does it cost to open a bookmaker's office?

To open a bookmaker's office, you naturally need a decent amount of money. It is quite difficult for a novice entrepreneur to find the necessary amount of money to start. Most often, the founders of bookmaker organizations are several people at once. As a rule, these are already established businessmen who can invest a substantial amount of money in the development of a bookmaker’s office.

To start a bookmaker's office you need approximately 8-10 thousand dollars, and this is only for initial expenses. The amount of financial investment depends primarily on the type of bookmaking.

There are two types of bookmakers:

  • For a mass audience, that is, anyone can come and make their prediction on the outcome of a sporting event. Rates, as a rule, range from 50–10,000 rubles.
  • Elite organizations. The principle of operation is no different, everything is the same, except for the minimum rate, which is mainly from 1000 rubles.

Business registration

After drawing up a business plan, you need to register your type of activity. Bookmaking has long been a type of gambling, so to start operating you need to obtain permission. To obtain a license, you must contact Roskomsport ( Federal agency By physical culture, sports and tourism). The main requirement for obtaining permission is the experience of the creator of the bookmaker organization. But where can a beginner learn this type of activity? The only way out is to find an experienced partner who will agree to participate in the creation of a bookmaker’s office and act as a founder.

Deciding on the location

The main rule of a good location is the absence of competitors nearby. You should not be so self-confident as to place such an organization near existing similar offices.

When choosing a location for a bookmaker's office, take into account its traffic and contingent. As a rule, the gambling part of the population is mainly men, so the location of the office should be near establishments visited by the strong half of humanity (bars, factories, sports clubs, ).

Premises requirements

You don’t need to rent a large area; a room of 5–10 square meters is enough. m. The place of work itself must be equipped in such a way that the client does not see the computer and does not have access to money, this is to protect the employee. The principle of operation is somewhat reminiscent of an exchange office: the employee communicates with the client through the window, registers the bet and accepts payment.

Bookmaker equipment

Unlike other activities that require large sum There won’t be any special costs for purchasing equipment, for example, here.

Equipment for work:

  • Computer or laptop;
  • 24/7 internet access. You need to choose a reliable provider and a high-speed connection to the security line. If the service is hacked, you will face very large financial losses, so be careful at this moment very seriously.
  • Printer, scanner;
  • Licensed computer software.

The principle of operation of a bookmaker's office

Now, let's talk about the most interesting thing, namely, the principle of operation of bookmaker organizations.

Typically, bets are placed on sporting events. Most often this football matches, basketball, hockey, boxing, horse racing, etc. But in principle, today, you can bet on anything, even on music and acting competitions such as Eurovision and Oscar.

The principle of operation of the offices is as follows. The client places a bet on a specific match, choosing one of the proposed options for the outcome of the event. It is worth knowing that in each special case minimum bid is different. If the client wins, he receives a sum of money (the original bet amount multiplied by the odds). In most cases, the bookmaker predicts the results of the match. For example, he bets 50% on one team to win, 20% on another to win, and 30% on a draw.

The client can receive his amount within a few hours after the bet has been placed.


In bookmaking, as in any other area of ​​the entertainment business, the risks are very significant. Therefore, you need to know a lot about betting and the work of bookmakers. Hire several experienced consultants who understand this area of ​​business and can predict the results. Otherwise, you will face serious losses.

Video on the topic Video on the topic

Business promotion

First of all, you need to choose a good location for the bookmaker's office. It is advisable to open such establishments in crowded places in the city.

Signboard. Regarding the sign, it should be bright and attractive, but as correct as possible.

The opportunity to earn money simply by betting and watching sports and social events has been attractive to brave and gambling people since ancient times.

Modern development information technologies made this process even more streamlined and accessible.

The relevance of starting a bookmaker business

Bookmaking is an interesting and profitable business that began to flourish after the closure of casinos and slot machines. This legal type of gaming business, which provides good tax payments to regional budgets, so both organizers and clients, as well as local administrations, are interested in its development. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, a bookmaker's office is a gambling establishment in which gambling in the form of a bet between the establishment and the participants.

Opening your own bookmaker's office is both a chance to get rich quickly and the risk of facing a lot of difficulties at the same time.

Bookmaking is a business that requires large financial investments (if you organize everything yourself), gambling skills and analytical calculation skills.

Benefits of starting an online business

By using computer technology bookmakers are becoming more informative and functional, allowing customers to place bets with mobile devices and even without leaving home from anywhere in the world.

The online bookmaker has a number of significant advantages before a similar one:

  • Saving on renting or purchasing premises, finding a favorable location;
  • Savings on the maintenance of a betting point and some equipment;
  • Savings on paying salaries to staff (cashier, cleaner, security guard);
  • Possibility of using a ready-made script;
  • Availability of extensive client base from different cities and even countries.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way do this using online services, which will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant in your company and save a lot money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronically and sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Step-by-step action plan

To start running this business, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities.


Obtaining a license is the most difficult stage in organizing an online bookmaker's office. A license is required, but it can only be obtained if the applicant has “sufficient experience” in this type of activity. The paradox is that bookmaking, to some extent, is an art, the basics of which are passed on by a professional to a future specialist, and such a specialty does not officially exist. If you have no experience in running a gaming business, you will have to take on an experienced partner, or choose the option.

The license can be obtained from the representative office of the Federal Tax Service for a period of five years with the possibility of subsequent renewal. The application is considered for about a month and a half, thorough checks are carried out, and the profitability of the future business is assessed. The main difficulty lies in the compliance of the applicant’s financial capabilities with the licensing conditions. To do this, you need 100 million rubles, a bank guarantee for 500 million rubles, as well as assets worth at least 1 billion rubles. Of course, setting up a company with licensing on your own is not suitable for every entrepreneur.

If all conditions are met, then prepare package of documents To obtain a license to operate a bookmaker on the Internet:

  • licensing application;
  • information about employees with copies of passports and;
  • characteristics of the hardware and technical support of the bookmaker's office;
  • information on the size and sources of authorized capital;
  • calculation of net asset value;
  • confirmation of a bank guarantee.

Prices for licensing services gambling business start from 150 thousand rubles.

An overview of the operation of the software, website and administrative panel of one of the bookmakers is given in the following video:

Collection of necessary documents and registration

After obtaining a license, you must also obtain a taxpayer number. On the territory of the Russian Federation, a bookmaker's office can only be registered by a legal entity.

Gambling business organizers cannot be persons with an unexpunged or unexpunged criminal record. A limited liability company - the future organizer of an online bookmaker's office - is registered in accordance with the general procedure. The cost of registering an activity in the form of an LLC is from 25 thousand rubles.

Choosing the Right Software

To start operating a bookmaker's office, you just need to download or develop a script, buy a domain name and hosting. Then create your own website with online betting and the possibility of payments through electronic payment systems. You can develop a gaming website yourself or entrust it to specialists. There are offers on the Internet for the sale of turnkey online bookmakers, but this may be unsafe.

Required purchase of licensed software, which will cost approximately 2.5 million rubles. It can be purchased from competitors, but this is risky, or you can order it from independent companies, which will be the best option. The choice of software depends on the type of competition on the results of which the office will accept bets.

Software for organizing an online bookmaker must have the following characteristics:

  1. increased stability of the software package;
  2. function of working in real time and offline;
  3. reliable website protection from hacker attacks;
  4. the presence of an analytical function for bookmaking activities;
  5. intuitive interface, etc.

You will also need equipment worth about 200 thousand rubles: server, computer or laptop, printer, scanner, 24-hour Internet access, licensed anti-virus software software. You need a reliable provider and a high-speed connection with a security line. If the server is hacked, there may be large financial losses, so you cannot save on protecting information data.

Main features of work

When the bookmaker's website opens and the business starts working, it will be necessary to take into account a number of nuances of this type of activity:

  • Huge competition in the online gambling business. You will have to make considerable advertising and marketing efforts to win your “share” of space, and in the future, retain and expand it;
  • enlisting the help of experienced analysts and experts to determine the correct line and odds. They will need to pay wages (from 50 thousand rubles), but this is not commensurate with the possible financial losses from inexperienced business;
  • thoughtful protection from experienced and fraudulent players, misinformation. Colleagues will provide assistance here;
  • creating a reserve fund in case big wins(on average, 500 thousand rubles) and a limitation on maximum bets;
  • incompleteness legislative framework in relation to gambling, especially in the Internet space.

Buying a franchise

Online purchasing is the most effective business model. It is necessary to have an initial capital in the range from 350 thousand to 2 million rubles, make a lump sum contribution (not always), pay a royalty of 10-20%.

The bookmaker's office opened under the franchise is completely ready for work and meets all modern requirements. The technique allows you to get away from unnecessary hassle organizational, technical, legal and financial nature. Business develops under the protection of a reliable company with a huge amount clients, impeccable business reputation. Issues of licensing and purchasing a software product disappear by themselves. The saved resources and time are spent on advertising and promoting your business on the Internet.

A bookmaker services website is a profitable and promising direction for business development. Organizing your own line via the Internet has a good return of 20%, since a huge share of bets are made online today.

Hello to all my readers! Today the topic is not entirely about my activities, or rather not about mine at all. Found it on the Internet interesting article about how to open a bookmaker’s office and to be honest, this is, in my opinion, the best article and a truthful one. I haven’t been involved in the bookmaking business myself, but I’m thinking about starting one similar project in the Internet. The bookmaker business is interesting and very profitable, and for those who are thinking about opening a bookmaker's office, this article will be very useful.

The bookmaking business began to flourish in 2009 - after the territory Russian Federation casinos and other gambling establishments were banned. Now in Russia, 27 companies have a license to organize betting and carry out bookmaking activities, and five years ago there were only 5. Their total annual turnover is approximately $2.5 billion. Now this business is legal, and the state itself is more accepting of them loyal, since regional budgets receive fairly substantial tax deductions directly from the owners of such sweepstakes.

License for this type activity certificate is issued by the Federal Tax Service, but only after thorough checks. To obtain such permission for a betting company or the creation of a bookmaker's office, it is necessary to provide a special guarantee of ownership of assets (net) worth more than one billion rubles and provide the department with a guarantee from a bank in the amount of 500 million rubles. Less expensive and more in a simple way You can make money on betting and betting if you enter into a mutually beneficial affiliate program with licensees. Thus, your office can rightfully be considered a branch. Most often, entry into one of the affiliate programs costs approximately 150,000 rubles, plus monthly credits of about 30,000 rubles. Participants in this market segment themselves claim that the profit from the bookmaker’s business is approximately 20%.

Premises for a bookmaker's office

It is possible to place a branch of a bookmaker’s office even in a small space of 5 m2. All that is needed to conduct this type of activity is workplace for the manager and a good monitor with a computer for tracking various bets, as well as the progress of competitions and competitions - all this can be accommodated in a room of this size. This option Great if you want to place your office in a sports bar. It is worth noting that any bookmaker’s office can only be opened in premises whose activities involve gambling.

When opening such an office on a separate site, you need to take into account the legal requirements. Sweepstakes and bookmakers cannot be located in medical, educational, children's, or sanatorium-resort institutions. Also, such establishments cannot be located in temporary (non-permanent) buildings or, for example, in the housing stock.

It is worth remembering that all licensee companies prefer to enter into partnership agreements with those who have the opportunity to create a large network of betting shops or bookmakers. Therefore, it is useful to have several room options.

Required documents

To enter into an agreement with a licensee company, you are required to provide a certificate of registration of your LLC (two years ago you could even work as individual entrepreneur), a rental agreement for the premises, a plan from the BTI, confirmation from the owner (owner) of the premises, as well as his official guarantee of compliance with legal requirements. Most of licensee companies require personal data about at least three employees of the future office or betting (TIN, copies of passport, copies of other documents and SNILS), but there are also companies that also need a copy of the agreement with private security companies.



If you want to limit yourself to only one manager who will accept bets - this is inconvenient, it is better to hire two office employees - this is necessary for shift work. Their wage can average from 40,000 to 60,000 rubles. Going for more high level- it’s worth acquiring your own staff of sports analysts - this is necessary in order to more accurately determine the bookmaker’s line yourself. Thus, your odds can be even more attractive to your gambling clients (privateers).

Analysts can be hired from competitors or retrained to suit your needs as professional privateers who are well versed in many sports. If you want to create your own analytical service, the salary of each of them will have to be negotiated individually, since there are no established prices for labor in this market segment.

By the way, you need to take into account that 60% of all bets are on football matches, and about 20% are on tennis matches. And other sports do not attract even 10% of betting players.

Fixed costs and equipment

Instead of a staff of analysts, small branches of bookmakers prefer to buy special software. Now there are many different offers, although they differ little from each other. But odds for sporting events are often taken from others. So you won’t be able to attract customers with possible profits. As a rule, owners of bookmaker lines work for a percentage of the total turnover - that is, about 20% per month. You also need to have a computer, monitors and a TV.

Promoting your office

Advertising on specialized websites, at stadiums, some websites, in all kinds of sports bars, at racetracks, as well as in other places where it should bring results. All possible advertising costs may depend on their scale and, of course, on the prices of the advertising itself.


You can engage in the bookmaking business even with a small start-up capital if you open an office through an affiliate program. You can also open an office on the Internet, of which there are also plenty now a large number of. I'm leaning towards the Internet option. What do you think?