Danes attitude towards themselves. Life in Denmark: what does an immigrant need to know about it? Marriage agency Paradise Date

God didn’t think for very long about the appearance of Danish women (he was more interested in Italians, Spanish women and Irina Shayk). He created half of them simply by cloning Rooney Mara, and for the second half he used the genes of Tilda Swindon.

With Danish men, the Creator completely profiled in best examples top manager of a Russian company before an audit. After lounging all the time in the jacuzzi of the world's oceans, drinking ambrosia cocktails, a minute before the project was due, he drew the image of a tall, blond, broad-shouldered bearded man with blue eyes and threw it onto the conveyor belt.
So, at least, one can judge by all the samples of the Danish football team at all world tournaments. Especially the one that in 1992, having also skipped all the training on the beaches, suddenly foolishly won the European Championship. Everyone remembers the dark, dyed back of his head and his native blond bangs, eleven curly hairs in a row. Well, the Laudrups, yes. These were the exception, these were the angels whom the Creator gave to Denmark, apologizing for past mistakes.

Of course, I would like to think so, but we all understand that in spite of current globalization and total incest, this is all a terrible stereotype. Sometimes you can’t tell a Dane from a Spaniard, and some who look quite French are actually Chechens and Mordovians at the same time and have an apartment in Grozny and Saransk.

7. Well, I collected so many of these stereotypes during my trip to Denmark, no less than shrimp for fish market Copenhagen.

Stereotype one. The closer we get to the northern lights, to Thor’s menacing hammer and Odin’s lightning, the more often fans of the vocal-instrumental ensemble Hammerfall and other musicians in the genre of all shades of Heavy Metal are found on the streets. Literally every eleventh Laudrup wears torn black T-shirts, biker jackets, tight-fitting leather pants and lace-up boots. True, there is one less stereotype: Scandinavian metalheads prefer beards to traditional long shoulder-length patches

Are you planning to marry a citizen? Denmark? Then this article is especially for you. So let's start this one amazing story about the country, men of Denmark and much more friend interesting.

In the beautiful Kingdom...

Denmark is the most southern country of all Scandinavian states Denmark has amazing nature, the beauty of which does not fit into traditional canons, but penetrates in the heart forever, giving rise to admiration and sincere feelings.

In this country, sandy coasts alternate winding fjords, beech forests that look into lakes as clear as tears. Not even Copenhagen causes feelings of a metropolis; it is not the representative center of the country. Copenhagen is a place to live. In this country there is a lot of good things, but there are no mountains. Most of the land area is plains, which lie on the Jutland Peninsula one hundred meters below sea level.

Denmark is a state of ancient Viking fortresses with the spontaneous names of Fyrkat, Trelleborg, Aggersborg and others.

In Helsingor there is a castle that I chose Shakespeare for the place of his tragedy. Every year there are theatrical performances there.

In a unique cathedral Roskilde rest dynasties kings of Denmark.

In this country, local citizens celebrate holidays such as Christmas, the birthday of Queen Margarethe II and Easter.

By the way, it has been said that in the country royal power is not a sham. Here the queen herself appoints the government, she has the right to dismiss prime minister-minister or dissolve parliament. She is also the head of the church (state), as well as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Every four years, local citizens elect a parliament under the supervision of the monarch.

Danish men are incredibly intelligent and gallant - respect and admiration for women is brought up in them from childhood. No, when you get out of the car, they most likely won’t give you a hand and won’t let you through the door - equality is equality, European feminists have done their best here. But don’t immediately label the Danes as ungallant men. Some men are great at giving compliments and showing gallantry in small things, but in serious things there is no need to expect actions from them.

But in Everyday life a Dane will surround you with care and even guardianship, especially if you are younger than him. In the morning you will wake up to the sounds of washing dishes, they will bring you coffee in bed, prepare breakfast, and allow you to relax in bed. And they will turn on the news channel at your request, even if the remote control is closer to you. Well, you can simply... ask him to shake his hand when you get out of the car, explaining unobtrusively that it would be pleasant for you. Believe me, before you is a knight without fear or reproach, you don’t need to remind him of this, his main goal is to please you! So if you marry a Dane, you will not regret it. A Dane can only love his children more than his wife - as a rule, Danish men are simply extremely caring and gentle fathers.

Equal responsibilities. As a rule, in a Danish family there is no division between women's and non-women's work. A Scandinavian, and in particular a Danish man, will be happy to cook dinner, and not scrambled eggs and pasta, but lasagne with some kind of delicious salad, will uncork a bottle of Italian wine, create the necessary atmosphere at home or take you to dinner at a restaurant, he knows a lot about it! By the way, this also applies to household chores. Cleaning the apartment, washing dishes, shopping for groceries - all these are familiar tasks for a Danish man. Which they talk about with pride and irony.

In Scandinavia, you can often find a tall, handsome man with muscles and tattoos pushing a baby stroller or waiting for a child to play peacefully on the playground. What another man would call a woman's business has long become a habit for Northern Europeans. And therefore, in Scandinavian families, the upbringing of offspring occurs harmoniously and fully, because they accept the most Active participation both dad and mom.

Fantasy and initiative. There is a myth that Danish men are boring. It is not true! They are reasonable and calm. But at the same time, they are incredible dreamers and inventors, they love to surprise and please their partner pleasant surprises. Yes, like any other man, the Dane does not like scandals. But, unlike ours, Danish men are willing to discuss family problems, they even start such conversations themselves, so as not to aggravate the problem, not to let the conflict take its course - maybe it will resolve itself. They understand perfectly well that they themselves may suffer later...

Surprisingly, the descendants of the Vikings are quite...timid, and may not immediately take the initiative in relationships. But you can allow yourself to be the first to talk about the desire to live together or confess your love to him if you feel that he will reciprocate. If you are also timid, you can tell the man about it directly. Then, knowing about this trait of your character, he, again, out of a desire to please you, will take on the role of “first violin”. All men, regardless of nationality, do not understand hints! This is how their brain works, because they are logic, and we are emotions. Therefore, some things can and should be said directly. Including about your feelings and desires. This way you can avoid many misunderstandings in your life together.

Finance. Scandinavian men are generous, but they know how to count money and see a gold digger from afar. Be honest! The first rule: do not look into your wallet and find out about its income. Over time, as you get closer, he himself will share this information with you. The very fact that you met and met indicates that the man earns normally for his country. Since he apparently came to meet you with further intentions of marriage or a serious relationship, he takes into account that you will not be given a fiancee visa if he does not have a certain monthly income. Believe me, he has already calculated everything several steps ahead. This is unusual for our ladies, but only at the beginning. Then you yourself will understand that it is this approach that leads to healthy relationships and the implementation of plans, for which you will later thank your loved one very much.

Children. With pleasure! The Danish population is aging, like the rest of Scandinavia, and offspring, healthy and beautiful, is the dream of every man and every family. For a Dane, the birth of a child is a big event. And the new father almost completely takes care of him. Of course, we are not talking about breastfeeding. But changing diapers, feeding with a spoon, going out for a walk with a stroller is not a burden, but a real Viking privilege, which they bring to life with pride. By the way, Danish children are surprisingly quiet. They never scream or cry.

The most favorable in the kingdom ecological situation from all European countries, so most women planning to get married in Denmark dream of having a baby here. Transparent mirrors of the purest lakes, dense beech forests, sandy coasts surround small Danish towns, creating a feeling of unity with nature. Even the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen, does not look like a typical smoky metropolis - rather a cozy place for a measured family life.

If a woman has her own child, there is no need to be afraid. It would never even occur to a Dane to divide children into his own and those of others - he will love him like his own children.

Approach to life and travel. The Scandinavians' attitude to what is happening is very easy, but not without philosophical depth, which is especially pleasant for the Russian soul. In the Danish view, life should be an orderly process, everyone should finish school, go to college, study, work, build adult life, create a family. The system teaches them such a responsible approach to life. Residents of Denmark both rent housing and buy their own - usually on credit. Interest rates- about 2% today, some are talking about the possibility of the rate falling to one percent. After the recession, the Danes began to take out fewer loans, and therefore banks welcome every client. Besides, government system economics and finance exists for the sake of people, and not just for the sake of profit.

Scandinavians travel a lot and willingly. Fortunately, they have four holidays a year: Easter week (varies), autumn vacation(mid-October), summer annual leave(three weeks of any summer month) and, of course, the Christmas holidays (about two weeks).

Language. Danish, Norwegian and Swedish are similar to Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian. Representatives of all three nations understand each other perfectly. If you know English or German, then you will be able to learn Danish much faster, because the structure and logic of the language is quite clear. But in cities there are numerous language classes, plus the language environment is the best “breeding ground” for linguistic knowledge. You can already learn the first word: elskede (elskede) - favorite!

National flag, freedom and laws

Modern men in this country perfectly combine two qualities (mutually exclusive): law-abiding and freedom-loving. Danes value personal freedom and the freedom of others, and state values regulating social life generally. A local man would be outraged if he was forced to read a book that everyone else was reading, but he unconditionally pay all taxes and fees, and also complete the entire period of service in the army.

If you want to become the wife of a local citizen, then you need to get used to a slightly wild sight: there will be a flutter state flag. If you live in the city, then your husband will hang a flagpole near the entrance.

Is it possible to marry a poor Danish citizen? No, you won't succeed!

This country is inhabited by taciturn, modest men, but at the same time they are very temperamental. All actions are assessed from the outside usefulness: initially for society, then for family, and then last place- for myself. Everything happens exactly this way and no other way. All citizens who have reached working age work in the state. This has been happening since ancient times, when work was the key to survival, both for the country as a whole and everyone person separately.

But currently Denmark- this is one of the most developed countries, not only in Europe, but throughout the entire planet.
A woman who marries a Dane does not have to worry that her husband will be poor, even if he says so.

Danish citizen allowed acquire a “foreign” family only if he is at least 24 years old and works for permanent place, and also has an income not lower than the required level. Note that the unemployment benefit here is such that it Can living together, there will be no problems with a cozy life and interesting pastime.

As far as I remember from the directive on the right of citizens of the Union and members of their families to move within the EU, if one of the EU citizens wishes to live in another EU country for more than 3 months, documents must be submitted for registration to the magistrate.

A Danish husband is a real gift from fate

A typical Dane is decent and hardworking man who is attentive to the one he loves. Besides this, he is tolerable applies to all. Dane is master reasonable compromises, an intellectual and, of course, a gentleman.

Local men are narcissistic, proud, but very indulgent.
Local citizens consider their society, country and, of course, character to be the pinnacle of perfection. Oddly enough, but precisely because of this Danish can be easily dealt with. Citizen this country will never be offended at you for a mistake, but will only smile, and also take up upbringing his wife from foreign country in the national spirit of Denmark.

If you become the wife of a Dane, then you will need to lead a sporty and healthy lifestyle, take part in protecting the environment (celebrate religious holidays and sort household waste, etc.). All these activities are very enjoyable. Let us note that your husband will gladly willingly share the chores of the house, raising children, and he will also relax with you, take you to dinner to restaurants or cafes, introduce them to your friends.

A secret lover and drinking late into the night - such thoughts will not enter the head of a local citizen. Note that in this country the sale of alcohol is carried out free, they drink here, but less than, for example, in Norway and Sweden.

In Denmark, family does not equal marriage

If you want to marry citizen Denmark, then you need to know that when great love to children and family comfort, they attach very little importance to official marriage. In this country the highest divorce rate in Europe, and almost greatest number of couples who live together without registration. The concept of “illegitimate child,” which is known in the Russian Federation, does not exist here and in principle cannot exist. All children are surrounded by the attention of both the state and parents. In college, no one will ask their neighbor if their parents are married.

Have you ever seen on wedding ceremonies you can meet angelic children about seven years old who carry a train wedding dress? If not, then know that they really exist in real life. There is nothing unusual in this country. By the way, if you marry a Dane, divorce him after the birth of the baby, and then enter into a legal marriage again, most likely the child will have two mothers and two fathers, who will take care of him with almost the same diligence! Socially secure representatives of the fair sex, families and children in the country are heaven on earth. Here they don’t know what a paid maternity hospital is, since they don’t need such services.

The state provides complete, high-quality medical support all to future parents and young mothers. In this country maternity leave is given for 14 weeks, and both parents can receive it. By the way, they are paid 90% of monthly salary Any child up to sixteen years old receives an allowance in the required amount for a full upbringing. Every elderly person has a pension, even if he has not worked in the country for a second officially.

“Hygge” and “Janteloven” are the keys to the character of a Danish man

If you want to finally understand a man from Denmark the person you plan to marry, then you need to understand two concepts. They are components main value citizen of the country. Janteloven is moral code citizen. The local Janteloven clearly states that every a person is a person who is very important to society, everything in the country People are equal greatest pleasure- do things together. And Hygge is coziness, albeit a special one: mental comfort that is achieved not in solitude, but during communication, and not essence important: in friendly company, family or team.

Now you know how you will be treated husband, if, of course, he is a true Dane, that is, not only by documents, but also by blood and spirit!

This is the first thing that surprises foreigners. The Danes, in general, are incredibly punctual and always follow established rules in a disciplined manner. If it is forbidden to cross the street, then no one local will not set foot on the road, even in the absence of cars or bicycles.

2. Cycling

Photo: Steve

Danes love to ride bicycles. IN business suits or fashionable dresses And high heels, alone or with children, heading to work or school – they get on their bikes. In Copenhagen, 50% of people use this type of transport every day. There are more bicycles here than residents.

Photo: Copenhagenize

Do you think that's how they care? environment? Almost got it right. But they also give preference to bicycles, because this is the fastest and easiest way to get around the city.

3. Lack of social pleasantries

Photo: Wouworld

"Please". "Sorry". "Thank you". These are not the most popular words in Denmark. You probably won't hear them, and you probably won't need to use them. The Danes are polite and respectful, but don't be surprised if you walk into a bar and hear: "Give me a beer." They say that the polite addresses we are accustomed to are simply absent in their language.

Photo: Wouworld

4. Alcohol

Photo: Karina Elcott

Beer has been part of Danish culture for over 5,000 years. There are currently over 100 breweries in Denmark. People usually start drinking this drink at the age of 14. Non-drinkers It's hard to stay sober in a country where almost every resident drinks beer. Alcohol is available from school parties and is not a problem as long as drinkers control themselves.

Photo: Insightoutmagazine

5. Danish flag

Photo: Dejligedayse

The Danes call their flag the Dannebrog (Dannebrog in Danish). You can see it everywhere in the country: it can fly from flagpoles mounted on buildings, in gardens or even on birthday cakes. The Danish flag is an important symbol for most Danes. He expresses love and affection for his country.

Photo: Dejligedayse

6. The Danes are licorice lovers

Photo: Andreea P

From salty foods to sweets, the Danes have all kinds food products with licorice. Lollipops, ice cream, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, meat dishes, baked goods - everything with licorice can only be found here. Once you've been to the Licorice Festival, you'll understand why they're so drawn to licorice. (Do you like licorice?)

Photo: Ilovegifting

7. Equality

Photo: gpotcenter.org

Danish culture is characterized by values ​​such as equality, consensus, trust, autonomy and the ability to maintain a balance between family life and work. Among other things, foreigners are shocked by their daily routine and the way they communicate with each other. They seem rude to each other.

Photo: denmark.dk

8. Privacy

Photo: Ricky Montelvo

The Danes highly value their privacy, so when we meet, they don’t automatically say: “Hello, how are you?” And this is not at all a lack of friendliness, they simply do not want to invade your privacy. Ambitions, aspirations, political and religious views - it’s better to keep it all to yourself. Surprise visits? No, don't (please).

9. Babies

Photo: Jodi

Don't panic if you see a child sleeping in his stroller on the street. This is normal in Denmark. Come rain or snow, babies in Denmark can sleep outside as long as they are dressed for the weather. In addition, parents can leave their babies at the entrance to a store or cafe. Nobody worries that someone will kidnap a child.

Photo: Kitty B.

10. Danes have their own sense of joy

Photo: Colin Mutschler

The Danes have "Hygge". This word does not have an exact translation, but it means a warm, fuzzy feeling, a feeling of friendship. It's like being surrounded by people you love, enjoying a beer and having fun being surrounded a huge amount candles.

The Danes are proud of their country (and, frankly, with good reason) and quite sincerely believe that being a Dane is happiness. If you were not born in Denmark, but want to join this happy community, you can at least try to marry a Dane - and, therefore, to some extent, become a Dane. But first, let's see what it is like, this Danish happiness? How achievable is it?

Well, first of all, there are chances: Denmark leads Europe in the number of divorces, which means you can find an unmarried Danish man at almost any age. Secondly, in order for a Dane to marry a foreigner, he must have permanent job and be provided for, which is also a positive thing. I don’t want to talk about the negative ones, but they exist: these are the strict immigration laws of Denmark. In addition, Danish men are wary of all sorts of marriage scams, which are reported in the press and warned on the websites of embassies and consulates. The number of marriages with foreigners is decreasing year by year. Danish men are no longer rushing into the arms of Hymen, the number of civil marriages is constantly growing, and the vast majority choose their compatriots.

It would seem that the trend is obvious, but... it is impossible to forbid a woman to dream of a prince on a white horse, so let’s at least try to understand what he is like - the Danish prince?

The average Dane is peaceful, non-aggressive and able to communicate kindly. It's easy to find mutual language, it will be the language of Byron and Thackeray, which more or less all Danes speak. By the way, if your relationship develops into a serious one, you can learn Danish in Denmark for free, there are state courses, just teach.

A distinctive feature of the Danish mentality is respect for other people, the Danes will not speak harshly about what they don’t like, they may limit themselves to raising their eyebrows in surprise, so be careful not to wonder later where your fan suddenly disappeared, because just a week ago everything was so great!

Danish men are generally quite reserved and will not shower you with bouquets of roses and boxes of chocolates. They do not like to kiss when meeting and would rather do with a handshake. They are in no hurry to develop relationships, and will be very surprised to hear a quick confession from you. Therefore, if you love strong emotions and, when they are not there, you immediately begin to get bored, irritated and believe that your “boyfriend” is neither fish nor fowl, you are better off looking for a prince elsewhere.

The Danes take care of their health, but do not bother too much with their appearance and accept themselves as they are - your chosen one is unlikely to lose weight and build muscles to please you. To be fair, it should be noted that there are few fat Danes, the habit of playing sports and best friend Danes - bicycles make a beneficial contribution to the health of the nation. Danish men love all sports that are associated with the sea, probably the genes of their ancestors - sailors and travelers - make themselves felt. Swimming, rowing, sailing are held in high esteem; it was not for nothing that the Danes managed to win gold in classical rowing at the last Olympics in London. Having your own boat is every Dane's dream.

Danes are modest and will never brag about their achievements or material wealth. You should be able to guess for yourself how wealthy your Danish friend is, for example, by seeing an expensive designer coffee pot on his kitchen table.

The average Danish family can afford to buy a car for each member, but don't expect a Bentley or Lamborghini as a gift. Practicality, economy and reluctance to stand out - this is what your spouse will be guided by when choosing a car for you.

The majority of Danes live in own homes. Love for your home, the desire to make it warm and cozy is an integral part of Danish life. Danish men will always appreciate your handmade product, which will decorate the house and add charm to family evenings by candlelight. The Danes generally love to light candles; in their dim light, even the simplest and most austere home becomes attractive and soulful.

Nothing brightens life more and gives a feeling of warmth and security than a pleasant feast with family and friends. Friendly jokes, laughter, toasts to the owners, tasty food with Danish beer - this is a symbol of Danish happiness. The Danes have strong family connections, brothers and sisters often share lifelong friendships. Many serious issues are resolved collectively, by the whole family. Therefore, be prepared to communicate not only with your chosen one, but also with all his relatives, as well as children from previous marriages.

In Denmark there is no division of responsibilities into strictly male and female. The heirs of the Vikings enjoy doing housework and are not deprived culinary skills, but there is a high probability that you will have to work, as 80% of Danish women do. Life in Denmark is expensive, and supporting a family usually requires both parents to work. Danish children enjoy visiting children's institutions, where they learn the healthy collectivism characteristic of the inhabitants of this country.

Old people in Denmark are quite wealthy and independent people, so your mother-in-law is unlikely to share the wisdom of life with you and teach you how to cook fledegred, but she won’t stay with her grandchildren either.

And finally, it should be noted that great importance is attached to the social security of women with children in Denmark; children receive very decent benefits until they reach the age of 16. So if, God forbid, you have to divorce your Danish husband, there is no need to despair.

What are Danish men like?

Today we want to talk about Danish men. What are Danish men like? How do they differ from ours, Ukrainians?

Danish men are generally tall, athletic, blond with blue eyes.The main thing is that they are excellent family men, loving fathers and husbands.

  1. Attitude towards women. A wife and mother of children deservedly receives attention, respect and help in everything from her husband. There is no division of labor in the family, there is simply no such thing as male and women's work. For Danish men, it’s not a problem to change the baby’s diaper, buy groceries, cook dinner, wash the dishes, clean the house - these are usual things. Our women, at first, even get offended and ask the question: “Am I a bad cook or am I a bad housewife?” In fact, this is normal and this is their mentality.
  2. Attitude towards children.Most often, it is men who can be seen walking with strollers on the streets. If they are on bicycles, then the front must be equipped with a special mount. children's place for a child. By the way, the most common form of transport in Denmark is a bicycle. Everyone rides everywhere, and the whole nation is obsessed with bicycle racing.
  3. Health and sports. Cult in Denmark healthy image In life, everyone plays sports, and this is not cycling - it’s just the norm of life. Danish men run, walk in GYM's, every day and in any weather. It doesn’t matter if it’s raining, downpour, hail, frost, they still go out for a run; for them there is no concept of “bad weather.”
  4. Kitchen. If we talk about taste preferences, then most of Danes will opt for cutlet over salmon. In Denmark, everyone loves baking, delicious buns are sold on every corner, but despite this, there are no overweight people here.
  5. The language barrier. If you know English reasonably well, you will feel comfortable. Almost the entire population of Denmark speaks English language. Why do you think? Everything is very simple: American movies shown on TV in the original language, with subtitles in the Danish translation. Therefore, from childhood, the Danes absorb the correct English speech and thus, unobtrusively, this language becomes native to them.
  6. Personal qualities. The Danes are very peace-loving people. They love their parliament, they speak a lot political topics and actively discuss the situation in the country. Denmark is a country of modesty and moderation. This is partly a testament to the Danish sense of social responsibility. Fostering personal responsibility starts from the very beginning. early childhood. Danish men are very law-abiding, they are responsible taxpayers and know where their taxes go.

This is a comfortable country to live in, where you will feel protected both in the family and in the state.

For you,