Zinaida Baranova, Russian sun-eater. Pranic nutrition

4.5. Commentary by A.V. Klyuev on the phenomenon of Z.G. Baranova

I consider it very important to cite here the opinion of a doctor and a person who has been dealing with the problem of evolution for many years, A.V. Klyuev:

“I am a psychophysiologist, I work as the head of a department at the Interstate Aviation Committee, and I am involved in the investigation of serious accidents in terms of studying the role of the “human factor” in aviation accidents.

As for spiritual work, for 12 years I have been following the Path of Conscious Evolution. This allows me, as it were, to examine from the inside the transmutation processes that occur in the body and psyche of people following the path of spiritual improvement. My own practical experience, the experience of Zinaida Grigorievna, people who, according to my recommendations, follow the Path of Conscious Evolution, the experience and revelations of the Great Teachers of humanity - all this made it possible to formulate clear psychophysiological patterns of progress along the Path, which manifest themselves in all, without exception, people who consciously work in this direction. Thus, the main milestones were placed, giving seekers, as they progress, confidence in the correctness of their progress along the Path of Conscious Evolution. All changes that occur in the consciousness of a sincere seeker of Truth have a fairly clear, logical sequence in manifestation.

Changes in Zinaida Grigorievna’s body, of course, fit into a certain outline of psychophysiological stages in the Path of Conscious Evolution, and in itself the “phenomenon” of living without taking physical food and liquid is a manifestation of a natural fact from our evolutionary Future, which is being born today.

Now I will try to outline Zinaida Grigorievna’s path from the scientific position of evolutionary patterns in changing the individual consciousness of people who consciously follow the path of spiritual improvement. Today I have data that allows me to fairly objectively assess Zinaida Grigorievna’s condition both from the standpoint of traditional medicine and from the standpoint of evolutionary psychophysiology.

Zinaida Grigorievna is a very interesting person from all points of view. She was born in the heyday of the Soviet period, was a materialist to the core, and for some time even served as secretary of the primary party organization of a large research institute. She got married, gave birth to a daughter and a son, who died in 1980. After the death of her son, Zinaida Grigorievna was in severe depression for a long time, her general condition worsened in all respects. There were profound disorders of cardiovascular activity, pathological changes in the osteoarticular apparatus and in a number of other organs. In fact and legally, she became a disabled person of the second group due to the condition of the cardiovascular system. Realizing the complete failure of medical treatment, Zinaida Grigorievna decided to improve her health on her own, radically changing her life. This was in 1990.

From the city she moved to the countryside, in the foothills of the Caucasus. There she was engaged in growing pasture, caring for flowers, in a word, closely communicating with Nature. Zinaida Grigorievna performed all types of work on her personal plot with great love for Mother Nature, literally merging with her soul and body. During these periods, her active consciousness, her whole being did not “walk” in thoughts about the past or future, but was directly in the process of execution of this or that work, that is, it was in real time - “here and now”. It is this state - the state of being in real time - that provides contact with the descending Evolutionary Energy, miraculously transforming the entire human being. Zinaida Grigorievna also practiced hardening according to the method of Porfiry Korneevich Ivanov: she doused herself with cold water, walked barefoot all year round, etc.

In parallel with health-improving activities, she carried out a lot of spiritual work. She read and comprehended the Gospel at least seven times, trying to understand the concept of “God.” Then there were: “Agni Yoga”, “Fundamentals of the Worldview of the New Epoch” by Klizovsky and other spiritual literature. This kind of meditative work also allows us to establish a direct connection with the descending Divine Power, which enters our body like a golden stream through the crown of the head. This is the same Divine Power, the same transforming Spirit, about the coming descent of which Jesus Christ spoke to His disciples. Let me remind you that on the descending arc of evolution, in the era of humanity’s immersion in materiality, the ascending current of Energy prevailed, at the maximum of immersion there was a complete energy calm, and now the time has come for the active work of the descending Evolutionary Energy.

With the time of the beginning of spiritual work, Zinaida Grigorievna, in fact, accepted "baptism of fire" , that is, I physically felt the descent of the Divine Power into the body. When establishing contact with Divine Energy, entering the body through the energy center above the crown of the head, a characteristic tinnitus occurs, periodically changing its tone, a downward energy current is felt along the spinal column, which dissipates along the periphery of the body. For Zinaida Grigorievna, these sensations became a sign of higher guidance, and she clearly realized that, among other things, God is also Energy. And, indeed, it is worth surrendering and submitting to this Power - everything will be as it should be. I emphasize that the sensation of only a descending current of energy can serve as a sign of guidance from Above; all other sensations of contact with the energies of space, including the voices of so-called teachers - vital teachers of not the highest rank - are false. When people talk about their verbal contacts with teachers, we can absolutely say that this is contact with the vital world - the world of duality and beautiful lies. Vital guidance is not the highest guidance - and therefore, beware of the voices of teachers! Possession and mediumship are the result of close communication with vital teachers. There is only one True Teacher, and His voice can only be heard in one’s own heart, which must be opened by following the Path of Conscious Evolution.

For some period (until 1993), Zinaida Grigorievna was on a mixed diet: she ate meat and fish. By this time, thanks to spiritual growth and health activities, her health had improved significantly. Since 1993, Zinaida Grigorievna switched to a purely vegetarian diet. Over time, almost all bodily ailments disappeared. Here we have the fact of the magical healing effect of the descending Divine Power (Evolutionary Energy), harmonizing the work of all our organs and systems. Discovering this force and establishing stable contact with it is the key to integral mental and physical health. The cause of all our troubles and illnesses is the failure to assimilate this (divine) Energy, our constant closeness in the cocoon of egoistic existence. Despite this, Evolutionary Energy is trying to penetrate us by hook or by crook. At times it succeeds, but we are not able to fully assimilate it, and therefore various mental and somatic diseases arise. Zinaida Grigorievna became convinced in practice of the life-giving power of this Energy - a miraculous healing of her body from many ailments occurred.

As Zinaida Grigorievna has already said, in July-August 1997, on recommendations from Above (at the call of an inner voice that this is exactly what should be done) she switched to a water-broth diet. This lasted forty days. The exam was successfully passed. What is very important is that during this period she often felt vibrational vibrations along the spinal column, and cellular vibrations periodically arose in the cells of the body. These phenomena are the result of direct contact of the organism with the increasing flow of descending Evolutionary Energy. The increase in flow intensity occurs exactly as much as the body is able to painlessly assimilate it. Wise guidance from Above does not allow anything unnecessary if a person completely trusts it. No special forced methods of bringing energy into the body are required - everything happens naturally. Widespread psychoenergetic trainings now can provoke an uncontrolled breakthrough of a flow of great tension into the body, which leads to irreversible disorders of bodily health, complete imbalance of the psyche, cellular fear and the inability to painlessly assimilate (assimilate) Evolutionary Energy in the future. Several such people came to me for help. Someone has a feeling of total fear and physical separation of the body or some of its parts (head, arms, legs) from the conscious “I”. Someone complains of unbearable pain in muscles, bones and joints, severe cramps in the limbs up to pseudoparalysis, etc. Correction of these conditions is associated with certain difficulties - paralyzing fear at the cellular level prevents even mild relaxing energy therapeutic effects. The more time has passed since the moment of psychoenergetic trauma, the more difficult it is to normalize the condition. I advise everyone to think carefully before giving themselves into the hands of those who are engaged in “unwinding” the energies in the chakras and promise to make you a spiritual superman in a short time!

Thus, Zinaida Grigorievna naturally harmonized the functioning of the seven main energy centers (chakras). The next stage of work on the Path was not entirely pleasant for her. For nine months she worked, in her words, “on negative thoughts.” In itself, this process of awakening extremely negative thoughts is natural and completely understandable. When the descending Evolutionary Energy begins its work in the subconscious of the seeker, where all our negative past is stored, including the aggressive animal heritage, there is a consistent emergence to the surface of the active consciousness of its individual elements. For a seeker, it is like a tub of cold water. Until now, he considered himself a spiritually advanced person, unable to produce a single seditious thought, when suddenly an avalanche of all sorts of dirty tricks falls on him, seemingly not belonging to him. As Zinaida Grigorievna says, she never thought what such a “garbage bin” was. After all, some path of improvement has already been passed, successes are obvious, and suddenly this... There is something to despair about. It seems that all spiritual work has gone down the drain. The seeker gets the impression that it is almost impossible to fight this, but Zinaida Grigorievna boldly entered the battle.

This work took her exactly nine months. For every negative thought (condemnation, indignation, etc.), she read the “Jesus Prayer” three times. In other words, even in a positive way, she paid attention to every thought, unwittingly feeding it with the energy of her attention. Zinaida Grigorievna may not agree with me in this regard, but there is a more effective and faster way to completely get rid of this kind of thoughts - not to react to them in any way. Any thought is an energy formation that requires either attention or implementation, which is the highest form of energy supply. It is important for these formations that we pay attention to them (repent, admit our sinfulness, begin to implement them, etc.). Leaving them unattended - fatal. When such thoughts rise to the surface, you just need to look at them, and then at the utmost time they evaporate or burn in the flame of the Divine Fire, in the flame of the descending Evolutionary Energy.

After nine months, the process of working on negative thoughts was completed. My mind became quiet. Zinaida Grigorievna entered nirvana, experiencing a truly blissful state. There were no longer any obstacles to the penetration of the descending Evolutionary Energy into the body, and it (this Energy) began its invisible work of revealing the psychic being (soul). This took very little time. One fine morning, upon awakening, Zinaida Grigorievna felt a hitherto unknown grace, silence, and a white flowing light poured into her eyes. This was the moment of spiritual birth, the moment of full disclosure or birth of the psychic being. She worked on negative thoughts for nine months, and finally, it happened! Suddenly the abscess of egoistic existence bursts, and from that moment the person becomes completely different.

The processes that took place in the consciousness of the seeker up to this moment cannot be compared with the act of spiritual birth. A person finds himself in a completely different environment, he rediscovers the world around him and sees it with the amazed eyes of a newborn. Absolutely amazing condition! Absolutely causeless deep inner joy no longer leaves you. It is impossible to miss the moment of the birth of a psychic being - this is a grandiose event that shocks the entire human being. I often hear people claim that they have already been born in the spirit, but they cannot describe the moment of birth itself. This suggests that these people take the exit of individual consciousness into the spheres of Universal Consciousness, into the so-called nirvana, as spiritual birth. This event usually precedes the act of psychic birth, but rarely those who “emerge” into nirvana are subsequently born in the Spirit. This happens because of their complacency with what they have achieved. They take partial realization for complete - they begin to claim that they are connected with God, declare common truths, passing them off as revelations from Above, make important, in their opinion, scientific discoveries, write ordinary poetry, etc. As a result, they lose contact with the descending Evolutionary Energy, and therefore cannot be born in the Spirit.

Now let’s move on to the actual “phenomenon” of Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova, to what makes her so different from all of us. Since the spring of 2000, she has gone without physical food and liquid.

Zinaida Grigorievna said that this process became quite painful from the moment she stopped taking fluids. What was it? Her entire body was covered with pinpoint inflammatory spots, reminiscent of mosquito bites. Following this, multiple lumps the size of millet grains appeared on the skin at the site of the “bites”. It is most likely that in her body, during the most difficult, critical period of functioning (without fluid entering the body through the digestive tract), physiological and anatomical changes occurred that made it possible to extract moisture from the air through the skin. Absolute trust in the Divine Energy, which worked in her body at the cellular level, helped Zinaida Grigorievna survive this extremely difficult transition period. At the same time, strong cellular vibrations arose in various muscle groups. Subsequently, the severity of the vibration phenomena subsided. The physiological functions of the body were gradually restructured, and two months after the start of the experiment, Zinaida Grigorievna again felt like a normal person - normal from the point of view of complete adaptation to environmental conditions.

In 2001, Zinaida Grigorievna, at the insistent requests of her friends, decided to ask doctors what was happening in her body. For this purpose, she underwent a diagnostic medical examination at the department of the Faculty of Medicine of Peoples' Friendship University with Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A. Ya. Chizhov. The study was carried out using thermal acupuncture diagnostics. Now I will give you the documents compiled based on the results of the examination.

Regarding the above, the following can be said. From the standpoint of traditional classical medicine, Zinaida Grigorievna’s health state (based on objective examination data at the macro level) can be assessed as a pronounced degree of pathology in a number of organs and systems. However, her physical activity and state of the emotional sphere do not correspond to this at all. What's the matter here? To answer this question, let us turn to the data of Zinaida Grigorievna’s examination at the microfunctional level (adequate to the vibration level), conducted in January 2001 in Sofia by the Bulgarian specialist Ivan A. Todorov. A stunning picture emerges.

Zinaida Grigorievna has high vibrational activity of the cardiovascular blood system, central and autonomic nervous system, immune system, neuroendocrine and lymphatic system, osteoarticular system and spine, muscles, all sense organs, the reproductive system as a whole, all chakras and, especially, the subtle body itself. At the same time, there is a significant decrease in the vibrational activity of the digestive system as a whole, the stomach, pancreas, gall and bladder, as well as the ovaries (with high vibrational activity of the uterus!).

At the vibrational level, there is a significant decrease in the activity of those organs and systems that practically do not function at the macro level, first of all, this concerns the digestive system. In the sexual sphere, attention is drawn to the fact that with significant suppression of the function of the ovaries - an organ directly related to the reproduction of physical bodies through sexual intercourse - the function of the uterus - the organ where gestation occurs, is completely preserved. This means that if it is impossible to conceive a physical body through sexual intercourse, it remains possible to carry a fetus conceived in some other way, for example, in an “immaculate” way. The vibration activity of the uterus remains at a very high level. This amazing fact may indicate that in the near future it is possible that a different (transitional) method of reproduction of physical bodies may manifest itself in humanity. The implementation of the biblical method of conception - “from the Holy Spirit” - is not excluded.

The transformation of Zinaida Grigorievna’s physical body, in terms of developing a fundamentally different physiological way of functioning, is obvious. The establishment of stable contact with the descending Evolutionary Energy caused a deep transformation of the body at the cellular level. This gave Zinaida Grigorievna the opportunity to completely refuse food and liquid intake, maintaining optimal (for the new conditions) metabolism in the body. The preservation of optimal cellular metabolism, which ensures the normal existence of the organism, indicates that in biological nature there are no, as orthodox scientists claim, once and for all established laws. The unfolding of the evolutionary process among earthly humanity can present phenomenal surprises.

Now let’s consider everything that happened to Zinaida Baranova through the prism of the mechanism of the Path of Conscious Evolution.

The first stage, including the choice of the Path and the beginning of conscious evolutionary work, Zinaida Grigorievna spent in solitude, in the countryside, where she practiced direct total communication with Nature. The process of communicating with Nature is a very effective form of active meditation - meditation “here and now”, meditation of being in real time, which is extremely important for the rapid awakening of internal energies and the establishment of a stable connection with the descending Evolutionary Energy, and this is the implementation of the second stage of the Path of Conscious Evolution .

Soon after the implementation of the second stage, when Zinaida Grigorievna began working with spiritual literature, her individual consciousness left the body and entered “nirvana” through the top of her head. At the same time, she realized that God is Energy, that He is present everywhere and in everything. Thus, the third stage of the Path (“Exit to Nirvana”) was completed. From that time on, Zinaida Grigorievna began to use in her work the practice of prayer, devotion and complete surrender of herself into the hands of the Almighty. She completely subordinated herself to the Will of God. This was not a formal surrender into the hands of the Lord, but an absolutely sincere surrender. Only under this condition is this practice 100% effective and allows you to avoid serious complications in your work.

The fourth stage of the Path of Conscious Evolution is characterized by the establishment of stable contact with the descending Evolutionary Energy or Divine Power. When such contact is established, the characteristic way of working of this Energy in the consciousness of the seeker is manifested - alternating periods of ascent and descent of consciousness, when, after periods of blissful unity with the Almighty, periods of a gloomy depressed state suddenly begin. For Zinaida Grigorievna, such an alternation of these periods manifested itself very clearly; she was especially annoyed by the influx of negative thoughts, which, it seemed, would have no end. But deliverance came - prayer did its job. The next stage is spiritual birth, the birth of a psychic being. It happened shortly after getting rid of negative thoughts. Grace like never before , an unearthly light in the eyes and tears of love for All That Is marked this event. From that time on, unclouded joy was always present in Zinaida Grigorievna’s heart.

From the moment of the birth of a psychic being, the descending Evolutionary Energy began active work at the level of cellular (bodily consciousness). Quite often, powerful vibrations arose in the cells of the body. Their frequency and intensity especially increased during the period of Zinaida Grigorievna’s complete refusal to eat and drink. Thus, the gradual development of a subtle vibration body began.

During the work, once every month and a half there are 2-3-day periods of forced descent of Evolutionary Energy into the deepest layers of the body. Then Zinaida Grigorievna feels, to put it mildly, bad.

Z.B.: For me this is expressed in the fact that during these periods I feel like an exposed wound. When I have a strong energetic impact, I feel such vulnerability, such nakedness and distortion of the divine energies that touch me, that I cannot tolerate any contact with the people around me. Any word, any gesture, even silence is annoying. At the same time, I am filled with compassion, pain and tears. I don’t take offense at people, I understand that they cannot be different, but this painful perception can be incredibly strong. I want to climb into some kennel, see no one and hear nothing. Then this state passes and the usual joyful perception of the surrounding world returns .

A.K.: What Zinaida Grigorievna is talking about is very familiar to me. This is a normal phenomenon that manifests itself in the later stages of the Path of Conscious Evolution. Such conditions occur at intervals of once a month to a month and a half, lasting two to three days. They are usually accompanied by severe headache in the area of ​​the right temple and eye socket, nausea, and a feeling of a “lump in the throat.” The general condition can be characterized precisely by the word “nakedness.” This is the stage of in-depth development of bodily consciousness. Remember the state of Jesus Christ before his arrest. His words “My soul grieves beyond measure” contain the quintessence of such a state.

Zinaida Grigorievna’s “phenomenon” directly demonstrates that the inviolability of the laws of existence of biological organisms, declared by scientists, has been shaken forever. What they elevated to the rank of law is just a special case, one of the options in the chain of evolutionary transformations. And how many wonderful discoveries are still ahead! How do you feel about the fact that descending Evolutionary Energy is capable of not only “feeding and watering” the human body, but can even replace oxygen breathing. Experiences in the body directly indicate this possibility. Isn't this fantastic! In the descending arc of evolution, in its early stages, earthly humanity “feeded” exclusively on Divine Energy, and therefore knew neither disease nor death. In fact, a consciously evolving person can become independent not only from physical food, liquid and oxygen, but also protected from many unfavorable environmental factors (including penetrating radiation), which in conditions of possible environmental disasters will not only help him survive, but also continue evolutionary development .

The main result of the work of the descending Evolutionary Energy in the body is (I emphasize again!) the development of a subtle (vibrational) body, essentially an immortal body. When our physical body - the repository of biochemical memory - dies, then the memory of the past also dies. Therefore, we leave this world with a complete loss of memory of our past life. The developed vibrational body has a vibrational memory that functions independently of the structures of the brain. Thus, having thrown off the “body-suit” intended for our stay in the dense physical world, a person retains the individual “I” almost in full. The transition to the “other world” will be painless, without loss of memory and with the preservation of active consciousness, and this is a guarantee that a person will not get lost in the “other world”.

Question to A.K.: Alexander Vasilyevich, please tell us how energy works in the cells of the body?

If there is (in the person of Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova) a “phenomenon” of human existence without physical food and liquid, then there is some other “food” that feeds the cells of the human body. The logic is obvious. In the cells of a “starving” body, everything necessary to maintain optimal functioning of the body is synthesized. The source of “food” is known - descending Evolutionary or Divine Energy. During chemical reactions involving this Energy, endogenous water is formed, which, apparently, is quite sufficient to ensure metabolic processes in the body. An important point to pay attention to is the supply of the body with necessary microelements, which, apparently, are extracted (in the absence of physical food intake) from bone tissue. Here we can draw an analogy with plants that extract trace elements from the soil. The question arises: “Will this lead to a decrease in bone strength?”

However, there is every reason to believe that when interacting with descending Evolutionary Energy, all tissues of the human body undergo exclusively positive transformation, and bone tissue is no exception. Perhaps this will be expressed in increased plasticity of the skeletal system.

A.K.: There is one curious thing connected with the work of descending Evolutionary Energy in the body. If this Energy works “in full” (and the practice of assimilation of descending Energy shows that this is possible), then it will not only be able to provide the body with “food”, but will also be able to completely replace oxygen breathing, that is, the person of the Future will be able to eat and breathe environmentally friendly energy substance.

Question: In many publications, Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova is considered one of the so-called “sun-eaters”. Is it so?

Answer:“Sun eaters” are the name given to the vital followers of the famous Australian “starving woman” Jasmukhin. She developed a complex method of gradually giving up physical food and switching to eating exclusively prana (spatial vital energy). “Sun-eaters” do not refuse liquids.

The phenomenon of Zinaida Baranova has a different origin. Refusal to take physical food and liquid became for her a natural consequence of many years of spiritual work, which allowed her to switch to energy nutrition (pure descending Energy plus pranic energy) with the predominant participation of descending Evolutionary Energy in the metabolic process in the body.

I, Zinaida Ivanovna Baranova, was born on April 28, 1929 in the village of Shelemishevo, Zheltukhinsky (now Skopinsky) district, Ryazan region.

When the war started, I was 12 years old and at school. In December 1941, my father was called to the front, and in January 1942 he had already died. They sent a notice: “missing in action.” Mom had two of us children, me and my younger brother. There were no men left in the village, so only women and us children worked on the collective farm. And the collective farm is big, there’s a lot of land, which means there’s a lot of work. We had to do different jobs - weeding, planting, and even worked on horses. The older women taught me how to harness a horse, and I used it to carry the sheaves from the field to the threshing machine. It was especially difficult when threshing sheaves. We lined up in pairs at the threshing machine and removed the straw. It was difficult to breathe, as the straw flew with chaff and dust, and although we tied ourselves with scarves, the dust still got into our mouths and eyes, and we coughed. In general, it was difficult. And at home I had to clean up the garden. After all, we lived only off the garden (potatoes, beets, etc.) and the cow, which also had to be fed and watered.

And our collective farm was poor, the agricultural machinery was bad, there were few horses, so the management of the collective farm came up with a way out - for women to plow with their cows. But this idea turned out to be unsuccessful. The cows didn't want to plow. On the very first day, our cow pierced my mother’s nose with her horn. Well, it didn't hit my eye. So that’s where the idea with the cows ended, leaving only a mark on my mother’s nose.

Well, we children worked as hard as we could. And the Germans at the beginning of 1942 were already not far from us. We were as if on combat readiness - we slept without undressing. We could be evacuated at any moment. Everything was ready for this.

But, despite all the difficulties, I finished 10th grade and left for Moscow. I entered the Institute of National Economy. Plekhanov. She graduated from it in 1951 and was sent to work at the Main Foreign Property Department abroad - in Germany. I worked there for four years and got married there. The husband was a military man, and in 1955 he was transferred to the reserve and sent to the Union. This was in December 1955. We returned to Moscow. I was hired by the Ministry of Geology. I worked there for 10 years - from November 1956 to July 1966, and in August 1966 I went to work at the Glavgazdobycha of the Ministry of Energy. And she worked at Mingazprom until her retirement on April 1, 1987.

During her work at Gazprom, she was awarded two certificates of honor, the title “Shock Worker of Communist Labor,” and the badge “Excellent Worker of the Ministry of Gas Industry.” In addition, I was given numerous thanks (entries in the work book).

For many years of impeccable work, I was awarded the title “Honorary Worker of the Gas Industry” (Project 1-6/64 dated January 14, 1987) and was awarded a badge.

In addition, she was awarded medals:

  • "Veteran of labour";
  • “For valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945”;
  • “60 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War”;
  • “65 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War”;.

This positive attitude is most likely facilitated by the fact that Z. Baranova has neither a TV nor a radio in her house. How depressing, you see, all sorts of programs with disasters, catastrophes, crimes, injustice, blood, explosions here and there get on your nerves... Well, everyone can continue the list of negativity that the media bring down on us daily and hourly. You grab your head from the crazy world. And at the same time, Zinaida Grigorievna is by no means devoid of worries about the future of humanity, moreover, she is ready to participate in actions to improve the quality and meaning of people’s lives. This is precisely why the ancient Vedic culture of the Russians attracted her - it gives lost knowledge of the harmony of man and nature, forms in people a worldview of love and justice, and awakens a lot of good things in us. “It is my duty to bring this knowledge to people,” she says. – Vedic culture teaches a lot.

Just the fact that I acquired the skills of dialogue with the soul is a very significant thing. Errors are eliminated, wrong actions are eliminated.... Is it bad? After all, a person knows a lot about himself, but does not believe and does not hear the clues. I am very glad that I got in touch with my roots. Today there are so many different teachings and techniques, so maybe the Vedas are a fashionable fad? – I doubt it. Oh no! – Zinaida Grigorievna lights up. “I felt the correctness of the teaching with all my gut. There is genuine and deep knowledge here; it is not without reason that their own and foreign kings fought mercilessly against Vedic wisdom, hiding its essence from people for centuries. I have studied many teachings. For example, the Krishna system.

However, I became convinced: Hare Krishnas have a too narrowed level of consciousness, they are fixated on their mantra and vegetarian diet - and believe that this is enough. The followers of Porfiry Ivanov also do not want to hear anything other than Parshek’s “Children”... This is how sects inevitably form. Ancient Vedic knowledge is something else, it is deep. This is knowledge about oneself and Nature, with which one must live in unity. The Russians had too much gullibility and goodwill. This has led to the fact that the tougher nations have them pinned down, as they say. Note that they are afraid of Russia. They are afraid because strangers know the mystical significance of Russia more than we ourselves. Alas, we do not know our strength. It is in our spirit, and they are trying to break it, belittle it, cloud it with alcohol, drugs... Why did the Americans come to Afghanistan? Yes, only in order to wage an opium war to destroy the Russians! You know - opium production in Afghanistan has increased tenfold! This is the plan of Allen Dulles, director of the CIA in the 50s, in action. Remember?

“...Having sowed chaos, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them to believe in these false values. Literature, theaters, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the basest human feelings. ..We will quietly, but actively and constantly promote the tyranny of officials, bribe-takers, and unprincipled behavior. Bureaucracy and red tape will be elevated to virtue. Honesty and decency will be ridiculed... Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples. We will deftly and imperceptibly cultivate all this, all of this will bloom in full bloom. ...We will always place our main emphasis on young people; we will corrupt, corrupt, corrupt them. We will make cynics, vulgarities, cosmopolitans out of them...” Tell me, what of this “Dulles Doctrine” has not been fulfilled? Yes, almost everything has already been implemented!

This time a young family from Krasnodar was visiting her - she was tired of the big city, crazy prices, unnatural rhythm of life, anxiety about everything. We were looking for a plot for our own home. Both are ready to move. “If you don’t drink, you have a head on your shoulders, you won’t go to waste,” Andrey, who graduated with honors from the Mordovian Technical University and is an excellent computer scientist, is confident in himself. Baranova’s routine is as follows: she goes to bed at about 21 o’clock, wakes up at 1-2 o’clock in the morning, and, as she says, “night universities” begin - communication with God the Guardian, with other High Entities. Thinks about pressing issues, often writes down thoughts. Communication is telepathic, he receives answers, sometimes even in poetry. By the way, she showed me a book of poems called “Creative Trio,” published back in 2001, which contains 120 poems by Vysotsky and Mayakovsky, transmitted to her from subtle planes.

The poems are not uninteresting, I myself have not studied poetry before and do not write. Then he falls asleep again until 4-6 am. In the morning, obligatory prayer is an appeal to the Gods. – So, your mood improves right in the morning? Oh, it’s always good for me! – Baranova smiles. – The main thing that I felt when this experiment with me began was that we must live in harmony with nature. And the city is pretty much destroying it, so I made my choice, and from now on I will live here. I can admit that on the whole I have achieved this harmony. Then the day of the unusual woman develops in different ways. Depending on whether she has guests. During the day he can take a nap for an hour. There are a lot of books in the house, and Baranova reads a lot, and I also suddenly discovered a TV. But there is no antenna, and it is intended for watching DVD films and lectures: the program of courses on Vedic culture is recorded mainly on disks.

Communication with Baranova was diverse; we discussed a variety of issues of life. Suffice it to say that the voice recorder recordings took 9 hours. She told in detail how she communicated with Seraphim of Sarov and Sergius of Radonezh when she developed humility in herself; What does the word and practice of humility mean? – I became interested. Oh, this is the most important human condition! – she lit up. – This is when you see, understand and... remain silent. But you are silent not out of arrogance, but realizing: a person must himself come to the necessary conclusions. You cannot force anything against his will. My teachers, Radonezh and Sarov, taught me quite harshly how to develop this quality of character, even to the point of serious physical trials and hardships. But do not confuse humility with enlightenment - you should educate, but you should not impose it against your will. Why did the choice fall on you, an ordinary woman, an institute teacher, a very modest person in life? – I began to move on to the main questions that worried me. – Was it really the death of your son that triggered the spring of your opportunities?

My son died in 1980, and my rebirth as a person began in the mid-90s, and I don’t know for sure whether one is connected with the other. There’s probably a connection... – the smile disappeared from my interlocutor’s face. “But now I understand why the choice fell on me.” For some time now, I suddenly began to receive signs - sometimes they give Buddha figurines, then his image, then I read books about him with special ecstasy. And suddenly it turns out - however, to be honest, it came to me in the form of a revelation: as if I were Buddha's brother Ananda. It was two and a half thousand years ago. When Buddha was poisoned and died in agony, his brother took a vow: he sat under a tree without food or water. I don’t know how long Ananda sat like that, but apparently my austerities began then. Then he was incarnated as a monk under Sergius of Radonezh, as a novice under Seraphim of Sarov... A special article is the life in the body of Xenia of St. Petersburg. Night universities. Of course, I did not ignore Baranova’s statement about her communication with God the Guardian. Who is this? – I asked. I don’t know everything about him for sure, but God the Guardian has known me for a long time; at least, I have felt his presence and help since the mid-90s.

This deity is huge, I didn’t see him, I saw with my inner vision only his legs to the knees and his hand, but I was in his palm, like a little kitten... And I felt good in his palm... I am his ward, he is for I am answerable to the Gods. Why? Because, as it turned out, this is Ranta, the supreme being. Thirty thousand years ago he went through the process of transmuting the physical body, and since I also have the task of transmuting the body, he became my guardian. He is not one of the Slavic gods, but comparable to them. Not long ago I read the book “The White Book of Ranta” and thought: “Wow, judgments like those of my Guardian God!” And suddenly the thought in my head is not mine: “And this is me!” This came up in my late night discussions. Baranova accepts herbal treatment, but does not accept chemical medicine. “We treat one thing, we cripple another,” she is sure, already as a professional chemist.

Add to this the obvious element of pharmacologists profiting from people’s health, and the dead end of drug medicine will be obvious. For the most part, people do not become healthier by consuming pills and complex drugs. “Folk” means of prevention lead to a full life: dousing with cold water, hardening, walking barefoot, working in the air and other procedures. Acting according to the rules of Zhiva, I got rid of glasses! – Baranova celebrates her next achievement. – All I have to do is eliminate the disbelief in myself... But there is one more important condition – try not to get angry. Is this really possible? – I was surprised. – There is so much injustice around, so much bad happening. And what? Did you get angry and it disappeared? I assure you, there is no point in being angry.

On the contrary, this only fuels negative energy, and the pendulum of evil swings more and more. Look, others will get a crack on the forehead... Through anger and indignation you help the dark forces, give them your life energy. I know from myself that the most positive force is love in the soul for everything that is good on Earth. I have lived for many years only with this feeling and feel great, this is my way of life. They say that even if one candle burns in the darkness, that’s already good. And when two, three, ten, a thousand light up?.. People begin to understand that it is not anger, but love that decides everything. Today, as Zinaida Grigorievna assures, her physical body is undergoing a transformation, vibrations are increasing, and she is already, in some way, a transitional being, between the 3rd and 4th dimensions.

By the way, Baranova sometimes produces urine, but it is small and rare; there are also discharges of solid fractions - very rarely. But the organs did not atrophy, what do you think? I think no. However, we only know about the physiological functions of the internal organs, and we don’t even suspect about the esoteric ones. Let's say the Teachers gave me the following phrase about the intestines: “It cleanses the space...” The stomach also has some function, even the appendix is ​​necessary and functional in the subtle material world. In my night universities I was once told: “You are now a synthetic being, a new one – an energofite.”

That is, it is like an energy plant that absorbs all the necessary microelements necessary for the life of the body from the environment and space. That's probably true. But I'm no longer afraid of looking strange. Absolutely! How do you evaluate modern science? – I couldn’t help but ask. I recognize its limitations. Can this be created artificially? Yes maybe. Certain forces, and it is possible that from the outside, since the limitations of science are global in nature, are preventing people from gaining insight. Why should peoples be given true knowledge? So that they stop being slaves?

Someone very powerful does not want to lose blind robots from whom life-giving energies are being siphoned off. Baranova’s immediate tasks, as far as I understand, are to achieve such a transformation of the body (increase in frequency) that it would be possible to travel around the world in the form of a package of a physical matrix. Not astrally - she has a bad attitude towards astral travel because of the dangers of the Subtle World - but physically. The way Elena Roerich could do it, sometimes being in eight places at the same time. Baranova’s dream is to find herself in places where her presence will be necessary. “Not energetically,” she clarifies, “but physically...”

part 1 of 4

part 2 of 4

part 3 of 4

part 4 of 4

Conversation with Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova

Zinaida Baranova - Life without food

Since March 2000, Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova, a famous Russian sun eater from Krasnodar, has completely given up food (and since April, water).
- I breathe and receive food through energy centers (chakras), lungs and skin from the atmosphere. - says Zinaida Baranova. - Do not be surprised. Sunlight carries elementary particles. They can resonate with particles of the body's cells and form all the chemical elements necessary for nutrition.

If a person enters a state of such resonance, his energy centers begin to work. His microcosm interacts with the macrocosm. Everyone has this ability. But people are so polluted with food, bad deeds and thoughts that this ability is practically lost.
The transition to living without food was familiar to me, and I easily adapted. But anhydrous existence was difficult: a deep cleansing began in the cells of the body, which was accompanied by vibration throughout the body, weakness, and dry mouth as a result of the release of toxins through the salivary glands. There were also outbreaks on the skin in the form of peeling and “mosquito bites”. This state lasted for about a month and a half. Only complete trust in the Teachers gave me strength and endurance.
Living without drinking became possible as a result of the transmutation of the lungs; they acquired the ability to assimilate moisture from the air.
The results of a medical examination of Zinaida Baranova are interesting: blood pressure is 120 over 80, teeth are in perfect condition, breathing is 2-2.5 times slower than that of ordinary people, body temperature does not rise to 36 degrees. In addition, an increased silicon content was noted in Zinaida Grigorievna’s body - thirty units instead of the standard two.
“They also gave me an electrocardiogram,” recalls Zinaida Baranova. “The doctor studied the results for a long time, scratched the back of his head with his hand in puzzlement, and in response to my question: “Well, doctor?”, he just threw up his hands: “You will live a very long time - that’s the only thing I can say.” Another time, an ultrasound examination was performed. The doctors said: “You have residual signs of hepatitis and pancreatitis.” But I never had either one or the other. We tried to diagnose using the Foll method. So the operator’s eyes went wide: the device showed that I was healthier than 18-year-old girls.


For nine years now, Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova, a pensioner from Krasnodar, has eaten and drunk absolutely nothing, not even water.


From ancient times to the present day, a special category of people has been known who are able to live without food and water. The most famous of these people in the CIS is Zinaida Baranova. Zinaida Baranova and Alexander Klyuev participate in this interview.

Z.G. Baranova. I am very happy to be in such a warm audience, and thank you for the invitation to speak to you.
My name is Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova, but I like it when people call me simply Zinaida.

The essence of interest in me, probably, is not only as a person who follows the spiritual path (many people do this now), but as a person who has reached a certain stage of improvement on the path of ascent to God, when a state of unification with the energies of the macrocosm has been achieved, allowing my microcosm go without physical food and liquid.

Briefly about how this became possible. At one time, I began to search for unconventional ways and means of recovery. I cleansed the body according to Malakhov and Semenova, followed the “Baby” path of Porfiry Korneevich Ivanov (walking barefoot all year round, cold douches, abstaining from food, etc.). All this, to a certain extent, gave my body health. Then I started helping people, bringing to them the healing practices I had tested. Thus began the stage of my ministry.

The very process of healing my body took place mainly in a dream, when higher energies took possession of my body and performed peculiar surgical operations on it. At the same time, I continued my vegetarian lifestyle (soy products, plant foods, bran, etc.). During this period, the balancing of subtle bodies began, and the combustion of energy centers (chakras) took place. At some point while working on the energy centers, I was asked from Above (by an inner voice) to switch to a water-broth diet. This was in 1997. For forty days I took tea with honey, soy milk, and vegetable broths. During the first two weeks, my weight decreased synchronously by half a kilogram per day (seven kilograms in two weeks). Subsequently, the weight stabilized and remained around 70 kilograms. There was no loss of strength, but on the skin in some places (in particular, on the buttocks and mammary glands), as a result of the cleansing processes, unbearably itchy crusty formations appeared. Herbal baths helped relieve the itching. While on water-broth diet, I traveled around the country: I lived on Lake Baikal for a week, then went to visit my daughter in Blagoveshchensk, from there to Novosibirsk, then to Moscow. All movements were carried out with full tourist equipment. Forty days later, I returned to my usual vegetarian diet, which immediately affected my weight: it began to grow rapidly. By the spring of 2000, I weighed almost 90 kilograms.

That same spring (March 2000) I received a recommendation from Above to try to exist without food. Just at this time the Easter fast began, and with great joy I entered into the process of fasting. I had only one question: should I cleanse my intestines? The inner voice answered that it would cleanse itself spontaneously without outside influence. Two weeks after the start of fasting, I received a recommendation to refrain from drinking liquids. From that moment on, difficulties began that had to be overcome by force of will. A deep cleansing process continued in my body. Physically it was very difficult. Convulsions, internal “fluttering,” and vibrations occurred. Movement in space occurred mainly horizontally; it was almost impossible to climb stairs. At times it became scary. If this were not a recommendation from Above, but only my desire, I would have stopped everything immediately. And so I realized that I could stand it. After about a month, the condition returned to normal.

In my opinion, during the period of stopping fluid intake, the lungs transfer their respiratory functions to the skin and take over the supply of fluid to the body. Since then, my body has been without food and liquid for two years. This is not “dry” fasting - this is my way of life. My body is nourished, but from other sources. Now my weight is stable and equal to 73 kilograms. Is this fasting? This is not overcoming the feeling of hunger when I want to eat, but I don’t eat. I enjoy cooking for guests without feeling the urge to taste the food. I don’t have a loss of strength, I’m in a great mood, I’m able to carry a 65-liter backpack fully equipped, in a word, everything is like an ordinary person. True, when processes of intense transformation take place (the work of descending Evolutionary Energy in the body. - Auto.), I must remain in physical rest for 2-3 days, because something is happening in the muscles, joints and bones, and any load is contraindicated for them.

Question from Z.G. Baranova. When you decided to start healing your body, did you have any health problems?

Yes, I had very big health problems. In 1980, my eighteen-year-old son died. This misfortune completely undermined my health. I received the second group of disability for a whole bunch of diseases and immediately began to look for unconventional methods of getting rid of ailments and put them into practice. The results were immediate. This is how I ended up in my current state - able to live without taking physical food and liquid. And for the first time here in Moscow there was a person who undertook to explain my experience from the point of view of an unconventional approach to the treatment of diseases. It's present here Alexander Vasilievich Klyuev, doctor, candidate of medical sciences, president of the Conscious Human Evolution Foundation. I give him the floor.

A.V. Klyuev. Dear Zinaida Grigorievna, I will try to comment on your “phenomenon” from the point of view of a doctor and a person who has been dealing with the problem of evolution for many years. Perhaps after my speech, some of the questions that arose from the audience will be resolved.

I am a psychophysiologist, I work as the head of a department at the Interstate Aviation Committee, and I am involved in the investigation of serious accidents in terms of studying the role of the “human factor” in aviation accidents.

As for spiritual work, for 12 years I have been following the Path of Conscious Evolution. This allows me, as it were, to examine from the inside the transmutation processes that occur in the body and psyche of people following the path of spiritual improvement. My own practical experience, the experience of Zinaida Grigorievna, people who, according to my recommendations, follow the Path of Conscious Evolution, the experience and revelations of the Great Teachers of humanity - all this made it possible to formulate clear psychophysiological patterns of progress along the Path, which manifest themselves in all, without exception, people who consciously work in this direction. Thus, the main milestones were placed, giving seekers, as they progress, confidence in the correctness of their progress along the Path of Conscious Evolution. All changes that occur in the consciousness of a sincere seeker of Truth have a fairly clear, logical sequence in manifestation.

Changes in Zinaida Grigorievna’s body, of course, fit into a certain outline of the psychophysiological stages of the Path of Conscious Evolution, and the “phenomenon” itself of living without taking physical food and liquid is a manifestation of a natural fact from our evolutionary Future, which is being born today.

Now I will try to outline Zinaida Grigorievna’s path from the scientific position of evolutionary patterns in changing the individual consciousness of people who consciously follow the path of spiritual improvement. Today I have data that allows me to fairly objectively assess Zinaida Grigorievna’s condition both from the standpoint of traditional medicine and from the standpoint of evolutionary psychophysiology.

Zinaida Grigorievna is a very interesting person from all points of view. She was born in the heyday of the Soviet period, was a materialist to the core, and for some time even served as secretary of the primary party organization of a large research institute. She got married, gave birth to a daughter and a son, who, as she already said, died tragically in 1980. After the death of her son, Zinaida Grigorievna was in severe depression for a long time, her general condition worsened in all respects. There were profound disorders of cardiovascular activity, pathological changes in the osteoarticular apparatus and in a number of internal organs. In fact and legally, she became a disabled person of the second group due to a condition of the cardiovascular system. Realizing the complete failure of medical treatment, Zinaida Grigorievna decided to improve her health on her own, radically changing her life. This was in 1990.

From the city she moved to the countryside, in the foothills of the Caucasus. There she was engaged in growing pasture, caring for flowers, in a word, closely communicating with Nature. Zinaida Grigorievna performed all types of work on her personal plot with great love for Mother Nature, literally merging with her soul and body. During these periods, her active consciousness, her entire being, did not “walk” in thoughts about the past or future, but was directly in the process of performing this or that work, that is, it was in real time - “here and now.” It is this state - the state of being in real time - that provides direct contact with the descending Evolutionary Energy, miraculously transforming the entire human being. Zinaida Grigorievna also practiced hardening according to the method of Porfiry Korneevich Ivanov: she doused herself with cold water, walked barefoot all year round, etc.

In parallel with health-improving activities, she carried out a lot of spiritual work. She read and comprehended the Gospel at least seven times, trying to understand the concept of “God.” Then there were: “Agni Yoga”, “Fundamentals of the Worldview of the New Epoch” by Klizovsky and other spiritual literature. This kind of meditative work also allows us to establish a direct connection with the descending Divine Power, which enters our body like a golden stream through the crown of the head. This is the same Divine Power, the same transforming Spirit, about the coming descent of which Jesus Christ spoke to His disciples. Let me remind you that on the descending arc of evolution, in the era of humanity’s immersion in materiality, the ascending current of Energy prevailed, at the maximum of immersion there was a complete energy calm, and now the time has come for the active work of the descending Evolutionary Energy.

Since the beginning of her spiritual work, Zinaida Grigorievna, in fact, received a “baptism of fire,” that is, she physically felt the descent of the Divine Power into her body. When contact is established with the Divine Energy entering the body through the energy center above the crown of the head, a characteristic tinnitus occurs, periodically changing its tone, a descending energy current is felt along the spinal column, which dissipates along the periphery of the body, etc. For Zinaida Grigorievna, these sensations became a sign of higher guidance and she clearly realized that, among other things, God is also Energy. And indeed, as soon as you surrender and submit to this Power, everything will be as it should be. I emphasize that the sensation of only a descending current of energy can serve as a sign of guidance from Above; all other sensations of contact with the energies of space, including the voices of so-called teachers - vital teachers of not the highest rank - are false. When people talk about their verbal contacts with teachers, we can absolutely say that this is contact with the vital world - the world of duality and beautiful lies. Vital guidance is not the highest guidance - and therefore beware of the voices of teachers! Possession and mediumship are the result of close communication with vital teachers. There is only one True Teacher, and His voice can only be heard in one’s own heart, which must be opened by following the Path of Conscious Evolution.

For some period (until 1993), Zinaida Grigorievna was on a mixed diet: she ate meat and fish. By this time, thanks to spiritual growth and health activities, her health had improved significantly. Since 1993, Zinaida Grigorievna switched to a purely vegetarian diet. Over time, almost all bodily ailments disappeared. Here we have the fact of the magical healing effect of the descending Divine Power (Evolutionary Energy), harmonizing the work of all our organs and systems. The discovery of this Power and the establishment of stable contact with it is the key to integral mental and physical health. The cause of all our troubles and illnesses is the failure to assimilate this Energy, our constant closeness in the cocoon of egoistic existence. Despite this, Evolutionary Energy is trying to penetrate us by hook or by crook. At times it succeeds, but we are not able to fully assimilate it, and therefore various mental and somatic diseases arise. Zinaida Grigorievna became convinced in practice of the life-giving power of this Energy - a miraculous healing of her body from many ailments occurred.

As Zinaida Grigorievna has already said, in July-August 1997, on the recommendation from Above (at the call of an inner voice that this is what should be done) she switched to a water-broth diet. This lasted forty days. The exam was successfully passed. What is very important is that during this period she often felt vibrational vibrations along the spinal column, and cellular vibrations periodically arose in the cells of the body. These phenomena are the result of direct contact of the organism with the increasing flow of descending Evolutionary Energy. The intensity of the flow increases exactly as much as the body is able to absorb it painlessly. Wise guidance from Above does not allow anything unnecessary if a person completely trusts it. No special forced methods of bringing energy into the body are required - everything happens naturally. Widespread psychoenergetic trainings now can provoke an uncontrolled breakthrough of a flow of great tension into the body, which leads to irreversible disorders of bodily health, complete imbalance of the psyche, cellular fear and the inability to painlessly assimilate (assimilate) Evolutionary Energy in the future. Several such people came to me for help. Someone has a feeling of total fear and physical separation of the body or some of its parts (head, arms, legs) from the conscious “I”. Someone complains of unbearable pain in muscles, bones and joints, severe cramps in the limbs up to pseudoparalysis, etc. Correcting these conditions is associated with certain difficulties - paralyzing fear at the cellular level prevents even mild relaxing energy therapeutic effects. The more time has passed since the moment of psychoenergetic trauma, the more difficult it is to normalize the condition. I advise everyone to think carefully before giving themselves into the hands of those who are engaged in “promotion” of energies in the chakras and promise to make you a spiritual superman in a short time!

Thus, Zinaida Grigorievna naturally harmonized the functioning of the seven main energy centers (chakras). The next stage of work on the Path was not entirely pleasant for her. For nine months she worked, in her words, “on negative thoughts.” The process of awakening extremely negative thoughts in itself is natural and completely understandable. When the descending Evolutionary Energy begins its work in the subconscious of the seeker, where all of our negative past is stored, including the aggressive animal heritage, there is a consistent emergence to the surface of the active consciousness of its individual elements. For the seeker it is like a tub of cold water. Until now, he considered himself a spiritually advanced person, unable to produce a single seditious thought, when suddenly an avalanche of all sorts of dirty tricks falls on him, seemingly not belonging to him. As Zinaida Grigorievna says, she never thought what such a “garbage bin” was. After all, some path of improvement had already been passed, successes were obvious, and suddenly this... There is something to despair about. It seems that all spiritual work has gone down the drain. The seeker gets the impression that it is almost impossible to fight this, but Zinaida Grigorievna boldly entered the battle.

This work took her exactly nine months. For every negative thought (condemnation, indignation, etc.), she read the “Jesus Prayer” three times. In other words, albeit in a positive way, she paid attention to every thought, unwittingly feeding it with the energy of her attention. Zinaida Grigorievna may not agree with me in this regard, but there is a more effective and faster way to completely get rid of this kind of thoughts - not to react to them in any way. Any thought is an energy formation that requires either attention or implementation, which is the highest form of energy supply. It is important for these formations that we pay attention to them (repent, admit our sinfulness, begin to implement them, etc.). Leaving them unattended is deadly. When such thoughts rise to the surface, you just need to look at them, and then in an extremely short time they evaporate or burn in the flame of the Divine Fire, in the flame of the descending Evolutionary Energy.

After nine months, the process of working on negative thoughts was completed. My mind became quiet. Zinaida Grigorievna entered nirvana, experiencing a truly blissful state. There were no longer any obstacles to the penetration of the descending Evolutionary Energy into the body, and it (this Energy) began its invisible work of revealing the psychic being (soul). This took very little time. One fine morning, upon awakening, Zinaida Grigorievna felt a hitherto unknown grace, silence, and a white flowing light poured into her eyes. This was the moment of spiritual birth, the moment of full disclosure or birth of the psychic being. She nurtured it for nine months, working on negative thoughts, and finally, it happened! Suddenly the abscess of egoistic existence bursts, and from that moment the person becomes completely different. The processes that took place in the consciousness of the seeker up to this moment cannot be compared with the act of spiritual birth. A person finds himself in a completely different environment, he rediscovers the world around him and sees it through the eyes of a newborn. Absolutely amazing condition! Absolutely causeless deep inner joy no longer leaves you. It is simply impossible to miss the moment of the birth of a psychic being - this is a grandiose event that shocks the entire human being.

I often hear people claim that they have already been born in the spirit, but they cannot describe the moment of birth itself. This suggests that these people take the exit of individual consciousness into the spheres of Universal Consciousness, into the so-called nirvana, as spiritual birth. This event usually precedes the act of psychic birth, but rare “exiters” to nirvana are subsequently born in the spirit. This happens because of their complacency with what they have achieved. They take partial realization for complete - they begin to claim that they are connected with God, declare common truths, passing them off as revelations from Above, make important, in their opinion, scientific discoveries, write ordinary poetry, etc. As a result, they lose contact with the descending Evolutionary Energy, and therefore cannot be born in spirit.

Now let’s move on to the actual “phenomenon” of Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova, to what makes her so different from all of us. Since the spring of 2000, she has gone without physical food and liquid.

Zinaida Grigorievna said that this process became quite painful from the moment she stopped taking fluids. What was it? Her entire body was covered with pinpoint inflammatory spots that resembled mosquito bites. Following this, multiple lumps the size of millet grains appeared on the skin at the site of the “bites”. It is most likely that in her body, during the most difficult, critical period of functioning (without fluid entering the body through the digestive tract), physiological and anatomical changes occurred that made it possible to extract moisture from the air through the skin. Absolute trust in the Divine Energy, which worked in her body at the cellular level, helped Zinaida Grigorievna survive this extremely difficult transition period. At the same time, strong cellular vibrations arose in various muscle groups. Subsequently, the severity of vibration phenomena subsided. The physiological functions of the body were gradually restructured, and two months after the start of the experiment, Zinaida Grigorievna again felt like a normal person - normal from the point of view of complete adaptation to environmental conditions.

A year ago, Zinaida Grigorievna, at the insistent requests of her friends, decided to ask the doctors what was happening in her body. For this purpose, she underwent a diagnostic medical examination at the Department of the Faculty of Medicine of Peoples' Friendship University with Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.Ya. Chizhova. The study was carried out using thermal acupuncture diagnostics. Now I will give you the documents compiled based on the results of the examination.

Evaluation of the research results:

Energy activity and energy reserves of the body are satisfactory. The balance of the energy state of the channels is satisfactory. There are no problems with the spine yet. The first three channels with the most disturbed energy. These are: lungs, pericardium and pancreas. The “lungs” channel has the maximum imbalance.

Condition: external environment in a state of illness. The body, in most cases, cannot resist external unfavorable factors. The state of the internal environment is normal.

Conclusion of Professor A.Ya. Chizhova

according to the results of the examination by Z.G. Baranova:

Dear Zinaida Grigorievna!

You have undergone an examination of the functional systems of the body using the method of Professor Sobachkin - thermoelectric puncture diagnostics. On the day of the examination, you have satisfactory energy reserves and energy balance. Blood pressure 112/74 mm. rt. column, pulse 54 beats per minute, rhythmic, satisfactory filling and tension. The skin is of normal moisture, pale pink in color. A distinct blush on the cheeks. Skin turgor is not changed.

Considering that, in your words, you have been going without food since March 26, 2000 and without water since April 18, 2000, your body is in satisfactory condition as of April 28, 2001, and perhaps the identified disorders are a reflection of adaptive changes in the body .

The following functions are impaired: removing water and gas from the body (lungs); heart protection (pericardium); digestion and harmonious distribution of nutrients in the body (spleen and pancreas); cleansing the body (liver).

Currently, you have a normal background of general activity. Normal emotional activity. Conservatism and innovation are balanced. The harmony of the emotional state is satisfactory.

Regarding the above, the following can be said. From the standpoint of traditional (classical) medicine, Zinaida Grigorievna’s state of health (based on objective examination data at the macro level) can be assessed as a pronounced degree of pathology in a number of organs and systems. However, her physical activity and state of the emotional sphere do not correspond to this at all. What's the matter here? To answer this question, let us turn to the data of Zinaida Grigorievna’s examination at the microfunctional level (adequate to the vibration level), conducted in January 2001 in Sofia by the Bulgarian specialist Ivan A. Todorov. A stunning picture emerges.

Zinaida Grigorievna has high vibrational activity of the cardiovascular system, blood, central and autonomic nervous system, immune system, neuroendocrine and lymphatic system, osteoarticular system and spine, muscles, all sense organs, the reproductive system as a whole, all chakras and , especially the subtle body itself. At the same time, there is a significant decrease in the vibrational activity of the digestive system as a whole, the stomach, pancreas, gall and bladder, as well as the ovaries (with high vibrational activity of the uterus!).

At the vibrational level, there is a significant decrease in the activity of those organs and systems that practically do not function at the macro level, first of all, this concerns the digestive system. In the sexual sphere, attention is drawn to the fact that with significant suppression of the function of the ovaries - an organ directly related to the reproduction of physical bodies through sexual intercourse - the function of the uterus - the organ where gestation occurs, is completely preserved. This means that if it is impossible to conceive a physical body through sexual intercourse, it remains possible to carry a fetus conceived in some other way, for example, in an “immaculate” way. The vibration activity of the uterus remains at a very high level. This amazing fact may indicate that in the near future some other (transitional) method of reproduction of physical bodies may appear in humanity. The implementation of the biblical method of conception - from the “Holy Spirit” - is not excluded.

The transformation of Zinaida Grigorievna’s physical body, in terms of developing a fundamentally different physiological way of functioning, is obvious. The establishment of stable contact with the descending Evolutionary Energy caused a deep transformation of the body at the cellular level. This gave Zinaida Grigorievna the opportunity to completely refuse food and liquid intake, maintaining optimal (for the new conditions) metabolism in the body. The preservation of optimal cellular metabolism, which ensures the normal existence of the organism, indicates that in biological nature there are no, as orthodox scientists claim, once and for all established laws. The unfolding of the evolutionary process among earthly humanity can present phenomenal surprises.

Now let’s consider everything that happened to Zinaida Grigorievna through the prism of the mechanism of the Path of Conscious Evolution.

The first stage, including the choice of the Path and the beginning of conscious evolutionary work, Zinaida Grigorievna spent in solitude, in the countryside, where she practiced direct total communication with Nature. The process of communicating with Nature is a very effective form of active meditation - meditation “here and now”, meditation of being in real time, which is extremely important for the rapid awakening of internal energies and the establishment of a stable connection with the descending Evolutionary Energy, and this is the implementation of the second stage of the Path of Conscious Evolution .

Soon after the implementation of the second stage, when Zinaida Grigorievna began working with spiritual literature, her individual consciousness left the body and entered “nirvana” through the top of her head. At the same time, she realized that God is Energy, that He is present everywhere and in everything. Thus, the third stage of the Path (“Exit to Nirvana”) was completed. From that time on, Zinaida Grigorievna began to use in her work the practice of prayer, devotion and complete surrender of herself into the hands of the Almighty. She completely subordinated herself to the Will of God. This was not a formal surrender into the hands of the Lord, but an absolutely sincere surrender. Only under this condition is this practice 100% effective and allows you to avoid serious complications in your work.

The fourth stage of the Path of Conscious Evolution is characterized by the establishment of stable contact with the descending Evolutionary Energy or Divine Power. When such contact is established, a characteristic way of working of this Energy in the consciousness of the seeker appears - alternating periods of ascension and descent of consciousness, when, after periods of blissful union with the Almighty, periods of gloomy depression suddenly begin. For Zinaida Grigorievna, such an alternation of these periods manifested itself very clearly; she was especially annoyed by the influx of negative thoughts, which, it seemed, would have no end. But deliverance came - prayer did its job.

The next stage is spiritual birth, the birth of a psychic being. It happened shortly after getting rid of negative thoughts. Unprecedented grace, unearthly light in the eyes and tears of love for All That Is marked this event. From that time on, unclouded joy was always present in Zinaida Grigorievna’s heart.

From the moment of the birth of a psychic being, the descending Evolutionary Energy began active work at the level of cellular (bodily) consciousness. Quite often, powerful vibrations arose in the cells of the body. Their frequency and intensity especially increased during the period of Zinaida Grigorievna’s complete refusal to eat and drink. Thus, the gradual development of a subtle vibration body began.

In the process of work, once every month and a half there are two-three-day periods of forced descent of Evolutionary Energy into the deepest layers of the body. Then Zinaida Grigorievna feels, to put it mildly, bad.

Z.B. For me this is expressed in the fact that during these periods I feel like an exposed wound. When I have a strong energetic impact, I feel so vulnerable, so exposed and distorted by the divine energies that touch me, that I cannot tolerate any contact with the people around me. Any word, any gesture, even silence is annoying. At the same time, I am filled with compassion, pain and tears. I am not offended by these people, I understand that they cannot be different, but this painful perception can be incredibly strong. I want to climb into some kennel, see no one and hear nothing. Then this state passes and the usual joyful perception of the world around us returns.

A.K. What Zinaida Grigorievna is talking about is very familiar to me. This is a normal, natural phenomenon that manifests itself at the later stages of the Path of Conscious Evolution. Such conditions occur at intervals of once a month to a month and a half, lasting two to three days. They are usually accompanied by severe headache in the area of ​​the right temple and eye socket, nausea, and a feeling of a “lump in the throat.” The general condition can be characterized precisely by the word “nakedness.” This is the stage of in-depth development of bodily consciousness. Remember the state of Jesus Christ before his arrest. His words “My soul grieves beyond measure” contain the quintessence of such a state.

Zinaida Grigorievna’s “phenomenon” directly demonstrates that the inviolability of the laws of existence of biological organisms, declared by scientists, has been shaken forever. What they elevated to the rank of law is just a special case, one of the options in the chain of evolutionary transformations. And how many wonderful discoveries are still ahead! How do you feel about the fact that descending Evolutionary Energy is capable of not only “feeding and watering” the human body, but can even replace oxygen breathing. Experiences in the body directly indicate this possibility. Isn't this fantastic! In the descending arc of evolution, in its early stages, earthly humanity “feeded” exclusively on Divine Energy, and therefore knew neither disease nor death. In fact, a consciously evolving person can become independent not only from physical food, liquid and oxygen, but also protected from many unfavorable environmental factors (including penetrating radiation), which in conditions of possible environmental disasters will not only help him survive, but also continue evolutionary development.

The main result of the work of the descending Evolutionary Energy in the body is (I emphasize again!) the development of a subtle (vibrational) body, essentially an immortal body. When our physical body - the repository of biochemical memory - dies, then the memory of the past also dies. Therefore, we leave this world with a complete loss of memory of our past life. The developed vibrational body has a vibrational memory that functions independently of the structures of the brain. Thus, having thrown off the “body-suit” intended for our stay in the dense physical world, a person retains the individual “I” almost in full. The transition to the “other world” will be painless, without loss of memory and with the preservation of active consciousness, and this is a guarantee that a person will not get lost in the “other world”.

If you have questions for me or Zinaida Grigorievna, we will be happy to answer them.

Question from Z.B. Dear Zinaida, what is your attitude now?

I feel good everywhere. I'm always at home. The deep joy of existence never leaves me. My trip to India confirmed this. I've never been to India. I went there through the Maitreya Brotherhood. I visited many holy places. During the trip, I became convinced that many people do not feel entirely comfortable in India (unusual living conditions, unsanitary conditions, climate), but I felt great and comfortable. Nothing annoyed me, nothing embarrassed me even in the outback of the village. For me, everything in this life is acceptable - both “good” and “bad”. For a long time I could not understand the meaning of the expression “The world is what we are.” Now I understand perfectly well that the perception of the world depends on our internal state. We are in God, which means the world is divine. Everything is very simple. When there is balance inside, when you have no complaints against anyone, then everything is fine.

Question from Z.B.Due to the fact that you do not spend time on food, buying and preparing food, you should have a lot of free time. This is true?

On the contrary, I have absolutely no free time, I have a terribly busy schedule. If you are in the service of the Lord and people, then this is constant work, without weekends or holidays. I travel to different cities, perform a lot, meet different people. I'm almost never alone when I'm awake. You have to work a lot with literature. I recently started learning English because I plan to travel to English-speaking countries in the near future.

Question from Z.B. Do you work somewhere?

No. I am a pensioner, I am 66 years old. In general, my age ranges from 20 to 70 years. As Alexander Vasilyevich jokes, in the future I will have to lower the age limit.

Question from Z.B. Tell me, please, have you tried healing?

I tried, but I didn’t do it, I don’t do it and I won’t do it. I'll explain why. When my psychic abilities began to manifest, I had separate successful experiences of healing in my home circle. Those close to me said: “Why aren’t you treating anyone? Everyone around is just doing this.” Indeed, there was a period when everyone rushed into healing. And my inner voice told me: “You don’t need this. You have other tasks." It was only later that I realized what healing is. To do this, a person must be whole. What can we say about ourselves, where is our integrity? We have lost ourselves, we have no integrity. First you need to find it, and only then engage in healing. A person must be holistic in all respects, only then can one help people, and even then not everyone, because the suffering that is given to people, for the most part, is of a purifying nature. Man himself brings them on.

Reply from the audience: many church representatives generally deny healing as a form of helping people. I knew some people who were involved in healing. They did it from the heart, without sparing themselves, giving themselves entirely to it. They claimed that he had support from Above. In their thoughts they probably thought: “It’s not me who’s healing, it’s He who’s healing.” I want to speak a little in their defense. Yes, some of them burned out, but they were so sincere in their impulses, and in spite of everything they gave themselves entirely to the people who needed their help. And they really helped people. There is one small nuance in this - these people did not consider themselves participants in the healing process, they considered themselves simply conductors of the Divine Power. After intensive work with children affected by cerebral palsy, healers could recover within 2-3 days. Despite all the help from Above, they experienced severe stress.

Reply by Z.B. When they ask me what siddhis (phenomenal powers) are developed in me. Auto.), then I answer that I don’t fly, my teeth haven’t grown yet, I haven’t become very young, etc. Divine Energy is smart, it knows where to pour in and what tasks to solve. If I don't do healing, then I don't need to spend energy on it.

Addition A.K. In this case, Zinaida Grigorievna is not talking about the inexpediency of healing in general - she is saying that doing healing is not her task in this life, she plays a different role in serving people. I think that the issue of healing in each specific case should be resolved individually. An indispensable condition preceding any act of healing must be to convey to the patient the true cause of his illness from the standpoint of supramental causality, and not from the primitive karmic tales with which false healers, who are now countless, like to envelop gullible patients. Supramental medicine is the medicine of the Future. This medicine will, of course, include energy healing as an integral part of the integral treatment program. First of all, the patient must know that only in himself (and not in the energy of the healer!) lies the strength that can defeat almost any ailment. To do this they need to be opened. The energy of a true healer is only a temporary assistant at some stage in the treatment of a disease. A true healer must open the Path of Conscious Evolution for the patient, point out the role of descending Evolutionary Energy as a universal transforming Force at the present stage of human evolution. In other words, first of all, it is necessary to heal the patient’s consciousness and soul, and not make him an energy parasite and a source of income.

And yet, this is extremely important - only that person who has established stable contact with the descending Divine Power, whose psychic being (soul) is fully revealed, who has completely gotten rid of the “ego”, that is, a person who has been sincerely and successfully for many years, can engage in healing. following the Path of Conscious Evolution. No one else has either the moral or “energetic” right to engage in healing activities!

Question from Z.B. Tell me, please, when “this” came to you, what was “this” - an aversion to food or simply a lack of need?

A.K. When I first saw Zinaida Grigorievna, I realized that the sun had entered my room, and the sun was very transparent. When you meet ordinary people, you feel with your whole being the insurmountable barrier of the human “ego”. When we parted, Zinaida Grigorievna and I hugged, and she slyly asked me: “Am I not a fake?” I answered her: “It’s an original, and what a one!” The way it is. The feeling of contact with absolutely pure ultra-subtle energy.

Question from A.K. Alexander Vasilievich, please tell us how energy works in the cells of the body.

If there is (in the person of Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova) a “phenomenon” of human existence without physical food and liquid, then there is some other “food” that feeds the cells of the human body. The logic is obvious. In the cells of a “starving” body, everything necessary to maintain optimal functioning of the body is synthesized. The source of “food” is known - descending Evolutionary or Divine Energy. During chemical reactions involving this Energy, endogenous water is formed, which, apparently, is quite sufficient to ensure metabolic processes in the body. An important point to pay attention to is the supply of the body with necessary microelements, which, apparently, are extracted (in the absence of physical food intake) from bone tissue. Here we can draw an analogy with plants that extract trace elements from the soil. The question arises: “Will this lead to a decrease in bone strength?” However, there is every reason to believe that when interacting with descending Evolutionary Energy, all tissues of the human body undergo exclusively positive transformation, and bone tissue is no exception. Perhaps this will be expressed in increased plasticity of the skeletal system.

Question from A.K. What about traditional medicine and classical physiology? Do you completely deny them?

With classical physiology, using the example of Zinaida Grigorievna, in my opinion, everything is clear. As for traditional medicine, today I know only one universal effective medicine - this is descending Evolutionary Energy. I have long understood that traditional medicine misleads people, to put it mildly, and plunges them into psychological dependence on the disease itself and on numerous medications, and this is a crime, even if unconscious. A person, once diagnosed, feels sick all his life. This is a well-known fact. What if there are several such diagnoses?

Question from Z.B. Have you asked anyone to determine your biological age?

A year and a half ago, using the R.Voll method, my age was determined to be 30 years old. And from the point of view of the condition of other organs, which are very important for a woman, three months ago in Kyiv they determined my age as 20-22 years. I recently went through menopause and started having a normal menstrual cycle.

Question from Z.B. How does your excretory system work?

The excretory system works regularly. Urine is excreted daily in an amount 3 times less than that of an ordinary person. The color of the urine is dark orange. Intestinal discharge of mucous consistency is very rare.

A.K. There is one curious thing connected with the work of descending Evolutionary Energy in the body. If this Energy works “in full” (and the practice of assimilation of descending Energy shows that this is possible), then it will not only be able to provide the body with “food”, but will also be able to completely replace oxygen breathing, that is, the person of the Future will be able to eat and breathe environmentally friendly energy substance.

Z.B. By the way, about breathing. About three days ago I met with people involved in spiritual practices, and they decided to check my breathing rate. My breath is not deep. The “inhale-exhale” cycle goes through without delay for me, but there are long pauses between cycles. Instead of the statistically established norm of 16-20 cycles per minute (during wakefulness), I have 5-6. So Alexander Vasilyevich is right regarding the transformation of the body’s respiratory system.

Reply from the audience: The less often we breathe, the longer we live. This has been known since ancient times and proven by many yogis.

A.K. If a person rarely breathes and rarely thinks, then this is a complete guarantee of success on the Path of Conscious Evolution (laughter in the audience). Silence in the mind is an indispensable condition for successful progress towards the Truth.

Z.B. In March 2001, my blood hemoglobin was around 50%. This is a very low figure (the norm for women is 70-90%. - Auto.), and subjectively I did not experience any weakness, and I have no visible signs of anemia. The body simply rebuilt itself in new conditions of existence. And I don’t need to artificially increase it (hemoglobin), as many friends advised. Let everything be as it is - according to the law of expediency. If I went for a blood test now, I would be immediately admitted to the hospital with suspected cancer.

Question from Z.B. How much time do you need to sleep?

I sleep 5-6 hours a day, but I need more, but I can’t afford it due to the fact that I have practically no free time. I can sleep for 24 hours on the train. I go to bed early and get up early.

Question from Z.B.Have you tried to undergo an in-depth medical examination?

I haven't tried, and I won't try. Firstly, I don’t have time to stay in the hospital. Secondly, I feel like I just don't need to do this. Professor Chizhov examined me: all the indicators “dance” in comparison with a normal healthy person, and I am abnormal, but a healthy person, and I hope to give birth again (laughter).

Question from Z.B.Can you name the last meal you ate or your last diet?

I don’t remember what I ate last, but I remember exactly that I brought two bags of food (this was in Kiev), prepared a nice table from them and offered it all to my guests, but I didn’t eat it myself. The smells of food do not excite my appetite or disgust me. I enjoy cooking for guests, but I don’t try anything. When switching to a vegetarian diet, I had occasional urges to eat meat, but the realization that these were urges to eat our smaller brothers and sisters quickly extinguished them. For a long time I could not enter the meat aisle at the market without shuddering. When people offer me food at a party (naturally, those who don’t know about my lifestyle), I simply answer that I’m full. And indeed it is.

Question from Z.B. Have you ever wondered: what is this for?

To be honest, I didn’t think about it. Alexander Vasilyevich says that living without physical food is part of the manifestation of our evolutionary future, and we are doomed to this. This is one of the facets of evolutionary experience. A cosmic moment came for me, and I was ready to realize it. Sometimes it seems to me that in one of my past lives I had such an experience, and now I just remembered it.

A.K. Each of us certainly had such an experience in our long evolutionary past. This happened on the descending arc of evolution, when humanity did not yet know disease and death and fed exclusively on spatial energy. Man is made of habits. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and any act of eating is also a habit. At a certain stage of Conscious Evolution, when a stable contact is established with the descending Evolutionary Energy, this habit must gradually be eliminated. If a person sets his goal through the vital will to “stop eating,” then he will not succeed - he will only disfigure his body and psyche. Only integral spiritual work allows one to gradually approach the realization of this possibility.

Z.B. Interestingly, my saliva acquired healing properties. I do not use iodine or brilliant green to disinfect and heal wounds and cuts. In angry and constantly irritated people, as they say in Agne Yoga, saliva is poisonous.

A.K. And in the Gospel there is a mention of Jesus’ healings with the help of saliva. Saliva is a very curious secretion of the human body. In one of the closed biological laboratories, research was carried out to objectify human extrasensory abilities. Saliva was first taken from the person on whom the extrasensory influence was directed and phosphors (“luminous” solutions) were added to it as indicators. The saliva was in a closed test tube. Through repeated experiments it was established that by the nature of the change in the glow of phosphors in saliva one can really judge the fact of extrasensory influence. But the most curious thing is different. It was discovered quite by accident that a test tube with saliva can be kept at a distance of several tens of kilometers from the subject at whom the extrasensory influence is directed, and a characteristic change in the glow of the phosphors occurs in it, as if the test tube were next to the subject. This suggests that isolated human saliva maintains a stable field connection with the body for a long time. I guess it's not just saliva. There are known cases of psychics working with items of clothing, photographs, etc., which allow them to establish field communication with “patients” and even influence them.

Question from A.K. Are “phenomena” like Zinaida Grigorievna known in the world?

In the history of the Western Christian Church, 6 cases of long-term (from 7 to 28 years) people living without food and liquid were officially recorded. Moreover, all the characters are women. Some of them were recognized as saints and canonized.

Z.B. Another interesting detail. I used to really love water treatments, swimming in open water, swimming, but now, for two years now, I haven’t been able to swim. The body refuses to do this. Only a hot shower, as hot as my body can tolerate, gives me pleasure. I came to the realization that the substance of my “new” (restructured) body (and indeed, if you touch it, it is fine-grained to the touch) does not correspond to the water element of the earth. According to my zodiac sign, I am a “shooting” (on the verge of Sagittarius) Scorpio (November 21). If before I loved the cold, now I love the warmth.

A.K. Regarding Zinaida Grigorievna’s body’s rejection of cold (“raw”) water, the following can be said. It has now been established that water is a liquid polycrystal. When heated, the crystalline structure is destroyed, and water acquires different physico-chemical (and therefore vibration) properties. Zinaida Grigorievna’s body is “afraid” of structured (“raw”) water, it is “afraid” of dissolving in it in the literal sense of the word, since it functions primarily at the vibrational (field) level and, under certain conditions, is ready to occupy any suitable cellular matrices . Structured water can serve as an ideal cellular matrix. This is my guess. Zinaida Grigorievna said that one day she mistakenly opened the tap with cold water first and tried to bring her hand to it, but at a decent distance from the stream she quickly pulled it away. This fact indicates that a defense mechanism was activated at the field level. The body itself puts up a protective barrier.

Reply from the audience: in the revelation of John the Theologian it is said that when there is a New Earth and a New Heaven, there will be no more sea, therefore, there will be no rain. Apparently the new people who will live there will not need food and water. The element of water will become alien to people.

Question from Z.B. Do you specifically engage in physical exercise?

I used to regularly practice yoga asanas, perform various physical exercises, and at retirement age I did the splits, but suddenly for some reason I stopped doing them. Then I realized that I shouldn’t do this because of the possible disruption of the purposeful flow of energies in the body.

A.K.: Exercise should not be avoided, but it should not be laborious or too strenuous. Keeping your body in optimal physical shape is essential. If a person has chosen the Path of Conscious Evolution for himself, then the physical body as an object of evolutionary transformation must be in a certain muscle tone, otherwise at the later stages of the Path it can be literally crushed by the intense flow of descending Evolutionary Energy. Many ascetics neglect the body. Others, on the contrary, profess a cult of the body. Such extremes are unacceptable. They are inherent in selfish people with extremely immature consciousness.

Z.B. If there are no more questions for me and Alexander Vasilyevich, then I thank you all for your attention and wish you success in your spiritual work. See you.

ZINAIDA is a process engineer in the oil and fat industry. She worked at a factory in Sverdlovsk for five years, then moved to Krasnodar. She was raised to be a materialist to the core: Baranova was a member of the CPSU and even served as secretary of the primary party organization in a large research institute. And, probably, she would now be an ordinary Russian pensioner if a series of misfortunes had not happened in her life. First, the parents died, and soon, in the prime of his life, his 18-year-old son died in a car accident.

Severe depression began. Cardiovascular disorders developed due to nervousness, and joints began to ache. Zinaida turned to doctors, and in the end she was assigned the second group of disability. Life has lost its colors. It took the woman ten years to come to a decision: she needed to radically change her life.

“I tried several unconventional methods of healing,” says Zinaida. - I used Porfiria Ivanov’s hardening system: I doused myself with cold water and walked barefoot all year round. I gave up meat and fish. Then she bought a house in the foothills of the Caucasus and lived there alone for a long time. I ate only plant foods: I grew some myself, collected some.”

So another seven years passed. March 2000 arrived. It was then, according to the woman, that she received a spiritual vision: to exist without food. She entered into the process of fasting easily and even joyfully: the Easter fast was beginning, and besides, she had previously lived for a long time on the so-called water-broth diet. However, two weeks later, the same “inner voice” recommended: now refrain from taking liquids.

“From that moment on, difficulties began. Apparently, the body was undergoing a deep cleansing,” recalls Zinaida. - It was accompanied by weakness, cramps, dry mouth, vibration throughout the body. The skin began to peel off and soon became covered with “mosquito bites” - as I understand it, the body was learning to extract moisture from the air through the skin. Walking was difficult, and climbing stairs was almost impossible. At times it became scary. Only after a month and a half did my condition return to normal. Since then I have gone without food and water. That is, without physical food. In fact, my body is nourished, but from other sources. He assimilates the unprecipitated energy of the Sun and himself transforms it into what he needs. I don’t feel this flow, but I know that it is constantly flowing. It happens as naturally as breathing.”

True, the difficulties did not end there. “Work on negative thoughts” continued for another nine months. At times they fell on Zinaida like a tub of cold water: her Ego demanded attention to itself. “I didn’t realize I was such a garbage dump,” she says. For every negative thought (condemnation, anger, indignation), the woman read the “Jesus Prayer” three times. And one fine morning, waking up, I felt a hitherto unknown grace. White streaming light poured into the eyes. Zinaida realized that she was “born again.”

“I love to cook!”

IT’S CURIOUS that not all of Zinaida’s friends and neighbors know about her lifestyle. She herself prefers not to advertise it. When she comes to visit and is offered to sit at the table, she calmly replies: “Thank you, I’m full.” He politely refuses tea. Tom's tenant, who rents a room from Zinaida, admits that in three years she has never caught the landlady eating or drinking.

According to Baranova, she has not known the feeling of hunger for a long time. And the smells of food do not evoke any emotions. She cooks for guests with pleasure, but does not feel the desire to try the food: “I live in Kuban! I have many different recipes - Ukrainian, Russian. I love cooking borscht.”

Best of the day

Two years ago, at the urgent request of her friends, Zinaida decided to undergo a medical examination: she needed to understand what was happening in her body. Arrived in Moscow. Friends recommended a doctor from the Faculty of Medicine of Peoples' Friendship University - Professor Chizhov. Here are excerpts from his conclusion:

“The following functions are impaired: removing water and gas from the body (lungs); heart protection (pericardium); digestion and harmonious distribution of nutrients (spleen and pancreas); cleansing the body (liver).”

Simply put, Zinaida, from the standpoint of traditional medicine, observed pathology in a number of organs and systems. But at the same time she felt physically healthy and active, and was in excellent spirits. How can this be? To find the answer, the woman underwent two more examinations, in Kyiv and Sofia - this time using alternative medicine. The results were stunning. All organs, with the exception of those associated with digestion, had high “vibrational” activity. Zinaida’s biological age was determined to be 30 years old; the 67-year-old woman stopped menopause and established a normal menstrual cycle. “So I hope to give birth again,” she smiles. “The ability to bear a child remains, but you will have to conceive it in an “immaculate” way.”

At times, once every month or month and a half, she feels bad. I want to crawl into a quiet, secluded corner so that I don’t see or hear anyone. During these two or three days, Zinaida feels like a “bare wound”: it is difficult for her to endure contact with people, any words and gestures, even silence, irritate her. At the same time, she is filled with compassion for others, pain and tears. It is on these days, in her words, that “the Higher Teachers carry out the work that they consider necessary.” “I don’t know what awaits me ahead - it’s very interesting for me,” she says. - Obviously, I have ceased to be an ordinary person. But the transformation is not finished yet.”