Stromae (Stromae): biography, best songs, interesting facts, listen.

The artist's real name is Paul Van... Read all

Today, the popularity of the Belgian artist of Rwandan origin Stromae is at the zenith of his fame. His song “Alors On Danse” tops all kinds of European charts and is a No. 1 hit in many countries. Who is this thin Belgian boy with an appearance reminiscent of a young Barack Obama and making half of Europe dance to his tune?

The artist's real name is Paul van Haver, he was born on March 12, 1985 in the capital of Belgium, Brussels. international family: His father is Rwandan and his mother is Belgian. The boy was of little interest in school, but he devoted himself endlessly to music. Already at the age of 11, Paul began to show a serious interest in music, attending classes at the Jette Music Academy.

Having become interested in rap, Paul van Haver began performing under the name Opmaestro at various rap parties in 2000. In 2003, at the age of 18, together with rapper "J.E.D.I." Paul creates the rap group “Suspicion”, but after recording several compositions and filming a video clip for one of them, the duo breaks up.

At the same time, Paul changed his stage name to Stromae, which in the verlan language (game language, jargon of French youth, in which words are made up of mixed syllables), if you swap the letters, you get “maestro”.

To somehow pay for your education in private school van Haver has to work in fast food, which greatly affected his academic performance. However, Paul later managed to enter the National Institute of Radio Engineering and Cinematography, where during his studies (in 2007) he released his first EP of four tracks with long name“Juste un cerveau, un flow, un fond et un mic...” (Just one brain, one flow, one beat and one microphone), thanks to which he was noticed on music scene. Already in 2008, two recording companies signed a contract with van Haver.

However, another Stromae single, “Alors on danse” (And that’s why we dance), produced a bombshell effect. While working for radio station NRJ in Brussels, Stromae presented the track to the station's music editor, Vincent Verbelen. He was delighted and took the risk of broadcasting the song on NRJ. Verbelen was not mistaken - within a few days the track “Alors On Danse” became a hit No. 1 in Belgium, and in May 2010 it was in the first positions in France, the Netherlands, Greece, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Denmark. A mixture of hip-hop and electro music, a mesmerizing rhythm, intelligent text, and later a conceptual video brought this work well-deserved fame. Now “Alors On Danse” is in the TOP 100 best European tracks.

Stromae's debut full-length album, entitled "Cheese", was released on June 21, 2010. It includes 11 tracks, among which, of course, the main one is "Alors on danse".

Stromae also composed several compositions for such artists as Anggun, Kery James.

The real name of the Belgian singer Stromae is Paul Van Awer. And his nickname is quite interesting meaning- This is a deliberately distorted word Maestro (which does not need translation). French youth often use this type of slang in conversations - they swap syllables in familiar words, and the resulting word forms are often quite firmly entrenched in youth speech.

Interestingly, at the beginning of his career (in 2000), Paul chose the stage name Opmaestro, but soon came across a performer with a very similar pseudonym. I had to change it urgently :)


Paul was born on March 12, 1985 in the small town of Etterbeek, in the suburbs of Brussels (Belgium), in big family(Paul has 4 brothers and a sister). His father, who gave him dark color leather, originally from Rwanda (central Africa), and the mother is of Belgian origin. Unfortunately, Paul’s father left the family when the boy was still very young and only his mother was involved in his upbringing, who tried her best to give the children a decent education. As a result, the boy studied at the prestigious boarding school named after Saint Paul in the city of Godinne (Saint-Paul de Godinne). Perhaps this fact indirectly influenced Paul's creation of one of his hits (Papaoutai).

Stromai admits that he always loved music and was the only one of his peers who enjoyed solfeggio lessons. When mother (confident that every child should master music) invited Paul to choose musical instrument to his liking, he settled on drums, and achieved mastery drum set good results.

Musical debut

Stromai’s musical career began at the age of 18, when he debuted with the track (and video) “Faut que t’arrête le Rap,” which he recorded in a duet with his school friend, rapper JEDI. Unfortunately, this was the only track that the guys managed to record together, after which they went their separate ways.

Paul manages to combine his studies with National Institute cinematography and radio electronics (INRACI) at the Faculty of Sound Engineering, with work in a restaurant fast food, and invests all the money he earns in music. Due to the heavy workload, creativity has to be done exclusively in the evenings and nights.

On the way to success

Stromai recorded his first album (EP) “Juste un cerveau, un flow, un fond et un mic...” in 2006, with his own money. The talented boy's album was heard and Paul began to receive his first invitations to collaborate. As a result, he was able to work with such musicians as Melissa M, Anggun and Kerry James.

Stromae willingly and happily talks about how he creates his music. One of his projects was a YouTube channel called “ Les leçons de Stromae", which is dedicated detailed description the process of working on some hits. Stromae is used to creating in extremely limited conditions Money and wrote many of his hits on an ordinary household computer. He is happy to share his experience with his subscribers, and also introduces them to his new works.

By this time, Paul finishes his studies and defends his diploma, and also gets an internship at NRJ radio. His Internet channel is gaining popularity and its first fans.

The arrival of popularity

Working on the radio allowed Stromai to put his tracks in rotation. This is how the whole world heard “Alors on danse”. In the summer of 2009, this composition was heard on every corner, from every radio and in every cafe around the world. She, in fact, became business card performer. The success of this composition made him famous in Russia, France, Germany and others European countries, and the track itself has firmly established itself in the top of all world charts.

At that time, Stromae did not have any producer at all, and did everything with his own hands, from recording tracks to promoting them.

In 2010, “Alors on danse” won the title of track No. 1 in several European countries, Stromai received the Award NRJ, and Kenya West ( Kanye West) makes a remix of the song, after which there is not a single person left in the world who has not heard this hit. At the annual musical Music Awards Industry Awards (MIA) the song is declared "Hit of 2010".

Talent confirmation

In 2013, the musician’s second album “Racine Carre” was released and in the first week it occupied the top positions in the charts in Switzerland, France and Belgium. The single “Papaoutai” from this album created a real sensation among music lovers and Stromae again appeared on television and on the covers of glossy magazines. On International festival cinema on French in the city of Namur (Festival international du film francophone de Namur), the Papaoutai video was awarded the “Best Video” award.

Another track from this album, “Tous les Memes,” raises the problem of relationships between a man and a woman and, better than any psychoanalyst, shows the only right way to solve these problems - just look at the situation through the eyes of another person (your opponent) and everything will fall into place. The elegance with which Stromae presented this composition instantly doubled his popularity among fans of both sexes.

The third track from the album was the stunning track “Formidable”. The release of the video was preceded by the scandalous appearance of a “drunk Stromai” at one of the tram stops in Brussels, filmed on Cell phones several eyewitnesses, and raised a wave of indignation on the Internet due to the star’s unworthy behavior. However, within a few days Stromai presented to the public his new clip, with footage of his “drunk performance.” The audience had no choice but to pay tribute to the master’s ability to surprise his audience.

Personal life

Paul's modesty is his second distinguishing quality (after the obvious musical talent). It is known that he does not take his popularity seriously, and his statements convey the idea that his musical craft. Despite his wild fame, we know almost nothing about him, and his few interviews practically do not touch upon personal topics.

Stromai expresses that the popularity that has befallen him only distracts him and prevents him from being creative. He calls sparsely populated Brussels his favorite city, where it is always quiet and sometimes even boring.

It is known that he is married to his stylist, Coralie Barbier, and tries to avoid discussing this topic.

It is also known that he released his own clothing line, which combines European style with bright colors of African motifs. Truly talented people They are not limited to one area of ​​activity, but show their talent in everything.

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Despite his two-meter height and status as an international star, to whom even the New York Times magazine devotes articles, more than a hundred million views of his Papaoutai video on Youtube, more than a million discs of his second album Racine carée, Stromae - also known as Paul Van Awer - sold in France and Belgium (Paul Van Haver) - on this rainy day, he modestly took refuge in the corner of the hotel lobby. He notices that grey sky influences his mood, casts a barely noticeable appraising glance at us and, with his characteristic grace, makes himself comfortable, begins to tell us about himself - simply, frankly and without embellishment.

The artist, who receives unanimous admiration from a wide variety of audiences, turns out to be an ardent supporter of introspection and persistently talks about his inner disorders. “I am sometimes reproached for the fact that when everyone around is showering me with compliments, I never stop talking about my shortcomings. This is my way of protection. If I myself recognize them, there is no need to talk about it.” The 29-year-old author, composer and performer has many such protection systems. His support is his family, which is “super important” to him, more important than work. His professional circle includes a stylist, artist-designer, choreographer, manager, director, photographer. “If they tell me, ‘You’re talking nonsense,’ I believe them.” “It is very important for me to receive recognition and confirmation of love from the public. Who do I take myself for? Don't know. Maybe this is my way of self-medication,” admits Stromae.


How to explain such a sharp contrast between your stage image (you look like an exemplary student) and your tough lyrics?


It seems to me that in music I exist the same way as in life. I am always very polite, courteous, sweet, and smiling from the very beginning of our acquaintance. At the same time, I have a hard time getting close to people when I first meet them, I'm somewhat paranoid, and it takes a long time to gain my trust. I prefer to look like a naive simpleton and take the time to get to know the people I'm dealing with. If people don’t know me and don’t know my behavior, I’m afraid they won’t like me, I’m afraid I’ll offend them... It’s the same with music: I go on stage in high boots, with a backpack, sing super-simple tunes and talk about real life.

Why do you choose to show dark sides our life?


Well, my songs are not that dark. Why do we hide from life's difficulties? After all, thanks to the fact that there are mistakes and delusions, difficult conditions, we have the opportunity to enjoy other, brighter moments. After all, we love each other precisely because we are imperfect, thanks to this we manage to live together. Otherwise, we would be very bored, life would be endlessly boring. No need to hide from dark spots, this is the circle of our everyday concerns. And we have to live with it. It enriches us. Losing loved one, we will not feel good, but having survived this, overcome this grief, we become even better.

You are always dressed very thoughtfully. Since the first album you have been working carefully on in a scenic manner Stromae - yours famous collection polo and boot. Is this kind of “schizophrenia” your defense?


Yes, that's absolutely right. In life, I am rather shy and generally an introvert, but when I go on stage, I understand that I can no longer back up, that the moment has come when they expect me to clownery. I manage to be completely different there. This is my job and I'm not going to trade my life. I play characters, I talk about my mother having breast cancer, my father's lungs, but it's all made up. Not here autobiographical motives. No, of course, some of my own details of my life slip through, but I maintain a certain distance: I myself do not live what I sing about, and you would be very bored if I told you about how I live.

What does Stromae manage to say that Paul cannot say?


All things that need to be spoken about harshly. In life I great diplomat, even too much. There are very few people I can be myself with, very few people I can curse at... Except perhaps for those moments when I'm sitting in my car and no one can hear me. And so I keep my opinions, ridicule, rude words to myself. I'm very patient. And at some point it has to come out. And it comes out into music. Or when I'm all alone. I've already slammed my fist on the table as hard as I could while working when something went wrong. Then, after a couple of seconds, I told myself that I was a fool. But I prefer to hurt myself rather than others. If someone has hurt us and we hurt us in return, we are wrong, it is better to ignore. I try to communicate well. Resentment passes over time. I'll probably start responding to things like that a little more soon as I get older. I'm actually very proud.

Your drunk character in the song Formidable is the opposite of Paul, isn't it?


Yes, the absolute opposite. In fact, this happens very rarely to me. And even if I drank a little, it is not necessarily noticeable from the outside, since I am very controlled.

This kind of self-control is related to your upbringing, do you think?


May be. Mom was quite strict and did not allow any excesses. It is very important for me to follow the rules. I think that shaped me. The main thing is that I learned to cope with frustration. I think if a person has not learned this in quite early age, he may have a lot of trouble in the future. If you have achieved success, there is a danger that you may encounter falsehood when you are not denied anything. This is what I am very afraid of. To what point is the person who is talking to me sincere? It's easy to get paranoid here. I continue to believe that it is possible to meet sincere people, even if we are successful and famous. Otherwise it would be impossible and very sad for me. I keep in touch with a lot of old friends and not much has really changed in my life.

Are you an anxious person?


I'm terribly afraid of transitioning into adulthood. It seems like this is happening to me right now. And this makes me a little sad. I don't want this at all. Although I was always a big boy, a little crazy. However, this did not prevent me from perceiving life, comprehending it and the importance of some things. But adulthood brings with it something else, you have to make choices. And this means disappointing, making mistakes. This is normal, all people are like this, but I find it difficult to accept. I'm probably very demanding. How long can you allow yourself to be a child? No, at my age this is no longer good... But who said that this is not good? Not making any choice means not building your life in any way, remaining a belated teenager. But I don’t know how to make a choice. I prefer not to choose, then it does not entail anything, and I have not yet learned to cut something off. The result is still the same, but I am not responsible for this choice.

After the success of your first album, Cheese, it must have been difficult for you to make the next one?


The fear of disappointment is proportional to the success you achieve. I want to be liked. And I took a full sip of this fear, because I started composing and I didn’t really like what I got at the beginning. My self-esteem has changed because I haven't written music for a long time. I worked until exhaustion, without even stopping to eat, the percentage of demagoguery and inaccuracies decreased to normal levels, and then I began to like what I was doing. Of course, the success of the first album put pressure on me, but the public gave me the luxurious opportunity to live for some time the way I wanted, in silence, with myself, asking myself the right questions. This silence did me good: I was completely alone, I talked to myself, sang, drew, made something on my own, cleared my brain. It’s almost logical to plunge into such a mini-depression upon completion tour, in which you received your dose of adrenaline, such a light drug every night.

And you are not afraid of your wild success, the frenzy of the public, excessive manifestations of enthusiasm?


I don’t know what I’ll say in a couple of years, but for now I think it’s normal, because this is work and people give a standing ovation not for me, but for the results of this work, for which we all worked hard, so everything is fine. I perform and I write, but ultimately this thing happens during H. If I lose that state of sincerity, I won't be able to do the same thing anymore. We never feel unsafe, and in our team we all have each other's backs.

The title of your second album is Racine carée (“ Square root" - reflects your desire to feel connected to your African roots?


To some extent, yes, probably. Although rather this name has to do with the musical roots (salsa, rumba, coladeira) that I explore, while preserving the main trauma of the northern European, that is, electronics. In Africa I am perceived as white, here - as black. I immediately realized that here I was perceived differently from others, in adolescence This outraged me, and then over time it went away. Besides the few racists you inevitably run into, there are a lot of great, great people out there. Yes, maybe this album is an attempt to reconnect with your roots, but delicacy is important here. If a person suddenly starts pretending to be an African, this is unnatural.

What marks did your father, without whom you grew up, leave in your life?


I was still lucky enough to see him many times, but in general we were really raised by our mother and we lived with her alone. I was 9 years old when my father was killed during the Rwandan genocide. So it would be difficult for me to say that I grew up without a father. We could make up for some lost time. Its traces, of course, remain, first of all, this is what I am in the world, and, of course, the activity that I do. Maybe I got to know my father more through my aunt, his sister. She has been living in Belgium for a long time, and I perceive her as a second mother... or father. My aunt lost a brother whom she knew closely, so my pain is insignificant compared to hers. What right do I have to claim the role of a genocide victim next to her? It is out of respect for her that I keep my distance from this pain, which, despite everything, exists and tells me that I will never have her view of these events and I will never know what it was like. I will never have anything other than stories on behalf of other people, facts passed through them and, therefore, changed. This is what saddens me most. It is not too late to meet all the people who knew him, and I hope to do so someday. I felt not so much pain as bitterness. We always get a little angry with our fathers, especially as teenagers. Now I look at him from a greater distance. Life is what it is. It seems to me that a man becomes an adult when he forgives his father. And if we go further, then why should I be offended by him? He gave me life and did everything he could. And when I have a child, I will also tell him that I did everything I could, more or less taking care of him. And I will have the remorse that I must have.

What kind of child were you?


In my family I have always been such a simpleton-fool. Maybe a little too cute. Too good, too stupid. I was the second to last of the children, and together with younger brother we were a party of small ones. Our older brother looked after us, he was partly our father. They told me: “Paul, go get this from my room.” I would go up to the room and forget what I was looking for, sometimes this would happen several times in a row. I was terribly lacking in concentration, I was terribly absent-minded. It’s the same thing at school, they said about me that I was not stupid, but as soon as a fly flew by, I was already absent from class. But I never missed a chance to clown around so that people would pay attention to me... But I never put anger into it. My grades were always on the low end, and I stuck to the bare minimum in my studies. I'm the hyper-perfectionist now. I demand the maximum from the people I work with, but I also ask them to be strict with me (I am strict with myself) and tell me straight to my face what they think. This way a healthy atmosphere is maintained.

Have you maintained a close relationship with your mother?


Yes, I left my native nest at the age of 26–27. I'm really a late teenager. In some matters of my personal life, her opinion means a lot to me. She taught me composure and practical things. Family means a lot to me. I can even sometimes ask them questions related to my profession. And it is from them that I am ready to hear criticism - after all, they know me well.

Paul Van Awer(Paul Van Haver), pseudonym Stromae, was born on March 12, 1985 in Brussels. His mother is Flemish and speaks four languages; his father is an architect from Rwanda who lived alternately in Africa and Belgium and died in 1994 in Rwanda during the genocide. Paul has three brothers and a sister; at the age of 11 he entered music academy de Jette, where he studied solfeggio and drumming. Having started rapping, he came up with the pseudonym Opsmaestro, which he later replaced with Stromae - a distorted Maestro in the French verlan slang. At the age of 18, Paul, together with JEDI (Didier Jean-Longan), created the group Suspicion. He is studying to become a sound engineer and works part-time at the Quick fast food chain to save money to release a four-song album. The first single Alors on danse was released in 2009, in 2010 he released his first album Cheese on the Universal France label, and in 2013 his second album Racine carée. On December 12, Stromae will give only one concert at Crocus City Hall.

Paul Van Haver, better known as Stromae- popular Belgian singer, rapper, musician and songwriter. Paul Van Haver is a musician of Rwandan origin. Paul Van Haver was born in the capital of Belgium, Brussels, to a Rwandan father and a Flemish mother. My musical career he started in 2000 under a slightly different pseudonym - then Paul Van Havera name Opmaestro. But this pseudonym was very similar to the pseudonym of another artist and Paul Van Haver modified it, choosing the original nickname Stromae (from the word “maestro”). Paul Van Haver studied National Institute of Cinematography and Radioelectronics (INRACI). He earned money for his studies on his own - for a year before enrolling, he worked at the Quick fast food restaurant chain.

Stromae's musical career

At first, Paul performed together with the rapper JEDI(Didier Jean-Longan) , but after some time JEDI left the project and each of them took up a solo project. Among the first popular compositions of Stromae is a duet with Melissa M(single Cette fois interpreté), and also recorded along with Anggun song Si je t'emmene. Stromae gained real popularity in 2009 with the release of the hit Alors on dance. The composition Alors on danse became the top seller in his native Belgium, as well as France, Germany and the most recognizable hit of the Belgian rapper.

On the Internet you can find a series of videos called “Les leçons de Stromae”, where Paul van Haver explains to viewers the construction of some of his musical compositions.

Personal life of Stromae

Stormae don't chew. Among his girlfriends is a former Miss Belgium 2004 Tatiana Silva Braga Tavares, with whom he dated until the fall of 2012, stylist Coralie Barbier


The appearance of this Belgian artist with such in a charming voice and bold music own composition was unexpected, and the artist’s success was very rapid. In 2009-2010, the tune of the artist’s famous single “Alors on danse” was heard in almost all countries of the world. His singing, his inimitable French accent, unusual look, and a pleasant voice is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. In order to become a fan of the work of the charming and charismatic singer Stromae, it is enough to hear at least one of his singles.

short biography

Paul Van Awer, better known to the public as the singer Stromae (modified Maestro), was born on March 12, 1985 in Etterbeek, near Brussels. His father is from central Africa(Rwanda), it was from him that Paul got his skin color. Marie van Haver's mother was Belgian. The boy's father, Pierre Rutard, was an architect by profession, but the parents' married life did not work out. By family circumstances Pierre was forced to leave for his homeland, where he was killed in 1994 during the genocide against the Tutsi.

Mom was forced to take care of six children alone. She tried to provide them with everything they needed and give them a decent education. The future singer went to study at the boarding school named after. Saint Paul (city of Godinn), which was considered very prestigious. In addition to basic subjects, the boy got the opportunity to study music. He recalled that he really liked the classes, even solfeggio he loved, unlike other peers. His mother suggested that Paul learn a musical instrument, and the boy’s choice fell on the drums. Stromae has always been drawn to creativity, so even in school years he started a rap group with his buddies. In 2001, Paul performed under the pseudonym Opmaestro, but having found out that a performer with that name already existed on the stage, he was forced to change it to Stromae. In 2003, the 18-year-old singer founded the group with his friend JEDI. They even recorded their first song “Faut que t’arrête le Rap” and shot a video. After performing several tracks, the group broke up.

To pay for his studies at the National Institute of Cinematography and Radio Electronics at the Faculty of Sound Engineering, Paul gets a part-time job at a chain of fast food restaurants. At the same time, he continues to engage in his creativity. True, this has to be done mostly late in the evening or at night. In 2006, he released his debut album “Juste un cerveau, un flow, un fond et un mic...”, which he recorded and published exclusively at his own expense.

Success and universal public recognition

Having successfully graduated from the institute, Paul got an internship at NRJ radio in 2009. His broadcasts immediately gain popularity and their own circle of admirers. But most importantly, this work allowed the novice performer to put his own compositions into rotation, which he immediately took advantage of. It was noticed and appreciated by manager Vincent Verbelen, who allowed one of the tracks to be broadcast. This is how the public became acquainted with the single “Alors on danse”, which made Stromae famous throughout the world. Thanks to this song, the public recognized Stromae, and for him it became a calling card. The Mercury Records France holding (Universal Music Group) immediately offered a lucrative contract to the aspiring artist. The most amazing thing is that all this time Stromae worked and made his way onto the stage on his own, without the help of producers. He himself composed, recorded compositions, and also promoted them. As a result, Cheese's first album was recognized as the best dance collection and received the annual French Victoires de la Musique award for outstanding achievements in the music industry. In 2011, the musician received a nomination as best Belgian performer at the MTV Europe Music Awards.

Interesting Facts

  • The pseudonym Stromae appeared thanks to the youth slang Verlan. Its essence is to encrypt some words by moving syllables. In order to decipher its meaning, it is enough to swap (read backwards) the syllables in the word Stromae and you get Maestro.
  • The artist's surname is Van Awer, but many are surprised by the fact that it is not Rwandan, but Flemish. But he most likely received the name Paul in honor of his uncle (his father’s deceased brother). Pierre Rutard was greatly shocked by the death of his brother and this was the reason why he was forced to go to Belgium at one time. Also in Rwanda, the homeland of Stromai's father, there is a custom according to which children are named after a relative or close friend. It is known that everyone in the family calls Stromai “Popol”, this word can be translated as “Little Pol”.
  • His track "Papaoutai" is based on difficult relationship with his father, as well as his loss. Some sources claim that Pierre abandoned his family and never saw his son, but this is not true. Every year the man tried to visit his relatives who remained in Brussels, and once his mother future star, together with little Paul, went to Rwanda to visit her husband.
  • The song "Meltdown", which Stromai wrote with singer Lorde, as well as rappers Pusha T, Q-Tip and the group Haim, became the soundtrack to the film "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay. Part 1".
  • Stromae not only has an unusual music, but also a style of clothing. He himself came up with the name “dandy swag”. Very often, the artist appears in videos in bright suits with incredible prints, complemented by catchy bow ties, cardigans or even pleated trousers with knee socks.

  • Stromae, together with his wife, launched his own clothing line, Mosaert (a word derived from his stage name). It presents predominantly the warm colors of Africa, psychedelic drawings and styles more typical for English school. Thus, one of the prints for the costumes was the image of an exquisite flamingo in pointe shoes. Mosaert is a unique brand that presents incredible eccentric outfits. The author of the images is Corallie Barbier, Paul’s wife. They recently released new line unisex clothes. The singer himself often admitted that he was always constrained by the strict men's wardrobe and he found a way out.
  • Stromae's music is considered to be quite explicit. Often he raises social problems, which other artists try to avoid in their themes. The singer himself even calls his music “suicidal dancing,” naturally, as a joke.
  • The musician’s style is unusual, matching himself. It organically interweaves a whole host of other trends: French folk, hip-hop, Cuban rumba, Europop and electronic music.
  • Paul prefers not to disclose details of his personal life. It is only known that until 2012 he dated “Miss Belgium 2005” Tatiana Silva Braga Tavares. Then he began an affair with Coralie Barbier, who soon became his legal wife.
  • Stromae admitted in his interview that the formation of his creativity big influence provided by Jacques Brel, a famous Belgian singer and composer who composed music in the style of French chanson.
  • On May 23, 2011, Stromae took part in the popular French show Taratata, where he successfully performed with American group The Black Eyed Peas. A little earlier, Paul met at the awards of the French radio station NRJ with famous musician William James Adams (, who offered to collaborate with the aspiring artist and highly praised his acclaimed single “Alors on danse”.
  • In 2014, Stromae visited Moscow with its first concert, which took place on December 12 at Crocus City Hall.
  • On March 17, 2014 it became known that the composition Ta fête will become official song Belgian national football team at the 2014 World Cup.
  • IN New Year's Eve A surprise was prepared for the residents of our country and fans of Stromae’s talent. He performed at a New Year's party, which was broadcast on Channel One. Stromae performed the composition Ave Cesaria, included in the second album, it was written specifically in memory of famous singer Cesaria Evora. In addition, in Russian, the singer congratulated all fans on New Year 2015, which added a special charm to his performance.
  • Soloist popular group Coldplay Chris Martin during his performance in Leon, performed famous composition Stromae Bâtard. To his surprise, the audience sang the lyrics to the track by heart.
  • Despite the secrecy with which Stromai surrounds his personal life, he easily shares with fans how he creates his masterpieces. On YouTube, he even runs a channel “Les leçons de Stromae”, where he talks about his work on hits, because the artist wrote many of them on his work PC. The singer not only shares his experiences with followers, but also introduces them to his new products. This idea also helped promote the tracks.