Mikhail Shufutinsky is alive or not. International family of Mikhail Shufutinsky

Mikhail Zakharovich Shufutinsky was born in Moscow on April 13, 1948. Graduated music school accordion class and School of Music I am a choir conductor by profession. The career of the universally recognized king of “Russian chanson” began with jazz, Shufutinsky back in student years became a regular at the Moscow jazz scene.

In 1971, together with musicians Igor Logachev, drummer Leonid Lobkovsky, saxophonist Valery Katsnelson and singer Nikolai Kasyanov, he left for Magadan. He did not leave on a stage, as many people left at that time, but solely of his own free will. It was this trip that became the basis for numerous legends about the prison past of Mikhail Shufutinsky. In Magadan, he worked in the best restaurants and it was there that he began not only to play, but also to sing. This period of life aroused in the artist’s soul a love for the music that many years later would bring him fame and recognition from millions of fans - chanson.

In 1974, Mikhail Shufutinsky returned from Magadan to Moscow and worked for some time as a pianist and arranger in the Accord quartet, and then became the head of the VIA Leisya Pesnya. Shufutinsky accompanied and made arrangements, but did not sing himself. Basically, “Leisya Song” performed songs by Vyacheslav Dobrynin, and one of the songs, “White Bird Cherry Will Spin,” was recorded by Anna German together with the ensemble. After Shufutinsky, it was in this famous ensemble that they began their creative activity Nikolai Rastorguev (“Lyube”) and Valery Kipelov (“Aria”). Because of his beard and pronounced appearance, Shufutinsky was disliked by the then television management, so the “Song” tour around the country in 1975-1980. were constant, but there were no TV broadcasts at all. But Mikhail categorically refused to shave his beard for the sake of fame on TV. In addition, VIA was not allowed to go on any foreign tours, even to Bulgaria. In 1978, they simply tried to remove the group from competitive program the then popular All-Union Pop Song Performers Competition in Sochi, and the group, despite this, took 1st place there.

After all these events, Shufutinsky decides to emigrate and in 1981 he and his family travel first to the Promised Land in Israel, and then to the United States in New York. And here he decides to continue the restaurant practice tested in Magadan and performs in numerous restaurants as part of various ensembles. It was at this time that Mikhail Shufutinsky finally became a vocalist, and not just a musician and arranger.

In 1982, Shufutinsky’s first album, “Escape,” was recorded at the Prince Enterprises studio, which became a real bestseller in American emigrant circles. This first album appeared in a very ordinary way - Mikhail's friend Alexander Meisman asked him to record his songs on cassette and financed the recording himself. By the mid-80s, Shufutinsky became a US citizen, and his recordings began to leak into the USSR, where they had the effect of a bomb exploding. Cassettes began to flood the Union, and the artist became a superstar of the “emigrant song.”

For the first time, after emigrating, Mikhail Shufutinsky came to Russia in 1990. The first tour attracted 75 stadiums and they decided to return to Russia. The first songs released upon his return become super hits and in just 2 years Shufutinsky reaches the status of the best-selling artist of the nineties. All his records sell in huge quantities, literally every song of his - “Two Candles” by Dobrynin, “The Third of September”, “ The Velvet season”, “Palma de Mallorca”, “Let Go” by Igor Krutoy, “Putan” by Gazmanov, “Gop-Stop”, “Khreshchatyk” by Rosenbaum - are becoming popular.

Despite the fact that he has unquestioned authority and devotion to a multimillion-dollar audience, Shufutinsky does not calm down - he experiments (“Black Gun”, “Macho Man”, produces the duet “Taste of Honey”. With the appearance of the poet Alexander Polarnik in his life, Shufutinsky returns to the classic chanson and his 2002 album “Nakolochka” and concert program“One day I will walk through Rus'” is an indisputable confirmation of the fact that Mikhail Shufutinsky will be at the top of the pop Olympus for a long time.

Discography of Mikhail Shufutinsky:

Escape - 1982

Ataman - 1983

Gulliver - 1984

Amnesty - 1985

Ataman-3 - 1986

White Stork - 1987

No problem -1988

You are my only one - 1989

Moscow evenings - 1990

Quiet Don - 1991

My life - 1991

Kisa-kisa - 1993

Walk, soul - 1994

Oh Women - 1995

Good evening, gentlemen - 1996

Once Upon a Time in America - 1997

Well, for God's sake - 1999.

I was born in Moscow - 2001.

Tattoo - 2002

Boom boom - 2003

Half and half (with Irina Allegrova) - 2004

SHUFUTINSKY MIKHAIL ZAKHAROVICH(b. 04/13/1948) - crooner, composer and poet, music producer. Honored Artist Russian Federation(2013). Winner of the “Chanson of the Year” awards.
Born in Moscow. He graduated from a music school in the button accordion class and from the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music College with a degree in choral conductor. He played in various ensembles in the Warsaw and Metropol restaurants. He accompanied the vocal-comedy duet of Shurov and Rykunin.
In the early 70s, together with musicians Igor Logachev, drummer Leonid Lobkovsky, saxophonist Valery Katsnelson and singer Nikolai Kasyanov, he moved to Magadan. He performs at the Severny restaurant, performing songs from the repertoire of A. Vertinsky, P. Leshchenko, and makes his first tape recordings there. Returning from Magadan, he worked for a short time as a pianist in the Accord ensemble. Then he became the leader of the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Leisya, Song", whose repertoire was based mainly on the songs of V. Dobrynin. In 1978, the team took first place at All-Russian competition pop song performers in Sochi. In February 1981 he emigrated with his family to America. He performed as an accompanist with singer N. Brodskaya. As part of various ensembles he played in the restaurants "Russian Izba", "Pearl", "Moscow Nights".
Produced two solo album A. Mogilevsky (ex-Gems), M. Gulko’s albums “Blue Sky of Russia” and “Burnt Bridges”. He assembled his own orchestra, the Ataman Band, and recorded it in 1984 at the Prince Enterprises studio. debut album"The escape".
In the summer of 1990, he began touring in Russia, performing with the Express ensemble. Recorded the album "M. Shufutinsky in Moscow" at the Melodiya company. Producer since 1996 new group"A Taste of Honey".
Since 2003, Mikhail Zakharovich has lived permanently in Moscow. His eldest son David and his family also live in Moscow and produce sound for films. Younger son Anton and his family live in Philadelphia, where Anton teaches at a university and works as a department head for a large pharmaceutical company. Unfortunately, in June 2015, Margarita Shufutinskaya passed away. The family often gets together in Moscow and Philadelphia.

Children and grandchildren:
Eldest son David (1972) married to Angela
Granddaughter Anna (2006)
Grandson Andrey (1997)
Grandson Mikhail (2009)
Youngest son Anton (1974) married to Brandi
Grandson Dmitry (1996)
Grandson Noah (2002)
Grandson Zakhar (2009)
Granddaughter Hannah Renee (2012)

Mikhail Shufutinsky. Biography.

Mikhail Zakharovich Shufutinsky born on April 13, 1948 in Moscow. He graduated from a music school with a degree in button accordion and a music school with a degree in conducting and choir performance. The career of the universally recognized king of “Russian chanson” began with jazz; Shufutinsky, even in his student years, became a regular at the Moscow jazz scene.

In 1971, together with musicians Igor Logachev, drummer Leonid Lobkovsky, saxophonist Valery Katsnelson and singer Nikolai Kasyanov, he left for Magadan. He did not leave on a stage, as many people left at that time, but solely of his own free will. It was this trip that became the basis for numerous legends about the prison past of Mikhail Shufutinsky. In Magadan, he worked in the best restaurants and it was there that he began not only to play, but also to sing. This period of life aroused in the artist’s soul a love for the music that many years later would bring him fame and recognition from millions of fans - chanson.

In 1974, Mikhail Shufutinsky returned from Magadan to Moscow and worked for some time as a pianist and arranger in the Accord quartet, and then became the head of the VIA Leisya Pesnya. Shufutinsky accompanied and made arrangements, but did not sing himself. Basically, “Leisya Song” performed songs by Vyacheslav Dobrynin, and one of the songs, “White Bird Cherry Will Spin,” was recorded by Anna German together with the ensemble. After Shufutinsky, it was in this famous ensemble that Nikolai Rastorguev (“Lyube”) and Valery Kipelov (“Aria”) began their creative careers. Because of his beard and pronounced appearance, Shufutinsky was disliked by the then television management, so the “Song” tour around the country in 1975-1980. were constant, but there were no TV broadcasts at all. But Mikhail categorically refused to shave his beard for the sake of fame on TV. In addition, VIA was not allowed to go on any foreign tours, even to Bulgaria. In 1978, they simply tried to remove the group from the competition program of the then popular All-Union Pop Song Performers Competition in Sochi, but the group, despite this, took 1st place there.

After all these events, Shufutinsky decides to emigrate and in 1981 he and his family travel first to the Promised Land in Israel, and then to the United States in New York. And here he decides to continue the restaurant practice tested in Magadan and performs in numerous restaurants as part of various ensembles. It was at this time that Mikhail Shufutinsky finally became a vocalist, and not just a musician and arranger.

In 1982, Shufutinsky’s first album, “Escape,” was recorded at the Prince Enterprises studio, which became a real bestseller in American emigrant circles. This first album appeared in a very ordinary way - Mikhail’s friend Alexander Meisman asked him to record his songs on cassette and financed the recording himself. By the mid-80s, Shufutinsky became a US citizen, and his recordings began to leak into the USSR, where they had the effect of a bomb exploding. Cassettes began to flood the Union, and the artist became a superstar of the “emigrant song.”

For the first time, after emigrating, Mikhail Shufutinsky came to Russia in 1990. The first tour attracted 75 stadiums and they decided to return to Russia. The first songs released upon his return become super hits and in just 2 years Shufutinsky reaches the status of the best-selling artist of the nineties. All his records sell in huge quantities, literally every song of his - “Two Candles” by Dobrynin, “The Third of September”, “Velvet Season”, “Palma de Mallorca”, “Let Go” by Igor Krutoy, “Putan” by Gazmanov, “Gop-Stop” , “Khreshchatyk” by Rosenbaum - are becoming popular.

In 1998, he wrote an autobiographical book: “And now I’m standing at the line...”

Despite the fact that he has unquestioned authority and devotion to a multimillion-dollar audience, Shufutinsky does not calm down - he experiments (“Black Gun”, “Macho Man”, produces the duet “Taste of Honey”. With the appearance of the poet Alexander Polarnik in his life, Shufutinsky returns to the classic chanson and his 2002 album “Nakolochka” and the concert program “I’ll Walk Through Rus' One Day” are indisputable confirmation of the fact that Mikhail Shufutinsky will be at the top of the pop Olympus for a long time.

Since 2003, M. Shufutinsky has been permanently residing in Russia.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - participant of the annual National Award Chanson of the Year in the Kremlin March 26, 2011.

Mikhail Shufutinsky’s repertoire includes songs by such authors as: Vyacheslav Dobrynin (“Two Candles”, “Cubes”), Igor Krutoy (“3rd September”, “Palma de Mallorca”, “Moscow Taxi”, “Moscow to Tears” doesn’t believe”), Oleg Mityaev (“ Night guest", "Moskvichka"), Alexander Rosenbaum ("Khreshchatyk", "Come to our light", "Gop-stop"), Nikita Dzhigurda, Alexander Novikov ("Take me, cabbie", "Portovaya Street"), Oleg Gazmanov , Igor Zubkov, Igor Kisil (“You are far from me”), Vaclav Lisovsky, Olesya Atlanova, Karen Kavaleryan, Mikhail Zvezdinsky, Kirill Krastoshevsky, Ivan Kononov (“Left Bank of the Don”, “I adore you, I adore”, “And above Don Golden Domes") and many others.

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2013)

Official website: http://shufutinsky.ru

Russian singer, musician, producer and composer Mikhail Shufutinsky, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Biography of Mikhail Shufutinsky

Mikhail Zakharovich Shufutinsky born in Moscow, into a Jewish family. His father Zakhar Davidovich- war veteran, doctor. At the age of five, Mikhail’s mother died, and his grandmother raised him Berta Davidovna and grandfather D Avid Yakovlevich. Mikhail graduated from music school with an accordion class and, without hesitation, decided to continue his path in this field of creativity. Mikhail entered the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music College, where he studied as a conductor, choirmaster, and music and singing teacher.

At the same time and in the same specialty with Mikhail Shufutinsky, Alla Pugacheva studied at the music school.

Creative career of Mikhail Shufutinsky

After graduating from college, Shufutinsky performed with various ensembles in restaurants in Moscow and Magadan, where he performed songs Petra Leshchenko, Alexander Vertinsky, as well as other singers famous at that time.

In 1976, Mikhail Shufutinsky became the head of the famous VIA "Leisya, song", during which the ensemble reached its peak and became popularly loved. Almost all the hits were recorded under him, for which the ensemble is still remembered.

In 1981, Mikhail Shufutinsky emigrated to the USA with his family. At first, he had to forget about his fame as a musician and work as an ordinary laborer.

“I didn’t go there to be what I was here. I didn't go there at all. I was leaving here. Big difference... When I arrived, I took courses in English- emigrant, free. They told me: we will help with the work, we will offer three options. I say: “I’m a musician...” - “What are you talking about? Forget it. There are such musicians here, such a level!..” - “But I led a famous ensemble, I know how to write arrangements, I can work in the studio...” - “No, what do arrangements have to do with it? - they answer. - Then you need to go to the conservatory and study again. You'll get better at selling insurance. Or assemble watches and solder parts. This is a profession!”

But despite all the difficulties, Mikhail managed to return to his real profession: 1983 already as an arranger, keyboard player and producer Shufutinsky released an album in the USA Anatoly Mogilevsky « We don’t eat this in Odessa" And " I love you, madam"(1984).

About ten years in the States Shufutinsky played in various ensembles in restaurants, created his own show group " Ataman band"(after the name of the restaurant "Ataman").

Mikhail Shufutinsky: “The restaurant is a school, and only real professionals used to play in the restaurant. And in America, getting a job in a Russian restaurant was generally great...”

One day Michael came to Los Angeles for a concert and immediately fell in love with this city. It was during that period that the Russian restaurant boom in Los Angeles occurred. Mikhail, as already famous singer and a musician, were invited to work at the Hollywood restaurant "Arbat". For the emigrant performer, such popularity came as a shock - in the USA he could only count on his former compatriots.

In 1990, for the first time after emigration Mikhail Shufutinsky came to the USSR and gave several concerts. Since then, he constantly came to Russia on tour, until he finally returned to his homeland in 2003.

In 1997, Mikhail Shufutinsky received " Silver galosh" in the category "For specific contribution to art."

In 1998, Shufutinsky wrote an autobiographical book: “And now I’m standing at the line...”.

In 2012, Mikhail tried himself as a voice actor for the cartoon “Brave.”

In 2013, Mikhail Shufutinsky was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Personal life of Mikhail Shufutinsky

In 1971, Mikhail married Margarita Shufutinskaya. During the marriage, the couple had two children. In 2015, Mikhail was widowed.

On this moment the singer lives in a civil marriage with Svetlana Urazova.

Eldest son David Shufutinsky(1972) graduated from the Faculty of Special International Economics and Law from Northridge University and did sound for “Star Wars” by George Lucas, worked for Ted Turner in company CNN. In Russia David successfully done voice acting Disney cartoon « Anastasia", and also worked on projects directed by Timur Bekmambetov. Married Angela Petrosyan. They have three children: Anna (2006), Andrey (1997), Mikhail (2009). The family lives in Moscow.

The singer's youngest son Anton Shufutinsky(1976) was a US Army Special Forces officer. Married to an African American Brandi. Anton and Brandi, like David, have three children: Dmitry Shufutinsky (1996), Noah (2002) and Zakhar Shufutinsky (2009), all of them live in America, in Philadelphia.

Yes, he himself has already come to terms with the fact that today an intelligent person It is considered simply indecent to include his name in the list of favorite performers. Everyone has long forgotten about the charm of forbidden music, and the romance of the relationship between a prisoner and a girl from outside the prison, frankly speaking, does not touch every soul. But even with all this, with no face on television, no voice on radio, and a dubious audience and reputation, he somehow remains incredibly cool. He is Mikhail Shufutinsky.


Like all native Muscovites, he is proud, cherishes and cherishes, reverently carries within himself all his life a special sacrament, sacred knowledge - to be born in old, almost disappeared Moscow. Mikhail Shufutinsky grew up on Kaluga Square, V communal apartment barracks type, with amenities on the street and surrounded by semi-criminal gangs of neighborhood boys. His mother died when he was 5 years old, so raising the boy fell on the shoulders of his grandmother and father, a young doctor who lived an easy and cheerful life. “My father, in addition to being a real soldier who went through the entire war, was also very musical man, - said the singer. - I grew up listening to music: my father played either the trumpet or the guitar. His student friends often gathered with us and sang songs like Taganka. Then it was underground: prohibited, which means it was fashionable. I fell asleep listening to these songs.”

One day my father brought a trophy accordion - beautiful, lacquered, it even took little Shufutinsky’s breath away. The family, seeing such a passion for the instrument in a six-year-old boy, hired a music teacher, and a year later they took him to a music school. True, there Mikhail had to be content with the “worker-peasant” button accordion: a bourgeois accordion in Soviet educational institutions was banned. But the child was no longer able to turn away from the musical path. A few years later he began to play the piano seriously, and then the “jazz era” began in his life. Every night he fell asleep to the Voice of America, listened to forbidden melodies and rhythms, and even fell in love with the voice of Willis Canover, the host of a program about jazz.

Shufutinsky began to make his career rapidly even by modern standards, not to mention the Soviet Union. In sixth grade he created his first Music band– school variety ensemble, six months later he entered the orchestra at the Goznak factory club. For him, this was the first step towards real earnings - an unaffordable luxury for a Soviet teenager. "IN secondary school By that time, things had gone very badly for me,” recalled Mikhail Zakharovich. - I didn’t finish eighth grade - I was expelled. I had to go to evening school, and at the same time enter the music school named after Ippolitov-Ivanov at training courses. There was, of course, the temptation to become a “fighter” of a street gang, but I was given a slightly different upbringing, more homely. After all, my grandmother was a very cultured woman, she read a lot, knew the theater.”

Thanks to the efforts of his grandmother, Shufutinsky turned away from the criminal road, although, as we understand, all his life he directed sympathetic glances in that direction. Despite the lack of a diploma from a music school, he was still accepted into the music school - his hearing was good. True, he had to forget about the piano department, and be content with the conducting and choir department, which, however, did not prevent the teenager from soon starting to earn money that most Soviet citizens never dreamed of.


He and Pugacheva, of course, shook up their school quite a bit. True, even such a notorious “bad girl” as Alla Borisovna was far from the coolness of fellow student Misha. 15-year-old Shufutinsky, having flouted the Labor Code and the rules of decency, already in his first year got a job, and not just anywhere, but in the restaurant orchestra of the fashionable Minsk hotel. Judging by his further career achievements, he played there successfully. The student’s track record included the Metropol restaurant, the famous jazz cafes “ Blue bird" and "Aelita" and, finally, the "Warsaw" hotel, where in the 60s the entire underground "beau monde" of the capital gathered: gamblers, billiard players and other gentlemen with money. They paid well for entertainment. “I worked at night, and compensated for the costs of this lifestyle by the fact that I could afford to get to Ippolitovka by taxi, while everyone else took the metro,” the singer recalled. - However, he didn’t like to demonstrate his wealth too much - it was somehow awkward in front of his half-starved fellow students. Treating the girls with the scarce Winston or Marlboro, which, thanks to great connections, were sold for fifty rubles a pack in the buffet of a foreign tourist hotel, is another thing, it’s like a man.”

A beautiful life and easy money finally convinced young Shufutinsky that being a Soviet person was completely uncool. He stubbornly played jazz, moved in criminal circles, and did not even bother to officially get a job after receiving his diploma. What I did in vain. The bourgeois way of life, coupled with bad nationality, did their job. In 1971, just before President Nixon’s visit to Moscow, Shufutinsky was invited to a conversation with the KGB. After pleasant communication and several transparent hints, Mikhail Zakharovich hurried to pack his suitcase and run as far as possible. “I had guys I knew who invited me to come and work with their orchestra to Magadan. “I agreed,” Shufutinsky said about the beginning of his “exile.” - I can’t say that I regret those years, because it’s unknown what would have happened to me here. And there I received an amazing, incredibly valuable, useful and vibrant life experience. I met people there that I still remember to this day. Strong, strong-willed, with difficult destinies- there was a lot to learn from them. I learned many laws of life that I would never have learned here on the “mainland.”

It was in Magadan, surrounded by strong-willed people with difficult destinies, that Shufutinsky realized that jazz is decay, and chanson is real strength. He played in restaurants and earned crazy money - one and a half thousand rubles a month. No Moscow job could bring such income. The Far Eastern dolce vita continued for several years, but the cold and craving for small homeland turned out to be stronger than love to money. Shufutinsky returned to Moscow, which, surprisingly, received him favorably. Mikhail Zakharovich was waiting for work at Mosconcert and a position artistic director first in the “Accord” apartment, and then in the famous VIA “Leisya, Song”. The popularity of the ensemble in the 70s was prohibitive, what more could you want? But Shufutinsky was again prevented from living in every possible way by those in power. The leaders of the stage did not give the team profitable tours, they bothered them with constant control and petty quibbles. So Mikhail Zakharovich gave up. In 1981, he gathered his family and took a circuitous route to America. “When I was getting ready to emigrate, and we were waiting for the possibility of receiving documents to leave, I began to have all sorts of dreams,” the singer said. - And I dreamed that I was going on stage in some kind of long suit bronze color and sing. And for some reason I look like Demis Roussos.”

Extremely skeptical of his own appearance, Shufutinsky never aspired to become a soloist-vocalist, and certainly had no intention of doing so in a foreign land. Of course, in scary city New York he was traveling for musical career, but understood that the American did not need another singer. Another thing is the worker. This way you can get a residence permit and a stable income. So Shufutinsky signed up for electronics courses. “Their electronics courses mean sitting behind a conveyor belt and soldering parts,” the singer explained. - I unsoldered one part, soldered the other. They paid a stipend of $120 a week, significant money for us at that time. But I understood perfectly well that I would not sit behind a conveyor belt and solder these parts. Then I stuck the soldering iron in my hand. Because he fell asleep: he worked at the restaurant until four o’clock in the morning, and in the morning at 7 o’clock he had to go soldering. The wound turned out to be deep, it was painful, and I said: “That’s it. End of electronic career."

Even then, Shufutinsky, like the good old days in Magadan, began singing in restaurants. The emigrant public turned out to be much more supportive of the bearded Jewish uncle performing chanson tunes than the barefoot Soviet stage. The popularity of the unusual performer began to grow rapidly. Over the course of 5 years, from just another newcomer to the star-striped paradise, he turned into a popular artist who could afford to assemble an orchestra and conduct concert tours around North America and even open your own restaurant. But the newly minted Yankee gave his real answer to all the Curzons and Chamberlains in 1984, when he recorded his debut album, “Escape.” “When my first record in Brooklyn made a splash, I felt that this is what I should do,” the musician recalled. “These people needed me.”

Inspired by such an impressive success, in 1986 Shufutinsky decided to go to the Mecca of world show business - Los Angeles. By that time, in his homeland he had already become a superstar of the “emigrant song”; his smuggled tapes flooded Soviet Union, but Mikhail Zakharovich didn’t even suspect about it. He continued to sing in American restaurants for another 4 years, until, finally, an acquaintance suggested that he make a foray into his dying days. last days THE USSR. “I returned straight to the concert,” said the singer. - I stepped off the plane and found myself on the stage of the Kyiv Sports Palace. I saw a crowded hall, and as soon as the orchestra played the introduction to the songs, the audience began to applaud. I couldn't imagine that I was known so well here. I was shocked when I heard my voice from every tent, stall and car!”

The tour exceeded even the singer’s wildest expectations: over the three summer months he filled 75 stadiums. A year later he released his first “home” record, “Mikhail Shufutinsky in Moscow.” It, just like several of the artist’s subsequent albums, sold in huge quantities: in just two years, Mikhail Zakharovich became the best-selling artist of the nineties. “Until 1998, I was everywhere, including on Russian radio,” Shufutinsky revealed the reasons for his disgrace. - And at the same ORT I was not there for an encore, but out of spite. After the crisis, everything changed. Other people came, began to change the policy, and I ceased to exist there. Gradually, the scope for me narrowed, but radio “Chanson” appeared, where I turned out to be a significant figure.”

To this day, Shufutinsky’s camp-prison lyrics remain outside the format on television. True, this does not at all prevent the artist from collecting concert halls and hold corporate events for millionaires across the country. In his niche, Mikhail Zakharovich has not given up the palm for many years, and it seems that he does not need television broadcasts at all.


In March last year, “shocking news about Mikhail Shufutinsky” leaked onto the Internet. News portals enthusiastically reported that the singer had left his legal wife and faithful companion Margarita for his young mistress Irina, and had even officially filed for divorce. So interesting event Colleagues and friends of the singer’s family commented with pleasure in the press, condescendingly hinting at gray hairs in his beard and demons in some parts of his body. A few days later, Shufutinsky himself finally responded to the seething stream of facts and speculation. “I declare that this is an absolute lie,” the singer spoke angrily. “Are there many families in the world who, after a well-fed and pampered Moscow, went through a cold northern Magadan? Then we experienced emigration: we took a risk, started everything from scratch, raised children. We went through all this together! Why the hell would I need to get a divorce?”

It’s hard to disagree with Mikhail Zakharovich. He met his wife in 1970, a year before his exile to the Magadan tundra. By her own admission, it was Margarita who revealed to him the meaning of the word fidelity. Shufutinsky truly fell in love for the first time in his life, and when he left for Magadan, he realized that it was this girl he wanted to marry. Margarita, as the wife of a Decembrist, courageously went to Siberia. 10 years later, she had to flee again, only now to the other side of the world, to America, where she lives to this day. Margarita could not bear the third move, so she decided on a “long-distance marriage.” She lives in a mansion in Los Angeles, while Shufutinsky most spends time on his estate near Moscow. “Rita is a welcome person in a house near Moscow, she is the mistress here. “And I always happily fly to her in America - and she always meets me at the airport,” he shared his family happiness singer. - What else is needed for happiness? I don't know what our life will be like in five or ten years. But now I am sure: the harder our separations, the sweeter our meetings.”

The couple have two sons. The eldest, David, was born in Russia, so he decided to make a career in his homeland. Now he has his own company in Moscow for mixing sound in films. David's track record includes: star Wars", "Avatar" and "Wanted". The singer's youngest son, Anton, lives in the USA. He spent several years in the country's armed forces, then went to university, defended his dissertation on safety issues in the biological and chemical industries, and now teaches military students. Each of the sons gave Mikhail Borisovich three grandchildren.


Mikhail Shufutinsky can safely wipe the noses of all the spiteful critics who call him “unformatted” by simply listing the names of his fans. Among them there are not only rich people from the top hundred of Forbes, but even HIMSELF, the Prime Minister. Vladimir Vladimirovich, by his own admission, during perestroika times was very sensitive to Shufutinsky’s work. “Back then it was not a shame to mention my last name there,” the singer ironically commented on the news of such an influential fan. - Of course, I was pleased, because it confirms my opinion that I sang good songs. I think that Putin isn’t listening to me now, he’s probably listening to Mozart.”

"Separate drinking"

Mikhail Zakharovich, who has long suffered from excess weight, practices very interesting view diets. Besides separate power supply He's into sharing drinks! “Before a meal, I can drink a couple of glasses and snack on an olive. – the singer admitted. - And when I start eating directly, I’m already a little tipsy. Now you drink, then wait fifteen minutes. You don’t notice the taste behind the vodka - you poke something to quickly snack. And then you look - it’s like the fried potatoes are completely different, and the radishes smell different, and the tomatoes!”

Our today's hero is the famous chansonnier Mikhail Shufutinsky, whose biography and personal life are of interest to many fans. Do you also want to know where he was born and studied? How did you get on stage? Why did you go to the USA? Then we recommend that you read the contents of the article.

Mikhail Shufutinsky (biography): family

He was born on April 13, 1948 in Moscow. Him Jewish roots. In what family was the future singer brought up? His father, Zakhar Davidovich, took part in the Great Patriotic War. In peacetime, he got a job as a doctor. The man spent very little time at home.

Mikhail's mother died when he was 5 years old. The boy was raised by his grandmother Bertha and grandfather David. It was they who instilled in Mikhail a love of art. And when the grandfather noticed that his grandson was showing interest in music, he began to teach him to play the accordion.

School years

At the age of 7, Misha entered a music school located not far from his home. The boy signed up for a button accordion class. Our hero attended every lesson with pleasure. His teachers predicted a brilliant future for him. And they turned out to be right. In just a couple of years, Mikhail mastered this musical instrument. He became permanent participant school ensembles and orchestras.

At the age of 15, our hero became interested in a new direction of music for the Soviet country - jazz. He played only on Only over time, jazz was approved and loved by the citizens of the USSR.


At the end high school Mikhail already knew what profession he would choose. He was going to connect his life with the stage. Having received the certificate in his hands, the guy submitted documents to the music school named after. M. Ippolitova-Ivanova. Shufutinsky successfully passed the exams. Over the course of several years, he mastered such specialties as choirmaster, singing and music teacher, and conductor.

First performances

Where did Mikhail Shufutinsky go after graduating from college? His biography as a performer began in Magadan. There he and his orchestra performed at the Severny restaurant. The local public received them with a bang.

Later our hero returned to Moscow. IN different time He performed in such groups as “Leisya Song” and “Chord”. At some point, Mikhail wanted creative development. But there was no opportunity for this.


In the early 1980s, Shufutinsky and his family left for permanent residence in America. And all because he had a serious conflict with representatives of the Soviet government.

In the USA, Mikhail Zakharovich did not sit idle. He organized his own team. The performances took place in New York restaurants. A talented performer noticed and invited to Los Angeles. Many Soviet immigrants and Russian-speaking citizens lived in this city.

Mikhail Shufutinsky managed to become a chanson star. His songs were listened to on both sides of the ocean. Such compositions as “The Third of September”, “Night Guest”, “For Lovely Ladies” have become truly popular.

In 2003, the famous chansonnier returned to Russia. He purchased housing in Moscow and continued musical career. Between 2003 and 2013, 8 studio discs were released.

Mikhail Shufutinsky: biography, personal (family) life

WITH youth the talented musician was popular with girls. Some saw him as a subtle and vulnerable soul, while others looked at him as an idol. Mikhail often had affairs with beautiful girls. But in serious relationship they didn't cross over. It's very simple: the feelings faded away as quickly as they flared up.

When did I meet my true love Mikhail Shufutinsky? The biography indicates that this happened in the early 1970s. The beautiful Margarita conquered his heart and deprived him of peace. After a long and persistent courtship, the girl agreed to become Mikhail’s other half.

In January 1971, the marriage of Mikhail and Margarita Shufutinsky was registered in one of the capital's registry offices. Then the celebration “moved” to the restaurant. The guests at the celebration were close friends and relatives of the bride and groom.

Loving husband, caring dad and an exemplary family man- all this is Mikhail Shufutinsky. The singer’s biography in August 1972 was replenished with another joyful event - his first child was born. The son was named David. The young father could not stop looking at the heir. He himself bathed him, swaddled him and put him in his crib. Mikhail even tried to sing a lullaby to his son. But because his voice was too low, he was unable to do this.

In December 1974, another addition occurred to the Shufutinsky family. His beloved wife gave the singer a second son. The boy got a widespread Russian name- Anton.

Today, the children of Mikhail Shufutinsky are adults and accomplished people. David is married to Angela Petrosyan. They have three children - two sons and a daughter. The family lives in Moscow. The singer counted on the fact that the elder son will go in his footsteps. But David is far from show business. He is producing.

The youngest son (Anton) lives in the USA. He married an African American woman named Brandi. They had 4 children. A few years ago, Anton worked as a medic at a US naval base, and now he teaches at one of the universities in Philadelphia.


Most pop stars who gained popularity in the 80s and 90s try to hide their personal lives from prying eyes and ears. Mikhail Shufutinsky was no exception. Biography, wife of the chansonnier - all this continued to interest his fans. And so in the summer of 2015 printed publications and popular Internet resources reported the sad news. On June 5, Mikhail Zakharovich’s wife, Margarita, passed away. She was buried in one of the Los Angeles cemeteries.

New love

Mikhail Shufutinsky, whose biography we are considering, had a hard time with the death of his wife. Of course, they lived together for 44 years. She always surrounded her husband with affection and care.

During this difficult period, the famous chansonnier was supported by a dancer from his show ballet “Ataman”. 39-year-old Svetlana Urazova was next to Mikhail Zakharovich, helped him around the house and gave him valuable advice. At some point, the singer realized that their relationship had already outgrown the scope of friendship. He offered the woman to live together. There is no talk of any marriage. Mikhail Zakharovich had only one wife - Margarita. And no one can take her place. Sons understand and do not condemn their father. After all, they cannot see him as often as they would like. And loneliness is a terrible thing.

What is known about Svetlana Urazova herself? More than 15 years ago she came to Russia from Ukraine. She has a choreographic education. Almost immediately, the blonde was accepted into Shufutinsky’s show troupe. If you carefully watch the video from the concerts, you will notice that Svetlana always dances right hand from the chansonnier. Many can envy her natural flexibility and ability to stay on stage. It is impossible not to fall in love with such a beauty.

The singer is currently experiencing serious problems with health. It became difficult for him to walk. Svetlana is literally his support.


Now you know what path to popularity Mikhail Shufutinsky took. Biography, family, photo of the singer - all this is contained in the article. We wish him good health and for long years life!