Memes photos. How to draw a meme with a pencil step by step

Photo memes are very popular among Internet users. There are millions, billions of photographs on the global network, and a certain part of them are not just funny or unfortunate, they are truly epic.

Photo memes as a phenomenon appeared quite a long time ago, and over time their popularity has not diminished at all. And all because, like 10 years ago, people now like to have fun and cheer up their mood with the help of funny pictures. Before social media became a popular phenomenon, humor in pictures was available from comic books, which were in great demand.

Photo memes differ from ordinary pictures in that they are often live photos of various people and animals. The main characters of such memes have recently become such characters as the clueless African and the lemur from the cartoon “Madagascar”, who spread the word “Uzbagoyzya” across the Internet. However, old photo memes also lose their relevance.

Photo memes have become an integral part of our lives, especially for young people from 14 to 20 years old. Without noticing it ourselves, we sometimes insert phrases into conversations - quotes from popular images on the Internet. In addition, watching them is the easiest way to lightly cheer yourself up.

Memes, memes, finally! Hello everyone, today we will tell you how to draw a sad frog. This meme appeared on the Internet relatively recently, but immediately became a hot favorite.

The frog's look is extremely memorable, it is simply filled with sadness. Note that it was drawn in violation of many drawing rules, such as perspective and symmetry.

However, it was precisely the semantic load of his gaze that made the entire picture very bright, juicy and suitable for conveying feelings of sadness and melancholy (in fact, a picture that can convey any mood, and attached to a dialogue to express feelings, is a meme). Let's try to draw this funny, but very, very sad frog!

Step 1

First, let's draw a large figure, very similar to a mushroom cap. Below it we outline the contours of the body, which intersects with the head to the left of us and below.

Step 2

Here it would be very cool to refer to the rules for drawing something, as we usually do in the first stages (for example, in all cases and ), but our frog has an interesting feature - its creator was not particularly concerned with symmetry and correct proportions. However, with all this, the frog has high artistic value, in our opinion.

So, we draw the eyes and brow ridges of our frog with rounded shapes. We try to focus on the markings of the head, it will probably be easier there. Please note that the frog's eyes have different shapes, with the one farthest from us looking larger than the one closest to us. By the way, this goes against the rules of drawing perspective, but that’s the way we deal with drawing today.

Step 3

And now let’s once again mention the advantage of the frog - a magnificent, very well captured and conveyed sad look. It is formed by closed eyes (draw eyelids and pupils), large wrinkles and a curved mouth. Moreover, the edges of the mouth should be slightly lowered, despite the fact that in the center it curves like a smile. Despite this central curve, the drooping corner of the mouth will make any smile look like a sad semblance of a smile, which looks much sadder than just a frowning face.

By the way, the theory that the direction of lines can convey mood was actively studied and developed, which we wrote about not so long ago.

Step 4

The highlights on the eyes also look very cool - three highlights on each, be sure to leave these spots when you paint over the pupils. Also in this step we erase the extra guide lines, outline the outer contours and apply short strokes of the skin folds - pay attention to their location, this is very important for conveying this incomparable facial expression.

Today, “memes” have become part of our culture. Nowadays there are a lot of drawn comics, and in connection with this, questions about how to draw a meme are relevant. With the help of a laconic image you can convey your emotions faster, more colorfully and more expressively.

Where does this new modern concept of “meme” come from? (Greek word, meaning - imitation, imitation) It is generally accepted that the founders are various Internet communities, forums, public pages, diaries.

After widespread dissemination, the meme gains popularity and becomes easily recognizable. So, a meme is an idea contained in a picture, a characteristic photograph, a phrase, an expression that is quickly copied and distributed, which is why memes are sometimes called viruses. There is also a definition of a meme as a unit of cultural information.

Let's look at the famous images.

How to draw memes with a pencil

We will use a step-by-step drawing technique - from simple to complex. Let's start with simple forms, gradually supplementing and elaborating them with details and characteristic features that will make it easy to recognize our meme.

We will need a sheet of white paper, a soft pencil, paints, an eraser; for color we use felt-tip pens. So, how to draw a “meme” step by step?

"Troll" - a guy with a smug smile

Consider - Trollface, or "troll".

It is an image of a guy bursting into a malicious and smug smile. It implies the state of a person who has just “trolled” his interlocutor. Lately we often see this image in the form of a mask on the face of a famous person.

1. Draw a large circle for the face and divide it into four unequal parts with two auxiliary perpendicular lines. The point where the line intersects should be at the top right of the circle.

2. Now you need to draw the desired shape of the troll's face. Please note that the chin is elongated and the cheekbones are quite noticeable.

3. Using auxiliary lines, draw the eyes, and then draw the large nostrils and characteristic nostrils. Draw the contours of the mouth.

4. How to draw a meme so that it is recognizable? We draw a wide smile that reveals the teeth, draw the top and bottom rows, and darken the space between the teeth.

5. Pay attention to how the teeth are separated from each other in the picture; you must try to reproduce this.

6. Erase the auxiliary lines. We draw wrinkles: the forehead, cheeks, chin are dotted with them, there are also a couple near the nose.

Scary night visitor

Let's look at how to draw a meme called Horrifying House Guest - another popular image on the Internet, representing a person or ghost with an evil grin that leaves behind a creepy impression.

1. Absolutely by analogy, draw a circle for the face and auxiliary lines, then give the shape of the face, pay attention to the notch on the chin.

2. Draw the eyes, two black dots with a white dot in the center. We draw out the nose and begin to draw a grin.

3. Draw the teeth. Place a red dot in the white center of the eyes. Draw red marks on the chin, around the mouth and along the cheeks.

4. Darken the sides of the nose, draw folds as in the picture.

5. A cloak with a hood is pulled over his head, let’s try to depict it. We darken with strokes, then erase all the guide lines. We add where expressiveness, shadow and depth are needed. So, we figured out how to draw a meme.