Music box award. Here you can buy antiques of various subjects.

On August 23, the annual MusicBox 2017 Real Award ceremony took place at Crocus City Hall, bringing together the brightest stars of the music industry in one place!

The winner in the main nomination of the evening, “Singer of the Year,” was named Dima Bilan. Unfortunately, the artist was unable to collect the award in person, as he was in another country. Elka was named singer of the year - she not only took the stage to receive a well-deserved prize, but also performed the song “Let the Music In”!

By the way, the awards have special statuettes that are also awarded to artists of the year, but of an older generation. Thus, Katya Lel received the award in the “Gold Singer of the Year” category, and Stas Mikhailov in the “Gold Singer of the Year” category!

The song of the year was the absolute hit of Max Barskikh - “Mists”, and the statuette in the “Clip of the Year” category went to Sergei Lazarev for the music video for the track Lucky Stranger! The artist also received a special award for the largest number of votes from abroad. And Svetlana Loboda can now boast of the prize in the “Album of the Year” nomination!

Artik&Asti were named group of the year and best hip-hop artist. She received a special award for the largest number of rotations. See the full list of winners below!

Celebrities shone not only on the stage of Crocus City Hall, but also on the red carpet! Olga Buzova amazed the guests of the award with her revealing outfit. The TV presenter appeared in a transparent black jumpsuit, which instantly attracted all eyes. By the way, she also received a special award of the award - “On the Wave”.

There were some embarrassments. So, Kristina Orbakaite and blogger Nastya Ivleeva chose similar outfits from the same designer for their publication! However, the stars did not attach much importance to this and simply laughed at the situation!

Full list of winners:

Singer of the Year– Dima Bilan;
Singer of the Year
Song of the year– “Mists”, Max Barskikh;
Clip of the year– Lucky Stranger, Sergey Lazarev;
Album of the Year- Svetlana Loboda;
Group of the Year- Artik
Hip-Hop Project of the Year
Special prize “High bar” -

On September 23, the Fifth Real Russian Music Box 2017 was held at Crocus City Hall.

Already according to the established tradition, before the start of the solemn ceremony, all the stars and participants of the Award walked along the Red Carpet, as they say, “to look at others and show themselves.” It was Olga Buzova who decided to “show herself” this time, gaining great popularity not only with her new hits, but also with her outrageous outfits.

This time Olga took to the path in a transparent black dress over a naked body, which created a sensation among not only media representatives, but also her colleagues. Olga was nominated for “Creative of the Year” this year. Apparently, that’s why the singer decided to prove to everyone at all costs that only she deserves an award in this category.

Quite a few were impressed and appearance on the path of pregnant Rita Dakota accompanied by her husband Vlad Sokolovsky, who throughout the evening with great love hugged his wife and her already quite rounded belly, which, as we see, does not at all prevent Rita from appearing in public.

The “King of Glamor” Sergei Zverev did not go unnoticed. It’s not for nothing that he has such a status, which he tries to maintain in every possible way - his images are always bright and impressive. This time too, Sergei appeared on the Red Carpet in a very glamorous outfit: with a huge rhinestone rose on his jacket and a crown of precious stones.

Singer and model Anna Kalashnikova tried on a very original image, which could be called "Elf Princess" A long, floor-length pink dress with a huge train, which Anna flapped like wings, and her ears looked like real elf ears - long and pointed. If the Music Box TV channel presented an Award for the outfits in which stars appear on the Red Carpet, then, undoubtedly, Anna Kalashnikova would receive the Award for the most original outfit, and Olga Buzova for the most shocking.

One of the representatives of the Music Box TV channel itself, the host of the BACK STAGE program Alina Yan, also appeared in a very bright and unusual image. Her leather jockey suit and blue hair also attracted great attention from all the guests present.

In a very beautiful and feminine dress from the talented stylist Natalia Daragan she appeared on the red carpet and singer Lena Maksimova. According to the girl, Natalya in her outfits focuses on feathers and rhinestones, which was observed in the image of Lena.

Singer Alina Grosu, which this year was nominated for “Creative of the Year” together with Olga Buzova, did not shock the audience, but, on the contrary, appeared on the track in complete contrast to Olga Buzova’s open dress, in an original long cardigan with a hood with leopard trim around the edge and in black high boots.

In addition to the main heroes of the evening, those who came to support their colleagues - artists Anastasia Karpova, Marcus Riva, Grigory Yurchenko, Daria Shashina, as well as those who are just beginning to navigate the expanses of show business - singer Andrei Yankin, walked along the red carpet.

The ceremonial part of the evening also did not leave all the spectators without surprises. The concert program opened with the anthem of the Russian Music Box TV channel. It was written especially for this event by singer Brandone Stone. It was performed by stars and Award nominees. The ceremony itself was divided into three parts, each of which was conducted by excellent presenters Alexey Vorobyov and Anna Grachevskaya, Anfisa Chekhova and Denis Kosyakov, Hannah and Timur Rodriguez. The presenters did their best to entertain the audience in the hall and also announced the nominees and performing artists.

Fifth Real Prize Russian Music Box 2017 - p diners

And of course, the most important intrigue of the evening was the distribution of the treasured figurines, which were received Christian Costaph in the nomination "Teenager Project" Artik & Asti – "Group of the Year", B2 - "Rock of the Year" Group "Fly" - "Breakthrough of the Year". "Show of the Year"- Anita Tsoi. "Creative of the Year"— Mitya Fomin, who proved to everyone that creativity does not necessarily mean outrageous outfits, but interesting ideas that Mitya always uses in his work. "Video of the Year"— Sergey Lazarev and his “Lucky Stranger”, Basta — "Hip-hop project" Irina Krug - "City Romance", Jute Boxing Trio – "Outside the format". They absolutely deserved to receive their statuettes. Max Barskikh for “Song of the Year” “Mists”, Svetlana Loboda “Album of the Year”.

Also, every year the Russian Music Box TV channel presents its awards to artists whose popularity depends on the support of fan clubs - these are nominations such as "In contact with". Here the singer Nyusha received her award, and "Best Fan Club", where Alexey Vorobyov became the winner. Special prizes from the Russian Music Box TV Channel Awards, such as "Best of New"- received by singer Hannah, "For charitable projects"— Zara, "High bar"— Ani Lorak, "Always on the wave"— Olga Buzova.

A nomination not related to music, but undoubtedly also of great importance in the age of the Internet and social networks, is "Blogger of the Year", which Amiran Sardarov received. And, of course, the most important nominations, according to tradition, were announced at the finale of the concert program - these are "Singer of the Year" Here the nomination was given, without a doubt, also absolutely deservedly, to Dima Bilan. "Singer of the Year" received the most positive and amazing singer of Russian show business - Elka. Nomination "Singer of the Year GOLD" received Stas Mikhailov, well "Singer of the Year GOLD" became Katya Lel.

The climax of the evening was the performance of a foreign guest THE PARAKIT.

Partners of the Real Award of the Russian Music Box TV channel 2017

To say that the red carpet at Crocus City Hall is lively is an understatement. As early as 5 pm, celebrity guests began to flock to the Real Music Box award. Among the first to arrive were veteran graduates of the “Star Factory”, the “Roots” group, actress Irina Miroshnichenko, the “Nelson” group, Sergei Volny and Nastasya, Natalya Gulkina with her companion, Zara, Victoria Daineko with Alexander Elovsky. The girls greeting guests at the entrance did not stop gasping and giving compliments. “God, how beautiful you are! Such beautiful girls should be prohibited from coming to the awards, we will never get married like that,” Ida Galich and Nastya Ivleeva chirped.

A real sensation was caused by Anna Kalashnikova, who came to the award in a mermaid dress and with elf ears. The model explained that she wanted to bring magic. Her companion was dressed more prosaically - in a T-shirt with a portrait of Anna, ordinary trousers and a jacket.

When Anna Grachevskaya, the presenter of the award, appeared on the red carpet, everyone stopped breathing for a minute: the sultry brunette was dressed in an absolutely transparent black lace jumpsuit. From underwear - only panties. Grachevskaya's breasts were masked only by strategically placed lace. “Plastic surgery works wonders,” Anna jokingly commented on her appearance. Anna did not come alone - with her husband Artem. Dressed in a modest turtleneck and jeans, he smiled shyly and hid his hands behind his back. Anna took to the stage in a stunning deep blue dress with an impressive neckline.

Anna Grachevskaya and her fruits of plastic surgery

Photo frame from video

Olga Buzova was wearing a similar outfit: a black lace absolutely transparent dress and black thongs. “Olga Buzova! This is the loudest applause, one of the most spectacular exits,” the presenters greeted the singer. By the way, she became one of the debutantes of the award. More than expected, she and her song “Not enough halves” are included in the list of contenders for victory in only one category – “Creative of the Year”. Although one would expect that Buzova would be nominated for the “Breakthrough of the Year”, “Singer of the Year” or “Song of the Year” awards. But no. This, by the way, surprised even Anfisa Chekhova, who presented the nomination for “Album of the Year.” Even more surprising is that Olga did not receive a prize at all, despite the fact that her name was greeted with applause.

Olga Buzova and her advantages

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Olga Buzova and her advantages

Photo frame from video

Mitya Fomin appeared in an almost strict black suit. Almost - because the lapels and pocket flaps on the jacket shone with black sequins. Black and white boots, a narrow black tie: a handsome man and nothing more. The singer boasted about his healthy lifestyle and even offered to undress to show off his perfect abs. But he didn’t undress.

Mitya Fomin and his healthy lifestyle

Photo frame from video

Alexey Vorobiev was also in a tuxedo - even now at the registry office. Apparently, the hosts who met him thought so too and immediately asked to marry him.

Black seems to have become the main color of the award: it was chosen by Polina Gagarina, Zara, Valeria, Anita Tsoi, Alina Grosu, Sati Casanova, Zoya Berber, Hannah, Olga Buzova.

Alina YAN created a scene right at the entrance: she threw her clutch at Roman, who was greeting the guests, explaining that he had abandoned her yesterday. It was probably all part of a joke, but everyone felt a little awkward.

And the thinner Anfisa Chekhova in a stunning dress with a deep neckline and a floor-length cherry skirt created a real sensation.

In addition, the list of star guests of the evening includes Sergei Lazarev, Elka, Nyusha, Polina Gagarina, Ani Lorak, Valery Meladze and Stas Mikhailov, and many other truly famous artists.

And another unusual thing: four actors in monkey costumes frolicked on stage together with Vorobyov and Grachevskaya. For some reason the presenters called them golden angels. Well, they know better.


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