Educational game “The most, the most, the most!” Quiz “What do you know about wintering birds?”

Literary quiz"Tic-tac-toe" based on fairy tales for students in grades 5-6

This material will be useful for teachers of Russian language and literature when working with children in grades 5-6. The game will diversify lessons, make interesting subject. Class teachers can use this material as a development class hour, which will help instill a love of literature and reading books.
Target: test your knowledge of fairy tales
1) help remember fairy tales in fragments,
2) promote memory development, logical thinking, quick wits,
3) promote a love of literature

Quiz "Tic-tac-toe" based on fairy tales for grades 5-6

Rules of the game:
The basis for the game “Tic Tac Toe” is drawn. 2 people play. The first player places a cross. He is asked a question. If he answers correctly, then the cross he placed remains. If the player answers incorrectly, then instead of his cross, the opponent's zero appears, and the game passes to the second player. The game continues until one of the students draws a line of X's or O's. After the end of the first round, two more students are invited to play in the second round, then a third pair and a fourth. After the final - the winners' game.

Questions for the game "Tic Tac Toe".
Name the fairy tale by its ending.
1. “Here Ivan the peasant son jumped out of the forge, picked up the Snake and hit the damp ground with all his might. It crumbled into fine dust, and the wind scattered that dust in all directions" ("Ivan the Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo")
2. “Havroshechka came up, and the branches bowed down, and the apples dropped.
The master married her, and she began to live well, never to know troubles” (“Kroshechka-Khavroshechka”)
3. “At night, the devils, after consulting, quietly got out of the dugout and ran away from Aldarkose, leaving him a magic coin and gold.” (Kazakh folk tale “Aldarcose and the devils”)
4. “The gates opened, the old woman ran out to meet her daughter, and instead hugged a cold body. I started crying and screaming, but it’s too late!” ("Morozko")
5. “Since then, snakes have been the eternal enemies of swallows. The man began to kill snakes, became friends with swallows and allowed them to build nests under the roof of his home.” (Kazakh folk tale “Why a man is friends with a swallow”)
6. “Well then. To tell the truth, it’s you, the frog, who is to blame. Do not lose hope! Do not die before death..." ("Two Frogs")

7. “And the king and queen, together with their six brothers, lived peacefully and happily for many, many years" (German folk tale "The Six Swans")
8. “Both the king and the queen
They received them with such joy, what kind of fun
Not seen, not heard. They didn't do it for a long time
To think that the guests had gathered for an honest feast and for the wedding,
There was a wedding, I was there, there was honey and beer
I drank and it ran down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth. And that's it"
(V.A. Zhukovsky “The Tale of Tsar Berendey, of his son Ivan Tsarevich, of the tricks of Koshchei the Immortal and of the wisdom of Princess Marya, Koshchey’s daughter”)
9. “All the church bells rang by themselves, birds flocked in whole flocks, and a wedding procession reached the palace such as no king had ever seen!” (H.-C. Andersen “Wild Swans”)
10. “For the bad man to meet her is grief, and for the good man there is little joy” (P.P. Bazhov tale “ Copper Mountain mistress")
11. “Only no, no - and Danilo will think. Katya understood, of course, what she was talking about, but kept quiet" (P.P. Bazhov story " Mining master»)
12. “Danila and his sons were pressed, of course, but apparently they regretted the large quitrent - they retreated. And the master was still suffocating for some time, but he was soon crushed by fat.” (P.P. Bazhov’s tale “A Fragile Twig”)
13. “Seven, eight. We ask for a visit,
We bring everyone a mug.
The mug is full to the top!
All. It will be drunk to the dregs"
(S.Ya. Marshak “Smart Things”)
14. “Mom and son went home, and at that time the sorcerer, sitting on a bulldozer, was burying a well with curses” (L.S. Petrushevskaya “The Little Bell Boy”)
15. “And Nina soon married her dear Anisim and gave birth to many funny children” (L.S. Petrushevskaya “The Nose”)
16. “They sat together for a long time, and an old woman flashed outside the window. She released the night onto the earth, waved her hand and, satisfied, left. And no one heard her say:
“Well, for now the world remains alive” (L.S. Petrushevskaya “The Tale of the Clock”)
17. “I was told that as soon as Signor Bianchi called the city of Varese, the telephone operators at the central station stopped answering calls because they were listening to his tales. And I can safely say that some of them really turned out to be entertaining” (J. Rodari “Tales by Telephone”)
18. “Well, should we sit until dawn?”
Well, what do we care, -
Talk and talk"
(S.A. Yesenin “Grandmother’s Tales”)
19. “The wake was celebrated quietly,
The pain in my soul has subsided,
And on Masha, on the orphan,
The king himself got married.”
(S.A. Yesenin Russian fairy tale “The Orphan”)
20. “The Proverb was upset and resigned out of grief” (J. Rodari “Old Proverbs”)

1. Russian literature: Reader: for 5th grade. general education school/comp.: T.P. Chaplyshkina, L.V. Safronova, A.M. Sadvakasova, N.N. Stavitskaya, S.Ya. Khodova. - 4th ed., revised. and additional - Almaty: Atamura, 2015.-224 p.

for the game, cards indicating the team number, five sets with answer numbers (1,2,3,4,5), stars.

Progress of the game

Leading: Today we gathered for a quiz game “ Literary ring" All questions that will be asked are related to folk art, literary works and literary fairy tales.

Rules of the game (slide 2)

  • 5 teams take part in the game. Questions will be asked to each team in turn. All teams can answer all questions.
  • For each correct answer to their question, the team receives 1 point.
  • For the correct answer to another team's question you can get a star.
  • You are given 5 seconds to think about each question.
  • After each round, and there are three of them, one team of players with the fewest points will be eliminated.
  • If several teams have the same number of points, stars will be taken into account.
  • The super game will feature two teams that have reached the final.

The points will be counted... (the presenter introduces the jury)

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Literature Quiz Grade 5

    Translate to Latin language the word "book".
    A. Code.B. Constitution.
    B. Dogma. D. Document.

    Which of these spiritual works is translated into Russian as “book”?
    A. Gospel. B. Catechism.
    B. Bible.G. Talmud.

    On whose birthday is International Children's Book Day celebrated?
    A. Charles Perrault.
    B. Hans Christian Andersen.
    V. Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak.
    G. Astrid Lindgren.

    Who created the first handwritten books in Rus'?
    A. Princes.
    V. Monks.
    B. Merchants. G. Writers.

    What is the name of one of the ancient forms books?
    A. Scroll.V. Roll.
    B. Tangle. G. Accordion.

    What was the name of the library in Rus'?
    A. Bookworm. V. Book.
    B. Bookman.G. Book lover.

    Who founded the first library in Rus'?
    A. Yaroslav the Wise. V. Ivan IV the Terrible.
    B. Peter I the Great. G. Catherine II the Great.

    Which Russian writer (and fabulist) worked as a librarian for almost 30 years? He served in Public library, and for compiling a catalog of Russian books received the Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree.
    A. Ivan Andreevich Krylov.
    B. Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov.
    V. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.
    G. Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak.

    In which city is the largest library in our country located - Russian? state library, which now has more than 40 million books in 247 languages?
    A. Moscow. In Saint-Petersburg.
    B. Ekaterinburg. Novosibirsk city.

    What was the name of the cultural and educational point in the Russian village of the last century?
    A. Book Chamber.
    B. Reading hut.
    B. Bibliokhata. G. Reading yard.

    Which part of the work is not written by the author of the book?
    A. Title.
    V. Epigraph.
    B. Introduction. D. Conclusion.

    What is the name of summary content of the book, helping the reader or buyer better navigate the ocean of modern printed publications?
    A. Proclamation.
    B. Abstract.
    B. Presentation. G. Prologue.

    What is the city phone book?
    A. A dictionary. B. Encyclopedia.
    B. Directory. G. Reader.

    What are the best-selling books published in large editions called?
    A. Fiction.
    B. Bestseller.
    B. Large circulation. G. Booklet.

    What is the abbreviation for the name of the series of scientific and artistic biographies – ZhZL?
    A. “Life of famous personalities.”
    B. “The Life of Remarkable People.”
    V. “The Life of Literary Stars.”
    G. “The Life of Forgotten Writers.”

    A book with reproductions is...?
    A. Booklet. B. Brochure.
    B. Album. G. Reader.

    For kids they release...
    A. Hammock books.
    B. Books-carriages.
    B. Crib books. D. Folding books.

    What is an indicator of the readership popularity of a book?
    A. Price of the book.
    B. Circulation of the book.
    B. Book dimensions. D. Paper quality.

    What is the name of our Russian "Guinness Book of Records"?
    A. “Miracle.”
    V. “Wonder.”
    B. "Magic." G. "Enchantment."

    What is the name of a book with recipes for preparing delicious and healthy food?
    A. Ready room. V. Mass.
    B. Cookbook. G. Collection of fried facts.

    In your hand what is the world famous statue is there a book?
    A. Venus de Milo. V. Thinker.
    B. Statue of Liberty. G. Bronze Horseman.

    Which the new kind books appeared in the twentieth century?
    A. Electronic. B. Plasma.
    B. Atomic. G. Neutron

    At the end of the 18th century, a book was published entitled “If you don’t like it, don’t listen, but don’t bother me to lie.” What is it called now?
    A. “The Adventures of Pinocchio.” B. “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” B. “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel” G.
    "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen"

    Whose song is this?

If I'm scratching my head, it's okay. There is sawdust in my head, yes, yes, yes.
A. Pyatochka V.
Winnie the Pooh
B. Cheburashki G. Buratino

25. What is the name of the girl who finds herself in Through the Looking Glass?
A. Little Red Riding Hood B. Aurora

B.Alice G. Alley

26. How Ellie got into magical land?
A. She was bewitched. B. She left by train

B. She failed. G.She was carried away by a hurricane

27. What is the name of literature about the future?
FantasticB. Adventure
B. Detective G. Fairy tale

B. A. Barto G. S. Mikhalkov

29. Where do we meet Doctor Prospero?
A. In the fairy tale “Aibolit” B. In the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”

B.In the fairy tale "Three Fat Men" G. In the fairy tale "Cinderella"

30. From what flower did Thumbelina come from?
From a tulip B. From a lily

B. From rose D. From calendula

1 There is a fairy tale about a toy soldier and a beautiful ballerina. What was it made of? main character?
From tin
2 The girl they wanted to take possession of, Breke-ke-cake, Chafer and the blind mole?
3 The kindest cat in the world?
Leopold the Cat
4 What gift did the crocodile Gena receive on his birthday?
5 A patient for whom jam is the best medicine?
6 Who lives in a bottle?
7 Christopher Robin's favorite toy?
Winnie the Pooh
8 In the mountains - the robber Ali Baba; in the forest - Baba Yaga, in the swamp - a merman, in a house - a brownie, in Africa...
9 The old woman who trained the hut on chicken legs?
Baba Yaga
10 Dinosaur in Russian fairy tales?
11 Guardian of underground wealth?
12 The singer who was eaten by a fox for his songs?
13 “The morning is wiser than the evening” - these are my favorite words...
Frog princesses
14 Who has a button on his stomach?
15 What is it called mythical creature- half horse, half man?
16 At the great American writer Mark Twain describes the incident. One person never laughed or smiled. No matter what they told him, he listened with an indifferent look. Why?
He was deaf
17 The most famous of the Russian chroniclers, a monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, who lived in the second half of the 11th century - at the beginning of the 12th centuries?
18 Of Ancient China the name “Yellow Newspaper” came about. Why was it called that?
The newspaper was printed on yellow silk
19 What birthday present did the owl give to Eeyore?
20 Who took Snow White in?
Seven gnomes


Explanatory note

The materials can be used by teachers to last lessons literature in the sixth grade for final consolidation and repetition, testing knowledge of factual material or for preparing for olympiads different levels. Keys to assignments provide the opportunity for self-testing.

There are 33 questions in the quiz. You should answer “from A to Z”: the number of the question corresponds to the number of the letter of the Russian alphabet. The exception is 28, 29, 30 (letters b, ы, b); The questions here are offered on the topic “Book” (options are possible).

Didactic material, presented in this work, was tested in work with 6th grade students. Interest and attention are very high, children develop their quizzes with an “alphabet hint”, which allows them to develop speech and activate their thinking.

Option 1

1. The Bible says that Jesus Christ had 12 disciples. What were they called?

2. About what "Nymphosoria" are we talking about in Leskov's tale "Lefty"?

3. What is the last name of the stationmaster in Pushkin’s story of the same name?

4. What does “exaggeration” mean in literary criticism? /Horse runs - land


5. Where does the action take place in Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas”?

6. What word should be inserted instead of dots? IN"Pantry of the Sun" Mitrash almost died in Blind...?

7. In the fairy tale by K.G. Paustovsky " Warm bread» boy Filka "......, although I was sitting in

home, wrapped in a sheepskin coat.” What word is missing? (Russian language dictionary -

This word is expressed as follows: “Shrinking, squeezing with your whole body, stooping and pressing your hands.”

8. What is the name of N. Nekrasov’s poem with the epigraph in which the son asks

Question to father in the train carriage?

9. What is the name of Hercules’ father in ancient greek myths?

10. What is " measurements" And "chika" in Rasputin's story "French Lessons"?

11. “Fermented milk with various additives. Fruity, creamy, chocolate-

ny. This word first came into Russian with the emphasis on the second syllable. But

the norm did not take root, probably due to the difficulty of pronunciation for Russian-speaking

talking man, so stress on the first syllable is not considered an error.”

12. What is the name of the place where M. Lermontov was twice exiled?

13. What is the name of one of the types of art - word art?

14. Which poet seriously and funny told children about “what is good and what

is that bad"?

15. The Bible talks about a flood in which all people died except one

godly man and his family. His name?

16. What is the name of the verbal image of a painting / portrait of a hero, landscape,

interior view of the room – interior and more/?

17. What is the name of any dramatic work, intended for the theater:

tragedy, drama, comedy, vaudeville?

18. What is the consonance of the endings of poetic lines called?

19. Who dreams in Lermontov’s poem that “... in the distant desert, // Where is the sun

sunrise // Alone and sad on a burning cliff // A beautiful palm tree grows"?

20. Who wrote the story "Mumu"?

what became later folk song. His name?

22. A synonym for the word “idiom”, that is “ set phrase, whose value

cannot be deduced from the values ​​of its constituent components" (“give back” - answer

beat blow to blow).

23. What is the name of Chekhov’s story about a man named Ochumelov, who,

adapting to the situation, easily changing his opinions, views, sympathies?

24. The place of the first meeting of Marya Gavrilovna and Burmin in Pushkin’s story?

25. In Kharlampy Diogenovich from Iskander’s story “The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules”

often found themselves in the hands of... What?

26. Who for a thousand nights, for almost three years, told King Shahryar his wonderful

fairy tales, and the king canceled the execution for this?

27. In Gogol we read: “I looked at the neck, at the new shirt, embroidered with silk, thin

a feeling of self-satisfaction was expressed on the lips, on the fresh cheeks, illuminated in

eyes." What are cheeks?

28. DICTIONARY What is the name of a small book, usually without hardcover, in

cover (from French brocher - to sew)?

29. DICTIONARY. What is the name in the book of the first sheet glued on one side to

binding cover connecting the binding to the book block? He doesn't play

only a service role, connecting the cover with the book block, but often this is

one of the elements decoration books.

30. DICTIONARY. What is the name of a brief description of books? She (from lat. annotatio-

comment) shows distinctive features and the merits of the published

works, helps readers navigate their choice.

31. What is the name of the passage work of art, having a relative

new completeness?

32. What is the name of the image of heroes in funny?

33. Determine the meter of the verse

Frost and sun.

It's a wonderful day.

You are still dozing, dear friend.

Before spring there are days like this:

The meadow rests under the dense snow,

The dry and cheerful trees are rustling,

And the warm wind is gentle and elastic

2. I.A. Krylov “Pig under the oak tree”. Determine the genre

3. In N.V. Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas” Solokha is the mother of a blacksmith and….

4. Who thinks so about the people in N.A. Nekrasov’s poem “ Railway»:

Your Slav, Anglo-Saxon and German

Do not create - destroy the master,

Barbarians! A wild bunch of drunkards!...

5. “I remembered the old caretaker’s daughter and rejoiced at the thought that I would see her

again". What is the name of the heroine of A.S. Pushkin’s story “ Stationmaster»?

6. Who wrote the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”?

7. When the heart beats unevenly, intermittently (from fear or strong excitement),

they say that heart….. (colloquial)

8. Who gave Pushkin his portrait with the inscription: “To the winner student from

defeated teacher?

9. Who wrote the story about the galoshes that the hero put on the chest of drawers, “so that descendants


10. What is ridicule, ridicule?

11. The meaning of this word according to Ozhegov: “….. is a consonant sound depicted in Latin

in the Russian alphabet with the letter j, in Russian - with the letter "й" at the end of the syllable (for example, fight,

boycott), as well as the opening syllable that begins with the letters “e”, “e”,

“I” (for example, spruce, fighter, fir tree, May Day, south, union, pit, sleep).”

12. What the young page boy from the ballad by V.A. Zhukov tried to find at the bottom of the raging sea -

13. Who is this? “He’s walking in what he was wearing: shorts, one trouser leg in a boot, the other dangling,

and the jacket is old, the hooks are not fastened, they are lost, and the collar is torn

torn; but it’s okay, don’t be embarrassed. “What is it? - thinks. - If the sovereign pleases -

but to see me, I was the point.”

14. What is the name of A.S. Pushkin’s story? /"Meanwhile, the young lady began to recover-

vat. Vladimir has not been seen in Gavrila Gavrilovich’s house for a long time.”/

15. Hello, winter guest!

We ask for mercy

Sing songs of the north

Through forests and steppes.

These poems were written by Ivan Savich.....

16. O What horse name is used in the story of the same name by A.P. Chekhov?

17. What is this horse with golden mane V story of the same name V. Astafieva?

18. Which writer dedicated his story to the teacher? French?

19. What is the name of this trope: "Under blue skies magnificentcarpets,

glistening in the sun, the snow lies", "Moon, how palespot, through the dark clouds

turned yellow"?

20. A monument was erected to the main character of M. Twain’s book in the USA. Say his name.

a poem that later became a folk song. His name ….

22. “The swallows have disappeared...”, “The rye is ripening over the hot fields...”, “The spruce is up my sleeve

covered the path..." These poems were written by Athanasius.....

23. Determine the size of the verse: “The storm covers the sky with darkness...”

24. In the poem “The Railway” there is a metaphor about hunger:

He leads armies; at sea by ships

Rules, rounds up people in artels,

Walks behind the plow, stands behind

Stonemasons, weavers...

What does Nekrasov call his famine?

25. Which of the writers had pseudonyms Man without a spleen, Antosha Chekhonte?

26. What is the name of a work of art that is exceptional in its merits?

27. The hero of Hoffmann's fairy tale, the winner mouse king. Named mine after him

ballet Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

28. DICTIONARY. What is the name of a paper illustrated or text covering?

book, which protects its pages from destruction and contamination, contains a number of

output information is also an element of external design.

29. DICTIONARY. In a book, it is used to connect sheets of paper to each other and

book block protection. He is also one of the the most important elements

artistic design of the publication. It can be hard, all-fabric

soft edged, all-paper hard with edging, etc.

30. DICTIONARY. What is the name of tutorial, a collection of some favorites

works or excerpts from them. For example, .....on Russian literature.

31. What is it called artistic definition object or phenomenon that helps

vividly imagine the subject, feel the author’s attitude towards it (funny

wind, velvet skin, Golden autumn and so on.)?

32. What is the name of the anniversary of the writer’s life and work (50th anniversary, 100th

anniversary...), celebration on this occasion?

33. Who could the Mistress of the Copper Mountain from Bazhov’s tale turn into?

Option 1

1. Apostles

4. Hyperbole

5. Dikanka

8. Railroad

11. Yogurt

12. Caucasus

13. Literature

16. Description

20. Turgenev

22. Phraseologism

23. "Chameleon"

24. Church

26. Scheherazade

28. Brochure

29. Flyleaf

30. Abstract

Episode 31

Option 2

1. Akhmatova

4. General

6. Ershov P.P.

8. Zhukovsky

9. Zoshchenko

10. Irony

14. Blizzard

15. Nikitin

17. Gingerbread

18. Rasputin

19. Comparison

20. Tom Sawyer

24. Quote

26. Masterpiece

27. Nutcracker

28. Cover

29. Binding

30. Reader

31. Epithet

32. Anniversary

33. Lizard

Literary quiz "Literary mosaic"

Goals: contribute to increasing students' interest in literature and literary creativity.


    determine the level literary knowledge and student skills;

    promote the formation of creative reading skills;

    develop imagination and Creative skills students.

Participants: 6th grade students

Number of teams: 2 teams led by a captain.

Jury: jury members of 3 are invited


Hello guys! Today, real experts in children's books and connoisseurs of artistic expression have gathered here.

At our event, you will have to remember some of the heroes of popular children's books - what their names were, where they lived, and what adventures they had. Just don’t rush to make boring faces. All tasks in this game will not be difficult for you at all. On the contrary, I think that you will do them with a smile.

So, in quiz game“Literary mosaic” is attended by 2 teams.

Questions will be asked to each team in turn. All teams can answer all questions. For each correct answer to their question, the team receives a certain number of points. For the correct answer to another team's question, you can get 1 more point. You are given 15 seconds to think about each question.

Our respected fair jury will count the points. ________________

We suggest first introducing the teams - name and motto. And of course, choose a team captain! Team presentation.

Represents teams and captains.

Team "Experts" our motto:We know everything in the world

Let's solve the riddles!

and team"Smart Guys" our motto:We will answer all questions,

We are very smart children !

So, the teams are presented.

Let's start our game!

Leading : I have no doubt that before you learned to read, you listened to fairy tales. “What a delight these fairy tales are! Each is a poem... A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...,” wrote A.S. Pushkin about folk tales. Having originated in ancient times, the fairy tale is still passed on from mouth to mouth, altered and re-emerged. “Whoever reads a lot of fairy tales will easily find the answers. Yes, you already knew them for a long time. Well, let's check it out! "

Exercise 1:


Card No. 1

    Which of the heroes of the Russian folk tale was a bakery product?

    Name the heroine French fairy tale, who was engaged in unskilled labor, cleaning stoves and cleaning the house.

    Name the fairy tale Italian writer, where all the heroes are fruits and vegetables.

Card No. 2

    Name the heroine of a Russian folk tale who was an agricultural product.

    Which Russian folk tale solves housing problems or, to put it in clever language, problems of housing and communal services?

    Name the heroine of the French fairy tale who got her nickname thanks to her headdress.

Card No. 3

    In which Russian folk tale does the brother disobey his sister, once violate the sanitary and hygienic rules, and pay dearly for it?

    Which hero of the Russian folk tale caught fish very in an original way? What words should he have uttered?

    Name the words that A.S. Is Pushkin finishing “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”?

Card No. 4

    What type of energy did Baba Yaga use when flying in the mortar?

    Name the hero famous fairy tale a Russian poet who at the end suffers a traumatic brain injury, becomes speechless and goes crazy?

    Name the girl Ellie’s companions who went with her to the Emerald City.

Card No. 5

    Which fairy tale hero sowed money, thinking that a money tree would grow and all that was left was to harvest the crop?

    To which family of poultry does the heroine of a Russian folk tale belong, who carried items made of wood for her owners? precious metals? What was her name?

    What were the names of the three bears from Leo Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Three Bears”?

Card No. 6

    Which fairy-tale bear cub had a friend who was named after a five-kopeck coin?

    What heroine of A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale could dream of washing machine, if you lived in our time?

    What evil sorceress did not wash her face for five hundred years because she was afraid of water?

Answers to the competition I “Humorina”

    Kolobok, . Cinderella, . J. Rodari “The Adventures of Cipollino”

    Turnip “Teremok” Little Red Riding Hood

    Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, Wolf, The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! / Good fellows lesson.

    Evil spirit, Pop, Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, Cowardly Lion, Toto the Dog,

    Pinocchio, Chicken Ryaba, Mikhailo Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka

    Winnie the Pooh, Old Woman from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A. S. Pushkin, Bastinda.

2 competition. “Collect a proverb”

Match the parts of the proverbs from columns 1 and 2. It is best for this competition to print out an answer sheet for participants. The number of proverbs can be reduced as desired.

If you are careful, you can notice an interesting pattern.



3 competition. “Find out the work and its author”

Think about what work it comes from this passage. Name the author of this work. Remember what will happen next, who is involved in these events.

Excerpt No. 1

And he started like this: “Friends! What's all this fuss about?
I, your old matchmaker and godfather,
I came to make peace with you, not at all for the sake of a quarrel;
Let’s forget the past, let’s establish a common harmony!”

(I. A. Krylov “Wolf in the kennel”)

Excerpt No. 2 “For my bride
Prince Elisha

Meanwhile, he jumps around the world.
No way! He cries bitterly
And who won't he ask?
His question is tricky for everyone...”

(A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes”)

Excerpt No. 3

It was late in the evening. He walked quietly and looked at the water. Suddenly it seemed to him that something was floundering in the mud near the shore. He bent down and saw...”

(I. S. Turgenev “Mumu”)


Excerpt No. 4

They arrive; at the gate
There is a crystal vault made of pillars;
All those pillars are curled
Cunningly with golden snakes;
There are three stars on the tops,
There are gardens around the tower;
On the silver branches there,
In gilded cages
Birds of paradise live
They sing royal songs.
But there are towers with towers
Like a city with villages;
And on the tower of stars -

Orthodox Russian cross”
(P. P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”)

Excerpt No. 5

The old man wanted to argue
But it is costly to quarrel with others;
The king grabbed him with his staff
On the forehead; he fell face down
And the spirit is gone. – The entire capital

I shuddered...”
(A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”)

Excerpt No. 6

Lives in a priest's house
He sleeps on the straw,
Eats for four
Works for seven;
Everything dances until daylight,
The horse will be harnessed, the strip will be plowed,
He will flood the oven, prepare everything, buy it,
He’ll bake an egg and then peel it off himself.”
(A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”)

4 competition

1. There is a butt on the head, a cap on the butt, a head under the butt, a priest under the cap.

2. Prokop came - the dill was boiling, Prokop left - the dill was boiling. Just as dill boiled under Prokop, dill boils without Prokop.

3. Half a quarter of a quarter of a pea without a wormhole.

Results of the event

Additional material

1. Vinaigrette" from proverbs (continue)

Still waters run deep)

After the fight...(do not wave fists)

If you chase two hares, you won't catch either one.

Darlings scold...(only amuse themselves

Woman with a cart...(it’s easier for the mare)

(The word is not a sparrow) ... if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

Lying down...(they don’t hit)

(Nightingale) ... they don’t feed fables.

Don't say gop until...(you jump over)

Whatever the child enjoys... (as long as he doesn’t cry)

(Close to the elbow) ... but you won’t bite.

There was no sadness... so the woman bought a pig)

The rich we are... (the more we are happy)

(do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

Cabbage soup and porridge...(our food _

What fell from the cart...(it disappeared)

(Whoever remembers the old) ... look out.

Thunder will not strike (...The man will not cross himself)

How it comes back... (it will respond)

To the catcher...(And the beast runs)

If you don't know the ford... don't go into the water.

Love is not a potato...(you can’t throw it out the window)

Do you like to ride...(you also like to carry sleds)

Don’t dig a hole for someone else…(You’ll fall into it yourself)

Time for business...... (hour for fun.)

Measure seven times...(cut 1)

(No point blaming the mirror) ... if the face is crooked.

Every day is not Sunday)

2.Finish the stanza, name the work and its author

“Lamb on a hot day...”

"Wind, wind! You are powerful..."

“The enemy experienced a lot that day...”

“It’s not for nothing that winter is angry...

“Near Lukomorye there is a green oak tree”...

“A storm covers the sky with darkness, whirling snow whirls...”

3. Literature experts.

1 . Kinds folk tales? (Magical, about animals, social and everyday life)

2. How does “The Tale of the Goldfish” begin? (“Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman near blue sea»)

4.What is “Lukomorye”? (Bend of the seashore)

5.Which hero, getting ready to get married in his village, went to mow grass “to distant lands”(“Mower”. A.V. Koltsov)

6 . What time of year does the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” take place?(Winter)

4. “You - for me, I - for you.” (Each team member reads the first line of a poem; a member of the opposing team must finish the quatrain, say the name of the work, who its author is).

(captains competition). “Tongue Twisters”

Literary quiz “Literary mosaic” (score sheet for the jury)

1 “Humorina”

2“Collect a proverb”

3 “Find out the work and its author”

    (captains competition). “Tongue Twisters”

Literary quiz “Literary mosaic” (score sheet for the jury)

(captains competition). “Tongue Twisters”