What does Garik Martirosyan do? Biography of Garik Martirosyan

Garik Martirosyan is a comedian whom almost everyone knows today, even those who are not very interested in show business. Garik has participated and is participating in many projects, making each of them popular and rated. He also successfully produces some of them. It seems that everything that Martirosyan does is given to him as if playfully, without much effort. However, behind any business there is hard work, which sooner or later leads to success.

Garik Martirosyan was born on a happy February day - February 13, 1974 in the capital of the Armenian SSR - Yerevan. But his parents considered this day not so lucky due to superstitions and asked the medical staff to write down his date of birth as February 14, so Garik now celebrates his birthday for 2 days in a row.
Garik, along with his older brother Ambartsum and younger Levon, grew up in the family of a mechanical engineer and a gynecologist. Garik has two outstanding grandfathers, one of whom was once the Deputy Minister of Trade of the USSR, and the second was a school director. Garik is from a family of old-timers - one of his grandfathers and two grandmothers are alive, although they are already over 90 years old.
Parents worked with their sons, trying to instill in them a love of art early childhood. Garik, unlike his brothers, was very active and naughty child. All three brothers studied at a music school, but only Garik was expelled from it for “good” behavior and for misbehaving in class. However, after school, this time with pleasure, he mastered playing the piano, guitar and drums, moreover, Martirosyan composed several musical works.

Garik, like many active children, showed his acting talent early, while still at school, so he actively took part in school productions.
After graduating from school, Garik, following the example of his mother, who was a doctor and even a doctor of science, entered Yerevan Medical University and received the specialty of neurologist-psychotherapist. He liked his chosen profession, and he worked in his profession for three years.

But life made its choice for him. While still studying at the University, Garik began playing in the KVN team. He did this so well that he was later elected captain of the “New Armenians” team. His team became the Major League Champion in 1997. Garik Martirosyan also has many more awards from the Cheerful and Resourceful Club.

Such bright character could not remain unclaimed in a developing Russian show business. At first he worked as the chief screenwriter in the program " Good evening with Igor Ugolnikov", then began to take part in other television projects and show.

And in 2005, Garik, together with other members of the KVN team, founded a humorous project Comedy Club similar to the American Stand Up. Garik was not only a participant in this show, but also its producer. The success of the project turned out to be stunning; its residents became the favorites of the entire CIS region.

And a year later Martirosyan created a new project called “ Our Russia", which he co-produced and co-wrote.

Garik's star fame was enhanced by his participation in the show " Two stars", where he, together with Larisa Dolina, became the winner. Afterwards he tried himself as a presenter on Channel One in the program “ Moment of glory" He was also a judge in several projects on TNT.

And since 2008, Garik has become a permanent co-host of the sparkling program “ SpotlightParisHilton" This program was broadcast weekly until 2012.
Now Garik Martirosyan does not sit idle, he always has projects on which he continues to work as an actor, as a screenwriter, and as a producer.

Garik Martirosyan, personal life

In his personal life, Garik is a happy family man. His wifeZhanna Levina- lawyer by profession. They met back in 1997 in Sochi, but started dating only a year later, and then got married. In 2004, their daughter Jasmine was born, and in 2009, their son Daniel. Garik tries to spend as much time as possible with his family and always strives to go home.

See also other biographies and photos of famous showmen, presenters and producers from around the world on our site.

He reports) was born in the city of Yerevan, on (February 14), in 1974. As a child, he caused his parents a lot of trouble. The boy was noisy and restless. The naughty boy was sent to music school at the age of six in order to slightly moderate his ardor. But that didn't help either. Soon Garik was expelled from musical institution behind bad behavior. At school, he, naturally, was the leader, a great inventor and just a cheerful guy. And already during these years, Garik’s artistic talent manifested itself - in the sixth grade he received his first role in a school play.

Where else did Garik Martirosyan study? His biography reports that after school he graduated from the State medical University in Yerevan. Few of the artist’s fans know that he worked for several years in his specialty, namely as a neurologist-psychotherapist. And, perhaps, his life would have flowed in this direction, if one day he had not met the participants famous team KVN “New Armenians”. Humor has always been his strong point. And since 1993, Garik’s life changed dramatically - he began playing in KVN. He himself claims that it was KVN that made him strong, purposeful, accustomed him to the frantic rhythm and pace of life, and the ability to work in a team.

Garik Martirosyan (his biography tells about this) first appeared on television in 1997. He was the screenwriter of the well-known program “Good Evening” with Ugolnikov. Gradually he became a participant in many projects, shows, and programs. And one of his victories in this field was in the “Two Stars” project. Excellent vocal abilities and a talented partner led him to success. But as a TV presenter, Garik first appeared on screens in the “Minute of Fame” program. This was a huge project for him.

Of course, we cannot ignore the “Comedy Club” program, one of the founders of which was Garik Martirosyan. His biography says that it was clean water experiment. Several talented and active people met one day and decided to slightly modify the Russian humor that is familiar to everyone. Among the founders of this program are Pavel Volya, Garik Kharlamov, and many others. However, the residents were not immediately able to make their way onto television screens. And when the audience was able to see the first episode, despite great amount positive and enthusiastic reviews, there were still ill-wishers who were not satisfied with the guys’ openly impudent humor.

Many people are interested in whether Garik Martirosyan is married. The biography (the artist’s personal life, by the way, is not very publicized) reports that his wife’s name is Zhanna Levina, and the couple met back in 1997. And in 2004 talented artist became a dad. The children of Garik Martirosyan are his daughter Jasmine. Although many believe that the Comedy resident has other offspring. Despite busy schedule, Garik always tries to devote as much time as possible to his family.

Biography of this person - shining example how humor and charisma help you succeed in life. And it doesn’t matter where you are registered, what city you were born in, where you studied. The main thing is a dream, perseverance in achieving goals and a bright outlook on life, optimism.

Garik Yuryevich Martirosyan is known not only in his hometown of Yerevan, but also far beyond its borders. Thanks to his excellent sense of humor and dedication to his favorite work, he is known to a multimillion-dollar public.

Garik Yuryevich never ceases to delight people with his jokes; he is the producer of numerous humorous shows and television programs. Along the way, he acts as a presenter and manages to act in films.

Martirosyan has every second planned out, despite this, he an exemplary family man, loving son and father.

Height, weight, age, how old is Garik Martirosyan? All fans of the Comedy Club resident's sharp humor know the answers to these questions. The presenter's height is 1 meter 86 centimeters, and his weight is 85 kilograms.

The artist himself does not play football, but among his friends he is known as an ardent fan of Lokomotiv Moscow. Of all sports, he prefers running. Due to his busy work schedule, he doesn’t always manage to work out, but Garik still tries to run at least twice a week.

Photos of Garik Martirosyan in his youth and now make it clear to everyone that the star has incredible charisma and penetrating eyes. Over the years, he only becomes more confident and courageous.

Biography and personal life of Garik Martirosyan

The biography and personal life of Garik Martirosyan are closely connected with humor and practical jokes. The future KVN player was born in 1974 on February 13th. Everyone knows the superstition about this date, so the parents wrote down their son’s birthday for the next day - February 14th. The artist himself often jokes about this, saying that this situation gives him the right to celebrate quite officially for two days in a row.

Garik and his younger brother Levon grew up in an intelligent family: their father, Yuri Mikhailovich Martirosyan, worked all his life as a mechanical engineer, and his mother, Jasmine Surenovna Martirosyan, became a doctor of sciences and worked as a gynecologist.

Besides secondary school, the brothers also attended music classes at the same time. However, Garik was soon expelled from the latter. The reason was not the child’s lack of talent, but his bad behavior in class. Subsequently, the young man himself mastered many musical instruments: guitar, piano and others.

Already at school, Garik began to take part in various productions. However, when the time came to decide future profession, he decided to enter Yerevan State Medical University. After graduating from university, Garik Martirosyan successfully worked as a neuropathologist-psychotherapist for three years.

While still a student, he began performing in the KVN team “New Armenians”. Participation in this team can rightfully be considered Starting point in the career of a future comedian.

Garik played with this team for nine years. During this time, “New Armenians” managed to win many awards and become laureates of various competitions held by the Club of the Merry and Resourceful.

Garik's participation in KVN opens the door to show business for him. In 2005, the “Comedy Club” program began airing on the TNT channel. This project was loved by all TV viewers.

The talented Armenian is a co-producer of such projects as: “Our Russia”, “Laughter without Rules”, “Show News”. The project “ProjectorParisHilton” won four times in the category “Best Infotainment Program”.

Garik Martirosyan not only skillfully jokes and comes up with new humorous programs, but also copes well with the role of presenter.

In 2015, the comedian became the host music project Main stage»

Since 2016, he has been the host of the show “Dancing with the Stars.”

This year Martirosyan Once again pleased his fans: on April Fool’s Day - April 1, Garik’s new author’s project “Martirosyan Official” began on the TNT channel

It remains to wish the talented Armenian more for a long time“stay on the raft” so that the humor and jokes never end.

Family and children of Garik Martirosyan

The family and children of Garik Martirosyan occupy the most important place in the life of the famous comedian. Garik has not separated from his wife Zhanna for twenty years. During all this time, they were never written about in the yellow press: no public statements about the alleged divorce or any affairs on the side.

The Martirosyan couple are raising two children - a boy and a girl. All yours free time husband and wife devote to themselves and their children.

The showman cares not only about the spiritual “microclimate” of his family nest, and also about the financial side. It is known that in 2010 his name was included in the list of one of richest people in the world.

Son of Garik Martirosyan - Daniel

The son of Garik Martirosyan, Daniel, was born in 2009. The TV presenter was incredibly happy about the birth of his second child, and even a boy. The father of the family is proud of his children and tries to give them the best, but at the same time he does not spoil them and raises them in severity.

Garik's parents often come to visit their beloved grandchildren. He has been calling them to move to Moscow for a long time. permanent place residence. However, they prefer to stay in their hometown.

The public's favorite could change his field of activity by becoming a politician, like his brother Levon. Garik refused such a drastic step - because then he would have to move to his native Yerevan. He did not want to leave his family and continues to delight fans of his work with new projects and jokes.

Daughter of Garik Martirosyan - Jasmine

Garik Martirosyan’s daughter, Jasmine, is the first child in the family of a comedy show producer. The girl was born in the summer of 2004. As a little girl, her father’s character began to manifest itself – the same restless and restless child. In addition to behavior, Jasmine also inherited a sense of humor. Even now she loves to make fun of her classmates.

Parents attach great importance to learning languages: they believe that children must know Russian, English is more likely yes than no, and Armenian is generally beyond competition.

Garik Martirosyan's wife - Zhanna Levina

Garik Martirosyan’s wife, Zhanna Levina, is a fairly well-known lawyer in the Russian capital. She graduated from Stavropol Law University. During her student years, the girl fell in love with KVN and often went to various festivals to support her classmates. It was on one of these trips that her fateful acquaintance with Garik Martirosyan took place, who, along with his team, also came to the performance.

Garik and Zhanna started dating only a year later. Pretty soon they realized that this was not just love, a passing infatuation - but real feelings and decided to legitimize their relationship.

Today, the couple still live happily in marriage and raise children. Garik Martirosyan with his wife and children – photo happy family can be found on the Internet in huge quantities.

Instagram and Wikipedia Garik Martirosyan

Until recently, the TV presenter was not registered in any of the social networks. Instagram and Wikipedia of Garik Martirosyan appeared not so long ago. An Instagram account is an official website where Garik asks subscribers a question, at the end of the day he chooses the funniest answer, the author of which is then awarded a prize. This project was called “Insta Battle”.

Garik Yurievich Martirosyanartistic director and “resident” of the Comedy Club show on the TNT channel, former KVN star, bright TV presenter, witty showman.

Garik Martirosyan's childhood and education

Father - Yuri Mikhailovich Martirosyan(born 1942) - mechanical engineer.

Mother - Jasmine Surenovna Martirosyan(born 1950) - gynecologist, Doctor of Science.

Younger brother Levon Yurievich Martirosyan(born 1976) headed the United Liberal National Party (MIAK) of Armenia, assistant to the President of Armenia.

Martirosyan's paternal grandfather Mikhail Arkadyevich (1911−1984) was a mathematics teacher and school director. Maternal grandfather Suren Nikolaevich (born 1919) worked as Deputy Minister of Culture of the USSR (the biography on Wikipedia refers to the post of Deputy Minister of Trade).

The “interlocutor,” with reference to Martirosyan’s childhood friends, reported that the influential grandfather helped his grandson, so at school “Garik was in “complete chocolate,” he was trusted to carry the school banner, and was assigned to read on the rulers best poems».

“Suren Nikolaevich never refused help to anyone. Grandfather's kindness helped his grandson become a popular person. Garik came from Yerevan to Moscow, as in hometown, where he immediately became a member of the highest social circles,” the publication quoted Martirosyan’s school friends.

Except high school, Garik also attended music classes at the same time. Despite the extraordinary musical abilities, Garik was nevertheless expelled from music school for bad behavior, says Martirosyan’s biography on Wikipedia.

And yet Garik taught himself to play the piano, guitar and percussion instruments. And even composed own music.

His talent as an artist and comedian was evident from childhood, as reported in the biography of Garik Martirosyan; already in the first grade, Garik surprised his friends with the news that he was a grandson Leonid Brezhnev.

At school, Martirosyan played in plays, in particular, in the sixth grade he played Archimedes.

After receiving secondary education, Garik Martirosyan entered the Yerevan State Medical University, after which he received a diploma as a neuropathologist-psychotherapist. Garik Martirosyan himself, in his biography on the official website, explained his choice of education as a doctor with the conviction that “every person should have at least primary knowledge in the field of medicine."

Garik Martirosyan's career in show business

But Martirosyan did not have the chance to make a career as a doctor; Garik worked in the medical field for only three years. The young doctor was completely captivated by playing KVN, after which his biography was connected with television and show business. However, Garik has repeatedly noted that the education of a psychotherapist helps him in life, in particular, “to see through people.”

Garik Martirosyan participated as a player in the KVN team of Yerevan University (1993−2002). The team was called “New Armenians”. Since 1997, Garik has been the captain of this popular team.

As part of the KVN team “New Armenians” Garik became a champion Major League in 1997, received the Summer Cup twice (1998, 2003), in general, Martirosyan can be called one of the brightest KVN stars of the 90s, and every year it was clear that he was progressing even after the show Alexandra Maslyakova the captain of the "New Armenians" will do successful career on TV.

The talented young man proved himself not only as a witty KVN player, his first television projects appeared in his career. In 1997, Garik Martirosyan became the chief screenwriter of the television program “Good evening with Igor Ugolnikov».

In 2003, members of the KVN team “New Armenians”, in particular Arthur Janibekyan, Artak Gasparyan, Arthur Tumasyan, Artashes Sargsyan and Garik Martirosyan created a new project - “Comedy Club”.

“Comedy Club” at first did not take root on the MTV and STS channels, but in April 2005 it began airing on the TNT channel. New project With former stars KVN and new comedians quickly gained popularity; in 2007, the Comedy Club had its own production company, Comedy Club Production.

Garik Martirosyan in April 2010 replaced Tash Sargsyan as the main presenter of the Comedy Club, and in 2015 he assumed this role Pavel Volya, who in 2017 often helps in this capacity Garik Kharlamov. Martirosyan is also always nearby and ready to insert a witty comment. It is Garik Martirosyan who is considered the main figure of the Comedy Club show, both as a comedian and as an organizer.

Garik actively participated in many television projects in addition to the Comedy Club. Since November 2006, Martirosyan acted as a co-producer and co-author of the script for the TV show “Our Russia” (TNT). This show also became very popular, and Garik himself in one of storylines plays cameraman Rudik. Later, Garik Martirosyan became the producer and scriptwriter of the film “Our Russia: Eggs of Destiny” (released in 2010), in which he also played a small role.

Viewers saw Martirosyan in the role of a TV presenter on the program “Minute of Glory.” Garik Martirosyan was also one of the hosts of the TV show “ProjectorParisHilton” (2008−2012 and since March 2017). The show was a breakthrough, the hosts in the studio discussed news and newspaper articles with humor, and the VIP guest always joked with them. Garik is distinguished by his subtle, soft and tactful humor, but in this program Martirosyan also showed his musicality, played and sang a lot with Ivan Urgant, Alexander Tsekalo And Sergei Svetlakov. By the way, in the winter of 2007 he took part in the recording of Pavel Volya’s album “Respect and Respect”.

“ProjectorParisHilton” received TEFI, winning in the category “Best Infotainment Program” four times - from 2008 to 2011.

ProjectorParisHilton had to be closed in 2012 due to Sergei Svetlakov and Garik Martirosyan, who signed new contracts with TNT. The TV channel regretted the closure of the project, but decided not to change the composition of the presenters. In February 2017, fans of the program were pleased with the news about the return of the ProjectorParisHilton project.

Garik Martirosyan had a hand in the project " Comedy battle"on TNT, a popular presenter is often on the jury with Semyon Slepakov and Sergei Svetlakov or other colleagues. The program is a casting of future comedians who can make a career in a real Comedy Club. At the same time, viewers should be attracted not only by the jokes of novice comedians, but also by the jury’s reaction to them.

The project website says that Garik Martirosyan “pays attention to the jury Special attention high-quality literary humor" and "proved to be a person for whom, first of all, it is not the form that is important, but the content."

Garik Martirosyan was the host of the first season of the musical project “Main Stage” on the Russia-1 channel (from January 30 to April 17, 2015). Since March 7, 2016, Garik Martirosyan has been the host of the 10th season of the project “Dancing with the Stars” on the Russia-1 channel.

At the same time, “Comedy Club” remains one of the main directions of Garik Martirosyan’s creativity, among the most popular numbers are his performances in a duet with Garik Kharlamov, “Eurovision Casting”, “Conversation between Stalin and Beria” and many others.

Martirosyan’s current film work is the film “Zomboyashchik”. In the news, the film is presented as “a total comedy produced by the TNT channel and Comedy Club Production.” The wide release is scheduled for January 25, 2018. Garik Martirosyan, along with other stars of the Comedy Club, should appear in one of the main roles.

Garik Martirosyan's income and awards

Forbes magazine three times placed Garik Martirosyan in the "Top Russian celebrities" In 2010, Garik took 25th place in it with an income of $2.7 million. next year was 27th place, and Martirosyan’s income reached $2.8 million. With the same amount, Garik took 41st place in 2012 and did not appear more in the Forbes income ranking.

In 2007, Garik Martirosyan received the “Humor of the Year” award from the “Humor FM” radio (in the “Showman” category) and “Person of the Year” according to GQ magazine (in the “TV Face” category).

Personal life of Garik Martirosyan

Garik Yurievich Martirosyan is married. Wife - Zhanna Levina- lawyer by profession. Garik met her at the KVN program in 1997 in Sochi. The comedian's biography states that he future wife came to Sochi as a big fan of the Stavropol Law University team. It was possible to combine the support of friends with useful things; since then, only his wife Zhanna has been in Garik Martirosyan’s personal life. At least, no news about Martirosyan’s other interests appeared in the yellow press.

Garik Martirosyan’s wedding took place in Cyprus, and all members of the KVN “New Armenians” team were witnesses.

The family of Garik Martirosyan and Zhanna has two children. Daughter - Jasmine (2004) and son - Daniel (2009). Young parents closely monitor the development of their children. “We have this routine in our family: Russian is required, English is highly desirable, and Armenian is sacred, you need to know,” said Garik.

Garik Martirosyan actively posts photos on Instagram, where you can see his wife Zhanna and daughter Jasmine. The comedian loves to please his fans with his photos from his school days, and also posts pictures from the filming of Comedy Club and SpotlightParisHilton. Martirosyan’s Instagram is quite popular, he has more than 1.2 million subscribers.

Garik loves to surprise the audience not only with his instant humor. Recently, the famous showman and resident of the Comedy Club surprised fans with an extravagant prank. The 42-year-old presenter shaved his head. The reason for the new image was the first goal of compatriot Martirosyan - Henrikh Mkhitaryan- in the English Premier League. Before the Manchester United - Tottenham match, Garik promised that if his compatriot Mkhitaryan scored and United won, he would shave his head. Garik kept his promise and published the photo on his Instagram account.

Garik Martirosyan's biography on Wikipedia says that he supports Lokomotiv and Manchester United. But recently, after Spartak’s victory over Sevilla (5:1), Martirosyan posted the red-and-white emblem on Instagram. By the way, the mentioned Mkhitaryan supported Spartak as a child.

In 2009, Garik Martirosyan made the news, topping a kind of rating from the developer of an antivirus software. The famous comedian was the leader in the number of links returned when searching for information about him in search engines; 12.42% of links when querying “Garik Martirosyan” are dangerous.

Many people are interested in Garik Martirosyan’s wife Zhanna, what her biography is, whether they have a strong family, whether the couple has children, some are curious about their nationality and how old Martirosyan’s wife is. Let's find out the answers to these and other questions.

There is an opinion that stars do not stay in marriages for too long, that this is not at all typical of creative people, and a strong family for them it is considered impossible, but there are couples who refute such judgments. One of them is the Martirosyan couple.

Zhanna and Garik have been together for a long time, they have two children, and yet passion and love have not disappeared anywhere, have not been erased by everyday life. Supporting each other in everything, the spouses continue their happy journey together. But here, of course, a reasonable question arises: how exactly did such an interesting and lasting relationship arise?

Dream in hand

KVN festivals were often held in Sochi. One day Zhanna came there to support the team of SGYU, the university where she herself was studying at that time. While watching the performances, she saw a handsome guy and was surprised to recognize him as a stranger whom she had recently seen in a dream. Having become interested in this and feeling attracted, Zhanna herself did not notice how she fell in love. It was Garik.

Zhanna repeatedly said in interviews that her dream came true until the very small parts. She met her future husband right at the game, and when the party to mark the end of the festival began, fate brought them to the same table. After a pleasant evening, they went for a joint walk along the embankment. And as in a dream, it turned out to be very, very difficult for them to part.

"New Armenians"

Jeanne's parents were not against the young couple getting married, but the choice of their husband surprised them. Zhanna received an offer from Garik right on tour. Martirosyan was a member of the “New Armenians”, and then they were all in Yerevan.

However, the engagement did not immediately turn into an official marriage. Garik worked a lot, and his schedule was not the easiest, and besides, they wanted to feel freer. Falling in love and youth allowed them to postpone the event.

When did they finally arrange wedding ceremony, then this happened in Cyprus. Of course, Zhanna was not at all opposed to this interesting option. Even if no traditions were observed, such as picking up the bride from her parents’ house, the entire KVN team was a guest.


Fans are always curious about how their idols live their lives, how they take care of their families and spend their time. Zhanna is a lawyer by training, but decided that she could realize more of herself in the family. She devoted herself to her husband and children. She put her career on hold because completely different priorities came first for her. It is not known exactly how old Martirosyan’s wife is, but according to some sources she is 40.

The couple’s daughter, Jasmine, was born in 2004, their son, a little less, was born in 2009. Garik took upon himself the financial support of the already large family.

Zhanna is leading family life– and she really likes it. Faithful and reliable, real support and support, she is ready to organize comfort and give Garik rest when necessary.

Family traditions

There is no such interview in which Garik does not remind journalists how wonderful his wife is. She is a magical housewife, knows how to cook perfectly and is waiting for Garik in his house hearty lunch and absolute comfort - exactly what he always dreamed of.

Living together strong couple decorated with numerous family traditions. They especially love to give gifts. Moreover, this must be done in some special and original way. It is Zhanna who is truly resourceful in this. She usually hides a small or big surprise, and the recipient has to find it.

However, not all gifts can be hidden. So, Zhanna once decided to please Garik with a real piano, because he loves music. Of course, it was impossible to hide such a thing, but this, of course, did not spoil the pleasure of the gift at all.

Hidden talents

When the couple bought an apartment in the capital, Zhanna suddenly discovered in herself real talent designer. She herself took on the task of arranging a love nest and approached this issue thoughtfully.

Even though she had never been interested in anything like this before, even the first attempt turned out to be quite worthy. Each room has changed, an atmosphere of true comfort and family warmth has appeared. And, of course, not only the husband noticed this. Repeatedly, friends and relatives noted that Zhanna should think about further development in this direction, but for now she is focused on her own living space, because she finds this most important to her.

To help your spouse

Every author needs a loyal first reader or listener. Zhanna became one for own husband. She is the first to evaluate every joke, which Garik then brings to concerts or television. It must be said that Garik somehow let it slip - he did not immediately recognize his own wife’s sense of humor. However, now she knows that she is a subtle connoisseur.

When Garik Martirosyan has to attend important events, when he needs to appear at an award ceremony, meetings, parties, presentations or any premieres, his wife Zhanna always goes with her husband. She looks amazing, and Garik's work colleagues get along great with her.

It is quite possible that the general public will soon hear about Zhanna, because she is beautiful and talented!