Cannes era biography personal life. Participant in the show “The Voice” Era Cannes: The viewers of “Main Stage” convinced me to come to the project

November 16, 2015

TV Program magazine spoke with a young singer who came to the show after participating in a competing show

TV Program magazine spoke with the young singer who came to the show after participating in a competing show.

Photo: Ruslan ROSCHUPKIN

Era Kann (aka Irina Brucheeva) was born in Samarkand, grew up in Saratov, and Korean blood flows in her veins. The singer from the team easily overcame the stage of duels, but a year and a half ago, none of the “” mentors turned to Era.

— I wanted to get into the first season, but I sent my application late - in the end I was a day late. Then I was pregnant (a child and a family are more expensive!), so I had to skip it again. On the third “Voice” I reached the blind auditions, but no one turned to me. I decided to end it here and went to the show “”. After performing there, the audience begged me to try my luck on “The Voice” again. I thought: since there are new mentors on the show, why not? And she came with new strength and thoughts.

— Were you afraid of repeating your mistakes?

- Certainly. But on the day of the performance, my name was the last on the list, so when the turn came, there was no question of excitement. The task was simply to go out and perform - there was no strength left for anything else. On stage I forgot about fatigue and hunger. And she managed to give it her all.

Together with her group, Era performs in Moscow clubs. Photo: personal archive

— What, in your opinion, is the main difference between the “Main Stage” and “The Voice”: repertoire, level of participants, status?

- I don’t think that “Golos” overlaps “” in any way, if that’s what you’re talking about. During my participation in that show, I met a lot of talented artists. On “The Voice” it’s more difficult at first, because you have to go out in front of a huge number of people and sing behind the backs of your mentors. There is no contact - and this wall must be broken through. This is the difficulty and this is the spice. In the Main Stage, I saw how the judges reacted and was able to maneuver. But TV shows are not a panacea. The musician was shown, he announced himself, but what next? If you don’t have your own arrangements and songs, then there will be no progress, as practice shows.

On the “Main Stage” the singer was remembered for her bright numbers. Photo: Alexey LADIGIN

— Does your daughter watch the show and root for you?

- Marya Mikhailovna is aware of all events. And when I leave for rehearsals, she tells everyone at home about it. In addition, at the same time, I am a second-year student at the Gnesin Academy, and when I have to go to study or filming, my daughter worries: “Mom, they’ll kick you out of the academy!” Or from "". We have to choose one thing.” She also perfectly shows the “Voices” icon with her sausage fingers (with her index and middle fingers she depicts the letter V, that is, the victory sign, “victory.” - Ed.). I don’t know who taught her this.

Era tries to spend her free time with her husband Mikhail and little daughter Masha. Photo:

“And yet a choice will have to be made.”

— One way or another, the project will end for all of us. After graduating from Gnesinka, I want to go to an assistant’s degree, a master’s degree, and improve my skill level. I also teach vocals to people who understand how difficult the creative process is. Not to those who ask to “teach you how to sing for a week,” but to those who practice so much that after the lesson the muscles of their face and abdomen ache. If you study correctly, you don’t even have to go to the fitness club. (Laughs.) The whole body works! I try to write songs in Russian and English - pop, jazz, funk. And I invite everyone to my concerts!

Era Cannes - organizing a concert, ordering artists on the agency's official website. To organize performances, tours, invitations to corporate events, call +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40

Welcome to the official website of Agent Era Kann. The singer, whose real name is Irina Brucheeva, was born in Samarkand on January 11, 1993. The girl’s family, which has Korean roots, first settled in Uzbekistan, and in 1994 moved to Russia. Cannes spent her childhood in Saratov.

Creative achievements

The music director at the kindergarten was the first to notice Ira’s vocal talent. Gathering together equally talented children, the teacher organized a choir. At the age of 7, her parents sent the girl to a music school (piano class). Since 2003, Irina took lessons from Lydia Antonova, a teacher at the Saratov School of Arts. It was she who instilled in the young performer a love of jazz.

In the same year, the girl became the winner of the capital’s “Talents of the New Century” competition. Later, Ira won in other musical competitions in Russia: at the festival “Blue-Eyed Anapa”, “Through Thorns to the Stars”, “Shining of the Stars”. Twice performances of the Cannes Era took place abroad - in Germany and Spain. In 2007, after graduating from high school as an external student, the aspiring singer entered the Moscow College of Pop and Jazz Art. And two years later she, together with Daniil Kramer, the legendary jazz pianist, gave a concert at the Samara Philharmonic.

Irina’s further training took place within the walls of the Gnessin Academy. In 2010, Cannes received an order for his own group - this is how the “Crazy Band” was born. The singer performed with a jazz group at the Saratov festival, on the stage of Moscow theaters and art clubs. In 2014, she and two other musicians from the “Crazy Band” appeared in one of the episodes of “Main Stage”. Once again, Cannes came to television a year later – on the “Voice-4” project on Channel One.

This was not Era's first attempt to break into a popular show. In 2014, the girl passed the casting for “The Voice,” but at the blind audition no one turned to her. In the fourth season of Cannes, two mentors were chosen at once - Polina Gagarina and Basta. The singer chose to be on the rapper's team. At the end of the show, the vocalist reached the final, taking fourth place.


In February-March 2016, a tour of the “Voice” participants took place. Residents of Krasnodar, Rostov, Kazan, Tyumen and other Russian cities could see the performance of the Cannes Era live. Vasily Vakulenko (Basta) helps Irina move further, to the top of the musical Olympus. Read more about the work of the Cannes Era on its official website.


Era of Cannes, ordering concerts, contacts, organizing performances of artists. To invite a star to a wedding, corporate party, anniversary - you can contact us by phone in Moscow +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40, on the official website of the agent, write to the mail, contacts menu.

Irina Robertovna Brucheeva (Era Cannes) was born in the second largest city of Uzbekistan - Samarkand. She is Korean by nationality. A year after the girl’s birth, the family, which by that time consisted of grandmother, mother and Ira herself, moved to Saratov. Little Irina first became acquainted with music in the Scarlet Flower kindergarten, where the music teacher created a children's choir of 3-4-year-old singers. At the age of 7, the girl went to both a general education school in Saratov and a music school, where she studied piano.

After 3 years, she began to additionally take professional vocal lessons from the Honored Teacher of Russia Lidia Danilovna Antonova. This teacher, who worked at the Saratov School of Arts, instilled in 10-year-old Ira a love of jazz. Thanks to her, the gifted student won the Moscow “Talents of the New Century” competition in 2003 and became a laureate of the Saratov Region Governor’s Prize. The last victory opened the way for the little singer to tour Germany, during which she became friends with pianist Daniil Kramer, who helped her further hone her innate musical talent.

He also suggested that Irina use a stage name, for which she chose her mother’s real name and began to be called “Cannes Era.” In the following years, the vocalist became a laureate of many competitions and festivals, including the St. Petersburg “Shining of the Stars”, Moscow “Through Thorns to the Stars” and “Blue-Eyed Anapa”, which took place on the Black Sea coast.

In 2006, she traveled by special invitation to Spain to attend a jazz music festival. A large number of tours and concerts took up a lot of time, Irina could not attend school every day, so she decides to take exams as an external student.

In 2007, she left for Moscow and became a student in the “Pop Singing” department of the State Music College of Pop and Jazz Art. In parallel with his studies, Cannes continues to take part in the music festivals “Jazz Voices”, “Creativity of the Young”, “Jazz Festival”, “Noble Seasons”, “Melodies of Broadway”, “Messengers of Jazz”. In 2009, together with Daniil Kramer and the Academic Symphony Orchestra, the Era of Cannes performed at the Samara State Philharmonic.

After graduating from college, the singer entered the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, and also created the jazz group “Crazy Band”, with which she still performs throughout Russia. They gave concerts in the Moscow halls of the Golden Ring Theater, the Palace of Culture at the House of Architects, the JazzArtClub club, the House of Journalists, and even on a jazz boat. They also took part in the Saratov festival “Jazz-Inter-Classic”. In addition, Era Cannes collaborates with many Russian jazzmen. The most famous of them are Daniil Kramer, Sergey Manukyan, Anatoly Kroll, Valery Ponomarev, Vladislav Medyanik and Oleg Butman.

TV projects

In 2014, Era Kann, together with two musicians from her band “Crazy Band”, took part in the very first episode of the “Main Stage” program, which was shown on channel “Russia 1” on January 30, 2015. For her performance, she chose the Russian folk song “Ptichenka”. The girl’s clear and deep voice perfectly conveyed the nationality of the composition. But participation in the project did not bring further development for Era and her jazz group.

Era Cannes has wanted to appear on the show “The Voice” since 2012. But in the first season she submitted the application form too late, and pregnancy prevented her from taking part in the second. The next season, she performed in front of the judges, but no one turned to her at the blind auditions. In 2015, at the auditions for season 4, when the performer sang an ethnic composition by the group “Deep Forest” called “Endangered Species”, she was chosen by two jury members at once - a singer and a rapper.

Era believed that Basta would help her reveal all her existing creative potential, and went to his team. As a result, during the entire project, only Era managed to convince Basta and the fans of his team that she was worthy of the final. In the last episode of season 4, Era Cannes took 4th place. In parallel with performances in the show “The Voice”, Era Cannes is preparing material for recording the author’s debut album.

Personal life

The singer met her husband Mikhail Brucheev while studying at a pop music college. Mikhail was a student at this educational institution, studying in the “Variety Instruments” department. They dated for several years and then got married. Irina Kann officially took her husband's surname. But, of course, this did not affect the stage name in any way.

In 2013, the couple had a daughter, Maria. Despite the fact that the girl is still small, her mother notices her great musical talent. Masha follows her dad in learning to play the trumpet. Favorite motto of the Cannes Era: “Go forward without hesitation.” And she tries to follow it both in her professional and personal life.