A fairy tale about a woman who turned into a cuckoo. Naughty children - Angel Karaliychev

Once upon a time there lived a poor woman. And she had four children. The children did not obey their mother. They ran and played in the snow from morning to evening, but their mothers did not help. They will return to the tent, they will drag whole drifts of snow on the tree trunks, and take the mother away. The clothes will be wet, and the mother will be sushi. It was difficult for the mother. From such a life, from hard work, she fell ill. He lies in the tent, calls the children, asks:

Kids, give me some water. My throat is dry. Bring some water.

The mother asked more than once, not twice - the children would not go for water. Senior says:

I'm without pims. Another says:

I'm without a hat. The third says:

I'm without clothes.

And the fourth one doesn’t answer at all. Their mother asks:

There is a river close to us, and you can go without clothes. My mouth was dry. I am thirsty!

And the children ran out of the tent, played for a long time, and did not look at their mother. Finally, the eldest wanted to eat - he looked into the tent. He looks: the mother is standing in the middle of the chum and putting on a malitsa. Suddenly the little girl became covered with feathers. The mother takes a board on which the skins are scraped, and that board becomes a bird's tail. The thimble became an iron beak. Instead of arms, wings grew.

The mother turned into a cuckoo bird and flew out of the tent.

Then the elder brother shouted:

Brothers, look, look: our mother is flying away like a bird!

The children ran after their mother and shouted to her:

Mom, mom, we brought you some water! And she answers:

Cuckoo, cuckoo! It's late, it's late! Now the lake waters are in front of me. I'm flying to free waters!

The children run after their mother, call her, and hold out a ladle of water.

The youngest son shouts:

Mom mom! Come home! Drink some water!

The mother answers from afar:

Cuckoo, cuckoo! It's too late, son! I won't come back!

So the children ran after their mother for many days and nights - over stones, through swamps, over hummocks. They wounded their feet and bled. Wherever they run, there will be a red trail.

The mother cuckoo abandoned her children forever. And since then the cuckoo has not built its own nest, nor has it raised its own children. And since then, red moss has been spreading across the tundra.

The fairy tale tells a sad story about how a woman turned into a cuckoo and flew away from home. And why this happened to her, you will find out by reading the fairy tale...

Naughty children read

Mother came from the well with large buckets on a rocker. She was thoroughly wet and water was dripping from her clothes.

Having placed the buckets on the shelf, the cold woman approached the hearth, in which a bright fire was burning, and said:

Children, move a little so that I can warm up too. I can barely stand on my feet from fatigue and cold. A terrible rain is pouring down outside. The river is rising and will wash away the bridge again. Move over a little!
Four children sat by the fireplace, warming their bare feet and their reddened hands outstretched.
The first son turned around and said:
- Mom, I can’t give up my seat for you. I have a hole in my shoe and my feet got wet when I came back from school. I need to warm up well.
The second one said:
- And my hat is full of holes. Today in class, when we were throwing our hats on the floor, mine tore. While I was returning home, I got my hair wet. Touch it if you don't believe it!
“Mommy, I’m sitting so comfortably next to my brother that I don’t even want to get up,” the third child, a girl, lazily added.
And the fourth, the smallest one, shouted loudly:
- Anyone who walks in the rain should now freeze like a wet chicken!
The warmed children laughed loudly and cheerfully, and the cold mother sadly shook her head. Without saying a word, she went into the kitchen to knead bread for the children.

While she was kneading bread in a kneader, her wet shirt stuck to her back and her teeth began to chatter from the cold. Late at night, the mother lit the stove, put the loaves in it, waited until they were baked, pulled them out with a shovel, put them on a shelf and covered them with her sheepskin coat. Then she lay down under the blanket and blew out the lamp. Her children slept soundly, sitting side by side, and the mother could not close her eyes because her head was burning and she was shivering very much.
Three times she got up to drink cold water from a bucket and moisten her forehead.

In the morning the children woke up and jumped up. They took the buckets off the shelf and, while washing, poured out all the water. Then they broke off a piece of soft bread, put it in bags and went to school. The youngest son remained with his sick mother.

The day dragged on slowly. The mother was unable to get out of bed. Her lips were chapped from the heat. In the afternoon, three children returned from school and slammed the door.

“Oh, mom, you’re still lying there and haven’t cooked anything for us,” the girl reproached her.
“Dear children,” the mother answered in a weak voice, “I am very sick.” My lips are chapped from thirst. In the morning you poured all the water out of the buckets to the last drop. Hurry up, take the clay jug and run to the well!

Then the first son responded:
- After all, I told you that my shoes are getting wet.
“You forgot that my hat has a hole in it,” added the second.
- What a funny mom you are! - said the girl. - Can I run for water when I have to do homework?
The mother's eyes filled with tears. The youngest son, seeing that his mother began to cry, grabbed the jug and rushed outside, but stumbled on the threshold, and the clay jug broke.

All the children gasped, then rummaged through the shelves, cut themselves another slice of bread and quietly slipped out into the street to play. Only the youngest son remained, because he had nothing to wear. He began to draw little people with his finger on the foggy glass of the window.

The sick mother stood up, looked outside through the open door and said:
- I wish I could turn into some kind of bird. If only I could grow wings. I would fly and run away from such bad children. I didn’t spare the last crumb of bread for them, but they didn’t want to bring me a drop of water.
And instantly a miracle happened: the sick woman turned into a cuckoo. The youngest son, seeing that his mother had become a bird and was flapping her wings, ran out into the street wearing only stockings and shouted:
- Brothers, sister, go quickly! Our mother has become a bird and wants to fly away from us!

The children started running, but when they reached the house, their mother was already flying out the open door.
-Where are you going, mom? - the children asked in one voice.
- I'm leaving you. I don't want to live with you. You are bad children.
“Mommy,” all four squeaked, “come back home, we’ll immediately bring you water.”
- It's late, kids. I'm no longer a person - you see: I'm a bird. I can't go back. I will drink water from clear streams and mountain lakes.

And she flew over the ground.
The children rushed after her with a squeak. She flies over the ground, and they run along the ground.
For nine days the children ran after the cuckoo through cornfields, ravines and thorny bushes. They fell, got up, their arms and legs were torn to blood. They were hoarse from screaming. At night, the cuckoo crowed tiredly on some tree, and the children huddled near its trunk.

On the tenth day, the bird flapped its wings over the dense forest and disappeared.
The children returned to their home village, but the house seemed completely empty to them, because their mother was not in it.

And the cuckoo no longer makes nests and hatches chicks. To this day, she wanders around the world, crows alone and lays eggs in other people's nests.

Published by: Mishka 12.12.2017 14:48 30.01.2018

My son (7 years old) said that the cartoon was “scary”: the children did not help their mother in difficult times and she flew away forever (died).

“Cuckoo” (Nenets fairy tale)

There lived a poor woman on earth. She had four children. The children did not obey their mother. They ran and played in the snow from morning to evening. The clothes will get wet, and the mother will get sushi. They will drag the snow, but mother - take it away.

And the mother caught fish on the river herself. It was hard for her, and her children did not help her. My mother got sick from such a hard life. She lies in the tent, calls the children, asks: “Children, my throat is dry, bring me some water.”

The mother asked not once, not twice. Children don't go for water. Finally, the eldest wanted to eat, looked into the tent, and the mother was standing in the middle of the tent, putting on a malitsa. And suddenly the little girl became covered with feathers. The mother takes a board on which the skins are scraped, and that board becomes a bird's tail. The iron thimble became her beak. Instead of arms, wings grew. The mother turned into a bird and flew out of the tent.

“Brothers, look, look, our mother is flying away like a bird,” cried the eldest son.

Then the children ran after their mother.

- Mom, we brought you some water.

- Ku-ku, ku-ku, ku-ku! It's too late, son, I won't be back.

So the children ran after their mother for many days and nights over stones, through swamps, over hummocks. They wounded their feet and bled. Wherever they run, there will be a red trail.

The mother cuckoo abandoned her children forever. And since then the cuckoo has not built its own nest, has not raised its own children, and from that very time red moss has been spreading across the tundra.

  1. Malitsa - outerwear made of reindeer skins.

There lived a poor woman on earth. She had four children. The children did not obey their mother. They ran and played in the snow from morning to evening. The clothes will get wet, and the mother will get sushi. They will drag the snow, but mother - take it away.

And the mother caught fish on the river herself. It was hard for her, and her children did not help her. My mother got sick from such a hard life. She lies in the tent, calls the children, asks:

“Children, my throat is dry, bring me some water.”

The mother asked not once, not twice. Children don't go for water. Finally, the eldest wanted to eat, looked into the tent, and the mother was standing in the middle of the tent, putting on a malitsa. And suddenly the little girl became covered with feathers. The mother takes a board on which the skins are scraped, and that board becomes a bird's tail. The iron thimble became her beak. Instead of arms, wings grew. The mother turned into a bird and flew out of the tent.

- Brothers, look, look, our mother is flying away like a bird! - shouted the eldest son.

Then the children ran after their mother.

- Mom, we brought you some water.

- Ku-ku, ku-ku, ku-ku! I won't return.

So the children ran after their mother for many days and nights over stones, through swamps, over hummocks. They wounded their feet and bled. Wherever they run, there will be a red trail.

The mother cuckoo abandoned her children forever. And since then the cuckoo has not built its own nest, has not raised its own children, and from that very time red moss has been spreading across the tundra.

Questions about the fairy tale

What do you know about the Nenets? Where do these people live? What is the name of their home? What clothes do they wear?

Who is this tale about? How did the poor woman live? How many children did she have?

Did the children help their mother? Why did the woman get sick?

Did the children take care of their sick mother? How did they respond to her requests?

How does the fairy tale say why the mother turned into a cuckoo?

How did the fairy tale end? Do you feel sorry for the children or do you think they were fairly punished?

What did the fairy tale teach you?