The man who twisted the powers of thought into spoons. How to bend spoons: magic or sleight of hand? How to bend a spoon with your mind

It's time for the Snake to love. And not only. Create. Tell jokes. Have fun. There will be many opportunities to make others happy.

The snake loves to play or at least rehearse. Entrust her with the role of Santa Claus on New Year's corporate party. This is just for her in the coming year of the Rooster. The snake will reincarnate and forget that this is a game for others. At the same time, special requirements are presented to the public: respect, applause, and fainting with delight.

The reptile will decorate any society in 2017 if it wants. She will even be invited to a wedding as a wedding general. Snakes are usually universally loved. I am attracted by ease of thought, lack of obsession with one’s own problems, and variety of interests. The snake strives for harmony in appearance. He always clearly knows what clothes to wear in a given situation. The downside is the desire to rush after any thought for no apparent reason. The snake often wastes money on small things, because there are a lot of them and they shine brightly.

For the third year now, even rattlesnakes have been terrified of their enemies. Reconciliation cannot be found. Attempts to take the fortress by storm were unsuccessful. It is necessary to change tactics and begin a long, exhausting siege. You should show wisdom and force the enemy to surrender without a fight. Make him your partner, and maybe get married.

In the year of the Rooster, the Snake will be able to fully express itself. You are blossoming. Sparkle, glow. Sociability based on art, theater and cinema, architecture. Generosity knows no bounds. The Snake will shower loved ones with gifts, and even the most stingy Snake will dare to fork out for a very large present. Among friends at a party, Snakes will light up so much that they will become the leaders of the party and become the soul of the society. Sincerity and self-confidence will help you stand out from the crowd.

The Snake is no stranger to shedding its skin. She updates her wardrobe every year. In the Year of the Rooster, she buys outfits for family celebrations. The clothes are designed in traditional colors.

The snake does not hide a stone in its bosom in 2017. Therefore, communicating with it is a pleasure. The danger lies in the desire to show off and turn up your nose.

In creativity, the Snake will have no equal in the year of the Fire Rooster. The power of imagination and artistic talent will help people of art create bright works. Proposals for profitable partnerships will not keep you waiting. This year the snake succeeds in everything especially easily. She will discover talents she never knew she had. Try yourself in something new.

The ruffled viper (career horoscope)

For the third year, the Snake is silent and does not throw words to the wind, fulfilling all its promises. Fears competition from competitors. By vocation she is not a fighter, but a judge.

Snakes sometimes do not feel the burden of responsible work, even if their backs are against the wall, they do not say “yes” or “no”. Snakes hate any oppression and restrictions. If the Snake becomes a boss, he appeals to the feelings of his subordinates, and not to reason. Guiding through intuition often saves you from trouble.

This year, changing your boss or job is considered lucky. You will start new projects that are super creative. They will receive material support from patrons, and some will go to international level and will be received favorably by the public. The Snake will visit many sublime feelings and thoughts. The colleague will become a friend and fill the Snake's plans with fantastic ideas. Artists, architects, actors, gardeners, designers, teachers will find their luck in 2017. Snake bosses are courteous with people. The most unpleasant orders are given with a polite snake-like smile.

The horoscope for 2017 reports that people from among the subordinates intend to leave the Snake in the year of the Rooster. This will happen for various reasons. Due to illness, maternity leave, disagreement current moments. Or the Snakes themselves, hissing and swearing, will leave the leadership chair. The rebellion of subordinates will lead the Snake into confusion and confusion.

The snake writes a lot about creative work, it’s time to publish. Readers will appreciate your efforts. Competition in the literary field will increase. If you have to defend your copyright, the law will protect you.

To start a business you need loans. But get the required amount it won't work. Business is possible in the future, think about this project. But in the year of the Rooster, don’t take unnecessary risks.

Happiness in earning money from what you love (financial horoscope)

Gambling will not lead to profit; you need a well-calibrated calculation. If you play on the stock exchange, consider your actions carefully. Let others make quick and hasty bets. What suddenly came to mind right off the bat is unfortunate.

Snakes who have taken out a mortgage dream of an increase in their salary. This is achievable. By combining business with pleasure, the Snake will receive a good extra income. It's time to make money on your hobby. If there is creativity in your work, this year will be the peak of your self-realization in creativity.

Every now and then in 2017 we see Snakes as winners of competitions. They will receive prizes and grants. Participation in the show organized by the Rooster will bring applause from the public and financial addition. The halls applaud the Snakes, and they gracefully walk along the carpet paths.

Smother me in your arms! (love horoscope)

What's going on in your heart? The stars are hinting that it's time to settle down. You can’t find a better partner, the sky is already generous, you can find both love and marriage. Make up your mind!

Fire Rooster made some fuss about the arrangement of the Snake’s personal affairs. It's time to fix something. Some families have been dry and stiff for three years now; some have already gotten divorced because of this, but in vain. Conservatism coupled with sentimentality should be shown. The Rooster is going to marry the Snake to a man much older than her. It is quite possible for men to marry a widow.

Family Snakes are happy. Love becomes monumental. Joyful events follow one after another. Trust and respect will settle in the house. It is promising to strengthen the foundations of the family, create a foundation for later life, plan your business.

A meeting with love is planned for singles. The Snake is capable of making anyone fall in love with him; some representatives of the sign will even begin to abuse this. Well, when else, if not in the year of the Rooster?

Does snake venom help you? (health horoscope)

Diseases are on their last legs, crush them with creativity. Find strength in what you love. Working with children, embroidering, creating, you feel how the ailments recede. Those who have been treated for a long time and devoted half their life to this process will part with a chronic sore, but will acquire another headache. If anything happens, go straight to the specialists!

Impaired thinking abilities, scrolling through the same thoughts ten times in a row, depressive thinking, ─ all due to pressure at work. Kidneys, liver, acute respiratory infections will disturb the Snake. Get healthy! Run, jump, toughen up!

New plans (horoscope for men)

Men set themselves goals and objectives in which it was difficult to demonstrate masculine energy. Indecision and lack of activity were characteristic of the work. In a word, they were engaged in project-making: they formed goals, but did not back them up with actions. The more guilty he was, the more actively the Snake man hung dogs on others. They were constrained by fear of their superiors, who used harshness and even rudeness towards the Snakes. The bosses did not approve of the snake's efforts, and now they decided to throw everything to hell and bomb the conventions that interfere with creativity. The Rooster will make the choice. The future will be seen, plans will be real.

Perhaps you will fall in love with some foreigner. Are you planning to spend your holiday at sea? Get ready for a holiday romance. The continuation is even more interesting than the beginning. Wedding and children as a result of adventures.

Seek love and you will find benefits in it (horoscope for women)

Formal ceremonies will mean a lot to women. Weddings, birth of children, anniversaries. If you are single, expect a prince to appear. Marriage with a foreigner and a romantic trip are just around the corner!

Women in 2017 will undoubtedly be attracted by the idea of ​​promotion career ladder along the line of art. The snake goes to work and to the boss’s office beautifully made up and elegantly dressed. Very likely office romances. There may be some “gotchas” here. If a tactful way out of the situation fails, the Snake will be upset.

Didn't like your child's partner? This year there will be relief from painful relationships. Perhaps even violently. You will be satisfied with your offspring.

You will be happy in the year of the Fire Rooster! Especially if you set yourself such a goal!

Other horoscopes:

With the advent of the Year of the Fire Rooster, many individuals will feel an incredible surge of strength and confidence that everything planned will be realized. This year can be considered a period when an inexplicable energy will awaken within the Snake, which, in addition, will emit creative waves.

You won’t even notice how with the onset of spring people will flock to you, some of them will turn out to be completely new acquaintances. Perhaps this is due to your nature - Snakes will begin to promote new fashion trends and show examples stylish looks. In addition, Snake men will be able to become famous thanks to their creative abilities - they will create some kind of innovative project.

If you are hoping to go on a trip, then the stars say that this wish will not come true. On the contrary, Snakes are all theirs free time will be held in the office, among colleagues.

At first you will not be happy with this state of affairs, but by the middle of the year you will understand that stability at work, respect from your superiors and a good relationship with colleagues than a single trip. With all this, with such personalities there will always be a person nearby whom you can rely on.

Horoscope for the Snake woman

All representatives of the fairer sex will have to stop being offended by trifles and focus on the main goals in life. If you dream of moving from a subordinate to a manager, concentrate all your efforts and by the end of the year you will be able to accept congratulations on your promotion.

Those ladies who are planning to add to their family will finally be able to feel the joy of motherhood. In 2017 yours emotional background will change daily, so try not to show excessive temper, so as not to inadvertently offend a loved one.

Horoscope for the Snake man

Whatever men undertake in 2017 will come true. These individuals are capable of moving mountains in order to achieve their goal. Mutual understanding and grace will be established in your personal life. Your chosen one will try to do everything to make you happy.

It is worth noting that Snake men will choose docile and kind ladies as wives. In the coming year, such couples will practically not have conflicts, except fleeting ones, but with quick reconciliation.

Love horoscope 2017 for Snake

Every person needs love and Snakes are no exception. In 2017, according to, these people will desire warmth and affection more than ever, even those who have already found their soulmate. The stars predict a slight discord in marriage for the family Snakes. But it won’t last long, and in order to strengthen the existing relationship, you decide to add a spark to it. A joint trip out of town, a trip to a cozy restaurant, a heart-to-heart conversation and other ways to “stir up” a partner will only play into the hands of the Snakes.

Your loved one will understand how dear you are to him and will try to never test you again. Those individuals who dream of a child will receive real chance become parents. 2017 may bring a little intrigue on the side.

Astrologers advise not to be led by desires, so as not to destroy the trust of your loved one. After all, every adultery sooner or later becomes obvious.

Career horoscope for Snakes

You should not take risks and open a business in 2017, because the Rooster will not support you in this endeavor. Even those entrepreneurs who have been conducting similar activities for a long time may find themselves on the brink of failure. Relationships with colleagues promise to be pleasant and productive. True, the authorities can load the Snakes with a huge amount of work.

Try to explain to your boss that you are not a workhorse and do not intend to work beyond the norm. Oddly enough, the manager will understand you and stop “pressuring”. Already in mid-autumn, most likely, the Snakes will receive a lucrative promotion offer that they will not be able to resist.

Finance horoscope for Snakes

Thrift is inherent in every representative of this sign. They will not lose this feature in 2017. Family Snakes will take the reins of the budget into their own hands and only with their consent will spending begin. If we talk about prospects, then in the period under review, the stars advise avoiding risk.

You should especially take care of your wallet in winter and spring - loss is possible large sum money that will drag you into debt. Do not lend money, even to close acquaintances and friends. It may happen that the borrower does not repay the debt, and you will be forced to quarrel with him.

Health horoscope for Snakes

You need to constantly take care of your health, which is why Snakes will start carrying mountains of pills with them everywhere. This trepidation is caused by the fact that various diseases will not leave you until the summer, and you will be looking for various ways boosting immunity. The stars categorically forbid these people to self-medicate.

In case of illness, it is better to go to the clinic and talk to a doctor who will prescribe the necessary medications. Perhaps in May you will notice problems with your kidneys or liver. This signal means that you should reconsider your lifestyle as quickly as possible. You probably need to get rid of bad and unnecessary habits, as well as change the menu.

Horoscope according to Zodiac signs for Snakes

Snakes - Aries

The financial sphere, health and love in 2017 will be very successful and productive for representatives of this zodiac circle. Surprisingly, you will feel events that are about to happen after some time in advance. The well-being of Aries-Snake directly depends on their hard work - the more you work, the more you will earn.

Snakes - Taurus

The coming 2017 will be turning point, when Taurus will be able to reveal their best sides. Perhaps you didn’t even imagine that you could sing and draw beautifully, but chance will help your nature to break out. It is worth noting that Taurus’ talent will help them find a place in life and finally settle down. As for financial well-being, with the advent of 2017 the situation will improve somewhat.

Snakes - Gemini

This year will be “cozy” for Gemini. You will feel that you need a family and decide to tie the knot. Family individuals will begin to try to improve their home. This could be a renovation, changing furniture or remodeling. In any case, changes in your personal life cannot be avoided. Lonely Geminis will probably find their soulmate already in the middle - during the time of hot dates and no less hot kisses.

Snakes - Cancer

Already with the advent of 2017, your mental abilities will begin to attract people - friends, colleagues, family will reach out for advice and with requests of various kinds. Such demand can turn a Cancer's head, and they can feel like the center of the Universe. Quickly give up such thoughts, because the manifestation of selfishness has never helped anyone. Unemployed Cancers or those who are “searching for themselves” during the period under review can finally find their dream job.

Snakes - Leos

Whatever challenge befalls you in 2017, you must remember - do not run away from problems, but solve them as they arise. It’s very good if you call your loved ones and loved ones for help. It is the relatives who will play in the life of Lviv special role. They will advise and tell you how to act in a given situation and will even be able to provide messenger financial assistance. Already in the summer you will understand that this rapprochement has benefited everyone, including you. Leos will find harmony in their souls.

Snake - Virgo

With the arrival of spring, Virgos can feel an incredible surge of love energy. Singles will begin a rapid search for their soulmate, and people in a couple will try to show maximum attention to their chosen one. Don't be discouraged if your feelings are a little stronger than your partner's. After a while he will reciprocate your feelings - you need to wait! In 2017, the stars advise Virgos to change their life principles, nutrition and behavior.

Snakes - Libra

If you “bitten” someone in the past year, then the coming year is the ideal time to ask these people for forgiveness. Admitting that you made a mistake will help you find harmony in your soul, which will lead to financial well-being and good luck. New heights in your career will not be long in coming, because all bridges with ill-wishers will be established.

Snake - Scorpio

Perhaps in 2017, quarrels with workmates, friends or family will become more frequent. You will feel like you are being controlled evil spirit and makes you say a lot of unpleasant things to these people. Try to be wise and not give in to provocations. Scorpios must understand that discord at home and at work does not promise pleasant moments, so reconciliation should not be put on the back burner.

Snake - Sagittarius

The only thing Sagittarius should remember is that in 2017 they must show as much restraint and self-control as possible. Otherwise, explosive Sagittarius may put an end to relationships with long-time partners or with their soulmate. Possible, small nervous breakdowns on this basis, which are easily stopped by reconciliation and recognition of one’s own mistakes.

Snake - Capricorn

The period under consideration will bring many pleasant moments to Capricorns. These individuals will try to please others, completely forgetting about their own needs. The stars strongly recommend pampering yourself with small gifts at least occasionally. Gifts dear to the heart will lift Capricorns’ spirits and give them strength to move on and achieve their goals.

Snake - Aquarius

In 2017, Aquarius will finally be able to finish all their business, take stock and outline new plans. Even those ideas that have long seemed like dead weight to you will be resolved in one moment and will bring good material rewards.

Snakes are distinguished by their wisdom and sophistication. These qualities will help representatives of this sign eastern horoscope choose the right direction, make reasonable decisions and find a way out of situations of any complexity. The Lord of 2017, the Red Fire Rooster, will make the Snake even stronger, more confident in itself and its abilities, endowing it with incredible attractiveness and charm, thanks to which it will achieve much more than it planned at the beginning of this period. Throughout the year, the Snake will direct its forces to strengthen its authority in the world around it, and its main tool will be sociability and the ability to win people over. But despite this wonderful quality, she will not pour out her soul to everyone, talk about painful things, complain about life. Representatives of this sign always have one or two or three people who know everything inner world Serpent. These are the closest, most faithful and reliable people on whom Snakes can rely and entrust their thoughts and feelings. The Year of the Rooster will bring many pleasant and joyful moments that will inspire them to great achievements. Snakes will achieve the best results in teamwork, although they are far from activists or initiators. But representatives of this sign are very observant and know how to get the necessary and useful information, after which they will analyze it and draw the right conclusions that will tell them the right path to success. Because of his wisdom, everyone will listen to the opinion of the Snake - colleagues, friends, and relatives. Moreover, often the last word will remain precisely behind the Snake. And this already means a lot. Unlike other signs of the eastern horoscope, who need to fight and make a lot of effort to achieve their goals, the Snake does not have such a need. Everything will work out by itself, all plans will be fulfilled, goals will be achieved, and dreams will come true. In the year of the Rooster, it will be vitally important for those born under this eastern sign to acquire associates and like-minded people who will share their opinions and pick up every thought that comes from the lips of the Snake. Such a reliable rear will help her realize her maximum potential and implement many original projects. To properly manage their ideas, plans and their executors, Snakes will need previously gained experience and knowledge, as well as more new information, the source of which will be the people around them. For greater motivation, Snakes need a guide, and it will be very good if they look up to those who have already achieved what they themselves strive for, to those who are wiser, more experienced and more enterprising. But if there are no such authoritative personalities, then the Snakes will have to compare their current achievements with the results of the past period. This approach to business will help you work effectively and efficiently, avoiding numerous mistakes and not deviating from the intended path. The Year of the Rooster is favorable to Snakes, so it will generously reward them with material and financial well-being. Snakes will finally feel financial independence and solid ground under their feet. The life of the Snakes will be quite eventful, but everything that does not happen will only be for the better. Horoscope for 2017 for the Water Snake (1953, 2013) People born in the year of the Water Snake will make every effort to gain new experience, new skills, and knowledge. Many representatives of this sign will discover in themselves earlier hidden talents and will begin to actively develop them, while other Water Snakes will change their type of activity, or go to study another specialty. Those whose element is Water will not sit still for a long time, they will travel all the time, attend various events, participate in research and cultural life your city or even country. This year will be especially successful for those who are involved in creativity or scientific activities. They are waiting interesting discoveries, a lot of incredible impressions and vivid emotions. There will never be a limit for the Water Snake. With each achievement, with each dream realized and desire satisfied, she has new ones that are much bolder and larger than the previous ones. The path to self-improvement that representatives of this sign have chosen for themselves will not be entirely smooth, but at the same time interesting and exciting. The Fire Rooster will do everything possible so that the Water representatives of this sign can satisfy their ambitions and curiosity.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Wood Snake (1965) Those Snakes whose element is Wood will get tired of their boring situation and move to explore new territories. Many of them will change their place of residence, and some will completely immerse themselves in studying some topic that interests them. Despite the fact that the Wood Snake loves to see something new and unusual, it will not change its methods and principles. The Rooster will reward representatives of this sign with a keen sense of smell and good intuition. These qualities will become faithful assistants in solving controversial issues and will help avoid many irreparable mistakes and nonsense. The second half of the year for Wooden Snakes will be marked by the struggle for honesty, sincerity and justice. Therefore, the Snake will actively begin to put in place those who try to fool her or take advantage of her goodwill or trust. Stability in life priorities and values, in relation to life will become the main trump card and distinctive feature people born in the year of the Wood Snake.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Fire Snake (1977) Representatives of the Fire Snake sign will not lazily bask in the sun, but, on the contrary, will begin to lead a rather active lifestyle. They will often visit cultural institutions, meet with friends, colleagues and acquaintances, meet new people who will give them a lot of pleasant impressions and tell them a lot interesting facts. In 2017, the Fire Snakes will have to go on a long journey, from which they will bring a lot of useful things for themselves and thanks to which their lives will begin to change dramatically in better side. For Fire Snake businessmen this year, the Rooster will present many opportunities for career growth and rewards with such qualities as justice and enterprise. Representatives of this sign will make excellent leaders. They can easily organize a team and make them work productively. Thanks to such abilities, Fire Snakes will not have to worry about their financial well-being. Sphere interpersonal relationships will be quite stable, but at the same time interesting and exciting.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Earth Snake (1989) The beginning of this year for the Earth Snake will be the beginning of their new life, because very soon they will have a real breakthrough. And it all starts with the fact that even in winter, while doing their regular work, without even expecting it, they will pick big jackpot and their life will change radically - many new opportunities, magnificent prospects, a lot of brilliant ideas and plans will appear, but first of all, their inner world will change, their perception of themselves as a person, an individual. In order to keep their luck close to them, Earth Snakes should act carefully, without any emotions or feelings, since in a state of euphoria the sense of reality is lost, the boundary between reality and fantasy becomes blurred. Therefore, it is better for Earth representatives of this sign to postpone solving important issues until their delight and unbridled emotions calm down and return to normal. Otherwise, everything that came so easily will go away so quickly.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Metal Snake (1941, 2001) The Metal Snake is distinguished by its stubbornness and inability to compromise. Therefore, she will have to adapt a little in order not only to survive in the year of the Red Rooster, but also to achieve the desired success. By nature, Metal Snakes are pedants suffering from the “excellent student” syndrome. Everything should be even, smooth, correct, precise, without any mistakes. But they should understand one simple truth that ideal people does not happen, and if they suddenly stumble, there is nothing fatal or bad about it. It’s just important to realize your mistake in time and take it for granted. Then their life will not be so bland, but will be filled highlights, which make up the recipe for happiness.

The eastern horoscope for 2017 for the Snake zodiac sign is generalized astrological forecast events for 2017 typical for all representatives of your zodiac sign. To more accurately present the upcoming events of 2017, it is necessary to compile personal horoscope for 2017.

Year of the Rooster for the Snake (Chinese horoscope)

Born 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989 and 2001

In the Year of the Rooster 2017, everyone born in the Year of the Snake will go through the completion of a cycle. The processes will also affect professional activity, and personal life. The circumstances of this period will be such that the Snakes will have to close projects and end relationships. At the same time, everything will proceed against the backdrop of severe austerity internal energy. In other words, Snakes will not fuss to continue or restore some process, even if they potentially have the strength and time for this. Personal connections will freeze at the point of change, they will be re-evaluated to end or go to new round development.

Business interests in 2017 will be in the zone of building and adjusting long-term plans. Regardless of the state of current activities, which may go on as usual, Snakes will work on mistakes and try to cope with their weaknesses. It is curious that this work will become spontaneous, often not fully realized. This is how the energy of the year will influence the Snake. The result may be mastery of the method of strategic planning for the long term, as well as the inclusion of new knowledge and skills in the professional baggage. To those whose work activity wears commercial nature, during the year there will be a lot of attractive opportunities for organizing own business or on building a personal sales policy. Those engaged in scientific and research activities will be busy from February to July analyzing their intermediate results. The findings will delight you and force you to begin reorienting the entire search process to operate in new conditions. The Year of the Rooster for all Snakes without exception will be a favorable period for meetings with investors, sponsors, and business partners. Activity in this area will help you find common ground, convince and attract people to your side. In the fall, the time will come to equalize relations in the work team with colleagues and subordinates. The Snakes will need to make efforts to form a team for their upcoming projects. The results of this work will be highly appreciated at the end of the year.

Material wealth will be under threat in mid-2017. This period will begin with the Snakes having to make a difficult decision: to pay off debts or agree on their restructuring. Both options will seem reasonable and will cause the Snakes many unpleasant moments until they make their final choice. In the first half of the year, the Snakes will find themselves in a situation where they will urgently need free money. In May-June they will face unexpected expenses. To avoid hopeless and delicate situations, Snakes are simply obliged to clearly control the state of their financial affairs and not take on new financial obligations, no matter how they are rushed into making a decision and no matter how many mountains of gold they are promised. Circumstances will become clearer at the end of July. It is at this time that the Snakes will clearly see their future and will be able to calmly plan the upcoming budget. Almost everyone will find expense items that can be reduced or eliminated altogether. Some will have to change their place of residence, the rest will receive an offer in December new job with the prospect of an increase in salary.

Health in 2017 The Snake will not let you down. Throughout the entire period, they will recover incredibly easily. Especially if they forget about the risks and do not do frivolous things. From April to June inclusive, there is a high probability of myositis and sprains, you should avoid drafts and temporarily abandon the beautiful, but uncomfortable shoes. Athletes can rely on their will to win. It is this feeling that will help them concentrate and not make mistakes in the process of preparing for competitions. It is important to direct your energy in the right direction, and this will definitely lead to the reward you were hoping for. The stars will support all justified risks, especially from August to October. True, this statement does not apply to illegal actions. Although doping will not be detected during testing, the result of its use will be exactly the opposite of the expected result. In general, regardless of the state of fitness of the body, all Snakes tend to be cautious about what can affect their health. However, potential dangers cannot be completely avoided. In 2017, overexertion, stress, and accidental injuries are possible. The Snakes will be able to fully recover only in November-December. True, only if they do not put too much strain on the liver. It is best to avoid strong alcohol, fatty foods and some medications during this period.

In the year of the Rooster, Snakes will be able to keep their emotions under control, and this will help them understand a lot about themselves and those around them. The circumstances of the year will be such that the Snakes, perhaps with surprise, will understand what they are really capable of for the sake of their goal. Friends and colleagues will be delighted and shocked. Many will say that the Snakes managed to jump in over their heads. Against the backdrop of external achievements, they themselves will feel weak and unprotected in the face of the vicissitudes of fate. For this reason, they will seek protection in the family, especially in the period from February to July. And if it is necessary to carry out some radical transformations in order to create emotional security, Snakes will do anything to protect their rear. This will be the time to face the truth, and none of the Snakes will look away.

Year of the Snake (by element of year of birth)

Green Snake (element of the year Wood) - 1965
Red Snake (element of the year Fire) - 1917, 1977
Yellow Snake (element of the year Earth) - 1929, 1989
White Snake (element of the year Metal) - 1941, 2001
Black Snake (element of the year Water) - 1953, 2013

Years of birth of the Snake: 1941,1953,1965,1977,1989,2001

Lucky numbers: 1,2,4,6, 13,24,42,46

Western Astrology Equivalent: Taurus

Color: red

Celebrities born in the year of the Snake: Kim Basinger, Wob Dylan, Treasure Garbo, Audrey Hepburn, Liz Hurley, Wred Pitt, Brooke Shields, Oprah Winfrey


“Oh, it’s not difficult to deceive me, I’m glad to be deceived myself” - if you live by this motto, you will not avoid a problematic romance and other disappointments. Don't despair, by summer everything will change - you will begin to look at life more realistically, get rid of oppressive relationships and will remain alone for some time. But autumn will already bring new meeting- don't miss your destiny.


Don't overload yourself at work, otherwise it will affect your health. Limit time for important things. In spring, positive changes in your life await you, and this will require a lot of strength. Summer will be calm, but in the fall it’s better to take a break from the hustle and bustle, because at work your efficiency will be quite low.


The wisdom and intuition of the Snake this year will help her spend the year calmly and measuredly. Even noticeable success in business will not force the Snake to make any special efforts. At the beginning of the year, you shouldn’t put things off, solve them slowly, but bring them to the end. Otherwise, the delay may slow down other projects. In the spring, you may be drawn into behind-the-scenes intrigue. Remain indifferent to this mouse fuss, and then you will be a winner. At the same time, you have a chance to get promoted at work.


Spring and summer - beautiful time to realize professional ambitions, financial questions You should decide on your own, without relying on the participation of your partner - he may let you down. In the fall, the Snake may find an additional source of income and start his own business.

METAL SNAKE (1941,2001)

The Metal Snake is about to travel, where he will certainly find a holiday romance. And even if she stays at home on her vacation, she is still guaranteed a romantic meeting with an old friend or even a neighbor. Autumn will bring in daily life peace, stability and restraint of feelings.


The Water Snake is very sensitive. Passion usually guides her, and under its influence she can commit impulsive, rash acts. In the spring you will have to work a lot without feeling tired and without noticing problems with the digestive system. It's time to go on a diet!


This year you are guaranteed a lot of acquaintances and declarations of sympathy. Married couples are also not far behind, they will have the opportunity to start a new honeymoon. However, in the spring some details from the past may come to light and poison the entire romantic atmosphere. Admit your guilt and resolve the conflict situation once and for all.


In fact, you are just looking for how to add something new to your relationship with your partner. If you want to preserve an already established union, call on your imagination to help. After all, even without supernova ideas, you really have the power to make your relationship interesting for both.


Starting in the fall, your matters of the heart will intensify. You will experience unforgettable moments of bliss, although it may not be possible without suffering. But you won't complain, because you will be captivated by an exciting love game. If you are not married, then at the end of the year your personal life may undergo a series of upheavals due to your partner’s jealousy or stubbornness. In these moments, you will truly feel who you are dealing with, and you will finally decide whether this relationship has a future.